10 DSA Cheatsheets For Your Interview Preparation
10 DSA Cheatsheets For Your Interview Preparation
10 DSA Cheatsheets For Your Interview Preparation
DSA cheatsheets are a dime a dozen on the internet. But which ones are actually worth your
time? In this article post, we'll go over 10 of the best DSA cheatsheets out there, covering topics
like data structures, algorithms, and Dynamic Programing. So whether you're just getting started
with DSA or you're looking for a quick refresher, these cheatsheets will have you covered.
Arrays: An array is a collection of data items that are accessed by index. Arrays are often used to
represent vectors or matrices.
Linked Lists: A linked list is a collection of data items that are connected together by links.
Linked lists are often used to represent stacks or queues.
Trees: A tree is a collection of data items that are connected together by branches. Trees are
often used to represent hierarchical data such as file systems or family trees.
Hash Tables: A hash table is a collection of data items that are accessed by keys. Hash tables are
often used to represent dictionaries or sets.
Algorithms can be used for everything from sorting a list of numbers to finding the shortest path
between two points on a map. In computer science, an algorithm is considered to be efficient if it
can be executed in a reasonable amount of time and space.
There are dozens of different algorithms that you could potentially be asked about in an
interview, but there are a few that are more commonly asked than others. Below is a cheatsheet
with some of the most popular algorithms and what they’re used for:
- Sorting: Sorting algorithms are used to sort data so that it can be easily accessed or processed.
Common sorting algorithms include quicksort, heapsort, and mergesort.
- Searching: Searching algorithms are used to find specific items in a data set. Common search
algorithms include linear search and binary search.
- Graph traversal: Graph traversal algorithms are used to visit all nodes in a graph. Common
graph traversal algorithms include depth-first search and breadth-first search.
- Pathfinding: Pathfinding algorithms are used to find the shortest path between two points in a
graph. Common pathfinding algorithms include Dijkstra’s algorithm and A*.
When approaching a system design problem, it is important to first understand the requirements.
What are the goals of the system? What are the constraints? Once you have a good understanding
of the problem, you can start brainstorming possible solutions. It is often helpful to draw out
your ideas on paper or whiteboard.
There are many different architectures that can be used for designing a system. The most
common ones are client-server, peer-to-peer, and distributed systems. Each has its own benefits
and tradeoffs that need to be considered when choosing one for your design.
Systems need to be designed with scalability in mind. As the system grows, more users will be
added and more data will be processed. The system needs to be able to handle this increased load
without performance degradation. There are many factors to consider when designing for
scalability, such as caching, sharding, and replication.
Performance is another key consideration in system design. The goal is to make the system as
fast as possible while still maintaining correctness. There are many optimization techniques that
can be used to improve performance, such as caching and pre-computation.
A Behavioral Question is simply a question that asks the candidate to describe how they have
behaved in specific situations in the past. For example, a common behavioral question is "Tell
me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer."
-Problem Solving: Can the candidate identify and solve problems quickly and effectively?
-Communication: Can the candidate communicate clearly and concisely, both verbally and
-Leadership: Does the candidate demonstrate qualities such as initiative, decisiveness, and
While there are endless possibilities for behavioral questions, here are four of our favorites:
1. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer.
2. Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond to complete a project.
3. Tell me about a time when you had to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
4. Tell me about a team project where you took on a leadership role.
-Performance requirements
Below is a cheatsheet of some commonly used sorting algorithms, along with their time
complexity in both worst and best cases.
1. Linear search: This is the simplest search algorithm, and it just involves looking through a list
of items one by one until you find the target item. This can be practical if the list is short, but it
becomes very inefficient as the list gets longer.
2. Binary search: This algorithm is used on sorted lists, and it works by dividing the list in half
and searching either the left or right side depending on whether the target value is less than or
greater than the middle value. This approach is much faster than linear search, but only works if
the list is already sorted.
3. Depth-first search: This algorithm explores a tree or graph by going down each branch as far
as possible before backtracking and explore other branches. This can be helpful for finding paths
through large graphs, but might not find the shortest path if branches are very long.
4. Breadth-first search: The opposite of depth-first search, this algorithm explores a tree or graph by going
across each level before moving down to the next level. This guarantees that the shortest path will be
found, but might take longer if there are a lot of levels in the tree or graph.
3. To solve a problem using dynamic programming, you first need to identify the
subproblems within the larger problem. Each subproblem must then be solved
independently, with the results being saved so that they can be reused (“memoized”)
when needed.
4. Finally, the solutions to the subproblems are combined to give a solution to the original
A hash table is usually implemented with an array. Each element in the array is called a bucket.
The size of the array is called the capacity. The capacity is typically a power of two.
The key is hashed to an index in the array. The value is then stored at that index. To retrieve the
value, the key is hashed again and the value is retrieved from the bucket at that index.
Hash tables are efficient because they have low collision rates. That means that when two keys
are hashed to the same index, they are more likely to have different values than if they were
stored in separate buckets.
Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA) are important concepts in computer science that every
software engineer should
If you're preparing for a DSA interview, these cheatsheets will come in handy. They cover all the
essential topics you need to know, from data structures and algorithms to system design.
Bookmark this page so you can easily refer back to it during your preparation. And if you have
any questions, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Good luck!