Learnovative Mock Test Access Step by Step Procedure
Learnovative Mock Test Access Step by Step Procedure
Learnovative Mock Test Access Step by Step Procedure
Step 1:
Open our Website https://www.learnovative.com/resources/
Step 2:
You can see 3 Different Mock Tests on the page as shown in the picture below.
Step 3:
Please click “CSM Day 1 Quiz” Link to access the Mock Test of Day 1 concepts.
Step 4:
Once you’re on the CSM Day 1 course Page, please scroll down and click on ENROL button
Step 5:
Please fill all the details and click on ENROL NOW
Step 6:
We have provided a short list of summary bullet points of Day 1 concepts discussed in the
call. Give a read of the summary and click the Take Quiz button.
Step 7:
Please click START QUIZ to continue with the Day 1 Mock Test.
Step 8:
Each question will have 4 options. Only one correct option you have to choose based on your
knowledge. Please continue with the quiz and all 50 questions should be answered.
A timer of 60 minutes will run and you can navigate to previous question and next question
using the buttons provided as shown in the below picture.
Step 9: Once the Quiz is completed, you will see your percentage and list of all the
questions. Questions answered correctly will be displayed in GREEN COLOUR with a tick
mark and wrongly answered questions will be displayed in RED COLOUR with a “x” mark. It
also shows the time you have taken to complete the attempt of the test.
Please click on the Question to know the Answer and explanation. When you click the
question, it will expand to show the explanation for the correct answer. We recommend you to
go through the explanation for all questions, not only for the wrongly answered questions. This
helps you to confirm your understanding.
Steps for CSM Day 2 Quiz
Day 2 Quiz contains questions related to the topics discussed on the second day Training.
You can follow the same Steps as mentioned above but for Step 3 you have to select
“CSM Day 2 Quiz” option and continue with the remaining steps.
You can follow the same Steps as mentioned above but for Step 3 you have to select
“CSM Grand Test” option and continue with the remaining steps.
5. Unable to access the quiz, it takes more time to load. What's the issue?
Please check your internet connection and try reconnecting it. Request you please
try again after some time.
For any additional queries related to Quiz please contact Srinivas @+91 99499 94949 or
write to us at contact@learnovative.com. We recommend you to first try with WhatsApp
chat to the above number, if no response is received in a few minutes then please
directly call the number.