Day Visit 04 (Final)
Day Visit 04 (Final)
Day Visit 04 (Final)
Assigned Teacher
Dr. Pranay Kumar Majumder
Dr. Saeeda Raisa
Dr. Dilruba Nahar Mukul
Photograph showing the students of 33nd Batch, IAHS, with Professor Dr.
Pranay Kumar Mazumder, Chief Chemist Abu Monsur, Professor Dr. Sayeed
Mahmud, Eng.Sumit Paul, Dr. Subhra Prakash Dutta, Dr. Sara Farahnaj,Dr.
Saeeda Raisa and Dr. Dilruba Nahar.
Department of community medicine organized a visit to Sheikh Russel Water Treatment
Plant located at madunaghat, south bank halda river, hathazari, Chittagong.
After visiting the plant, we started our returned journey at about 1.30 pm and reached IAHS
at about 2.30 pm. We submitted our report on day visit to Dr. Taifa Hazera ma’am.
It is noteworthy that, Sheikh Russell Water Treatment Plant was constructed in 2018. From
2018 onwards, the absorbed water produced by Sheikh Russell Water Treatment Plant is
being sent to the city area through the reservoir established at Kalurghat IRP (Bustara
Station) of the Authority.
Type of organization
Project of Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA), a
Bangladesh government service agency under the Ministry of Local Government, Rural
Development and Co-operatives responsible for providing water facilities to residents
of Chattogram.
Organogram of the organization
01 Executive engineer 01
02 Assistant engineer 04
03 Chemist 01
05 Lab assistant 03
06 Operator 20
07 Electrician 03
08 Helper 15
09 Security Guard 07
Total =60
➢ No residential facilities for the staff
➢ No specialist doctor for medical check up
➢ Less manpower
➢ Any kinds of contamination can affect whole water treatment process
causing system loss.
➢ Supplies about 90000000-liter water to the Chittagong city every day.
➢ Fine screening machine.
➢ Receiving well.
➢ Clarifier and flocculation.
➢ Rapid sand filter.
➢ Clear water reserve tank.
➢ Intake and water pumping station.
➢ Dewatering facilities.
➢ 24 hours electricity.
➢ Sludge and waste management.
➢ Continuous monitoring of the water quality.
➢ Should provide residential facilities for the staff
➢ Should provide health-care facilities for the staff.
➢ Increase manpower.