Manoeuvring devices designed to deliver side thrust or thrust through 360° . Thrusters are
used to allow ships to be more independent from tugs, give them more manoeuvrability for
special tasks, and in some cases give them a “take home” capability. There are three
general types of thrust devices: the lateral thruster or tunnel thruster, which consists of a
propeller installed in a athwartship tunnel; a jet thruster which consists of a pump taking
suction from the keel and discharge to either side; and azimuthal thruster, which can be
rotated through 360° . A cycloidal propulsor can be considered a type of azimuthal thruster.
Thrusters can enhance the manoeuvrability of existing vessels, particularly at low speeds,
and provide a high level of redundancy. The main propulsion system based on thrusters
can also provide increased speed, or lower installed power and reduction in fuel
consumption. The general arrangement and hull form of new buildings incorporating
thrusters can be modified significantly in order to increase hydrodynamic efficiency. The
other key advantage of thrusters is that they tend to suffer less from vibration and noise
and are therefore well suited for use on passenger vessels. Since thrusters are steerable,
using them may also eliminate the ship rudder.
Azimuthing thruster – A propeller that can be rotated through 360° in the horizontal
plane, thus allowing the thrust to be generated in any desired direction.
Titled thruster – Wärtsilä developed new type of steerable thruster with a downward
tilted propeller shaft. The 82° gearbox deflects the jet sufficiently downward to
minimize hull-interaction effects, thus improving thruster efficiency.
VFDs are available with voltage and current ratings covering a wide range of single-
phase and multi-phase AC motors. Low-voltage (LV) drives are designed to operate at
output voltages equal to or less than 690 V. While motor application LV drives are
available in ratings of up to the order of 5 or 6 MW, economic considerations typically
favour medium-voltage (MV) drives with much lower power ratings. Different MV drive
topologies (see Table 2) are configured in accordance with the voltage/current-
combination ratings used in different drive controllers' switching devices such that any
given voltage rating is greater than or equal to one to the following standard nominal
motor voltage ratings: generally either 2+3⁄4.16 kV (60 Hz) or 3+3⁄6.6 kV (50 Hz), with
one thyristor manufacturer rated for up to 12 kV switching. In some applications a step-
up transformer is placed between a LV drive and a MV motor load. MV drives are
typically rated for motor applications greater than between about 375 and 750 kW .MV
drives have historically required considerably more application design effort than
required for LV drive applications.
While harmonics in the PWM output can easily be filtered by carrier frequency-related
filter inductance to supply near-sinusoidal currents to the motor load, the VFD's diode-
bridge rectifier converts AC line voltage to DC voltage output by super-imposing non-
linear half-phase current pulses thus creating harmonic current distortion, and hence
voltage distortion, of the AC line input. When the VFD loads are relatively small in
comparison to the large, stiff power system available from the electric power
company, the effects of VFD harmonic distortion of the AC grid can often be within
acceptable limits. Furthermore, in low-voltage networks, harmonics caused by single-
phase equipment such as computers and TVs are partially cancelled by three-phase
diode bridge harmonics because their 5th and 7th harmonics are in counterphase.
However, when the proportion of VFD and other non-linear load compared to total
load or of non- linear load compared to the stiffness at the AC power supply, or both,
is relatively large enough, the load can have a negative impact on the AC power
waveform available to other power company customers in the same grid.
When the power company's voltage becomes distorted due to harmonics, losses in
other loads such as normal fixed-speed AC motors are increased. This condition may
lead to overheating and shorter operating life. Also, substation transformers and
compensation capacitors are affected negatively. In particular, capacitors can cause
resonance conditions that can unacceptably magnify harmonic levels.
To limit the voltage distortion, owners of VFD load may be required to install filtering
equipment to reduce harmonic distortion below acceptable limits. Alternatively, the utility
may adopt a solution by installing filtering equipment of its own at substations affected
by the large amount of VFD equipment being used. In high-power installations, harmonic
distortion can be reduced by supplying multi-pulse rectifier bridge VFDs from
transformers with multiple phase-shifted windings.
Electrical Bus-Bar:
An electrical bus bar is defined as a conductor or a group of conductor used for collecting
electric power from the incoming feeders and distributes them to the outgoing feeders. In
other words, it is a type of electrical junction in which all the incoming and outgoing
electrical current meets. Thus, the electrical bus bar collects the electric power at one
The bus bar system consists the isolator and the circuit breaker. On the occurrence of a
fault, the circuit breaker is tripped off and the faulty section of the busbar is easily
disconnected from the circuit. The electrical bus bar is available in rectangular, cross-
sectional, round and many other shapes. The rectangular bus bar is mostly used in the
power system. The copper and aluminium are used for the manufacturing of the
electrical bus bar. The most common of the bus-bars are 40×4mm (160 mm2); 40×5 mm
(200 mm2) ; 50×6 mm (300mm2) ; 60×8 mm (480 mm2) ; 80×8 (640 mm2) and 100×10
mm (1000 mm2).
The busbar's material composition and cross-sectional size determine the maximum
current it can safely carry. Busbars can have a cross-sectional area of as little as 10 square
millimetres (0.016 sq in), but electrical substations may use metal tubes 50 millimetres (2.0
in) in diameter (2,000 square millimetres (3.1 sq in)) or more as busbars. Aluminium
smelters use very large busbars to carry tens of thousands of amperes to the
electrochemical cells that produce aluminium from molten salts.
Busbars are produced in a variety of shapes, including flat strips, solid bars and rods,
and are typically composed of copper, brass or aluminium as solid or hollow tubes.
Some of these shapes allow heat to dissipate more efficiently due to their high surface
area to cross- sectional area ratio. The skin effect makes 50–60 Hz AC busbars more
than about 8 millimetres (0.31 in) thickness inefficient, so hollow or flat shapes are
prevalent in higher- current applications. A hollow section also has higher stiffness than
a solid rod of equivalent current-carrying capacity, which allows a greater span between
busbar supports in outdoor electrical switchyards.
A busbar must be sufficiently rigid to support its own weight, and forces imposed by
mechanical vibration and possibly earthquakes, as well as accumulated precipitation in
outdoor exposures. In addition, thermal
expansion from temperature changes induced by ohmic heating and ambient
temperature variations, and magnetic forces induced by large currents, must be
considered. To address these concerns, flexible bus bars, typically a sandwich of
thin conductor layers, were developed. They require a structural frame or cabinet for
their installation.
Distribution boards split the electrical supply into separate circuits at one location.
Busways, or bus ducts, are long busbars with protective covers. Rather than branching
from the main supply at one location, they allow new circuits to branch off anywhere
along the busway.
A busbar may be either supported on insulators, or wrapped in insulation. They are
protected from accidental contact either by a metal earthed enclosure or by elevation
out of normal reach. Power neutral busbars may also be insulated because it is not
guaranteed that the potential between power neutral and safety grounding is always
zero. Earthing (safety grounding) busbars are typically bare and bolted directly onto any
metal chassis of their enclosure. They may be enclosed in a metal housing, in the form
of a bus duct or busway, segregated-phase bus, or isolated-phase bus.
The transformer in the simplest way can be described as a thing that steps up or steps
down voltage. In a step-up transformer, the output voltage is increased and in a step-
down transformer, the output voltage is decreased. The step-up transformer will
decrease the output current and the step-down transformer will increase the output
current for keeping the input and the output power of the system equal.
The transformer is basically a voltage control device that is used widely in the distribution
and transmission of alternating current power. The idea of a transformer was first discussed
by Michael Faraday in the year 1831 and was carried forward by many other prominent
scientific scholars.
However, the general purpose of using transformers was to maintain a balance
between the electricity that was generated at very high voltages and consumption
which was done at very low voltages.
Step up transformers converts the low voltage (LV) and high current from the primary
side of the transformer to the high voltage (HV) and low current value on the secondary
side of the transformer. Step down transformers converts the high voltage (HV) and low
current from the primary side of the transformer to the low voltage (LV) and high current
value on the secondary side of the
A three phase transformer is generally used in three phase power system as it is more
cost effective than single phase transformers. But when size matters, it is preferable to
use a bank of three single phase transformer vs a three phase transformer, as it is
easier to transport than one single three phase transformer unit.
Power transformers are generally used in transmission network for stepping up or down
the voltage level. It operates mainly during high or peak loads and has maximum
efficiency at or near full load.
Distribution transformer steps down the voltage for distribution purpose to domestic or
commercial users. It has good voltage regulation and operates 24 hrs a day with
maximum efficiency at 50% of full load.
Instrument transformers include C.T and P.T which are used to reduce high voltages and
current to lesser values which can be measured by conventional.
outdoor transformers are designed for installing outdoors. indoor transformers are
designed for installing at indoors.
Core Type,Shell Type,Berry Type Transformer
A core type transformer has two vertical legs or limbs with two horizontal sections named
yoke. The core is rectangular in shape with a common magnetic circuit. Cylindrical coils
(HV and LV) are placed on both the limbs.
A shell type transformer has a central limb and two outer limbs. Both HV, LV coils are placed
on the central limb. The double magnetic circuit is present.
In a berry type transformer, the core looks like the spokes of a wheel.
Tightly fitted metal sheet tanks are used for housing this type of oil inside.
Therefore, different safety devices are used on board ship and installed on the main
switchboard (MSB) and electrical distribution panels. This ensures safe and efficient
running of machineries and safety of the personal from electric shock even when one
system is at fault.
The Important safety devices fitted on main switch board are:
Circuit breakers: A circuit breaker is an auto shut down device which activates
during an abnormality in the electrical circuit. Especially during overloading or
short circuit, the circuit breaker opens the supplied circuit from MSB and thus
protects the same. Different circuit breakers are strategically installed at various
Fuses: Fuses are mainly used for short circuit protection and comes in various
ratings. If the current passing through the circuit exceeds the safe value, the fuse
material melts and isolates the MSB from the default system. Normally fuses are
used with 1.5 times of full load current.
Over current relay: OCR is used mainly on the local panel and MSB for protection
from high current. They are installed where a low power signal is a controller.
Normally relays are set equivalent to full load current with time delay.
Dead front panel: It is another safety device provided on the Main switch board
individual panels wherein you cannot open the panel until the power of that panel
is switched off
A switchboard is an assembly of switchgear for the control of power supplies in
an installation or building.
At the main switchboard the ground wire is connected to the neutral wire and
also connected to a convenient grounding point such as a water pipe.
A circuit feeder is a circuit connected directly from the main low voltage
switchboard to the major current-using equipment.
A switchboard is an assembly of switchgear for the control of power supplies
in an installation or building
Shore connection:
Shore connection, enables ships to turn off their diesel engines and connect to on-
shore electric power. Shore-based electricity then runs all onboard services required
at berth such as safety, ventilation, air conditioning, ballast, etc.
Shore connection has proven to be a longer term solution when we look at the
implementation, logistical, environmental and financial aspects of vessels’ operations at
This technology is also able to increase the energy efficiency of these mooring ships.
To use power from the shore-based electricity grid, ships must be either built or
retrofitted with equipment that enables the connection to shore grid, synchronizes the
power changeover from shore to ship and connects the incoming power supply to the
ship’s auxiliary power system.
Shore Connection on-board is conceived to reduce the environmental impact of ships at
berth. This technology is also able to increase the energy efficiency of these mooring
ships. To use power from the shore-based electricity grid, ships must be either built or
retrofitted with equipment that enables the connection to shore grid, synchronizes the
power changeover from shore to ship and connects the incoming power supply to the
ship’s auxiliary power system.
Shore connection has proven to be a longer term solution when we look at the
logistical, environmental and financial aspects of vessels’ operations at berth. Shore
connection, enables ships to turn off their diesel engines and connect to on-shore
electric power. Shore-based electricity then runs all onboard services required at
berth such as safety, ventilation, air conditioning, ballast, etc.
Circuit breaker:
A circuit breaker is an electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage
caused by overcurrent/overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow after
protective relays detect a fault.
Circuit breakers are made in varying sizes, from small devices that protect low-current circuits or
individual household appliances, to large switchgear designed to protect high voltage circuits
feeding an entire city. The generic function of a circuit breaker, or fuse, as an automatic means of
removing power from a faulty system, is often abbreviated as OCPD (Over Current Protection
The circuit breaker must first detect a fault condition. In small mains and low voltage circuit
breakers, this is usually done within the device itself. Typically, the heating or magnetic effects of
electric current are employed. Circuit breakers for large currents or high voltages are usually
arranged with protective relay pilot devices to sense a fault condition and to operate the opening
mechanism. These typically require a separate power source, such as a battery, although some
high- voltage circuit breakers are selfcontained with current transformers, protective relays, and
an internal control power source.
Once a fault is detected, the circuit breaker contacts must open to interrupt the circuit; this is
commonly done using mechanically stored energy contained within the breaker, such as a spring
or compressed air to separate the contacts. Circuit breakers may also use the higher current
caused by the fault to separate the contacts, such as thermal expansion or a magnetic field.
Small circuit breakers typically have a manual control lever to switch off the load or reset a
tripped breaker, while larger units use solenoids to trip the mechanism, and electric motors to
restore energy to the springs.
The circuit breaker contacts must carry the load current without excessive heating, and must also
withstand the heat of the arc produced when interrupting (opening) the circuit. Contacts are made
of copper or copper alloys, silver alloys and other highly conductive materials. Service life of the
contacts is limited by the erosion of contact material due to arcing while interrupting the current.
Miniature and molded-case circuit breakers are usually discarded when the contacts have worn,
but power circuit breakers and high-voltage circuit breakers have replaceable contacts.
Circuit breakers have one job, which is to protect the wiring of your home and keep everyone inside
the home safe. Every time your circuit breaker trips, the circuit breaker is actively preventing an
overload of electrical current from burning out the electronics and appliances plugged into outlets
and potentially starting a fire. Essentially, the circuit breaker senses an overload and shuts the
electricity off to that specific zone or the entire house.
When you’re looking at your circuit breaker panel, the mess of wires and switches reveals a lot
of valuable information. For example, the size of the circuits gives you a good idea about the
types of appliances and electronic equipment you can operate in any given area.
For starters, you have the size of the main breaker. This is the on/off switch that controls the
whole panel. According to Popular Mechanics, most homes around 2,000 square feet or so
should have a 200-amp breaker. Smaller buildings and homes may only need breakers between
50-amp and 150- amp in size. Other notable parts of the breaker panel include:
The double-pole breaker, which uses all the available volts. This is often broken down into 15-
and 20-amp circuit breakers that operate baseboard heaters while 30-amp breakers typically
handle electric dryers and water heaters. Larger appliances like electric ranges typically use 40-
amp and 50- amp breakers.
The single-pole breaker typically contains 15-amp and 20-amp all-purpose breakers that run
outlets and lights.
The 15-amp arc-fault-circuit interrupter (AFI) breaker helps prevent any accidental electric
discharge, minimizing the chance of an electrical fire.
As electricity comes into your home, it goes through the circuit breaker and flows
through the circuits. The entire breaker, including wires and wire insulation, works as a whole. If
you are allowing too much electrical current to pass through, wires heat up, insulation can
degrade and fires start.
However, before any of this can happen, the circuit breaker senses the overload and trips to
prevent any damage. That’s why you may need to have an electrician add an additional circuit if
you start adding new electrical equipment to your home.
The circuit breakers in your home's electrical panel are there to protect you and your home from
fires. All the electricity you use passes through them, and each one has a temperature monitoring
device that shuts off the breaker when the temperature rises too high. It's normal for a breaker to
feel warm when current is passing through it, but it should never feel hot. If it does, and you're
sure it's securely anchored to the panel and the wires are tight, there's probably something wrong
with it. If the breaker is bad, the lights on the circuit may be flickering because circuit breaker
failure is often indicated when lights flicker off and on circuit breaker doesn't trip. The best course
of action is to replace the breaker.
Specified Process:
In case the total power generation capacity of all the emergency generators, physically and
electrically connected, in the same premises exceeds 5MW, the establishment is liable to be
controlled under a Specified Process licence for the operation. Please refer to Electricity
Works in Schedule 1 of the Air Pollution Control Ordinance for relevant requirements General
Applicants are required to provide the following relevant information in the plans and
specifications of the proposed emergency generator installation:-
(a) indicate the position of the emergency generator in a layout plan drawn to a scale of not less
than 1:100;
(b) indicate the site location, along with exhaust outlet, in a block plan drawn to a P. 2 / 4 scale of
not less than 1:500;
(c) show in the submitted plan the hourly fuel consumption rate of each emergency generator and
the grade of the fuel to be used complies with the requirements of the Air Pollution Control
(Fuel Restriction) Regulations, i.e. sulphur content of the fuel does not exceed 0.005% by
weight and the viscosity does not exceed 6 centistokes at 40 degree Celsius;
(d) provide the diameters and arrangement of the flues/chimneys serving the generator(s) in a
layout plan and in plans (drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100) showing the elevations in
different perspectives (front and side elevations, plan etc.);
(e) demonstrate with relevant drawings and statements that the outlets of the flues/chimneys are
at least 5 m from the surrounding sensitive receptors such as openable doors / windows, as
well as any fresh air intake point of the HVAC system, and not under any canopy or balcony
(the 5m rule here is only a general requirement rather than a rule of thumb or a fixed standard,
please refer to Section 4.1 for the guiding principles and further details);
(f) direct the exit of the flue(s) / chimney(s) vertically upward without rain caps;
(g) if the chimney is located on an unoccupied podium/roof, it should be at a minimum distance of
3m above the parapet wall of the podium or the highest point of any structure on the
podium/roof. For an occupied podium, the 3m should be measured from the top of the
occupied structure or the highest point of any structure on the podium/roof. In case the
ventilation is good and the emission is
unlikely to cause any air pollution, the exhaust outlet may be allowed at lower level but a
minimum distance of 5m above ground should be complied with;
(h) provide the name and the address of owner(s) of the emergency generator(s);
(i) provide the detailed particulars of the generator(s) such as its/their catalogue(s)/specifications
and indicate in the submitted plan the brand name, model, fuel consumption rate and capacity
of the generator(s);
(j) all plans shall be signed (except the block plan) by a qualified engineer who is a registered
professional engineer in the building services, gas, chemical, marine mechanical or
environmental engineering disciplines under the Engineers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 409).
Layout plan and plans showing the elevations are to be prepared by either an authorized
person or a qualified engineer; and chimney structural details and block plans are to be
prepared by an authorized person;
(k) submit two (2) sets of plans; and (l) other special requirements may be deemed necessary for
individual case
Emergency switchboard:
• During the main power failure the switch board which provides the emergency load that
supplied from emergency generator.
• Switch board has two sections , 440v and 220v.
• In normal conditions, the 440v supply is taken from E/R main switchboard, through a
circuit breaker.
• The circuit breaker trips(open), when there is loss of power.
• Immediately Power is supplied from emergency generator through another circuit
• To prevent simultaneous closing of both breaker (both emergency and main generator
may be running, simultaneously) , an interlock is provided.
Emergency Switchboard:
Switchgear and controlgear assembly which is normally supplied by the main
switchboard but, in the event of failure of the main electrical power supply system, is directly
supplied by the emergency source of electrical power or the transitional source of emergency
power and is intended to distribute and control electrical energy to the emergency services for all
electrical consumers essential for the safety of the crew and the unit under emergency conditions.
Emergency switchboard is a switchboard which, in the event of failure of the main system of
electrical power supply, is directly supplied by the emergency source of electrical power and/or
the transitional source of emergency power and is intended to distribute electrical energy to the
emergency services.
In electric power distribution, Feeder is “voltage power line transferring power from a distribution
substation to the distribution transformers” In an electrical wiring circuit in a building
which Feeder is a “wire/line that carries power from a transformer or switch gear to a distribution
In electrical engineering, a feeder line is a type of transmission line. In addition
feeders are the power lines through which electricity is transmitted in power systems. feeder
transmits power from Generating station or substation to the distribution points.
This industrial training at Hindustan Shipyard has helped us gain a vast amount of practical knowledge
and the real difficulties associated in the shipbuilding. We as the students of Naval Architecture &
Ocean Engineering believe that this training experience will help us in building a successful career.
We are very thankful to the training department and all the engineers in the shipyard who guided us
for the past two months.
The training at Hindustan Shipyard has helped us to gain practical skills like reading & interpreting
production drawing, ability to solve practical everyday problems that may occur during construction
and has made me independent. We have learnt the importance of completing the work on time. It has
taught us how to interact professionally with our peers. This training program has helped us in
believing our self and extracted out the hidden potential of ours. We have learnt here to work as a
team. We are highly indebted to Hindustan Shipyard and hope for an opportunity to serve it better in