Bread and Pastry Production NC II
Bread and Pastry Production NC II
Bread and Pastry Production NC II
1. Cream puffs- a type of light pastry that is filled with whipped cream or a sweetened cream
filling and often topped with chocolates.
2. Puff pastry- a light, flaky, rich pastry made by rolling dough with butter and folding it to form
3. Danish pastry- a pastry made from sweetened yeast dough with toppings such as fruits, nuts
or cheese.
4. French pastry- a rich pastry filled with custard or fruit
5. Pie and tart- pastries that consist of two components
Gateaux – a cake, often an especially sponge cake that maybe from almond flour instead of wheat
Frosting – a mixture of sugar, egg white or fat, and flavouring of various kinds used to coat or cover
a cake.
Cake – a batter mixture, usually containing a leavening agent and coated with icing and frosting.
Batter – a mixture of dry and liquid ingredients with pouring consistency.
Shortening – fats made from refined, bleached vegetable oil that has been made solid by a process
called hydrogenation.
Foamy – covered with or full of foam.
Stiff – strong/hard.
Peak – highest point.
Sponge – leavened dough.
Tortes – a cake with many eggs and ground nuts or even bread crumbs instead of or in addition to
Creaming – to mix fat and sugar until smooth and at the same time incorporating air into the
Filling – a custard, jelly, or fruit and nuts mixture placed between layers of cake.
Mousse – a light frozen dessert made of whipped cream, white of eggs, sugar and flavouring extract.
Puree – a thick pulp, usually of vegetables, boiled and strained.
Flavouring – a substance as an essence extract which gives flavour to anything.
Jelly – the coagulated gelatinous juice of fruit cooked with sugar.
Jam – chopped, pulp of fruit cooked with sugar.
Whip – to beat rapidly to incorporate air.
Frost- to coat or cover the cake with icing
Fluffy-being light, soft, or air
Classification of cakes
a. High-fat or shortend cake- it is also called butter cakes and contains fats. Texture is tender
moist and velvet
b. Low fat or unshortened cakes- also known as foam cakes and contains no fat and very
spongy. Texture is light and fluffy
c. Modified sponge cakes- cross between shortened and unshortened cakes and contains
shortening. It has large volume but not light as unshortened.