Rizal's View of The Future and The Filipino Nation
Rizal's View of The Future and The Filipino Nation
Rizal's View of The Future and The Filipino Nation
Rizal outlined several scenarios for how the Philippines might evolve over the next century,
the first of which was that our country would remain a Spanish colony. Second, if Filipinos
continued to be exploited and abused, they would inevitably revolt against Spain. Finally,
after Spain's presence in the country is extinguished, the Philippines may be conquered by
another country.
"Youth is the hope of our nation".
To give hope to Filipinos, that a great nation would liberate the Philippines from Spain's
oppressive rule"The less you remember your history, the more likely you are to repeat your
mistakes over and over again.".
Through his commentary, Rizal strove to establish that the pre-conquest past was one of
which the Filipinos could be proud; that their forebears were hard-working men of
outstanding abilities and high moral standards; and that this rich heritage had been
destroyed and lost in the course of the conquest.
There are several prediction of Rizal. And of those is that the Philippines will one day
declare independence. And it actually came true. Like Japan will swallow us during world
war 2. The Philippines will perhaps enter openly the wide road of progress and will work
jointly to strengthen the mother country at home, as abroad. The American will buy our
country Rizal predicted a lot and those that I discussed are one of those Ang kabataan ang
pag-asa ng bayan. Many people were moved and inspired by Rizal's work both before and
after his death. Even now we honor Rizal's like participating in our national anthem.