TEFL (Elfi Yanti Pangku)
TEFL (Elfi Yanti Pangku)
TEFL (Elfi Yanti Pangku)
BY :
First of all, thanks to God because of the help of Him, the writer has finished to
writing the paper entitled “ Why Do We learn TEFL ? ” right in the calculated
time. The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by
Mr. Charles Setiawan Toedje. S.Pd, M.Hum as lecturer in Teaching English as a
Foreign Language lecture.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but
with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized
there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper. Because of that, the
writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of writing this
Hopefully God replies all helps and bless you all. The writer realized that this
paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. Then the writer hope the
criticism from the readers that can help to writing the perfect paper. Last but not
the least hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about
why do we learn TEFL.
Here, i would like to explain of the material about Teaching English as a Foreign
Language with the big title is why do we learn TEFL and some sub topic of it
such as english in the world today, language and comunication, and in the
First of all i want to explain that we learn TEFL because it does not play an
essential role in national or social life. English still the universal language and it
estimates vary about how many people speak english worldwide but some
believe english speakers are likely to number in the billions. English crosses
cultures, countries and industries and is often used as a ‘common tongue’ if
neither person is a native speaker. This means teaching english can be truly
rewarding because students of english have so many new opportunities and doors
open to them if they hone their skills in english.
Language allows people to communicate with great precision. The language and
communication group studies how people use language in specific discourse
contexts, to share information with others, and to persuade or otherwise affect
them. All living creatures have some ways to conveying information to others
such as use vocal noises, other physical movement or facial expression. The
human vocal noises consists of sound made by a human being using the vocal
tract, such as talking, singing, laughing, crying, screaming, etc. The human voice
frequency is specifically a part of human sound production in which the vocal
folds (vocal cords) are the primary sound source. Physical movement is the way
when human uses his/her body for gestures of many kinds and convey information
by facial expression. The difference between communication and language are
communication is what we do, what we need to do, what we try to improve.
Between humans, communication is about exchanging information, feelings,
social status, values and ect. Meanwhile, Language is a system
of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which
are used by the people of a particular country or region for talking or writing.
Both of this things are interconnected with one another.
In The Classroom