t1 Stage 2 MR Stink
t1 Stage 2 MR Stink
t1 Stage 2 MR Stink
Library RFF consists of 1 hour per week. The Australian Curriculum descriptions will be
the focus for activities throughout the term. This supports classroom teaching and
learning in the area of literacy.
English Syllabus Outcomes covered:
identifies and compares different kinds of texts when reading and viewing and shows an
understanding of purpose, audience and subject matter
thinks imaginatively, creatively and interpretively about information, ideas and texts when
responding to and composing texts
Wk 7 Anti-bullying poster
Wk 8 Anti-bullying poster
Success criteria. Student engagement with the shared reading of Mr Stink was very high they
enjoyed the humour in David Walliams writing. Their creative responses also displayed some of that
Borrowing rates for stage 2 are very good but there are still some students that rarely borrow,
introducing students to various genres and new Authors to be addressed next term.
Library Program Cathy Shearer