Plastic Gears: Size Wise
Plastic Gears: Size Wise
Plastic Gears: Size Wise
Plastic gears
ome say dont call on plastic to do a metals job, but the lines between the two materials capabilities are blurring. Plastic gears can be used successfully without lubrication in 60 to 70% of open gear applications. Theyll even work lubrication free in such demanding applications as a 21-in. diameter main drive for a packaging machine or a 300-rpm drive for a diaper-making machine. Even further closing the gap between metal and plastic are hybrid gears, incorporating nylon 12 castings around knurled metal hubs. Nevertheless, when a gear design incorporates plastic, a number of variables come into play.
Sizing protocol
The key to any gears performance is proper sizing. A metal gear is generally rated by evaluating load data, but plastics have different properties than metals and are sensitive to changing operating conditions. A plastic gear, therefore, must be selected, ac-
tually, calculated, with load data, environmental conditions, and material properties in mind. Things to consider include: D RIVE GEOMETRY center distance; available space (face width). LOAD DATA torque; rpm; transmission ratio. E NVIRONMENT AND OPERATING CONDITIONS operating temperature; shock loading; exposure to chemicals; exposure to water or humidity; clean room, etc. P LASTIC MATERIAL PROPERTIES moisture absorption; swelling and backlash requirements; impact strength at low and wear resistance at high temperatures. Youll likely know the gear ratio, the center distance, and possibly the motors horsepower. If youre lucky, youll have the freedom to determine the space needed for the gears. Its usually better to start working with a plastic gear supplier early in the design process, rather than reaching for a cookie cutter catalog solution at the last minute.
The knurled metal core around which nylon 12 is cast provides ample torque transmission and even heat dissipation from the gear teeth through to the shaft. The metal also reduces thermal expansion by about 50%, increasing operating stability. Once the nylon 12 material is cast around the core, the finished bar, second from left, is sliced into blanks. Then the blanks are hobbed to create teeth, while the hub center is machined out, usually with a keyway for secure attachment to the shaft.
3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Nylon 11 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Water absorption (%) 8 9 10 Cast nylon 12 Nylon 6.6 Nylon 6
Cast nylon 12 (PA 12G) gears grow less than 0.2% even when permanently immersed in fluid.
4 5 6 Moisture (%)
T T in.
20 80 1.25 10
20 80 2.5 10 20 Start-up 1,200 1.1 0.4 10 Continuous 700 3.5 1.1 2,500 Start-up 1,200 2.6 0.7 175 Continuous 700 3 1.32 2,500
23 92 2.5 12 20 Start-up 1,200 1.9 0.9 250
Tooth root stress safety factor Tooth flank stress (wear) safety factor Minimum safe life, init. lube hr
Materials comparison
Noise reduction Shock absorbtion Vibration damping Corrosion resistance Non-hygroscopic, no swelling Light weight Wear resistance Lubrication free Free of internal stresses Homogeneous crystalline structure Metal hub part of gear blank Large gear size blanks with metal core Keyway in metal, stress risers absorbed Physical properties stable in varying conditions High AGMA class achievable Dimensionally stable Gear durability calculation available Gear engineering and design assistance
a. Internal stresses will diminish capability to absorb shock and vibration. b. Capability to absorb shock and vibration will vary with changing moisture content and internal stresses, e.g. brittle when dry. c. Lower resistance to wear compared to cast nylon 12. d. Changing moisture content affects internal stresses and physical properties, including tensile strength and wear resistance, are diminished. e. High coefficient of friction and swelling when lubricated will cause wear. f. Residual internal stresses result from manufacturing processes, e.g. extruding, and chemical reaction during such processes, e.g. polymerization. Variation of tension will also occur with moisture or temperature changes and will result in dimensional changes on the pitch line.
>3 dB Yes
a a
Nylon 6 family
>3 dB Yes Yes
b b
Phenolic fiber
>3 dB Some Some Yes No Yes Some
0 No No Yes2 Yes No No No Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Call mfg.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 3
Yes No
Yes No
Recommend lube No
No No No
g h j
No Some No No
i j g
No No
No No
No No No
No No No
No No No
g. Manufacturing processes and chemical composition ordinarily make casting around metal hub not feasible. In some nylon 6 derivations, a metal core is offered. h. Injection molding and extruding limits OD of blanks. Larger gears are made from plates and require additional flange. i. Large blanks, available as castings, require separate metal flange. j. In all-plastic gears, torque forces cause stress risers from the key-way to the gear teeth, diminishing the load capability of the gear. Keyway becomes the weak part of the gear, enlarges with temperature increase. k. Internal stresses and varying operating conditions will change required pitch line tolerances to lower AGMA class. l. Same as above (k), and swelling due to moisture will magnify tolerance changes.
m. Changing internal stresses will cause change in gear dimensions. n. Increased moisture content will cause swelling, i.e. dimensional change of 3% or more in nylon 6. 1. Available with stainless steel core. 2. When made of stainless steel. 3. AGMA Class 10 or higher. 4. Excellent longterm dimensional stability. After initial stress relieve, stresses will not return with varying moisture or temperature.
three days to three weeks. An alternative is to use plastic gears. Three gear sets with different specifications, each pairing a steel pinion with a cast nylon 12 gear, are suggested. The potential of each is calculated using a modified Lewis formula for tooth root stress, including an algorithm that factors in stresses and wear behavior when gears are run without lubrication. The application calls for a flank pressure safety (wear) factor between 1 and 1.3; this is an especially important issue with unlubricated gears. Its determined an initial grease application is acceptable. With this information, engineers reverse the calculation, starting with the target of 2,000 hours of gear life. By working with flexible parameters, such as face width, number of teeth, metal core size,
three alternatives are speced. Alternative 1 (see chart on p. 28) is a cast nylon 12 gear with the same face width as the cast iron gear it replaces.
520 468 Elastic modulus (kilo lb/sq in.) 416 364 312 260 208 156 104 52 0 0 40 80 120 160
The life expectancy does not meet the 2,000-hr target. The gear has sufficient tooth root safety to carry the load, but because of the low flank pressure safety it Taking the heat
At low temperatures stresses cause nylon 6 to become brittle, while cast nylon 12 is stress-free and retains its toughness throughout the temperature range.
Temperature (F)
will wear out in a relatively short time. Gear alternatives 2 and 3, on the other hand, meet the operating life requirements. Both alternatives show a comfortable tooth root safety, but alternative 3 wins out for its higher flank pressure safety, while gear dimensions remain the same. So, by choosing tooth modification, we can make the gear 17% narrower, or 2.1 in. wide, and still achieve the flank pressure safety of the unmodi-
fied, wider gear. The tooth root stress safety would still be adequate in this case, and the face width reduction would let the plastic gear fit into the 2.25-in. available on the shaft. A further face width reduction of up to 20% is possible with a plus-plus modification Alternative 3 will give 2,500 hours of gear life, and has a modified tooth for additional wear safety. The pinion is made of steel, and the gear is made of cast ny-
lon 12 with a 5-in. metal core. About 10% of expected life is offered for machine start-up. Because the gears are hobbed, the theoretical calculation can be verified economically in physical tests.
Next step
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