KofaxEquitracClientSetupGuide en
KofaxEquitracClientSetupGuide en
KofaxEquitracClientSetupGuide en
Date: 2020-12-09
©2020 Kofax. All rights reserved.
Kofax is a trademark of Kofax, Inc., registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or
transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Kofax.
Table of Contents
Installing Workstation Client.......................................................................................................................... 5
Installation overview........................................................................................................................... 5
System requirements..........................................................................................................................5
Visual Studio 2015 requirements....................................................................................................... 5
Workstation Client overview............................................................................................................... 6
Installing Workstation Client on Windows Clients..............................................................................7
Installing Workstation Client on a Citrix Terminal or a Remote Desktop server.................................8
Installing Workstation Client on Mac systems................................................................................... 9
Installing the Mac Client and Mac DRC..................................................................................9
Configuring the Mac Client preferences................................................................................10
Configuring printers for Mac systems................................................................................... 12
File location and ownership...................................................................................................12
Setting languages.................................................................................................................. 12
How to restart the Mac DRC service.................................................................................... 13
Silent Installation......................................................................................................................................... 14
Running Windows installer silently...................................................................................................14
Options................................................................................................................................... 15
Setting I-Queue driver defaults............................................................................................. 16
Installation example.......................................................................................................................... 16
Installing the Mac Client silently.......................................................................................................17
Installing the Windows Print Client with DRC.............................................................................................19
Upgrade Equitrac Client.............................................................................................................................. 20
Upgrading with Client installer......................................................................................................... 20
Upgrading in silent mode................................................................................................................. 20
Uninstall Client Components.......................................................................................................................21
Uninstalling the Windows client (local uninstall).............................................................................. 21
Uninstalling the Windows client (silent uninstall)............................................................................. 21
Uninstalling the Mac Client.............................................................................................................. 21
Working with Client Features...................................................................................................................... 23
Prompt for Login...............................................................................................................................23
Cost Preview.....................................................................................................................................23
Display Campus Card balance..............................................................................................24
Select account....................................................................................................................... 24
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Installing Workstation Client
Installation overview
Kofax Equitrac® provides installation wizards to guide you through the client installs. You can choose to
install Equitrac Client on a single machine or deploy it across multiple servers simultaneously.
System requirements
Workstation Client is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit installers, and is supported on the following
• Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate
• Windows 8.1 Professional/Enterprise
• Windows 10
• Citrix /Remote Desktop Services
• Mac OS 10.12 to 10.15
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 must be installed on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 prior to installing the Windows
The installer checks if the Universal CRT is installed, and if it is not found, an error message pops up,
and the installation stops. The error message displays the URL to where the Universal CRT can be
downloaded from.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
One or more Equitrac Workstation Client components can be installed on any network workstation.
Desktop Printing, Messaging Client, and Interactive Print Rules are not supported for Mac clients.
Although Equitrac Messaging Client is not supported for Mac users, the Mac Client has its own message
popup capability. The Mac popup will display Equitrac messages except those generated by Interactive
Print Rules.
• Print Assistant provides the following features:
• Rename Document Prompt– Allows users to rename their documents at print time.
• Release Key Prompt – Allows users the option to install the release key feature. This is not
compatible with Login or Billing Code prompts.
• Workstation Direct IP Printing (DRC) - Direct IP printing enables Follow-You Printing and provides
print tracking on par with DRE server-based print tracking. The Desktop Printing feature is also installed
with DRC (Document Routing Client). DRC provides the following features:
• I-Queue – A single Follow-You Printing queue where all printers are combined into a single pull
• Managed Queue – A printing mode that enables users to print to a queue using a selected vendor
specific printer driver. The print queue with the selected printer driver is automatically installed and
updated on workstation computers. Print jobs are submitted to one print queue and then released on
any MFP assigned to the Managed Queue.
• Desktop Printing - Install if supporting printing to local desktop printers.
• Network Printing - Installs the EQPrintProvider.dll which communicates with DRE on Windows print
server for print tracking. This feature is not needed with DRC Direct IP printing or when tracking local
desktop printing.
• Client Billing - Install if deploying Equitrac in an environment that will use billing codes to support a
charge-back system.
• Prompt for Login (user authentication) - Install to enable a prompt that requires users to enter their
Windows login credentials when submitting a print request.
• Cost Preview - Install on each workstation to enable a pop-up window to preview job attributes and
corresponding pricing prior to submitting the print job to the printer or queue.
• Equitrac Messaging Client - Install to enable message popups on client workstations. An alternative
to using the installer to install this feature is to copy the EQMsgClient.exe from the Tools folder on the
CAS server to each workstation, and place a shortcut in the Startup group.
• Interactive Print Rules - Enables users to interact with rules providing multiple options.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Note For Windows Servers 2012 R2, 2016 and 2019, make sure the server is up to date with the
latest service packs, or manually download and install the latest version of Windows Installer from
Note Do not install any Equitrac Client services on any computer running any Equitrac Server services.
If these services are installed on the same computer, the Equitrac Server may crash and will need to be
reinstalled. You cannot run the Repair option on the server if it crashes, a complete reinstall is required.
Before installing Workstation Client, confirm that the Windows workstation is resolving communications to
the CAS and DRE servers by hostname. On a Client machine, open a command prompt and type ’ping
hostname’ where the hostname is the name of the machine hosting the master CAS or DRE.
Note You must install Desktop Printing feature in order for several client features (Prompt for Login,
Cost Preview, Interactive Print Rules, Print Assistant, Client Billing popup and DRC) to work.
Note You can click Disc Usage to check the disk space requirements on the workstation to ensure
that enough space is available for the selected components.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
9. On the Core Accounting Server Location screen, enter the fully qualified domain name or fixed IP
address of the CAS server, and click Test Connection to validate a connection across the network,
and then click Next to continue. Otherwise just click Next without testing the CAS server.
10. On the Windows Firewall Exceptions screen, select either a manual or automatic setup method
for the firewall exceptions, and then click Next to continue.
11. Click Install to start the installation process. The installation wizard copies files, sets up services, and
creates shortcuts to the Administrative Applications.
Note If the cache directory specified for the Temporary File Location during the client installation is
on the network, the shared engine (SE) will not start. The SE runs under the system account and
you cannot give Equitrac \SYSTEM access to the share on the network. You must ensure that the
Local System account has write access into this directory. The cache directory also must reside on
the local client machine, not on the network.
12. When setup is complete, click Finish to close the installation wizard.
To install Windows Client on a Cirtix terminal or remote desktop server, do the following:
1. Confirm that each Citrix Terminal or Remote Desktop Server is resolving communications to the
CAS and DRE servers by hostname. On a Client machine, open a command prompt and type ’ping
hostname’ where the hostname is the name of the machine hosting the master CAS or DRE.
2. Close all other applications on the server prior to installing the Workstation Client.
3. Obtain the Equitrac Client software file from the Equitrac Product Download site. The Client Installer
is available as an individual 32-bit (Equitrac.Client.x86.msi) or 64-bit (Equitrac.Client.x64.msi)
installation file.
4. Obtain the required product serial number and activation code to enable the software functionality
after installation.
5. Select and run the 32-bit or 64-bit Installer file to launch the Equitrac Client Installation wizard.
6. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
7. Read and accept the Kofax End User License Agreement, and then click Next to continue.
8. Select the language for the client installation.
9. On the Custom Setup screen, select the client applications to install on the workstation, and click
10. The Client installation displays a warning that it must stop the Print Spooler service during the file
installation, which briefly disables printing on this workstation. Click Yes to continue or No to abort
the installation.
11. On the Printing Support screen select Windows printing, and click Next.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
12. Enter the CAS server name in the Accounting server field. Click Next to continue.
Note If the cache directory specified for the Temporary File Location during the client installation
is on the network, the shared engine (SE) will not start. This happens since the SE runs under
the system account and there is no way to give the Equitrac \SYSTEM access to the share on
the network. You must therefore ensure that the Local System account has write access into this
directory. The cache directory also must reside on the local client machine, not on the network.
13. When setup is complete, click Finish to close the installation wizard.
The Mac OS X Client programs require Mac OS 10.12 or higher for Equitrac 6.1. If you try to install the
Mac Client on an earlier Mac OS system (lower than Mac OS 10.12), the installation is aborted. If an
earlier version of the Mac Client is already installed on a Mac OS system lower than 10.12, an upgrade to
the latest Mac OS X Client is not supported.
Mac Client can be installed on a single workstation, or batch installed across multiple workstations using
Apple Remote Desktop (ARD).
Obtain the Equitrac_MacOSX_xxxx.zip file from the Equitrac Product Download site. The zip files
contain the MacOS X Client Installer (Equitrac_MacOSX_xxxx.pkg), and the Equitrac Print Utility
(EQPrintUtilityX.app) for setting Client Printers and Preferences.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Note When entering admin name into command line, if it has backslash “\” (i.e. nuance
\securityadmin) you must escape backslash by double slash "\\" (i.e. nuance\\securityadmin).
Note enroll_drc parameter is optional. Specify only if Mac DRC will be installed.
6. Follow the Installer prompts, and select Custom as the Installation type to install DRC.
Note By default this field is blank. If a value is not entered in this field, the Mac DRC will set the IP
address to, and the DRC will not function properly.
6. In the DRC system name section, select what identifier to use for the Mac DRC.
• IP address – the Mac computer IP address.
• Bonjour name – the Mac computer’s local network name.
• DNS hostname – the user-specified string.
Note The identifier must be stable and unique across the CAS database, and must be resolvable
from Windows, since it will be used by other system components to open the network connection
and to communicate with the Mac DRC.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Note The Ethernet port and wireless card have different IP addresses.
If using Bonjour name, then your computer’s name is appended with ".local", and any spaces are
replaced with hyphens. For example, if your computer’s name is My Computer, the its Bonjour name
would be My-Computer.local. The Bonjour name is generated by Mac OS X.
If using DNS hostname, do the following:
• Enter the hostname identifier or click Generate to populate the field. It is recommended to qualify
the DNS hostname with the network domain name. For example, computer_1.kofax.com
• Select Register with DNS server to enable the Mac client to register the specified hostname with
DNS server every 24 hours.
7. In the Login options section, do the following:
a. Select Cache login to enable the user login credentials to be cached locally, and validated
against CAS. If selected, the user is only prompted to login at the first print job, and all following
print jobs do not require a login. However, if the user’s cached credentials change (e.g. new
PIN1 or password), they will be prompted to login again. The Prompt For Login option must
be selected in order to cache the user login credentials. The user credentials are cached on the
Mac Keychain for secure password storage.
b. Select Prompt for password if you want users to enter a password at login. If selected, the
user must enter both primary and secondary user credentials.
c. In the User ID label field, enter the display name for the User ID on the login popup. For
example, enter ‘PIN1’ as the User ID label if user’s are to enter their Primary PIN as the user ID.
8. Select the Ignore ‘Command and Control’ print jobs checkbox to skip ‘control’ print jobs that are
issued by some print drivers to send commands to the printer hardware.
For example, a user prints document "Untitled” but gets two popups: one for document named
“Untitled”, and one for document named “Report Status - 16”. Report Status - 16 is a ‘control’ print
job issued by the driver. If the checkbox is selected, then the printer ignores any job named “Report
Status - 16”. Extra popups can be suppressed by filtering out ‘control’ print jobs by name.
9. Click OK to save the settings and close the Preferences window.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
eqpmon - root
eqtrans - root
Setting languages
The Mac OS allows users to set the Preferred languages list in the System Preferences. The
EQLoginController application goes through the Preferred languages list until it finds the first supported
language in the list. If no localized language is supported (or selected), it defaults to English. If the
Preferred languages list is changed in the System Preferences, then the EQLoginController must be
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
If there is an MAC Client installation problem, verify the following:
• The Name/IP displayed in the CAS Server field in the EQPrintUtilityX.app > Preferences dialog is set
to a valid CAS machine name IP, and not
• The Name/IP displayed in the CAS Server field in the EQPrintUtilityX.app > Preferences dialog can
be pinged from a MAC workstation.
• Ensure EQLoginController is version or higher. Mac DCR is not compatible with previous
versions of EQLoginController.
Silent Installation
If you plan to deploy the same Equitrac Workstation Client features across several servers, silent
installation can be used to simplify the installation process. Silent installation is handled by the Microsoft
Windows Installer by specifying options and features to install from the Equitrac install package to the
Windows installer.
If you are upgrading to Equitrac version 6.1 from an earlier version, refer to Upgrade Equitrac Client.
Note For Windows Servers 2012 R2 and 2016, make sure the server is up to date with the latest service
packs, or manually download and install the latest version of Windows Installer from www.microsoft.com.
If deploying I-Queue to multiple workstations or DREs, you need to first download the Kofax certificate
from the Equitrac Partner Portal, and then distribute it across all associated workstations and DREs before
silently installing the Workstation Client.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
To silently install the Equitrac Workstation Client, the following options must be specified.
Common – Required option for all commands. Installs the common files required for any type of install.
DocumentRename – Use this option to install the Document Rename feature that allows users to rename
Note For the DRC option, you must also select DesktopPrinting if you require a popup from one of the
other options (Client Billing, Prompt for Login, Cost Preview, ReleaseKey, DocumentRename, Interactive
Rules). Do not install on a server where DRE is installed, as they are not compatible.
EQMsg – This option displays messages in the Windows system tray via the Equitrac Message Client.
InteractiveRules – This function allows a server-based print rule to interact with the end user when running
on a Windows print server. This change does not apply to workstation rules or copy rules.
NetworkPrinting – This option tracks Windows DRE printing to Windows print servers.
ReleaseKey – Use this option to install the release key feature. This is not compatible with Login or Billing
Code prompts.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
IQUEUE_DEFAULT_PAPERSIZE – This specifies a default value for paper size. The following values can
be specified:
"1" – Letter
"9" – A4
IQUEUE_DEFAULT_COLOR – This option specifies a default value for color. The following values can be
"1" – Monochrome
"2" – Color
IQUEUE_DEFAULT_DUPLEX – This option specifies a default value for duplex. The following values can
be specified:
"1" – Simplex
Example for installing Equitrac interactively with the I-Queue defaulted to A4, color, duplex:
msiexec /i Equitrac.Client.x64.msi IQUEUE_DEFAULT_PAPERSIZE=9 IQUEUE_DEFAULT_COLOR=2
Example for installing Equitrac interactively with the I-Queue defaulted to monochrome:
msiexec /i Equitrac.Client.x64.msi IQUEUE_DEFAULT_COLOR=
Installation example
This example installs Client Billing and Cost Preview for Network DRE Windows print servers on the client
workstations. The client UI will be in English. All parameters are case-sensitive and must be typed as
msiexec /i Equitrac.Client.x64.msi CASNAME="EQU_CAS_SRV" LANGUAGE ="en"
ADDLOCAL="Common,ClientBilling,CostPreview,NetworkPrinting" /q
Note The Kofax certificate must be pre-trusted before running a silent install. If the Kofax certificate is
not already added, then a Windows security popup appears requesting that you Always trust software
from "Kofax, Inc" to add the certificate, and the silent install stops.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Note The EQPrintUtilityX.app only needs to be run on one Mac workstation to generate the
preferences files which can be pushed to all remote Macs.
This will produce the EquitracOfficePrefs file at "/Library/Application Support/Equitrac" and the
EQDRECAS.cfg file at “/Library/Application Support/Equitrac/DRE”.
3. Create an EQMacPreInstall.sh shell script as follows:
set -e
mkdir -p "/Library/Application Support/Equitrac"
chown -R root:admin "/Library/Application Support/Equitrac"
chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx,-t "/Library/Application Support/Equitrac"
# following needed only if DRC will be installed
mkdir "/Library/Application Support/Equitrac/DRE"
chown -R root:admin "/Library/Application Support/Equitrac/DRE"
chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx "/Library/Application Support/Equitrac/DRE"
4. Run sudo EQMacPreInstall.sh remotely on all workstations.
5. Using ARD, push the EquitracOfficePrefs file to remote Macs at /Library/Application Support/
Equitrac. If installing the Mac DRC, push the EQDRECAS.cfg file to remote Macs at /Library/
Application Support/Equitrac/DRE.
6. Using ARD, execute sudo NDI.SecurityConfig.sh on remote Macs with appropriate command
line parameters. This will require the NDI.SecClientConfig command line tool located in the same
“security” folder of the installer package.
Note When entering admin name into command line, if it has backslash “\” (i.e. nuance
\securityadmin) you must escape backslash by double slash "\\" (i.e. nuance\\securityadmin).
Note enroll_drc parameter is optional. Specify only if Mac DRC will be installed.
8. Follow the Installer prompts, and select Custom as the Installation type to install DRC.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
9. After installing the Mac client, do the following if you want to create printers remotely through the
shell script.
a. Enable logs on one Mac workstation and run the EQPrintUtilityX.app.
b. To enable EQPrintUtilityX logging, create text file EOPrinterUtil.log at /Library/Application
Support/Equitrac. Make sure EOPrinterUtil.log is writable by current user at Finder>File>Get
Info. Restart EQPrintUtilityX.app.
c. Open EOPrinterUtil.log and search for "[EQPrinterSetup::InstallIPPrinter] strCmd = ". This
shows the lpadmin command used to create Equitrac printers.
d. Copy the printer creation commands into the shell script and execute on remote Macs.
Installing the Windows Print Client with DRC
To install the Windows Print Client with the DRC feature installed, you must add the Kofax certificate to the
Trusted Publishers store before the Client is installed. Otherwise, a Windows Security message appears.
To add the certificate to all of the client workstations using a Group Policy object (GPO), do the following:
1. Install the Equitrac print client on a workstation.
2. Select the Always trust software from "Kofax Communications, Inc" checkbox and click Install.
3. After installation, select Start and run mmc.exe.
4. In the Microsoft Management Console select File > Add\Remove Snap-in.
5. Select Certificates from the snap-ins list, and click Add.
6. Select Computer account and click Next.
7. Leave the default setting Local computer and click Finish.
8. Click OK.
9. Navigate to Certificates (Local computer) > Trusted Published and select Certificates.
10. Right-click the Kofax certificate and click All Tasks > Export.
11. In the Certificate Export Wizard, click Next.
12. Leave the default setting DER encoded binary x.509 (.CER), and click Next.
13. Enter a file name and path, and then click Save. Alternatively, click Browse to select a file name and
14. Click Next, and then click Finish.
This certificate needs to be distributed to all of your computers that will install this software. To distribute
the certificate, do the following:
1. Open the Group Policy Editor and navigate to Computer Configuration\Windows Settings
\Security Settings\Public Key Polices.
2. Import the certificate under the Trusted Publishers Certificates.
Upgrade Equitrac Client
This section provides instructions to upgrade to Equitrac Client version 6.1 from a previous version.
Ensure that the CAS servers are upgraded before upgrading client workstations. Apply the appropriate
client license(s) within the ControlSuite Configuration Assistant prior to performing the upgrade.
msiexec /i "<path>\Equitrac.Client.x64.msi" /q
• The /i parameter specifies the name of the msi package to install
• <path> is the full path to the location where you copied the client.msi file
• /q specifies to upgrade in “quiet” mode
Uninstall Client Components
Workstation Client can be uninstalled locally through Programs and Features, or silently using a command
prompt. For Mac clients, you must run the Client installation wizard, then select Remove from the options.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
4. To remove the Mac Client from multiple workstations at one time, do the following:
a. Copy the EquitracUninstall.sh script onto each workstation via Apple Remote Desktop (ARD).
b. Run the uninstall script via ARD on each workstation.
Working with Client Features
This chapter provides installation and configuration information for several different Equitrac features that
support end-user activity:
• Prompt for Login requires users to enter their login credentials any time they submit a print job to an
Equitrac-monitored network printer.
• Cost Preview gives users a chance to preview the total cost of a print request before sending the
document to the printer.
• Release Key Prompt requires Equitrac users to assign a numeric release key value when they submit
a print request
• Rename Document allows users to type a more meaningful name for the document that others users
can use to identify the document within a secure print queue.
• I-Queue direct printer allows you to print directly to a printer (without driver installation and
authentication or Follow-You-Printing at a printer) in a simple and straightforward method without extra
steps to release print jobs.
For more information see Desktop printing and Client popup behavior.
The user credentials are authenticated against the CAS database. If the credentials pass authentication,
other popups appear (if configured), and the user can submit the print job.
Note Do not install Prompt for Login if you plan to install the Release Key Prompt (part of the Print
Assistant feature within the Equitrac Client installer). These two features are not compatible. Choose
one validation method only.
Cost Preview
Install the Cost Preview feature on a user workstation to provide the user with a print cost summary prior
to sending the document to the printer. A small pop-up window allows the users to review the costs, then
decide if they want to continue with the print job, or cancel it. The popup window provides information
about the amount of funds available to the user, giving the user the opportunity to make changes to the
print job characteristics if their funds are low. If the user has insufficient funds, Equitrac will not accept the
transaction, and the job will not be queued.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Select account
In addition to displaying the balance in CAS and Campus Card accounts, the Equitrac user can also select
which account to charge. Once the account has been selected, the job will be printed and charged to the
selected account. A requirement for both of these features is that the print queue not be configured to
hold documents for print release. If jobs are held for release then the user would have the opportunity to
select a different account at a release endpoint. Hence, this feature is not available when jobs are held for
release (i.e., not compatible with SDR, Follow-You Printing, and Release Key).
Note Campus Card account balance display and account selection are not supported on Mac.
The Release Key Prompt is part of the Print Assistant feature within the Equitrac Client installer.
Note This feature is not compatible with Prompt for Login. Do not install both Prompt for Login and
Release Key Prompt on the same user workstation.
The Rename Document Prompt is part of the Print Assistant feature within the Equitrac Client installer.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Additional steps are not required as print queues are not available in this printing mode. The user then
collects their print jobs.
Client Popup Behavior
Send To Printing is an Equitrac feature that allows users to submit print jobs on behalf of other users. For
example, a Professor may submit print jobs on behalf of students to print from any release device prior to
When enabled in Web System Manager, Send To Printing overrides client popup functionality, and the
Client Billing, Cost Preview, or Job Rename popups do not appear on the workstations. However, the user
can enable or disable the Send To printing popup prior to each print job.
Note The user cannot recall the print job once it has been sent.
Recipients of a print job can be any combination of Equitrac User Accounts, Equitrac Departments, or
Windows Active Directory Groups. Alternatively, users can enter a Release key.
Users can either type these recipients directly in the Users or lists field, or click the Add button to search
for recipients.
Note As a best practice, encourage users to select recipients from the Search dialog box. For users
and departments, these names are validated by Equitrac before populating the list. If a user types in a
recipient incorrectly, CAS notifies DRE, and the user receives an notification message that a recipient is
invalid. The print job is not added to the secure queue for any invalid recipients.
For users or departments, clicking Add brings up the Search dialog box. Users can leave the Criteria field
blank to view all users/departments within the database, or they can enter criteria to narrow the search.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
After making selections and clicking OK, the recipients are added to the Users or lists field. Recipients
selected from the Search dialog box are prefaced with a "D" for departments, or an "AD" for active
directory groups. If the user manually enters a department or Active Directory group, and does not preface
the name with an A or AD, Equitrac tries to resolve the name against the User Accounts database first,
then against departments, then against the Active Directory Groups list.
In cases where departments and Active Directory Groups have the same name, the user must enter the
correct prefix. Otherwise, the department name is used to determine the recipients.
If the user clicks Add Groups, the Select Groups dialog box opens. The user can choose the Object Types
or locations to search, or just type a group name in the Enter field, then click Check Names to verify the
name against the list of available Windows Active Directory Groups.
Release Keys
Release keys are Equitrac features that must be enabled on the DRE print server in Web System
Manager > System Configuration > Global Configuration Settings User Interaction > Session Flow
to support the release key option. Users can assign a release key to a print job and allow other users to
walk up to any release device, and print any jobs in the queue that were submitted using that release key.
Printing costs
The originating user can set the Printing Costs before they submit the Send To printing job:
• Charge normal costs to recipient: Applies the system price lists, if configured. See Creating Price
Lists in Kofax Equitrac® Administration Help file for details.
• Charge fixed cost to recipient: Overrides the system price lists and charges a specified fixed price
instead. This charge is applied to each recipient. If the “Reprice after release” feature is enabled, the
job may be repriced if the job properties change upon release. See Departmental Pricing in Kofax
Equitrac® Administration Help file for details.
• Accept all costs for this job: The originating user accepts the costs for the print job. The system price
lists are applied and their account balance are validated when they click OK to submit the Send To
printing job.
Job settings
The originating user can replace the current document name with any name of their choosing. This name
appears in the control terminal queue. The originating user can also override the default job expiry time.
By default, Send To printing jobs remain in the secure queue for one hour. However, Administrators can
change this default within the System Configuration, and originating users can enter any job expiry time
they deem fit. The print job remains in the secure queue for this length of time, requiring enough disk
space to store the jobs until they are either released or expired.
Client Billing on a Workstation
If you are printing from a workstation hosting the Client Billing service, you receive a billing code popup
when you send a print request to a network or local printer. You must respond to this popup before your
print request can proceed.
Depending on the Client Billing configuration, you may have to complete other required fields before the
print request can proceed.
Note If the Required field checkbox is selected and Validate billing codes when CAS available is set
to NO in the billing codes Session Flow dialog box, then users can either select a code from the list or
enter a new code.
Select or clear the Billable checkbox as required to specify whether the job is billable or non-billable.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
This capability allows the user to batch print a series of jobs and only be prompted once for a billing code.
When the selected time period ends, the billing code popup behavior returns to the "enabled" state.
You can right-click the tool tray icon in the Windows task tray, and click Suppress Popup to quickly turn
On or Off the billing code prompt without opening the Equitrac User Client Settings dialog box.
You can find the utility in Program Files\Nuance\Equitrac\Tools folder on the machine where CAS is
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Note This feature is supported on user workstations that are authenticated on Windows Servers only.
This feature does not work when workstations are authenticated under UNIX DRE Print Servers.
Note Account limits must be enforced in order for the account balance to display in the Equitrac
Account Monitor. See Account Charging and Limits in the Kofax Equitrac® Administration Help file
for details.
Message Client Setup
The Equitrac Message Client is a messaging service included with the client install which displays print
error popup messages on the user’s workstation. By default, when an error message is sent to the user’s
workstation, a small popup appears on the bottom right hand corner of the screen indicating a print error
has occurred. The user clicks the popup to open the Equitrac Message Client window to see the complete
The messaging application can be configured to bypass the small popup, and immediately open the
Message Client window by configuring the Windows registry. The Message Client can also be configured
to display as the topmost window, to generate trace logs, and to remain active in the system tray.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Desktop Printing
Desktop printing tracks the use of local printers connected to a user workstation. These printers are not
controlled by a DRE print server. A user may attach a device directly to their user workstation via an LPT
or USB connection, rather than print through an Equitrac print server or the workstation direct IP printing
feature in the Equitrac Client Workstation. Equitrac groups these devices as Workstation devices.
Charging for color attributes is also possible but depends upon the properties of the printing application
and the printer driver. If the application and print driver do not differentiate between color and
monochrome pages, color attribute charges for desktop print jobs will not be accurate.
Desktop printing is often deployed when you need to track print volume for users who require private
printers. For example, legal documents, accounting documents, or HR documents are often proprietary
and should not be left unattended on a printer. You can install the Desktop printing feature per device,
limiting access and applying specialized pricing scenarios. You can also create special rules that
determine the types of jobs that can print to these devices.
Interactive Print Rules
Interactive print rules are server-based print rules designed to interact with the user when running on a
Windows print server. Interactive print rules appear different according to the rule you have chosen. see
Creating Print Rules in the Kofax Equitrac® Administration Help file to set up Interactive print rules.
Note The redirect rule does not show unless there is at least one available print queue..
Note Clicking No directs the job to the original printer. Clicking Cancel cancels the print job. Users
may get a deny, redirect or hold message asking them to select Yes or No.
Once routed, a message pops up confirming the print job has been redirected to the selected MFP.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
Note For all rule types, a rule-specific timeout is applied; if the user does not make a selection within
the timeout period, the processing continues as if the user had selected Yes and accepted the routing
Using the Mac Client
When you install the Mac client, Equitrac can track printing from Mac workstations. You can configure the
Mac Client to prompt for a billing code at print time, which can be useful to you if you want to charge your
printing to projects or outside clients, or rename a document at print time to a unique, recognizable job
Since Equitrac does not support AppleTalk, some printer properties, such as stapling, may not be
available when printing to an Equitrac printer. The printer properties affected depend upon the Mac
operating system version in use. You must verify which properties, if any, are affected.
Logging in to Equitrac
When you make a print request from a Mac workstation, you must log on to the Equitrac system. Equitrac
must validate your User ID and password before it sends the print request to the printer.
The login information stays with Equitrac until the session expiry time is exceeded. If you make another
print request before the login timeout expires, you do not have to enter information in the login dialog box
Note If your Windows credentials originate from a different domain than the core accounting server, you
must enter the domain with your user ID in the format: domain\userID.
Note Depending on the logon timeout configuration, the logon dialog box may not appear every time you
Depending on how the Mac client is configured, you can choose one of the following options.
• Enter a code in the Billing Code text box. If you enable arbitrary codes, you can either select a code
from the list, or enter a new code.
• Select an available billing code from the list. The list displays the last 20 codes used. You can also
browse the list of all available codes by clicking Browse All. The list of available codes is defined by
your administrator. If arbitrary codes are not allowed, you must select a code from the list.
• Assign the print job to your own printing account by selecting None.
Kofax Equitrac Client Installation Guide
• Identify the print job as non-billable by clearing the Billable box. The application still charges non-
billable jobs against the billing code account, but reports them separately from billable jobs in the
Equitrac reporting feature.
After you make a selection in this dialog box, click OK. Equitrac charges the print job to the code or to the
user’s printing account, as specified.
If you click Cancel in this dialog box, Equitrac cancels the print job.
If you make another print request after you have logged out, provide your User ID and password again.