Astm E797
Astm E797
Astm E797
Designation: E 797 – 05
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTE 1—Slope of velocity conversion line is approximately that of steel.
FIG. 1 Transit Time/Thickness Relationship
other presentation. A relationship of transit time versus thick- 6.1.1 Flaw detectors with A-scan display readouts display
ness is shown graphically in Fig. 1. time/amplitude information. Thickness determinations are
made by reading the distance between the zero-corrected initial
5. Significance and Use pulse and first-returned echo (back reflection), or between
5.1 The techniques described provide indirect measurement multiple-back reflection echoes, on a standardized base line of
of thickness of sections of materials not exceeding tempera- the A-scan display. The base line of the A-scan display should
tures of 200°F [93°C]. Measurements are made from one side be adjusted for the desired thickness increments.
of the object, without requiring access to the rear surface. 6.1.2 Flaw detectors with numeric readout are a combina-
5.2 Ultrasonic thickness measurements are used extensively tion pulse ultrasound flaw detection instrument with an A-scan
on basic shapes and products of many materials, on precision display and additional circuitry that provides digital thickness
machined parts, and to determine wall thinning in process information. The material thickness can be electronically
equipment caused by corrosion and erosion. measured and presented on a digital readout. The A-scan
5.3 Recommendations for determining the capabilities and display provides a check on the validity of the electronic
limitations of ultrasonic thickness gages for specific applica- measurement by revealing measurement variables, such as
tions can be found in the cited references.5,6 internal discontinuities, or echo-strength variations, which
might result in inaccurate readings.
6. Apparatus 6.1.3 Thickness readout instruments are modified versions
6.1 Instruments—Thickness-measurement instruments are of the pulse-echo instrument. The elapsed time between the
divided into three groups: (1) Flaw detectors with an A-scan initial pulse and the first echo or between multiple echoes is
display readout, (2) Flaw detectors with an A-scan display and converted into a meter or digital readout. The instruments are
direct thickness readout, and (3) Direct thickness readout. designed for measurement and direct numerical readout of
specific ranges of thickness and materials.
6.2 Search Units—Most pulse-echo type search units
Bosselaar, H., and Goosens, J.C.J., “Method to Evaluate Direct-Reading (straight-beam contact, delay line, and dual element) are
Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Thickness Meters,” Materials Evaluation, March 1971, pp. applicable if flaw detector instruments are used. If a thickness
6 readout instrument has the capability to read thin sections, a
Fowler, K.A., Elfbaum, G.M., Husarek, V., and Castel, J., “Applications of
Precision Ultrasonic Thickness Gaging,” Proceedings of the Eighth World Confer- highly damped, high-frequency search unit is generally used.
ence on Nondestructive Testing, Cannes, France, Sept. 6–11, 1976, Paper 3F.5. High-frequency (10 MHz or higher) delay line search units are
(a) Proportional sound path increases with decrease in thickness.
generally required for thicknesses less than about 0.6 mm 7. Standardization of Apparatus
[0.025 in.]. Measurements of materials at high temperatures
7.1 Case I—Direct Contact, Single-Element Search Unit:
require search units specially designed for the application.
When dual element search units are used, their inherent 7.1.1 Conditions—The display start is synchronized to the
nonlinearity usually requires special corrections for thin sec- initial pulse. All display elements are linear. Full thickness is
tions. (See Fig. 2.) For optimum performance, it is often displayed on the A-scan display.
necessary that the instrument and search units be matched. 7.1.2 Under these conditions, we can assume that the
6.3 Standardization Blocks—The general requirements for velocity conversion line effectively pivots about the origin
appropriate standardization blocks are given in 4.4, 7.1.3, (Fig. 1). It may be necessary to subtract the wear-plate time,, 7.3.2, and 7.4.3. Multi-step blocks that may be useful requiring minor use of delay control. It is recommended that
for these standardization procedures are described in Appendix
X1 (Figs. X1.1 and X1.2).
7.2 Case II—Delay Line Single-Element Search Unit: Note that it will be substantially in error at thicker measure-
7.2.1 Conditions—When using this search unit, it is neces- ments.
sary that the equipment be capable of correcting for the time 7.3.3 If a wide range of thicknesses is to be measured, it
during which the sound passes through the delay line so that may be more suitable to standardize as in Case II using
the end of the delay can be made to coincide with zero standardization blocks at the high end of the range and perhaps
thickness. This requires a so-called “delay” control in the halfway toward the low end. Following this, empirical correc-
instrument or automatic electronic sensing of zero thickness. tions can be established for the very thin end of the range.
7.2.2 In most instruments, if the material standardize circuit 7.3.4 For a direct-reading panel-type meter display, it is
was previously adjusted for a given material velocity, the delay convenient to build these corrections into the display as a
control should be adjusted until a correct thickness reading is nonlinear function.
obtained on the instrument. However, if the instrument must be 7.4 Case IV—Thick Sections:
completely standardized with the delay line search unit, the 7.4.1 Conditions—For use when a high degree of accuracy
following technique is recommended: is required for thick sections.
7.4.2 Direct contact search unit and initial pulse synchroni- Use at least two standardization blocks. One should
zation are used. The display start is delayed as described in
have a thickness near the maximum of the range to be
7.4.4. All display elements should be linear. Incremental
measured and the other block near the minimum thickness. For
thickness is displayed on the A-scan display.
convenience, it is desirable that the thickness should be “round
7.4.3 Basic standardization of the sweep will be made as
numbers” so that the difference between them also has a
described in Case I. The standardization block chosen for this
convenient “round number” value.
standardization should have a thickness that will permit stan- Place the search unit sequentially on one and then dardizing the full-sweep distance to adequate accuracy, that is,
the other block, and obtain both readings. The difference about 10 mm [0.4 in.] or 25 mm [1.0 in.] full scale.
between these two readings should be calculated. If the reading 7.4.4 After basic standardization, the sweep must be de-
thickness difference is less than the actual thickness difference, layed. For instance, if the nominal part thickness is expected to
place the search unit on the thicker specimen, and adjust the be from 50 to 60 mm [2.0 to 2.4 in.], and the basic standard-
material standardize control to expand the thickness range. If ization block is 10 mm [0.4 in.], and the incremental thickness
the reading thickness difference is greater than the actual displayed will also be from 50 to 60 mm [2.0 to 2.4 in.], the
thickness difference, place the search unit on the thicker following steps are required. Adjust the delay control so that
specimen, and adjust the material standardize control to de- the fifth back echo of the basic standardization block, equiva-
crease the thickness range. A certain amount of over correction lent to 50 mm [2.0 in.], is aligned with the 0 reference on the
is usually recommended. Reposition the search unit sequen- A-scan display. The sixth back echo should then occur at the
tially on both blocks, and note the reading differences while right edge of the standardized sweep.
making additional appropriate corrections. When the reading 7.4.5 This standardization can be checked on a known block
thickness differential equals the actual thickness differential, of the approximate total thickness.
the material thickness range is correctly adjusted. A single 7.4.6 The reading obtained on the unknown specimen must
adjustment of the delay control should then permit correct be added to the value delayed off screen. For example, if the
readings at both the high and low end of the thickness range. reading is 4 mm [0.16 in.], the total thickness will be 54 mm
7.2.3 An alternative technique for delay line search units is [2.16 in.].
a variation of that described in 7.2.2. A series of sequential
adjustments are made, using the “delay” control to provide 8. Technical Hazards
correct readings on the thinner standardization block and the 8.1 Dual search units may also be used effectively with
“range” control to correct the readings on the thicker block. rough surface conditions. In this case, only the first returned
Moderate over-correction is sometimes useful. When both echo, such as from the bottom of a pit, is used in the
readings are “correct” the instrument is adjusted properly. measurement. Generally, a localized scanning search is made
7.3 Case III—Dual Search Units: to detect the minimum remaining wall.
7.3.1 The method described in 7.2 (Case II) is also suitable 8.2 Material Properties—The instrument should be stan-
for equipment using dual search units in the thicker ranges, dardized on a material having the same acoustic velocity and
above 3 mm [0.125 in.]. However, below those values there is attenuation as the material to be measured. Where possible,
reduced by 8 %. This correction is an average one for many Scanning parameters.
types of steel. Other corrections would have to be determined 9.1.7 Report.
empirically for other materials. Procedure used.
8.6 Instrument—Time-base linearity is required so that a Standardization record.
change in the thickness of material will produce a correspond- Measurement record.
ing change of indicated thickness. If a CRT is used as a
10. Report
readout, its horizontal linearity can be checked by using
Practice E 317. 10.1 Record the following information at the time of the
measurements and include it in the report:
8.7 Back Reflection Wavetrain—Direct-thickness readout
10.1.1 Examination procedure.
instruments read the thickness at the first half cycle of the Type of instrument.
wavetrain that exceeds a set amplitude and a fixed time. If the Standardization blocks, size and material type.
amplitude of the back reflection from the measured material is Size, frequency, and type of search unit.
different from the amplitude of the back reflection from the Scanning method.
standardization blocks, the thickness readout may read to a
10.1.2 Results.
different half cycle in the wavetrain, thereby producing an Maximum and minimum thickness measurements.
error. This may be reduced by: Location of measurements.
8.7.1 Using standardization blocks having attenuation char- 10.1.3 Personnel data, certification level.
acteristics equal to those in the measured material or adjusting
back reflection amplitude to be equal for both the standardizing 11. Keywords
blocks and measured material. 11.1 contact examination; nondestructive testing; pulse-
8.7.2 Using an instrument with automatic gain control to echo; thickness measurement; ultrasonics
produce a constant amplitude back reflection.
(Nonmandatory Information)
U.S. Customary Block, in. Metric Block 5A, mm Metric Block 5B, mm
Legend Dimension Tolerance Dimension Tolerance Dimension Tolerance
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