Global Teaching Partners - Lesson Plan
Global Teaching Partners - Lesson Plan
Global Teaching Partners - Lesson Plan
Please submit a lesson plan that demonstrates your teaching and instructional strategies. Please limit your
submission to the space provided on this form and be sure to include how you will incorporate technology into
your lesson to increase student achievement.
Materials Needs:
strips of paper for the game, cartolina, chalk, real objects and
PowerPoint presentation
Classroom participation is the key to learning. During the delivery of this lesson, I applied the
inductive method of teaching in which I present the rule through situations and do guided practice, then the
learners do free practice as well.
To maintain the momentum of my class, First, I presented the classroom rules more effectively
and this is part of classroom management. Classroom management increases learners’ success by creating an
orderly learning environment.
Second, I had a drill through spelling to increase learners’ vocabulary. Third, I presented my
motivation by presenting two scenarios and I asked them higher order thinking skill questions to develop their
critical thinking skills. Fourth, I had a review with the previous lesson to develop a concrete base for their
learning. Fifth, I presented the lesson by presenting an article and this was my spring board in the teaching
learning process. During this part, I unlocked first the difficult words that can be found in the article by showing a
picture, I used the following words in sentences and eventually constructing their own sentences using the
unlocked words. Generally, I applied the 4As in my lesson plan – Activities, Analysis, Abstraction and
Application. I activated the prior knowledge of my students, my students acquired new knowledge, they applied
what they have learned and I assessed the learning by giving an assessment.
Technology Integration:
One of the skills in 21st century that needs to be developed in the educational system is ICT
literacy. As a teacher, I need to integrate this skill in the teaching learning process. During the delivery of this
lesson, I prepared my laptop and projector to present my slides. I printed out different pictures and some
instructional materials as outputs of technology-used. Usually in my class, I am always presenting interactive
videos to boost students’ engagement and to maintain the momentum.
I tried to make sure that my students will manipulate the technology provided, perhaps a digital
Assessment is a way to measure if there is learning or not. This helps teachers, learners and even
the parents to understand the depth of learning undertaken so that progress and next steps can be discussed and
Basically a teacher applies formative assessment after the lesson delivery like giving a quiz. In
this regard, the teacher will know if there is learning or not based on the results obtained by his/her students. If the
result is not good, the teacher will reteach again the lesson to address this kind of learning gap. For those students
who got a passing scores will be given enrichment activities while students who fail will be given remediation. A
teacher must be a catalyst or agent of change – recommend changes.