While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a
playground. “That’s my son over there,” she said, pointing to a little boy in a red
sweater who was gliding down the slide. “He’s a fine looking boy”, the man said.
“That’s my daughter on the bike in the white dress.”
Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. “What do you say we go,
Melissa?” Melissa pleaded, “Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more
minutes.” The man nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart’s
content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his daughter. “Time
to go now?”
Again Melissa pleaded, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.” The man
smiled and said, “OK.” “My, you certainly are a patient father,” the woman
The man smiled and then said, “Her older brother Tommy was killed by a drunk
driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with
Tommy and now I’d give anything for just five more minutes with him. I’ve vowed
not to make the same mistake with Melissa. She thinks she has five more minutes to
ride her bike. The truth is, I get Five more minutes to watch her play.”
Moral: Life is all about making priorities, and family is one and only priority on top of
all other, so spend all time you can with loved ones.
The Prince and The Snake
This Short Story The Prince and The Snake is quite interesting to all the people.
Enjoy reading this story.
The kingdom of Vijaygarh had a wise and kind King. People were happy. But the
King himself was sad and worried. A devilish snake had entered his son’s body.
Neither medicine nor magic worked to cure his son.
When the Prince grew up, he thought, “It is because of me that my father worried."
And one day, he left the palace. Wandering, he came to another kingdom. He found
a desolate temple and started living there. He begged for food.
The King of that kingdom was cruel. But he had a kind and beautiful daughter. The
King was unhappy with his daughter. That girl was always ridiculing her father’s
hard work. The King thought, “She is always talking to me low of my hard work. I
must marry her to a beggar. Then she will know what hard work is."
So, when the beggar Prince came to beg for food in the Palace, the cruel King
forced him to marry his daughter. The Prince and his new bride started for the
desolate temple. On their way, they stopped to take rest. The Princess went around
in search of food, while her husband went to sleep.
When the Princess came back, she was shocked to see a snake sitting on her
husband’s mouth. On a mount nearby sat another snake. They were talking among
themselves. “Why do not you leave the body of the Prince? He is so kind and
gentle," said the snake sitting on the mound. “You too are evil! You attack passers-
by. You should not be telling me what to do," replied the snake sitting on the
mouth of the Prince.
The Princess killed both the snakes with all her courage. When her husband woke
up, she told him about the two snakes. The Prince was happy. Then he told her who
he really was. They set off to the Prince’s palace. The King was delighted to see his
son. When the King learned that the devilish snake was killed, his joy knew no
bounds. The Prince and the Princess lived happily for a long time. After few years,
the Kingdom celebrated the day on which the Royal couple gave birth to twins of
one boy and one girl.
Change Yourself and not The World
Long ago, people lived happily under the rule of a king. The people of the kingdom
were very happy as they led a very prosperous life with an abundance of wealth
and no misfortunes.
Once, the king decided to go visiting places of historical importance and pilgrim
centres at distant places. He decided to travel by foot to interact with his people.
People of distant places were very happy to have a conversation with their king.
They were proud that their king had a kind heart.
After several weeks of travel, the king returned to the palace. He was quite happy
that he had visited many pilgrim centres and witnessed his people leading a
prosperous life. However, he had one regret.
He had intolerable pain in his feet as it was his first trip by foot covering a long
distance. He complained to his ministers that the roads weren’t comfortable and
that they were very stony. He could not tolerate the pain. He said that he was very
much worried about the people who had to walk along those roads as it would be
painful for them too!
Considering all this, he ordered his servants to cover the roads in the whole country
with leather so that the people of his kingdom can walk comfortably.
The king’s ministers were stunned to hear his order as it would mean that
thousands of cows would have to be slaughtered in order to get sufficient quantity
of leather. And it would cost a huge amount of money also.
Finally, a wise man from the ministry came to the king and said that he had another
idea. The king asked what the alternative was. The minister said, “Instead of
covering the roads with leather, why don’t you just have a piece of leather cut in
appropriate shape to cover your feet?”
The king was very much surprised by his suggestion and applauded the wisdom of
the minister. He ordered a pair of leather shoes for himself and requested all his
countrymen also to wear shoes.
The moral of this story is: Instead of trying to change the world, we should try
to change ourselves.
Money Can’t Buy Everything
Nick was a 10 year old boy. He was the only son to his parents. Nick’s father was a
very busy businessman who could not spend time with his son. He came home
after Nick slept, and was off to office before Nick woke up in the morning. Nick
yearned for his father’s attention. He wanted to go outdoors and play with his
father just like his friends did.
One day, Nick was surprised to see his father at home in the evening.
“Dad, it is a big surprise to see you at home,” Nick said.
“Yes son, my meeting was cancelled. So I’m at home. But after two hours I have to
catch a flight,” his father replied.
“When will you be back?”
“Tomorrow noon.”
Nick was in deep thought for a while. Then he asked, “Dad, how much do you earn
in a year?”
Nick’s father was taken aback. He said, “My dear son, it’s a very big amount and
you won’t be able to understand it.”
“Ok dad, are you happy with the amount you earn?”
“Yes my dear. I’m very happy, and in fact I’m planning to launch our new branch
and a new business in a few months. Isn’t that great?”
“Yes, dad. I’m happy to hear that. Can I ask you one more question?”
“Yes, dear.”
“Dad, can you tell me how much you earn in a day or even half a day?”
“Nick, why are you asking this question?” Nick’s father was perplexed.
But Nick was persistent. “Please answer me. Can you please tell me how much you
earn in an hour?”
Nick’s father gave in and replied, “It will be around $ 25/- per hour.”
Nick ran to his room upstairs, and came down with his piggy bank that contained
his savings.
“Dad, I have $50 in my piggy bank. Can you spare two hours for me? I want to go
to the beach and have dinner with you tomorrow evening. Can you please mark
this in your schedule?”
Nick’s father was speechless!
Remember dear parents - The greatest gift a parent can give his child is time. Money can’t
buy everything!
Three Sons and a Bundle of Sticks
Once upon a time, an old man lived with his three sons in a village. The three sons
were hard workers. Still, they quarrelled all the time. The old man tried a lot to
unite them but he failed. Though the villagers appreciated their hard work and
efforts, they made fun of them on their fights.
Months passed by and the old man fell sick. He told his sons to stay united, but
they didn’t listen to him. So, he decided to teach them a practical lesson so that
they would forget their differences and stay united.
The old man called his sons. He told them, “I will give you a bundle of sticks.
Separate each stick and you will have to break each stick into two. The one who
breaks the sticks quickly will be rewarded more.”
The old man gave a bundle of 10 sticks to each of them and asked them to break
each stick into pieces. They broke the sticks into pieces in minutes.
And again they started to quarrel among themselves as to who came first.
The old man said, “Dear sons, the game is not over. Now I will give another
bundle of sticks to each of you. You will have to break the sticks as a bundle, not
as separate sticks.”
The sons agreed and tried to break the bundle of sticks. Though they tried their
best, they could not break the bundle. They failed to complete the task.
The old man replied, “Dear sons, See! You could easily break the single sticks into
pieces, but you were not able to break the bundle! So, if you stay united, nobody
can do any harm to you. If you quarrel every time with your brothers, anyone can
easily defeat you. I request you to stay united.”
The three sons understood the power of unity and promised their father that
whatever be the situation, they would all stay together.
Once upon a time, there lived a very cunning and mischievous fox. He used to
speak to other animals sweetly and gain their trust, before playing tricks on them.
One day the fox met a stork. He befriended the stork and acted like a very good
friend. Soon, he invited the stork to have a feast with him. The stork happily
accepted the invitation.
The day of the feast came, and the stork went to the fox’s house. To her surprise
and disappointment, the fox said that he could not make a big feast as promised,
and just offered some soup. When he brought the soup out of the kitchen, the stork
saw that it was in a shallow bowl!
The poor stork could not have any soup with its long bill, but the fox easily licked
the soup from the plate. As the stork just touched the soup with the tip of its bill,
the fox asked her, “How is the soup? Don’t you like it?”
The hungry stork replied, “Oh it is good, but my stomach is upset, and I can’t take
any more soup!”
The stork replied, “Oh dear, please don’t say sorry. I have some health problem
and cannot enjoy what you offer.”
She left the place after thanking the fox, and inviting him to her house for dinner.
The day arrived and the fox reached the stork’s place. After exchanging
pleasantries, the stork served soup for both of them, in a narrow jar with a long
neck. She was able to have the soup very easily with her long bill, but the fox
obviously could not.
After finishing hers, the stork asked the fox if he was enjoying the soup. The fox
remembered the feast he himself had given the stork, and felt very ashamed. He
stammered, “I…I’d better leave now. I have a tummy ache.”
Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a village, beside a forest. He had a big
garden that had an old apple tree and other plants, trees and beautiful flowers.
When the farmer was a little boy, he spent much of his time playing with the apple
tree. Those days, the apple tree had given the choicest of apples to him. However,
as time passed, the apple tree became old and stopped bearing fruits.
Now that the farmer was not getting any apples from the tree, he decided that the
tree was useless. Therefore, he decided to cut the tree and use its wood to make
some new furniture. He felt that since the tree was old and huge, he did not have to
cure it, and it would make great furniture. He forgot that as a boy, he had spent his
entire childhood climbing the tree and eating its apples.
Now the apple tree was home to several little animals in the neighborhood. This
included squirrels, sparrows and a huge variety of birds and insects. When the
farmer took his axe and began chopping the tree, all the little animals came rushing
They all began to plead with the farmer. They gathered round the farmer and said,
“Please don’t cut the tree. We used to play with you when you were small, under
this very tree. This is our home and we have no other place to go”.
The farmer was adamant. He raised his axe and the commotion grew.
“Please don’t chop and destroy my home and kids,” cried the squirrel.
“Please don’t chop and destroy my nest,” cried the little birds.
The farmer, however, forgot his childhood and his animal friends. He began to
chop the tree harder. All the little animals became desperate, and wanted to protect
the apple tree at any cost.
The little animals said, “We will sing for you when you are toiling away in the
fields. We will look after your little boy. He will not cry, but instead will be
entertained and happy. You will like our songs and will not feel tired.”
However, their cries for help fell on deaf ears. Despite all their requests, the farmer
continued to chop down the tree.
All of a sudden, he noticed something shiny. On inspecting it, he realized that it
was a beehive, full of honey. He took a little and put it in his mouth. The taste of
the honey woke up the little boy in him. Suddenly, the memories of his childhood
came rushing back. The honey tasted so good that he wanted more. It brought a
sense of happiness to him. He smiled and exclaimed, “This tastes amazing.”
Realizing the change in the farmer’s attitude, the little animals spoke in unison:
The bee said, “I will always provide you with sweet honey.” The squirrel said, “I
will share any amount of nuts that you want.” The birds cried, “We will sing as
many songs as you want.”
Finally, the farmer realized his folly, and put down his axe. He understood that the
tree was home to many lovely animals that provided him with so many things. He
wanted his little boy to have the childhood that he had.
The farmer realized that the apple tree was not that fruitless. The little boy in him
saved the apple tree.
He threw away the axe and said to the little creatures, “I promise that I would
never cut this tree. I have realized my mistake and you all can now live in peace
and harmony.”
The little creatures thanked the bee profusely. If the farmer had not found the
beehive, they would have been homeless by now. They continued living happily in
the old apple tree.
Moral: Each and every living thing in nature is of some use: we should not
destroy any living thing.
The Hidden Treasure
Once, there was an old man who had four sons. All four of them were very lazy.
One day, the old man fell sick and was counting his last days in bed. He worried a
lot about his sons’ future as the young men hesitated a lot to work. The sons
believed that luck would favour them.
The old man’s health deteriorated every day and he decided to talk to his sons
about their future. However, his sons did not listen to him.
Finally, the old man decided to play a trick to let his sons realize the importance of
work. He called all his sons and let them sit near him on his bed. He said that he
had a treasure box with gold coins and expensive gems for them and wanted to
share the treasure equally among the four of them.
The young men were very happy and asked where his father had placed the
treasure. The old man replied, “I cannot exactly remember the place where I have
hidden the treasure. However, the treasure box is buried in our land. I’m really not
sure about the place where I have hidden the treasure box.”
Even though the lazy young sons were happy, they were sad that the old man had
forgotten the place where the treasure was hidden. After a few days, the old man
died. The sons decided to dig the land to find the treasure box.
They worked very hard and dug their land. They could not find any treasure box in
the land. Finally, they decided to dig a spot in their land that was a bit different
from the rest of the area. The sons believed that the treasure was buried in that
spot. They dug the specific spot deeply, but got nothing but water.
A passerby who noticed the land and the water flowing from the spot talked to the
sons about farming. Upon his advice, the four sons sowed vegetable seeds, and
planted greens and flowering plants in their land. Since the land was very fertile
with abundant water, within a few weeks, it became a fertile garden with nutritious
vegetables and greens. The four sons sold the vegetables at a good price and earned
a good amount of money.
Then they realized that it was hard work that was referred to as ‘Treasure Box’ by
their father. Gradually, the four sons overcame their laziness, worked hard, earned
more money and lived happily. Moral: Hard Work Always Pays.
Health is Wealth
Once upon a time, there lived a generous and kind-hearted king. But the people weren’t
happy with their king because the king was very lazy and would not do anything other
than eating and sleeping.
He spent days and weeks and months in his bed either eating something or sleeping. The
king became a potato couch and the people started to worry about the king.
One day, the king realized that he couldn’t even move his body, not even his foot. He
became very fat and his enemies made fun of him, calling him ‘fatty king’, ‘bulky king’
The king invited expert doctors from various parts of his country and offered them
generous rewards to make him fit. Unfortunately, none could help the king gain his health
and fitness. The king spent enormous amounts of money but everything went in vain.
One fine morning, a holy man visited the country. He heard about the ill-health of the
king, and informed the minister at the palace that he could easily cure the king. Hearing
these promising words, the minister became very happy. He requested the king to meet
the holy man to get rid of his problem.
The holy man resided at a distant place. Since the king could not move his body, he asked
the minister to bring the holy man to the palace, but the holy man refused. He said that
the king had to go to him, in order to get cured.
After strenuous efforts, the king met the holy man at the latter’s residence. The holy man
complimented the king saying that he was a good ruler, and said that he would soon
regain his health. He asked the king to come for treatment the next day. He told the king
also that the king would be treated only if he came on foot to the holy man’s residence.
The King was unable to walk even a few steps on the road, but aided by his followers, he
reached the holy man’s place. Unfortunately, the holy man was not available there and
his devotee requested the king to come and meet him the next day for treatment.
This was repeated for two weeks and the king never met the holy man, and never had any
Gradually, the king realized that he felt a lot lighter, lost a considerable amount of weight
and felt more active than before. He realized the reason why the holy man asked him to
reach his place by walking.
Very soon, the king regained his health, and the people were very happy in his kingdom.
Moral of this story is Health is Wealth! Do not run after wealth without caring on your
health because if you are healthy you can always work to gain wealthy. Thank you
The Hare and the Tortoise
There once was a speedy Hare who bragged about how fast he could run. Tired of
hearing him boast, the Tortoise challenged him to a race. All the animals in the
forest gathered to watch.
The Hare ran down the road for a while and then paused to rest. He looked back at
the tortoise and cried out, "How do you expect to win this race when you are
walking along at your slow, slow pace?"
The Hare stretched himself out alongside the road and fell asleep, thinking, "There
is plenty of time to relax."
The Tortoise walked and walked, never ever stopping until he came to the finish
The animals who were watching cheered so loudly for Tortoise that they woke up
the Hare. The Hare stretched, yawned and began to run again, but it was too late.
Tortoise had already crossed the finish line.
After being defeated by the tortoise, the hare did some soul-searching. He knew
that though he had tried hard in the beginning, he was not consistent, and had
grown overconfident. He was determined to undo his mistakes, and invited tortoise
for another race. This time, the rabbit was careful to run the whole distance, and of
course, emerged the winner.
Well, after emerging the loser in the second race, the tortoise thought long and
hard. He knew that in any traditional terrain, the hare would win, if he was fast and
consistent. Therefore, he thought of a non-traditional terrain for the race. Then he
invited the rabbit for another race. This time the rabbit laughed out loud, thinking
that the tortoise was out of his head. But the tortoise insisted that there should be
another race and the terrain would be decided by the tortoise. The rabbit agreed to
the idea.
The race began. The rabbit was leading in front, with the tortoise far back trundling
along. Around half way through the race, they came across a river. The rabbit
halted on the bank of the river, wondering how to cross the river. Meanwhile, the
tortoise approached the river slowly, got in to the water, swam across, climbed up
on the other bank, ran the last few kilometers, and won the race.
Moral: when your capabilities are below par, choose a playing ground that
gives you a natural advantage.
Powerful Prayers
Kim and Ray were very close companions. They were neighbours, classmates at
school, and later, colleagues at work.
One day, they decided to go on a sea voyage to explore strange lands. They began
their voyage in a cruise ship, and travelled far and wide. However, in the course of
their trip, the weather turned very destructive. The ship was wrecked in the middle
of the ocean. Most of the passengers were killed, but Kim and Ray could swim to a
nearby island.
The island was deserted; not even a tree was there. Kim and Ray realized that they
could not survive on the island without divine intervention. They decided to pray
to God. They wanted to see whose prayer would be more powerful. Kim moved to
the eastern tip of the island, knelt down and began to pray there. Ray went to the
western tip of the island and prayed there.
Kim prayed to God to give him food to survive. Surprisingly, he got a pile of food,
fruits and vegetables on the sea shore.
After two days, he requested for a beautiful girl as his wife, as he was feeling very
lonely on the island. In a few hours, there was a ship wreck near the island and a
lone survivor; a beautiful girl. Kim married the girl.
Almost a month after the ship wreck, Kim decided to move back to his hometown.
He prayed to God to send him a ship to take him home. Sure enough, there came a
ship to take Kim and his wife home.
As the couple was about to enter the ship, Kim heard someone speak to him. It was
just a voice. “Are you going alone, leaving your companion of life here?”
Kim was surprised, “May I know who is this and whom you are referring to? I
have my wife with me!”
The voice said, “I’m the one to whom you offered your prayers, whom you
requested to save your life, and whom you requested food and shelter and of
course, a wife!”
Then Kim remembered about Ray, whom he had forgotten all this time. He was
overcome with guilt.
God said to him, “I was not answering your prayers. I was only fulfilling Ray’s
prayers. He prayed for only one thing! He said ‘Please fulfill all of Kim’s prayers’.
That was his only prayer.”
Kim was in tears and rushed to the other side of the island. He realized that he had
not even thought about his best friend Ray, and was happily enjoying his own life.
God replied, “I took him with me. The man with the golden heart should be with
me! But I will fulfill all your prayers as I promised him to do so!”
Kim was completely broken. He realized why his friend’s prayers were more
powerful. It was because Ray’s prayers were totally selfless.
The moral of this story is Selflessness is the highest form of prayer. Thank you
The Secret of Happiness
Once upon a time, there were three brothers named Samuel, Timothy and Xander,
who lived in a cottage by the woods. They were honest and hardworking. Every
day, they would venture into the forest to fell wood. Later, they would sell it in the
market where it would fetch a decent price. Thus, their life continued in this
However, the brothers were always sad and morose. Even though they lived a good
life, they were unhappy. Each one hankered for something or the other and would
pine for it.
One day, while Samuel, Timothy and Xander were returning home from the woods
carrying their bundle of logs, they saw an old haggard woman bent low with a sack
on her back. As they were kind and compassionate, the brothers immediately
approached the poor woman and offered to carry the sack all the way to her home.
She smiled and expressed her gratefulness, while replying that the sack actually
contained apples that she had collected in the forest. Samuel, Timothy and Xander
took turns in carrying the sack, and at last, when they reached the woman’s home,
they were very tired indeed.
Now, this old woman was no ordinary person and had magical powers. Pleased
with the brothers’ kind and selfless nature, she asked them whether there was
anything she could help them with, as a reward.
“We are not happy, and that has become our greatest cause of concern,” replied
Samuel. The woman asked what would make them happy. Each brother spoke of a
different thing that would please him.
“A big farm with lots of harvest would make me happy. Then I could be rich
without having to worry,” said Timothy.
“A beautiful wife would make me happy. Every day, after returning home, her
sweet little face would light me up and make me forget my sorrows,” said Xander.
“That is fine,” said the old woman, “If these things will give you happiness, you
deserve them in every respect for helping a poor helpless person like me. Go home,
and each of you shall find exactly what you have wished for.”
This took the brothers by surprise as they did not know about the woman’s powers.
Nevertheless, they took leave and returned home. But lo behold, beside their
cottage, there was a huge mansion with a doorman and other servants waiting
outside! They greeted Samuel and ushered him in. At some distance, a yellow
farmland showed itself. A ploughman came and announced that it belonged to
Timothy. Timothy gasped. Just at that moment, a beautiful maiden approached
Xander and coyly said that she was his wife. The brothers were beside themselves
with joy at this new turn of events. They thanked their lucky stars and adapted to
their new lifestyles.
The days passed and soon a year was over. The situation was however, now
different for Samuel, Timothy and Xander. Samuel had grown tired of owning the
mansion. He became lazy and did not supervise his servants into taking proper care
of the mansion. Timothy, who had built a decent house next to his farmland, found
it burdensome to plough the fields and sow seeds from time to time. Xander too,
grew used to his beautiful wife and no longer found any joy in keeping her
company. In short, all of them were unhappy again.
One day, the three of them met up and decided to visit the old woman at her home.
“That woman has magical powers which turned our dreams into reality. However,
since we are no longer happy, we must go and seek her help now. It is she who will
be able to tell us the secret to attaining happiness,” said Samuel.
When they came to the old woman, she was cooking stew in a pot. Greeting her,
each of the brothers recounted how he had turned unhappy again. “Please tell us
how we can once more be happy,” said Timothy.
“Well,” replied the old woman. “It is all in your own hands. See, when each of you
made his wish and it was granted, you were happy. However, happiness never lasts
without a very important thing – content. Earlier, since you were happy but never
really content or satisfied, boredom and misery overcame you and you became sad
again. Only if you learn to be content, can you truly enjoy the bliss of happiness.”
Samuel, Timothy and Xander realized their mistake and went back home. They
saw how lucky they were to have the gifts for which they had once craved. Samuel
felt grateful for being the owner of a mansion and began taking good care of it.
Timothy began to plough his land diligently so as to have a good harvest in time.
Xander too learnt to appreciate his pretty wife’s chores in the house and her
devotion towards him. Remembering that happiness and content went side by side,
never again did the brothers take their blessings for granted. And thus, they lived
happily ever after.
The Jackal and the Turtle
Once there was a jackal living in the forest. The jackal was roaming
in the forest for a long time but could not get any food. At last, it
saw a turtle walking nearby a lake.
The jackal told the turtle, “My dear turtle, i know you will come by
this way. That’s why i was waiting for your. Now, i am going to kill
and eat you”.
The turtle said, “Mr. Jackal, do not cheat me, how do you know that
i will come this way? You didn’t find any food and trying to makeup
the situation”.
The jackal became angry and hold the turtle. It tried to break the
shell of the turtle without any success. The shell of the turtle was
so hard that the jackal couldn’t break it.
By realizing the situation, the turtle made an idea. It told the jackal,
“Respected Jackal, please soak my shell in the water for sometime
so that it will become soft. Later you can easily brake the shell and
eat me”.
The jackal believed the words of the turtle and left the turtle in the
lake. The turtle quickly swim into the center of the lake and said
good bye to the jackal.
Generally, jackal deceive other animals with its brain. However, the
turtle fooled the jackal this time.
The moral of this story is there will be always wise person than the
The Horse and a Wolf
The horse didn’t notice the wolf and eating the grass. After a while,
it turned other side for eating and found the wolf was watching from
an attacking distance.
The horse realized, it couldn’t run faster due to heavy food in the
stomach. It was thinking of a plan to escape from the wolf. It
suddenly started to limp on the field.
The wolf came nearer to the horse and asked why it was limping.
The horse told that some thorns had pricked its hoof and it couldn’t
walk normally. It asked the wolf to help to remove the thorns.
The wolf thought of attacking the horse while pulling the thorn and
asked the horse to show its leg. The horse lifted its leg and kicked
the wolf heavily and started running immediately.
The wolf fell down long away and couldn’t run to catch the horse.
The horse thus escaped from the death.
It was a thick forest and a crow was living in its nest on top of tree.
Under the tree, a snake was also living in a pit. The crow once laid
eggs and went out for searching food. When it returned to its nest,
it found somebody ate all the eggs. The crow was very sad.
After a while, it laid eggs again. This time also somebody ate the
eggs and crow felt very sad.
Third time, the crow laid eggs. This time it was watching the eggs
carefully without going out to find out who was eating its eggs. After
a while, the snake came out from the pit and ate all the eggs. The
crow was requesting the snake to spare the eggs, however the snake
didn’t listen.
The crow was crying alone and thought of moving away from that
tree. Suddenly, it remembered its friend fox and thought of asking
some help.
The fox told the crow, “Dear friend, go to the bathing pond of the
princess of the country. She will remove her necklace before taking
bath and keep it on the bank. At that time, pick up the necklace
and drop it inside the snake’s pit under the tree”.
The crow was wondering in what way this could help. However, it
decided to follow the idea of his clever fox friend. It went to the
palace and brought the necklace when the princess takes bath. The
servants saw the crow picking up the necklace and started chasing
the crow.
The crow dropped the necklace in the snake’s pit as told by the fox.
The servants started digging the pit and the snake came out of the
pit. The servants immediately killed the snake with their sword.
They took the necklace after destroying the pit.
The crow was very happy and thanked the fox for his clever idea.
After sometime, it hatched her eggs and lived happily with her kids.
Once an old farmer lived in a village. He had four sons. They were always
quarreling with each other. The farmer tried hard to bring unity among
them but they would never listen to his advice. He was very worried about
their future.
One day, the old farmer fell sick and decided he should bring unity among
his sons. He called his sons and asked them to bring few sticks. They
brought the sticks. The farmer asked the eldest son to tie them in a bundle.
He then asked them to try their strength to break it.
Each of the sons tried to break the bundle but failed. Then the farmer
untied the bundle and gave one stick to each and asked them to break it.
Each of them was able to do it easily.
The farmer said, “Dear sons, See! You could easily break the single sticks
into pieces, but you were not able to break the bundle! So, if you stay
united, nobody can do any harm to you. If you quarrel every time with your
brothers, anyone can easily defeat you. I request you to stay united.”
The four sons understood the power of unity and promised their father that
whatever be the situation, they would all stay together.
There was a river in a small village. People use a narrow bridge built
over the river to cross it. One day a goat was crossing the bridge. He
saw another goat crossing the bridge in the opposite direction. The
bridge was so narrow that there was no space for both of them to
Both of the goats didn’t want to go back. One goat said to the other
goat “You should go back since I am stronger than you”. The other
goat denied saying it’s stronger. Both of them argued for a while.
Later, one goat put down his horns to fight to show it is stronger
than the other.
They fight furiously and both of them lost their balance and fell into
the stream below. The swift current of the stream carried them
away in deep water and both of them were drowned.
After a while another two goats came on the same bridge in opposite
direction. Both of them started quarrelling that one goat should give
way to other. This time one goat thought for a while and asked the
other goat to stop. He said “If we both fight, we will fall into the river
and be drowned. Instead I have a plan. I will lie down, and you walk
over me.”
Then the wise goat lay down on the bridge, and the other goat
walked over him. So they passed each other, and went on their
The moral of this story is Anger leads to Sorrow and Please leads to
Joy. Thank you.
The Hare and The Lion
A lion was getting fed up of hunting. He called all animals and
passed an order, "Everyday one of you should come by yourself as
my prey". All animals started to obey this order.
It was the hare's day. The hare was very sad. As he was going to
the lion's den, he came across an old well. He looked into it. It was
very deep and dangerous. He made a plan to his mind.
The lion was very angry that no animal had come that day. The
hare slowly came towards the lion. The lion roared "Why are you
late?" The hare humbly replied, "Oh my way another lion chased
me. I got away with much difficulty to give my life to you, Your
The lion was pleased with the hare. But the thought of another
lion in the jungle made him angry. The lion roared "Do you know
where he lives?" The hare replied "Yes, Sir. Please come with me".
The hare took the lion to the old well. He said "Sir, that lion lives
in this well". The lion peeped into the well. He mistook his
reflection for another lion. He roared and there was an echo. He
thought that the other lion was roaring too and jumped into the
well. That was the end of the lion. Foolish lion had been fooled by
the Hare.
Days passed by. And the harvesting season fast approached. The corns were
ripe. And everywhere people started their harvests.
The little sparrows said to their mother, "Mummy! We will have to
The mother sparrow replied, “Not so soon babies! The farmer is not ready.
One day, they heard the farmer saying "I must call my neighbours and
make them do the harvest."
The little sparrows said, “Mummy, tonight we shall fly away." The mother
said, “Not so soon babies. The farmer won’t make it." The words of the
mother came true. The neighbours did not turn up the next day.
The farmer was heard saying, "I will call my relatives and make them do the
This time also the little ones wanted to flyaway. But the mother asked them
to relax. Once again, the words of the mother came true.
Now, they heard the farmer saying "Tomorrow I will do the harvest myself'.
On hearing these words, the mother said, “Come my children. It is time for
us to leave this field".
A long, long time ago a little mouse was playing and messing
around. He was making a lot of noise and all of a sudden he woke
up the lion, the king of the animals.
“How dare you wake me up?” the lion roared, "I'm going to eat you
all up!” And with that he placed his big paw upon the mouse’s tiny
body, so that the poor frightened little mouse couldn’t move.
“Please, forgive me, oh, King of the animals! I didn’t mean to wake
you up. I was just playing! If you let me go now, maybe I can help
you one day!” the mouse squeaked.
This made the lion roar with laughter. “You? Help me? Ha ha ha.
You are so small, how could you help me?!" And with that he
changed his mind, "Alright, I will let you go, because you would be
such a tiny morsel anyway!”
A few months later the lion was prowling around, taking care of his
majestic duties, when he got caught in a trap.
He struggled to get free, but the more he tried to free himself, the
more he got tangled in the net.
Luckily, the same little mouse was passing by and saw what had
happened. The king of the animals was in trouble!
Happy to finally be able to help the lion, the mouse rushed to his
aid and started gnawing through the ropes.
“I didn’t believe you would be able to help me, but I was wrong,"
said the lion, when he was set free by the little mouse. From that
day on, the lion and the mouse became good friends .
MORAL : Everything has its own value.
The Wolf was having fish for lunch, when suddenly a tiny bone got
stuck in his throat.
First, he met a Bear. “I would give you anything if you help me take
out the bone”, the wolf said. But the Bear’s paw was too big and he
couldn’t help.
Then, the Wolf saw his friend Fox. “Please, Fox, I’m in a great pain.
If you help me take the bone out, I will give you whatever you want.”
The Fox told the Wolf to open his mouth but the bone was stuck too
deep in his throat and he couldn’t reach it.
Next, the Wolf met a Crane. “Crane, my friend, I would give you
anything if you took out the bone that is stuck in my throat.”
The Crane made the Wolf open his mouth as wide as he could and
quickly took out the bone from inside the Wolf’s throat.
... but the Wolf just grinned and said “You received your gift
already. You put your head inside a Wolf’s mouth. You are still alive
and that is the biggest gift I could give you.”
Moral: Expect no reward for serving the one who has no honor.
Staying in a company of selfish people will not do anyone any favor.
One day, while cutting a tree near a river, his axe slipped out of his
hand and fell into the river. The river was so deep, he could not
even think to retrieve it on his own. He only had one axe which was
gone into the river. He became a very worried thinking how he will
be able to earn his living now! He was very sad and prayed to the
God. He prayed sincerely so the God appeared in front of him and
asked, “What is the problem, my son?” The woodcutter explained
the problem and requested the God to get his axe back.
The God put his hand deep into the river and took out a silver axe
and asked, “Is this your axe?” The Woodcutter looked at the axe
and said “No”. So the God put his hand back deep into the water
again and showed a golden axe and asked, “Is this your axe?” The
woodcutter looked at the axe and said “No”. The God said, “Take a
look again Son, this is a very valuable golden axe, are you sure this
is not yours?” The woodcutter said, “No, It’s not mine. I can’t cut
the trees with a golden axe. It’s not useful for me”.
The God smiled and finally put his hand into the water again and
took out his iron axe and asked, “Is this your axe?” To this, the
woodcutter said, “Yes! This is mine! Thank you!” The Goddess
was very impressed with his honesty so she gave him his iron axe
and also other two axes as a reward for his honesty.
Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter. He was very poor
but he was always
honest. One hot day, he took his axe and went inside the nearby
forest in search of wood.
After searching for a long time, he found one good tree near a river
inside the forest.
“Hemm.. this tree is good. I can get lots of firewood” So, the
woodcutter started to work. ‘Swish, swoosh, swish swoosh..”‘Plop..”
Oh no! As the woodcutter was cutting the woods, his axe slipped
from his hands and fell inside the river. The river was very deep. So
he couldn't get into the water to take his axe out. He started crying.
“Oh..oh..what am I going to do?” “I have lost my precious axe. Oh
dear, oh dear..”
The woodcutter told her how his axe fell inside the water. The angel
went inside the water and after sometime came out with a golden
axe in her hands. The woodcutter refused to accept that golden axe.
The angel again went inside the water. This time she came out with
a silver axe and gave it to the woodcutter. Again the woodcutter
refused saying that his was not a silver axe. The angel dived into
the water. This time she came out with the woodcutter's iron axe.
The woodcutter happily accepted his axe and thanked the angel.
The angel was pleased with his honesty. The angel rewarded the
gold and the silver axes to that woodcutter.
Long time ago there lived a boy who was extremely lazy and poor at
the same time. He did not want to do any hard work but used to
dream of being rich one day. He got his food by begging for alms.
One morning he got a pot of milk as part of the alms. He was
extremely delighted and went home with the pot of milk. He boiled
the milk, drank some of it and put the remaining milk in a pot. He
added slight curds in the pot for converting the milk to curd. He
then lay down to sleep.
Soon he started imagining about the pot of curd while he lay asleep.
He dreamed that if he could become rich somehow all his miseries
would be gone. His thoughts turned to the pot of milk he had set to
form curd. He dreamed on; “By morning the pot of milk would set, it
would be converted to curd. I would churn the curd and make
butter from it. I would heat the butter and make ghee out of it. I will
then go to that market and sell that ghee, and make some money.
With that money i will buy a hen. The hen will lay may eggs which
will hatch and there will be many chicken. These chicken will in
turn lay hundreds of eggs and I will soon have a poultry farm of my
own.” He kept on imagining.
“I will sell all the hens of my poultry and buy some cows, and open
a milk dairy. All the town people will buy milk from me. I will be
very rich and soon I shall buy jewels. The king will buy all the
jewels from me. I will be so rich that I will be able to marry an
exceptionally beautiful girl from a rich family. Soon I will have a
handsome son. If he does any mischief I will be very angry and to
teach him a lesson, I will hit him with a big stick.”During this
dream, he involuntarily picked up the stick next to his bed and
thinking that he was beating his son, raised the stick and hit the
pot. The pot of milk broke and he awoke from his day dream.
First came the sheep. The Lion opening his mouth wide said,
“Sheep, tell me if my mouth smells bad?” The sheep thought that
the lion wanted an honest answer, so the sheep said, “Yes, Friend.
There seems to be something wrong with your breath”. This plain
speak did not go well with the lion. He pounced on the sheep,
killing it.
Then the lion called the wolf and said, “What do you think? Do I
have a bad breath?” The wolf saw what happened to the sheep. He
wanted to be very cautious in answering a question. So, the wolf
said, “Who says that Your breath is unpleasant. It’s as sweet as the
smell of roses”. When the lion heard the reply, he roared in an
anger and immediately attacked the wolf and killed it. “The
flatterer!” growled the lion.
Finally, came the turn of the fox. The lion asked him the same
question. The fox was well aware of the fate of the sheep and the
wolf. So he coughed and cleared his throat again and again and
then said, “Oh Dear Friend, for the last few days, I have been
having a very bad cold. Due to this, I can’t smell anything, pleasant
or unpleasant”.
After thinking, Sage gave a single currency coin to the king! The
king was confused and annoyed with this because what use he has
for a single coin while he is already one of the richest kings! He
curiously asked a sage, “what’s the meaning of this one coin?”
A Sage explained, “Oh Great King! I found this coin yesterday while
strolling around the streets of your capital city. But I had no use of
it. So, I had decided that I will donate it to someone needy. I strolled
around till the evening in your capital, but found no one such.
Everyone was living a happy life. It seemed that they were satisfied
with what they had. So I found no one to give this coin. But today,
the king of this state, still have the desire to gain more and not
satisfied with what he already has, I felt you were in need of this
The King realized his mistake and gave up the planned war.