Types of Complements
Types of Complements
Types of Complements
Birds fly.
You can add some adjectives and adverbs to modify the subject and
Even with all the modifiers, this is still a simple sentence composed
of a subject (birds) with its modifiers (the, beautiful) and a predicate
(fly) with its modifiers (gracefully, toward the horizon).
Some sentences, however, require more than just a subject and a simple
predicate to complete their meaning. The following sentences, for
example, are clearly missing something important:
The first two sentences answer the question, “what?” and the
third sentence answer the question, “who?”
Let’s check if you can try with these sentences.
My boyfriend bought me a necklace for my birthday.
Which is the D.O in this sentence?
“necklace” is the correct answer, becuase it is a pronoun, it receives
the action of the verb, and it answer the question what.
Among the transitive verbs we have a wide list :
bring buy
cot get
give leave
offer make
pass owe
play pay
read promise
send refuse
sing show
teach take
write tell
2) Indirect Object:
Sometimes sentences with direct objects also have an indirect object, actually
they must have a direct object:
An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that names the person or thing something
is done to or for. To identify the indirect object of a sentence, first be sure there is
a direct object,because direct objects can stand alone in a sentence,but indirect
objects can’t. Then ask to whom or to what? or for whom or what?:
Check this:
4) Predicate Nominative