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Updated Judicial Notice and Proclamation

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Ee C aa S ry empire estate of morocco united states for morocco moorish national republic federal governments ‘& ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ ~~ moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem - morocco / southwest amexem - morocco / central amexem - morocco / all adjoining atlantis and al moroccan islands & ~is.Lam, ~ - updated judicial notice and proclamation - to all elected, all non-elected, and to all appointed united states republic officials, and to all appointed united states officials operating under a democracy, as opposed to operating under an organic tional republic form of government; Public Servants, and appointed Officers of Trust, etc., and to those who are operating lawfully and unlawfully on our land, for the Federal, State, City, and all other Corporate Municipal Governments; including their Personnel, their Contractors, and their other associates appointed as Corporate Entities doing business here at northwest amexem /americ: all appointed ‘Third Party Interlopers’ or Contractors, etc., concerning their fiduciary obligations, their official and unofficial oaths, and duties that are enumerated in the constitution for the united states of america, that are adopted for governance of the united states republic; to recognize all binding agreements; international law; the established supreme law of the land; and all statutory and jaw codes that are made in pursuance to the supreme law of the land, etc. January 24, 2023; Gregorian Calendar / 1442 m.c, national safe harbor program universal commercial code § 9-521 whereby nationals who file written universal commercial code liens can file universal commercial code liens in any state. see: hnttps://www.seribd.com/document/619771929/ Empire-UCC-1-Strawman-Lien - AMERICAN BAR AS ION LAL MALIK BEN-BEY / BEY AL BEN see: https://www.scribd.com/document/597065562/img-09-26-2022-U.C.C. FINANCING STATEMENT, (filed) see: https://www.scribd.com/document/599920557/img-09-27-2022-UCC-Financing-Statement-NYS-Treasury, (filedy all rise and stand; -~ and remain standing into perpetuity. this is a “sovereign living ancient article iii consular court action.” i, al malik ben bey, am the sovereign living justice. my name on the “Corporate New York State Birth Record” is Berlin Allen Smithson, and my free chosen “allodial al moroccan/moorish national appellation” is al malik ben bey. i assume that all concerned corporate agents do know that according to U.S. Supreme Court Case Law: (S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow vs. Doane’s Administrators, 3 U.S. $4; 1 LE.d. 57; 3 Dall. $4, Supreme Court of the United States 1775); it states that “The legal manifestation of this, is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc.,, eam concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them.” hen bey, do hereby rescind all signatures/autographs and fraudulent contracts made with all acting UNITED STATES CORPORATIONS, including all acting CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZENS. in reference to organic american law, all elected, all non-elected, and all appointed and acting United States Officials, Public Servants, and Officers of Trust, e., doing business as, of, and for the Federal, State, County, City, and Municipal Governments; including their Personnel, their Contractors, and their other associate Corporate Entities doing business here at north america / morocco of the far west; and to all “Third Party Interlopers’ or Contraetors, ete., concerning their fiduciary obligations, their official oaths, and their duties enumerated in the organic american constitutional republic form of government, adopted for governance of the united states republic; all binding treaties; the established law of the land; and all statutory and civil law codes of the land that are in harmony to the supreme law of the land, etc. ‘aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem north africa /aorth ameriea ‘the moroccan empite’~ continental united states: temple ofthe moon and su’: non — domestic, non ~ resident, non-subjest~being the rightful heirs and inheritors ofthe land page 1 of 5 _ updated judicial notice and proclamation Ex] c & yO all UNITED STATES CORPORATIONS, including all acting CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZENS, are obligated by the “constitutional supreme law of the land” “treaty agreements” and “international aw” to take notice of the written instruments agreed upon by the people of the union, or of a particular state as the absolute rule of action and decision for all corporate departments and officers of the government in respect to ll the points covered by it, which ‘must be in control until it shall be changed by the authority which established it, and in opposition to which any act or ordinance of any such corporate department or officer, is null and void. in other words, unenforceable. i, al malik bem bey, the natural flesh and blood divine being, do hereby proclaim, declare, and renounce for the public record, that i am not a corporate 14 amendment U.S. CITIZEN/citizen; nor am i chattel property that were previously claimed by the U.S.A. defacto government and Corporate Entities. i do hereby rebut and refute the fraud and corporate liability that were forced upon me and compelled me against my will to be responsible for the initial CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE / ARTIFICIAL PERSON / DEBTOR: [BERLIN ALLEN ‘SMITHSON / SMITHSON, BERLIN ALLEN] and the present CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE / ARTIFICIAL PERSON / DEBTOR; [AL MALIK BEN BEY / BEY, AL MALIK BEN] = [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY ARTIFICIAL PERSONS}, that are associated with the assigned [Social Security Number]. i, al malik ben bey, and all declared and proclaimed (aboriginal indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural people, etc., that are the rightful bearers of the moorish titles: al, el, bey, dey, and ali, etc.,” of northwest amexem/ america / morocco; are the executors, administrators, creditors, claimants, the living transmitting utility, and beneficiaries, in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes, of our own moorish estate. see the following document attachments posted on Scribd: |netps://www.seribd.com/document/615166236/Img-12-18-2022-upduted social security administration lien bttps://www.seribd.com/document/559412120/Document-2022-02-16-184616-Corporate-Nom-de-Guerre-War- and-Subject-Name |hetps:/iwww.scribd.com/document/621675407/updated-lien-on-the-Corporate-Nom-de-Guerre-War-and- Subject-Name bhttps://www.scribd.com/document/602202067/Img-10-22-2022-updated empire state of moroceo fiduciat ttps://www.seribd.com/document/574152095/05-15-2022- invocation for all sovereign creditor rights eredits and benefits irs {https://www.scribd.com/document/S77400149/Img06-06-2022-0001-Six-Hundred-: Moorish-Sovereign-Dollarium bttps:/www.scribd.com/document/614674225/Img-12-15-2022-updated universal sovereign gold indemnis facere affidavit “all UNITED STATES CORPORATIONS, the U.S.A. INC,, including all CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZENS, are bound by the organic “constitutional supreme law of the land,” “treaty agreements,” “international law” the “common law” and “moorish law; to respect the independence and birthrights of all declared and proclaimed (aboriginal indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural people, etc., that are the rightful bearers of the moorish titles: al, el, bey, dey, and ali, et “the U.S.A. INC., all courts of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, including CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZENS, are bankrupt and are oper a fraudulent unconstitutional manner on our land, and have no legal and/or lawfill jurisdictional powers over the natural aboriginal indigenous people that are the rightful bearers of the moorish titles: al, el, bey, dey, and ali,” and will not sit in judgment on the acts of our “sovereign living ancient article ifi consular court,” done within the same, or its own territory..." iam a bey, i am aborignal indigenous to the land, { am the law, and i am the government. my body, all land, and all ‘my personal property are always in the jurisdiction of my ancestral inherited moorish estate. i am the ereditor and the transmitting utilty to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, including all CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZENS, doing business here in “north america / northwest amexem / the north gate” and the “world.” all U.S. ‘Corporations, U.S. Citizens, Naturalized Citizens, Foreign Agents, Immigrants and American Citizens, etc., are subjects to the moorish nationals here in northwest amexem / america / morocco of the far west... ‘aboriginal and indigenous peopley documents: aorthwest amexem / north afta /morth america the moroccan empire! — continental united states: "emple ofthe moon and eur: non — domestic, non resident, non-subject~ being the righful heirs and inheritors ofthe land, page? of S_ updated judicial notice and proclamation ‘what my moorish foremothers and forefathers were, inclusive of all the aboriginal indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural people, etc., iam today without a doubt or contradiction, namely, moorish! and as a declared and proclaimed, al moroccan moorish national, i, al malik bey, and all other aboriginal indigenous moors, have, and possess the internationally recognized rights to determine our own ‘status of the state’ absent of threat, coercion, or acquiescence to any Color-of-Law, Color-of-Office, and not to be subjected to any imposed Color-of-Authority of any acting UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AGENCY, UNITED STATES CORPORATION, or CORPORATE. COMPANY CITIZEN, etc. thus, such organized communication orders are referred to as the “great seal national association of moorish affairs”. see the following document attachment posted on Serib ‘nttps://www.scribd.com/document/476183766/2020-09-18-173702-The Zodiac Constitution by C.M. Bey, 22141 of Congress, Washin; the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, all UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, and all CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZENS are operating in an unlawful unconstitutional manner, and are not within its, or its or their assumed rights and/or assumed constitutional delegated authority when violating my rights, or violating any other aboriginal indigenous, allodial al moroccan national’s birthrights at any time. all that lawful government does and provides legitimately, is in pursuit of i's duty to provide protection for private Tights which duty is a debt owed to i's ereator, which are the free moorish nation, inclusive of all the aboriginal / indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural people, etc., that are the rightful heirs of this land, and are the bearers of the moorish titles: al, el, bey, dey, and ali, ete, the “sovereign unum sanctuam and papal authority” is now with the moors, and there is no acting UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AGENCY, UNITED STATES CORPORATION, or CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZEN, U.S. Citizen/citizen, Naturalized Citizen/citizen, American Citizen/citizen, 14 Amendment Citizen ‘citizen, Immigrant(s), Foreign Agent(s), Public Official(s), f the iation, Law Enforcement Agencies, Municipal Governments, Ete., including their Personnel, their Contractors, and their other associate Corporate Entities, doing business here at northwest amexem / america, that has personal jurisdictional Powers over me, or any other allodial al moroccan moorish national at any time the Roman Curia created the concept of CORPORATIONS / corporations. so by Maxim of Law, it follows that the Roman Curia is responsible for all CORPORATIONS / corporations worldwide. in reference to Pope Francis, of the Roman Curia, concerning the Vatican’s letter, via: Attomey: Anna Von Reitz; - “Civil Orders July 4, 2014”; this letier order was sent to the former President of the UNITED STATES Corporation: Barack Hussein Obama, to be acknowledged. the “Civil Orders July 4, 2014”, was also issued to all members of the Domestic Police Forces, U.S. Marshal Service, the Provost Marshal, Members of the American Bar Association and the Armed Services. the “Civil Orders July 4, 2014” states that the only federal ageney allowed free egress on the land of the American States Republic, is the U.S, Marshal Service; and then only when their personnel are engaged in their duty to protect the (U.S. Mail) and (sworn to act as constitutional officers). all other federal agency personnel are limited ‘to unarmed service until further notice. all Federal Law Enforcement Personnel -- accept the U.S. Marshals, have no authority and/or police powers on the land jurisdiction of the continental united states of america republic. “it is uniquely fitting that “The Grand Army of the Republic” is recalled to settling this cireumstance in favor of the people.” the “Civil Orders July 4, 2014” states that any, and all corporate officers of the UNITED STATES or any successor organization(s) inheriting “federal” service contracts, who support, condone, or promote such crimes against the American States or against American State Citizens, (inclusive of all the aboriginal / indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural people, etc., that are the rightful bearers of the moorish titles: ali, el, bey, dey, and al), shall be subject to arrest and prosecution for commercial and violent crimes against humanity. all “acting foreign officials” operating as “elected” or “appointed officials” of tie United States of America (minor), who support, condone, or promote such crimes against the American States or against American State Citizens, inclusive of all the aboriginal / indigenous tribes and provinces of the natural people, etc., that are the rightful bearers ofthe moorish titles: al, el, bey, dey, and aliyete.,) shall be subject to arrest, confiscation of their assets, and deportation to Puerto Rico, Guam, (Guantanamo Bay Detention Center), or such other “states” as may be willing to receive them. all U.. CORPORATIONS and Corporate officers are fully liable for their errors and omissions. by Maxims of Law, there is no statute of limitation on fraud!

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