Raft Design Bheri-2and3 BHK
Raft Design Bheri-2and3 BHK
Raft Design Bheri-2and3 BHK
fck 35 N/mm2
fy 500 N/mm2
Cl. Cover 50 mm
Bar Dia. 25 mm
d' 62.5 mm
Bearing Capacity 228 kN/m2
X 1.63 m
Y 0.39 m
Area 681.94 m2
X 0.00 m
Y 0.00 m
ex 1.63 m
ey 0.39 m
Moment of Inertia
ICGx ( m4 ) 32869.54
ICGy ( m4 ) 45690.17
P/A 136.93
Mx 36517.11 Density of soil= 17 kN/m3
My 151852.57
Ixx 32869.54
Iyy 45690.17 Actual Bearing Presssure 228 kN/m2
My/Iyy 3.32
Mx/Ixx 1.11
The bending moment is obtained by using a coefficient of 1/10 and L as centre of column distance.
In the Y-direction the raft is divided into 4 Strips, i.e 4 equivalent beams..
In the X-direction the raft is divided into 6 strips, i.e 6 equivalent beams..
soil max unfactored factored bar 1
S.N. Beam Width pressure length moment moment b D fck Ast min Ast Bar Spacing Spacing Ast Pt
m KN/m2 (m) KNm KNm mm mm N/mm2 Reqiured mm2 f Reqiured Provided Provided
1 A--A 1 97.10 4.40 187.99 281.99 1000 1300 25 636 1488 20 211 150 2094 0.16
2 B--B 1 113.72 4.85 267.50 401.25 1000 1300 25 908 1488 20 211 150 2094 0.16
3 C--C 1 124.99 5.02 315.36 473.04 1000 1300 25 1073 1488 20 211 150 2094 0.16
4 D--D 1 144.93 5.03 366.40 549.60 1000 1300 25 1249 1488 20 211 150 2094 0.16
E-E 1 157.02 4.75 354.27 531.41 1000 1300 25 1207 1488 20 211 150 2094 0.16
5 F--F 1 172.82 4.30 319.69 479.54 1000 1300 25 1087 1488 20 211 150 2094 0.16
194.94 4.9527439
154.07 3.91438008
65781.38 42.4612525
741114594 478382.392 308.791265
Provided R-bar Remar
in two layers ks
Provided R-bar
in two layers
Grids Grid-1, Grid-2, Grid-4, Grid-D, Grid-E Grid-3, Grid -5, Grid-B, Grid-C, Grid
4-25Ø (TH)+2-
Fourth Floor 6-28Ø(TH) 6-28Ø(TH) 6-25Ø (TH) 6-25Ø (TH) 20Ø (EX)
4-25Ø (TH)+2-
Fifth Floor 6-28Ø(TH) 6-28Ø(TH) 6-25Ø (TH) 6-25Ø (TH) 20Ø (EX)
4-28Ø+2- 4-28Ø+2- 4-25Ø (TH)+2-
Sixth Floor 25Ø (TH) 25Ø (TH) 5-25Ø (TH) 5-25Ø (TH) 20Ø (EX)
2-25Ø+2- 2-25Ø+2-20Ø
4-25Ø (TH) 20Ø (TH) (TH)
2-25Ø+2- 2-25Ø+2-20Ø
4-25Ø (TH) 20Ø (TH) (TH)
2-25Ø+2- 2-25Ø+2-20Ø
4-25Ø (TH) 20Ø (TH) (TH)
2-25Ø+2- 2-25Ø+2-20Ø
4-25Ø (TH) 20Ø (TH) (TH)
2-25Ø (TH)
2-25Ø (TH) (EX) 2-25Ø (TH)
Column Details
Column Type C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Size 600x600 600x600 500x1000 500x1000 500x1000 500x1000
A2, A3, I2, A1, A4, I1, B2, B3, B5,C5,
Grid I3 I4 G2, G3,G5 D4, E2, E4 B1, D3, E3, C4, D2,
4-32Ø+8- 4-25Ø+8- 4-32Ø+12- 8-32Ø+8-
All Stories 28Ø 20Ø 12-28Ø 18-32Ø 28Ø 28Ø
Column Type C7 Column Type C8
Size 500x1000 Size 500x1000
D1, G4, E1,
Grid G1 Grid B4
Upto First Upto Third 8-32Ø+8-
Floor 18-32Ø Floor 28Ø
Second to 8-32Ø+10- 8-32Ø+8-
Top 20Ø Fourth to Top 20Ø
Column Details:
Longitudinal Transverse
Type Grid Floor Reinforcement Reinforcement
6-legged 10Ø @
C4 (600x800) B2, D2, All Floors 12-32Ø, 8-20Ø 100mm c/c
End Mid
Beam Floor Grid Size
Top Bottom Top Bottom
Beam All All 250x450 2-16Ø 2-16Ø 2-16Ø 2-16Ø
28 615.44 5 3077.2
25 490.625 2 981.25
16 200.96 2 401.92
25 490.625 1 490.625