Road Proposal
Road Proposal
Road Proposal
INTERACTION WITH CLIENTS AND OUTPUTS..........................................................................................15
5.6 ANTI-CORRUPTION STRATEGY...................................................................................................16
6. TEAM COMPOSITION..........................................................................................................18
7. WORK SCHEDULE AND PLANNING FOR DELIVERABLES........................................................19
8. CV.......................................................................................................................................21
9. COMPANY DOCUMENTS.....................................................................................................22
This Technical Proposal for Consulting Services for “Preparation of Detail Project
Report of Road ” (hereinafter referred to as the 'Project') has been prepared and
submitted by “Zeal Engineering solution P. Ltd.” upon the invitation from Rainadevi
chhahara Rural Municipality, Palpa , Lumbini provience (hereinafter referred to as
‘the Client’) according to the Terms of Reference (TOR).
We the Consultant after reading the TOR provided by the Client have visualized the
works to be done for the fulfillment of the project (objective of work, activities to be
performed and work types etc). We, the consultant have prepared a team of
professionals and have full capability to perform the following project.
This Technical Proposal has been organized and submitted in one volume consisting
of six (6) Section and Annex. The following paragraphs describe briefly the contents
of each Chapter:
Section 3A - Technical Proposal Submission form.
Section 3B –Consultant's reference.
Section 3C- presents the Consultant's Comments on Request for Proposal and the
Terms of Reference, and on Data, Services and Facilities to be provided by the Client.
Section 3D – Description of Methodology and workplan
Section 3E-Team Composition
Section 3F-Work schedule and Time schedule
Section 3G- CV
Annex I – Company Document
3.1 Consultant’s Organization
Zeal Engineering Consultancy
The company is operated by board of directors consisting of experienced, qualified,
and energetic individuals. The board of directors defines the overall policies,
strategies, priorities and modus operandi for each project. The day-to-day
management is delegated to the managing director elected by the board and also one
of promoters of the company. Works are divided in to five major sections of which
section chiefs are responsible. Most of the section chiefs are the member of board of
directors, and the promoter of the firm. The firm has a number of full time and part
time staffs and a pool of resource personnel whose service are acquired as per the
requirement for each specific project.
3.2 Consultant Experience
Accurate traverse line will be run along the route selected.
In case of improvement of existing road, efforts will be made to adjust the
alignment so as to match the existing road track wherever possible.
Strip of sufficient width (10m on either side) to accommodate cut/fill and for
possible shift in the centre line at the final design.
Traverse survey will be done by Total station with angles using double reversed
Appropriate and accurate method for the distance measurement between two
consecutive transit stations.
Transit stations pegged and numbered following a sequential order.
Features like buildings, monuments, cremation center and graveyards, temples,
power and telephone lines, pipelines, existing roads and trails located by offset
measurements from the traverse line.
Cross section at 15-20 m interval and at closer intervals in places having
abrupt slope changes or different soil type.
Benchmarks at every 250 m intervals or at 500 m intervals in special cases.
Grid survey at 1 or 2 m intervals may at places of sharp curves of difficult
places and at all bridge sites.
Road Inventory with details such as: existing retaining walls, check dams,
chutes, pipe and slab culverts, causeways, drain, rehabilitation of existing
cannel works and other structures and produce road inventory drawings as per
DoLIDAR or other appropriate formats
The consultant will view the TOR as a guideline and proceed in a manner that is both
economic and to the liking of both the consultancy and the client.
The study works will be conducted with the interaction of the client through which
the study team will maintain close working relations with concerned personnel,
concerned Municipality and other relevant government /non-government agencies
including local level entities. In order to achieve objective, following work approach
and methodology is proposed by the consultant based on the understanding of the
approach to the work defining ToR.
In order to meet the objectives the works are grouped into different tasks based on the
nature of the works. The appraisal work primarily includes data gathering-which
involves both primary as well as secondary data. Hence, the study will adopt the
following steps of the methodology
The basic intention of environmental study is to develop the best possible rural road
in the given environmental settings. Environmental consideration basically addresses
two aspects: risks or threats, which are the likely damages to the environmental
quality, services and natural wealth; and opportunity or potential in the given natural
setting for road works to harness the same. Environmental considerations should,
therefore, focus on avoiding or minimizing damages and, at the same time, promoting
sensible use of opportunities to improve the natural environment. So, during the detail
site visit on the site specific Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of the proposed
roads prescribed format by DoLIDAR.
Engineering design with calculation. The format should is described properly
declaring the meaning and source of variable, constants and multiplication factors will
be referenced and justified. Technical Guidelines on Planning, Design and
Construction of Rural Roads provided by DoLIDAR will be strictly followed in
design works. The road be designed according to all weather road (well graded gravel
surface) Preparation and Presentation of Project Documents
All project data and information collected during the above survey should be
complied as a project document. The project document should comprise of:
cost estimate, and
construction drawings Report
Report contains the following
Salient Features
Summary of Cost
Table of contents
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
1.3Scope and Limitation
1.4Approach and Methodology
2. Geometric Design Standards
2.1Road classification, traffic and loading
2.2Design speed
2.3Horizontal curves
2.3.1 Minimum radius of curve
2.3.2 Super elevation
2.3.3 Transit curves
2.3.4 Extra widening
2.4Vertical curves
2.4.1 Minimum radius of curve
2.4.2 Gradient
2.5Sight distance
2.6Lateral and vertical clearance
2.7Right of way
2.8Sign posts
3. Alignment Survey
3.1Survey procedure
3.2Alignment description
3.3Bench marks and other reference points
3.4Materials survey
4. Engineering Design
4.1Horizontal alignment
4.2Vertical alignment
4.3Cross-section design
4.5Pavement design
4.6Cross-drainage structures
4.7Retaining structures
4.8Breast structures
4.9Road side development works
4.10 Measure for environment protection
4.11 Bio-engineering measures.
5. Quantity Survey and Cost-Estimate
5.1Project costs
5.1.1 Summary of cost
5.1.2 Cost of site clearance
5.1.3 Cost of earthwork
5.1.4 Cost of cross-drainage works
5.1.5 Cost of retaining structures
5.1.6 Cost of breast structures
5.1.7 Cost of slope protection
5.1.8 Cost of pavement construction if any
5.1.9 Cost of road side development works if any
6. Conclusion
We visualize that technology (or know or knowledge transfer) during the assignment
will be fruitful to the project outputs as well as contributing towards professional
development of individuals and capacity building to the organization. We aim to
create a project environment in which ideas can be readily expressed and shared. By
doing so it is expected that process of technology/knowledge transfer will become
more effective.
Collaborating together
Regular discussions on various aspects
Regular discussions in the progress review and coordination meetings
On-the-job training
The staff from the Rainadevi chhahara rural Municipality office will be a part of the
team and will work as team member to assist the Consultant during the whole work
period in the planning work for the project period as per the demand of the work
schedule and manning schedule in total to make him/her aware of the fieldwork &
report preparation works. In doing so, the he will acquiring the knowledge, tools, and
guidance from the Team Leader, which will help in broadening his/her knowledge
and skills in performing such kind of studies in the future, At all stages of work, like
study, data collection, survey and analysis, etc., two authorities from concerned office
will be involved. The cost of including the authorities and other overheads will be
borne by the consultant
The approach and methodology proposed in each section of this proposal requires the Consultant to
work in close consultation with the concerned personnel of the stakeholder organizations that will be
involved in the implementation of the project activities. In this sense, the program for transfer of
necessary knowledge and skill to the concerned is built in each section of the proposal. However,
realizing the importance placed by the RFP on this particular aspect of the consulting services,
following approaches and methodologies are spelled out in this proposal. The specific programs and
approaches described in this section will constitute the regular activity of all Consultant team
members and will be planned and carried out at the appropriate stages of the project design
Orientation Sessions
By which Consultant will organize discussion sessions to orient the project personnel on the process,
approach, and objectives of the study activities and their implementation.
On-the-job Training
By which Consultant will involve the concerned member of the project personnel in their regular
work where learning will take place in informal and working environment.
Experience Sharing
By which Consultant will organize regular group meetings to enrich the project personnel with the
experience of Consultant‘s team members.
Work with and not for Counterpart Team Members
By which Consultant will plan and discuss their regular work program with the concerned member
of the team. This process would introduce an interactive learning-by-doing approach in the technical
skill transfer.
Experiential Approach to Learning
By which the concerned project personnel will be provided with the opportunity to go through some
of the important stages of project design process as an exercise for learning. The experience thus
gained will be put into practice by working together in the field. The lessons learned through this
process will be shared among the wider circle of the professionals involved in the project
Problem Solving Sessions
The Consultant will organize PSS where team members will be required to deal with 'representative
problem situation' faced by the Consultant in carrying out their regular job responsibilities. Such
session will improve the skill of team members to deal with difficult situations that arise during the
study period. Updated Pool of Knowledge and Skill
The Consultant will maintain project related documentation/information Centre that will ensure
prompt access to the concerned person of information for the type of skill and knowledge required at
any given point of project study. Guided by the above approaches, the Consultant will plan specific
activities that will contribute both to the quality of the design work and to the transfer of necessary
skill to the designated project personnel. The specific timing and the content for each of such
activities will depend on the stages of project study and the knowledge and skill level of the team
members. This program (transfer of knowledge program) will be continued throughout the project
design period.
Consultant's approach towards managing risks associated with the Project, among
others, will be as follows:
Seriously analyze and advise steps for ensuring a safe working environment.
Lessons Learnt from similar projects in the past will, in most cases, be able to set a
direction. Consultant will encourage to use the available information in the form of
project documentation, personal as well as institutional memory of those involved in
the relevant projects.
Process Documentation is yet another approach which will be highly emphasized.
Consultant will develop system and tools for process documentation and encourage
those involved in maintaining thorough documentation of each process procedure
adopted in making decisions, be it in engineering norms/standards,
public/stakeholders’ consultation / consensus building etc. This will help maintain
transparency, ownership and set a best practice trend.
Sharing of Experiences between the Consultant and the Client will be encouraged.
Work Place: We have fully furnished office located at the central part of the
city, with working space of more than 1800 sq. ft. and parking space. The workplace
has a professional, positive, healthy and supportive working environment. This has
been instrumental for generating motivated and improved individual capabilities to
perform work within given time period and producing highest quality of output. We
respect for human values and encourage developing human resources and leadership
through participation in taking professional decisions through "collective synergy".
Similar or better workplace is maintained by all the associate partners.
Outputs: The outputs produced by us are based on the "Client's First" policy,
and we strive not only for the quality of output but also for the total satisfaction of
Client and delight them through meeting the latest technology and knowledge-base
It’s our objective to ensure that potential causes for complaints are identified and
resolved before complaints become necessary. In case they do arise, the Project
Director or Team Leader will become aware of them during interaction with the
Client and field staff. They will be discussed in the internal meetings and quickly
resolved. We consider such complaints so serious that our procedures require them to
be brought to the notice of the Managing Director or authorized person of the firm
who will ensure speedy and satisfactory resolution.
Our main goal will be to deliver zero defect services through in-process
control and inspection within the daily management by rotating PDCA cycle as
discussed in previous paragraphs. However, this may not ensure zero defect
services on the Client's prospective. We will disclose any problems which have
been caused by our own process and may have troubled the next processes,
make efforts to find their causes and then eliminate them by solving the
problem. The processes will be identified on a task by task basis and control
points for each process and performance of each staff will also be defined.
The complaints concerning the performance of the staff or the quality of the
reports will also be dealt with by assigning staff who have a high level of
technical and administrative competence to ensure the highest level of
professional practice in implementing day to day tasks, providing clear role
and responsibilities (job description) to each staff and by carrying out internal
quality control and audit of Team members performance by Project Director or
Team Leader.
We, hereby, declare our firm commitment to adhere to the anti-corruption policy
appropriate to consulting practice. In particular, we assure the Client to adhere to the
Refrain ourselves from the corrupt and fraudulent practices that are not
acceptable to the profession.
We follow following code of ethics and committed for:
As a follower of social and economic justice, we speak and act truthfully and
with compassion, dealing fairy with all, avoiding prejudice and hatred..
We fully abide by the work done by us undertaking full responsible about the
authenticity and accuracy of our service.
Being a legal entity the company understand, respect and comply with all of the
laws, regulations, policies and procedures that apply in the Nepal.
Hydrological Estimations in Nepal, MOST, DHM, K P Sharma and N R
Adhikari, 2004.
Designing Safe Side Drains. HMG of Nepal, Road Safety Note 2, Traffic
Engineering and Safety Unit Design Branch, DOR, MOWT, 1996.
Highway Engineering. Gurcharan Singh, Standard Publishers Distributors,
Delhi, 1991
An overview of design storms development. Masimin and Sobri Harun. National
conference – Water for sustainable development towards a developed nation by
2020, 13-14 July 2006, Guoman Resort, Port Dickson.
Department of Road . (2070). Nepal Road Standard 2027, First Revision
2045,Second Revision 2070 Kathmandu : Department of Road .
The Team composition and summary of information on proposed experts as required
by RFP are presented in the following Table below. Additional information has been
added in the table for quick reference of the qualification of the proposed personnel
by the Client. The proposed members of the Team of the Consultant have been
selected because:
All of the proposed team members have high academic qualifications and are fully
abreast of the recent development in technical approach in infrastructure development
All of them have long experiences of successfully completing similar assignments in
the past.
All of them are able to relate and establish technical communication with one another,
and have suitable personal qualities to listen to views impartially.
Technical/Managerial Staff Position Assigned
SN Activity (Work) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Inception Report
a Forming the team with Team Leader
b Desk Study and Literature Review
c Submission of Inception Report
Detail Engineering Survey
2 (Topography Survey , Alignment Study)
Preparation of detailed survey, design,
3 drawing and cost estimate report
4 Submission of Draft Report
5 Submission of Final Report
8. CV