Ustainable: Onstruction Echnology
Ustainable: Onstruction Echnology
Ustainable: Onstruction Echnology
All sessions will be conducted online, details for which will be
communicated with confirmation of registration. Sponsored by
Last date of application 16th July 2021
Confirmation of registration 19th July 2021 Learning (ATAL) Academy
Indian Institute of Technology Indore located in Madhya Pradesh,
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 known as IIT Indore or IITI, is an institute of national importance
(10.00 AM to 12.00 PM) (1.30 PM to 3.30 PM) (4.00 PM to 6.00 PM)
established by the Government of India in 2009. IIT Indore is one of
Introduction to Agriculture waste
Utilisation of plastic the eight new IITs, established in keeping with India’s vision to become
sustainable utilisation for
Day-1 waste in sustainable a world leader in Science and Technology and to usher in a new
construction sustainable
construction revolution. The institute offers different courses in Basic Sciences,
technology construction
Humanities and Social Sciences and Engineering.
Precast and
Sustainable unfired pavements -
Day-2 prefabricated ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT
bricks Utilization of waste
fillers The Department of Civil Engineering started functioning in 2016. The
Department offers a four-year course leading to a Bachelor’s Degree in
Stress management – 3D printing for
Energy Efficient Civil Engineering and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. The Department is
Day-3 simple and effective sustainable
Building Design involved in research projects funded by the different national and
strategies construction
international agencies as well as in consultancy projects funded by
Engineered prestigious government and private organisations throughout the
cementitious country. The Department has an active and dynamic faculty with
Key sustainability Building information
Day-4 composites for expertise in diverse fields of Civil Engineering. The faculties of the
indicators modelling
sustainable Department have been recognised at different platforms across the
construction world as committee chairs/members, outstanding reviewers, editorial
Experiences of board members. The Department looks forward to establishing itself,
GRIHA rating of
Day-5 sustainable Valediction nationally and globally, as a premier academic centre.
sustainable buildings
construction practices
An Online Test will be conducted at the end of the program. The
certificates shall be issued to those participants who have attended the
program with minimum 80% attendance and scored minimum 60%
marks in the test.