Revision Sheet
Revision Sheet
Revision Sheet
Q1.In the study of a photoelectric effect the graph between the stopping
potential V and frequency v of the incident radiation on two different
metals P and Q is shown in fig.
(i) which one of two metals have higher threshold frequency
(ii) Determine the work function of the metal which has greater value
(iii) Find the maximum kinetic energy of electron emitted by light of
frequency 8×1014Hz8×1014Hz for this metal.
Q2. An electron and a proton, each have de Broglie wavelength of 1.00nm. (i) Find the ratio
of their momenta.
(ii) Compare the kinetic energy of the proton with that of the electron.
Q3. State Bohr's postulate of hydrogen atom which successfully explains the emission
lines in the spectrum of hydrogen atom.
Use Rydberg formula to determine the wavelength of Hα line.
[Given: Rydberg constant R=1.03107m−1]
Q4. The energy level diagram of an element is given blow.
Identify by doing necessary calculation which transition
corresponds to the emission of a spectral line of
wavelength 102.7 nm .
Q5. (a) Explain the processes of nuclear fission and nuclear
fusion by using the plot of binding energy per nucleon (BE/A) versus the mass
number A.
Q6. (a) The energy levels of a hypothetical hydrogen-like atom are
shown in the fig. Find out the transition, from the ones shown in
the figure, which will result in the emission of a photon of
wavelength 275nm.
(b) Which of these transitions corresponds of the emission of
radiation of (i) maximum and (ii) minimum wavelength?
Q7. The energy levels of a hypothetical one electron atom are shown (i)Find the
excitation potential for the state n=3.
Q11. An electron and alpha particle have the same de-Broglie wavelength
associated with them. How are their kinetic energies related to each othe
Q12.Draw a plot showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon versus the mass
number (A). Explain with the help of this plot the release of energy in the processes of
nuclear fission and fusion.