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28 - 4400 MCQ - IES - GATE - PSUs Mechanical Engineering

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4400 Multiple Choice Questions for ESE, GATE, PSUs : Mechanical Engineering
© Copyright, by MADE EASY Publications Pvt. Ltd.
All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced
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mentioned publisher of this book.

First Edition: 2014

Second Edition: 2015
Third Edition: 2017
Reprint: 2018
Reprint: 2019
Reprint: 2020
Reprint: 2021

Reprint: 2022

Published by: MADE EASY Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-110016

It gives me great happiness to introduce the revised
edition on Mechanical Engineering containing
nearly 4400 MCQs which focuses in-depth
understanding of subjects at basic and advanced
level which has been segregated topic-wise to
disseminate all kind of exposure to students
in terms of quick learning and deep apt. The
chapter wise segregation has been done to align
with  contemporary  competitive  examination
pattern.   Attempt has been made to bring out all kind of probable competitive questions
for the aspirants preparing for ESE, GATE,  PSU. The content of this  book  ensures
threshold level of learning and wide range of practice questions which is very much
essential to boost the exam time confidence level and ultimately to succeed in all
prestigious engineer’s examinations. It has been ensured from MADE EASY team to
have broad coverage of subjects at chapter level.

Year by year number of competitors are increasing and the variety of questions asked
in examination is widening, under such scenario this book will definitely help students
to enhance their skills required to succeed in competitive exams like ESE, GATE, PSUs,
State Engineering Services etc.

While preparing this book utmost care has been taken to cover all the chapters and
variety of concepts which may be asked in the exams. The solutions and answers
provided are upto the closest possible accuracy. The full efforts have been made by
MADE EASY Team to provide error free solutions and explanations.

I have true desire to serve student community by way of providing good sources of study
and quality guidance. I hope this book will be proved an important tool to succeed in
competitive examinations. Any suggestions from the readers for the improvement of
this book are most welcome.

B. Singh (Ex. IES)

Chairman and Managing Director

I. THERMODYNAMICS���������������������������������� 1-41 4. Fuel Injection, Ignition and Carburation... 140

1. Basic Concepts..................................................................1 5.  Combustion and Combustion Chambers.145

2.  Temperature......................................................................4 6.  Supercharging..................................................... 149

3.  Work and Heat Transfer..................................................5 7.  Engine Friction, Lubrication and Cooling.. 150

4.  First Law of Thermodynamics......................................7 8.  Engine Emissions and their Control............ 151

5.  First Law Applied to Flow Process........................... 10 9.  Testing and Performance................................ 153

6. Second Law of Thermodynamics............................ 11

7.  Entropy............................................................................. 14 V. FLUID MECHANICS....................... 174-230
8.  Availability and Irreversibility................................... 17 1. Properties of Fluids............................................ 174
9.  Properties of Pure Substance................................... 18 2.  Pressure & Its Measurement........................... 177
10.  Properties of Gases....................................................... 19 3.  Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces..................... 179
11.  Thermodynamic Relations......................................... 23 4.  Buoyancy and Floatation................................ 181
5.  Kinematics of Flow and Ideal Flow.............. 183
II. REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING...42-89 6.  Dynamic of Fluid Flow...................................... 186

1. Basics of Refrigerating Machine.............................. 42 7.  Flow Over Notches & Weirs............................. 189

2.  Refrigeration Cycles and Systems........................... 44 8.  Viscous Flow......................................................... 190

3.  Refrigerants..................................................................... 51 9.  Turbulent Flow.................................................... 193

4.  Refrigerant Compressors............................................ 54 10.  Flow Through Pipes........................................... 194

5.  Condensers, Evaporators & Expansion Devices..... 55 11.  Boundary Layer Theory.................................... 196

6.  Properties of Moist Air................................................. 57 12.  Flow in Open Channel...................................... 199

7.  Psychrometric Chart and Its Application to Air- 13.  Dimensional and Model Analysis................. 201
Conditioning................................................................... 60 14.  Forces on Submerged Bodies........................ 203
8.  Comfort Conditions...................................................... 64 15.  Flow of Compressible Fluids.......................... 204
9.  Solar Refrigeration........................................................ 66
10.  Air-duct Design.............................................................. 67 VI. POWER PLANT ENGINEERING..... 231-291
1. Fuels and Combustion..................................... 231
III. HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER.................90-130 2.  Analysis of Steam Cycles................................. 233
1. Basic Concepts of Heat Transfer............................... 90 3.  Steam Generators.............................................. 238
2. One-Dimensional Steady-state Conduction....... 92 4.  Steam Turbines................................................... 242
3.  Heat Dissipation from Extended Surface............. 98 5.  Nuclear Power Plants........................................ 248
4.  Transient Heat Conduction.....................................100 6.  Hydroelectric Power Plant.............................. 251
5.  Heat Transfer by Natural Convection...................101 7.  Hydraulic Pump.................................................. 254
6.  Heat Transfer by Forced Convection....................103 8.  Energy Transfer................................................... 257
7.  Radiation Heat Transfer.............................................105 9.  Compressors........................................................ 259
8.  Condensation and Boiling.......................................110 10.  Gas Turbine Power Plants................................ 263
9.  Heat Exchanger............................................................111 11.  Jet and Rocket Propulsion System............... 266
10.  Fundamentals of Diffusive & Convective Mass
Transfer...........................................................................113 VII. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS.......... 292-356
1. Mechanical Properties of Materials............. 292
IV. I.C. ENGINE...........................................131-173 2.  Stress-Strain Relations & Elastic Constants... 297
1. Basics...............................................................................131 3.  Tension, Compression and Shear................. 299
2.  Air Standard Cycles.....................................................134 4.  Torsion of Shafts................................................. 302
3.  Conventional and Alternative Fuels.....................136 5.  Shear Force and Bending Moment.............. 305
6. Stresses in Beams.......................................... 309 XI. PRODUCTION ENGINEERING....................497-564
7.  Analysis of Stress and Strain...................... 312 1. Casting Processes................................................................. 497
8.  Deflection and Theories of Failure.......... 315 2.  Forming Processes............................................................... 502
9.  Thin & Thick Walled Pressure Vessels..... 320 3.  Powder Metallurgy.............................................................. 508
10.  Struts and Columns...................................... 323 4. Metal Cutting and Tool Materials................................... 510
11.  Helical Springs................................................ 326 5.  Machining Processes.......................................................... 517
6.  Joining Processes................................................................. 523
VIII. THEORY OF MACHINES............ 357-412 7.   Unconventional Machining Process.............................. 527
1. Simple Mechanisms..................................... 357 8.  Numerical Control of Machine Tools............................. 530
2.  Velocity and Acceleration Analysis......... 361 9.  Jigs and Fixtures................................................................... 532
3.  Mechanism with Lower Pairs.................... 365 10.  Fits and Tolerance................................................................ 533
4.  Cams.................................................................. 366 11.  Metrology............................................................................... 535
5.  Toothed Gearing........................................... 368
6.  Gear Trains....................................................... 371 XII. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING.......................565-610
7.  Static and Dynamic Force Analysis......... 373 1. Plant Layout........................................................................... 565
8.  Flywheels......................................................... 376 2.  Loading and Scheduling................................................... 567
9.  Balancing......................................................... 378 3.  Assembly Line Balancing.................................................. 570
10.  Governors........................................................ 380 4.  Product Development........................................................ 572
11.  Linear Vibration Analysis............................ 382 5.  Forecasting............................................................................. 572
6.  Break Even Analysis............................................................. 575
IX. MACHINE DESIGN...................... 413-462 7. Work Study............................................................................. 576
1. Design Against Static Load........................ 413 8.  Material Requirement Planning...................................... 580
2.  Design Against Fluctuating Load............ 416 9.  Quality Analysis and Control............................................ 581
3.  Shafts, Keys and Couplings....................... 418 10.  Inventory Control................................................................. 584
4.  Threaded Joints and Power Screws........ 422 11.  PERT and CPM....................................................................... 587
5. Welded and Riveted Joints........................ 425 12.  Linear Programming........................................................... 590
6.  Friction Clutches............................................ 429 13.  Transportation and Assignment Models..................... 592
7.  Belt, Rope and Chain Drives...................... 431 14.  Queuing Theory.................................................................... 593
8.  Bearings............................................................ 435 15.  Value Engineering................................................................ 595
9.  Gears.................................................................. 439

X. MATERIAL SCIENCE................... 463-496

1. Structural of Metals & Alloys..................... 463
2.  Equilibrium Diagrams & Phase Changes..... 466
3.  Heat Treatment of Steels............................ 469
4.  Plastics, Ceramics and Composite
Materials........................................................... 473
5.  Mechanical Properties................................. 477
6.  Engineering Alloys & Its Common
Applications.................................................... 481

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