Beachfront Quizzer: White Paper
Beachfront Quizzer: White Paper
Beachfront Quizzer: White Paper
Understanding BeachFrontQuizzer: Contents: Changing Subjects: Changing the Number of Questions: Changing the Subcategories: Setting Up Your Printer: Printing Questions Using BFQ Options: Starting a Study Session: Checking Your Progress: Simulated Exam: Taking Notes: BeachFrontQuizzer Design Main Window Notes Window: Change Subject Window: Question Window: Historical Analysis Window: Simulated Exam Window: Exam Preferences Window: Printing Options Window This window contains the following fields: Print with Answers Print Width Test Window: Exam Results Window: Detailed Exam Results Window Contacting Technical Support:
BeachFront Quizzer
Understanding BeachFrontQuizzer: Study Session
BeachFrontQuizzer tests your knowledge as you learn about various operating systems or applications through interactive quiz sessions. Study Session Questions are selected from a single database for each session, dependent on the subcategory selected and the number of times each question has been previously answered correctly. In this way, questions you have answered correctly are not repeated until you have answered all the new questions. Questions that you have missed previously will reappear in later sessions and keep coming back to haunt you until you get the question correct. In addition, you can track your progress by displaying the number of questions you have answered with the Historical Analysis option. You can reset the progress tracking by clicking on the Clear History button. Each time a question is presented the answers are randomized so you will memorize a pattern or letter that goes with the question. You will start to memorize the correct answer that goes with the question concept.
Practice Exams
For advanced users, BeachFrontQuizzer also provides Standard and Adaptive simulated certification exams. Questions are chosen at random from the database. The Standard Exam presents a specific number of questions directly related to the real exam. The Adaptive Exam presents a Minimum of 15 Questions with a maximum number of questions ranging from 25 to 35 questions depending on the exam. After you finish the exam, BeachFrontQuizzer displays your score and the passing score required for the BFQ test. You may display the exam results of this specific exam from this menu. You may review each question, display the correct answer, identify a resource, link to an available electronic book and view an explanation for the answer.
Each database contains 200 to 1000 questions Easy to installation Easy to upgrade Multiple choice questions Performance based questions Answers randomized Questions randomized Print one question Print a category of questions Cheat key or Flash Card option Single module studies Instant question feedback Simulation exam studies Adaptive exam studies Instant exam feedback Skills assessment Statistical analysis Historical analysis Individual exam analysis Resizable screen Font selection Explanations Graphics References User Notes creation Passing Guaranteed or your money back (With full version purchase) Free version updates via e-mail Links to Lab exercises Links to Web resources Links to Electronic book content
BeachFront Quizzer
BeachFrontQuizzer online help provides step-by-step information to guide you through specific tasks, as well as conceptual information to help you learn more about the BeachFrontQuizzer. Understanding BeachFrontQuizzer Using BeachFrontQuizzer (Step-by-Step Information) Window Definitions and Uses Contacting Technical Services
Changing Subjects:
BeachFrontQuizzer provides several practice exams to test your knowledge. To change exams: 1. Click the Change Exam button in the Main window. 2. Select the exam for the test you want to run from the Select Exam window. 3 Click OK to change to the selected exa,, or the Cancel to keep the current exa,.
BeachFrontQuizzer allows you to customize your print jobs. Select Options from the View pull-down menu. Select the Printing Options radial button. The Printing Options window appears. Select the options for your printer. Click OK to exit and save changes.
Printing Questions
BeachFrontQuizzer allows you to print questions from your tests. 1. To print one question: Select Print One Question from the File pull-down menu in the Question window. 2. To print all questions in a test: Select Print All Questions from the File pull-down menu in the Question window.
BeachFrontQuizzer provides a number of additional options to customize your test. The following options are available: Stop On Wrong Answers Enable Cheat Key Resizable Screen Font Setting To select an advanced option: Select Options from the View pull-down menu. The Exam Preferences window appears.
BeachFrontQuizzer allows you to check your progress as you take the test, or after you have taken several tests.
Simulated Exam:
After you have learned about your subject using the quiz sessions, you can take a simulated exam. This exam simulates the exam environment that might be found on a certification exam. You cannot choose subcategories for a simulated exam. You have a time limit (this time varies from subject to subject, although it is usually 75 minutes) to complete the simulated exam. When this time limit has been reached, your exam automatically ends.
Taking Notes:
While you are taking your exam, you may wish to write down notes about a particular question that you can use in later study sessions. BeachFrontQuizzer allows you to enter notes about each question. The notes will be permanently stored in the database for the subject you are studying. You can also use this feature to record any comments you have about a particular question and send it to BeachFrontQuizzer Inc. for review. If you would like to print or view your notes, you can export your notes to a standard text editor.
Create your own information or reference. 1. Click the Notes button from the Question window. 2. Type your note. 3. Click OK to keep the note, or Cancel to delete the note. Note: You cannot take notes during a simulated exam until you have finished the exam and BeachFrontQuizzer is in Review mode. After you have finished the study session, you can export your notes to a text editor.
BeachFrontQuizzer Design
Main Window The first window that appears after you install BeachFrontQuizzer is the Main window. This window contains the following frames: Choose Testing Mode Choose Subcategories The Main window contains the following buttons: Historical Analysis Clear History Notes Options Change Exam Exit The Main window has the following menu items: File Start History View Labs Help Notes Window:
This window allows you to export or delete notes you have taken during your BeachFrontQuizzer session. This window contains the following radial buttons: Export all Notes to: Exports notes taken during a study session to the specified text editor. Delete all Notes Deletes all notes taken during this session This window contains the following field: Full path to text editor Specifies the path of the text editor you wish to use with the notes function. This window contains the following buttons: OK Cancel
Question Window:
The Question window displays a question and a selection of possible answers. The Question window contains the following buttons: X% QID Notes Explain Back Next Finish The Question window contains the following displays near the top of the window: Number of questions Displays the number of the current question and the total number of questions in the test. Timer Displays the amount of time that has passed since the session was started. The Question window contains the following display near the bottom of the window: Number of answers Prompts you to choose either the best answer or as many answers as apply. For more information about taking a test, see the following subjects: Taking a Test Checking your score during a test Checking your performance on a particular question
The Historical Analysis window allows you to check your overall progress in each subcategory. The Historical Analysis window has the following displays: Progress bar Displays a graphical ratio representing the number of correct answers to number of questions, for each subcategory. To display the exact number of questions asked and the number of questions answered correctly, click and hold on the individual progress bar. Details appear in the lower left portion of your screen. The Historical Analysis window has the following buttons: Start Analysis Exit Analysis
The Simulated Exam window contains the following buttons: Review Back Next Finish The Simulated Exam window contains the following displays near the top of the window: Number of questions Displays the number of the current question and the total number of questions in the test. Timer Displays the amount of time that has passed since the session was started. The Simulated Exam window contains the following display near the bottom of the window: Number of answers Prompts you to choose either the best answer or as many answers as apply. For more information about taking a test, see the following subjects: Taking a Test Checking your score during a test
Test Window:
This window allows you to choose the number of questions for and the length of your assessment exam. This window contains the following fields: <blank> questions Indicates the number of questions for this test. in <blank> minutes Indicates the duration of this test.
The Detailed Exam Results window allows you to check your exam results in each subcategory. This window has the following displays: Progress bar Displays a graphical ratio representing the number of correct answers to number of questions, for each subcategory. To display the exact number of questions asked and the number of questions answered correctly, click and hold on the individual progress bar. Details appear in the lower left portion of your screen. This window has the following buttons: Start Analysis Exit Analysis