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2023 - 2025
Established in 1964, the Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE) is an autonomous non-profit society
was the initiative of Mr SS Khera, ICS (the then Cabinet Secretary, Government of India) and
Dr DS Reddy (the then Vice-Chancellor, Osmania University) with the objective of research
C O N T E N T S and consultancy in Management Sciences. Dr VV Ramanadham, the then Professor and Head,
Department of Commerce, Osmania University, with the active support and guidance provided
by Dr DS Reddy, translated Mr Khera’s concept into a reality. Shri K Madhava Rao, IAS (Retd),
1... Message from the President President, IPE, had an accomplishment filled tenure as the then Chief Secretary of the State of
Andhra Pradesh.
2... Message from the Director Dr P Rama Rao, a distinguished scientist, Emeritus President of the institute, was formerly Secretary,
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India; Secretary, Department of Ocean
3... Board of Governor Development, Government of India; Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and former Vice
Chancellor, University of Hyderabad. He has been appointed a Member of the Atomic Energy
4... Milestones of IPE Commission, Government of India. He brings with him varied and rich experience to guide the
destination of IPE committed to excellence, be it in management education, consultancy, research
8... Programme Architecture and training.
IPE functions under the aegis of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Ministry of
23.. Admission Procedure Human Resource Development, Government of India, and the Government of Telangana.
IPE’s engagement with long term management education, leading to the award
of various Post Graduate Diploma in management programmes, has received
wide appreciation by the industry, government and social sector enterprises.
The Institute continuously endeavours to update its courses, to use appropriate
teaching methodology by receiving feedback from the end-users about the
content, quality and usefulness of the courses. IPE’s well-crafted curriculum
for all the PG Programmes has earned it the South Asia Quality Assurance
System (SAQS) accreditation leading to the recognition by the Association of
Indian Universities (AIU) which has granted equivalence to MBA to its PGDM
The participants are exposed to courses in various domains, both in basic and
K Madhava Rao, IAS (Retd) advanced management modules. They build up industry connect through the
President, IPE and former Chief long term and short term projects, industrial visits, study tours and week-end
Secretary and Election Commissioner, lectures by captains of industry. IPE draws its major strength from its knowledge-
Govt of Andhra Pradesh
endowed and practice oriented faculty.
to train the students include lectures, discussions,
exercises, case-studies, presentations, quizzes, article
MESSAGE FROM review presentations, management games, excel
based exercises, etc. The students are also trained by the
THE DIRECTOR industry experts in important aspects like ‘Personality
Development and Business Communications’, ‘Business
Aptitude etc. The Institute has strong linkages with the
Industry and has been offering excellent Placement and
Summer Internship opportunities to the students.
Dr P Rama Rao
Emeritus President, I PE, Shri Pramod Agrawal, IAS Prof D Ravinder
Chairman Governing Council,
IISc, and Former Secretary, Chairman-Cum-Managing Vice-Chancellor,
Department of Science Director, Coal India Ltd. Osmania University
and Technology and Ocean
Development, Govt. of India
Dr K Pradeep Chandra, IAS (Retd) Shri Sumit Deb Smt Savita Mahajan
Former Chief Secretary, Chairman-Cum-Managing Former Deputy Dean,
Govt. of Telangana Director, NMDC Ltd. Indian School of Business
• Establishment of IPE - Registration of IPE
as a Society and setting the agenda
• Commencement of Research,
Consultancy and Training activities
ICSSR commences
1970 support to IPE for its
research activities
IPE was recognized as Centre of
Excellence by ICSSR, Government 1976
of India
Milestones of IPE
Commencement of PGDPEM
1978 for Practicing Executives
Started Executive
Training Programmes 1986
for IAS officials
1995 of 2-year Full-time
MoU with Government of A.P/CGG PGDBM
IPE participates in the DFID
sponsored governance reforms 2004
programme for GoAP
IPE commences Retail
2007 Management (PGDM-RM)
IPE commences Banking,
Insurance and Financial 2008
Service (PGDM-BFS)
• Sanction of 120 seats for PGDM-BFS
Programme by AICTE
IPE commences International • World Bank Project for performance
Business (PGDM-IB)
• IPE works for the Unique Identification
• ONGC Subir Raha Chair for 2011 Authority, Planning Commission on a
Corporate Governance established at IPE Governance Reforms Project
• IPE commences Human Resource Management • Sanction of 240 seats for the flagship
(PGDM-HRM) programme 2012
PGDM Programme by AICTE
• IPE bags the prestigious PM’s Trophy Project for • IPE celebrates its Golden Jubilee Year
evaluating the Best Integrated Steel Plant in India 2014 • IPE inaugurates its new state-of-the-art IPE
campus at Shamirpet
• IPE receives NBA accreditation • Accreditation by South Asian Quality
• GRIHA Five Star and LEED
2015 System (SAQS)
Platinum rating
2017 • IPE receives PIO
• Re-accreditation by South Asian Quality
System (SAQS) for five years
• Ranked in Top 100 in Management
Category by National Institute Ranking
2021 Framework (NIRF), GoI
• Ranked by Atal Ranking of Institutions on
• PGDM, PGDM-BFS and PGDM-IB accredited Innovation Achievements (ARIIA), MoE, GoI
by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) 2022
Undertaking consultancy assignments The highlights of training include: The following dedicated centres of research are
is one of the specialized domains of IPE. • 50 plus years of experience in training. established in IPE which carry out research in
Consultancy services are offered for both • 100 programmes for over 1600 officers of IAS, contemporary topics and issues.
National and International organizations, IFS and other allied services. • Centre for Corporate Governance
that include: • 1100 MDPs and in-company programmes for • Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility
• United Nations Development Programme 44000 practicing managers. • Centre for Corporate Risk Management
(UNDP) • Open programmes in all functional areas on • Centre for Public Enterprises and Disinvestment
• United Nations Industrial Development contemporary topics. • Cell on Regulatory bodies
Organization (UNIDO) • Wage and Salary Studies Cell
• World Bank In-company clients include Power Grid Corporation • Centre for Innovation
• Asian Development Bank (ADB) of India, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, GSL, • Centre for Governance and
• Common Wealth Secretariat, Department Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, Mishra Dhatu Public Policy
for International Development (DFID) Nigam, Singareni Collieries Company Limited, • Centre for Environment and Sustainable
• Government of UK, International Centre Electronics Corporation of India Limited, NTPC, Development
for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) Govt. of Karnataka, Oil India Ltd, Assam, NLC,
• Central and State Governments, Public Oil India, Jodhpur, Andhra Pradesh State Road IPE has been originally conceived as a research
and Private sector enterprises Transport Corporation, Animal Husbandry, institution devoted to systematic and sustained
• Public and Private Sector Commercial Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, National study of issues relevant to the formulation,
Banks Aluminium Company, Mangalore Refinery and implementation, review, monitoring and
Petrochemicals Limited, SPMCIL, Engineers assessment of policies and programmes
The Institute has carried out public sector India Limited, GSL, Amara Raja Batteries, Bharat concerning public enterprises. Subsequently,
service reform assignments concerning Electronics Ltd, Northern Coal Field Ltd., MOIL, keeping in view the changing scenario, the focus
various sectors, major Government Hindustan Copper Ltd, Andhra Bank, State Bank is not only on public enterprises, but private
departments, and municipal services, of India, State Bank of Hyderabad, FACT, Rail Vikas entities as well. The Institute is partly funded by
poverty alleviation programmes and Nigam Limited, RFL, Bharat Heavy Electricals, the Ministry of Human Resource Development,
privatization. Some of the organizations for National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd, GoI. The Indian Council of Social Science
which consultancy assignments have been AP Mineral Development Corporation Limited, Research (ICSSR), Ministry of Human Resources
recently carried out include: APTDC, NEEPCO, Goa Shipyard Limited, etc. Development, GoI recognized the Institute as a
• Government of India ‘Centre of Excellence’ in Social Science Research.
• Telangana State The thrust areas of training are General The Institute has a record of delivering the inputs
• Andhra Pradesh Government management, Strategic management, Finance, in time with application orientation. The research
• Consultancy Development Centre (under Marketing, Human Resource management, studies of IPE have been extensively used by the
DSIR, GoI) Operations management, Power Sector, Committee of Public Undertakings (CoPU), several
• MOIL Information Technology, Foreign Trade, RTI ministries of the GoI, Planning Commission,
• Hindustan Copper Ltd Act, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social SCOPE, Department of Public Enterprises (DPE),
• Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd Responsibility, Risk management, Project Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)
• Bharat Dynamics Ltd management, Sustainability, Biotechnology, and pay revision committees.
• Goa Shipyard Ltd Hospital management, Corporate Planning and
• Performance Management Division, Restructuring. IPE publishes six in-house journals including the
Cabinet Secretariat, GoI ‘IPE Journal’ which remains as the only refereed
journal on public sector issues in India.
Post Graduate Diploma in
About PGDM Programme Educational Objectives
• To provide society a cohort of young post
In 1995, the Institute launched a two- graduate students equipped with basic
year full-time Post Graduate Diploma managerial skills.
in Management (PGDM) programme • To prepare students to have the ability to
to provide skilled human resource to solve problems and take decisions amid
meet the requirements of industry. The complexity and uncertainty of business
two-year (six Trimesters) programme environment.
is approved by the All India Council • To promote social awareness, sustainable
of Technical Education (AICTE). Over development and team orientation
the years, the programme has drawn amongst students.
students from across the length and • To produce ethically responsible and
breadth of the country. Innovative technically competent management
Programme Head methodologies are leveraged to help graduates for absorption by industry.
Dr C V Sunil Kumar students comprehend the varied
Contact: 95878 05060 aspects of management. This course Programme Outcomes
Email: cvsunil@ipeindia.org is accredited by NBA and is also • Graduates would exhibit clarity of thought
considered equivalent to MBA by the in expressing their views.
Association of Indian Universities (AIU). • Graduates will have the ability to
Candidates for this programme are communicate effectively across diverse
selected based on their performance channels.
in CAT / XAT / MAT / ATMA / CMAT • Graduates will be able to flesh out key
/ GMAT and any other test approved decision points when confronted with a
Co-Programme Head by AICTE. business problem.
Dr Samarendra Kumar Mohanty Accredited by NBA • Graduates will have the capacity to
Contact: 86393 51342 formulate strategies in the functional areas
Email: samar@ipeindia.org of management.
• Graduates would be able to analyse the
health of an organization by perusing its
MIS reports / financial statements.
• Graduates would demonstrate a hunger for
challenging assignments.
• Graduates would display an empathetic
attitude to alleviate societal problems.
First Year
Second Year
The structure and courses shown above are as per the existing scheme at the institute. However, IPE has a practice of revising its curriculum regularly, due to which the structure, course
and credits may be subject to change from time to time, within the bounds of AICTE Rules / regulations / norms. As a rule of thumb, the minimum number of enrolments for an elective
to run will be decided every year by the Dean's Office in consultation with the Director & Programme Coordinators.
Post Graduate Diploma in Management –
Marketing Management
PGDM-Marketing Management
About PGDM-Marketing Programme Educational Objectives
Management • To provide knowledge about business management with
greater focus on marketing management domains
Welcome prospective candidates • To impart and equip the students with knowledge regarding
to the 16th batch of the two-year marketing value chain and associated skills.
AICTE-approved PGDM-Marketing • To sharpen the skills of students to assume marketing roles in
Management program. The national and international organizations
PGDM-Marketing Management is a • To inculcate ethical values and shape students with sensitivity
customized program that transforms to solve management, business and marketing environmental
the students into future business issues.
leaders adept to the industry • To prepare business leaders of tomorrow to capture value
requirements. The basic thrust of for organizations and society by creation, communication and
PGDM-MM is understanding delivery of value.
Programme Head management, strategy and business
Dr Prarthana Kumar environment with special emphasis on Programme Outcomes
Contact: 90001 81276 marketing and its managerial • Graduates will be able to identify business problems and
Email: prarthanakumar@ipeindia.org implications. The program enables provide effective and efficient strategic solutions.
the students to develop and acquire • Graduates will be able to develop empathic attitude towards
conceptual and analytical abilities, consumers in particular and society at large.
required for appropriate decision- • Graduates will be become business leaders with deeper
making and their effective thinking, consciousness and ethical values.
implementation, in addition to creating • Graduates will have the capability and capacity to formulate
socially and ethically sensitive business strategies in the functional areas of marketing management.
leaders. The PGDM-Marketing • Graduates’ cognitive skills and oral, written and interpersonal
Management was introduced in communication skills will be well moulded.
2007 as PGDM Retail and • Graduates will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze
Marketing (PGDM-RM). business environment applying contemporary analytical tools
and software.
First Year
4 5 6
in the discipline of management
and the understanding of business. TERM TERM TERM
The two years are divided into 6
terms. Each term offers a mix of • Strategic Management • Corporate Governance, • International Marketing
core and elective courses, allowing Business Ethics and Corporate
the students to develop subject • Retail Management • Rural and Agri Marketing
Social Responsibility
proficiency. After the first year, the • Elective 1 – Subject 1 • Project Management
students are required to undertake • Integrated Marketing
• Elective 1 – Subject 2 • Research Project
10-12 weeks of Summer Internship Communications
in a public or private corporate • Sales and Distribution • Comprehensive Viva
• Elective 1 – Subject 3
organization. Summer Internship Management
provides the students powerful • Elective 1 – Subject 4
• Services Marketing
managerial insights with regards to • Strategic Marketing
business problems, understanding • SIP & Viva Voce
of management concepts in the • Brand Management
bedrock of industry practices, and
refinement of knowledge acquired in
the classroom.
The structure and courses shown above are as per the existing scheme at the institute. However, IPE has a practice of revising its curriculum regularly, due to which the
structure, course and credits may be subject to change from time to time, within the bounds of AICTE Rules / regulations / norms. As a rule of thumb, the minimum
number of enrolments for an elective to run will be decided every year by the Dean's Office in consultation with the Director & Programme Coordinators.
Manoranjan Singh
Senior Executive – Sales & Marketing Harsha Sheelam
at Naukri.com Pursuing PhD in Marketing and
Strategy in IBS Hyderabad, IFHE
My experience at IPE University
fundamentally taught me – Rishabh Nandi Ramgopal
“It’s the fastest bird gets the Director & Founder – I pursued PGDM Marketing City Manager – Bounce
worm rather than the early bird TryTrabby (tourism website) and developed an interest in
gets the worm”. At IPE, I met and Winking Brain LLP research. The faculties helped Marketing as a discipline requires
people from different fields, me understand research better. you to have two approaches –
cultures and experiences. The I chose IPE as most of the Eventually, I cleared UGC-NET Pragmatically or Theoretically.
cases and discussions by the faculties were PhDs, which was a for Assistant Professor using Seems paradoxical right? Here in
professors helped me think as great investment. The curriculum, the syllabus and books of IPE. IPE this is just a puzzle solvable with
an entrepreneur, loaded with infrastructure, and faculty are My inclination towards writing ease. The theories in the course
practical application. I got an exemplary. The co-curricular and research papers was due to IPE are tested to implementation
opportunity to manage the extra-curricular opportunities the SIP and LTP. The curriculum which helps in imparting
marketing, social, and sports club taught us to deal with on-ground and pedagogy of the program both practical and theoretical
and trust me these experiences activities and management. IPE is sparingly done in other acumen. In PGDM Marketing the
nurtured my personality and offered opportunities to organize colleges. Learning something emphasis is laid down for making
are now helping me in my events such as Box of Kindness, new always attracted me and the student industry ready.
professional life. Regular feedback National level annual fest during my stint at IPE I developed Faculty are stellar in designing a
from professors and experiences Kurukshetra, and coordinated new skills and understood my dynamic methodology for the
of seniors helped to crack my Strength Wars. Furthermore, untapped potential. Apart from contemporary industry needs.
first GD and interview ultimately I studied in a well-equipped academics, I had the opportunity Pick IPE for PGDM - M. Pick PGDM
leading to my first job. classroom, trained at the gym, to participate in sports, extra- Marketing for a bright career.
had healthy and homely food at curricular activities, conferences
the canteen, conducted activities and this helped me add more
in the campus, played sports and feathers on my cap.
the list goes on. The college gave
me many experiences and I lived
the moment at IPE.
Post Graduate Diploma in Management
– Banking and Financial Services
About PGDM-BFS Programme Educational Objectives
In order to churn out trained • To impart knowledge on a wide range of concepts relating
professionals to suit the requirements to management, banking and financial services.
of rapidly expanding Banking, • To enhance capabilities for critical thinking, problem solving
and Financial Services (BFS) and decision making through dissemination of knowledge
sector, the Institute launched and relevant inputs.
Programme Head PGDM-BFS programme in
2008. This is a two-year • To facilitate accelerated learning and an in-depth
Dr M Chandra Shekar full-time, AICTE-approved course understanding of practices and ethics of management
Contact: 81870 56918 considered equivalent to MBA by in general and Banking & Financial Services in particular.
Email: m.chandrashekar@ipeindia.org AIU and also accredited by NBA. It
has the state-of-the-art curriculum
with the thrust on market Programme Outcomes
orientation, globalization, financial
• Have a thorough understanding of concepts relating to
and banking sector reforms. It has
management, banking and financial service.
an intake of 120 and
candidates for this programme are • Attain technical knowledge and analytical skills in order to
selected based on their solve the critical problems and decision making.
performance in CAT / XAT / MAT /
• Capable of performing banking operations.
ATMA / CMAT / GMAT and any
other test approved by AICTE. • Carryout project appraisal at banks and financial institutions.
Accredited by NBA • Have better clarity on practices in the domains of
Management and Banking & Financial Services, with due
focus on ethical aspects.
First Year
• Personality Development and • Principles and Practices of Life • Priming for Placements (Business
Business Communication Insurance Aptitude)
• Marketing Management • Financial Markets, Institutions • Start Ups and Entrepreneurship
• Management of Bank and Services • Principles and Practices of General
Operations • Foreign Language – French Insurance
• Contemporary Issues/Seminars
• Comprehensive Viva
Second Year
The structure and courses shown above are as per the existing scheme at the institute. However, IPE has a practice of revising its curriculum regularly, due to which the structure, course
and credits may be subject to change from time to time, within the bounds of AICTE Rules / regulations / norms. As a rule of thumb, the minimum number of enrolments for an elective
to run will be decided every year by the Dean's Office in consultation with the Director & Programme Coordinators.
ALUMNI SPEAK PGDM-BFS is completely worth it at the Institute of
Public Enterprise. It has broadened our horizons, opening us
K Sreshta Rebecca up to the world of finance and the other disciplines of
PGDM-BFS Management. Thus making us industry-ready by the end of
Management Trainee our two years course. Tailor-made courses blended with a
HDFC Ltd wonderful source of support is what makes IPE unique.
Fortunate to be a part of such a prestigious institute that
International Study Tour continues to stand by its students, ensuring they reach much
The institute offers experiential learning opportunity greater heights in life.
as a part of our outreach programme for the
PGDM-BFS students consisting of a variety of student
activities ensure a unique understanding of the work IPE is always a great place to learn. PGDM-BFS course
environment. It helps them to understand on how to is a perfect blend that offers both theoretical and
perceive the visit to get deeper experience and practical knowledge. For people who are willing to pursue
exposure. Our previous batches visited OECD, Paris, Sarat Chandra career in the field of banking or financial services, this is an
Singapore, Malaysia, etc. Kakani PGDM-BFS excellent course. This course includes several subjects taught
by faculties with big names in their respective subject
Industry Connect Programme: areas. These industry-experienced faculties in this course
National and Local Visit help students in all sorts of ways, which in turn helps them
Facilitating a common ground for industry and scale great heights in their careers. Choosing PGDM-BFS
course was one of the best decisions I have taken.
academia to give a holistic insight into the day to day
industry, the institute curates national and local visits every
year to make the PGDM-BFS students aware of all the
necessary skill sets required to give a feel of work culture.
The companies and the institutions visited by the Being a student with 2 years of work experience, I was
initially skeptical in joining a good institution which focuses on
students are: Chermas, Stanza Apparels, Bailley Water,
teaching and developing core management skills.
Namaste Telangana, NISM, National Stock Exchange, etc.
IPE has always excelled in guiding and nurturing us in not just
Career Prospects and Placements academics but a 360 degrees personality development.
Students of PGDM-BFS would be hired for Sriram My journey with IPE has been a roller coaster ride with lots of
finance profiles as well as for other profiles in other PGDM-BFS learning opportunities. I was one of the privileged students to
areas like marketing, HR, Operations management, IT Assistant Manager- have represented the college at various conferences. Research
etc. Some of our prominent recruiters are Deloitte, Credit, HDFC Ltd and practical exposure makes you a better person to face the
Franklin Templeton, Amazon, Mahindra Finance, HDFC, challenges of the corporate world.
ICICI Securities, Invesco, Arcesium India Pvt Ltd, ITC Ltd, PGDM-Banking, Insurance and Financial Services – one
Capital First visit the campus and offer the jobs as such multi dimensional course that I pursued has given me
associate project controller for us taxation, enormous opportunities to explore and master. I have been
management trainee, data analyst etc. offered an internship at Franklin Templeton Investments for a
Project Management profile.
Post Graduate Diploma in Management –
International Business
About PGDM-IB Programme Educational Objectives
With the increasing globalization of • To familiarize the students with basics of management
business operations, there has emerged theory and practice.
a strong need for professionals • To impart knowledge in the domain of international
equipped with specialized expertise business environment.
in international business. To cater • To develop business acumen of executives with sensitivity
to their requirements, IPE launched to global management and business issues.
Programme Head an AICTE-approved, two-year full- • To equip students with necessary skills and knowledge
time Post-Graduate Diploma in that will help them to take up roles in organizations having
Dr M Karthik Management - International Business
Contact: 9346515819 domestic and global operations and to take up businesses
(PGDM-IB) programme in 2009 which having global operations.
Email: karthik@ipeindia.org is considered equivalent to MBA by
AIU and also accredited by NBA. The Programme Outcomes
programme is planned to include
optional foreign study tours, subject • Students will be able to analyze and explain the basic
to students opting for the study tour concepts of management theory and practice.
at additional cost, aimed at providing • Students can evaluate the impact of global issues on an
global exposure to the students. It has organization’s international business operations.
an intake of 60 and candidates for this • Students will be able to prepare international business
Co-Programme Head
programme are selected based on plan.
Dr Rajesh Gangakhedkar their performance in CAT / XAT / MAT
• Students can assess the impact of cultural diversity on the
Contact: 9866613403 / ATMA / CMAT / GMAT and any other
policies of an organization.
Email: rajesh@ipeindia.org test approved by AICTE.
• Students would handle the responsibilities in the domain
Accredited by NBA of domestic and global business environment.
• Students will be well versed with software packages
and would be able to apply them in managerial decision
First Year
Second Year
The structure and courses shown above are as per the existing scheme at the institute. However, IPE has a practice of revising its curriculum regularly, due to which the structure, course
and credits may be subject to change from time to time, within the bounds of AICTE Rules / regulations / norms. As a rule of thumb, the minimum number of enrolments for an elective
to run will be decided every year by the Dean's Office in consultation with the Director & Programme Coordinators.
Neha Chahal
I underwent a significant
transformation through the
PGDM-International Business Eshan Verma
(IB) Programme at IPE which PGDM-IB
Jeshal Mehta made me to develop a mindset
PGDM-IB of a Global Business Manager. It was a great experience to be a
The IB programme state-of-the- part of IPE-International Business
Curriculum of PGDM-IB is indeed a art curriculum, is taught by well family wherein we learned so many
cutting edge one comprising, apart qualified faculty, with even a few things which are really helping now
from the regular standard B-School add-on courses taught by overseas as we move on to make a name
subjects, courses like International faculty. It has the unique Business for ourselves in the business world.
Brand Management, Global News Presentation classroom Apart from theoretical knowledge
Marketing Management, Foreign sessions wherein we learn about the practical knowledge played a
Currencies and Global Finance, divers sectors such as Automobile, very important role which insured
Innovation Management which are Agribusiness, Banking & Finance, I don’t feel totally alienated and
the hallmark of this programme FMCG, Exports & Trading, IT & stranger when I start my corporate
and are vital in understanding the Telecom, Steel & Metals, Pharma & journey as a fresher.
present global business and global Biotech, etc. I feel a lot confident……
markets scenario.
In an era where all businesses are global, the gradual Institute of Public Enterprise has a rich
integration of Indian economy with the global economy is intellectual capital. The learning experience at
now an irreversible process. PGDM-IB @ IPE provides the right the institute is remarkable. The course PGDM-
platform where an individual is made well equipped to handle International Business is one of it’s kind, where
Nilesh Poddaturi Ramanuj Sarada
the new demands of the industry in leading their businesses you learn every concept of management in a
towards this direction successfully. Keeping in mind the broader, global perspective, which is the need
dynamic environment that we are living in today, the course of the day; the course structure is very well
curriculum here @ IPE is exceptionally designed, planned and designed and an excellent faculty adds to the
executed to confront these challenging situations successfully. beauty of the it.
Post Graduate Diploma in Management –
Human Resource Management
About PGDM-HRM Programme Educational Objectives
• To build future leaders who can connect business and HR
The Institute started a two-year deliverables.
AICTE approved full time PGDM- • To offer experiential learning in understanding the
HRM course to meet the growing challenges of HR professionals in order to develop the
requirements of HR professionals in organizations.
2012. This programme is envisaged • To facilitate accelerated learning in the formulation and
as the highest quality programme implementation of best practices in human resources
in the area of human resource management for sustained competitive advantage in
management as it is pro-actively organizations.
Programme Head
designed to provide eligible, suitable, • To provide insights on developing strategies, initiatives
Dr Deepthi Chandra and competent HR professionals with and programmes for business performance with focus on
Contact: 7093134074 sufficient knowledge of business organization design, analytics, change and development.
Email: deeptichandra@ipeindia.org to all industrial sectors. It has an
intake of 60 and candidates for this Programme Outcomes
programme are selected based on
their performance in CAT / XAT / • On completion of the programme the learners would be
MAT / ATMA / CMAT / GMAT and well equipped with necessary knowledge and skills to take
any other test approved by AICTE. up managerial responsibilities in the corporate sector.
• The learners should be able to anticipate challenges
Co-Programme Head
involved in the HR role and act accordingly.
Dr Sinju Sankar • The learners should be able to identify, initiate and
Contact: 9885678513 implement best practices in HR in dynamic environment of
Email: sinjusankar@ipeindia.org organizations.
• The learners on attending the course should be able to
align HR practices to business performance with suitable
efforts towards organizational development using analytics.
• The learners should develop human skills in engaging
value based learning and ethical practices in management.
First Year
• Personality Development and • Performance and Compensation • Priming for Placements (Business
Business Communication Management Aptitude)
• Marketing Management • Learning and Development • Start Ups and Entrepreneurship
• Human Resource Management • Talent Management
• Contemporary issues / Seminars
• Comprehensive Viva
Second Year
The structure and courses shown above are as per the existing scheme at the institute. However, IPE has a practice of revising its curriculum regularly, due to which the structure, course
and credits may be subject to change from time to time, within the bounds of AICTE Rules /regulations / norms. As a rule of thumb, the minimum number of enrolments for an elective
to run will be decided every year by the Dean's Office in consultation with the Director & Programme Coordinators.
Shahab Alam
Assistant Manager – HR &
Admin, Neuland Labs Ltd.
• Risk Management
• Financial Analysis and Credit • Product and Brand Management • Learning and Development • Supply Chain Management
Management • Integrated Marketing • Contemporary HRM • Management of Service Operations
• Derivatives and Structured Finance Communications • Industrial Relations I • Total Quality Management
• Financial Modelling • Consumer Behaviour • Industrial Relations II • Lean Management
• Financial Planning and Wealth • Services Marketing • Talent Management • Optimization Models for Industry
Management • Customer Relationship Management • Organization Development • Operations Strategy
• Security Analysis and Portfolio • B2B Marketing • Cross Cultural Management • Strategic Sourcing
Management • Strategic Marketing • Leadership and Change Management • Warehouse Management
• Tax Planning and Management • Digital Marketing • Balanced Scorecard • Technology and Innovations
• Corporate Restructuring, Mergers and • Rural Marketing • Strategic Human Resource Management
Acquisitions • Agri-Business Marketing Management • Advanced Inventory Modelling
• Entrepreneurial Finance • Sales and Distribution Management • HR Auditing • Operations Analytics
• Strategic Financial Management • Retail Management • HR Analytics
• Strategic Cost Management • Global Marketing Management
• Financial Analytics
• Social Marketing
• Foreign Exchange Arithmetic
• Media Management
• Private Equity
• Marketing Analytics
• Fixed Income Securities
• Financial Econometrics
• Mutual Funds
• Industrial Economics
• Public Finance
• Urban Economics • Creating a New Venture from Idea to
• Cloud Computing for Business • Digital Economy launch • R Studio for Data Science and Machine
• Enterprise Resource Planning • Natural Resource Management • Entrepreneurial Finance Learning (ver.1.2.1335)
• Relational Database Management • Energy Economics • Creativity, Innovation and • Python for Data Science and Machine
• Environmental Economics
system Entrepreneurship Learning (ver.3.7.3)
• Econometrics
• e-Commerce • Contemporary Government Policies & • Digital Marketing for Startups and SMEs • Data Visualising using Tableau
• Data Mining and Business Intelligence Business • Social Entrepreneurship and Social • Web and Social Media Analytics
• Data Modelling with R and Python • Monetary Economics Innovation • Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
• Data Visualising using Advanced Excel • Economics of Infrastructure • Family Business Management using R Studio (ver.1.2.1335)
• Data Visualising using Tableau • Agricultural Economics • Corporate Entrepreneurship • Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
• Digital Governance • Mathematical Economics • Business Model for Sustainable Growth using Advanced Python (ver.3.7.3)
• Cyber Security and Cyber Laws • International Economics • Aligning Startups with their Market • Big Data Analytics
• IT Infrastructure • Green Economy • Detailed Project Report (DPR) • SQL for Data Science
*(Subject to change)
Eligibility Hostel Facility
The candidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree, with at least 50% marks or equivalent • IPE has two separate hostels for boys and girls on campus. Preference will be given
CGPA. (45% in case of SC / ST / PC candidates), from a UGC recognized university / for outstation students on first-cum-first serve basis.
deemed university recognized by the Ministry of HRD, GoI. • Ultra-modern food court serves breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner.
• Kiosk facilities are available to cater to the student needs.
Admission Procedure • Weekly Menu is finalized by the Food Committee which consists of student
representatives and caters to the tastes of students from different parts of India.
• Step-1 Candidates have to appear in any one of the admission test (CAT / XAT / MAT
• In-house laundry facilities are available on the campus.
• Step-2 Register for IPE Admissions online. Single Occupancy (Food and Accommodation) Rs 1,50,000.00
• Step-3 Short listed candidates will be called for Group Discussions and Personal Double Occupancy (Food and Accommodation) Rs 1,05,000.00
Interviews to be held at IPE Hyderabad and in major cities. Timely updates on the
same will be posted to all the applicants by Team Admissions Transport Facility *(Subject to change)
• IPE website provides updates time to time on Course, Hostel and Transport, and Fee For day scholars IPE facilitates transport from multiple locations of the city to its Shamirpet
details Campus. At present buses are run from 11 different locations viz. Vanasthalipuram,
Uppal, Chaitanyapuri, Dilsukhnagar, IPE – OU Campus, Mehdipatnam, Mothinagar,
Evaluation Criteria Taranaka, Saroornagar, Kukatapally and Yapral. Additions / changes will be made, for
Weightage in boarding points depending on the requirements.
Evaluating Component
Any route to and from City - IPE Shamirpet Campus Rs 40,000.00
Management Aptitude Test 35
Academic Record 15
Sports Facility
Personal Interview 45
Indoor and outdoor games along with gym facilities are available on the campus.
Weightage in Sports, Extracurricular, Academic Diversity, Gender Diversity 5
Medical Facility
Fee Structure *(Subject to change) Medical facilities are available in the campus. All the students are covered with
S. No Fee Particulars Amount (Rs.) medical insurance for a sum of Rs. 1,00,000/- each.
(A) 1st Year
01 Admission Fee 50,000.00 Scholarships
02 Tuition Fee 2,90,000.00 IPE offers many excellent scholarships for deserving students, from many different
03 IT & Other Academic Facilities Fee 1,00,000.00 backgrounds. There is separate merit scholarship’s criteria for students of SC / ST / OBC
/ Minority backgrounds. There are also scholarships for students from designated states
04 Refundable Caution Deposit 15,000.00
such as North-eastern States, Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh. Scholarships are provided
Total payable 1st year (A) 4,55,000.00 for students with high talent in sports / arts at graduate level. There is no upper limit
(B) 2nd Year on the number of scholarships offered and they range in value from Rs. 60,000 to
01 Tuition Fee 2,90,000.00 Rs. 4,00,000. In special cases, even higher Scholarship values may be considered.
02 IT & Other Academic Facilities Fee 70,000.00 Our merit-based scholarships (based on the criterion of excellent Entrance Test
Total payable 2nd year (B) 3,60,000.00 performance) are as shown in the Table below:
Grand Total (A) + (B) 8,15,000.00
Note: A Laptop will be issued to all the students
Merit Scholarships for General Category Affirmative Scholarship Scheme
XAT / GMAT C-MAT / A scholarship of Rs. 60,000/- would be awarded to the top ranker among the
CAT %ile MAT %ile Amount Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Muslim minority candidates in the
%ile ATMA %ile
80 & above 80 & above NA NA 2,00,000 eligible admission tests.
70 - 79.99 70 - 79.99 95 and above NA 1,00,000 NOTE: Candidates receiving corporate scholarships or any other scholarships are not
65 - 69.99 65 - 69.99 85 - 94.99 95 & above 80,000 entitled for these merit scholarships.
70 - 74.99 70 - 74.99 85 - 94.99 95 & above 60,000 The scholarship scheme is subject to review and change at the discretion of the Institute
Merit Scholarships for OBC / Minority Category of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad.
• Scholarships would be disbursed during the month of December.
XAT / GMAT C-MAT / • Kindly visit website for refund norms on cancellation of admission.
CAT %ile MAT %ile Amount
%ile ATMA %ile • Any dispute would be subject to Jurisdiction of the competent courts within the
70 & above 70 & above 95 & above NA 2,00,000 territorial jurisdiction of the City of Hyderabad.
60 - 69.99 60 - 69.99 85 - 94.99 95 & above 1,00,000
55 - 59.99 55 - 59.99 75 - 84.99 85 - 94.99 80,000
50 - 54.99 50 - 54.99 65 - 74.99 75 - 84.99 60,000
ADMISSION PROCEDURE for International Students
IPE offers PGP admissions to Foreign Nationals (FN), Person of Indian Origin (PIO), Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA
Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries (CIWG). awarded by an institute that is deemed to be as a University in the applicant’s country
of residence.
Institute of Public Enterprise invites applications for the following two year AICTE
approved Post Graduate Programmes in the above category. The bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification obtained by the candidate must entail
a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling
(10+2) or equivalent. The percentage obtained by the candidate in the bachelor’s
Who Can Apply?
degree would be based on the practice followed by the institution/university from
Foreign Nationals, Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), where the candidate has obtained the degree.
Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries (CIWG).
The degree should be awarded by a college / institute / university which is been
‘Foreign National’ means the citizen of countries other than India who are not of Indian recognized by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) / other appropriate authorities.
origin as defined under OCI / PIO.
Applicants in the last year of degree and those who have completed the degree but
‘Person of Indian Origin (PIO)’ means a foreign citizen (except a national of Pakistan, are awaiting results can also apply.
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Iran, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Nepal) who at any time
In addition to the above candidates with valid GMAT score will be preferred.
held an Indian passport or, who or either of their parents / grandparents / great
grandparents were born and permanent resident in India as defined in Government
of India Act, 1935 and other territories that became part of India thereafter provided Step-2
neither was at any time a citizen of any of the aforesaid countries; or who is a spouse Candidates should register their application online (available at www.ipeindia.org) by
of a citizen of India or a PIO. paying 15 USD
‘Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)’ means a Foreign National, who was eligible to become
citizen of India on 26.01.1950 or was a citizen of India on or at any time after 26.01.1950 Step-3
or belonged to a territory that became part of India after 15.08.1947. Minor children of Short listed candidates will be considered for a Skype interview on a mutually convenient
such person are also eligible for OCI. However, if the applicant had ever been a citizen date. Due weightage will be given to the GMAT Score and academic background of
of Pakistan or Bangladesh, he / she will not be eligible for OCI. ‘Gulf Quota’ – Children the candidate also.
of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries. Fee and admission procedure for this category of
students remain same as resident Indian students. Fee
The fee for two-years is USD 23,000 (INR 14,50,000 whichever is highest) that includes
Eligibility a caution money deposit of USD 500. The fee covers tuition fee, reading material,
Candidates with 50% marks in graduation from a recognized institution / university of computer lab, library facility, hostel accommodation, food, gym, and spots facility etc.
their resident country. Kindly visit website for detailed fee structure.
Admission Procedure & Selection Criteria For course curriculum and other details kindly see the admission prospectus
Step-1 downloadable from website of IPE.
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