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The purpose of remotely controlled measuring of tank levels are to measure :- Height of
liquid in the tank
2. One of the following is NOT an alarm on an inert gas plant ,which one – Low oxygen alarm
3. While commencement of loading cargo direct high pressure loading is advisable – False
4. On all gas ship, any pipework entering or leaving the cargo tank must do so through the top
of the tank
5. If centrifugal pump operating with a positive suction head becomes air bound , your FIRST
response should be to – Vent the casing
6. How much cleaner is Natural Gas to Burn - Reducing carbon dioxide (co2) emission by 20%
to 30%
7. Self contained Breathing apparatus – SCBA is also called as – Compressed air breathing
apparatus - CABA
8. The space enclosed by the ship structure is which a cargo continment system is situated
called- Hold space
9. This liquefied gas is normally carried in its fully refrigerated condition at its atmospenc
boiling of -104 degree C is – Ethylene
10. How is cooling water supplied to the inert gas scrubber tower - by the scrubber sea water
11. Which safety device is fitted on the deck inert gas line to monitor the supply condition of the
inert gas - the inert gas low pressure alarm
12. Tank relief v/v used for release of excessive pressure – True
13. What characteristics should insulation material possess for use in gas carrier – low thermal
conductivity , ability to bear loads, ability to withstand mechanical damages , lightweight,
unaffected by cargo liquid or vapour
14. Which of the following is the ultimate source of energy for us – solar
15. Why strainers are commonly installed in the cargo piping system – to protect the cargo
handling plant , to protect equipment from damage by foreign objects
16. Which of these you consider essential equipment to carry when working on the deck of ship
carrying ammonia – Gas mask
17. What is the condition of the inert gas as it is produced by the boilers or inert gas generator -
Free of oxygen and clean
18. For what reason cargo sampling is necessary in gas tanker - To establish safe condition prior
to cargo transfer and to establish that the cargo is within commercially agreed specifications
19. What is the MAIN danger to be guarded against when discharging using a cargo heater with
seawater as the heating medium – freezing of the water side of the heater
20. Magnesium, titanium, sodium, lithium and potassium are classified as – class D fire
21. What are the symptoms of Asphyxiant, when LPG and LNG carried as cargo - Increased rate
and depth of respiration & loss of consciousness , Blueness of the skin , stertorous breathing
with a snoring sound
22. Inert gas – how is sea water supplied to the deck seal – Through the deck seal pump fitted in
the engine room
23. On tank vessels , which of these valve types is most commonly used in conjunction with
hydraulically actuated controls – Butterfly valves
24. What is critical temperature of methane in degree Celsius – ( - 82.5)
25. On tank vessels equipped with the power operated cargo tank valves , the types of power
operator most commonly used is – Hydraulic
26. The valve best suited for throttling gas or liquid flow in pipeline is the – Globe valve
27. What is the boiling point at atmospheric pressure of Ammonia – (- 34 degree celsius)
28. What tanks are completely self supporting and do not form part of the ships hull structure –
independent tanks
29. Ammonia forms explosive compounds with – mercury , chlorine, iodine, bromine, calcium
silver oxide and silver hypochlorite
30. A bigger of LPG will be visible as a white cloud which is condensed water vapour from the
31. Mole pf hydrogen is – 2
32. What should your first action be on seeing someone have an accident with spillage of
liquefied gas – Sound the emergency alarm
33. A centrifugal pump should always be started against a closed or partially open discharge
valve . what is the reason for this – To minimize the pump motor load
34. If the containment pressure of LPG increase the boiling point will – increase
35. Information regarding assembly points, emergency organisation and emergency instruction
can be found in the ships muster list
36. Which of these cargoes would you be allowed to carry in type 3G (as defined by the IMO gas
code) ship – Liquid Nitrogen
37. You are discharging cargo of propane and the cargo tank pressure are falling quickly. What
would you do to maintain a steady tank pressure – request that vapour is supplied from
38. Pressure gauges on gas tanker are marked in absolute pressure or gauge pressure. Which of
these refers to absolute pressure - kPaA
39. What is the MAIN danger to be guarded against when discharging using a cargo heater with
seawater as the heating medium – Freezing of the water side of the heater.
40. What is meant when a liquid gas cargo is described as flammable – the vapour from the
cargo will burn when mixed with air and ignited.
41. Who is responsible for keeping certificates such as the Cargo Ship Safety Construction
certificate and Cargo Ship Safety Radio certificate up up date- The Master
42. If the cargo density is different from that specified by the float gauge manufacturer which of
these correction will compensate for this – Float correction
43. Which of these cargo would NOT need TOTAL segregation when carried in separate tanks on
the same ship – Propane and Butane
44. On an LNG tanker why would you carry out cargo tank spraying operations – to cool the tank
ready for loading
45. Operational which of these would you NOT use on gas pool fire- Water
46. Setters can be changed on pilot operated relief valves to increase the lifting pressure as long
as this does not exceed the MARVS what does MARVS stand for – Maximum allowable relief
valve setting
47. One of the sources of pollution from gas cargoes is the release of incondensible vapours
from the LPG consider of the reliquefaction plant.
48. If a gas is carried in a pressurized state how will this affect the temperature at which it is
carried – Can be carried warmer
49. If you changed the set point of relief valve where would you make a record of the change –
Ships log
50. Why would an inhibitor be added to a liquefied gas cargo – to stabilise an unstable or
reactive product
51. A safety management system complying with the ISM code must be in place on all gas carrier
of 500 gt and upword
52. Why is glycol added to the cooling water system of reliquefaction plant – to stop the water
53. You are gas freezing a tank LNG using a combustion type inert gas generator. After blowing
through with air , for which of these would you not need to test – hydrogen sulphide
54. A cargo tank has been gas freed from LNG and you wish to inspect it. From where would you
take sample to test for hydrocarbons – the top , bottom and levels in between
55. Which of these is not a hydrocarbon gas- Sulphur dioxide
56. On all gas ship any pipework entering or leaving the cargo tank must do so through the Top
of the tank
57. One of the main parameters to be considered in tank design for refrigerated gas cargoes is
thermal stress
58. What do you understand by the term ESD system – Emergency shut down system
59. What type of cargo would you normally carry in ship fitted with independent type B tank –
60. Colourless and odourless gases are stenched to assist in their – detection
61. On which type of cargo tank would you find a bi-metallic joint or STJ (special transition joint)
– Kvaerner moss type B
62. There are various IMO gas carrier code. What determines which code the ship must comply
with – The years of construction
63. Where would you look to find the properties and hazards of gas carried on your ship – ICS
cargo data sheet
64. In a gas tanker what should be your first action on heating the emergency alarm – go to your
emergency station
65. How would you identify roll over in a full or part full cargo tank – rapid rice in pressure
66. What is the lower flammability limit of butane in % volume hydrocarbon of propane in air –
67. Deep well pump shaft bearing are cooled and lubricated by liquid – cargo being pumped
68. The study of behaviour of matter at low temperature is called – cryogenics
69. Fixed gas detection system alarm should be activated when the vapour concentration
reaches – 5
70. A device fitted in gas vent pipeline to arrest the passage of flame into enclosed space- Flame
71. Chemical combination of flammable substance with oxygen is called – combustion
72. In an LNG carrier mixture of methane and air are avoided at all time. what is reason – Risk of
fire or explosion
73. Which cargo operation are to be recorded in cargo record book – all cargo operation
74. When cargo carried as liquid in cargo tank and not shipped in drums,comtainer, or package
what are they called as – Bulk cargo
75. Gas ship accommodation and machinery space are- gas safe
76. What is the hazards – reactivity when cargo reacts with water called – hydrate formation
77. Fire fighting technique with a pool fire is o sweep – side to side and front to back
78. The mass of vapour compared with the mass of an equal volume of air both at standard
condition of temp.and pressure is – Relative vapour density
79. All account accommodation ventilation system should be stopped or operation on closed
cycle if there is possibility of cargo vapour being drawn into accommodation space- True
80. The term “ overhall Damage” included both safety hazarda and pollution hazard – True
81. Removal of liquid from the cargo tank may cause change in inter barrier space pressure and
these should be monitored throughout the discharge
82. Changing of cargo which may involve – only gas freeing, only inerting,
83. The frequency of pressure testing ashore of BA set should at least every – 5 years
84. What is the guiding rule for limiting pressure surge on loading or discharging – stop the
cargo pump, first close ESD valve nearest to the pump, finally cloase other ESD valve
85. The ventilation of the airlock should be of the pressure type - positive
86. Why is it necessary to cool down cargo tank during bulk loading – to avoid excessive tank
87. An overdose of toxic petroleum vapour effect your sense of smell by – taking it away
88. All liquified gases produce vapours which have a relative vapour density greater than that of
– methane
89. Gas code and classification society rules requires every tank to be fitted with at least two
level gauge
90. The concentration of a hydrocarbon gas is air below which there is insufficient hydrocarbon is
called – lower flammable limit
91. What is the critical parameter to be observed for the supply of dry air to cargo tanks for
aerating operation – Due point of dry air supply
92. Which of the following is not part of an arrangement in fiber optical system to accommodate
fail safe ESD system –
93. Oxygen reduction is particularly likely in cargo tanks where – the tanks have been empty for
a long period of time
94. LPG,LNG, other gases and electrical are classified as – class B fire
95. What should cargo sample lockers be constructed of – fully resistant material
96. Removal of liquid from the cargo tank may cause change inter barrier space pressure and
these should be monitored throughout the discharge
97. Earthing and bonding minimize the dangers arising from – accumulation of electrostatic
98. Which one of these hazards does not apply to methane – danger of toxicity i.e. poisoning
99. Which of the following fuels is expected to leave a residue upon burning – coal
100. A process which is accompanied by the absorption of heat called – endothermic
101. What protective devices are fitted to the sea water supply to the deck seal , ensuring
an effective water barrier in the deck seal and preventing gas back flow in the engine room –
high water level/ overflow alarm , high deck seal temperature, low deck seal , low deck seal
102. Which of these valve will be cycled from fully open to fully close when the handle is
turned 90 degree – a butterfly valve
103. Liquefied gas spilled on the deck can cause the deck to – crack or fracture
104. Overdose of toxic petroleum vapors affect your sense of smell by – reducing it
105. A pump used to increase the discharge pressure from another pump called – booster
106. What are the drawback of using a centrifugal pump as the main cargo pump –
difficulty of constructing a pump with a high differential pressure per stage, efficiency with a
limited field , normally noy being self priming , backflow through the pump when it its
stopped difficulty of pumping high viscosity liquids
107. Which specific element plays a vital role in organic chemistry – carbon
108. What is meant when a liquid gas cargo is described as flammable – the vapors from
the cargo will burn when mixed with air and ignited
109. Prior to any cargo operation what test need to be carried out – a full function test of
all the equipment and system to be used
110. Toxicity is the ability of substance to harm living tissues quoted in term of threshold
limiting value – true
111. What is the maximum oxygen content in tank atmosphere for checking flammable
vapor with a combustible gas indicator – 8% to 10% o2
112. A centrifugal pump should always be started against a closed or partially open valve
in order to minimize the starting load
113. On an LNG taker why would you carry out cargo tank spraying operation – to cool
the tank ready for loading
114. If at sea the inert gas low pressure alarm is activated it may be necessary to conduct
– inert gas topping up operations
115. Which of these is not a hydrocarbon gas – sulphur dioxide
116. If a cargo is of low flash point it is said to be – flammable
117. Why is natural gas required to convert into liquified gas – environmental friendliness,
easy to transport, the world has enormous quantities of natural gas but much of its located
in areas far from where the gas is needed
118. What does EX p represents – pressurized
119. What types pf ships are most suitable for the shipment of smaller size cargoes of LPG
and chemical gases on short sea and near sea routes – fully pressurized ship , semi
refrigerated / semi pressurized ship , semi – pressurized / fully refrigerated ship
120. What is the critical temperature of propane in degrees Celsius – 98.8
121. How is boil off gas getting generated – evaporation, heat ingress , drop in pressure
122. Emergency means of lightning is provide when there is a blackout – both emer gen
and emer batt.
123. The heat used in evaporation is called- latent heat
124. The unit of measurement of gas is – mole
125. What is the ideal location for a cargo tank from the shell planting , in any gas tanker
type – less than 760 mm from shell planting
126. When the seller and buyer agree to free on board. what does the buyer pay – buyer
pays fright , insurance, unloading costs and end transportation
127. In the cargo tank of a moss type LNG cargo tank, where are the pumps, pipe work
and cabling secured – tubular tower inside the cargo tank
128. Which code will you refer to for the requirement LNG containment system – IGC code
129. The pressure that occurs above a vacuum is called as absolute pressure
130. What is the ideal location for the cargo tank from the bottom shell planting , for any
gas tanker type – B/15 or 2 meters whichever is less
131. Onboard an LNG tanker, what is the option available when gas burning operation is
not possible to control the cargo tank pressure onboard an LNG tanker – heat the boil off gas
and vent to atmosphere via common mast riser
132. Which of the following machinery is used for the initial pressurization of insulation
spaces – nitrogen generator
133. Onboard an LNG carrier, during loading operations, what will happen when a tank
cargo level hits 99% by volume capacity – very high level alarm initiated and ESOS is
134. Your vessel has completed loading and is ready for gauging.which of the following
should you ensure – all cargo system on the ship should be closed and the shore connection
isolated or disconnected
135. What will happen if cold LNG boil off gas vented through the mast riser – big white
plume will be produced
136. Onboard a membrane class LNG during purging cargo tanks with LNG when should
the vaporizer be shut down – after it has warned to the ambient temperature
137. Agas has to be cooled below its critical temperature to be liquefied ? choose your
comment - True
138. During the dilution method of gas replacement, where does the concentration of
existing gas drop faster – tank inlet
139. During heat transfer from one body to another, what transfer takes place – Energy
140. What is the IGC code definition for a liquefied gas – Product having a saturated
vapour pressure of 2.8 bar absolute at 37.8c/100f
141. How can gas be liquefied – by the application of pressure or by cooling
142. What does the pressurizing of insulation with nitrogen and maintaining a slightly
higher pressure than the atmospheric pressure prevent – Formation of explosive mixture
ingress of moisture and air
143. What is the consequence of ice formation in a cargo tank – possible damage to the
cargo pump during discharging
144. Why is LNG liquefied for sea transportation – it makes it more economical to
145. Which of the following statement is true for an idea gas according to Charles low if
pressure – p, volume – v, temperature – T = v = constant x T
146. Upto what temperature is methane vapour heavier than air – (- 110.5)
147. In case of heating the mercury column containing the test liquid, the level of mercury
will – decrease
148. Find the correct statement in monitoring a typical HSC performance indicator – LTF
and TRCF
149. What are typical set point values for the insulation space pressure relief valve - + 10
mbar above atmosphere pressure
150. Why should we maintain a low cargo tank pressure during the inerting operation – to
reduce mixing of inerting gas and air during displacement
151. What is the limitation of combustible gas detector of catalytic combustion type – it
cannot be used for measurement in nitrogen
152. Which of the following machinery is used for the initial pressurization of insulation
space – nitrogen generator
153. How many portable multi gas detector should be carried onboard – at least two stes
with methane gas detection capability
154. What is the type of gas detection system fitted to monitor gas content of the
insulation spaces – infrared type / sequential measurement
155. Which is the melting point temperature of the ESDS automatic fusible element
normally fitted onboard- between 98c to 104c
156. Under the pneumatic link system what will happen when the ship moved off the jetty
exceeds its safe working limits- hose- break air pressure drop ESDS alarm sounded and ESD
157. Following are means of links available onboard to connect ships ESDS except –
158. In ships ESDS an automatic electrical system which energies EDSD due to
temperature change of the sensor fitted at each tank domes and both manifold platform is
known as – automatic fusible element
159. LNG vapor explode when it is mixed with air within the flammable range 5-15% gas
160. The stationary powder post should have a minimal capacity of – 2.5kg/second
161. What is the range of expansion ratio for high expansion foams – 1000:1
162. A glass bulb under the cap of the soda acid type water extinguisher has a solution of
– dilute sulfuric acid H2SO4
163. RICE stand for – rest ice compression and elevation
164. Classification of burns and scald included the following except – fourth degree
165. Identify the correct statement from the following list, that describe the dangerous
gases emitted from a sewage tank correctly – methane and hydrogen sulfide
166. The location of electrical equipment is often classified by zone, what does zone 1
means – flammable material is present – an explosive mixture can from in normal operation
167. Quick closing valve is fitted on – fuel tank above double bottom tank
168. What would you regard as the minimum allowable o2 content of a space you wish to
enter- 20%
169. For what purpose do we have deck spray on gas carriers – the purpose of deck water
spray is to cool deck if fire & to be used for washing deck
170. During discharge vapours produced internally are in sufficient to balance the liquid
removal rate it is necessary to add vapour to the tank if discharge is to continue rate
171. Whare is the inert gas tapped which is lead to the oxygen analyzer – ar the inert gas
discharge line to the bulkhead valve
172. While commencement of loading cargo direct high pressure loading is advisable –
173. What is the purpose of reliquefaction plant in gas carrier – all of the above
174. When finishing a discharge on gas carrier it is usual to throttle in the cargo pump
discharge valve to reduce the NPSH requirement and facilities stripping of the tank when
should this not be done – when using a booster pump
175. The handle of a butterfly valve must be – parallel to the flow when in the fully open
176. What is the purpose of heat exchange in cargo- handling system – condensers &
intercoolers in a relique faction plant
177. Gassing up means replacing an inert atmosphere in a tank with the vapour from the
next cargo to a suitable level to allow cooling down & loading
178. Butadiene is incompatible with – none of the above
179. The concentration of a hydrogen gas in air below which there is insufficient
hydrocarbon support combustion is called – lower flammable limit
180. What are the factors influence the pumps suction condition – the pumps NPSH
181. One volume of water will absorb approximately 200 volume of ammonia vapour
182. Where would you look to find the properties & hazards of a gas carried on you ship –
ICS cargo data sheet
183. Some liquid gas cargoes that are unstable or reactive may be stabilized by adding an
inhibitor prior to sale and or transport
184. Which inert gas system use only gases from the ships main or auxiliary boilers – the
flue gas plant
185. What is the critical temperature of ethylene in degree Celsius – 9.9
186. What is the chemical used in driers to absorb moisture – silica gel
187. The most common valve used on LNG are – gate valve , globe valve & butterfly valve
188. High expansion foam system is suitable for fighting fires in – engine room
189. How can you determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry –
refer to the vessel certificate of inspection
190. The master is the incharge of the technical team – false
191. Polarographic cells are not sensitive to which of the following gases- carbon dioxide
192. Methanol is common – alcohol
193. What is the vapour relative density for propane – 1.55
194. Temperature control of cargoes means – applying warming up/ cooling down in a
controlled manner
195. What is span gas used for absorb liquified natural gas carrier – calibrate the gas leak
196. How is BOILOFF gas generated – evaporation, heat ingress, drop in pressure
197. What are the necessary condition that must take place for an electrical discharge to
occur – electrostatic accumulation
198. Gas ships cargo compressor room cargo tank area are – gas dangerous
199. On board LNG tanker which of these equipment is not required for gas burning –
vaccum pump
200. Which of these would you consider essential equipment to carry when working on
the deck of ship carrying ammonia – gas mask
201. What is the condition of the inert gas as it produced by the boiler or inert gas
generator – free of oxygen and clean
202. What is the main danger to be guarded against when discharging using a cargo
heater with seawater as the heating medium – freezing of water side of the heater
203. If cargo density is different from that specified by the float gauge manufacture what
will you adjust – float correction
204. It is always necessary to bring down the GEEL to the – absolute minimum
205. The vapour ,which is caught in the space over the incoming liquid during loading and
compressed is sent to the – shore tank
206. The vapour remain in a supersaturated state till the condensation process is over
207. What are the two type of insulation system used on the moss tank – flat panel
insulation and spiral generation
208. Which chapter of the IGC code refers to the summary of minimum equipment
requirement for an LNG carrier – chapter 19
209. The temperature at which the liquid starts boiling is called – boiling tepm.
210. On a membrane class LNG tanker, upon completion of cargo ,how is the remaining
liquid in the discharging arm drained – by opening one of the aft cargo tank loading valve
with ship trimmed by stern
211. Where is the suitable measuring point for monitoring the oxygen content for a cargo
tank to achieve the desired end result for its aerating operation – individual loading line
212. What happen when heat is transferred to the liquid cargo (LNG) during cargo
operation or during a voyage – it generated boil – off from the cargo
213. During the ballast voyage after discharging what is the expected change in terms of
pressure in insulation spaces – IS pressure will raise and nitrogen exhaust control valve will
open to vent
214. Onboard a membrane class LNG tanker during purging cargo tank with LNG what
should be done when a methane content of 5% by volume of CH4 is detected at the common
mast riser – exhaust gas is directed ashore or to boilers
215. Onboard LNG carrier which computer based system is used for calculating the cargo
loaded/ discharge – custody transfer system
216. Which of the following types LNG carrier propulsion system will typically have
reliquefaction plant onboard – low speed diesel
217. Onboard an LNG tanker during gas burning what is an operation available of LD
compressor is out of service during gas burning – gas burning can be continued via free flow
218. If a liquid is boiled in closed container the increase in temperature result in increase
in pressure
219. What is the quantity of heat absorbed on vaporization at normal boiling point –
latent heat
220. In case of heating the mercury column containing the test liquid the level of mercury
will decrease
221. During heat transfer from one body to another what transfer take place – energy
222. Purified natural gas is liquefied by cooling to – 161.5c. what will be the ration of
initial volume of the gas to the final volume of the liquid – 600:1
223. Saturated vapour pressure of a substance can be defined as the pressure exerted by
a saturated vapour at a specific temperature
224. There are a few component in the LNG identify one with 1-8 % presence from the
option below – ethane, propane, butane
225. You are using the displacement method for inerting cargo tanks. if mixing occurs
what will happen to the quantity of inert gas required – 3 to 5 times IG is required
226. For effective replacement of gas in tank by displacement which of these is important
-a suitable piping arrangement
227. Statement on the goals of the international safety management code and safety
management system are listed. Find one statement that captures the said goals succinctly –
these tools aid compliance with regulation as well as embed the safety culture needed to
improve safety performance
228. The result of the safety culture assessment must be used in the organization
continuous improvement program and not because – the analysis is likely to uncover area of
cost saving and thereby enhance profitability to the organization which will impact all
229. What is the typical measuring range for an oxygen analyzer – 0-25% volume in air
230. During cool down / loading of cargo what is the expected change in term of pressure
in insulation space – IS pressure will drop and nitrogen make up valve will open
231. Why is inert gas preferred over nitrogen for inerting cargo tanks – nitrogen is more
expensive and quantity required large
232. How does bringing down the dew point of cargo tank atmosphere help – prevent ice
formation in the valve and pumps
233. Onboard a membrane class LNG tanker what is the typical differential pressure
status maintained between the primary and secondary insulation space- primary IS pressure
>_ secondary IS pressure
234. Onboard a membrane class LNG tanker what is the typical gas heater outlet
temperature control set at during inerting operation using nitrogen – (-20c / 68 deg F)
235. What is the type of gas detection system fitted for space with air – catalytic
combustion type
236. Onboard a membrane class LNG tanker during operation what will be happen if a
cargo tank pressure is below or equal to 5 mbar gauge than primary insulation space
pressure – HD & LD will automatically stopped
237. What is the requirement alarm set point for monitoring insulation space – 30% LEL of
238. During inerting operation using nitrogen why is it significant to maintain gas heater
outlet temperature control at -20 c – to ensure nitrogen supply to the tank is heavier then the
air in the tank
239. Liquefied gas tankers are categorized as per the cargo carried as – LPG ships LEG
240. There are three types of gas tankers according to the carriage condition – fully
pressurized ship , semi pressurized ,fully refrigerated ship
241. The cargo area of a gas tanker which is not equipped in an approved manner to
ensure that its atmosphere is at all times maintained in safe manner is a – gas dangerous
242. A space other than a gas dangerous is known as - a gas sae space
243. Can hot work in dangerous and hazardous area be carried out during cargo ,tank
cleaning ? – no
244. Air intakes for accommodation and engine room have to be at a minimum safe
distance from ventilation outlet from – gas dangerous spaces
245. Access from a gas dangerous zone on the open weather deck to a gas safe space is
arranged through – an airlock
246. Fill in the blanks airlock doors should be self closing and there must not be any hook
or other device by which they could be held open. There should be minimum distance of at
least – 1.5 meter
247. An audible and visual alarm system gives a warning on both side of the airlock when
– more then one door is moved from the closed position
248. The gas safe and airlock spaces within the cargo area have – positive pressure
249. When the over pressure of airlock or gas safe space is lost – all electrical equipment
that is not a certified safe type should be de- energized
250. Segregation separation and airlock are fundamental to the safety of – gas tanker
251. List the dryers used with an inert gas generation on gas shpis to dry the inert gas
generated – refrigerated drier & absorption drier
252. What is the atmospheric boiling point of methane – (-161.5)
253. What is the atmospheric boiling point of propane – ( - 42.3)
254. What is the atmospheric boiling point of butane – (-0.5)
255. What is the vapour relative density of Methane – 0.554
256. What is the vapour relative density of Propane – 1.55
257. What is the vapour relative density of n Butane – 2.09
258. What is the operation carried out prior to cooling down the tank on fully refrigrrated
liquified gas carrier – gassing up
259. What is the operation carried out prior to gassing up the tank on liquid gas carrier –
260. Requirement for cargo tank entry wuth respect to tank atmosphere check of
Hydrocarbon content – Hydrocarbon content must be less than 1% LFL
261. What is the vapor relative density of chlorine – 2.49
262. What is the auto ignition temperature of ethylene oxide – 429
263. What is the auto ignition temperature of propylene oxide – 465
264. What is the critical pressure of propane in bars absolute – 42.6 bar absolute
265. What is the critical pressure on n butane in bars absolute - 38.1 bar
266. What is the critical pressure of methane in bars absolute – 44.7 bar
267. What is known as inert gas - Non flammable gases containing insufficient oxygen to
support combustion
268. What is the critical pressure of ethylene in bars absolute – 50.5 bars
269. LNG fire is classified under which class of fire – class c
270. Which fixed fire fighting system is mandatory for fire fighting on the deck of liquefied
gas carrier – Fixed DCP system
271. What to do in case the general emergency alarm sound – wear PPE, lifejacket , carry
immersion suit
272. What is critical temperature – the temperature above which a gas cannot be
liquefied by pressure alone
273. what is flammable range - a mixture of flammable gas in air whose gas percentage
is between the LFL and UFL
274. What is flash point – the lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient
vapour to form a flammable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid
275. The ships general emergency alarm is – seven or more short short blast
276. What operation is done on fully refrigerated gas carriers before loading – cooling
277. What operation is done on fully refrigerated gas carriers before gassing up after
getting out from dry dock – inerting
278. What is the chemical formula of vinyl chloride – CH2H3CI
279. Critical temperature for Propane – 96.8
280. Critical temperature of Methane – 82.5
281. Critical temperature of Ethylene – 9.9
282. Independent type B tank on gas carrier are - Completely self supporting when full or
283. The maximum allowable tank design pressure in the vapour space for independent
type A tank – 0.7 bar
284. The IDC code stipulates the secondary barrier must be able to contain tank leakage
for period of how many days – 15 days
285. What are the symptoms as asphyxiant when LPG and LNG carried as cargo – all of
the above
286. Inert gas – how is sea water supplied to the deck seal – through the deck seal pump
fitted in the engine room
287. On tank vessels which of these valves types is most commonly used in conjunction
with hydraulically actuated control – butterfly valve
288. The valve best suited for throttling gas or liquid flow in a pipeline is the – globe valve
289. What is the boiling point at atmospheric pressure of ammonia – (-34)
290. What tanks are self supporting and do not form part of the ships hull structure –
independent tank
291. Ammonia form explosive compound with – mercury ,chloride ,iodine , bromine
292. A bigger spell of LPG will be visible as a white cloud which is condensed wate vapour
from the atmosphere
293. What are the necessary condition that must take place for an electrical discharge to
occur – electrostatic accumulation
294. Gas ship cargo compressor room ,cargo tank area are – gas dangerous
295. On board LNG tanker which of these equipment is not required for gas burning –
vacuum pump
296. Which of these would you consider essential equipment to carry when working on
the deck of ship carrying ammonia – gas mask
297. What is the condition of the inert gas as it is produced by the boiler or inert gas
generator – free of oxygen and clean
298. For what reason cargo sampling is necessary in as tanker - both A & B
299. The valve best suited for throttling gas or liquid flow in a pipeline is the – globe valve
300. What is the main dander to be guarded against when discharging using a cargo
heater with sea water as the heating medium – freezing of water side of the heater
301. If cargo density is different from that specified by the float gauge manufacturer what
will you adjust – float correction
302. What is the guiding rule for limiting pressure surge during loading or discharging –
all of the above
303. Methane is
304. Outcome of complying with IGC Code are listed as below – award of international
certificate of fitness for carriage of liquified gas in bulk
305. The latent heat is termed as latent heat of vaporization in the case of - boiling
306. What is the latest propulsion solution introducing to the LNG shipping industry – low
speed diesel with a BOG requefaction plant
307. The pressure applied at the sea level is called as atmospheric pressure
308. The balancing pipeline lying between the shore tank and the ship is called as –
vapour return line
309. Why is the moss LNG cargo tank fitted with external insulation – to reduce boil off
310. What is the ideal location for a cargo tank from the shell plating, In gas tanker type
– less than 760 mm from the shell plating
311. One hundred percent Tank refers to the tank which is entirely filled with liquid
312. In the cargo tank of a moss type LNG tank where are the pump pipe work and
cabling secured – tabular tower inside the cargo tank
313. Which equipment is used to produce dry air for cargo tanks aerating operation – IG
plant on dry air production mode
314. In a low duty gas compressor the lubricating oil must not get into the LNG vapor
compressed by the LD compressor identify that arrangement correctly from the listing – the
seal gas system
315. Apart from oxygen content what other check should be carried out on the tank
atmosphere prior man entry – toxicity and combustible gas mixtures
316. Onboard a moss cargo tank LNG carrier what is the desired tank shell temperature at
equator to declare cargo tank cool down operation is completed – (-113)
317. onboard an LNG tanker ,what is the optimum methane liquid pressure to be
maintained into the vaporize inlet during forced boil off operation – 5 bar gauge / 73 psig
318. what is the medium used for inerting cargo tank – inert gas
319. pick the IEC symbol for explosion proof electrical protection – ex-d
320. a typical membrane method nitrogen generators air compressor will trip whe the
following occur except –air compressor oxygen reading 20% by volume
321. what is the main reason for a membrane class LNG tanker to retain a small quantity
of cargo during ballast passage – for cold maintenance of the cargo tanks
322. During aeration operation the cargo tank pressure is kept low, how does this help the
operation – aids the piston effect by forming a defined gas interface
323. What is the IGC code definition for a liquified gas – Product having a saturated vapor
pressure of 2.8 bar absolute at 37.8c/100
324. Saturated hydrocarbon produce – carbon dioxide
325. At what temperature will methane change from vapor to liquid at atmospheric
pressure – (-161.5c/-259F)
326. What is the process of tranfer of thermal energy from a hot body to another at a
lower temperature called – heat transfer
327. What is the critical temperature pressure of methane – (-82.5c/-116F and 44.7 bars /
646 psi )
328. There are a few components in the LNG identify one with 1-8% presence from the
options below – ethane ,propane, butane
329. You are using the displacement method for inerting cargo tanks if mixing occurs
what will happen to the quantity of inert gas requied – 3 to 5 times more IG is required
330. When can roll over happen in an LNG storage tank –when unstable strata of LNG
form within the tank
331. Which of the following statement is true for an idea gas law if pressure = P volume
=v temperature = T and c is constant = PV/T=C OR PV=CT
332. At the end of inerting and before shutting down IG generator , cargo tanks pressure
will be increased. Why – to prevent air ingress by maintaining positive pressure
333. What is the objectito ve of drying cargo tank – to reduce moisture content
334. After heating of cargo tank and prior to gasification the atmosphere in the cargo
tanks is replaced with inert gas. Why this procedure is required – to avoid the possibility of
an explosive or flammable LNG / air mixture
335. What is the limitation of a combustion gas detector of combustion type – equalize
the primary insulation space and vapor dome pressure of the affected cargo tank – it cannot
be used for measurement in methane
336. Onboard a membrane class LNG tanker what is the ideal pressure differential to be
maintained between the cargo tank and insulation spaces - IS pressure < cargo tank pressure
337. What is the normal in service operating pressure difference between the primary and
secondary insulation space – secondary IS pressure = primary IS pressure + 1 – 2 mbar
338. Onboard membrane class LNG carriers during drying operation it is important to
ensure the cargo tank pressure is above the primary insulation space pressure this is to avoid
– inward collapse of primary barrier
339. What is the temperature at which gas saturates and the water vapor present begins
to condense – dew point
340. What is typically the first action taken when there is a serious primary membrane
leak – equalize the primary insulation space and vapor dome pressures of the affected cargo
341. During inerting operation using nitrogen why is it significant to maintain gas heater
outlet temperature control at -20 c – to ensure nitrogen supply to the tank is heavier than the
air in the tank
342. What is the medium used for the initial pressurization of insulation space - nitrogen
343. During cargo tank inerting operation normally the IG is supplied via loading line and
air is expelled via vapor dome – the heavier IG is led to the bottom to displace the lighter air
in the tank
344. You are using displacement method for inerting cargo tanks if mixing occurs what
will happen to the quantity of inert gas required – 3 to 5 times more IG is required
345. Onboard a membrane class LNG tanker during drying operation what will happen if a
cargo tank pressure is below or equal to 5 mbar gauge than the primary insulation space
pressure – HD & LD will automatically stopped
346. During the ballast voyage after discharge what is the expected change in terms of
pressure in insulation space – is pressure will raise and nitrogen exhaust control valve will
open to vent
347. Which is the melting point temperature of the ESDS automatic fusible element
normally fitted onboard – between 98c to 104c
348. Which of the following is not part of an arrangement in fibre optical system to
accommodate fail safe ESDS system- optical cable protected with double layer of insulation
349. In ESDS pneumatic link system which equipment is used to sense and monitor the air
pressure in the system so that the ESDS will activate if the air pressure in system fall below
set point- pressure switch
350. The following are the communication connection integrated in the ESDS fibre system
except – 1 connection satellite telephone
351. What is the ESDS avbreviation stands for – emergency shutdown system
352. Under the pneumatic limk system what will happen when the ship moved off the
jetty exceed its safe working limit- - hose -break ,air pressure – drop ESDS alarm sounded and
ESD activated
353. In ship ESDS an automatic electrical system system which energize ESDS due to
temperature change of the sensor fitted at each tank domes and both manifold platform is
known as – automatic fusible element
354. Following are means of links available obnboard to connect ships ESDS to shore ESDS
except – Bluetooth link
355. Which of the following will not cause an activation of the ESDS- differential pressure
between primary and secondary insulation space too low
356. The guiding rules for limiting pressure surge on loading or discharging in general of
liquefied gas tank ship related to the ESD system find the correct sequence – stop the cargo
pump, clase the ESD close the other ESD

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