Commitment OPCRF SY 2022-23
Commitment OPCRF SY 2022-23
Commitment OPCRF SY 2022-23
T a learner-friendly, inclusive 3. List of profiled learners with learning in the CFFS survey
I and healthy learning difficulty and disability 4 - presence of 4 with 30-34 score...
O environment 4. List of teachers with checked 3 - presence of 3 with 25-29 score...
N Anecdotal Records 2 - presence of 2 with 21-24 score...
5. Individual Educational/Instructional 1 - presence of 1 with 20 & below score
Plan and Transition Individual Plan with
accomplishment report
Demonstrated knowledge 1. Approved Action Plan for yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - Approved action plan with
and understanding of the 1.1 Homeroom Guidance Program round implementation exceeding expectation &
integration of career 1.2 Career Guidance Program updated SHS tracking report; 4 - Approved
awareness and 2. Implementation Report with photo- Action Plan with accomplishment meeting
opportunities in the documentation for 1.1 or 1.2 expectations & updated SHS tracking report;
provision of learning 3. Certification of SHS focal for Updated 3 - … met expectation; 2 - slightly met
experiences aligned with SHS Tracking Report (where appropriate) expectation; 1 - ...did not meet expectation
the curriculum
Demonstrated knowledge 1. School Child Protection Policy yr 3% QUALITY:
and understanding of 2. Learners’ Manual/Handbook round 5 - presence of all 4 MOVs
existing national and local 3. Updated report on child protection 4 - presence of 3
policies related to learner 4. Certification by the legal officer on 3 - presence of 2
discipline zero case on child abuse involving school 2 - presence of 1
personnel 1 - no MOVs presented
I promote PPAs initiated by 2. Attendance to meetings or activities 4 - presence of all 3 MOVs with atleast 90%
O the District or the SDO (i.e. 3. Report of accomplishments attendance
N School Board, HRMPSB, 3 - presence of 3 MOVs with atleast 80%
PRAISE) attendance
2 - Only 2 MOVs
1 - Only 1 MOV