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t1 Stage 2 MR Stink

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Library Program Cathy Shearer

Overview of Library Lessons

Stage 2 Term 1 2017

Library RFF consists of 1 hour per week. The Australian Curriculum descriptions will be
the focus for activities throughout the term. This supports classroom teaching and
learning in the area of literacy.
English Syllabus Outcomes covered:

identifies and compares different kinds of texts when reading and viewing and shows an
understanding of purpose, audience and subject matter


thinks imaginatively, creatively and interpretively about information, ideas and texts when
responding to and composing texts

Wk 1 Introduction and welcome back to library. Mr Stink by David Walliams

Wk 2 Creative response to chapter 1 Mr Sink

Wk 3 Creative response to chapter 1 Mr Sink

Wk 4 Mr Stink Acrostic Poem

Wk 5 Mr Stink Acrostic Poem

Wk 6 Premiers Reading Challenge

Wk 7 Anti-bullying poster

Wk 8 Anti-bullying poster

Wk 9 Where would you hide Mr Stink

Wk 10 Criss Cross Puzzle Mr Stink

Library Program Cathy Shearer

Term 1 Stage 2 Library Program 2017

Wk Lesson Procedure Resources
Read Chapter 1 - Mr Stink Mr Stink by David
1 Discuss homelessness Walliams
Why would someone find himself or herself to
be homeless? Discuss- Chloe imagines Mr
Stink may have been a secret agent, an opera
Creative response singer etc. before he was homeless?
to chapter 1 Mr Do you think Mrs Stink really enjoyed being
Stink homeless as it appeared or did he have a
happier life in his past?

2 Creative response Read Chapter 2 - Mr Stink Mr Stink by David

to chapter 1 Mr From last weeks discussion, students choose Walliams
Stink what kind of life they think Mr Stink had Mr Stink Was a
before he became homeless. What clues give worksheets
us the idea he may be this. Children draw
portrait of Mr Stink in his past and write why
they think this e.g. his posh accent or his
silver spoon.
3 Creative response Read Chapter 3 Mr Stink Mr Stink by David
to chapter 1 Mr Continue creative response Walliams
Stink Mr Stink Was a

4 Mr Stink Acrostic Read Chapter 4 Mr Stink Mr Stink by David

Poem Mr Stink Stank. He Also Stunk read Walliams
description page 1 again. Acrostic poem
Write a description of Mr sink as a homeless worksheets
tramp. Use powerful language to convey how
stinky, dirty or trampy he looked.
5 Mr Stink Acrostic Read Chapter 5 and 6 Mr Stink Mr Stink by David
Poem Complete Acrostic poem. Walliams
Acrostic poem

6 Premiers Reading Read Chapter 7 Mr Stink Mr Stink by David

Challenge Premiers Reading Challenge begins this week. Walliams
Discuss rules, logging in and keeping reading Computers access
log. Oliver and Orbit
Demonstrate to class how to access The PRC IWB
site through the link on the Copacabana home
page. Discuss the use of Oliver and Orbit to
Library Program Cathy Shearer

find PRC titles in our library.

7 Design an anti- Read Chapter 8 Mr Stink Mr Stink by David

Bullying poster Chloe was bullied by Rosamunde at school, Walliams
discuss who was the Loser and why? Poster worksheets

8 Design an anti- Read Chapter 9 Mr Stink Mr Stink by David

Bullying poster Complete anti bullying poster. Walliams
Poster worksheets

9 Where would you Read Chapter 10 Mr Stink Mr Stink by David

hide Mr Sink? Chloe decides to hide Mrs stink in the shed. Walliams
Discuss where would you hide Mr Stink/ How Lady and the Tramp
would your family react if they found him? worksheets

10 Where would you Read Chapter 10 Mr Stink Mr Stink by David

hide Mr Sink? Complete Lady and the Tramp worksheet and Walliams
Criss cross puzzle students that have finished can do Criss cross Lady and the Tramp and
puzzle. criss cross puzzle

Success criteria. Student engagement with the shared reading of Mr Stink was very high they
enjoyed the humour in David Walliams writing. Their creative responses also displayed some of that
Borrowing rates for stage 2 are very good but there are still some students that rarely borrow,
introducing students to various genres and new Authors to be addressed next term.
Library Program Cathy Shearer

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