My Dhul Hijjah Checklist 0.6
My Dhul Hijjah Checklist 0.6
My Dhul Hijjah Checklist 0.6
Prayed ___ ṣalāh from the 5 daily ṣalāh (number) Read the story of Prophet Ibrahim n
Prayed ___ of sunnah & nafl ṣalāh (number)
Prayed the adhkar after ṣalāh (tick) “There are no days on which righteous
deeds are more beloved to Allah than
Prayed ___ daily sunnah duʿās (number) these 10 days (the first 10 of Dhul Ḥijjah).”
Recited Lā ilāha illā-Allāh, Allāhu akbar and
Alḥamdu li-llāh in abundance (tick)
Prayed Durood/Salawat upon the Prophet g ___ Allāhu akbar Allāhu akbar Allāhu akbar,
times (number) lā ilāha illā-Allāh, wa-llāhu akbar,
Allāhu akbar, wa lil-lāhi-l-ḥamd.
Prayed Astaghfirullah ___ times (number) Recite the takbīrāt of tashrīq audibly after
each fard ṣalāh, starting from the Fajr of
Thought/spoke about the greatness of Allah (tick) the 9th of Dhul Ḥijjah till the ‘Asr of 13th
Dhul Ḥijjah.
Made duʿā for myself, family and the ummah (tick)
Avoided video games (tick)