Chunking Practical
Chunking Practical
Chunking Practical
Dr Akshita Attree
Enrolment No : A1506921081
Subject Preliminaries:
Name : XYZ
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Education: College Student
Marital Status: Single
Independent Variable: Presentation , these
are the variables which can be
Dependent Variable: Average trials for correct
recall, these are the variables which cant be
‘I will read aloud a list of digits to you. You are
required to recall back the digits to me in the
same order of presentation. Be loud and clear
with your recall. The trials will continue till
you correctly recall all the items of the list in
the order of their presentation. If you have
any query regarding the experiment you can
ask me without any hesitation.’
Before the conduction of the experiment, it
was ensured that the lighting facility in the
lab was proper. Tasks were presented in a
proper manner to avoid the chance of being
fatigued and repetitiveness. It was made sure
that there was no background noise to avoid
unwanted distraction.
First of all, the participant was read out the
digits without chunking. Then he was asked
to recall those items correctly in the order of
their presentation. The recalls were recorded
on the data sheet with the symbols of right
and wrong responses. The trials continued till
the subject correctly recalled all the digits
read out in the order of their presentation.
After that the participants was read out a list
of digits in chunked form and he was asked to
recall digits presented to him. In this way the
process of demonstration of items and their
recalls continued till the subject correctly
recalled all the digits in the string. At the end,
an introspective report of the subject was
Introspective Report:
“The questions asked by Joshita were indeed
very challenging...I was able to remember and
answer the questions asked initially, but
eventually they got difficult and I started
feeling that maybe I am not performing well
and Joshita was very patient and considerate.”
Chunked 1+1+1+3+8+6+7+5/8= 4
References used for the practical:
Andrade & May (2004) have stated that
Primary memory refers to the “memory for
events that have just happened . Primary
memory which is now referred to as short term
memory (STM) is temporary and transient.
Argamon-Engelson (1999)
have articulated that Chunking allows complex
information to be handled in a simple form.
This technique is so essential to information
handling that it has inspired some data
structures in computer science, including the
TCP/IP packet structure and some language
processing structures in artificial intelligence.
Argamon-Engelson (1999)
have articulated that Chunking allows complex
information to be handled in a simple form.
This technique is so essential to information
handling that it has inspired some data
structures in computer science, including the
TCP/IP packet structure and some language
processing structures in artificial intelligence.