Clicker Tutorial
Clicker Tutorial
Clicker Tutorial
Using either ActiVotes or ActivExpressions devices, you can ask your students
questions using Express Poll and prepared questions.
2. To set questions for ActiVotes, hover over the center of the Express Poll
circle, hover over the Actions icon, and then select the ActiVote icon. To
set questions for ActivExpressions, select the ActivExpression icon
1. Go to the Voting Browser and select either the AcitVote or ActivExpression
Number Button
Multiple Choice
Five multiple choice options are available: A-B,
A-C, A-D, A-E, and A-F.
4. Move the pen or mouse outward to show the options for the style you just
5. A window with the device names and voting summary box will be
displayed on your screen as the vote takes place. This window can be
resized and moved as needed.
Number Button/Region
Answers received
The numbers here change to yellow when a
vote is received.
Voting Summary box Possible answer choices are displayed here.
Set a timeout
2. The Insert Question Wizard window appears. Choose a question type, the
number of answer options, and where you desire the question inserted.
Then, click the Next button.
Note: Although question types are available for both ActiVotes and ActivExpressions
devices, ActiVotes users should choose multiple choice or Yes/No True/False questions.
3. Choose a template and check off Replace the page content with a new
design. Then, click the Next button.
Note: If you chose a multiple choice or Yes/No True/False question type, you will need to
choose a template that has text boxes in addition to answer buttons. Templates without text
boxes are for adding pictures as answer choices. You can use the zoom in/out slider to see the
templates in a larger or smaller view. You can also enlarge the Insert Question Wizard window by
dragging the bottom right hand corner.
Note: If you want to use one of the templates from the Resource Library, drag a template to
a flipchart page and then insert a question using the Question Wizard. In Step 3 (Choose a
design), do NOT check off Replace the page content with a new design.
4. Enter the question text and choose how the answers will be labeled
(Alphabet A-F, a-f, or numeric 1-6). You can also set a timer for the
5. Scroll down and enter answer choices in the boxes. Then, click the Next
6. If you want the question to know the correct answer, check Assign
correct answers and click the box next to the right answer. Then, click the
Next or Finish button.
Note: You can also assign correct answers later when Vote Results are displayed.
8. The question will appear on the flipchart page. To add more questions,
repeat the steps 1 7. Whenever you navigate to a page with a prepared
question on it, the green Start Vote button
For prepared
Express Poll
Number Button/Region
Type of Reporting
Identify Correct
WordSeed: Copy
Text into Flipchart
Different types of reporting include:
Horizontal Bar Graph
Who Answered What Graph
Who Answered What List
Overall Instructor-Paced Scores
Vertical Bar Graph
Pie Chart
Text Report
If a prepared question didnt already have it,
you can select the correct answer here.
This feature is available only for ActivExpressions
users. Student responses from ActivExpressions
devices can be added to the flipchart as
separate objects.
A snapshot of the current vote results will be
pasted into the current flipchart.
Note: If you dont want the vote results window appears after each voting, you can
uncheck Show Results After Vote in the Settings > Learner Response System.
3. To view the Vote Results after you have closed the window or if Show
results after vote is unchecked in the settings, go to the Voting Browser.
Results of Express
Poll question
Results of
Prepared question
Note: The results of an Express Poll question appear in a new flipchart page while the results
of a prepared question appear on the question page.
Exporting Results
1. Go to the Voting Browser.
2. Click the plus (+) sign next to Results Browser.
3. Click the Export button.
4. You will be asked to save the vote results file. Designate the location and
name the file. Then, click the Save button.
5. Microsoft Excel will be launched and the saved results file will open.
Note: In the sample results page above, Q1 was an Express Poll question without the correct
answer assigned while Q2 had the correct answer assigned. The % column takes Q1 into
calculation. If you dont want questions without correct answers assigned to be part of the total
% calculation, you need to delete the results pages of the questions without correct answers
before exporting the results.