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Commitment OPCRF SY 2022-23

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Name of School Head: Name of Rater: GINADINE L. BALAGSO
Position: Position: OIC-ASDS
School/District: Date of Review:
Rating Period: SY 2022-2023


Means of Verification WEIGHT SCORE
MFO KRA (Strands) INE (Quality, Efficiency, Timeliness) Q E T Ave G
B L S Demonstrated knowledge 1. Approved SIP for 2022-2025 yr 10% QUALITY: 5 - Presence of all 4 MOVs with
A e t of the DepEd VMCs to 2. Approved AIP for SY 2022-23 round atleast 90% PPAs implemented in each of the
S a r foster shared 3. PPAS are aligned with the VMC of 4 pillars; 4 - Presence of all 4 MOVs with
I d a understanding and DepEd atleast 85% PPAs implemented in each of the
C i t alignment of school 4. Report on percentage of 4 Pillars; 3 - Presence of all 4 MOVs with
n e policies, programs, projects accomplishments in each of the atleast 80% PPAs implemented in each of the
E g g and activities following pillars: 4 pillars; 2 - MOVs and PPAs implementation
D i a. Access (i.e. repair of classrooms, failed to meet expectations; 1 - MOVs and
U c chairs, windows, doors; enrolment PPAs implementation are below
C a campaigns, survey/mapping) expectations
A l b. Equity (i.e. implementation of IPEd EFFICIENCY: 5 - SIP and AIP were without
T l curriculum & inclusive education) errors; 4 - with negligible errors; 3 - returned
I y c. Quality (i.e. conduct of instructional once for minimal modifications; 2 - returned
O supervision, Contextualization of once for major modifications; 1 - returned
N LMS, Assessment like MFAT, ECCD, more than once
Phil IRI, Summative Test) TIMELINESS: 5 - SIP and AIP were submitted
d. Resiliency (i.e. well-being, before the deadline 4 - submitted just on
improvement of Wins Facilities, time 3 - submitted 1 week after deadline 2 -
provision of MHPSS) 2 weeks after 1 - 3 or more weeks after

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 1

B L Demonstrated knowledge 1. Minutes of Quarterly SMEA (As per yr 5% QUALITY: 5 - Conducted 4 SMEA with reports
A e and understanding of the SMEA (TIMEK Manual) round on the PIR of PPAs in the 4 pillars; 4 - 4
S a phases of development 2. Program Implementation Review (PIR) SMEA but without PIR report; 3 - 3 SMEA; 2 -
I d and implementation of of PPAs in the AIP, report should contain 2 SMEA; 1 - 1 SMEA
C i school plans aligned with attainment of quarterly financial and EFFICIENCY & TIMELINESS: 5 - All 4 SMEA
n institutional goals and physical targets for quality, access, were conducted on time with minimal
E g policies equity, resiliency and well-being and expenses; 4 - 3 SMEA with minimal
D governance expenses; 3 - 2 SMEA with expenses
U S 3. Catch-up plans for unimplemented exceeding the budget; 2 - 1 SMEA with
C t PPAs excessive expenses; 1 - No SMEA
A r 4. Report includes implementation of
T a Intervention or Remediation Plan for
I t Curriculum e.g. Literacy and Numeracy
O e
N g
Identified relevant 1. Action Research with implementation yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - Atleast 1 Research, 1
research findings from report round Innovation, 5 PPAs; 4 - Atleast 1 Research, 1
reliable sources in 2. Innovation with relevance to quality innovation, 4 PPAs; 3 - Atleast 2 Innovations,
facilitating data-driven and (i.e. Brigada sa Pagbasa) 4 PPAs; 2 - Atleast 1 Innovation, 3 PPAs; 1 -
evidence-based 3. PPAs on access, quality, equity, well- Atleast 1 Innovation, 2 PPAs
innovations to improve being to address identified problems EFFICIENCY: 5 - All funds utilized were
school performance using root-cause analysis with terminal sourced out from outside DepEd or through
reports containing partnership; 4 - Funded by MOOE with 4
output/outcome/impact and PPAs augmented through partnership; 3 - At
recommendations+D30 least 3 PPAs augmented through
partnership; 2 - At least 2 PPAs augmented
through patnership; 1- Funded entirely by
DepEd Funds

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 2

B L Demonstrated knowledge SIP highlighting the following: 1st 3% QET: 5 - Learner representative has affixed
A e and understanding of 1. Documentation of Pupil/Student sem signature in the SIP/AIP with documentation
S a utilizing learner voice to representation in the School Planning of his/her participation in the crafting with
I d inform policy development Team atleast 5 PPAs focused on addressing
C i and decision-making 2. Minutes of SIP/AIP crafting containing learners' need
n towards school suggestions from the Pupil/Student 4 - ... with atleast 4 PPAs focused on
E g improvement 3. PPAs in the SIP addressing Learners' addressing learner's needs
D needs 3 - ... with atleast 3 PPAs...
U S 2 - ... with atleast 2 PPAs...
C t 1 - ... with atleast 1 PPAs...
A r Displayed knowledge and 1. Minutes of Quarterly SMEA yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - Conducted all 4 SMEA, 0
T a understanding of 2. LOP per learning area, per grade per round learners fall under DNME and 100% of the
I t monitoring and evaluation quarter with analysis stampe teachers regularly checked on their DLL,
O e processes and tools to received by the PSDS ILMP & IEP ; 4 - 4 SMEA, At most 0.5% of the
N g promote learner 3. SF 6 learners fall under DNME and atleast 90% of
i achievement 4. Checklist of teachers with regularly the teachers checked; 3 - Atleast 3 SMEA,
c checked DLL/DLP, ILMP and IEP/TIP At most 1% of the learners fall under DNME
a for Inclusive Ed. (Note: CID will and atleast 80% of teachers checked; 2 -
l provide the template) Performnace do not meet expectations
l based on MOVs; 1 - performance is way
y below expectations
TIMELINESS: 5 - All 4 SMEA were conducted
on time; LOP with analysis were submitted
before deadline; 4 - Atleast 3 SMEA
conducted on time & LOP with analysis
submitted on time; 3 - Atleast 2 SMEA
conducted on time & Atleast 3 LOP with
analysis submitted on time; 2 - Atleast 2
SMEA conducted on time & atleast 2 LOP
submitted on time; 1 - Atleast 1 SMEA
conducted and 1 LOP submitted

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 3

B Demonstrated skills in Certification of 100% updating of the LIS yr 3% QET: 5 - 100% updating of LIS 4 - 95 % 3 -90%
A managing school data and from the Planning Officer round 2 - 85% 1 - 80%
S information using
I technology, including ICT
Demonstrated knowledge Certification of 100% fund utilization yr 3% QET: 5 - 97-100% utilization rate
E and understanding of from the ADAS of the school or from the round 4 - 93-96% utilization rate
D policies, guidelines and accountant 3 - 89-92% utilization rate
U issuances in managing 2 - 85-88% utilization rate
Managing School Operations and Resources

C finances such as allocation, 1 - 81-84% utilization rate

A procurement,
T disbursement
Demonstratedand knowledge 1. Inventory Record of PPEs yr 3% QET: 5 - PPE Inventory is complete and
I and understanding of 2. Certification by the Division Engineer round submitted before deadline; 4 - PPE inventory
O policies, guidelines and Re: Compliance to the provision s of the is complete and submitted on time; 3 -
N issuances in acquisition, Manual on the Condemnation and Needed assistance in the preparation abd
recording, utilization, Demolition of School Buildings submission; 2 - Inventory did not meet
repair and maintenance, expectation; 1 - inventory is incomplete
storage, and disposal
Demonstrated in
knowledge 1. Certification by the Records Officer on yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - Presence of all 5 MOVs; 4 -
and understanding of laws, the Updated 201 Files of school round Presence of 4 MOVs; 3- Presence of 3 MOVs;
policies, guidelines and personnel (SALN, PDS, NOSA) 2 - Presence of 2 MOVs; 1 - Presence of 1
issuances on managing 2. List of teachers specifying their MOV
school staff advisory class and other related functions EFFICIENCY: 5 - School staff is maximized to
3. School Memorandum deisginating its fullest capacity based on MOVs
teachers of their functions presented; 4 - Fully utilized; 3- Adequately
4. Sample of approved Class Program utilized; 2- Partially Utilized; 1- slightly
5. Other school memoranda on personnel utlized
matters TIMELINESS: 5 - Submitted all the specified
reports before deadline; 4 - On time
submission; 3 - somewhat late in some
reports; 2 - evidently late; 1 - consistently

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 4

B Managing School Demonstrated knowledge 1. School Evacuation Map yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - Presence of all 3 MOVs; 4 -
A Operations and and understanding of laws, 2. Signages on School Safety round presence of 4; 3 - presence of 3; 2 -presence
S policies, guidelines and 3. 1 project design for DRRM in the AIP of 2; 1 - presence of 1
I issuances on managing (Source: AIP)
C school safety for disaster 4. Documentation of the conduct of
preparedness, mitigation earthquake drills
E and resiliency in ensuring 5. Fire safety inspection report
D continuous
Demonstrated delivery of
knowledge 1. Certified List of QA Contextualized LRs yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - Contextualized IMs are
U and understanding of with summary of inputs/findings signed round published in the RO portal; 4 -
C school-based review, by the school QA Team Contextualized IMs are published in the DO
A contextualization and 2. Composition of School QA Team portal; 3 - IMs are quality assure at the
Focusing on Teaching and Learning

T implementation of learning school level 2 - IMs are quality assured but

I standards no eveidence of utilization; 1 - IMs are not
O quality assured
Demonstrated knowledge 1. Approved Instructional Supervisory yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - ISP identified specific needs of
and understanding of Plan round teachers and provision of TA exceeded
teaching standards and 2. Sample of COTs with expectation; 4 - ISP identified specific needs
pedagogies within and recommendations of teachers and provision of TA met the
across learning areas to 3. Report of implementation of IS plan minimum; 3 - ISP generally identified teacher
provide technical needs and provision of TA met the
assistance to teachers to mininimum; 2 - ISP generally identified
improve their teaching teacher needs and TA failed to meet the
practice. minimum; 1 - ISP failed to identify teachers'
needs and failed to meet the minimum TA

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 5

B Demonstrated 1. Teacher Performance Feedback Forms yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - Presence of all 5 MOVs; 4 -
A understanding of the use for Parents/Stakeholders round presence of 4; 3 - presence of 3; 2 -presence
S of feedback obtained from 2. Minutes of Homeroom-PTA meeting of 2; 1 - presence of 1
I learners, parents and other which includes issues/concerns on TIMELINESS: 5 - All required HPTA meetings
C stakeholders to help improvement of the teaching-learning were conducted as scheduled in the school
teachers improve their situation calendar; 4 - conducted a little late; 3 - more
E performance 3. Sample of report cards signed by that a week late; 2 - not all quarterly HPTA
Focusing on Teaching and Learning

D parents/ guardians meetings were conducted; 1 - no HPTA

U 4. Sample of accomplished annotation meetings conducted
C template
Set achievable and 1. SF 6 reviewed and approved by the yr 5% QUALITY: 5 - Achieved the following:
challenging learning PSDS round a) 100% of learners have achieved at least
outcomes to support 2. Phil IRI results - post test 75% proficiency level
learner achievement and 3. Performance indicators certified by the b) 0 non-readers and frustration readers
the attainment of other planning officer on c) 0 drop out
performance indicators - Drop-out rate d) 100% promotion rate
- Graduation Rate e) 100% graduation rate;
- Promotion rate 4 - Achieved 4 indicators; 3 - 3 indicators; 2 -
2 indicators; 1 - 1 indicator
TIMELINESS: 5 - All reports relative to
learning outcomes were submitted ahead of
deadline; 4 - Not all reports were submitted
ahead of deadline; 3 - All reports were
submitted on time; 2 - Some reports were
submitted late; 1 - Consistently late in the

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 6

B Demonstrated knowledge 1. Transmittal letter/screen shot of yr 5% QUALITY: 5 - Presence of all 5 MOVs; 4 -
A and understanding of Emailed report on the quarterly round Presence of 4; 3 - Presence of 3; 2 - Presence
S learning assessment tools, submission of Updated LOP of 2; 1 - Presence of 1
I strategies and utlization of 2. List of teachers with complete BOW TIMELINESS: 5 - Consistently submitted
C results consistent with 3. Sample of TOS certified by the school reports before deadline; 4 - Not so
curriculum requirements head consistent in submitting before deadline; 3 -
E 4. Sample of Approved Test papers Submitted reports just on time; 2 -
D 5. Analyzed Phil-IRI results (Pre-test and Sometimes late in the submission of reports;
U post-test) 1 - consistently late in submitting the reports
C Demonstrated 1. CFSS Survey result yr 3% QUALITY:
A understanding of managing 2. Result of MFAT round 5 - Presence of all 5 MOVs with 35 & above
Focusing on Teaching and Learning

T a learner-friendly, inclusive 3. List of profiled learners with learning in the CFFS survey
I and healthy learning difficulty and disability 4 - presence of 4 with 30-34 score...
O environment 4. List of teachers with checked 3 - presence of 3 with 25-29 score...
N Anecdotal Records 2 - presence of 2 with 21-24 score...
5. Individual Educational/Instructional 1 - presence of 1 with 20 & below score
Plan and Transition Individual Plan with
accomplishment report
Demonstrated knowledge 1. Approved Action Plan for yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - Approved action plan with
and understanding of the 1.1 Homeroom Guidance Program round implementation exceeding expectation &
integration of career 1.2 Career Guidance Program updated SHS tracking report; 4 - Approved
awareness and 2. Implementation Report with photo- Action Plan with accomplishment meeting
opportunities in the documentation for 1.1 or 1.2 expectations & updated SHS tracking report;
provision of learning 3. Certification of SHS focal for Updated 3 - … met expectation; 2 - slightly met
experiences aligned with SHS Tracking Report (where appropriate) expectation; 1 - ...did not meet expectation
the curriculum
Demonstrated knowledge 1. School Child Protection Policy yr 3% QUALITY:
and understanding of 2. Learners’ Manual/Handbook round 5 - presence of all 4 MOVs
existing national and local 3. Updated report on child protection 4 - presence of 3
policies related to learner 4. Certification by the legal officer on 3 - presence of 2
discipline zero case on child abuse involving school 2 - presence of 1
personnel 1 - no MOVs presented

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 7

B Demonstrated 1. Sample of LAC Journal yr 3% QUALITY:
A understanding of how 2. Report on the application of learnings round 5 - Presence of all 3 MOVs specifying learning
S professional reflection and in trainings attended by the teachers and gains from LAC Sessions and trainings and
I learning can be used in school head the outcome/impact to improve practices
C improving practice 3. Report on outcome of learnings as 4 - Presence of 3 MOVs with little report of
translated in the teaching-learning outcome or impact to improve practices
E process or other practices in the school 3 - presence of the 3 MOVs
D 2 - 2 MOV
U 1 - 1 MOV
Developing Self and Others

A Demonstrated knowledge 1. Composition of School PMT yr 5% QUALITY:

T and understanding of the 2. School Memo on the conduct of the 4 round 5 - presence of all 5 MOVs
I implementation of the phases of the RPMS 4 - presence of 4
O performance management 3. Minutes of the conduct of the 4 Phases 3 - presence of 3
N system in improving school of the RPMS 2 - presence of 2
personnel and office 4. Consolidated performance rating of 1 - presence of 1
performance school personnel
5. Report on the conduct of the 4 phases
of the RPMS with documentation
Demonstrated knowledge 1. Consolidated training needs of yr 5% QUALITY:
and understanding of personnel from their IPDP round 5 - presence of all 5 MOVs
professional developmet in 2. Approved training proposals to address 4 - presence of 4
enhancing strengths in training needs 3 - presence of 3
addressing performance 3. Approved LAC Proposals 2 - presence of 2
gaps among personnel 4. Accepted accomplishment reports of 1 - presence of 1
implemented trainings
5. List of teachers who attended trainings

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 8

B Rewarded and recognized 1. Documentation of the Recognition yr 5% QUALITY:
A Developing Self and Others learners, school personnel Rites for the learners round 5 - presence of all 5 MOVs
S and other stakeholders for 2. Composition of School PRAISE 4 - presence of 4
I exemplary performance Committee with functions 3 - presence of 3
C and/or support 3. Report on the Conduct of School-based 2 - presence of 2
PRAISE awards 1 - presence of 1
E 4.Certificate of Participation of school
D personnel in the Division GAWAD
U 5. Report on the implementation of plans
C for personnel benefits of school-based
A personnel (i.e. ERF, step-increment, leave
T credits...)
I Demonstrated knowledge 1. Composition of the School Governance yr 4% QUALITY:
O and understanding of Council round 5 - presence of all 5 MOVs
N policies and guidelines on 2. Composition of the General PTA 4 - presence of 4
managing school Officers 3 - presence of 3
organizations, such as 3. PTA Constitution and by-laws 2 - presence of 2
learners organizations, 4. Accomplished SGC Functionality 1 - presence of 1
Building Connections

faculty clubs and PTA, in Assessment Tool

support of the attainment 5. List of Learners Organizations/Clubs
of institutional goals

Demonstrated knowledge 1. Approved GAD Plan and budget yr 3% QUALITY:

and understanding of 2. Approved Training proposals and round 5 - presence of all 5 MOVs
inclusive practices, such as accomplishment reports re-GAD activities 4 - presence of 4
gender sensitivity, physical 3. ALAW activities with documentation 3 - presence of 3
and mental health 4. Documentation of Wash and Wins with 2 - presence of 2
awareness and culture gender sensitive comfort rooms 1 - presence of 1
responsiveness, to foster 5. Documentation of MHPSS activities
awareness, acceptance and

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 9

B Involved the community, 1. MOAs/MOUs yr 3% QUALITY: 5 - Forged atleast 5 MOA/MOUs
A Building Connections such as parents, alumni, 2. Project Designs of HPTA or round with report of accomplishments ; 4 - Forged
S authorities, industries and organizations incorporated in the AIP atleast 5 MOA/MOUs with report of
I other stakeholders, in accomplishments; 3 - Forged atleast 5
C school PPAs to gain MOA/MOUs with report of
support for learners accomplishments; 2 - Forged atleast 5
E development, as well as MOA/MOUs with report of
D school and community accomplishments; 1 - Forged atleast 5
U improvement MOA/MOUs with report of accomplishments
A Served as chairman or 1. Memorandum of the composition of yr 5% 5 - presence of all 3 MOVs with 100%
T member in a committee to the committee round attendance to meetings/actvities

I promote PPAs initiated by 2. Attendance to meetings or activities 4 - presence of all 3 MOVs with atleast 90%
O the District or the SDO (i.e. 3. Report of accomplishments attendance
N School Board, HRMPSB, 3 - presence of 3 MOVs with atleast 80%
PRAISE) attendance
2 - Only 2 MOVs
1 - Only 1 MOV



OIC-Assist. Schools Division Superintendent (position) Schools Division Superintendent
Rater Ratee Approving Authority

DRAFT OPCRF for SY 2022-2023 10

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