Have and Get
Have and Get
Have and Get
Causative verbs are verbs that show the reason why something took place.
Subjects in causative verbs don’t do the action by themselves but someone else does it for them.
They cause something else to happen in a way.
Have and get are some of the causative verbs and show the reason why something took place.
Is used to persuade somebody to do something. It has the same meaning of have, but it’s less
In a sentence, it is followed by an object and the past participle of the verb or the preposition to
and the verb.
For example:
— “I will have my hair cut* tomorrow.” / “I will have my friend cut my hair tomorrow.” =
Someone else has the responsibility to cut my hair.
— “I will get my hair cut* tomorrow.” / “I will get my friend to cut my hair tomorrow.” = I
persuaded someone else to cut my hair.
♦ “I have to cut my hair tomorrow.” = Have to as a modal, expresses a strong obligation and not
a cause.
* The verb cut is irregular and forms the past participle as the base form of the verb.
Let’s revise this content within the {Form} section. Take a look at the {Example} section that
shows its use within a context.
The causative verbs are: have, get, make and let. The structure of have and get, include both
present perfect and past perfect.