7762.isolated Footing Output
7762.isolated Footing Output
7762.isolated Footing Output
Isolated Footing 26
0.5 m
X 1.053 m
0.3 m
2.105 m
0.3 m
1.053 m
2.105 m
Input Values
Footing Geomtery
Column Dimensions
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Include Pedestal : No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Design Parameters
Soil Properties
Global Settings
Top Reinforcement Option : Calculate only when foundation is subjected to uplift forces
Concrete Design Option : Net Pressure(Gross Pressure - Self Weight Pressure)
Top Reinforcement Factor : 1.000
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Design Calculations
Footing Size
Load Combinations
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Moments are about the center of Column / Pedestal (does not include moments caused by lateral loads)
For the loads shown in this table, the sign convention is the same as that for JOINT LOADS in STAAD.Pro when global Y is the vertical axis.
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Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = 4.103 m
Note: Amin is an initial estimation considering self-weight, axial load and moment against factored bearing capacity.
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If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure
will be redistributed to remaining corners.
82 97.6782 1.597.1131
m 85.3945 85.9596 100.0000
Stability Check
Sliding Force
Along X- Along Z- Required About X- About Z- Required
Case Resultant
Direction Direction FOS Direction Direction FOS
65 7269.312 1139.350 1125.608 1.500 4156.160 26517.240 1.500
66 24.599 349.571 24.538 1.500 1275.176 89.732 1.500
67 24.137 215.569 23.988 1.500 786.361 88.049 1.500
68 2030.290 10.055 10.055 1.500 36.679 7406.161 1.500
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Along X- Along Z- Required About X- About Z- Required
Case Resultant
Direction Direction FOS Direction Direction FOS
69 3630.161 14.202 14.201 1.500 51.805 13242.223 1.500
70 10.917 6456.028 10.917 1.500 23550.517 39.823 1.500
Critical Load Case And The Governing Factor Of Safety For Overturning And Sliding - X Direction
Critical Load Case And The Governing Factor Of Safety For Overturning And Sliding - Z Direction
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The base pressures reported in this table and the area of footing in contact include the effect of buoyancy (if any).
Factored Area of
Pressure at
Load Case / Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Bearing footing in
Load top left top right bottom left Capacity Contact
Combination corner corner corner For with soil
ID (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) Ultimate (Au)
(kN/m2) 2
Load Case (m )
Actual Area in Contact for all ultimate load cases exceeds the minimum required. Hence Safe
Maximum Corner Pressure from all ultimate load cases is less than the allowable. Hence Safe
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Shear Calculation
X 1.053 m
0.217 m
1.053 m
Total Footing Depth, D = 0.500m
Calculated Effective Depth, d = D - Ccover - 1 * db = 0.434 m
For rectangular column, = Bcol / Dcol = 1.000
X 1.053 m
0.477 m
1.053 m
0.477 m
From ACI Cl., Vc = = 698.766 kN
= 0.476 m
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Check that 0.75 X Vc > Vux where Vux is the shear force for the critical load cases at a distance d from the face of the column caused by bending about the X axis.
X 1.053 m
0.476 m 0.477 m
1.053 m
From ACI Cl., Vc = = 698.766 kN
Check that 0.75 X Vc > Vuz where Vuz is the shear force for the critical load cases at a distance d from the face of the column caused by bending about the Z axis.
11 - 16 mm
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Calculate the flexural reinforcement along the X direction of the footing. Find the area of steel required, A, as per Section 3.8 of Reinforced Concrete Design (5th ed.) by
Salmon and Wang (Ref. 1)
The strength values of steel and concrete used in the formulae are in Mpa
16 mm @ 195mm o.c.
Because the number of bars is rounded up, make sure new reinforcement ratio < ρmax
Total reinforcement area, As_total = Nbar X (Area of one bar) = 2189.003 mm2
d= D - Ccover - 0.5 X (dia. of = 0.426 m
one bar)
From ACI Cl. 25.2.1, minimum req'd clear distance between bars
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Cd = max (Diameter of one bar, 1.0" (25.4mm), Min. User Spacing) = 50.000mm
Provided Steel Area / Required Steel Area = 1.040
11 - 16 mm
Calculate the flexural reinforcement along the Z direction of the footing. Find the area of steel required, A, as per Section 3.8 of Reinforced Concrete Design (5th ed.) by
Salmon and Wang (Ref. 1)
The strength values of steel and concrete used in the formulae are in Mpa
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16 mm @ 195mm o.c.
Because the number of bars is rounded up, make sure new reinforcement ratio < ρmax
Total reinforcement area, As_total = Nbar X (Area of one bar) = 2189.003 mm2
d= D - Ccover - 1.5 X (dia. of 0.426 m
one bar)
From ACI Cl. 25.2.1, minimum req'd clear distance between bars
Cd = max (Diameter of one bar, 1.0" (25.4mm), Min. User Spacing) = 50.000mm
Provided Steel Area / Required Steel Area = 1.040
Along Z on Bottom
16 mm 11 22.053 34.229
Along X on Bottom
16 mm 11 22.053 34.229
Along Z on Top
Along X on Top
Footing : 4.210 m2
Pedestal : 0.000 m2
Total : 4.210 m2
Soil Excavation
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X 1.053 m
0.3 m
2.105 m
0.3 m
1.053 m
0 (Assumed)
2.105 m
36.365 m3
34.150 m3
0.5 m
Side Distance, s :
Excavation Volume :
Backfill Volume :
1.053 m
BOTTOM 11 - 16 mm
Dimensions (m) Reinforcement
L B D AstX(T) AstZ(T) AstX(B) AstZ(B)
1.053 m
2.105 m 2.105 m 0.5 m N/A N/A 11 - 16 mm 11 - 16 mm
l b h Main Reinforcement Trans Reinforcement
TOP N/A Pedestal
BOTTOM 11 - 16 mm