ZRC Zero Voc
ZRC Zero Voc
ZRC Zero Voc
ZRCs revolutionary new water-based galvanizing compound offers a green solution to problems of traditional inorganic zinc and solvent-based coatings.
Enjoy the following great benefits with ZRCs ZERO VOC: Passes 9-year subtropical testing No solvents or solvent fumes Ideal for manufacturers and LEED building projects 93% zinc in the dry film using only Type III ultra pure ASTM-D-520 zinc Extreme temperature and abrasion resistence Passes 10,000 hours salt spray testing without failure (ASTM Des. B117) ISO 9001 registration assures the highest quality consistently Passes Preece Test (ASTM Des. A239) for hot-dip galvanizing Meets and exceeds MIL-P-26915A (USAF Zinc Dust Primer); SSPC-Paint 20 (Specification for Zinc Rich Primer) For specification assistance, application assistance, test reports and product selection please contact our customer support at (800) 831-3275 or our website www.zrcworldwide.com.
Galvanize bare metal conveniently in your own facility without the transportation and costs of hot-dip galvanizing. The natural solution for: LEED Construction Projects OEM Petrochemical plants Metal fabricators Tanks Marine and offshore and hundreds more!
Technical Data
Two-pack water-based galvanizing compound 300-350 ft (28-33 m) per gallon kit @ 1.5 mil (38 ) dry film thickness 93% by weight in dry film None 0 lbs/gal (0 gms/ltr) (ASTM D3960) 25.2 lbs. (ASTM D1475) 81% (by weight)/43.7% (by volume) 525 cps. Brookfield RVT spindle #5 @100 RPM, 25C 1700F (927C) 1200F (694C) 2 million ohms per square @ 3 mils dry (resistivity) 275 lbs./in (ASTM D 4541, Elcometer Model F106) Greater than 172 inch lbs. (extrusion) (per ASTM-D2794) 24 hours (longer times before use will result in diminished performance) 2 yrs. One-gallon kits Set to touch. When ambient air dried, 15 minutes at 1.5 mil (38) thickness Additional coats - up to 6.0 mils total dft (152 ) - may be applied. Allow a 4 hr. minimum cure time at 25C/77F to extend corrosion protection After 24 hrs., topcoat with acrylic, epoxy, urethane or vinyl type products. DO NOT USE alkyd or alkyd-modified acrylic-type products. Consult our Guide to Topcoating for detailed instructions.
A unique formulation of 93% pure zinc metal as a liquid coating, ZRC ZERO VOC is manufactured to exacting standards in our own state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.
A water-based, two-component zinc-rich coating containing 93% metallic zinc (ASTM D 520 Type III), by weight, in the dried film; as manufactured by ZRC Worldwide, Marshfield, MA (www.zrcworldwide.com) or other facility having been registered to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 9001:2000 standard for quality. **Copy of reports available upon request
Surface Preparation
Dependant upon surface condition and intended service. Typical examples include: GREASE & OILS RUST SCALE MILL SCALE WATER IMMERSION Solvent clean to SSPC-SP1 Power tool clean to SSPC-SP3 or SSPC-SP11 (SIS St 2 or 3) Sandblast to SSPC-SP6 (commercial) (100F maximum) Sandblast to SSPC-SP10 (near-white)
BRUSH/ROLLER SPRAY (low pressure compressor type) Atomized air pressure Fluid pressure Orifice of tip Viscosity reduction SPRAY (airless type) Pump Hose Orifice of tip Type of tip Filter screens Viscosity Recommended procedure Consult our Application Guide for ZERO VOC 50 lbs/in = 3.5 kg/cm 15-20 lbs/in = 1.1-1.4 kg/cm 0.080 inches (0.20 cm) Add water only if absolutely necessary 30:1 1/2 (1.3 cm) (I.D.) 60-0.026 inches (0.07 cm) Tungsten carbide, reversing Complete removal is recommended. However, if screens are employed, use no less than 30 mesh. No reduction required Connect hose directly to pump, without filter assembly, ensuring a hose length of 50 ft. max. Use in-pot agitator or continuous recycling. Use least pressure possible. Start at 1500 lbs/in = 105 kg/cm and increase as required for good spraying. Water
145 Enterprise Drive, Marshfield, MA 02050-2132 Tel: 800.831.3275 or 781.319.0400 Fax: 781.319.0404 www.zrcworldwide.com E-mail: info@zrcworldwide.com
ZRC Worldwide has been registered by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 9000 Series Standards for Quality. The fact that ZRC is registered by UL to ISO 9001 assures our customers that the zinc-rich coatings manufactured in our facility are designed and manufactured according to the most stringent quality control standards, so you can rely on their consistency.