Form Tech-2 Consultant'S Organization and Experience
Form Tech-2 Consultant'S Organization and Experience
Form Tech-2 Consultant'S Organization and Experience
A - Consultant's Organization
1. Background of the Company
The PT Citra Ngada Plan in the field of planning and supervision techniques is nothing but the work
carried out to help the government in the development of the Indonesian community, especially the
people of East Nusa Tenggara.
The development process in Indonesia, especially in Eastern Indonesia, does not stop in line with
science and technology, so that what is aspired to be achieved is the result of development that can
prosper the entire community.
Along with increasingly global development, the professionalism of the company PT. Citra Ngada Plan
always strives to improve the organization with the aim of improving the quality of planning consulting
services and supervision.
Advanced of development cannot be separated from the participation of various parties, both
government, private and other institutions in order to achieve optimal results and maximum quality and
reasonable costs in accordance with the intended planning and supporting regional welfare
improvement programs in an integrated manner.
Responding to the changes in development, PT. Citra Ngada Plan offers itself to jointly with
the government and other private parties to try to provide the best for regional development in
a better propouse
Data Administrasi
By relying on willingness and hard work and supported by capabilities with existing expertise both
company management, experienced experts, and company facilities and other supporting facilities, the
PT. Citra Ngada Plan is capable and ready to respond to existing problems.
Duration Assignment name and brief description Name of Client and Country of Approximate Contract value Role on the
of main deliverables or outputs Assignment (in $ or €)/ Amount Paid to Assignment
Your Firm
12 Juli 2018 -10 Penyusunan Review Masterplan Sistem Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan $ 189,500.00
November 2018 Penyediaan Air Bersih Kota Bajawa Penataan Ruang - Kab. Ngada
(4 Mounth) (Indonesia)
12 Juli 2018 -10 Perencanaan Teknis Penyediaan Air Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan $ 99,600.00
November 2018 Bersih Bagian Wilayah Kota 1 Bajawa Penataan Ruang - Kab. Ngada
(4 Mounth)
06 Juli 2017 - 03 Masterplan Sistem Penyediaan Air Bersih Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan $ 122,800.00
Oktober 2017 Kota Waingapu Kab. Sumba Timur Tahun Penataan Ruang - Kab. Sumba
(3 Mounth) Anggaran Timur
25 Maret 2016 - 23 Jasa Konsultan Perencana Penyediaan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan $ 87,310.00
Juni 2016 Air Bersih IKK Aesesa Penataan Ruang - Kab.
(3 Mounth) Nagekeo
25 Maret 2016 - 23 Jasa Konsultan Perencana Penyediaan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan $ 87,150.00
Juni 2016 Air Bersih IKK Nangaroro Penataan Ruang - Kab.
(3 Mounth) Nagekeo
26 Agustus 2015 - Penyusunan Review Masterplan Sistem Dinas Pekerjaan Umum - Kab. $ 68,950.00
23 November 2015 Drainase Kota Bajawa Ngada
(3 Mounth)
27 Maret 2015 - 25 Perencanaan Teknis Penyediaan Air Bersih Dinas Pekerjaan Umum - Kab. $ 69,400.00
Juni 2015 Ibu Kota Kecamatan Waelengga Tahun Manggarai Timur
(3 Mounth) Anggaran 2015
27 Maret 2015 - 25 Perencanaan Teknis Penyediaan Air Dinas Pekerjaan Umum - Kab. $ 69,700.00
Juni 2015 Bersih Kota Borong Tahun Anggaran Manggarai Timur
(3 Mounth) 2015
06 Mei 2014 - 03 Masterplan Sumber Daya Air Kab. Dinas Pekerjaan Umum - Kab. $ 163,800.00
Oktober 2014 Manggarai Timur Tahun Anggaran 2014 Manggarai Timur
(5 Mounth)
25 Juni 2013 - 23 Masterplan Penyediaan Air Bersih Ibu Dinas Pekerjaan Umum - Kab. $ 84,300.00
Oktober 2013 Kota Kec. Aimere Tahun Anggaran 2013 Ngada
(4 Mounth)
25 Juni 2013 - 23 Masterplan Penyediaan Air Bersih Ibu Dinas Pekerjaan Umum - Kab. $ 84,500.00
Oktober 2013 Kota Kec. Golewa Tahun Anggaran Ngada
(4 Mounth) 2013
25 Juni 2013 - 23 Masterplan Penyediaan Air Bersih Ibu Dinas Pekerjaan Umum - Kab. $ 85,300.00
Oktober 2013 Kota Kec. Riung Tahun Anggaran 2013 Ngada
(4 Mounth)
17 April 2012 - 14 Masterplan Sumber Daya Air Wilayah Dinas Pekerjaan Umum - Kab. $ 144,500.00
September 2012 Kab. Ngada Tahun Anggaran 2012 Ngada
(5 Mounth)
18 Juli 2011 - 14 Perencanaan Teknik Pembangunan Sumur Dinas Pertanian dan $ 93,000.00
Desember 2011 Bor, Screen House, dan Pembangunan Perkebunan - Kab. Timor
(5 Mounth) Tengah Utara
16 Oktober 2009 - 14 Survey Investigasi Desain Jaringan Pengguna Jasa Dinas Pekerjaan $ 59,600.00
Januari 2010 Irigasi Pedesaan Umum - Kab. Ngada
(3 Mounth)
08 Juli 2009 - 02 Perencanaan Teknik Pembangunan Sumur Dinas Pertanian dan $ 96,900.00
Desember 2009 Bor, Screen House, dan Pembangunan Perkebunan - Kab. Timor
(5 Mounth) Tengah Utara