Model Assignment
Model Assignment
Model Assignment
Swati Upadhyay
Basics of Marketing
Product Discussion
BoAt provides Segments of products in the Market . But the product I have chosen the product i.e boat
collar earphone. Collar earphone is a metallic earpiece unique style and easy to use earphones that can
use easily by the customers in the market.
Functionality of the product is:
Active Noise Cancellation-Active Noise cancellation is the unique function in this product
that cancel and reduce the unwanted sound.
Convenient Control- Convenient control is the east to use function in this product it means
that it can be use and controlled by any users of the product.
Portable- Easy to carry and move from one place to another place.
Price: This company is providing best quality products in low price since 2014, their
product pricing strategy is like they created their product unique in a such a way which is
neither cheap nor expensive and that can easily affordable by the customers.
Social Fashionable
Portable chargers
Up gradation in long battery life
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Customers Service Market Competitor.
Sell the products on e-commerce sites. Price Slabs of other company
Goodwill products.
Opportunities Threats
Good Customer Service. Technology Changes.
Catchy Product. Government Policy.
Competitor Analysis
Competing products with similar functionality:
JBL-JBL is a American based hardware company that deals and manufacture products like
earphone speaker collar Earphones Earbuds etc.
MIVI- Mivi is a Indian based hardware company that manufacture all the products in India
and the company is earing huge success in the market.
ONEPLUS- Oneplus is a Chinese based hardware company formed in the year 2013 the
company deals in the products such as phones earbuds, earphone, collar earphone.
With Mic
Battery life
Charging Type
Water Resistant
ASAP Charge