MTC Er70s 2
MTC Er70s 2
MTC Er70s 2
voestalpine Bohler Welding Asia Pacific voestal pine Bohler Weld ing Asia Pacifi c
Kawasan lndustri Jababeka Cikarang
Jl lndustri Selatan 2 Blok JJ NO. 7-10
17530 Bekasi
T .. 6221893 7572, F. +6221893 7518
c Si Mn p s Cr Mo Ni v Cu Ti Al Zr
0,04 0,46 1,07 0,015 0, 006 0,03 < 0,01 0,0 1 < 0,01 0,02 0,07 0,08 < 0,01
-30'C 47 AW
The product BOHLER S ER70S-2 meets the requirements of the filler metal specification ASME sec II , part C, AWS A5 .1 8/
SFA5.18: ER70S-2 when tested in accordance with that specification.