Electric Field Modulation of Thermovoltage in Single-Layer Mos
Electric Field Modulation of Thermovoltage in Single-Layer Mos
Electric Field Modulation of Thermovoltage in Single-Layer Mos
single-layer MoS2
Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 253103 (2014); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4905014
Submitted: 28 October 2014 • Accepted: 04 December 2014 • Published Online: 23 December 2014
© 2014 Author(s).
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 253103 (2014)
Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4905014]
The discovery and experimental realization of graphene— the thermal conductivity j ¼ je þ jl comprising heat trans-
a single layer of graphite—triggered intense research activities port due to electrons (je) and phonons (jl)
in 2D-material systems.1 A multitude of 2D-materials are
known by now, often showing superior properties compared to rS2 T
zT ¼ : (1)
their bulk counterparts. Due to their direct bandgap, single lay- j
ered transition metal dichalcogenides, such as WS2, WSe2,
Competitive thermoelectric materials must have a zT in
MoSe2, and MoS2, are of high interest for electronic and optoe-
the order of 2, corresponding to an energy conversion of
lectronic applications.2 With respect to MoS2, highly sensitive
approximately 27% of the Carnot limit. The term rS2 is
photodetectors with responsivities up to 880 A/W,3 field effect
referred to as power factor, which, under a given tempera-
transistors (FETs) with an Ion/Ioff ratio of 108,4 flexible tran-
ture, quantifies the ability of a material to produce electrical
sistors,5 and selective gas-sensors6 have been reported. All
power. Semiconductors may exhibit a relatively high zT
these devices take advantage of the peculiar single-layer-
because of their moderate level of free carrier concentra-
related properties of MoS2. With regard to thermoelectric prop-
tions.9 Large carrier concentrations lead to high conductiv-
erties, simulations give reason to presume that a maximum
ities, but generally have a detrimental effect on the Seebeck
Seebeck coefficient of about 1600 lV/K may be achieved in
coefficient, and vice versa for low carrier concentrations.
layered MoS2.7 Recently, Buscema et al.8 suggested that
photocurrent generation in single-layer MoS2 is dominated by Modulation of the carrier concentration and thus tuning of
the photo-thermoelectric effect, indicating remarkably high the thermovoltage of semiconductor materials can be
Seebeck coefficients of up to 1 105 lV/K, obtained by achieved by electrostatic fields, e.g., in FET devices.
laser heating. In order to investigate the electric field modulated thermo-
In this letter, we report on a giant thermovoltage for voltage of single-layer MoS2, these were integrated into back-
single-layer MoS2, which can be tuned by an external elec- gated FET devices, equipped with resistive heating structures
tric field. By doing so, a thermal bias along single-layer as shown in the scanning electron micrograph in Figure 1(a).
MoS2 integrated in a back gated FET structure is set up by In addition, this structure enables four-point measurements on
Joule heating and measured in situ by two resistive thermom- the MoS2 monolayer allowing precise in situ measurements of
eters, allowing precise determination of the Seebeck coeffi- the electric field modulated MoS2 resistivity.
cient. A maximal Seebeck coefficient of 5160 lV/K is For device fabrication, single-layer MoS2 flakes were
thus demonstrated, making MoS2 a promising material for deposited by mechanical exfoliation onto highly doped Si
thermoelectric applications. substrates with a 300 nm thick SiO2 layer. Characterisation
The effectiveness of thermoelectric materials can be of the MoS2 flakes, typically 10 lm2–50 lm2 in size, was
linked to the dimensionless figure of merit zT, which is pro- done by optical microscopy10–12 and Raman spectros-
portional to the Seebeck coefficient S, electrical conductivity copy.13,14 The electrical contacts and resistive heater struc-
r, and absolute temperature T, but inversely proportional to tures were fabricated by electron beam lithography, sputter
metal deposition of Ti/Au (5 nm/130 nm) and lift-off techni-
ques. Prior to the thermo-physical characterization, all
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: samples were annealed at 200 C for 2 h in He/H2 flow (100
alois.lugstein@tuwien.ac.at sccm/20 sccm) in order to improve contact reliability.4
0.65 nm,4 and l and w are the channel length and width, degradation effects, or defects within the MoS2 layer result-
respectively, which were determined by subsequent SEM ing in time dependent variations of the thermoelectric
imaging. As shown in the upper inset of Figure 2, the ther- properties.9 In order to explore these degradation effects, we
movoltage increases with decreasing backgate voltage VBG. measured the transfer characteristic for an as processed
Figure 3 shows thereof calculated Seebeck coefficients and sample as well as for the same sample after several days of
their corresponding power factors as a function of resistivity, storage in ambient air. Figure 4 shows that the transfer char-
modulated by the back gate sweep. acteristics of the field modulated single-layer MoS2 device
With decreasing backgate voltage, the resistivity of the exhibits a significant hysteresis in the VBG dependence as a
n-type single-layer MoS2 device increases (see Figure 1(b)) consequence of the slow dynamics of surface states and
and thus the Seebeck coefficient. The Seebeck coefficient traps, leading to a time dependent screening of the gate.
generally increases for a diminishing free carrier concentra- However, for the latter measurement one clearly sees a
tion,9,19,20 and in case of single-layer MoS2 reaches particu- decrease of the on-current by one order of magnitude, broad-
larly large values (>500 lV/K) as the sample resistivity ening of the hysteresis and a pronounced shift of the thresh-
increases above 50 X m. A considerable high Seebeck old voltage towards positive VBG.
coefficient was observed at a resistivity of 490 X m with The time resolved resistivity measurement, plotted in
S ¼ 5160 lV/K. As shown in the inset of Figure 3, the rise the inset of Figure 4, demonstrates a continuous increase of
of the thermovoltage was observed for all investigated sam- the resistivity by almost one order of magnitude within the
ples, which evidently gives the possibility of tuning the first 44 h after sample processing and the terminal thermal
Seebeck coefficient by field induced resistivity modulation. annealing. Note that this measurement was performed in a
Even though the Seebeck coefficients at negative back- dark box, and the time dependent resistivity measurements
gate voltage, i.e., the high resistive regime, exhibit exceed- were started 30 min after closing the darkbox in order to
ingly large values, the corresponding power factors remain exclude photoconductivity effects.14,22
moderate. For positive backgate voltage (i.e., in the low In accordance with Zhang et al.,22 we suppose that the
resistivity regime), the power factor shows values of a few observed degradation effect is due to adsorbates from ambient
100 nW/K2 m (see Figure 3), whereas the power factors at air which interact strongly with MoS2, resulting in enhanced
negative backgate voltage are about one order of magnitude carrier scattering and reduced mobility. By introducing the de-
lower. However, calculations by Liu et al. show that single- vice in vacuum and thus removing the adsorbates, the on state
layer MoS2 has a very short intrinsic phonon mean free path, current increases by one order of magnitude, and the threshold
resulting in a remarkably low thermal conductivity of voltage of the FET is shifted towards negative backgate
1.35 W/mK.21 Thus, despite the low power factor, MoS2 bias.14 Thus, adsorbates on the surface or at the MoS2/sub-
holds great promise as high-performance 2D thermoelectric strate interface appear to act as p-dopants for MoS2 and addi-
tional Coulomb potentials resulting in carrier scattering
increase, thus lowering electron mobility. Recovery of the
The plot of the field modulated thermovoltage, shown in
device performance can also be achieved by annealing of the
the inset of Figure 3, illustrates distinct variations for each
device in H2/He atmosphere at 200 C for 120 min.
individual single-layer MoS2 device. Further, time dependent
measurements revealed a continuous increase of the Seebeck
coefficient for a given backgate voltage within the first hours
after device processing and the finalizing annealing proce-
dure. We suppose that these variations are the result of
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