1. The document defines and provides examples of various figures of speech including simile, metaphor, irony, synecdoche, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, litotes, and euphemism.
2. It explains how each figure of speech involves an implied or indirect comparison between two things, usually through creative or non-literal language.
3. Examples are given to illustrate how each figure of speech works and to demonstrate the non-literal meaning being conveyed through the use of creative language.
1. The document defines and provides examples of various figures of speech including simile, metaphor, irony, synecdoche, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, litotes, and euphemism.
2. It explains how each figure of speech involves an implied or indirect comparison between two things, usually through creative or non-literal language.
3. Examples are given to illustrate how each figure of speech works and to demonstrate the non-literal meaning being conveyed through the use of creative language.
1. The document defines and provides examples of various figures of speech including simile, metaphor, irony, synecdoche, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, litotes, and euphemism.
2. It explains how each figure of speech involves an implied or indirect comparison between two things, usually through creative or non-literal language.
3. Examples are given to illustrate how each figure of speech works and to demonstrate the non-literal meaning being conveyed through the use of creative language.
1. The document defines and provides examples of various figures of speech including simile, metaphor, irony, synecdoche, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, litotes, and euphemism.
2. It explains how each figure of speech involves an implied or indirect comparison between two things, usually through creative or non-literal language.
3. Examples are given to illustrate how each figure of speech works and to demonstrate the non-literal meaning being conveyed through the use of creative language.
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1. Simile direct comparison He is as cool as a cucumber.
(tỉ dụ, so Function words: like, as … as sánh) /ˈsɪm.ə.li/ 2. Indirect implied comparision He is an old fox. - dead metaphor: fixed expression, He is very wicked. idiom She has a heart of gold. - live metaphor: consciously, She is very kind and generous. intentionally by the speaker Have you digested the lesson yet? Metaphor (ẩn No function words Have you careful understood the dụ) /ˈmet̬ .ə.fɔːr/ 2 ways: lesson yet? - put 2 different species on the He bottled up his feeling. same rank He hid his feeling. - applies a feature of one species for another 3. Say the opposite of one’s thought The butter is as soft as a marble piece. Usually use the opposite The butter is not soft at all. Irony (mỉa adjectives for the object He is so intelligent that no examiner mai) /ˈaɪ.rə.ni/ has agreed to pass him so far. He is rather stupid. 4. Use a part for the whole and vice This work requires an intelligent brain. versa This work requires an intelligent person. The war has robbed 2,000 souls of the Synecdoche village. (cải dung) /sɪ The war has robbed 2,000 people of ˈnek.də.ki/ the village. The United States won the cup. The team from the United States won the cup. 5. A word or phrase is used to stand The pen is mightier than the sword. Metonymy in a for another word Written words are mightier than the (hoán dụ) /mə violence. ˈtɑː.nə.mi/ He tried his best to win her heart He tried his best to win her love. 6. Thing/idea/animal is given human The wind whispered through dry grass. attributes The wind made a noise through dry Personification grass. (nhân cách hóa) /pɚ The flower danced in the gentle breeze. ˌsɑː.nə.fəˈkeɪ.ʃən/ The flower swayed beautifully in the gentle breeze.
7. Overstatement or exaggeration /ɪɡ I’ve told you a million times.
ˌzædʒ.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ I’ve told you many times. Hyperbole It was so cold that I saw polar bears (cường điệu) /haɪ wearing jackets. ˈpɝː.bəl.i/ It was really cold outside. I am so hungry. I could eat a horse. I am extremely hungry. 8. Litotes Double negatives or positive The ice cream was not too bad. (phép nói statement is expressed by negating The ice cream was not too bad. its opposite expressions. I cannot disagree with your point of view. giảm) /ˈlaɪ.tə.tiːz/ I totally agree with your point of view. 9. Euphemism The use of pleasant, mild, Let someone go (uyển ngữ, nói tránh) comforting, or indirect expression fire someone /ˈjuː.fə.mɪ.zəm/ for one that is taboo, negative, Pass away offensive or too direct die
1. When you take that course, plan to study 30 hours a day.
“study 30 hours a day” is a hyperbole means “study many hours a day”. 2. You have to pay the earth for such a masterpiece! “pay the earth” is a hyperbole means “pay a lot of money”. 3. My brother was boiling mad. “boiling mad” is a hyperbole/ metaphor means “extremely angry”. 4. The ship was lost with all hands. “hands” is a synecdoche means “sailors”. 5. The tree branch moaned (than vãn) as I swung from it. “moaned” is a personification means “made a noise”. 6. You are becoming a little thin on top. “a little thin on top” is a euphemism means “bald”. 7. He has a heart of stone. “a heart of stone” is a metaphor means “merciless” (tàn nhẫn). 8. The weather is as cool as a summer day in the Sahara. “as cool as a summer day in the Sahara” is an irony means “not cool at all”. 9. That knife will take a bite out of your hand if you don't handle it safely. “take a bite out of your hand” is a personification means “the knife is very sharp”. 10. The White House will be announcing the decision around noon today. “The White House” is a metonymy means “the US government”. 11. His parents bought him a new set of wheels. “a new set of wheels” is a synecdoche means “a new car”. 12. Joe cried a little when he lost the thousand dollars. “cried a little” is a litotes means “cried a lot”. 13. Your comments on politics are not useless. “not useless” is a litotes means “useful”. 14. Miss O'Shay, our teacher, is in the family way. “in the family way” is a euphemism means “pregnant”. 15. They are enjoying adult beverages (đồ uống). “adult beverages” is a euphemism means “alcoholic drinks”. 16. My little brother is really a night owl. “a night owl” is a metaphor means “stays up late”. 17. This car goes faster than the speed of light. “speed of light” is a hyperbole means “very fast”. 18. He has many mouths to feed. “mouths” is synecdoche means “people”. 19. This wall is as hard as tofu. “as hard as tofu” is an irony means “not hard at all”. 20. Life is a dream. “a dream” is a metaphor means “beautiful/short/easy”. 21. He shall think differently, the musketeer (lính ngự lâm) threatened, when he feels the point of my steel (thép). “the point of my steel” is a synecdoche means “my sword”. 22. The boss let 10 employees go yesterday. “let 10 employees go” is a euphemism means “fired 10 employees”. 23. We can't lend you any money; we don't have two cents to rub together. “don’t have two cents to rub together” is a hyperbole means “don’t have any money”. 24. The ocean danced in the moonlight. “danced” is a personification means “looked beautiful”. 25. He wanted to set sail on the ocean of love but he just wasted away in the desert. “set sail on the ocean of love but he just wasted away in the desert” is a metaphor means “love without return/ unrequited love”. 26. He's as nice as a lion to his prey (con mồi). “as nice as a lion to his prey” is an irony means “not nice at all”. 27. The computer in the classroom was an old dinosaur. “an old dinosaur” is a metaphor means “out of date”. 28. Always remember that he is no fool. “no fool” is a litotes means “intelligent”. 29. I had a ton of homework. “a ton of homework” is a hyperbole means “a lot of homework”. 30. He is always tired and emotional. “tired and emotional” is a euphemism means “drunk”. 31. The phone awakened with a mighty (hùng mạnh) ring. “awakened” is a personification means “rang suddenly and loudly”. 32. This chair is as comfortable as sitting on nails. “as comfortable an sitting on nails” is an irony means “not comfortable at all”. 33. We are tired to death of such movies. “tired to death of” is a hyperbole means “very bored with”. 34. The Pentagon will be revealing (biểu lộ) the decision later on in the morning “The Pentagon” is a metonymy means “Department of Defense”. 35. That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was riding on a dinosaur. “riding on a dinosaur” is a hyperbole means “long time ago”. 36. Her brain is the size of a pea. “the size of a pea” is a metaphor means “not intelligent”. 37. He is spending his time at a Correctional center. “a Correctional center” is a euphemism means “prison”. 38. Who brought fire and sword into our country? “fire and sword” is a metonymy means “war”. 39. A million dollars is not a little amount. “not a little amount” is a litotes means “a large amount”. 40. I am purchasing a pre-enjoyed (pre-loved) vehicle. “pre-enjoyed (pre-loved)” is a euphemism means “secondhand”. 41. Will you marry a pre-enjoyed person? “pre-enjoyed” is a euphonism means “used to get marriage”. 42. I found the fifty-two pounds of books you left for me to carry. Your kindness really moved me. “Your kindness” is an irony means “You were not kind to me at all”. 43. The man is a demon (ma quỷ) for work. “a demon for work” is a metaphor means “an energetic person who works very hard”/ 44. The wind howled angrily (hút lên giận giữ) around the house all night. “howled angrily” is a personification means “blew strongly”. 45. Come to the dormitory and see what a cave I live in. “what a cave” is a metaphor means “small and uncomfortable room”. 46. If you are not happy with the service, go and talk to the City Hall. “the City Hall” is a metonymy means “the city’s Mayor” 47. We'll just have to go our separate ways. “go our separate ways” is a metaphor means “life is a journey”. 48. Keep overeating like that and pretty soon you'll weigh a thousand pounds. “weigh a thousand pounds” is a hyperbole means “gain a lot of pounds/get too fat”. 49. Alice came in gently, like a May breeze. “like a May breeze” is a simile means “is as young, fresh, sweet and warm as a breeze signaling the beginning of a summer”. 50. Your explanation is as clear as mud. “as clear as mud” is an irony means “not clear at all”. 51. Her long hair was a flowing golden river. “a flowing golden river” is metaphor means “beautiful long blond hair”. 52. The children were flowers grown in concrete gardens. “flowers grown in concrete garden” is a metaphor means “children grew up in really hard situations, but have grown up and bloomed” 53. His cotton candy words did not appeal to her taste. “His cotton candy words” is a metaphor “his sweet words”. 54. Man does not live by bread alone. “bread” is a synecdoche means “necessaries or things needed for living” 55. We now live under the same roof. “roof” is a synecdoche means “house” 56. (13)
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