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Maximizing The Last Ten Days of Ramadan

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Maximizing the last ten days of

Outline of the session

➢ Reflection/Analysis
➢ Motivation
➢ 2-Step Guide
➢ Laylatul Qadr
➢ Scheduling/Amaal to do
➢ Retaining spirituality after
➢ Analysis of days already spent
➢ Whatever goals were hoped to achieve; how much
is left
➢ Which weakness you felt even in Ramadan
➢ Anger
➢ Backbiting
➢ Lying
➢ Wasting time
➢ If due to any health concern you couldn’t do much;
be hopeful for increase in your darajaat
Motivational Quotes
➢ When the race horse knows that is
nearing the end of track; it exerts
all of its efforts to win the race. Do
not allow the race horse to be
more cleverer than you. Verily
deeds are judged by their
conclusions. So if you didn’t do well
with welcoming Ramadan, then
perhaps you will do better in
bidding it farewell 4
Motivational Quotes ➢ The Lesson lies in the perfection of
the conclusion of a thing , not in
the shortcomings of the beginning
of it
➢ Improve your performance in
what is left and you will be
forgiven for that which has already
passed. So take special care of the
time you have left because you
don’t know when your soul will be
turned over to Allah swt.
Hadith of Prophet sws
Actions are judged by their ending
◦ Two meanings
◦ Based on ending of Life
◦ Based on end of actions

2- Step Guide

◦ Tauba and duas

◦ Mujahada

Tauba; a life changing tool
◦ Remorse
◦ Leave the sin
◦ Strong intention not to go back to sin/Pledge
◦ Return any huqooq
◦ Qarz
◦ Amanat
◦ Forgiveness from people
◦ For sins that we are not able to give up in spite of
trying; make sure you keep feeling the remorse; don’t
justify the sin. Accept your weakness to Allah swt 8
◦ Exert yourself in good deeds
◦ Tool to change your life; life changing
◦ Don’t exert in such a way you compromise
huqooq of others

Laylatul Qadr
◦ Why is this special night given to us?
◦ Meaning of Qadr
◦ Azmat of this night
◦ The person who worships this night
becomes Saahib e qadr o sharf
◦ Taqdeer and hukm
◦ How to find it
◦ Akhri ashra
◦ Odd nights of akhri ashra
Laylatul Qadr ◦ Fazeelat of this night
◦ Worship of this night is better
than 1000 months=more than
83 years and 4months
◦ A person who worships this
night is forgiven
◦ Angels descend this night

Laylatul Qadr ◦ Hikmat behind not specifying the
date of Laylatul Qadr
◦ Dua taught for this night
◦ Meaning of ‘afuw
◦ It starts from maghrib and stays all
night uptil fajr

How to spend Akhri Ashra/odd nights

◦ Scheduling/Planning and Following

◦ Struggling Women/Mothers/Working women/Students make
niyyat of ibadah in all your actions
◦ Don’t compare yourself to others
◦ Staying away from sins; real meaning of taqwa

How to spend Akhri Ashra/odd nights

◦ In trying to complete our schedule , not to compromise huqooq

◦ Being good to family
◦ Staying away from social media
◦ Increase in Quality and Quantity of ibadah
◦ For odd nights start your schedule from maghrib, take breaks in

How to spend Akhri Ashra/odd nights

◦ Duas—Make as much as possible

◦ Don’t forget to make dua of night of qadr
◦ Set a peaceful time
◦ Prepare a list of targeted duas
◦ Rabbana Duas
◦ Manaajate Maqbool
◦ Aitkaaf
◦ 10 days
◦ Nafl aitkaaf however much time possible
for you 15
How to spend Akhri Ashra/odd nights
Beautify your Faraiz
◦ Hadith e qudsi
◦ Pray on time ; increases barakah
◦ Focus on wudu; miswak
◦ learn new surahs to pray in faraiz and nawafil-
increases focus
◦ sunnah recitation
◦ Fajr/zuhr (Surah Hujuraat to Surah burooj)
◦ Asr/isha (surah taariq to surah bayyinah)
◦ Maghrib (surah zilzaal to surah naas)
Long Qiyaam, Long rukooh and sajdah 16
Other than Faraiz ◦ Sunnah Moqadah
20 rakat taraweeh
h,tahhiyatul wudu
Tip: Set up a mood; wear clean
clothes present yourself and your
Other ibadah ◦ Tasbeehat (istighfar, durood)
◦ Morning/Evening duas/ zikr after salah
◦ Masnoon duas
◦ Masnoon surahs
◦ Sunnah amaal/ Sunnah attitude
◦ Studying tafseer/seerah/ahadith
◦ Dua; suhoor, iftar, after each ibadah
◦ Deen
◦ Duniya/Family/Friends/Ummah/
◦ Pandemic/sick/oppressed
More Ibadah

Staying away from all kinds of sin
Night of Eid is also a night for

Days when we cant pray ◦ Listen Quran
◦ Do zikr at every salah time
◦ Rabbana duas / spend more time
◦ Tasbeehat
◦ Heart Connection
◦ Listening Bayans/Studying
◦ Niyyat of all amaal you wish to do
◦ Niyyat to immediately make up
your fasts after Ramadan 20
Retaining spirituality after Being concerned for acceptance
Ramadan Keep schedule for Ibadah
Making up qaza fasts in shawaal
6 fasts of shawaal
Staying away from sins
Retaining the changes made during
Keeping duas in schedule
Hold tight to the noor gained in Ramadan
What to do if we fall in sin or get
demotivated after Ramadan?
Conclusion ◦ Renew your intentions
◦ Do everything with ikhlaas and
sunnah way
◦ Take care of huqooq ul ibaad
◦ My utmost intention is to get forgiven
and making my Lord Raazi with me
◦ Ask Allah swt like a child; Ramadan
mai Allah swt se maafee le kar aur
apne Rabb ko Raazi kar hi jaana hei
◦ Make duas for qabooliyat


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