ICACE 2022 Brouchre - F
ICACE 2022 Brouchre - F
ICACE 2022 Brouchre - F
Virtual Conference
International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2022
Publications Registration
Selected papers will be published in different journals and It is necessary that at least one author should register and
will be submitted for indexing in major indexing services present the paper in the conference. Each additional paper
such as Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, etc. needs to register. Conference registration fee includes
paper presentation through online mode, online entry to
all sessions and keynote speeches, conference
presentation certificate and publication in the conference
proceedings. The transaction charges if any, will be borne
by the author. The registration dates mentioned are
applicable for conference registration and authors need to
complete the registration after the acceptance of abstract.
The conference fee once paid is non-refundable.
International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2022
International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2022
The Institute, committed to education and innovation and over
Organizers the 42 years, has emerged as a dream destination for students
with a rewarding career and corporates to source well-rounded
LSKBJ College of Engineering, Chandwad, Nashik, India engineers. Best academic practices with quality education
enabled the Institute to establish its Identity in the Technical
Education and is Ranked No. 1 amongst the Private Engineering
Colleges in both the Telugu Speaking States.
The great learning experiences in the institute have enriched
the lives of students and helped them to develop into a multi-
skilled and multi -tasking personalities that ensured success in
their careers and occupations.
With the students being the singular objective, the institute
has established excellent infrastructure such as state-of – the art
laboratories, spacious library with printed and digital collection
The Jain Gurukul campus has various faculties, out of which
of books and journals, sports, hostel, and other infrastructure for
the LSKBJ College of Engineering, Chandwad, Nashik is approved
extra and co-curricular engagements with a total built-up area of
by AICTE, New Delhi and Government of Maharashtra and 2
about 57,714 m in the serene ambience of 50 acres to inspire,
affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University, established in
encourage and pursue academics. In its relentless strive for
2004 with four branches viz. Mechanical Engineering, Computer
Academic excellence, CBIT has scaled great heights both
Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering and
nationally and internationally in industry and global universities.
Civil Engineering. The year 2010 saw the assimilation of MBA
under the LSKBJ College of Engineering. In year 2020 keeping Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India
pace with time, the Institute started new branch Artificial
Intelligence and Data Science to cater the needs of IT industry.
The college has a fascinating infrastructure, well-furnished and
well-equipped laboratories. A technologically full-fledged
auditorium, spacious classrooms, well developed central library
with thousands of volumes constitute the profound features of
the college. Faculty members adhering to the mission of Institute
of Nation development by transfer of suitable technological help
to rural area, the research activities are directed towards it.
International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2022
Abstract Preparation and Submission Please visit and refer following conferences and share
brochure to interested researchers from your network.
Please prepare your abstract on A4 size paper as per the
template provided. The abstract should consist of strictly
150 to 250 words and may include the Background or
Third International Conference on Advances
Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion in in Materials Science 2022
the brief (may be 2-4 sentences about each) and 3 to 5
Online | 8-9 December, 2022
Keywords. All abstracts and papers will be accepted
through EasyChair only.
Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the
Click here to submit the abstract/paper. conference scientific committees and selected papers
Ethics for authors will be published in KEM / MSF / JBBBE / AMR / AST /
CTA, etc. published by Trans Tech Publication. Published
When submitting a new abstract / draft paper, it is
papers will be submitted to the major indexing services
expected to follow the guidelines as listed below,
may include SCOPUS, WoS, CSA, Google Scholar, etc.
An abstract / paper describing essentially the same
research has not been submitted to several journals
to avoid multiple or redundant publication. The www.icams.in
paper is original; all the work and wording which was
taken from others is appropriately cited
People identified as co-authors fully qualify for International Conference on Advances and
authorship. All the co-authors give their consent to
Creations in Mechanical Engineering 2022
submit the final version of the manuscript
The paper should be written in correct English. Online | 20-22 December, 2022
All the parties contributing to a paper are mentioned
in the acknowledgments. Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the
Sufficient detail and references are provided to conference scientific committees and selected papers
permit others to replicate the experiments; raw data
will be published in various journals. Published papers
is available for checking if needed
will be submitted to the major indexing services may
Conflict of interest, if any, should be disclosed
include SCOPUS, WoS, CSA, Google Scholar, etc.
Using any other author’s previously published
content without permission, recognition, or
acknowledgment is considered as plagiarism. The
Invitation to join Scientific Committee is open.
ICACE 2022 do not allow any such plagiarized
Please express your interest through an Online Form or
content. The authors need to ensure that they have
write us at info@icace.in
written completely original works and wherever
required, citations are placed appropriately.
Papers must have similarity less than 10 % excluding
references (and less than 20 % including references).
Self Plagiarism is not acceptable.