Contoil VZF II
Contoil VZF II
Contoil VZF II
Fuel Management has been of the hottest topics for many years now, as registration of Fuel Con-
sumption is required for environmental and efficiency purposes. The new CONTOIL® VZF II flow
meters with integrated temperature sensor, provides for temperature compensated flowrate and
calculated MASS-FLOW.
Features Benefits
nnIntegrated temperature sensor nnMultiple signals
nnMass & Massflow calculation nnCompareable to Coriolis meter
nnOptional linearization nnIncreased full range accuracy
nnVolume compensation nnEasier cable connection
nn“Auto” detection of medium change
VD 4-412 e 08.2017
Type VZF(A) II
Nominal diameter DN mm 15 20 25 40 50
inch 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2
Installation length mm 165 165 190 300 350
Nominal pressure:
- threaded ends PN bar 16 16 16 16 16
- flanges PN bar 25 25 25 25 25
Max. medium temperature Tmax °C 130, 180
Maximum flow rate Qmax 1) l/h 600 1500 3000 9000 30000
Continuous flow rate Qcont 1) l/h 400 1000 2000 6000 20000
Minimum flow rate Qmin l/h 20 40 75 225 750
Approx. starting flow rate l/h 4 12 30 90 300
Max. permissible error <±1 %, (A) ±0.5 % of actual value
Repeatability ±0.2 %, (A) ±0.1 %
Measuring chamber volume approx. cm3 12 36 100 330 1200
Safety filter mesh size mm 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.800 0.800
Dirt filter max. mesh size mm 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.250 0.250
Housing finish enameled red RAL 3013
Weight with:
- threaded ends 2) approx. kg 2.2 2.5 4.2 17.3 -
- flanges PN 25 approx. kg 3.8 4.5 7.5 20.3 41.0
Smallest readable amount
Total volume l, m3, G Up to 3 decimal places (dynamic)
Total mass kg, t, lb Up to 3 decimal places (dynamic)
Digital flow rate display (l, G, m3, Up to 3 decimal places (dynamic)
kg, t, lb) /
(s, min, h)
Registration capacity l, m3, G 8 digits
SWITZERLAND: Aquametro Oil & Marine AG, CH-4106 Therwil
CHINA: Aquametro Oil & Marine (CHINA) PTE. LTD., Singapore 757516
GERMANY: Aquametro Oil & Marine GmbH, D-18119 Rostock
INDIA: Aquametro Oil & Marine Rep. Office, Mumbai 400053
A0.3 - 08.2017
JAPAN: Aquametro Oil & Marine Rep. Office, Tokyo 152-0031
KOREA: Aquametro Oil & Marine Korea LTD., Busan 612-857
SINGAPORE: Aquametro Oil & Marine (S.E.A.) PTE. LTD., Singapore 757516
UAE: Aquametro ME JLT, Dubai / UAE