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ocr OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXAMINATIONS Advanced Subsidiary GCE PHYSICS A 2823/01 Wave Properties Wednesday 6 JUNE 2001 Afternoon 1 hour ‘Additional materials: Electronic calculator Candidates answer on the question paper. Candidate Candidate Name Centre Number___ Number TIME 1 hour INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES + Write your name in the space above, + Write your Centre number and Candidate number in the boxes above. + Answer all the questions. * Write your answers in the spaces on the question paper. * Read each question carefully and make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES * The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. * You may use an electronic calculator. * You are advised to show all the steps in any calculations. FOR EXAMINER'S USE Qu, | Max. | Mark 1) 15 2 7 [a 16 4 3 | TOTAL | 60 This question paper consists of 12 printed pages. SvFstesa0 oF 1s00T/6 ocr 2001 Raglterod Charty Nunber-1080060, [urn over 197 1197 Data speed of light in free space, permeability of free space, permittivity of free space, elementary charge, the Planck constant, unified atomic mass constant, rest mass of electron, rest mass of proton, molar gas constant, the Avogadro constant, gravitational constant, acceleration of free fall, = 3.00 x 108 ms Hy = 4a x 107 Hot € = 8.85 x 10-1 Fm 9 = 1.60 x 10-19 C h= 6.63 x 10-4 Js u= 1.68 x 10-27 kg = 9.11 x 10-9" kg im, = 1.67 x 107 kg R= 8.31 JK mot Ng = 6.02 x 1023 mol-? G= 6.67 x 10- Nm@kg? g=9.81 ms? rcas01 Formi uniformly accelerated motion, s=ut+$at? v? = u?+2as refractive index, ne sinc capacitors in series, HIG = 110, +1/0p+..« capacitors in parallel, C= O,4Q+ capacitor discharge, x= ner pressure of an ideal gas, p= gM ct radioactive decay, X=x%yet at, = 0.693 SH? critical density of matter in the Universe, py = ana -va-% relativity factor, yeVil-—} current, I= nAve nuclear radius, r= 1A'® sound intensity level, IL = 101g (4) lo sexvin01 Turn over 1197 4 1 (a) The speed of light in air is 3.00 x 10° ms, @ Calculate the speed of light in glass of refractive index 1.52. speed ms [2] (il) Calculate the speed of light in water of refractive index 1.33. speed mst ft] (il) Calculate the refractive index for light travelling from water into this glass. R= 2 (lv) Calculate the critical angle C for the water/glass interface. ‘aanvo01 1197 For 5 (¥) Fig. 1.1 shows a water/glass interface. On Fig. 1.1, draw a labelled ray diagram to ‘show what is meant by the critical angle for the water/glass interface. (There is no need to measure the critical angle, but it should be labelled as C). [3] water glass Fig. 1.1 (b)_ One drawback of using an optic fibre to transmit pulses of light is known as multipath dispersion. () Explain what is meant by multipath dispersion. ] (i) Suggest how muttipath dispersion may be minimised. eza901 [Turn over 07 For examiner's Use 2 a qi) 197 (@) ()_ Describe the essential difference between longitudinal and transverse waves. 2 State three wave phenomena that apply to both transverse and longitudinal waves. 1) State and describe with the aid of a diagram one wave phenomenon that applies to transverse waves only. smcas0t 7 (b) Fig. 2.1 shows the trace produced on the screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope (c.r.0.) when a microphone is connected across its input (y-plates) terminals. The time-base setting of the c,.0. is 10 msem-*. \ L | fren = tom Fig. 2.1 (Calculate the frequency of the sound being received by the microphone. frequency = soe HZ BI (ii) State and explain how the c..0. trace would change if the time-base setting were adjusted from 10 mem to 1 msom-*, - BI canso4 [Turn over 1107 8 (il) The speed of sound in air is 380ms~. Calculate the wavelength of the sound received by the microphone, wavelength = se [3] 3 (@) Describe a ripple tank experiment to demonstrate the interference between water waves which have circular wavefronts. Include in your answer (2 description of how the circular wavefronts are produced, (i) an explanation of how coherence between the wave sources is achieved, 2] (ill) a diagram showing the resultant interference pattern formed, labelling two points of constructive interference with the letter C and two points of destructive interference with the letter D. BI cao 1197 (b) In order to measure the wavelength of light from a monochromatic light source a double-silt interference experiment Is used. ()_ Write down a formula that may be used to determine the wavelength A of the monochromatic light from observations of the interference pattern. Identify the other symbols used. (3) (ii) List the measurements required to determine 2, and suggest an appropriate measuring instrument for each. (ill) State a likely value for each of these measurements. .» (3) sexs01 Turn over 1197 ie 10 4 (@) Interms of the motion of the particles of a medium in which there are sound waves, describe one similarity and two differences between a progressive sound wave and a standing sound wave. 8 (b) Fig. 4.1 shows the appearance of a standing wave set up on a string stretched between two points 1.2m apart. The amplitude of the standing wave is 20cm. The shape of the string is shown at two different times: when t = 0 this is labelled A, and when t= 0,02s this is labelled B. ZL Ls ;~B }10cm om Fig. 4.1 () On Fig. 4.1, label with AN the positions of two antinodes and with N the positions of two nodes. a aexyr901 1197 1107 12 (il) Calculate the wavelength of the standing wave. wavelength = (iv) Determine the period of the standing wave. period = .. (¥) Calculate the frequency of the standing wave, frequency = soaso1 -s [1] Use " (il) The string has its maximum displacement at t = 0.048. On Figs. 4.2.1 to 4.2.4, draw the appearance of the standing waves at the times f indicated. 1. t= 0.048 (use Fig. 4.2.1) 2, t=0.06s (use Fig. 4.2.2) 3. t=0.08s (use Fig. 4.2.3) 4. t= 0.108 (use Fig. 4.2.4) ic Fig. 4.2.1 T Fig. 4.2.2 | Fig. 4.2.3 Fig. 4.2.4 anion [Turn over For Use

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