Kesimpulan LM
Kesimpulan LM
Kesimpulan LM
information that needs for work. Mostly the information use English so if u can speak english
u can know more about the information without translation and u will understand well what
the information tell about . How about people that thing English is not important, try to give
them more information and also give some advice about English, is like English can make
our daily life easier, if you can speak English and understand them. You can tell them what
the benefits are of English if we use it in daily life and make them more interested about
As a teacher, English is fully used to teach students, it's not only for teaching, but also
for the work of others. change my future because now people have to speak english every day
because on social media we also use english so we have to know and understand what english
we can't follow the future and other people and if you don't improve your English, your
English will become standard and the vocabulary you know will be average, nothing new.
There are many options for you to choose from to improve your English. First is
through entertainment, I guarantee you only watch movies or listen to music, your English
will be better at least on vocab. The second is through literature, such as reading novels and
poetry. And the last thing is to find someone who can help you. and there are still other ways
for us to easily understand English is to read books about English or it can also be from our
habits, namely by listening to English songs which also make it easier for us to see the truth
of every sentence we say such as grammar and pronunciation .
Another effect is that we have a lot of friends because of course with us being able to
master English of course they will ask us so they want to study with us. Helping or
facilitating us to communicate with foreigners