Chapter 9 - MAslow
Chapter 9 - MAslow
Chapter 9 - MAslow
Chapter 9
Maslow: Holistic-Dynamic Theory
Learning Objectives
Test Items
______1. Like Harry Stack Sullivan, Maslow was the most popular
person in his high school class.
______4. People who have never experienced love are most strongly
motivated by love and belongingness needs.
______5. People who have been partially loved are most strongly
motivated by love and belongingness needs.
_____17. Maslow believed that all people have the potential for
self-actualization, but most people never achieve it.
Multiple Choice
Short Answer
1. holistic-dynamic 1. F 1. b
2. hatred 2. F 2. e
3. physiological 3. F 3. a
4. self-actualization 4. F 4. d
5. complex 5. F 5. b
6. safety 6. F 6. b
7. Neurotic 7. F 7. b
8. reputation 8. F 8. a
9. B-values 9. F 9. c
10. expressive 10. T 10. a
11. metapathology 11. F 11. b
12. earlier 12. T 12. c
13. B-values 13. F 13. c
14. B-love 14. T 14. c
15. psychopathology 15. F 15. b
16. problem 16. F 16. e
17. philosophical 17. T 17. c
18. Orientation 18. F 18. e
19. Jonah 19. F 19. d
20. Taoistic 20. F 20. b
21. intrinsic 21. a
22. d
23. d