Krok - Base Pharmacology
Krok - Base Pharmacology
Krok - Base Pharmacology
1. A 50-year-old patient has been referred for treatment of neck lymphadenitis. His individual
penicillin sensitivity was tested. In 30 seconds full-body fever raised in the patient and his
arterial blood pressure dropped to 0 mm Hg, followed by cardiac arrest. Resuscitation was
unsuccessful. Autopsy revealed acute venous hyperemia of viscera. Histological study revealed
mast cells (tissue basocytes) degranulation in the skin (at the area of injections), myocardium and
lungs. What kind of hypersensitivity reaction occurred in patient?
A. Anaphylactic
B. Delayed-type hypersensitivity
C. Complement-mediated cytotoxic
D. Immune complex-mediated
E. –
2. For the purpose of anaesthetization a patient got injection of local anesthetic. A few minutes
later the patient got dyspnea and tachycardia; he lost consciousness. What type of shock is it?
A. Anaphylactic
B. Cardiogenic
C. Haemorrhagic
D. Traumatic
E. Burn
3. After anaesthetic application during tooth extraction the patient developed marked soft tissue
edema of the upper and lower jaw, skin rash on the face, reddening, and itching. What
pathological process results insuchreaction to the anaesthetic?
A. Allergy
B. Toxic action of a drug
C. Inflammation
D. Circulatory deficiency
E. Disturbed lymph drainage
4. A patient has been administered conduction anesthesia with novocaine in preparation for tooth
extraction. After the anesthesia administration the patient developed swelling and hyperemy
around the injection site, skin itch, general fatigue, motor agitation. Name the developed
A. Allergy
B. Tachyphylaxis
C. Idiosyncrasy
D. Drug dependence
E. Inflammation
6. A patient was prescribed a drug with apparent lipophilic properties. What is the main
mechanism of its absorption?
A. Passive diffusion
B. Filtration
C. Active transport
D. Pinocytosis
E. Binding with transport proteins
7. For pain relief a patient has taken simultaneously a tablet of paracetamol and a tablet of
diclofenac sodium. What type of drug interaction did the patient use for self-treatment?
A. Additive synergism
B. Non-competitive antagonism
C. Potentiated synergism
D. Synergic antagonism
E. Competitive antagonism
9. A patient used an indirect-acting adrenergic agonist to treat rhinitis. After the patient has been
putting in the nose drops for several days, the vasoconstrictive effect of the drug gradually
diminished. Name this phenomenon:
A. Tachyphylaxis
B. Idiosyncrasy
C. Teratogenicity
D. Allergy
E. Cumulation
10. A patient noticed symptoms of approaching attack of bronchial asthma and took several
tablets one by one at short intervals out of the doctor’s control. Short-term improvement of his
condition came only after taking the first two tablets. Next intakes of a drug didn’t improve his
condition. Reduction of the drug effectiveness was caused by:
A. Tachyphylaxis
B. Cumulation
C. Addiction
D. Dependence
E. Idiosyncrasy
11. A patient has been taking bisacodyl for a long time to treat chronic constipation. However,
several weeks later the aperient effect of the drug diminished. What is the possible cause of
A. Acquired tolerance
B. Drug dependence
C. Material cumulation
D. Functional cumulation
E. Sensitization
12. A patient who has been taking a certain drug for a long time cannot discontinue the use of it
because this causes psychic and somatic disfunctions. The syndrome occuring at refraining from
the use of a drug is called:
A. Abstinence
B. Sensitization
C. Idiosyncrasy
D. Tachyphylaxis
E. Cumulation
13. A patient diagnosed with morphinism has been admitted to the narcological department. A
doctor noted a decrease in pharmacological activity of morphine. Repetitive use of a drug may
result in tolerance to its effect, and this phenomenon is called:
A. Addiction
B. Cumulation
C. Tachyphylaxis
D. Antagonism
E. Allergy
14. A patient with chronic heart failure has been taking digoxin for several months on an
outpatient basis. At a certain stage of treatment, he got symptoms of drug overdose. What effect
underlies the development of this complication?
A. Material accumulation
B. Adaptation
C. Sensibilization
D. Functional cumulation
E. Tachyphylaxis
15. A patient with heart failure and tachycardia has been prescribed digoxin. After 5 days of
taking digoxin the patient’s heart rate was normalized. After 2 weeks the patient addressed a
doctor due to continuous decrease of heart rate down to 52/min. What phenomenon has caused
such changes of heart rate?
A. Cumulation
B. Tachyphylaxis
C. Allergy
D. Tolerance
E. Idiosyncrasy
16. A woman who had been consuming alcohol excessively during her pregnancy had a child
with cleft palate and upper lip. These presentations are indicative of some chromosomal
anomalies. What process do they result from?
A. Teratogenesis
B. Ontogenesis
C. Mutagenesis
D. Carcinogenesis
E. Phylogenesis
17. A woman who had taken alcohols during her pregnancy had a child with cleft palate and
upper lip. These presentations are indicative of some chromosomal anomalies. What process do
they result from?
A. Teratogenesis
B. Carcinogenesis
C. Mutagenesis
D. Phylogenesis
E. Ontogenesis
18. A patient with angina pectoris was helping himself with nitroglycerin. One day the patient
used nitroglycerin several times because of frequent episodes of pain. So as the last sublingual
administration of nitroglycerin did not relieve pain, the patient addressed his doctor. Doctor
advised him to withdraw nitroglycerin for 8 hours and prescribed another drug. After 8 hours the
effect of nitroglycerin was restored. Which phenomenon did take place in this case?
A. Increase in nitroglycerin metabolism
B. Increase in protein binding
C. Decrease of absorption
D. Drug dependence
19. Metabolism can render pharmacological activity to some initially inert substances (pro-drug).
Point out the substance, which is pro-drug, used for treatment of hypertension.
20. A patient who has been treated with diazepam on account of neurosis complains of
toothache. Doctor administered him an analgetic, but its dose was lower than average therapeutic
dose. What phenomenon did the doctor take into account while prescribing the patient an
E.Drug dependence.
21. A patient with frequent attacks of stenocardia was prescribed sustak-forte to be taken one
tablet twice a day. At first the effect was positive but on the second day stenocardia attacks
resumed. What can explain inefficiency of the prescribed drug?
22. A man who has been taking a drug for a long time cannot withhold it because this causes
impairment of psychic, somatic and vegetative functions. Name the syndrome of different
disturbances caused by drug discontinuation:
A. Idiosyncrasy
27. Anticoagulant drug warfarin is bounding to plasma albumin. How its effect can be changed
in case of hypoalbuminemia?
A.Effect unchanged
D.Significant delayed onset of
effect E.Abolishing of effect .
28. Passive reabsorption from tubular urine (pH of 5) of a drug administered IV would be
reduced if the drug were
A.A weak base
B.A weak acid
C.Water soluble
D.Protein bound
E.None of the above.
29. Patient suffering from angina pectoris was helping himself by sublingual usage of
nitroglycerin. One day he used the drug several times. The last use did not relieve his pain. What
phenomenon does occur?
A. Antagonism
E.Binding to
30. Point out the kind of drug interaction that permits to use one of them in lower
dose. A.Antagonism
B. Cumulation
E.Additive synergism.
31. Patient with infection of GIT was treated with antibiotic. Which type of therapy is
it? A.Symptomatic
32. Alongside with therapeutic effect drugs can cause side effects. In which dose they can
occur? A.In overdose
B. In therapeutic dose
C. In threshold dose
D. In subthreshold dose
E. At any dose.
33. Patient suffering from gastric peptic ulcer was treated with M-cholinoblocker. What is the
mechanism of this drug action?
C.Direct chemical
E.Action on ion channels of membrane.
34. A patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency was prescribed digoxin in average therapeutic
dose. After 2 weeks of treatment the symptoms of intoxication (bradycardia, extrasystole,
nausea) were developed. Point out the phenomenon responsible for intoxication.
B.Material cumulation
D.Functional cumulation
35. The patient with heart failure was using digitoxin. His condition initially improved, but with
time the manifestations of heart failure have increased again, and symptoms of glycoside
intoxication apeared. What is the cause of patient's condition worsening?
36. Analgesic effect of methamizole(analgin) in the dental pain develops in 0.5 hour and lasts for
1.5-2 hours. Tablets "Piraminal" in the same situation are faster and longer acting. What is the
phenomenon responsible for difference in the action of these drugs?
A.Chemical antagonism
B.Functional antagonism
C.Undirectional antagonism
37. In the elderly patient with symptoms of senile atonic constipation long-term treatment with
drug buckthorn has led to a weaking effect. What is this phenomenon?
38. During the barbituric anesthesia in a patient respiratory depression occurred. After
intravenous injection of 10 ml 0.5% solution of bemegride the patient's condition improved, the
volume of pulmonary ventilation inceased. Point out the phenomenon responsible for curative
effect of bemegride in this case
A.Direct synergisnm
B.Undirectional antagonism
C.Direct antagonism
D.Indirect antagonism
E.Indirect synergism.
39. A child of 2 years admitted to the infectious deseases hospital with a diagnosis of bacillary
dysentery. What a way of enteral administration of antimicrobial agent polymyxin is the most
rational, if child has uncontrollable vomiting?
40. In a patient with traumatic brain injury there are such symptoms: the obscured
consciousness, inpaired respiration, filiform pulse, absence of reflexes. Which route of drug
administration for urgent aid is the most appropriate in this case?
41. In poisoning with mushrooms containing muscarine atropine is used as an antidote. Which of
the following mechanisms, typical for atropine, leads to the neutralization of the poison
mushroom - muscarine?
B.Physical and chemical
42. Prolonged use of certain drugs before pregnancy can disrupt fetal development. What is the
name of this action?
43. With long-term treatment by antipsychotic drugs at therapeutic doses in patient, along with
the restoration of the psychic function, some undesired effects such as tension in the skeletal
muscles, stiffness of gait, and some autonomic disorders occurred. What the type of drug’s
effects should include these?
C.The main therapeutic effect
E.Side effects
44. After clinical and laboratory examination of a patient with diabetes mellitus insulin was
appointed for treatment.What is the type of this therapy?
45. In order to reduce toothache a patient was recommended to take methamisol (analgin). What
the type of pharmacotherapy was used?
46. In 18 years old patient with shoulder phlegmon intramuscular injection of penicillin was
made, after which he developed tachycardia, filiform pulse, fall of blood pressure to 80/60 mm
Hg. What type of pathological response was originated?
47. A man got poisoned with mushrooms. They contain muscarine that stimulates muscarinic
cholinoreceptors. What symptom is typical for poisoning with inedible mushrooms?
A. Miosis
B. Mydriasis
C. Bronchi dilation
D. Heart rate rise
E. Arterial pressure rise
48. A patient presented to a hospital with complaints about quick fatigability and significant
muscle weakness. Examination revealed an autoimmune disease that causes functional disorder
of receptors in the neuromuscular synapses. This will result in the disturbed activity of the
following mediator:
A. Acetylcholine
B. Noradrenaline
C. Dopamine
D. Serotonin
E. Glycine
49. A patient after disrupted cerebral circulation has developed paralysis. Choose the
anticholinesterase drug to be prescribed in this case:
A. Proserin
B. Cordiamin
C. Aceclidine
D. Methacin
E. Hexamethonium (Benzohexonium)
50. On the 2-3 day after stomach resection a patient is still experiencing a failure of intestinal
peristalsis. In order to stimulate the motility of gastrointestinal tract the following drug should be
A. Proserin
B. Prazosin
C. Cyclodolum
D. Atropine sulphate
E. Noradrenaline hydrotartrate
51. In order to reduce salivation before a stomatological procedure a dentist gave his patient 10
drops of 0,1% solution of atropine sulfate perorally. 30 minutes later the patient started
complaining of acute pain in the eyeballs, misty vision, headache, palpitation. These symptoms
were eliminated by means of the following drug:
A. Physostigmine
B. Aceclidine
C. Cytiton
D. Carbacholine
E. Phosphacol
52. After a patient had taken a blocking agent, his heart rate (HR) increased. Pressing on the
eyeballs didn’t result in the expected reflectory decrease in heart rate. What exactly was blocked
by the drug in the pacemaker cells?
A. M-cholinergic receptors
B. α-adrenergic receptors
C. β-adrenergic receptors
D. Ca2+-L-type channels
E. Fast Na+ channels
53. Patient with complaints of dryness in the mouth, photophobia and disturbances of vision was
admitted to the reception-room. Skin is hyperemic and dry, pupils are dilated, tachycardia.
Poisoning with belladonna alkaloids was diagnosed on further examination. What medicine
should be prescribed as antidote?
B.Prozerin (Neostigmine)
54. Patient with pin-point pupils, sweating, salivation, abdominal cramps, disturbances in
respiration was admitted to the emergency room. Poisoning with what substance is the most
likely occurred?
A.Non-narcotic analgesics
C.Narcotic analgesics
D.М-cholinergic antagonists
55. A known patient of myasthenia gravis came to you with his disease well controlled by
neostigmine; but he asked you to give him drug that needs more rare usage. Choose the
necessary drug.
C.Ambenonium chloride
56. A 49-year old frequent business traveler presents to his physician requesting medication to
help him with nausea and dizziness that he gets during turbulent flights. A scolopamine patch is
prescribed for his motion sickness. Which of the following is the most likely side effects from
this patch?
A. Bradycardia
57. In complex treatment of a child, suffering from cerebral palsy, a doctor decided to include
anticholinesterase drug moderately improving mental development. Choose this drug.
B. Neostigmine
58. A patient with complaints of dryness in the mouth, photophobia and vision impairment was
admitted in the reception-room. Skin is hyperemic, dry, pupils, are dilated, tachycardia.
Poisoning with belladonna alkaloids was diagnosed on further examination. What medicine
should be prescribed?
59. On the 2-3rd day after stomach resection intestinal peristalsis wasn't restored. What is to be
administered for stimulation of gastrointestinal tract?
A.Atropine sulfate
60. After completion of abdominal surgery conducted with the use of nondepolarizing
myoreolaxant, the patient did not restored spontaneous breathing. What kind of drug is able to
restore breathing in this case?
61. A patient with signs of poisoning by organophosphorus insecticides was delivered to the
hospital emergency department What medication should be applied as a first-aid?
62. The patient was taken to the emergency department with complaints of dryness in the mouth,
photophobia and blurred vision. On examination hyperemic dry skin, dilated pupils, tachycardia
were revealed, and poisoning with belladonna alkaloids was diagnosed. Which of the drugs is
advisable to apply?
63. The patient in the postoperative period to stimulate intestinal motility and tone of the bladder
has been appointed agent of a group of anticholinesterase. Identify it among the following
A.Propranolol (Anaprilin)
67. A patient who takes blocker of membrane cytoreceptors of efferent conductor synapses of
autonomic nervous system complains about dry mouth. What receptors are blocked?
A. Muscarinic cholinoreceptors
B. Nicotinic cholinoreceptors
C. H2 -receptors
D. α-adrenoreceptors
E. β-adrenoreceptors
68. A patient has a spasm of smooth muscles of bronchi. As the first aid it would be
physiologically appropriate to inject the patient the antagonists of the following receptors:
A. M-cholinoreceptors
B. α -adrenoreceptors
C. N-cholinoreceptors
D. β-adrenoreceptors
E. Adenosine receptors
69. In dental practice atropine sulfate is used to decrease salivation. This drug belongs to the
following group:
A. Muscarinic antagonists
B. α-adrenergic agonists
C. β-adrenoceptor antagonists
D. Ganglionic blockers
E. Muscle relaxants
70. A patient complains of dizziness, thirst, difficult swallowing, and impaired vision of close
objects. Objectively: respiratory rate is increased, pupils are dilated, general agitation,
talkativeness, though the speech is indistinct. BP is 110/70 mm Hg, heart rate is 110/min.
Given symptoms can indicate overdosage of the following drug:
A. Atropine
B. Morphine
C. Ephedrine
D. Aminazi
E. Caffeine
71. A patient has been given atropine sulfate for rapid relief of spastic colon symptoms. The use
of this drug is contraindicated during the followng disease:
A. Glaucoma
B. Bronchial asthma
C. Bradycardia
D. Hypotension
E. Gastric ulcer
72. A patient was taken to a hospital with dizziness, dry mouth, mydriatic pupils,
accommodation disorder, tachycardia, difficult urination, intestinal atony. These symptoms
might have been caused by overdose of the following drug:
A. Atropine sulfate
B. Furosemide
C. Clonidine
D. Captopril
E. Prazosin
73. A patient in grave condition has been delivered to the admission ward. Examination revealed
pupil mydriasis, no reaction to the light, considerable reddening and dryness of skin and mucous
membranes. What drug might have caused the intoxication symptoms?
A. Atropine sulphate
B. Proserin
C. Adrenalin hydrochloride
D. Pilocarpine hydrochloride
E. Dithylinum
74. A patient was delivered to the admission ward with poisoning with an insecticide of
anticholinesterase action. What drug able to block muscarinic cholinoreceptors should be
A. Atropine sulfate
B. Pilocarpine hydrochloride
C. Dithylinum
D. Benzohexonium
E. Mesatonum
75. A patient has applied eye drops containing atropine which resulted in persistent mydriasis.
Which muscle was blocked?
A. Pupil-contracting
B. Pupil-dilating
C. Ciliate
D. Rectus
E. Oblique
76. Curarelike substances (dithylinum) make it impossible for skeletal muscles to contract
because they block:
A. Neuromuscular synapses
B. Central synapses
C. Ganglionic synapses
D. Membrane conduction of excitement
E. Proprioceptors
77. During an operation a patient got injection of muscle relaxant dithylinum. Relaxation of
skeletal muscles and inhibition of respiration lasted two hours. This condition was caused by
absence of the following enzyme in blood serum:
A. Butyrylcholin esterase
B. Catalase
C. Acetylcholinesterase
D. Glucose 6-phosphatase
E. Glutathione peroxidase
78. The first-aid center has received a victim of a traffic accident diagnosed with closed
displaced racture of the middle third of the thigh. For repositioning of bone fragments the patient
received 10 ml of 2% dithylinum solutionin travenously, which resulted in prolonged period of
apnoea and musclerelaxation.What enzyme is deficient, resultingin such pharmacogenetic
A. Pseudocholinesterase
B. Uridine diphosphate glucuronyltransferase
C. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
D. Methemoglobinreductase
E. N-acetyltransferase
79. A patient had to go through an operation. Doctors introduced him dithylinum (listenone) and
performed intubation. After the end of operation and cessation of anesthesia the independent
respiration wasn't restored. Which enzyme deficit prolongs the action of muscle relaxant?
A. Pseudocholinesterase
B. Succinate dehydrogenase
C. Carbanhydrase
D. N-acetyltransferase
E. K-Na-adenosine triphosphatase
80. A patient with dislocated jaw was given a short-acting muscle relaxant by a doctor. Name
this drug:
A. Dithylinum (Suxamethonium chloride)
B. Procaine
C. Cytitonum (Cytisine)
D. Papaverine hydrochloride
E. Pyridostigmine hydrobromide
81. A patient with limb fracture should be prescribed a depolarizing muscle relaxant for brief
surgical invasion. Name this drug:
A. Dithylinum
B. Azamethonium bromide (Pentaminum)
C. Cytisinum (Cytitonum)
D. Tubocurarin chloride
E. Atropine sulfate
82. During a surgery, the anesthesiologist used a ganglionic blocker for controlled
hypotension. What drug was given the patient in this case?
A. Hygronium
B. Benzohexonium
C. Pirilenum
D. Pentaminum
E. Pachycarpinum
83. Teenager with fracture of hand was presented to the emergency room. To perform reposition
of fractured bones it was necessary to relax skeletal muscle. For this purpose myorelaxant
causing sustained depolarization of the post junctional membrane was administered. Which of
the following agents was used?
84. Patient suffering from gastric peptic ulcer was treated with cholinotropic drug selectively
blocking M1 cholinoceptors of parietal gastric glands. Point out this drug?
E.Hyoscine (scopolamine).
85. A patient given succinylcholine for skeletal muscle relaxation during an operation, is not
recovered for the last 1 hour. What must be used to restore spontaneous respiration?
D.Blood transfusion
86. A 59 year old man develops excessive salivation and sweating, diarrhea, and bradycardia
while being treated with neostigmine for myasthenia gravis. Which of the following is the most
appropriate therapy for these symptoms and signs?
87. A patient with symptoms of phosphorganic poisoning was taken to emergency department.
Which of the following drugs mast be used as a drug of first aid?
B.Potassium chloride
D.Chlorpromazine (Aminazine)
88. After abdominal surgery performed under general anaesthesia with non- depolarizing
myorelaxant spontaneous respiration was not restored. Which of the following drugs is to be
used as an antidote of non-depolarizing myorelaxant?
C.Neostigmine (Proserin)
89. For testing refraction of eye atropine was instilled into conjunctival sac. On completion of
the procedure another cholinergic drug was used to counteract mydriasis and cycloplegia, caused
by atropine. Point this drug.
C.Hyoscine (Scopolamine)
D.Phenylephrine (Mesatonum)
90. Administration of pirenzepine in patients with gastric peptic ulcer is not accompanied by
numerous side effects characteristic for atropine and other M-cholinoblckers due to
A. Inability to penetrate through blood brain
barrier B.Selective inhibition of M1 –
cholinoceptors C.Inhibition of all types of M –
cholinoceptors D.Inhibition of cholinesterase
E.Significant protein binding.
91. It is known that administration of tubocurarine during surgery can enhance the development
of postoperative paralytic ileus. What is the mechanism of this side effect of tubocurarine?
A.Inhibition of M –cholinoceptors
B. Inhibition of cholinesterase
C.Ganglion blocking activity
D.Stimulation of M –cholinoceptors
E.Stimulation of both M – and N-cholinoceptors.
92. A 50-year-old male farm worker has been brought to the emergency room. He was found
confused in the orchard and since then has remained unconscious. His heart rate is 45 and his
blood pressure is 80/40 mm Hg. He is sweating and salivating profusely. Which of the following
should be prescribed?
94. A patient had to go through an operation. Doctors introduced him dithylinum (listenone) and
performed intubation. After the end of operation and cessation of anesthesia the independent
respiration wasn't restored. Which enzyme deficit prolongs the action of muscle relaxant?
B.K-Na-adenosine triphosphatase
C.N - acetyltransferase
D.Succinate dehydrogenase
95. A patient with fracture of his lower jaw was admitted to the maxillofacial department. It was
decided to fix his bones surgically under anaesthetic. After intravenous introduction of muscle
relaxant there arose short fibrillar contractions of the patient's facial muscles. What muscle
relaxant was applied?
B.Pipecuronium bromide
E.Tubocurarin chloride.
96. If a man has an attack of bronchiospasm it is necessary to reduce the effect of vagus on
smooth muscles of bronchi. What membrane cytoreceptors should be blocked for this purpose?
C.alfa- and beta-adrenoreceptors
97. The patient with bronchial asthma uses inhaled form M - holinoblocker. In this case, as a
rule, characteristic side effects such as blurred, constipation tachycardia do not appear. Point out
the drug that patient uses.
D.Ipratropium Bromide
98. The drug selectively blocking M1 - cholinergic receptors was assigned to patient suffering
from gastric peptic ulcer. What this drug is?
99. Dentist in order to reduce salivation during the filling of the tooth prescribed the drug to the
patient. What the medicine was prescribed?
A.Adrenalin hydrochloride
B.Phenylephrine (Mezaton)
D.Pilocarpine hydrochloride
E.Atropine sulfate
100. Introduction of the drug in experimental animals decreases salivation, dilates pupils, and on
the subsequent intravenous injection of acetylcholine heart rate did not change significantly.
Specify the name of the substance:
A.Propranolol (Anaprilin)
B.Neostigmine methylsulfate
101. Dithylinum was injected to the patient before surgery and intubation was performed. After
the operation, and termination of anesthesia spontaneous breathing was not restored. Deficiency
of which enzyme is responsible for prolongation of this muscle relaxant action?
A.Carbonic anhydrase
C.Succinate dehydrogenase
102. The preparation of the depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents should be assign to the
patient with a broken limb for short-lasting surgical procedure. Choose the drug.
A.Atropine sulfate
E.Tubocurarine chloride.
103. In a patient with myasthenia after the treatment with neostigmine nausea, diarrhea, and
hypersalivation appeared. Point out the drug to eliminate these side effects.
A.Atropine Sulfate
B.Phenylephrine (Mezaton)
E.Pyridostigmine bromide.
104. In the patient with a forearm injury during the bone repositioning Dithylinum was used for
muscle relaxation. Full recovery of muscle tone and function took more than an hour. What can
be the cause of significant lengthening of the drug’s action?
A. Genetic deficiency of monoamine oxidase
B. Genetic deficiency of butyrylcholinesterase
C.Inhibition of microsomal oxidation
D.Genetic deficiency of hydroxylase
E.Formation of the active metabolite.
105. During introduction of local anesthesia a patient has gone into anaphylactic shock. What
drug must be administered to the patient?
A. Epinephrine hydrochloride
B. Diazepam
C. Atropine sulfate
D. Propranolol
E. Nitroglycerin
106. Condition of a patient with diabetes mellitus sharply deteriorated after a regular injection of
insulin. The patient became anxious and broke out in cold sweat; tremor of the extremities,
general weakness, and dizziness appeared. What medicine can remove these symptoms?
A. Adrenaline
B. Tolbutamide
C. Caffeine
D. Noradrenaline
E. Glibutid (Bufo min)
107. In a surgical department of a stomatological polyclinic a patient is being prepared for tooth
extraction. What drug should be added to the solution of a local anaesthetic in order to prolong
its action?
A. Adrenalin hydrochloride
B. Noradrenaline hydrotartrate
C. Isadrine
D. Salbutamol
E. Octadine
108. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are widely used in clinics as psychopharmacological drugs.
They change the level of the following neurotransmitter in the synapses:
A. Norepinephrine
B. Acetylcholine
D. Substance P
E. L-glutamate
109. A patient with arterial hypertension has developed a bronchial asthma attack. Which of the
following bronchodilators may provoke a hypertensive crisis?
A. Ephedrine hydrochloride
B. Salbutamol
C. Aminophylline
D. Berotec
E. Isadrine
110. A 58-year-old patient with essential hypertension complains about general health
deterioration. She has been administered methyldopa. Specify the mechanism of this drug action:
A. Inhibtion of noradrenaline synthesis
B. Increase in acetylcholine synthesis
C. Blockade of α-adrenergic receptors
D. Blockade of β-adrenergic receptors
E. Inhibition of angiotensin-converting factor
111. A patient in a collaptoid state has been given an injection of mesatonum for the correction
of blood pressure. What is the mechanism of this drug action?
A. It stimulates α-adrenergic receptors
B. It stimulates β-adrenergic receptors
C. It blocks α-adrenergic receptors
D. It blocks β-adrenergic receptors
E. It stimulates α- and β-adrenergic receptors
112. During a visit to a dentist a patient has developed collapse. What drug can be applied to
manage this situation?
A. Mesaton
B. Strophanthine
C. Propanolol
D. Nitroglycerine
E. Seduxen
113. Due to overdosage of a vasodilator a 58-year-old patient has developed acute vascular
insufficiency. What drug would be advisable for termination of this pathological condition?
A. Mesaton (Phenylephrine)
B. Euphyllin (Aminophylline)
C. Dopamine
D. Cordiamin
E. Aethimizolum (Methylamide)
114. A 45-year-old patient with essential hypertension, who has been taking an antihypertensive
drug for 4 days, notes that his blood pressure is normalized; however the patient complains of
sleepiness and sluggishness. What drug is the patient taking?
A. Clophelin (Clonidine)
B. Prazosin
C. Captopril
D. Enalapril
E. Apressin (Hydralazine)
115. A doctor has prescribed clonidine for rapid relief of hypertensic crisis. What group does this
drug belong to according to its mechanism of action?
A. Central α2-adrenoceptor agonist
B. α-adrenergic blocking agent
C. Nonselective α-adrenoceptor agonist
D. Selective α1-adrenoceptor agonist
E. Selective β1-adrenergic blocking agent
116. A patient was administered clonidine to be taken parenterally in case of abrupt rise of
arterial pressure. What is its mechanism of action?
A. Stimulation of central α2- adrenoreceptors
B. Block of nicotinic cholinoreceptors of ganglia
C. Block of α1- and α2-adrenoreceptors
D. Block of α1-adrenoreceptors
E. Stimulation of central imidazole-1 receptors
117. A patient with acute heart failure refractory to cardiac glycosides was given an injection
of dobutamine. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Stimulation of β1-adrenergic receptors
B. Complexation with membrane phospholipids
C. Inhibition of K+, Na+- ATPase
D. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity
E. Increase of n.vagus tonus
118. A patient with bronchial asthma has been administered inhalations of 0,5% isadrin solution.
This helped to relieve bronchiospasms but the patient started complaining of heart pain and
palpitation. What is the cause of these presentations?
A. β1-adrenoreceptor stimulation
B. β2-adrenoreceptor stimulation
C. α-adrenoreceptor stimulation
D. M-cholinoreceptor activation
E. Inhibition of acetylcholine synthesis
120. A 60-year-old patient with a history of bronchial asthma has had several attacks during the
day. What is the optimal drug to be used for their prevention?
A. Salbutamol
B. Isadrinum
C. Adrenaline hydrochloride
D. Dobutamine
E. Methacinum
121. Being at the dentist’s a patient had an attack of bronchial asthma. The dentist applied a β2-
adrenomimetic drug in form of inhalations. What drug was applied?
A. Salbutamol
B. Aminophylline
C. Adrenaline hydrochloride
D. Atropine sulfate
E. Ephedrine hydrochloride
122. A patient with bronchial asthma has developed a bronchial spasm during the visit to a
dentist. Name the drug necessary to arrest the spasm:
A. Salbutamol
B. Naphthizin
C. Mesaton (Phenylephrine)
D. Anaprilin (Propranolol)
E. Bisoprolol
123. A 42-year-old woman has been administered propranolol for the ischemic heart disease. Yet
she has been found to have a disease in case of which the use of propranolol is contra-indicated.
What disease is it?
A. Bronchial asthma
B. Cholecystitis
C. Arterial hypertension
D. Duodenal ulcer
E. Myasthenia
124. A patient had an attack of bronchial asthma in the dentist’s office. The attack was arrested
by salbutamol. This drug relates to the following group of therapeutic agents:
A. β2-adrenomimetics
B. α-adrenomimetics
C. β1-2-adrenomimetics
D. Sympatholytics
E. α-β-adrenomimetics
125. A patient with bronchial asthma is administered inhalation of 0,5 percent isadrine solution.
Bronchospasm was relieved but the patient began complaining of pain in the heart region and
palpitation. It is connected with the stimulation of :
A. alpha one – adrenoreceptros
B. Beta two – adrenoreceptros
C. Beta one –
D.Acetylchloline synthesis
126. Spasm of smooth muscle of bronchi developed in the patient. Usage of activators of what
membrane cytoreceptors is physiologically valid to decrease attack?
C.alpha-and- beta-аdrenoreceptors
127. In the treatment of patient suffering from congestive heart failure resistant to digitalis
adrenomimetic was used as inotropic agent. Point out which of the following drugs was
128. 63 years patient with symptoms of collapse was admitted into emergency department.
Doctor has chosen noradrenaline to overcome collapse. What mechanism is responsible for
therapeutic effect of this drug?
A.Activation of alfa1 receptors
B.Activation of beta adrenoceptors
C.Activation of dopaminergic receptors
D.Blockade of M –cholinoceptors
E.Activation of serotonin receptors..
129. To perform fundoscopy ophthalmologist instilled in the eye an agent capable of causing
mydriasis without cycloplegia. Point out this agent.
A. Phenylephrine (Mesatonum)
B. Noradrenalin
e C.Atropine
E.Isoprenaline (Isadrinum).
130. A patient with bronchial asthma addresses his doctor with complaints about unpleasant
palpitations that occur after usage of inhalation form of isoprenaline (isadrinum).What is the
cause of this side effect?
A.stimulation of alfa1– adrenoceptros
B.stimulation of alfa2– adrenoceptros
C.stimulation of beta1– adrenoceptros
D.stimulation of beta2– adrenoceptros
E.inhibition of M-chlolinoceptors.
131. A patient with moderate hypertension was treated with the drug that realizes its effect by
decrease in noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerve endings. While treatment patient
experienced drowsiness. What the drug was used?
132. Surgical treatment of benign tumor of prostate in 67- year patient was postponed instead
pharmacotherapy with adrenergic drag was started. Point out which of the drugs was most
probably used.
D.Propranolol (Anaprilinum)
E.Atenolol .
133. At the doctor's the dentist- surgeon injected 1% - procaine for conduction anesthesia. It
caused the change in patient’s condition: the skin was covered with sticky and cold sweat, the
pulse became almost impalpable, breathing became rare and weak. Realizing that anaphylactic
shock is originated, a doctor immediately introduced intravenously drug that promptly improved
the patient's condition. Which of the following drugs can be used for first aid in severe allergic
A.Ipratropium bromide
134. A patient with heart failure, resistant to cardiac glycosides was admitted to hospital. A
doctor appointed adrenomimetic as inotropic (cardiotonic) drug. Which of these adrenomimetic
has inotropic (cardiotonic) action?
B.Phenylephrine (Mezaton)
135. The patient went to the doctor for medical examination. In the queue while waiting an
attack of asthma originated. Which group of drugs is advisable to use to provide first aid?
A.N - cholinomimetics
E.M - cholinomimetics.
136. In anesthetic practice adrenaline is usually added to the local anesthetics to prolong
analgesia and reduce side effects. What the effect of adrenaline contributes to this?
A.Reducing the sensitivity of pain receptors
B.Constriction of blood vessels
C.Increase in peripheral resistance
D.Stimulation of the antinociceptive system
E.CNS depression.
138. A pregnant woman with a danger of abortion is admitted to obstetric department. Which of
these drugs should be applied to save the pregnancy?
C.Neostigmine methylsulfate
139. An ambulance was called to women 28 years old in connection with an attack of asthma.
After intramuscular injection of ephedrine her condition was improved. However, after 49
minutes the attack was repeated, ephedrine injected once more acted weaker, in the third attack
of bronchospasm that occurred in half an hour, ephedrine did not cause any effect.What is the
name of this phenomenon?
140. In a patient during a visit to the dentist an acute hypotension occurred. Which of the drugs
that stimulate adrenergic structures should be used to normalize blood pressure?
C.Phenylephrine (Mezaton)
141. A patient suffering from ciliary arrhythmia with anamnesis of bronchial asthma should be
prescribed an antiarrhythmic drug. What antiarrhythmic drug is CONTRAINDICATED in this
A. Anaprilin (Propranolol)
B. Ajmaline
C. Verapamil
D. Nifedipine
E. Novocainamide (Procainamide)
142. A 42-year-old woman has been administered propranolol for the ischemic heart disease. Yet
she has been found to have a concomitant condition that renders propranolol to be
contraindicated. What disease is it?
A. Bronchial asthma
B. Arterial hypertension
C. Cholecystitis
D. Duodenal ulcer
E. Myasthenia
143. A patient with essential hypertension was admitted to the cardiological department. In order
to lower arterial pressure a doctor prescribed a drug that blocks β 1 and β2-adrenoreceptors. What
drug is it?
A. Propranolol
B. Proserin
C. Celecoxib
D. Prednisolone
E. Indometacin
144. The patient with a history of asthma have developed atrial fibrillation, that requires agent
appointment. Which of the listed antiarrhythmic drug is contraindicated in this case?
C.Propranolol (Anaprilin)
145. A patient with fibrillation, who has had bronchial asthma in his anamnesis, should be
administered antiarrhythmic drug. Which preparation from the suggested group is
contraindicated for this patient?
E.Propranolol (Anapriline )
147. Patient with angina pectoris was treated with drug decreasing oxygen demands of
myocardium. While treatment, patient starts to complain of extremities coldness especially
fingers. Which of the drug was used?
A. Atenolol
B. Propanol (anaprilin)
C. Reserpine
148. Patient with Raynaud disease was treated with phentolamine. What is the mechanism of
action of this drug?
A. Blockade of B-adrenoceptors
B. Blockade of alpha adrenoceptors
C. Decrease in neurotransmitter amount
D.D Stimulation of central alpha2 adrenoceptors
E.Blockade of central M-cholinoceptors.
149. Patient with initial form of hypertension complains of pain in heart and tachycardia. Which
of the following drugs has to be used in the treatment of this patient
C.Propranolol (Anaprilin)
150. Patient having in the past episodes of bronchial asthma addressed doctor with angina
pectoris. Doctor decided to treat patient with B-adrenoblocker. Which of B-adrenoblocker is
not contraindicated in this case?
151. For treatment of hypertensive patient doctor prescribed antiadrenergic drug, first
administration of which in therapeutic dose caused “first dose syncope”. Which drug was most
probably used?
A. Metoprolol
152. A 43 year-old male patient is suffering from hypertension. His blood pressure was
successfully controlled by monotherapy with adrenoblocker. With time treatment was
complicated with diarrhoea and impotence. The patient addressed his doctor and the drug was
changed for another adrenoblocker. Which of adrenoblockers can cause above listed side effects?
B. Salbutamol
154. A 62-year-old patient, prone to bronchoconstriction, addressed his doctor with complaints
of tachyarrhythmia troubling him several times a day. The doctor prescribed anaprilin
(propranolol). Administration of drug provoked severe attack of bronchospasm. What is the
mechanism of this side effect?
A.Stimulation of M1- cholinoceptors
B.Inhibition of alfa-adrenoceptors
C.Inhibition of beta2 - adrenoceptors
D.Increase in n. vagus tone
E.Stimulation of leukotriene release.
155. A young woman with 6 months pregnancy visited her doctor complaining of periodical
slight contractions of uterus. To prevent premature labour doctor prescribed partusisten
(fenoterol). What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Stimulation of beta2 - adrenoceptors
B.Inhibition of beta2 - adrenoceptors
C.Stimulation of alfa1 - adrenoceptors
D.Inhibition of alfa1 - adrenoceptors
E.Stimulation of M-cholinoceptors.
156. The patient with the initial form of hypertension complains of pain in the heart and
tachycardia. Which of the following drugs should be used in the treatment of this patient?
B. Phentolamine
D.Propranolol (Anaprilin)
157. A doctor prescribed the drug to the patient with hypertension. The drug is acting by
selective block of alpha 1 - adrenergic receptors. What the drug was prescribed?
A. Metoprolol
D.Propranolol (Anaprilin)
158. The patient in case of angina chest pain regularly takes nitroglycerin, however, recently
angina pectoris complicated by extrasystoles and episodes of bronchospasm. Which of beta -
blockers better to appoint for such a patient?
B. Propranolol (Anaprilin)
159. Patients with essential hypertension (stage II) used one of antihypertensive drugs. After a
while blood pressure decreased, but the patient began to complain of fatigue, sleepiness, apathy.
Later on, a pain in the stomach occurred, and gastric peptic ulcer was diagnosed. What the drug
was used?
A. Reserpine
160. A patient with ischemic heart disease was admitted to cardiology department. To prevent
attacks of angina pains drug of beta-1adrenoblockers was assigned. Name this drug:
B. Morphine hydrochloride
E.Atropine sulfate.
162. The patient with hypertension was appointed cardioselective beta-blocker. Which drug is
assigned to the patient?
B.Propranolol (Anaprilin)
164. The patient suffering from angina takes a selective beta-adrenoblocker. Enter the drug.
E.Propranolol (Anaprilin).
165. Dentists commonly practice local anaesthetization by applying novocaine solution with
0,1% adrenalin solution. The added adrenalin induces:
A. Local vasoconstriction
B. Local vasodilatation
C. Arterial pressure drop
D. Decrease in vascular resistance
E. Arterial pressure rise
166. Novocaine acts as an anesthetic by making nerve fibers unable to conduct stimulation.
What mechanism of action regarding membrane’s permeability to ions does this drug have?
A. Sodium ion-selective channels blockade
B. Potassium ion-selective channels blockade
C. Calcium ion-selective channels blockade
D. Sodium-potassium pump blockade
E. Sodium-proton pump blockade
167. Before the infiltration anaesthesia a patient had been tested for sensitivity to novocaine. The
reaction turned out to be positive. Which of the below listed drugs can be used for
anaesthetization in this case?
A. Lidocaine
B. Procainamide hydrochloride
C. Trimecaine
D. Anesthezin
E. Tetracaine
168. A patient has developed paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia against the background of
cardiac infarction.What antiarrhythmic drug should be chosen to avoid lowering cardiac output?
A. Lidocaine hydrochloride
B. Procainamide
C. Verapamil
D. Propranolol
E. Potassium chloride
169. To perform conduction anesthesia a patient had been administered a drug used in dental
surgery. The patient developed the symptoms of poisoning: central nervous system excitation
followed by paralysis and acute cardiovascular insufficiency (collapse). Additionally there were
allergic reactions (itching, swelling, erythema). Name this drug:
A. Lidocaine
B. Suxamethonium chloride
C. Thiopental sodium
D. Tubocurarin chloride
E. Pipecuronium bromide
170. To lance abscess doctor performed local anesthesia with therapeutic dose of anesthetic, but
it was not sufficient. What was the cause of decrease in anesthetic effect?
A. Quick absorption of drug
B. Quick metabolism of anesthetic
C. Alkaline medium
D. Acidic pH of tissues
E. Neutral medium.
171. Surgeon is going to perform the operation under local anaesthesia. The probable duration of
operation is more than 2 hours. In past patient was complaining for ventricular extrasystole.
Which anaesthetic is reasonable to chose for local anaesthesia?
172. Dentist revealed that his patient is suffering from hypersensitivity to procaine. Which of
the following agents may be used for local anaesthesia?
173. Which of the listed drugs is usually added to local anaesthetic to prolong its action and to
decrease toxicity?
174. A 25-year-old woman with red and itchy eczematoid dermatitis visits your office, She had a
dental procedure one day earlier with administration of a local anesthetic. There were no other
findings, although she indicated that she had a history of allergic reactions. Which of the
following drugs is most likely involved?
175. For the patient with gastroenteritis doctor prescribed preparation of tannin derivative with
anti-inflammatory effect on the basis of the astringent mechanism. Which of the following drugs
was prescribed?
A.Bismuth subnitrat
177. Patient 75 years old suffers from chronic constipation. What the drug of a group of
emollients can be assigned to this patient?
A.Senna leaf
D.Magnesium sulfate
(enterally) E.Camphor spirit.
178. Bed sores appeared in patient on strict bed regiment. What the irritating drug was prescribed
by physician to improve blood circulation in the area of bed sores
A.Camphor spirit
B.Vishnevsky’s ointment
C.Wilkinson's ointment
D.A solution of potassium permanganate
179. A child with acute poisoning with datura seeds doctor prescribed oral usage of activated
charcoal. Specify the mechanism of its action.
A. Adsorptions alkaloids on the surface
B. Insoluble salts formation
C. Block of sensory receptors of the stomach
D. Precipitation of proteins on the surface of gastric mucous membrane
E.Formation of protective layer of the colloid on the mucous
180. The drug from the group covering agents with antacid effect was prescribed to patients with
gastric ulcer. Which of the following medications was prescribed?
A. Tannin
B. Decoction of oak bark
D.Infusion of sage leaves
E.Bismuth subnitrate.
181. Athlete has a sharp muscular pain in the back after training. What the irritating drug is
helpful in this case?
A.The turpentine oil
B.A solution of menthol
182. Gastric lavage with a solution of tannin was performed to the patient with alkaloid
poisoning. What the concentration of tannin solution should be used for this purpose?
183. The patient suffers from hemorrhoids. For pain relief doctor prescribed rectal suppositories
with local anesthetic. Point out anesthetic used in this dosage form.
E.Benzocaine (Anestesin)
184. Doctor applied paste with benzocaine to reduce the itching of the forearm skin. Due to
which of the following properties of benzocaine it is used in soft dosage form?
A. Good absorption
B. Poor solubility
C. The high degree of distribution
D. The good solubility
E.Inadequate absorption.
185. The patient will have surgery on the limbs of more than 2 hours duration, which anesthetist
plans to hold under local anesthesia. Which of the following drugs should be selected for long-
term conduction anesthesia?
186. To anaesthetize the manipulation connected with burn surface treatment, a patient was
intravenously injected a medication for short-acting narcosis.1 minute later the patient being
under anesthesia had elevated blood pressure, tachycardia, increased tone of skeletal muscles;
the reflex were reversed. After awakening the patient had disorientation and the visual
hallucination. What medicine was injected to the patient?
A. Sombrevin
B.Thiopental sodium
C.Nitrous oxide
E.Diethyl ether.
187. The anaesthetic used along with halothane to give excellent analgesia and rapid induction
is A.Nitrous oxide
B. Thiopental
188. anaesthetize the manipulation related to burn surface treatment, a patient was intravenously
injected a medication for short-acting narcosis. 1 minute later the patient being under anaesthesia
had increased blood pressure, tachycardia, increased tone of sceletal muscles reflexes remained.
After awakening the patient had desorientation and visual hallucinations. What medication was
the patient injected?
A.Nitrous oxide
B.Thiopental sodium
D.Diethyl ether
189. Dental surgeon made tooth extraction in a patient under general anesthesia. Which of the
following medications can be used in this case for short-term noninhalation general anesthesia?
C.Thiopental sodium
E.Nitrogen oxide.
190. To make the treatment of burn surface painless intravenous general anesthetic for short-
term anesthesia was injected to patient. Anesthesia developed in 1 minute during anesthesia
increase in blood pressure, tachycardia, increase in tone of skeletal muscles have occurred. On
the recovery from anesthesia patient experienced disorientation and visual hallucinations. What
is the drug entered the patient?
A.Ether for anesthesia
D.Thiopental sodium
E.Nitrous oxide.
200. To do a biopsy of breast tumors in 35 years old woman analgesia is required. What type
anesthesia should be used?
A.Potentiated anesthesia with muscle relaxants
B.Combined mixed anesthesia
D.Basic anesthesia (Na-hydroxybutyrate)
E.Inhalation anesthesia.
201. A 28 years old woman addressed the dentist about dental prosthetics. Because she is allergic
to local anesthetics, dental treatment was necessary to carry out under general anesthesia. Which
general anesthetic drug should be used for this purpose, taking into consideration short duration
of manipulation?
A.Sodium hydroxybutyrate
E.Hexobarbital (Hexenalum).
202. To anesthetize the procedure of taking a biopsy in patient a drug that causes a fast
anesthesia lasting about 5 minutes was injected intravenously. During anesthesia there were
involuntary movements, slight decrease in blood pressure, short-term respiratory arrest, which
was quickly restored. What kind of drug was used?
E.Sodium hydroxybutyrate.
203. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures with loss of consciousness were periodically occurring in
a patient after an injury; these seizures were followed by a general depression of central nervous
system. What the drug should be assign to prevent seizures?
A.Trihexyphenidyl (Cyclodolum)
D.Disilfiram (Teturam)
204. Identify the drug that has sedative, hypnotic, anesthetic, anti-hypoxic, myorelaxant actions
and it is used as general anesthetic and hypnotic.
A. Sodium hydroxybutyrate
B. Hexobarbital
C.Chloral hydrate
205. The patient takes disulfiram (teturam). What is the indication for use of this
drug? A.Psychosis
B.Preparation for surgery
C.Fear and anxiety
206. After parenteral introduction of a medication a patient fell into a coma. He had Cheyne-
Stokes respiration, apparently miotic pupils. The patellar reflex was preserved. What medication
might have caused the intoxication?
A. Morphine hydrochloride
B. Aminazine
C. Diazepam
D. Analgine
E. Phenobarbital
207. Due to severe pain syndrome a patient has been prescribed a narcotic analgesic. Specify the
prescribed drug:
A. Morphine
B. Analgin (Metamizole)
C. Nimesulid
D. Dimexid
E. Indometacin
208. A patient with urolithiasis has developed severe pain attacks. For pain shock prevention he
was administered an antispasmodic narcotic analgesic along with atropine.
Name this drug:
A. Promedol
B. Nalorphine
C. Tramadol
D. Ethylmorphine hydrochloride
E. Morphine hydrochloride
209. A patient with a severe maxillofacial trauma has been delivered to the emergency
department. What drug should be given this patient to relieve pain shock?
A. Promedol
B. Sydnocarb
C. Ibuprofen
D. Pantogam
E. Mydocalm
210. A patient has been diagnosed with transmural myocardial infarction. What drug should be
given in order to prevent cardiogenic shock?
A. Promedol
B. Reserpin
C. Octadine
D. Phentolamine
E. Analgin
211. A 4-year-old child was admitted to an orthopaedic department with displaced shin fracture.
Bone fragments reposition requires analgesia. What drug should be chosen?
A. Promedol
B. Analgin
C. Morphine hydrochloride
D. Panadol
E. -
212. A patient with myocardium infarction was delivered to the resuscitation department. What
drug should be injected to the patient for prophylaxis of pain shock?
A. Promedol
B. Analgin
C. Paracetamol
D. Celecoxib
E. Naloxone
213. A patient was admitted to a surgical department for an operation. He has to undergo
neuroleptanalgesia. To achieve neuroleptanalgesia it would be rational to combine fentanyl with
the following medicine:
A. Droperidol
B. Cholosasum
C. Salbutamol
D. Pilocarpine
E. Fraxiparine
214. A patient with myocardium infarction was admitted to the cardiological department. In
order to relieve his pain it was decided to potentiate action of fentanyl by a certain neuroleptic.
What is the most suitable neuroleptic for neuroleptanalgesia?
A. Droperidol
B. Aminazine
C. Triftazine
D. Haloperidol
E. Sulpiride
215. A patient with a malignant neoplasm on the upper jaw had been administered morphine
hydrochloride for analgesia. The injection induced respiratory depression, pupil constriction,
cyanosis, hypothermia, loss of consciousness. What antidote must be used?
A. Naloxone
B. Atropine sulfate
C. Droperidol
D. Promedol
E. Adrenalin hydrochloride
216. Very painful uterine contractions have been occurring in a pregnant woman at normal
term. To relieve the woman’s condition during labour, a doctor decided to use opioid (narcotic)
analgesic. Which of the listed drugs can be used in this case?
A. Trimeperidine (Promedolum)
B. Morphine
C. Metamizole (Analginum)
217. A 60-year-old male is brought to emergency room. He is comatose and his pupils are
constricted. Physician suspects opium overdose. What is the best drug to be
administered? A.Flumazanil
B.Calcium carbonate
C.Sodium bicarbonate
218. A young man was taken to emergency department with numerous traumas of chest and
head. Anesthesiologist proposed to inject morphine to relieve patient’s condition, but
traumatologist rejected proposition of his colleague. Why morphine is contraindicated in
this case?
A. It increases intracranial pressure
B. It stimulates vagal center
C. It decreases intraocular pressure
D. It causes miosis
E. It depresses center of cough reflex.
219. It is known that morphine can cause a shift of blood from pulmonary to systemic circuit.
It results in lowering of resistance in pulmonary vascular bed. In which case in may be used?
C.Pulmonary oedema
D.Bronchiectatic disease
220. Patient in unconscious state was admitted to the emergency room. Skin is cold, pupils
are pinpoint like, breathing is heavy, with cycles of the Cheyne- Stokes type, blood pressure
is decreased, urinary bladder is overloaded. Poisoning with what substance is the most likely?
A.Neosigmin (Proserinum)
C.M-cholinergic antagonists
D.Nor-narcotic analgesics
E.Narcotic analgesics
222. A patient with acute morphine poisoning was delivered to a hospital. What specific
narcotic antagonist should be chosen in this case?
223. A young man with an addiction to opioid drugs denies drug dependence. Introduction
of one of these drugs will help to prove drug dependence. Point out this drug.
C.Trimeperidine (Promedol)
224. A 30 years old patient was delivered to emergency department with a fractured thigh bone
after a car accident. The patient had dramatically reduced blood pressure to 70/40 mm Hg,
weak pulse, enhanced pain response to touch to damaged area. What should be used for
prevention of traumatic shock in patient?
A.Metamizol (Analgin)
225. The patient with inoperative lung cancer metastasizing in the spine was suffering
from severe pain. To relieve patient's condition analgesic is required. Which drug should
be administered?
226. On arrival of ambulance a 25 years old patient was unconscious and 15 vials of
morphine solution were found near him patient had periodic breathing, slowed heart rate,
suppressed reflexes except for the knee, and narrowed pupils he was taken to the emergency
department. What measure should be applied in the first place?
A.Gastric lavage
C.Antiarrhythmic drug
E.Induction of vomiting.
227. A child of 4 years is hospitalized to the orthopedic department with a fractured ankle with
displacement. The reposition of bone fragments required analgesia. What medication should
be used?
C.Morphine hydrochloride
229. A patient with symptoms of renal colic is admitted to the urology department. Which of
these drugs should be advised to provide him first aid?
(Promedol) C.Pentazocine
231. A 67 year-old male patient suffering from arthritis was treating himself with acetyl
salicylic acid (aspirin). In 2 weeks patient addressed doctor complaining of pain in epigastric
area. On examination of the patient doctor prescribed anti-inflammatory agent, selectively
inhibiting COX–2. Point out this drug.
D.Metamisole (Analginum)
232. In complex treatment of a patient with angina pectoris non- narcotic analgesic
exerting antiplatelet activity was included. Point out this agent.
233. Due to inhibition of COX aspirin exerts all the following effects except
C.Increase in warfarin efficacy
234. A patient with toothache was relieving his pain with help of metamizole (analginum).
Point out another useful effect of this drug that contributes to the improvement of patient’s
condition A.Sedative effect
B.Anti-inflammatory effect
C.AntIplatelet effect
D.Antioxidative effect
E.Antimicrobial effect.
235. The usage of acetylsalicylic acid resulted in occurrence of epigastric pain in patient. On
examination of the patient gastric ulcer was revealed. What the mechanism is responsible
for ulcerogenity of this drug?
A.Stimulation of pepsin secretion
B.Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis
C.Increase in bile production and its
D.Spasm of vessels
E.Spasm of gastric smooth muscles.
236. Doctor visited a 5-year-old child with fever and complaints of headache. Doctor
suspected the onset of viral infection. To relieve patient’s condition doctor prescribed non-
opioid analgesic, which additionally exerts antipyretic effect but lacks anti-inflammatory
action. Point out the prescribed drug
A.Metamizole (Analginum)
D.Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)
237. After the usage of acetylsalicylic acid a patient developed epigastric pain because
of exacerbation of his ulcer. What is the mechanism of this drug ulcerogenity?
A.Stimulation of pepsin secretion
B.Antiprostagladinic effect
C.Cholagogic effect
D.Spasm of vessels
E.Immunodepressive effect.
239. A 2-year-old child is often catching a cold with fever. Which antipyretic drug is safer at
this age than acetylsalicylic acid?
240. A 7 year child have caught cold, he was shivering, fever up to 39,2 ° C, his respiratory rate -
45 per minute, pulse - 105 beats per minute. The doctor diagnosed an acute viral infection, and
appointed a baby aspirin. By means of what mechanism the drug realized its antipyretic effect in
this case?
A. The overall calming effect
B. Slowing down heartbeat
C. Increase in heat output
D. Slowing of the respiratory
rhythm E.Reduction of heat
241. A schizophrenic patient has been prescribed aminazine. What pharmacodynamic action of
this drug justifies its prescription in this case?
A. Antipsychotic
B. Antiemetic
C. Hypothermic
D. Muscle relaxant
E. Hypotensive
242. An alcoholic has alcoholic psychosis with evident psychomotor agitation. What neuroleptic
drug should be administered for emergency aid?
A. Aminazine
B. Diazepam
C. Sodium bromide
D. Reserpine
E. Halothane
243. A schizophrenic patient has been prescribed aminazine. What pharmacodynamic action of
this drug justifies its prescription in this case?
A. Antipsychotic
B. Hypotensive
C. Antiemetic
D. Hypothermic
E. Muscle relaxant
245. To perform a scheduled surgery on the upper jaw, a surgeon decided to apply ataralgesia.
What medications are used for this manipulation?
A. Tranquilizers
B. General anesthetics
C. Narcotic analgesics
D. Non-narcotic analgesics
E. Sedatives
246. With the purpose of analgesia, a narcotic analgesic has been used with a benzodiazepine
drug. What drug has been used to potentiate analgesia?
A. Diazepam
B. Chlorprothixene
C. Triftazin
D. Carbamazepine
E. Imizinum
247. A dental patient was prescribed a psychosedative for his fear of pain. What drug would be
the most effective in this case?
A. Diazepam
B. Aminazine
C. Lithium carbonate
D. Valerian tincture
E. Sodium bromide
248. A 45-year-old female patient has neurosis with irritability, insomnia, amotivational anxiety.
What tranquilizer will be able to eliminate all symptoms of the disease?
A. Diazepam
B. Paracetamol
C. Piracetam
D. Caffeine-sodium benzoate
E. Levodopa
249. A male patient waiting for tooth extraction has developed a strong sense of anxiety. Which
drug should be given to him in order to relieve him of this discomfort?
A. Diazepam
B. Aminazine
C. Analgin
D. Aethimizolum
E. Carbamazepine
250. Before a tooth extraction a 48-year-old female patient received an injection of diazepam.
Anxiolytic effect of this drug can be explained by:
A. Interaction with benzodiazepine receptors
B. β-adrenoreceptor block
C. M-cholinoreceptor activation
D. Dopamine receptor block
E. α-adrenoreceptor block
251. For two weeks a woman has been taking the mixture for neurasthenia, which was
prescribed by a neurologist. Her general state slightly improved but shortly she started
complainin go frhinitis, conjunctivitis, skinrashes, fatigue, and memory impairment. What group
of drugs can have such a side effect?
A. Bromine salts
B. Valerian preparations
C. Motherwort preparations
D. Adaptogens
E. Hop preparations
252. A patient was treated for psychosis for 2 weeks. The psychic patient's condition improved
but rigidity, tremor, and hypokinesia developed. Which of the drugs can cause such
B.Chlorpromazine (Aminazine)
253. A 60 years old woman addressed her doctor complaining of side effects which appeared
while treatment with chlorpromazine (aminazinum). She was troubled with tremor and
disturbances of movements. What is the mechanism of this side effect?
A. Activation of hyppocampus
B. Inhibition of reticular formation (alfa1 - adrenoceptors)
C.Inhibition of neostriatum (D2 receptors)
D.Inhibition of hypothalamus
E.Inhibition of hyppocampus.
254. A 50 years old patient with chronic alcoholism became aggressive. To abolish aggression,
chlorpromazine was administered intramuscularly. The patient’s attempt to rise soon after an
injection resulted in loss of consciousness. What is the probable cause of such complication?
A.Blockade of reticular formation
B.Disturbance of coronary blood circulation
C.Blockade of alfa- adrenoceptors
D.Inhibition of hypothamus
E.Blockade of M- cholinoceptors.
255. After emotional stress, patient was permanently in a condition of nervous tension and had
poor sleep. Doctor prescribed him diazepam. Which of the listed effects of this drug is
responsible for its clinical use?
A. Hypotensive effect
B.Analgesic effect
E.Anti psychotic.
257. A patient on a particular psychotropic medication complains of severe dizziness. His blood
pressure in a supine position is 115/80 mm hg on standing it drops to 82/50 mm hg. Which of
the following drugs is most likely responsible for these symptoms?
258. A patient has been taking a mixture prescribed by neuropathologist for neurasthenia for two
weeks. The patient feels better but has developed coryza, conjunctivitis, rash, inertia, decrease of
memory. She is diagnosed with bromizm. What should be prescribed to decrease the
A.Glucose solution 5%
D.Natrium chloride
E.Kalium chloride.
259. A patient who has been treated in a neural clinic and has been taking a sedative for a long
time got the following complication: cough, rhinitis, epiphora. What drug caused these
A.Sodium bromide
260. Select the most appropriate drug for the systematic treatment of a patient with severe
productive psychotic symptoms (delirium and hallucinations).
A. Trifluoperazine (Triftazin)
B. Clozapine
263. The patient with schizophrenia was appointed chlorpromazine. What the pharmacological
effect is the basis for assigning it to the patient?
264. A patient addressed a doctor complaining of anxiety, fear, uneasiness, inner tension. Which
drug should be assigned?
A.Tincture of valerian
B.Pavlov Medicine
D.Tincture of leonuri
E.Etaminal sodium.
265. On examination of the patient, unstable blood pressure, irritability, emotional imbalance,
poor sleep were revealed, and doctor has prescribed chlordiazepoxide (elenium). Which of the
following statements is ground for prescription elenium in this case?
A. Psychosis
D.Coronary artery
disease E.Neurosis
266. The presence of which syndrome is the basis for the appointment of
diazepam? A.Lingering paralysis
B. Inadequate perceptions
(hallucinations) C.Euphoric state of
pathological origin D.Anxiety
E.Pathological thought disorder.
267. Patient 38 years old suffering from schizophrenia for a long time is on the psychotropic
drugs. He addressed the doctor with complaints of disturbances of motor coordination, hand
tremor, drowsiness. Which group of drugs can cause such a condition?
E.Psychomotor stimulants.
268. A single parenteral administration of the drug in the patient with schizophrenia caused
severe hypotension. To which of these groups does drug belong?
A. Nootropics
E.CNS stimulants.
269. A patient with acute myocardial infarction experienced persistent chest pain. The
ineffectiveness of drugs previously designated gave the grounds for doctor to use
neuroleptanalgesia. Which antipsychotic agent is used for this type of anesthesia?
B. Triftazinum
270. A patient with schizophrenia is taking typical neuroleptic. Which of the effects is the basis
for its application in schizophrenia?
271. A patient addressed the doctor with complaints of poor health, depression, skin rashes. An
interview revealed that the patient within three weeks was taking sedative medicine, prescribed
by a neurologist. With the admission of which drugs complaints of patient were associated?
E.Preparations of valerianae.
272. A patient with epilepsy and depressive reaction has been administered a drug that reduced
epilepsy manifestations and improved the patient’s psychic condition.
A. Sodium valproate
B. Ethosuxemide
C. Amitriptyline
D. Phenytoin
E. Phenobarbital
275. A patient who suffers from insomnia caused by emotional disorder was prescribed a
hypnotic drug with tranquillizing effect. What hypnotic was prescribed?
A. Nitrazepam
B. Phenobarbital
C. Chloral hydrate
D. Sodium ethaminal
E. Bromisoval
276. A patient presents with dysfunction of cerebral cortex accompanied by epileptic seizures.
He has been administered a biogenic amine synthetized from glutamate and responsible for
central inhibition. What substance is it?
A. Gamma-amino butyric acid
B. Serotonin
C. Dopamine
D. Acetylcholine
E. Histamine
277. A patient presents with dysfunction of the cerebral cortex accompanied by epileptic
seizures. He has been administered a biogenic amine synthetized from glutamate and responsible
for central inhibition. What substance is it?
A. γ-aminobutyric acid
B. Serotonin
C. Dopamine
D. Acetylcholine
E. Histamine
278. A patient suffering from parkinsonism has been prescribed levodopa, which resulted in
rapid improvement of the patient’s condition. What mechanism of action is characteristic of this
A. Stimulation of dopamine synthesis
B. Block of muscarinic receptors
C. Stimulation of dopamine receptors
D. Anticholinesterase action
E. Stimulation of muscarinic receptors
279. A 5 years old child from time to time have seizures with loss of consciousness. The doctor
diagnosed epilepsy (large seizures). Which drug is advisable to appoint a patient?
C.Trihexyphenidyl (Cyclodolum)
280. A man aged 68 with trembling hands and incoordination diagnosed with Parkinson's
disease. Which drug is advisable to appoint a patient?
E.Trihexyphenidyl (Cyclodolum)
281. 40 years woman addressed doctor with complaints of psychic disturbances appeared with
long-term usage of phenobarbital as a hypnotic. What the drug should be used instead of
A.Sodium hydroxybutyrate
C.Chloral hydrate
283. Due to emotional stress a man permanently is in a state of nervous tension and has poor
sleep. The doctor gave him a diazepam. Which of the following effects of diazepam is the base
for its clinical application in this case?
A. Hypotensive
B. Anxiolytic
(Tranquilizing) C.Analgesic
284. A patient suffering from insomnia addressed his doctor. The main problem was in the
difficulties with sleep onset. Doctor prescribed zolpidem. Which of the following characteristics
is true for this agent?
A. It belongs to benzodiazepine derivatives
B. It belongs to barbiturates
C. It has the ability to cause quick onset of sleep
D. It’s poorly absorbed from GIT
E. It’s poorly bind to protein.
285. A 46- year-old patient with a history of epilepsy (grand mal) developed status epilepticus.
Choose the drug to arrest convulsions.
A.Sodium valproate
286. An antiepileptic drug, which prevents metabolism of GABA, was included in complex
therapy of patient with epilepsy (grand mal). Point out this drug
E.Sodium valproate
287. Patient with phenobarbital poisoning was presented to emergency department. To promote
kidney excretion of poison sodium bicarbonate was administered intravenously. What
mechanism is responsible for an increase in barbiturate excretion?
A. Increase in polarity of barbiturate
B. Increase in fat solubility of barbiturate
C. Increase in barbiturate reabsorption
D. Increase in rate of glomerular filtration
E. Decrease in protein binding.
289. The patient was taken the mixture prescribed by neuropathologist for neurasthenia for 2
weeks. Patient felt better but developed coryza, conjunctivitis, rash, inertia, decrease of memory.
Bromizm was diagnosed. What should be prescribed to decrease symptoms?
A. Glucose solution 5%
B. Calcium chloride
C. Natrium chloride
290. The antiepileptic drug which causes nystagmus, ataxia and gum hypertrophy
is A.Phenytoin
E.Valproic acid.
291. A 16 years boy is a known as patient suffering from epilepsy. Following several years of a
drug therapy, gingival hyperplasia developed. For which drug this side effect is characteristic?
C.Valproic acid
292. A woman, which is on phenytoin, wants to conceive. What advice you can give to her
about drug?
A. Increase the dose of phenytoin
B. Change to valproic acid
C. Addition of valproic acid
D. Change to phenobarbitone
E. Decrease the dose of phenobarbitone.
293. An old epileptic patient on phenytoin is having status eplilepticus. What will you give to
this patient in emergency?
D.Valproic acid
294. Disulfiram is widely used in medical practice to prevent alcocholism. It inhibits aldehyde
dehydrogenase. Increased level of what metabolite causes aversion to alcochol?
A.Propionic aldehyde
E.Malonyc aldehyde.
295. A man who has been staying in a stuffy room for a long time lost consciousness. He
regained consciousness after inhalation of ammonia spirit vapour. This substance’s effect is
connected with direct influence upon the following structures:
A. Receptors of upper airways
B. Vasculomotor centre
C. Respiratory centre
D. Resistive vessels
E. Capacitive vessels
296. A 45-year-old woman has addressed a doctor with complaints of rapid mood swings,
tearfulness, apathy. Antidepressants prescribed for her treatment are monoamine oxidase
inhibitors. These drugs have a certain effect on catecholamines, which results in their medicinal
action. Name this effect:
A. Increased concentration
B. Neutralization activation
C. Inhibition of back transfer
D. Increased deaminization
E. Decreased concentration
297. Depressions and emotional disorders result from noradrenaline, serotonin and other
biogenic amines deficiency in brain. Concentration of these compounds in synapses can be
increased by means of antidepressants that inhibit the activity of the following enzyme:
A. Monoamine oxidase
B. Diamine oxidase
C. L-amino acid oxidase
D. D-amino acid oxidase
E. Phenylalanine-4-monooxigenase
298. A patient with poisoning caused by carbon monoxide was administered directly acting
analeptic drug. What medicine was used?
D.Atropine sulfate
299. A premature newborn was apnoic. Directly acting analeptic drug was given to restore
breathing. What medicine was most probably administered to the patient?
A. Ethymisolum
B. Phenylephrine
(Mesatonum) C.Adrenaline
hydrochloride D.Atropine
E.Lobeline hydrochloride.
300. A psychiatrist was invited to a patient who made an attempt to commit suicide. Doctor
diagnosed endogenous depression. Choose the most suitable drug for treatment of this patient.
A.Nootropil (piracetam)
301. A patient had a stroke. Which of the listed drugs is necessary to include in the complex
therapy in order to improve mental performance?
302. What is the main mechanism by which amitriptyline increases amount of catecholamines in
CNS synapses?
A. Increase in catecholamines release from presynaptic membrane
B. Increase in catecholamines synthesis in presynaptic
membrane C.Prevention of catecholamines degradation in the
synapse D.Inhibition of neuronal re uptake of
catecholamines E.Inhibition of MAO.
303. Analeptical directly acting drug was given to the patient for restoration of breathing after
poisoning with carbon monoxide. What medicine was prescribed to the patient?
D.Atropine sulphate
E.Lobeline hydrochloride.
304. Which of the following characteristics of amphetamines is most likely to be responsible for
increasing blood pressure?
A.Indirect release of endogenous catecholamines
B.Inhibition of catecholamines metabolism
C.Metabolism to false neuro-chemical transmitters
D.Potent alpha1 adrenergic transmitters
E.Potent beta-2 adrenergic agonist.
305. The CNS stimulation produced by methylxanthines, such as caffeine, is most likely due to
the antagonism of one of the following recertors:
A.Glycine receptors
B.Adenosine receptors
C.Glutamate receptors
D.GABA receptors
E.Cholinergic muscarinic receptors.
306. A patient who has been treated with diazepam on account of neurosis complains of
toothache. Doctor administered him an analgetic, but its dose was lower then average therapeutic
dose. What phenomenon did the doctor take into account while prescribing the patient an
A.Drug dependence
308. A psychiatrist was called for the woman who tried to commit suicide on examination the
state of endogenous depression was diagnosed. Which drug is most efficient for treatment of this
A.Piracetam (Nootropil)
309. Which agent will you choose for increase in mental performance and decrease of
tiredness? A.Buspirone
310. Doctor recommended taking caffeine the patient with pathological sleepiness.Which of the
following mechanisms of action provides its therapeutic effect in this disease?
A.The concentration and increased inhibition in the cerebral cortex
B.Increased synthesis of dopamine
C.Enhancement the processes of excitation in the brain
D.Inhibition of the midbrain reticular formation
E.The weakening of the excitation in the brain.
312. The patient had a stroke. Which of the following drugs should be included in the combined
therapy to improve the metabolism of the brain?
313. Which the drug from the group of psychomotor stimulants can cause the development of
drug addiction?
A. Amphetamin (Phenaminum)
B. Meridil
314. Which of the following effects of piracetam is used for chronic vascular disorders of the
A.Anticonvulsant activity
B.Improvement of mental performance
C.Antiwithdrawal effect
D.Improvement of physical activity
E.Antipsychotic effect.
315. The patient complains of fatigue, general weakness, decrease in visual acuty, low blood
pressure. Which drug is helpful in this case?
A.Liquid extract of Eleutherococcus
D.Dry extract of Valeriana
316. The primary goal of medical aid in vascular collapse is an increase in blood pressure.
Which of the following medications can be used for this purpose?
D.Caffeine-sodium benzoate
317. A patient admitted to the neurological department complains of memory loss and cognitive
disability after trauma of the head. What kind of medication is needed to improve the
metabolism of the brain?
A. Caffeine
B. Metamizole (Analginum)
C.Piracetam (nootropil)
318. A psychiatrist was called for the woman who tried to commit suicide on examination the
state of endogenous depression was diagnosed. Which drug is most efficient for treatment of this
A.Piracetam (Nootropil)
319. Which agent will you choose for increase in mental performance and decrease of
tiredness? A.Nialamide
320. When should you expect for a specific therapeutic effect of pantocrinum in its systematic
A. After 9-15 days
B. After 30-60 minutes
C.1-3 days
D.After 30-45 days
E.After 3-6 hours.
321. Doctor recommended taking caffeine the patient with pathological sleepiness. Which of the
following mechanisms of action provides its therapeutic effect in this disease?
A. Enhancement the processes of excitation in the brain
B. Increased synthesis of dopamine
C. The concentration and increased inhibition in the cerebral cortex
D.Inhibition of the midbrain reticular formation
E.The weakening of the excitation in the brain.
323. The patient had a stroke. Which of the following drugs should be included in the combined
therapy to improve the metabolism of the brain?
324. The primary goal of medical aid in vascular collapse is an increase in blood pressure.
Which of the following medications can be used for this purpose?
C. Caffeine-sodium benzoate
D. Aethimizolum
325. A patient admitted to the neurological department complains of memory loss and cognitive
disability after trauma of the head. What kind of medication is needed to improve the
metabolism of the brain?
A.Piracetam (nootropil)
B.Metamizole (Analginum)
E. Meridil.
327. Among the antidepressant drugs there are those that inhibit neuronal norepinephrine
reuptake. Point out such drug.
A. Fluoxetine
329. What drug from the group of analeptics is preferable to use in newborn
asphyxia? A.Caffeine
330. A 19 years old boy addressed doctor complaining of discomfort in the heart area. Doctor
asked him about smoking and other bad habits. Patient denied all of mentioned bad habits, and
sad he likes coffee and uses up to 8 glasses of strong drink a day. Why coffee containing caffeine
can worsen heart function?
A. It causes tachycardia, increases in oxygen demand of the heart
B. It slows impulse conduction in the heart
C. It weakens the force of heart contractions
D. It causes a narrowing of the coronary vessels
E. It decreases automaticity of the heart.
332. A patient with symptoms of mental depression in the drug treatment did not keep the doctor
recommended a diet that caused the rise in blood pressure. Which group of antidepressants
requires compliance in this condition?
A.Tricyclic antidepressant
B.Nonselective MAO inhibitors
C.Selective inhibitors of catecholamines reuptake
D.Lithium preparations
E.Nonselective inhibitors of neuronal reuptake of catecholamines.
333. A 26-year-old woman at 40 weeks’ gestation was admitted to the maternity ward.
Examination revealed that the cervix was open, but uterine contractions were absent. The doctor
gave her a hormonal drug to induce labor. Specify this drug:
A. Hydrocortisone
B. Estrone
C. Testosterone
E. Oxytocine
334. Following thyroid surgery, a 47-year-old female patient had fibrillary twitching of muscles
in the arms, legs and face. These disorders can be treated by the introduction of the following
A. Parathyroid hormone
B. Triiodothyronine
C. Thyrotropin
D. Thyroxine
E. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
335. Prolonged treatment of hypothyroidism has caused general dystrophy, dental caries,
tachycardia, tremor of extremities. What drug is the cause of these side effects?
A. L-thyroxin
B. Humulin (Human insulin)
C. Parathyreoidinum
D. Thyrocalcitonin
E. Prednisolone
336. A patient with autoimmune thyroiditis has been prescribed a peptide hormonal agent.
Specify this agent:
A. L-thyroxin
B. Trimethoprim
C. Triamcinolone
D. Triquilar
E. Tamoxifen
337. Parodontitis is treated with calcium preparations and a hormone that stimulates tooth
mineralization and inhibits tissue resorption. What hormone is it?
A. Calcitonin
B. Parathormone
C. Adrenalin
D. Aldosterone
E. Thyroxine
338. A nurse accidentally injected a nearly double dose of insulin to a patient with diabetes
mellitus. The patient lapsed into a hypoglycemic coma. What drug should be injected in order to
help him out of coma?
A. Glucose
B. Lidase
C. Insulin
D. Somatotropin
E. Noradrenaline
339. A patient has been suffering from diabetes mellitus for 5 years. As a result of not keeping to
a diet the patient passed into a comatose state. Emergency doctor injected him glucose. The
patient’s state got better. What is the most probable type of coma in this case?
A. Hypoglycemic
B. Acidotic
C. Hyperglycemic
D. Hepatic
E. Hypothyreoid
340. A patient suffering from non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was prescribed
glibenclamid internally. What is the mechanism of its hypoglycemic action?
A. It stimulates generation of endogenous insulin by beta cells
B. It inhibits gluconeogenesis in liver
C. It intensifies utilization of glucose by peripheral tissues
D. It inhibits glucose absorption in the bowels
E. It inhibits alpha glucosidase and polysaccharide breakdown
341. A patient is in the state of hypoglycemic coma. What hormone can cause this condition if
A. Insulin
B. Progesterone
C. Cortisol
D. Somatotropin
E. Corticotropin
343. A patient with diabetes mellitus complicated by angiopathy has been recommended a drug
which is a sulphonyl urease derivate of the second generation. It improves microcirculation and
is known for its relatively good tolerance. What drug is it?
A. Glibenclamide
B. Glibutidum
C. Insulin
D. Acarbose
E. Adrenalin
344. A patient has a systemic inflammatory lesion of connective tissue. Which antiinflammatory
drug will reduce all the inflammatory phases?
A. Prednisolone
B. Contrycal
C. Phenylbutazone
D. Indomethacin
E. Diclofenac sodium
345. A patient with periodontitis has been administered a glucocorticoid drug in form of an
ointment. Specify this ointment:
A. Prednisolone
B. Tetracycline
C. Decamine
D. Ampicillin
E. Erythromycin
346. A patient with rheumatoid arthritis has been given hydrocortisone for a long time. He has
developed hyperglycemia, polyuria, glycosuria, thirst. These complications of treatment result
from the activation of the following process:
A. Gluconeogenesis
B. Glycogenolysis
C. Glycogenesis
D. Glycolysis
E. Lipolysis
348. A patient with infectious mononucleosis had been taking glucocorticoids for two weeks. He
was brought into remission, but he fell ill with acute attack of chronic tonsillitis. What action of
glucocorticoids caused this complication?
349. A patient had been taking glucocorticoids for a long time. When the preparation was
withdrawn he developed the symptoms of disease aggravation, decreased blood pressure and
weakness. What is the reason of this condition?
A.Appearance of adrenal
insufficiency B.Hyperproduction of
ACTH C.Cumulation
351. A patient ill with collagenosis has been taking prednisolone for a long time. Hypokaliemia
development caused spastic pain of skeletal muscles. What medication should be used in order to
correct potassium exchange?
352. In course of histidine catabolism a biogenic amin is formed that has powerful vasodilatating
effect. Name it:
353. Continious taking of a drug can result in osteoporosis. erosion of stomach mucous
membrane, hypokaliemia, retention of sodium and water, reduced content of corticotrophin in
blood. Name this drug:
354. Examination of a 70 year old patient revealed non insulin-dependent diabetes. What drug
should be administered?
355. Examination of a 60 year old patient revealed hyperglycemia and glucosuria. A doctor
administered him a medication forinternal use. What medication is it?
356. Doctor prescribed preparation of posterior pituitary for the woman with the uterine inertia.
Choose the preparation:
357. The levorotatory isomer of thyroid hormone was assigned to the patient with diagnosed
myxedema. What drug was assigned?
E.Parathyroid hormone.
358. Choose the drug that is a hormone produced by alpha-cells of Langerhan’s islets of the
D.Natriuretic hormone
359. Replacement hormonal treatment was assigned for patient with hypothyrosis. Which drug
should be selected for treatment?
A.Merkazolil (Thiamazole)
B.Parathyreoidinum (Parathyreocrinum)
D.Potassium perchlorate (Kalii perchloridi)
360. Patients aged 73 years has slovly healing fracture of the femoral neck. What of hormones
with anabolic effect can be assigned to him?
A.Parathyreoidin (Parathormon, Parathyreocrinum)
C. Insulin
D. Retabolil (nandrolone)
E. Thyroxine.
361. Blood pressure and blood glucose level were increased in female patients with low blood
pressure after parenteral administration of the hormone. Which hormone was injected?
A.Folliculin (Estrone)
362. The patient developed a hypersensitivity to common cold after long-term use of one of the
therapeutic agents. Which of these drugs could reduce immunity?
A.Sustak forte (Nitroglycerin)
D.Tincture Ginsengi
363. 16 years old young man was suffering from diabetes mellitus for 10 years. He heard about
the replacement of insulin by glibenclamide tablets. However, the doctor refused to change
insulin for glibenclamide tablets. Why glibenclamide is not assigned in this case?
A. Rapidly degraded in the liver.
B. Deplete the function of beta cells of the pancreas
C. Causes hyperproduction of
hydrocortisone. D.Increased allocation of
E.Stimulates the alpha cells of the pancreas..
364. Dermatologist for topical treatment of eczema selected ointment containing fluorinated
glucocorticoid, which provides a more expressed antiinflammatory effect. Which of the
following dermatological ointments was applied?
A.Hydrocortisone ointment
B.Prednizolone ointment
C.Ointment "Sinaflan"
D.Diclophenac ointment
E.Heparin ointment .
365. Patient was on glucocorticoids for a long time, discontinuation of usage caused
exacerbation of the illness, decreased BP, weakness. How can you explain it?
A.Insufficiency of adrenal glands
B.Adaptation to the medicine
D.Hyperproduction of ACTH
366. Testosterone and it's analogs increase the mass of skeletal muscles that allows to use them
for treatment of dystrophy. Due to interaction of the hormone with what cell substance is this
action caused?
A.Proteins- activators of transcription
B.Membrane receptors
E.Nuclear receptors
367. A patient ill with neurodermatitis has been taking prednisolone for a long time.
Examination revealed high level of sugar in his blood. This complication is caused by the drug
A.Glycogenogenesis activation
B.Gluconeogenesis activation
C.Intensification of glucose absorption in the bowels
D.Activation of insulin decomposition
E.Inhibition of glycogen synthesis.
368. Continious taking of a drug can result in osteoporosis, erosion of stomach mucous
membrane, hypokaliemia, retention of sodium and water, reduced content of corticotropin in
blood. Name this drug:
E.Reserpine .
369. A patient suffers from diabetes melitus. After the regular insulin injection his condition
grew worse: there appeared anxiety, cold sweat, tremor of limbs, general weakness, dizziness.
What preparation can eliminate these symptoms?
A. Adrenaline hydrochloride
B. Butamide
E.Glibutide .
371. An elderly female patient suffers from the type 2 diabetes mellitus accompanied by
obesity, A.Insulin
B. Glibenclamid
E.Amlodipine .
372. A 42-year-old female patient consulted a doctor about pain in the knee joints. Objectively
there is swelling, redness, hyperthermia in the region of these joints. Laboratory testing revealed
positive acute phase reactants. What drugs should be used to treat this patient?
A. Anti-inflammatory drugs
B. Narcotic analgesics
C. Antidepressants
D. Antibiotics
E. Sulfonamides
373. A patient has the pronounced pain syndrome induced by neuralgia. What drug from the
group of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs will reduce pain sensitivity?
A. Diclofenac sodium
B. Codeine phosphate
C. Ketamine hydrochloride
D. Lidocaine hydrochloride
E. Droperidol
374. A dentist prescribed the patient with maxillofacial arthritis diclofenac sodium. What is the
mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Catalase inhibition
B. Opiate receptors activation
C. Opiate receptors block
D. Phosphodiesterase activation
E. Cyclooxigenase inhibition
375. A patient consulted a dentist about the temporomandibular joint arthritis. The dentist
administered an ointment containing diclofenac sodium. What is its mechanism of action?
A. Cyclooxigenase inhibition
B. Phospholipase inhibition
C. Opiate receptor activation
D. Opiate receptor block
E. Cyclooxigenase activation
376. A 39-year-old patient with arthritis of the temporomandibular joint has been administered
diclofenac sodium. It must be kept in mind that the side effect of prolonged use of this drug is:
A. Ulcerogenicity
B. Teratogenicity
C. Ototoxicity
D. Carcinogenicity
E. Drug dependence
377. On the 4th day of treatment with diclofenac sodium a 55-year-old patient has developed
gastric hemorrhage due to an ulcer appearing on the gastric mucosa. Ulcerogenic action of this
drug is caused by decreased secretion of:
A. Prostaglandin E2
B. Prostaglandin E1
C. Thromboxane
D. Cyclic endoperoxides
E. Leukotriene
378. A patient with arthritis and varicose veins has been taking a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
drug for a long time, which caused the thrombosis of cutaneous veins. Which of the listed drugs
might have caused this complication?
A. Celecoxib
B. Indomethacin
C. Aspirin
D. Phenylbutazone
E. Ibuprofen
379. A patient suffering from arthritis is prescribed a COX-2 selective inhibitor with anti-
inflammatory action. Specify this drug:
A. Celecoxib
B. Butadion (Phenylbutazone)
C. Dimexid
D. Indometacin
E. Analgin (Metamizole)
380. To prevent possible negative effect upon the gastric mucsa a patient with rheumatoid
arthritis was administered a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug - a COX-2 selective inhibitor.
Specify this drug:
A. Celecoxib
B. Analgine
C. Acetylsalicinic acid
D. Butadion
E. Ibuprofen
381. A patient with maxillofacial joint arthritis has cometoadentist. The dentist prescribed an
ointment with an antiinflammatory agent that is a pyrazolone derivative. Name this agent:
A. Butadion (Phenylbutazone)
B. Mefenamic acid
C. Ibuprofen
D. Indometacin
E. Diclofenac sodium
382. A 26-year-old woman presents with skin rashes and itching after eating citrus fruits.
Prescribe her a drug that is an H1histamine receptor antagonist:
A. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine)
B. Acetylsalicylic acid
C. Menadione (Vicasolum)
D. Analgin (Metamizole)
E. Paracetamol
383. A patient suffering from acute vascular purpura is prescribed a firstgeneration antihistamine
with local anaesthetic, antispasmodic, and sedative action. Specify this drug:
A. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine)
B. Diazolin (Mebhydrolin)
C. Dithylin
D. Droperidol
E. Dibazol (Bendazol)
384. After using a toothpaste a 27-year-old patient has developed Quincke’s edema. Administer
a drug from the group of histamine H1-receptor antagonists for the treatment of this condition:
A. Dimedrol
B. Paracetamol
C. Digoxin
D. Chlorpromazine
E. Analgin
385. A 45-year-old woman suffers from allergic seasonal coryza caused by the ambrosia
blossoming. What medicine from the stabilizer of the adipose cells group can be used for
prevention of this disease?
A Ketotifen
B Diazoline
C Phencarol
D Tavegyl
E Dimedrol
386. A patient was prescribed loratadine to treat allergic cheilitis. What is the
mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Blockade of H1-histamine receptors
B. Blockade of adrenergic receptors
C. Increases activty of monoamine oxidase
D. Suppresses activity of Na+/K+-ATPase
E. Suppresses activity of choline esterase
387. A 30-year-old driver complains of allergic rhinitis that usually excerbates in spring. He has
been administered an antihistamine drug with a slight sedative effect and 24-hour period of
action. Which of the listed drugs has been administered?
A. Loratadine
B. Dimedrol
C. Heparin
D. Vicasol
E. Oxytocin
388. A 12-year-old child presents with intolerance to some foodstuffs. Their consumption causes
an allergic reaction in form of itching skin eruption. What anti-histaminic drug should be
administered that won’t have any negative impact on the child’s school studies (with no
sleepiness effect)?
A. Loratadine
B. Dimedrol
C. Sodium diclofenac
D. Aminophylline
E. Mesatonum
389. A woman works as railway traffic controller. She suffers from seasonal vasomotor rhinitis
and gets treatment in the outpatient setting. She was prescribed an antihistamine that has no
effect upon central nervous system. What drug is it?
A Loratadine
B Dimedrol
C Promethazine
D Suprastin
E Tavegil
390. A patient has allergic rhinitis with profuse mucous discharges, itching, frequent sneezing.
What drug should be chosen if you know that it selectively blocks histamine receptors?
A. Loratadine
B. Mesatonum
C. Adrenaline hydrochloride
D. Naphthizin
E. Prednisolone
391. A patient has a slowly healing fracture. What medicine can be used to accelerate formation
of connective tissue matrix?
A. Methyluracil
B. Prednisolone
C. Cyclophosphan
D. Methotrexate
E. Cyclosporine
292. In the framework of complex treatment of gingivitis a patient has been administered a drug
that stimulates leucopoiesis, accelerates wound healing, enhances the growth and proliferation of
cells, has the anti-inflammatory effect. It is applied for treatment of leukopenias of different
genesis, in the dental practice it is used for treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral
mucosa. Identify the drug:
A. Pentoxylum
B. Mercaptopurine
C. Methotrexate
D. Cyanocobalamin
E. Coamide
393. A patient with continious bronchopneumonia was admitted to the therapeutic department.
Antibiotic therapy didn't give much effect. What medication for improvement of immune state
should be added to the complex treatment of this patient?
394. A patient with rheumatoid arthritis who had been treated with indometacin has got signs of
gastropathy. What activity of the drug can this complication be connected with?
D.Locally irritating
395. A 45-year-old woman suffers from seasonal allergic rhinitis caused by the ambrosia
blossoming. What medicine from the stabilizer of the adipose cells group can be used for
prevention of this disease?
E.Kromolin sodium
396. A doctor administered a patient with allergic dermatitis a H1 -histamine blocker as a part of
complex treatment. Name this medication:
C.Cromolyn sodium
397. A 12 year old child has intolerance to some foodstuffs. Their consumption causes an
allergic reaction in form of itching skin eruptions. What antihistaminic drug should be
admistered so that the child could attend school?
398. Signs of gastropathy occurred in the patient with rheumatoid arthritis who was treated with
indometacin. With what activity of the drug can this complication be connected?
E.Local irritating.
399. A female patient consulted a doctor about pain and limited movements in the knee joints.
Which of the following nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs should be administered taking into
consideration that the patient has a history of chronic gastroduodenitis?
B.Diclofenac sodium
D.Acetylsalicilic acid
E.Butadiounum .
400. The patient suffering from arthritis was treated with prednisolone for long period. Doctor
decided to discontinue prednisolone administration and change it for another drug. What is the
right way of this drug discontinuation?
A. It must be preceded by corticotropin administration
B. It must be done in a vary short time
C. It must be preceded by administration of ADH
D. It must be performed on the background of mineralocortcoid administration
E. It must be preceded by growth hormone administration.
401. A 45-year-old woman suffers from allergic seasonal coryza caused by the ambrosia
blossoming. What medicine from the stabilizer of the mast cells group can be used for
prevention of this disease?
402. Patient was on glucocorticoids for a long time, discontinuation of usage caused
exacerbation of the illness, decreased BP, weakness. How can you explain it?
A. Sensitization
B. Adaptation to the medicine
C.Hyperproduction of ACTH
D.Insufficiency of adrenal glands
403. Patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis was treated with potent nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drug. The treatment was complicated by gastric bleeding. What drug was used?
404. In complex treatment of patient with bronchial asthma cromolyn-sodium was included as
antiallergic agent. What is the mechanism of this drug action?
A.Inhibition of histaminic H1 receptors
B.Inhibition of histaminic H2 receptors
C.Prevention of mast cell degranulation
D.Inhibition of antigen-antibody interaction
E.Blockade of D2 receptors.
405. A patient who had myocardial infarction was administrated 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid a
day. What is the purpose of this administration?
A.Coronary vessels dilatation
B.Temperature reduction
C.Inflammation reduction
D.Pain relief
E.Redaction of thrombocyte aggregation
406. Continuous use of certain drug may cause osteoporosis, erosion of gastric mucosa,
hypokalemia, retention of sodium and water in the organism, decreased concentration of
corticotropin in blood. What drug is it?
407. A 33 –year-old female patient, who long treated for chronic polyarthritis, complains of high
blood pressure, changes in distribution of body fat, menstrual disorders. Admission of which
drug is related to these complaints?
409. The patient who received steroid anti-inflammatory drugs had a complication in the form of
hypokalemia. Which of these drugs should be used for correction of potassium level?
A.Sodium chloride
B.Magnesium sulfate
D.Calcium lactate
E.Calcium chloride.
410. Immune stimulant of animal origin was included in the complex treatment of patients with
severe bronchopneumonia. Which of these drugs belong to this group of drugs?
E.Sodium nucleinat.
411. Patient has got severe trauma in car accident due to this kidney transplant was performed in
emergency procedure. Which of the following drugs should be included in the post-operative
therapy for successful engraftment of the transplanted organ?
412. Anaphylactic shock developed in patient after administration of lidocaine. Which of the
following medications must choose a doctor to bring the patient out of shock?
A.Acetylsalicylic acid
413. A patient suffering from rheumatism was treated with prednisolone for two months. After
the abrupt discontinuation of the drug administration patient’s blood pressure dropped
dramatically, there was a severe weakness, tachycardia, reappeared joint pain. Which condition
was developed in patient due to prednisolone discontinuation?
A. Orthostatic collapse
C.Allergic reaction
D.Anaphylactic shock
E.Hyperglycemic coma.
415. A patient with rheumatoid arthritis was on diclofenac sodium. After blood test the doctor
canceled the drug administration. What the abnormality in blood test was the base for diclofenac
sodium discontinuation?
A.Enhancement of hemocoagulation
E.Decrease in blood coagulation
416. The 12-year-old child has intolerance of some food stuffs. Their use causes an allergic
reaction in the form of itchy skin rash. What antihistamines should be appointed, not to interfere
with school activities of the child (not cause drowsiness)?
C.Diclofenac sodium
417. To prevent transplant rejection after organ transplantation immunosuppressive hormone
therapy is compulsory. What group of hormones is used for this purpose?
E.Sex hormones.
418. Student addressed the doctor to appoint a drug for the treatment of allergic rhinitis occurred
in lime blossoming. Which drug can be used?
C.Noradrenaline gidrotartrat
419. In the complex therapy of patient with allergic dermatitis doctor prescribed H1-histamine
blockers. Point out the drug.
C.Cromolyn sodium
421. Activation of free radical processes is a universal mechanism that triggers cell death. What
inhibitors of this process should be administered as a part of therapeutic interventions intended
for the treatment of generalized periodontitis?
A. Tocopherol, ascorbate
B. Riboflavin, pyridoxine
C. Calciferol, naphthoquinone
D. Thiamin, folate
E. Cobalamin, pantothenic acid
422. A woman, who had undergone mastectomy due to breast cancer, was prescribed a course of
radiation therapy. What vitamin preparation has marked antiradiationeffectduetoitsantioxidant
A. Tocopherol acetate
B. Ergocalciferol
C. Riboflavin
D. Cyanocobalamin
E. Folic acid
423. There are various diseases that cause sharp increase of active oxygen, leading to cell
membranes destruction. Antioxidants are used to prevent it from happening. The most potent
natural antioxidant is:
A. Alpha-tocopherol
B. Glucose
C. Vitamin D
D. Fatty acids
E. Glycerol
424. There are various diseases that cause sharp increase of active oxygen, thus leading to cell
membranes destruction. Antioxidants are used to prevent it from happening. The most potent
natural antioxidant is:
A. α-tocopherol
B. Glucose
C. Fatty acids
D. Glycerol
E. Vitamin D
425. A 10 month old child has high excitability, sleep disturbance, amyotonia, retarded dentition,
teeth erupt with inadequate enamel calcification. These changes are caused by deficiency of the
following vitamin:
A. Cholecalciferol
B. Riboflavin
C. Thiamine
D. Retinol
E. Nicotinamide
426. A patient has enamel erosion. What vitamin should be administered for its treatment?
A. D
B. C
C. K
D. B1
427. A child with signs of rickets has been prescribed a certain liposoluble vitamin drug by the
pediatrician and dentist. This drug affects the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body
and facilitates calcium accumulation in bone tissue and dentine. If its content in the body is
insufficient, there develop disorders of ossificationprocess, dental structure, and occlusion. Name
this drug:
A. Ergocalciferol
B. Retinol acetate
C. Tocopherol acetate
D. Menadione (Vicasolum)
E. Thyroidin
428. In order to speed up healing of the thermal injury it is required to prescribe a drug that
facilitates epithelization of skin and mucous membranes. What drug is it?
A. Retinol acetate
B. Tocopherol acetate
C. Nicotinic acid
D. Ergocalciferol
E. Ascorbic acid
429. A patient with parodontosis was prescribed a fat-soluble vitamin that actively participates in
redox processes in the organism. This antioxidant is a growth factor, has antixerophthalmic
action, and contributes to maintenance of normal vision. In dental practice it is used to accelerate
mucosal re-epithelization during parodontosis. Name this substance:
A. Retinol acetate
B. Ergocalciferol
C. Tocopherol acetate
D. Menadione (Vicasolum)
E. Cyanocobalamin
430. Preoperative examination revealed prothrombin deficiency in the blood of the patient. What
drug should be preliminarily prescribed to mitigate blood loss in the pati- ent during the surgery?
A. Vicasol (Menadione)
B. Thrombin
C. Aminocapronic acid
D. Phenylin (Phenindione)
E. Contrykal (Aprotinin)
431. A 30-year-old patient after a case of viral hepatitis type B has developed complaints of
continuous nasal hemorrhages. What drug would be the most advisable for treatment of this
A. Menadione (Vicasolum)
B. Asparcam
C. Nadroparin calcium (Fraxiparine)
D. Folic acid
E. Dipiridamol
432. Treatment of many diseases involves use of cocarboxylase (thiamine pyrophosphate) for
supplying cells with energy. What metabolic process is activated in this case?
A. Oxidizing decarboxylation of pyruvate
B. Glutamate deamination
C. Amino acids decarboxylation
D. Decarboxylation of biogenic amines
E. Detoxication of harmful substances in liver
433. A patient has been prescribed pyridoxal phosphate. What processes are corrected with this
A. Transamination and decarboxylation of amino acids
B. Oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids
C. Deaminization of amino acids
D. Synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases
E. Protein synthesis
434. Examination of a child who hasn’t got fresh fruit and vegetables during winter revealed
numerous subcutaneous hemorrhages, gingivitis, carious cavities in teeth. What vitamin
combination should be prescribed in this case?
A. Ascorbic acid and rutin
B. Thiamine and pyridoxine
C. Folic acid and cobalamin
D. Riboflavin and nicotinamide
E. Calciferol and ascorbic acid
435. A 13-year-old girl has been prescribed a certain drug for treatment of megaloblastic anemia.
This drug stimulates a transfer from megaloblastic haemopoiesis to normoblastic, participates in
synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, activates proteine and methionine synthesis. What drug
does the patient take?
A. Cyanocobalamin
B. Haemostimulinum
C. Rosehip tea
D. Erythropoietin
E. Ferric sulfate
436. A patient with megaloblastic anemia was taking a water-soluble vitamin. Name this
A. Cyanocobalamin
B. Thiamine chloride
C. Tocopherol acetate
D. Ascorbic acid
E. Pyridoxine
437. There is an inhibited coagulation in the patients with bile ducts obstruction, bleeding due to
the low level of absorbtion of a vitamin. What vitamin is in deficiency?
438. A patient suffers from vision impairment - hemeralopy (night blindness). What
vitaminpreparation should be administered the patient in order to restore his vision?
A.Thiamine chloride
B.Tocopherol acetate
C.Retinol acetate
439. Patients after long-term complex treatment that included vitamin drug began to complain of
muscular weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea. On examination tachycardia,
hypertension, weakening of the heart sounds were revealed. In the urine protein, red blood cells,
hypercalciuria were revealed, in the blood - increasing the concentration of Ca and P was found.
What phenomenon was observed in a patient?
A.Hypovitaminosis vit. C
B.Hypervitaminosis vit. A
C.Hypervitaminosis vit. D
D.Hypovitaminosis vit. A
E.Hypervitaminosis vit. K.
440. The retardation of fontanelle closure and teeth appearance were observed in child. The
increase in activity of alkaline phosphatase and decrease in the concentration of citrate in the
blood were found. This violation is related to deficiency of vitamin:
A. Vitamin D
B. Vitamin A
C. Ascorbic acid
D. Vitamin E
E. Vitamin K.
441. The patient with myocardiodystrophy appointed vitamin preparation with a potent
antioxidant effect. Which of these drugs has such action?
442. A woman addressed the pediatrician concerning illness of the 8 months child manifested by
sweating, increased size of the crown, retarded dentition (only 2 of the tooth), and anxiety. What
medication should be assigned at the first place?
A. Calcium pangamas
B. Folic acid
443. The woman had several spontaneous miscarriages. The lack of which vitamin can cause
A. Thiamine bromide
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin K
D. Vitamin E
E. Ascorbic acid.
444. The patient complains of increased vascular fragility (touch to the skin are bruises),
bleeding from the gums. Appointment of ascorbic acid reduced these symptoms. Specify the
mechanism of action of the drug on vascular permeability.
A.Stimulates the synthesis of corticosteroids
B.Stabilizes the cell membrane
C.Improves oxidation-inflammatory processes
D.Increases collagen production
E.Stimulates the conversion of folic acid to folinic.
445. The patient has dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis. Which of the following drugs should be
included in complex treatment of this patient?
C.Calcium pantothenate
E.Thiamine nitrophosphate.
446. In order to accelerate healing of a radiation ulcer a vitamin drug was administered. What
drug was it?
D.Retinol acetate
E.Methyluracil .
447. A patient suffers from chronic left-ventricular insufficiency. What drug should be
A. Digoxin
B. Bemegride
C. Etimizol
D. Vinpocetine
E. Pyracetam
448. When treating a patient with chronic cardiac failure a doctor detected bradycardia and
deterioration of the patient’s general state. Such condition is caused by cumulative effect of a
drug. Which drug of those listed below has cumulative action?
A. Digoxin
B. Diphenhydramine (Dimedrol)
C. Hydrochlorothiazide
D. Isosorbide
E. Retinol acetate
449. A 65-year-old patient with chronic heart failure has been taking digitoxin in self-
administered dosages for a long time. She was admitted to the hospital for general health
aggravation, arrhythmia, nausea, reduced diuresis, insomnia. What is the primary action to be
A. To withhold digitoxin
B. To reduce digitoxin dosage
C. To administer strophanthine intravenously
D. To administer digoxin
E. To give an intravenous injection of calcium gluconate solution
450. A patient with chronic heart failure had been taking digitoxin for several months, during
digitalization the following symptoms developed: headache, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite,
impaired color vision, bradycardia. What antidote should be administered to reduce the
intoxication symptoms?
A. Unithiol
B. Atropine sulfate
C. Prednisolone
D. Adrenalin hydrochloride
E. Naloxone
451. A patient with symptoms of acute heart failure, namely pallor, acrocyanosis and rapid
shallow breathing, has been delivered to the emergency department. Which of these drugs is
indicated in this case?
A. Corglycon
B. Digitoxin
C. Cordiamine
D. Nitroglycerine
E. Adrenalin hydrochloride
452. A 55-year-old mae patient with acute heart failure has been administered a quick-relief
cardiac glycoside. Which of the following drugs has been given to the patient?
A. Strophanthin
B. Adonisidum
C. Digitoxin
D. Celanid
E. Milrinone
454. A female patient suffering from coronary artery disease has been prescribed amiodarone
that has antianginal action. What other action does this drug have?
A. Antiarrhythmic
B. Analgesic
C. Local anaesthetic
D. Anti-inflammatory
E. Anti-shock
455. A patient with ventricular arrhythmia was admitted to the cardiological department. What
drug should be administered?
A. Amiodarone
B. Amlodipine
C. Drotaverine
D. Aminazine
E. Proserin
457. A patient complains about retrosternal pain, dyspnea and palpitation. After examination he
was diagnosed with coronary heart disease and prescribed verapamil. What is the mechanism of
its action?
A. It blocks calcium channels
B. It blocks α-adrenoreceptors
C. It blocks β-adrenoreceptors
D. It blocks potassium channels
E. It blocks sodium channels
458. Which of the following drugs is most likely to produce positive inotropic and negative
chronotropic effects?
459. Choose the inotropic drug for treatment of patient suffering from congestive heart failure,
not responding to digitalis.
460. A patient who has been suffering from cardiac insufficiency for several months has been
taking digoxin on an outpatient basis. At a certain stage of treatment there appeared symptoms of
drug overdose. What phenomenon underlies the development of this complication?
A.Functional cumulation
E.Material cumulation
461. A 50 y.o. patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency and tachyarrythmia was prescribed
cardiotonic drug. What drug was prescribed?
462. A patient suffering from chronic cardiac insufficiency was recommended to undergo a
prophylactic course of treatment with a cardiological drug from the group of cardiac glycosides
that is to be taken enterally. What drug was recommended?
463. A patient that entered the admission office had the following signs of acute cardiac
insuffiency: paleness, acrocyanosis, frequent shallow respiration. What drug is indicated in this
A. Corglycon
B. Adrenaline hydrochloride
464. To maintain normal sinus rhythm in patient with atrial fibrillation the doctor prescribed an
antiarrhythmic drug. After laboratory testing of thyroid function administration of this drug was
withdrawn. What drug was initially prescribed?
465. Patient suffering from tachyarrhythmia was treated with calcium channel blocker. What
drug was used?
A. Niphedipine
B. Verapamil
C. Labetolol
D. Alprenolol
E. Nicardipine.
466. A 52 year old patient with supraventricular tachyarrhythmia was using antiarrhythmic drug
of class III. For a long period it maintained the normal cardiac rhythm, but with time dispnoe
started to occur while going upstairs. Patient addressed doctor. The examination revealed
pulmonary sclerosis. Which of the antiarrhythmic drug can cause such side effect?
A. Verapamil
B. Amiodarone
C. Bretylium
D. Lidocaine
E. Procainamide.
467. Digoxin in tablets was prescribed to patient with chronic congestive heart failure. After 1
month of treatment decrease in heart rate was noted doctor advised the patient to continue
treatment with lower dose of digoxin. In spite of this the bradycardia was soon transformed into
A-V-block. Choose the necessary drug for abolishing of this manifestation of glycoside toxicity.
A. Potassium chloride
B. Phenytoin
C. Atropine
D. Lidocaine
E. Propranolol.
468. A pregnant woman addressed her doctor complying of frequent heartbeats. Which of
antiarrhythmic agents is contraindicated in this case?
A. Atenolol
B. Propranolol
C. Metoprolol
D. Verapamil
E. Diltiazem.
469. Patient with chronic congestive heart developed tachyarrhythmia. Which of the listed drugs
is contraindicated in this case?
A. Quinidine
B. Lidocaine
C. Timecaine
D. Phenytoin
E. Ajmaline.
470. In the treatment of patient suffering from congestive heart failure resistant to digitalis
adrenomimetic was used as inotropic agent. Point out which of the following drugs was
A. Phenylephrine
B. Partusisten
C. Dobutamine
D. Xylometazoline
E. Naphazoline
471. A 62-year-old patient, prone to bronchoconstriction, addressed his doctor with complaints
of tachyarrhythmia troubling him several times a day. The doctor prescribed anaprilin
(propranolol). Administration of drug provoked severe attack of bronchospasm. What is the
mechanism of this side effect?
A. Stimulation of M1- cholinoceptors
B. Inhibition of α-adrenoceptors
C. Inhibition of β2 - adrenoceptors
D. Increase in n. vagus tone
E. Stimulation of leukotriene release
472. A patient with fibrillation, who has had bronchial asthma in his anamnesis, should be
administered antiarrhythmic drug. Which preparation from the suggested drugs is
contraindicated for this patient?
A. Ajimaline
B. Verapamil
C. Novocainamide
D. Nifedipine
E. Anapriline (Propranolol)
473. A 55-year-old patient with persisting ventricular arrhythmia was admitted to the hospital.
The patient is taking Timolol drops for glaucoma, daily insulin injections for diabetes mellitus,
and an ACE inhibitor for hypertension. You have decided to use phenytoin instead of
procainamide. What is the reason?
A. The total anesthetic effect of procaninamide would aggravate the hypertension
B. The anticholinergic effect of procainamide would aggravate glaucoma
C. The local aneathetic effect of procainamaide would potentiate diabetes
D. The hypertensive effects of procainamide would aggravate the hypertension
E. The cholinergic effects of procainamide would aggravate the diabetes
474. A patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency has been treated with cardiotonic drugs and a
thiazide diuretic, but in spite of it there are still edemata and risk of ascites. What
medication should be prescribed to amplify diuretic effect of the applied drugs?
A. Furosemide
B. Spironolactone
C. Amyloride
D. Clopamide
E. Mannitol
475. A patient takes digoxin for treatment of cardiac insufficiency. What diuretic may increase
digoxin toxicity due to the intensified excretion of K+ ions?
A. Spironolactone
B. Hydrochlorothiazide
C. Panangine
D. Siliborum
E. Lisinopril
476. A patient suffers from chronic left-ventricular insufficiency. What medication should be
A. Digoxin
B. Bemegride
C. Aethimizolum
D. Vinpocetine
E. Pyracetam
477. Patient suffering from acute cardiac failure was treated with nonglycoside inotropic drug
inhibiting phosphodiesterase III. Which drug was used?
A. Mildronate
B. Dopamine
C. Dobutamine
D. Amyodarone
E. Amrinone
478. Patient complains of weakness, dyspnea, low extremities oedema. Diagnosis: chronic
cardiac insufficiency. What medicine should be prescribed first of all?
A. Caffeine
B. Digitoxin
C. Papaverine
D. Propranolol
E. Raunatin
479. For relief of hypertensive crisis a doctor administered a patient a drug that apart from
antihypertensive effect has also sedative, spasmolytic and anticonvulsive effect. The drug was
taken parenterally. When it is taken enterally it acts as a laxative and cholagogue. What drug was
A. Magnesium sulfate
B. Dibasolum
C. Reserpine
D. No-spa
E. Apressin
480. To terminate hypertensive crisis the patient was administered solution of magnesium
sulfate. What route of drug administration should be chosen?
A. Intravenous
B. Duodenal
C. Rectal
D. Oral
E. Intra-arterial
481. A patient has arterial hypertension. What long-acting drug from the group of calcium
channel blockers should be prescribed?
A. Amlodipine
B. Octadine
C. Pyrroxanum
D. Atenolol
E. Reserpine
482. A patient with essential hypertension has been prescribed captopril. What is its mechanism
of action?
A. Inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme activity
B. β-adrenoreceptor block
C. α-adrenoreceptor block
D. Angiotensin II receptor block
E. Peripheral vasodilatating effect
483. To treat chronic heart failure a patient takes digoxin. What diuretic can increase digoxin
toxicity due to increased excretion of K+ ions?
A. Hydrochlorothiazide
B. Spironolactone
C. Panangin
D. Silibor
E. Lisinopril
484. During narcosis a patient developed a risk of cerebral edema.What drug should be
administered in this case?
A. Furosemide
B. Dopamine
C. Phenazepam
D. Triamterene
E. Sodium bromide
485. Resuscitation unit received a patient with acute poisoning caused by unidentified medicine.
To quickly excrete the poisonfrom the patient’s body, forced diuresis was induced. What
substance was used to perform this procedure?
A. Furosemide
B. Hydrochlorothiazide
C. Omeprazole
D. Spironolactone
E. Dithylinum (Suxamethonium chloride)
486. Despite the administration of cardiotonics and thiazide diuretic a patient with chronic heart
failure has persistent edemas and the risk of ascites arose. What medication should be
administered to enhance the
diuretic effect of the administered drugs?
A. Spironolactone
B. Furosemide
C. Amiloride
D. Clopamide
E. Manithol
487. The alternate usage of dichlotiazide, etacrin acid and lasex did not cause marked
diuretic effect in the patient with marked peripheral edema. The aldosterone level in the
blood is increased. Indicate which medicine should be prescribed:
A. Spironolactone
B. Mannit
C. Clopamid
D. Urea
E. Amilorid
489. A 42-year-old man with gout presents with high content of uric acid in blood. The patient
was prescribed allopurinol to lower the concentration of uric acid. Allopurinol is a
competitive inhibitor of the following enzyme:
A. Xanthine oxidase
B. Adenosine deaminase
C. Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
D. Hypoxanthine phos horibosyltransferase
E. Guanine deaminase
490. Point out antihypertensive agent that increases salts and H2O excretion and can causes
hyperglycemia and uric acid retention?
A. Nifedipine
B. Propranolol
C. Prazosin
D. Hydrochlorothiazide
E. Acetazoleamide (Diacarbum).
491. A 67- year-old man treated with hydrochlorothiazide for control of mild hypertension
visited his doctor complaining of pains in joints. Which of the listed side effects is the most
probable cause of patient’s complains?
A. Hyperglycemia
B. Hyperuricemia
C. Drug hypersensitivity
D. Hyperkalemia
E. Hypokalemia.
492. A patient suffering from hypertension was treated with hydrochlorothiazide. With time he
addressed doctor complaining of worsening of his condition. On examination of the patient
hypokalemia was diagnosed. Choose the drug, which has to be added aiming at enhancement of
diuretic effect and abolishing of hypokalemia.
A. Acetazolamide
B. Furosemide
C. Ethacrynic acid
D. Spironolactone
E. Chlorothiazide.
493. A patient with acute poisoning was admitted to emergency department. It was established
that poisonous substance was excreted by kidney. Choose the best diuretic for forced diuresis.
A. Acetazolamide
B. Amiloride
C. Spironolactone
D. Furosemide
E. Hydrochlorothiazide.
494. A 42-year-old man suffering from gout has increased level of urinary acid in blood.
Allopurinol was prescribed to decrease the level of urinary acid. Competitive inhibitor of what
enzyme is allopurinol?
A. Xanthine oxidase
B. Guanine deaminase
C. Adenosine deaminase
D. Hypoxanthine phosphoribosiltransferase
E. Adenine phosphoribosiltransferase.
495. A doctor administered Allopurinol to a 26-year-old young man with the symptoms of gout.
What pharmacological action of Allopurinol ensures therapeutical effect?
A. By inhibiting leucocyte migration into the joint
B. By general analgetic effect
C. By increasing uric acid excretion
D. By general anti-inflammatory effect
E. By inhibiting uric acid synthesis
496. The alternate usage or dichlotiazide, etacrin acid and lasex did not influence diuretically
upon the patient with marked peripheral edemata. The aldosterone rate in the blood is increased.
Indicate which medicine should be prescribed:
A. Urea
B. Amilorid
C. Clopamid
D. Spironolacton
E. Mannit.
497. A patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency has been treated with cardiotonic drugs and a
thiazide diuretic, but in spite of it there are still edemata and risk of ascites. What medication
should be prescribed to amplify diuretic effect of the applied drugs?
A. Spironolactone
B. Furosemide
C. Manitole
D. Clopamide
E. Amyloride.
498. A patient takes digoxin for treatment of cardiac insufficiency. What diuretic may increase
digoxin toxicity due to the intensified excretion of K+ ions?
A. Lisinopril
B. Panangine
C. Siliborum
D. Spironolactone
E. Hydrochlorothiazide
499. Highly potent diuretic drug was prescribed to the patient with pulmonary edema in the
course of complex treatment. In a few days signs of hypokaliemia were developed. What drug
could cause such complications?
A. Furosemide (Lasix)
B. Spironolactone
C. Acetazolamide
D. Triamterene
E. Enalapril
500. For treatment of hypertensive patient doctor prescribed diuretic agent. It resulted in
sufficient control of BP, but soon patient addressed doctor, complaining of pain in joints. Which
diuretic was used?
A. Spironolactone
B. Hydrochlorothiazide
C. Clonidine
D. Triamterene
E. Enalapril
501. A patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency has been treated with cardiotonic drugs and a
thiazide diuretic, but in spite of it there are still edema and risk of ascite. What
medication should be prescribed to amplify diuretic effect of the applied drugs?
A. Spironolactone
B. Furosemide
C. Amyloride
D. Clopamide
E. Mannitol
502. Diuretic drug was prescribed to the patient with hypertension in the course of complex
treatment. In a few days BP decreased but signs of hypokaliemia developed. What drug could
cause such complications?
A. Spironolactone
B. Clophelin
C. Lasix (Furosemide)
D. Triamterene
E. Enalapril
503. A 65 year old female patient suffers from chronic renal insufficiency accompanied by
evident edema caused by chronic glomerulonephritis. What diuretic should be administered for
forced diuresis?
A. Furosemide
B. Hydrochlorothiazide
C. Chlorthalidone
D. Cyclometazide
E. Acetazolamide
504. A hypertensive patient was treated with the drug suppressing the formation of angiotensin II
and preventing degradation of bradykinine. Point out the drug realizing antihypertensive effect
by these mechanisms.
A. Nifedipine
B. Guanethidine
C. Clonidine
D. Enalapril
E. Propranolol.
505. A hypertensive patient was fond of meat dishes and did not keep proper diet. In the course
of complex antihypertensive treatment an acute attack of gout developed. Which of the following
agents is responsible for worsening of patient condition?
A. Hydrochlorothiazide
B. Prazosin
C. Allopurinol
D. Acetazolamide
E. Propranolol.
507. Metabolism can render pharmacological activity to some initially inert substances (pro-
drug). Point out the substance, which is pro-drug, used for treatment of hypertension.
A. Levodopa
B. Enalapril
C. Verapamil
D. Reserpine
E. Propranolol.
508. Hypertensive patient was treated with the drug that decreases vascular tone. His treatment
was complicated by persistent dry cough. Which drug most probably was used?
A. Papaverine
B. Phentolamine
C. Lisinopril
D. Prazosin
E. Clonidine.
509. For treatment of hypertensive patient doctor prescribed captopril, but soon patient
addressed doctor, complaining of dry cough and rashes. Doctor substituted captopril for losartan.
What is the mechanism of the last drug action?
A. Inhibition of renin release
B. Inhibition of ACE
C. Inhibition of angiotensinogen conversion to angiotensin I
D. Blockade of angiotensin II receptors
E. Increase in bradykinin level.
510. A patient with II stage hypertension has been taking one of hypotensive medications for the
purpose of treatment. After a time arterial pressure decreased, but the patient started complaining
of flaccidity, sleepiness, indifference. A bit later he felt stomach pain. He was diagnosed with
ulcer. What hypotensive medication has the patient been taking?
A. Captopril
B. Dibazoie
C. Reserpine
D. Furosemide
E. Verapamil.
511. A patient taking clonidine for essential hypertension treatment was using alcohol that
caused intense inhibition of central nervous system. What may it be connected with?
A. Intoxication
B. Idiosyncrasy
C. Cumulation
D. Effect potentiating
E. Effect summation.
512. A patient with hypertensic crisis was admitted to the cardiological department, he was
injected intravenously with an antihypertensive drug - salt of an alkaline-earth metal. What drug
was injected?
A. Benzohexamethonium
B. Potassium chloride
C. C Sodium hydrocarbonate
D. Magnesium sulfate
E. Caleium lactate.
513. For treatment of hypertensive patient doctor prescribed antiadrenergic drug, first
administration of which in therapeutic dose caused “first dose syncope”. Which drug was most
probably used?
A. Metoprolol
B. Atenolol
C. Prazosin
D. Reserpin
E. Propranolol
514. A 43 year-old male patient is suffering from hypertension. His blood pressure was
successfully controlled by monotherapy with adrenoblocker. With time treatment was
complicated with diarrhea and impotence. The patient addressed his doctor and the drug was
changed for another adrenoblocker. Which of adrenoblockers can cause above listed side
A. Metoprolol
B. Salbutamol
C. Propranolol
D. Dobutamine
E. Prazosin
515. Which of the following antiadrenergic drugs used in the treatment of hypertension is
contraindicated in patients prone to bronchospasm?
A. Prazosin
B. Metoprolol
C. Reserpine
D. Atenolol
E. Propranolol (Anaprilinum)
516. Point out antihypertensive agent that increases salts and H2O excretion and can cause
hyperglycemia and uric acid retention?
A. Nifedipine
B. Propranolol
C. Prazosin
D. Hydrochlorothiazide
E. Acetazoleamide (Diacarbum)
517. A patient suffering from hypertension was treated with hydrochlorothiazide. With time he
addressed doctor complaining of worsening of his condition. On examination of the patient
hypokalemia was diagnosed. Choose the drug, which has to be added aiming at enhancement of
diuretic effect and abolishing of hypokalemia.
A. Acetazolamide
B. Furosemide
C. Ethacrynic acid
D. Spironolactone
E. Chlorothiazide
518. A patient with moderate hypertension was treated with the drug that realizes its effect by
decrease in noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerve endings. While treatment patient
experienced drowsiness. What the drug was used?
A. Prazosin
B. Reserpin
C. Drotaverine
D. Atenolol
E. Dichlorothiazide
519. Phenofibrate was prescribed for a patient with a history of angina pectoris and high plasma
cholesterol level. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Activation of lipoprotein lipolysis
B. Inhibition of lipoprotein lipase
C. Inhibition of hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
D. Inhibition of DL oxidation
E. Bile acid sequestration
520. In complex treatment of hypertensive patient antiatherogenic agent that decreases synthesis
of cholesterol was included. Point out this agent.
A. Cholestyramine
B. Colestipol
C. Fenofibrate
D. Simvastatin
E. Probucol
522. A 64 –year-old patient addressed doctor complaining of vertigo and ringing in ears. On
examination the disturbance of brain blood circulation was diagnosed. Doctor prescribed the
drug that is vinca alkaloid derivative. Which drug was prescribed?
A. Cinnarizine
B. alfa-Tokopherol
C. Vinpocetine
D. Xantinol nicotinate
E. Parmidin
523. Point out the class of lipoprotein that facilitates the removal of cholesterol from tissues
A. Chylomicrons (Chy)
B. Low density lipoproteins (LDL)
C. Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)
D. High-density lipoproteins (HDL)
E. Intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL)
524. A 60 year-old patient with angina pectoris visited her doctor for routine examination. Blood
sampling revealed elevated level of cholesterol in the plasma. Due to this antisclerotic drug was
added to antianginal therapy. The effect of prescribed drug is based upon the inhibition of
cholesterol synthesis by suppression of HMG-CoA reductase activity. What the drug was
A. Nicotinic acid
B. Probucol
C. Lovastatin
D. Clofibrate
E. Colestipol
525. Patient with moderate hypertension was treated with the drug, decreasing heat work and
renin release, and causing coldness of hands as a side effect. What the drug was used?
A. Prazosin
B. Propranolol
C. Spironolacton
D. Atenolol
E. Dichlorothiazide
527. A 60 year-old patient suffering from hypertension was prescribe drug inhibiting RAS that
inhibits rennin directly. Point out this drug.
A. Enalapril
B. Verapamil
C. Reserpine
D. Propranolol
E. Aliskiren
528. A 66 year old female patient got intravenous injection of magnesium sulfate solution for the
purpose of elimination of hypertensive crisis. But arterial pressure didn't go down and after
repeated introduction of the same preparation there appered sluggishness, slow response,
inhibition of consciousness and respiration. What preparation is antagonist of magnesium
sulfate and can eliminate symptoms of its overdose?
A. Calcium chloride
B. Potassium chloride
C. Sodium chloride
D. Activated carbon
E. Potassium permanganate
529. A patient has coronary heart disease. For its treatment he was prescribed an antianginal
drug that activates guanylate cyclase and accumulates cyclic guanosine monophosphate in the
miocardium cells. What drug is it?
A. Isosorbide mononitrate
B. Dipiridamol
C. Panangine
D. Validol
E. Verapamil
530. A 57-year-old patient with coronary artery disease has been administered an anti-anginal
agent that activates guanylate cyclase and accumulates myocardial cGMP. What drug is it?
A. Isosorbide mononitrate
B. Dipyridamole
C. Panangin
D. Validol
E. Verapamil
531. A patient with ischemic heart disease has been administered an anti-anginal drug that
reduces the myocardial oxygen consumption and improves blood supply of myocardium.
What drug is it?
A. Nitroglycerine
B. Validol
C. Propranolol
D. Promedol
E. Retabolil
532. A 60-year-old patient has taken a drug to relieve angina pectoris attack; in several minutes
pain felt in the breastbone area abated, but it was followed by feeling of vertigo, headache,
tinnitus, and hyperemia of face. What drug has he taken?
A. Nitroglycerine
B. Validol
C. Nifedipine
D. Verapamil
E. Amiodarone
533. A man with ischemic heart disease has been taking his medicine too often throughout a
day, which resulted in poisoning. Examination detects cyanosis of skin and mucosa, sharp drop
of blood pressure, tachycardia, and respiratory depression. Blood methemoglobin is high. What
type of medicine did the patient overdose on?
A. Organic nitrates
B. α-adrenergic blockers
C. Calcium channel blockers
D. Adenosine-based drugs
E. Myotropic antispasmodics
534. A 60-year-old patient consulted a doctor about retrosternal pain arising immediately after
physical exercise. He was prescribed nitroglycerin. The medication relieved retrosternal pain but
the patient got acute headache. What is the likely mechanism of this side effect?
A. Intracranial pressure rise
B. α-adrenoreceptor block
C. Phosphodiesterase block
D. Reduced accumulation of calcium ions
E. Inhibited formation of mediators in brain
535. After a serious psychoemotional stress a 48-year-old patient suddenly developed acute heart
ache irradiating to the left arm. Nitroglycerine relieved the pain attack after 10 minutes. What is
the leading pathogenetic mechanism of this process development?
A. Spasm of coronary arteries
B. Increase in myocardial oxygen consumption
C. Dilatation of peripheral vessels
D. Obstruction of coronary vessels
E. Compression of coronary vessels
536. A patient has myocardial infarction with thrombosis of the left coronary artery.
What pharmocological preparation group should be used to reestablish blood flow?
A. Fibrinolysis activators
B. Narcotic analgesics
C. β-adrenergic blockers
D. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
E. Glucocorticoids
537. Among the specific hypocholesterolemic drugs the most effective are those blocking the
synthesis of endogenic cholesterol in liver. Which of the below listed drugs has such mechanism
of hypocholesterolemic action?
A. Lovastatin
B. Probucol
C. Clofibrate
D. Linaethol
E. Allilcepum
538. A patient with ischemic heart disease presents with increased blood plasma content of
triglycerides and very low density lipoproteins. What drug should be prescribed?
A. Fenofibrate
B. Famotidine
C. Amiodarone
D. Lisinopril
E. Dobutamine
539. A patient with angina pectoris was helping himself with nitroglycerin. One day the patient
used nitroglycerin several times because of frequent episodes of pain. So as the last sublingual
administration of nitroglycerin did not relieve pain, the patient addressed his doctor. Doctor
advised him to withdraw nitroglycerin for 8 hours and prescribed another drug. After 8 hours the
effect of nitroglycerin was restored. Which phenomenon did take place in this case?
A. Increase in nitroglycerin metabolism
B. Increase in protein binding
C. Decrease of absorption
D. Drug dependence
E. Tolerance
540. A patient with Raynaud disease was treated with niphedipine. What is the mechanism of
action of this drug?
A. Blockade of B-adrenoceptors
B. Blockade of alpha adrenoceptors
C. Decrease in neurotransmitter amount
D. Calcium channels’ blockade
E. Blockade of central M-cholinoceptors.
541. To prevent the onset of myocardial infarction in a patient with angina pectoris aspirin was
used. Due to which of listed effects aspirin is beneficial in this case?
A. Antiinflammatory
B. Antiplatelet
C. Analgesic
D. Antipyretic
E. Ulcerogenic.
542. After a tooth extraction a patient felt persistent pain behind his breast bone. After sublingual
intake of an antianginal drug the pain behind the breast bone disappeared, but the patient
complained of headache and dizziness. What drug are these properties typical for?
A. Validol
B. Verapamil
C. Nitroglycerin
D. Metoprolol
E. Propranolol.
543. In complex treatment of a patient with angina pectoris non- narcotic analgesic exerting
antiplatelet activity was included. Point out this agent.
A. Meperidine
B. Morphine
C. Tramadol
D. Metamizole
E. Aspirin
544. A 72-year woman suffering from angina pectoris was treated by propranolol (anaprilinium).
On the background of the treatment cough with bronchospastic components was developed.
Doctor replaced propanolol with metoprolol. This resulted in abolishing of respiratory
disturbances. What is the reason for the beneficial effect of metoprolol?
A. Block of M-cholinoceptors
B. Absence of action upon β2- adrenoceptors
C. Stimulating of M-cholinoceptors
D. Inhibition of m-cholinireceptors
E. Absence of action on α- adrenoceptors
545. A patient with myocardial infarction was treated with intravenous infusion of heparin. What
is the goal of this drug administration?
A. To cause the lysis of thrombus directly
B. To transform plasminogen into plasmin
C. To prevent further thrombosis
D. To prevent platelets activation
E. To decrease the area of necrosis
546. It is necessary to prevent the onset of myocardial infarction in patient with angina pectoris.
Choose the drug with antiplatelet and vasodilating effects.
A. Ticlopidine
B. Dipiridamole
C. Aspirin
D. Nifedipine
E. Verapamil
547. Patient complains of weakness, dyspnea, low extremities oedema. Diagnosis: chronic
cardiac insufficiency. What medicine should be prescribed first of all?
A. Digitoxin
B. Caffeine
C. Papaverine
D. Propranolol
E. Raunatin
548. Myocardial infarction patient was treated with streptokinase. What is the mechanism of
thrombolytic action of this drug?
A. Formation of active complex with proactivator of plasminogen
B. Direct activation of plasminogen
C. Prevention of prothrombin conversion to thrombin
D. Prevention of fibrin formation
E. Direct lysis of thrombus
549. 72-year-old patient with angina pectoris was prescribed dipyridamole. Administration of
drug resulted in worsening of patient condition and doctor substituted dipyridamole by long
acting organic nitrate. What was the most probable cause of worsening?
A. Lack of coronary vessels dilation
B. Increase in oxygen demand
C. “Coronary steal phenomenon”
D. Decrease in arterial pressure
E. Decrease in venous pressure
550. A patient who had myocardial infarction was prescribed 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid a day.
What is the purpose of this administration?
A. Reduction of platelet (thrombocyte) aggregation
B. Inflammation reduction
C. Pain relief
D. Temperature reduction
E. Coronary vessel dilatation
551. Anapriline (Propranolol) therapy caused positive effect in the dynamic of the disease of a
44-year-old woman suffering from stenocardia (angina pectoris). What is the main mechanism
of the effect of this medicine?
A. Blockade of β-adrenoreceptors and decrease myocardial requirements to the
B. Decrease of oxidative exchange in myocardium due to enzyme blockade of Krebs' cycle
C. Decreased power inputs of myocardium due to reduced loading
D. Increased oxygen supply to the myocardium
E. Decreased need in increasing of oxygen supply to the myocardium
552. A patient suffering from coronary artery disease had taken a certain drug many times a day
in order to arrest stenocardia attacks. Overdose of this drug finally caused intoxication.
Objectively: cyanotic skin and mucous membranes, dramatic fall in the arterial pressure,
tachycardia, respiration inhibition. Blood has increased concentration of methemoglobin. The
drug the patient had taken relates to the following group:
A. Organic nitrates
B. Alpha-adrenoceptor blockers
C. Calcium channel blockers
D. Adenosine drugs
E. Myotropic spamolytics
553. A patient suffers from stenocardia and takes isosorbide mononitrate. He was prescribed a
complementary drug with disaggregating effect. What drug is it?
A. Acetylsalicylic acid
B. Nitroglycerine
C. Propranolol
D. Nifedipine
E. Validol
554. A patient with coronary artery disease was admitted to the cardiological department. For
stenocardia (angina pectoris) prevention a drug from the group of beta-adrenoceptor blockers
was administered. What drug is it?
A. Metoprolol
B. Atropine sulfate
C. Morphine hydrochloride
D. Oxytocin
E. Furosemide
555. A patient with frequent attacks of stenocardia was prescribed sustak-forte to be taken one
tablet twice a day. At first the effect was positive but on the second day stenocardia attacks
resumed. What can explain inefficiency of the prescribed drug?
A. Tachyphylaxis
B. Cumulation
C. Sensibilization
D. Idiosyncrasy
E. Dependence
556. A child suffers from dry cough. What non-narcotic antitussive drug will relieve the patient’s
A. Glaucine hydrochloride
B. Codeine phosphate
C. Morphine hydrochloride
D. Potassium iodide
E. Althaea officinalis root extract
557. A patient has acute laryngotrachei-tis with nonproductive cough that is very exhaustive.
Prescribe an antitussive drug:
A. Glaucine
B. Ambroxol
C. Mucaltin
D. Herba Thermopsidis
E. Acetylcystein
558. A patient with chronic bronchitis has been administered an expectorant that disintegrates
disulphide bonds of sputum glycosaminoglycan thus reducing its viscosity. The patient has been
also warned about possible bronchospasm. What drug has been administered?
A. Acetylcysteine
B. Libxine
C. Bromhexine
D. Thermopsis herb
E. Sodium hydrocarbonate
559. A patient suffering from chronic bronchitis takes a synthetic mucolytic drug that stimulates
sputum liquefaction. What drug is it?
A. Acetylcysteine
B. Diazepam
C. Heparin
D. Furosemide
E. Enalapril
560. A patient suffering fromacute bronchitis with difficult expectoration was prescribed
acetylcysteine. What drug action will provide curative effect?
A. Mucoproteins depolymerization
B. Activation of bronchial ciliated epithelium
C. Reflex stimulation of bronchiolar peristalsis
D. Alkalinization of sputum
E. Stimulation of the bronchial glands
561. A female patient suffering from acute bronchitis complains about respiratory obstruction
and cough with thick viscous sputum. She was prescribed a mucolytic agent that stimulates
surfactant synthesis. What mucolytic agent was prescribed?
A. Ambroxolum
B. Sodium hydrocarbonate
C. Morphine hydrochloride
D. Glaucin
E. Theophylline
562. Analeptic remedy of reflective type from the N-cholinomemetics group was given to the
patient for restoration of breathing after poisoning with carbon monoxide. What medicine was
prescribed to the patient?
A. Adrenalin hydrochloride
B. Lobeline hydrochloride
C. Mesaton
D. Pentamin
E. Atropine sulfate.
563. In complex therapy of bronchial asthma myotropic spasmolytic drug was added. Soon after
its usage, nervousness and sleep disturbances occurred. Which of the following drugs can cause
above-mentioned side effect?
A. Papaverine
B. Platyphilline
C. Aminophylline
D. Drotaverine
E. Ephedrine .
564. A 5 year-old –child was suffering from bronchitis, accompanied with a productive cough
with thick sputum. In addition to antimicrobial treatment a mucolytic drug was prescribed. This
drug was especially beneficial for the child due to its ability to stimulate production of
surfactant. Point out this drug
A. Codeine
B. Ambroxolum
C. Oxeladine
D. Ethylmorphine
E. Potassium iodide.
565. Severe attack of bronchospasm and cough occurred in a patient with bronchial asthma.
Choose the best drug for quick relief of the patient condition.
A. Ipratropium bromide
B. Orciprenaline sulfate
C. Atropine
D. Adrenaline
E. Noradrenaline.
566. A patient with bronchial asthma had been taking tablets which caused insomnia, headache,
increased blood pressure. What medecine can cause such complications?
A. Ephedrine
B. Chromolin sodium
C. Euphyline
D. Adrenaline
E. Izadrine.
567. A 13-year-old girl with history of asthma complained of cough, dyspnea and wheezing. Her
symptoms became so severe that her parents brought her to the emergency room. Physical
examination revealed diaphoresis, dyspnea, tachycardia and tachypnea. Her respiratory rate was
42/min. pulse rate was 110 beats per minute, and blood pressure was l30/70 mm Hg. Choose
from the following list the most appropriate drug to reverse the bronchoconstriction rapidly:
A. Methylprednidsolone
B. Salbutamol
C. Beclomethasone
D. Cromolyn
E. Ipratropium.
569. In complex treatment of patient with bronchial asthma cromolyn-sodium was included as
antiallergic agent. What is the mechanism of this drug action?
A. Inhibition of histaminic H1 receptors
B. Inhibition of histaminic H2 receptors
C. Prevention of mast cell degranulation
D. Inhibition of antigen-antibody interaction
E. Blockade of D2 receptors.
570. Severe attack of bronchospasm and cough occur in patient with bronchial asthma. Choose
the best drug for quick relieve of patient condition.
A. Ipratropium bromide
B. Orciprenaline sulfate
C. Atropine
D. Adrenaline
E. Noradrenaline.
571. Patient with bronchial asthma was taking tablets, which caused insomnia, headache,
increased blood pressure. What medicine can cause such complications?
A. Izadrine
B. Adrenaline
C. Chromolin sodium
D. Euphyline
E. Ephedrine
572. In complex therapy of bronchial asthma myotropic spasmolytic drug was included. Soon
after its usage nervousness and sleep disturbances occurred. Which of the following drugs can
cause above-mentioned side effect?
A. Papaverine
B. Platyphilline
C. Aminophylline
D. Drotaverine
E. Ephedrine.
573. A patient suffering from chronic bronchitis takes a synthetic mucolytic drug that facilitates
the sputum thinning. What drug is it?
A. Acetylcysteine
B. Diazepam
C. Heparin
D. Furosemide
E. Enalapril.
574. A patient suffering from bronchial asthma didn't inform his doctor that he had attacks of
angina pectoris(stenocardia). Doctor administered him a drug, which usage resulted in less
frequent attacks of bronchial asthma, but stenocardia (anginal) attacks became more frequent.
What medication was administered?
A. Isadrin (Isoprenalin)
B. Salbutamol
C. Aminophylline
D. Cromolyn sodium
E. Phenotherol.
575. A 70-year-old man, who suffered from chronic bronchitis, was prescribed medicine for the
cough - codeine. What is the mechanism of antitussive effect?
A. Central
B. Reflex
C. Competitive
D. Local effect
E. Peripheral effect.
576. In long lusting usage of fenoterol in bronchial asthma its bronchodilating effect is gradually
decreasing. What is probable cause of tolerance development?
A. Worsening of absorption
B. Decrease in numbers of beta-adrenoceptors
C. Enhancement of binding with plasma albumin
D. Enhancement of elimination
E. Decrease in numbers of Gs-proteins.
577. To terminate an attack of asthma patients used inhalation of the drug that is used by
inhalation as bronchodilators, and in injections it is used in obstetric practice to prevent
miscarriages. What drug was used by patient?
A. Fenoterol
B. Atenolol
C. Adrenaline
D. Ephedrine
E. Euphylline.
578. In patient with bronchial asthma attacks usually occur at night, they are accompanied by
bradycardia, spasmodic pains in the intestines, diarrhea. Preparation of which group can
eliminate these symptoms?
A. H2-histaminoblockers
B. N-cholinoblockers
C. M cholinoblockers
D. Alpha-blockers
E. Beta-blockers.
579. A patient with respiratory depression was admitted to hospital. Drugs of which
pharmacological group stimulate breathing in such case?
A. Antidepressants
B. Tranquilizers
C. Antipsychotics
D. Analeptics
E. Analgesics.
580. Asthmatic patient was assigned to inhalation of 0.5% solution (isoprenalin) isadrinum.
Bronchospasm was relieved, but the patient began to complain of pain in the heart and heartbeat.
This is due to the stimulation of:
A. Beta2-adrenergic
B. Alpha1-adrenoceptor
C. M-cholinergic
D. Beta1-adrenergic
E. Synthesis of acetylcholine.
581. Patient suffering from bronchitis with poorly separated sputum started taking
acetylcysteine. Name the mechanism of mucolytic action of the drug.
A. Reflex stimulates the secretion of bronchial glands
B. Stimulates the cough center
C. Increases the secretion of bronchial mucus
D. Depolymerizes sputum
E. Increases bronchial contraction.
582. A patient with severe attacks of asthma that was not stopped by earlier effective beta-
adrenoceptor agonists was admitted to the intensive care unit Diagnosis: asthma, asthmatic
status. What drug should be administered the patient in the first place?
A. Adrenaline
B. Acyclovir
C. Prednisone
D. Famotidine
E. Fenoterol.
583. A 25 y.o. patient in the dental office suddenly developed an attack of asthma. The doctor
gave the patient salbutamol to inhale. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Stimulates the alpha-adrenergic
B. Blocks histamine H1 receptors
C. Blocks M-cholinergic
D. Stimulates beta2-adrenergic receptors
E. Blocks phosphodiesterase.
584. For patient suffering of pneumonia and cough with thick poorly separated sputum doctor
prescribed expectorant drug that activates the synthesis of surfactant in the lungs. What the drug
was prescribed?
A. Acetylcysteine
B. Infusion of herb Thermopsis
C. Glaucin
D. Trypsin
E. Lasolvan (Ambroxol)
585. To suppress dry cough in patient with chronic bronchitis doctor prescribed antitussive -
glaucine hydrochloride. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Resorptive central
B. M-cholinergic blockade
C. Reflex
D. Antienzymatic
E. Peripheral.
586. Exhausting cough with fetid odor appeared in patient with lobar pneumonia. Which of the
following agents should be used in this case?
A. Famotidine
B. Mesaton
C. Fenoterol
D. Acyclovir
E. Trypsin
587. A patient with acute duodenal ulcer was admitted to the hospital. Analysis of gastric juice
revealed hyperfunction of secretion and acid-forming in stomach. Choose a drug that can reduce
secretory function of stomach due to inhibition of H2-receptors:
A. Ranitidine
B. Extract of dry belladonna
C. Atropine
D. Methacin
E. Platyphyllin
588. A patient has addressed a doctor with complaint of gastric ulcer exacerbation. The
following membrane cytoreceptors should be blocked in the course of the patient’s complex
A. H2-histamine
B. H1-histamine
C. a-adrenergic receptor
D. β-adrenergic receptor
E. α2-adrenergic receptor
589. A 36- year-old patient has gastric ulcer (with increased acidity). Which of the listed below
drugs will reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid with a minimum of side effects?
A. Famotidine
B. Atropine
C. Pirenzepine
D. Almagel
E. –
590. To treat peptic ulcer disease of the stomach a patient has been prescribed famotidine.
Specify the mechanism of action of this drug:
A. H2 histamine receptors block
B. Effect on ion channels of cell membranes
C. Antienzyme action
D. Physicochemical interaction
E. Effect on cell membrane transport system
591. An elderly patient has chronic constipations induced by large intestine hypotonia. What
drug should be administered?
A. Bisacodyl
B. Sodium sulphate
C. Castor oil
D. Atropine
E. Novocaine amide
592. Name the drug that inhibits excretory function of pancreas during treatment of acute
A. Contrykal (Aprotinin)
B. Allochol
C. Раnzynorm
D. Pancreatin (Mezym forte)
E. Festal
593. A patient with acute pancreatitis presents with significantly increased urine diastase content.
What proteolysis inhibitor must be included into complex therapy of this patient?
A. Contrykal (Aprotinin)
B. Festal
C. Pancreatine
D. Digestal
E. Mezym forte
594. A patient diagnosed with acute pancreatitis was admitted to the surgical department. Which
drug administration would be pathogenetically grounded?
A. Contrykal
B. Tripsin
C. Chymotripsin
D. Pancreatin
E. Fibrinolysin
595. A patient with skin burns was delivered to a hospital. To clean the wound from necrotic
tissues and mucus the doctor prescribed an enzymatic drug for topical treatment. Name this drug:
A. Tripsin
B. Pancreatin
C. Asparaginase
D. Pepsin
E. Streptokinase
596. Enzymes and other active substances regulating connective tissue density and permeability
are being produced in connective tissue cells. What enzyme drug is used to make the connective
tissue growths looser and more permeable?
A. Lydase
B. Amylase
C. Lipase
D. Cocarboxylase
E. Cholinesterase
597. Patient with gastric peptic ulcer addressed his doctor. After examination doctor prescribed
famotidine aiming at inhibition of gastric acid secretion. What is the mechanism of this drag
A. Inhibition of proton pump
B. Neutralization of gastric acid
C. Prevention of histamine release
D. Blockade of H1 histamine receptors
E. Blockade of H2 histamine receptors
598. A young woman with breast cancer after surgery was treated with a chemotherapeutic
complex. At the very beginning of treatment the patient experienced much distressing nausea
and vomiting. Choose the best agent to relieve patient’s condition
A. Hyoscine (Aeronum)
B. Diphenhydramine (Dimedrolum)
C. Validolum
D. Chlorpromazine (Aminazinum)
E. Metoclopramide
599. Patient with gastric peptic ulcer was treated with omeprazole. This agent is capable of
decreasing in HCl production because it
A. Neutralizes gastric acid
B. Blocks H2 –histamine receptors
C. Inhibits the H+, K+-ATPase proton pump
D. Coats gastric mucosa
E. Blocks muscarinic receptors.
600. A 45-year-old woman presents to the emergency room with severe epigastric pain. On the
base of patient examination and laboratory findings an acute pancreatitis is diagnosed. Which of
the drugs is to be administered in this case?
A. Pancreatin
B. Mezym forte
C. Contrycal
D. Morphine
E. Fentanyl.
601. A patient addressed doctor with complaints of heartburn often troubling him. On
examination ulcerative esophagitis was diagnosed and inhibitor of proton pomp was prescribed.
Which of the following drugs was prescribed?
A. Cimetidine
B. Ranitidine
C. Omeprazole
D. Misoprostol
E. Metronidazole.
602. A 37-year-old man was admitted to the surgical department with the symptoms of acute
pancreatitis: vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, hypotention, weakness, dehydration of the
organism. What medicine should be used first of all?
A. Ephedrine
B. Platyphylline
C. No-spa
D. Etaperazine
E. Contrycal
603. A liquidator of a breakdown at a nuclear power plant who was irradiated complained about
vomiting that occurs all of a sudden. What medication should be prescribed?
A. Metoclopramide
B. Aeron
C. Reserpine
D. De-Nol
E. Atropine.
604. Examination of a 35 year old patient revealed high acidity of gastric juice. What receptors
should be blocked in order to reduce it?
A. alpha 1-adrenoreceptors
B. beta2-adrenoreceptors
C. beta1 -adrenoreceptors
D. alpha2-adrenoreceptors
E. Histamine
605. For treatment of biliary tract dyskinesia ( hypokinetic type) doctor prescribed cholagogue,
referring to the group holekinetics. Indicate the drug
A. Magnesium sulfate (gavage)
B. Alloholum
C. Cholenzymum
D. Oxafenamid
E. Cholosasum.
606. Aged patient is suffering from constipation for a long time. Which synthetic laxatives
should be proposed in this case?
A. Atropine
B. Bisacodyl
C. Castor oil
D. Liquid paraffin
E. Magnesium sulfate.
607. A patient suffering from gastric ulcer with hyperacidic syndrome was admitted to hospital.
The drug of which group should be used in the treatment of the patient?
A. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
B. Calcium channel blockers
C. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
D. Blockers H1 histamine receptor
E. H2 histamine receptors lockers
608. For patients with peptic ulcer the drug inhibiting the growth and reproduction of H.pylori
was prescribed as a causal treatment. Name the drug:
A. Corglyconum
B. Glauvent
C. Metronidazole
D. Furosemide
E. Prazosin.
609. A 46 years old patient was complained of stomach pain, heartburn. During examination
increased gastric acidity was revealed. What should be assigned to neutralize the acidity of
gastric juice?
A. Papaverine
B. Atropine Sulfate
C. Almagel
D. Neostigmine
E. Benzohexonium.
610. Patients with peptic ulcer of the duodenum uses famotidine. What is the group of this drug?
A. Beta-agonists
B. Alpha-adrenergic agonists
C. Antiholinesterase
D. H2-blockers of histamine receptors
E. Irritant.
611. A patient with exacerbation of duodenal peptic ulcer was admitted to hospital The analysis
showed an increased gastric secretion and acid-forming function of the stomach. Choose a
product that will reduce the secretory function of the stomach by blocking histamine H2-
A. Famotidine
B. Atropine Sulfate
C. Plathyphylline
D. Dry extract of belladonna
E. Metacin.
612. A pregnant woman is suffering from heartburn. Which agent is the best?
A. Ranitidine
B. Sodium bicarbonate
C. Omeprazole
D. Almagel
E. Bismuth sulfate.
613. The doctor prescribed bisacodyl for patient suffering from chronic constipation. What
pharmaceutical group is the drug?
A. Narcotic analgesics
B. Laxatives
C. Antihypertensives
D. Blockers H2-histamine receptor
E. Diuretics.
614. A 45 –year-old women is suffering from chronic pancreatitis. Doctor prescribed her
complex preparation containing pancreatic enzymes and dried bile. Point out prescribed drug.
A. Allocholum
B. Pancreatin
C. Aprotinin
D. Festal
E. Cholenzymum.
615. A patient with cholecystitis relieves periodical attacks of pain with myotropic spasmolytic
drug. Which of listed agents is used?
A. Drotaverine(No-spa)
B. Ephedrine
C. Pancreatin
D. Aprotinin
E. Atropine.
616. Patient addressed doctor complaining of periodically occurring dyspepsia. Laboratory tests
did not reveal pathogens that can be responsible for diarrhoea. Choose the drug the most
beneficial in this case.
A. Atropine
B. Platyphylline
C. Papaverine
D. Bisacodyl
E. Loperamide
617. Patient with chronic hepatitis was prescribed complex preparation with hepatoprotecting
properties. Preparation contains essential phospholipids and vitamins. Point out this preparation
A. Legalon
B. Essentiale
C. Liv-52
D. Siliborum
E. Papaverine.
619. Usage of sodium bicarbonate in peptic ulcer with high acidity gives temporary relief. What
is the cause of short lasting effect of drug in this case?
A. The formation of carbon dioxide stimulating a secondary hypersecretion
B. Neutralization of hydrochloric acid
C. Stimulation of histamine H2-receptors
D. Stimulation of the gastric M-cholinergic receptors
E. Accumulation of histamine.
620. The patient has hyperacidic gastritis. Specify the drug with the mechanism realized by
blocking of proton pump (H +-K +-ATPase) used in the combined therapy.
A. Gastrocepin (pirenzepine)
B. Omeprazole
C. Misoprostol
D. Atropine sulfate
E. Almagel.
621. A patient with chronic hyperacidic gastritis to relieve heartburn is using antacid, it gives
prompt effect, but it is accompanied by unpleasant feeling of fullness in the stomach. Which of
the drugs can cause this side effect?
A. Magnesium trisilicate
B. Aluminum hydroxide
C. Pepsin
D. Magnesium oxide
E. Sodium bicarbonate
622. A complex treatment of gastric peptic ulcers includes famotidine. What is the mechanism of
this drug action?
A. M-cholinergic blockade
B. The blockade of proton pump (H +, K +-ATPase)
C. Blockade of H2 histamine receptors
D. Antacid effect
E. Local anesthetic effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach..
623. A patient has complex treatment of gastric peptic ulcers; concomitant disease is glaucoma.
Drugs of which group in this connection should not be included in antiulcer therapy?
A. Myotropic antispasmodics
B. Blockers H2-histamine receptor
C. Antacid
D. Cholinoblockers
E. Gastroprotectors.
624. Almagel was prescribed for patient with gastric ulcer. What is the mechanism of drug
A. The neutralization of hydrochloric acid
B. Local anesthetic action
C. The blockade of the H2 histamine receptor
D. M-cholinergic blockade
E. Adsorption of alkaline foods.
625. A patient suffering from stenocardia takes 100 mg of acetylsalicilic acid daily. What is the
effect of acetylsalicilic acid in this patient?
A. Inhibition of thrombocyte aggregation
B. Inhibition of blood coagulation
C. Dilatation of coronary vessels
D. Prothrombin rate reduction
E. Cholesterol rate reduction
626. A patient complains about shin pain which is getting worse during walking. Objectively:
there is an edema and reddening along the vein. A doctor administered a direct coagulant to be
applied topically. What drug can be applied for this purpose?
A. Heparin ointment
B. Salicylic ointment
C. Troxevasin ointment
D. Butadion ointment
E. Thrombin
627. A 46-year-old female patient needs a surgery in the maxillofacial region. It is known that
the patient is disposed to increased hemocoagulation. What natural anticoagulant can be used in
order to prevent thrombosis?
A. Heparin
B. Hirudin
C. Sodium citrate
D. Fibrinolysin
E. None of the listed drugs
628. A patient with myocardium infarction was admitted to the resuscitation department. What
drug should be injected to the patient in order to prevent thrombosis?
A. Heparin
B. Chingamin
C. Thyroxine
D. Biseptol-480
E. Dimedrol
629. The patient was using levomycetin for a long time without control, his examination
revealed a decrease in leukocyte count in the blood. Which drug should be used for stimulation
A. Methotrexate
B. Prednisolone
C. Pentoxyl
D. Mercaptopurine
E. Cyanocobalamin.
630. Severe anemia occurred in patients after gastric resection on account of ulceration. What
medicine has to be assigned along with improvement of nutrition?
A. Ferroceronum
B. Cyanocobalamin
C. Methyluracilum
D. Iron sulfate
E. Coamidum.
631. Blood test revealed anemia in the patient with megaloblastic forms of red cells, due to this
cyanocobalamin was assigned for treatment. At what type of anemia this vitamin preparation is
A. Hyperchromic anemia
B. Hypoplastic
C. Hemolytic
D. Aplastic anemia
E. Hypochromic anemia.
632. Hypochromic anemia appeared in patient due to internal bleeding. Which of these drugs can
provide rapid recovery of red blood cells?
A. Cobamamid
B. Heparin
C. Sirepar
D. Furosemide
E. Ferum-Lek
633. After radiation therapy the myelo depressive reaction in the form of leukopenia appeared in
patient. Which of the following drugs should be applied to stimulate leukopoiesis?
A. Vitogepat
B. Ferropleks
C. Hemostimulin
D. Sodium nucleinat
E. Nicotinic acid.
634. In the patient that had long history of stomach disease hyperchromic anemia was found.
Which of the following agents is to be prescribed for this disease?
A. Ascorbic acid
B. Cyanocobalamin
C. Unithiolum
D. Ferum-Lek
E. Oxyferriscorbone sodium.
635. Iron deficiency anemia is very common among pregnant women, complicating pregnancy,
childbirth, adversely affects the fetus and newborn. Propose for the treatment such anemia
preparation of ferrous iron for oral administration.
A. Ferkoven
B. Ferrum-lek
C. Hemostimulin
D. Koamidum
E. Iron ferrous lactate
636. Patients suffering from angina and receiving isosorbide mononitrate, was appointed an
additional drug with antiplatelet effect. Identify the drug:
A. Validolum
B. Nitroglycerine
C. Nifedipine
D. Aspirin
E. Inderal.
637. The child emerged bleeding from the nose. Which of the following drugs can stop it?
A. Thrombin
B. Fibrinolysin
C. Vicasolum (Menadione)
D. Potassium chloride
E. Ethamzylatum.
638. Massive bleeding began in woman after separation of the placenta. Which of the drug you
need to help in this case?
A. Thrombin
B. Fibrinolysin
C. Aminocapronic acid
D. Fepromaronum
E. Vicasolum (Menadion).
639. Gastric bleeding appeared in the patient. Which of these drugs can stop it?
A. Folic acid
B. Thrombin
C. Sodium citrate
D. Sodium oxalate
E. Fibrinogen
640. Anticoagulant therapy with heparin was performed in patient with myocardial infarction.
What preparation should be used to continue treatment after withdrawal of heparin to prevent
recurrence of thrombosis?
A. Neodikumarinum
B. Calcium chloride
C. Furosemide
D. Fibrinolysin
E. Sodium hydrocitrate.
641. Analysis of the patient's blood showed an increased number of red blood cells and
hemoglobin that is characteristic of polycythemia. Which of these drugs should be prescribed for
a patient?
A. Kobamamid
B. Contrycal
C. Vitogepatum
D. Imiphosum
E. Pentoxylum.
642. To stop heavy uterine bleeding ergot alkaloid that increases myometrium tone was selected.
Which of listed agents is of this group?
A. Oxytocin
B. Ergometrine
C. Neostigmin
D. Aminocapronic acid
E. Fenoterol.
643. Direct acting anticoagulant was prescribed for patients prone to thrombosis. Point out the
A. Aminocaproic acid
B. Vicasolum (Menadione)
C. Neodikumarin
D. Sinkumar
E. Heparin
644. Before tooth extraction a patient was advised to take a certain drug for hemorrhage
prevention. What drug was advised?
A. Heparin
B. Vicasolum (Menadione)
C. Asparcam
D. Magnesium sulfate
E. Dimedrolum.
645. A patient with essential hypertension was recommended a drug that prevents thrombosis.
This drug exerts antiplatelet and coronary dilating effects. What drug is it?
A. Heparin
B. Dipiridamole
C. Protamine sulfate
D. Neodicumarin
E. Syncumar.
646. In acute thrombosis intravenous heparin rlieves the patient's condition. Which of these
mechanisms is responsible for effect of heparin?
A. Dissolution of fresh thrombus
B. Inhibition of the transformation of prothrombin to thrombin in the blood
C. Inhibition of the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver
D. Reduction of the number of calcium ions in the blood
E. Influence on the retraction of the clot.
647. In the laboratory experimental studies in vitro and in vivo antagonist of direct anticoagulant
was selected for the clinical use. What could be the preparation of these?
A. Protamine sulfate
B. Sodium citrate
C. Contrycal
D. Menadione
E. Calcium chloride.
648. Massive uterine bleeding in woman was stopped by introducing aminocaproic acid. Which
of listed mechanisms contributed to hemostatic effect of this drug?
A. Inhibition of fibrinolysis
B. Activation of fibrinolysis
C. Increased prothrombin in the blood
D. Increasing calcium in the blood
E. Increased synthesis of prothrombin in the liver.
649. 8 year-old child is preparing for tonsillectomy. Blood analysis showed clotting time
increased to 7 minutes. What medication should be included in a complex of drugs for
preparation period of 5 days before surgery in the first place?
A. Etamsylate
B. Vicasolum
C. Calcium chloride
D. Fibrinogen
E. Aminocapronic acid.
650. For the prevention of myocardial infarction doctor prescribed nonsteroidal anti
inflammatory drug with antiplatelet effect - aspirin. Choose the dose and regimen at which the
drug will exert antiplatelet effect.
A. 0.1 three times a day
B. 0.25 three times a day
C. 1.0 three or four times a day
D. 0.5 three times a day
E. 0.1-0.2 once a day for a long time
651. For the treatment of hypochromic anemia patient takes iron ferrous sulfate. Specify one of
the side effects of this drug.
A. The darkening of the teeth
B. Dyspepsia
C. Allergy
D. Itching
E. Dizziness.
652. Vicasolum (Menadione) has been prescribed for patient a week before tonsillectomy to
prevent bleeding. Specify the mechanism of action of this drug.
A. Inhibits fibrinolysis
B. Activates fibrinolysis
C. Increases the synthesis of clotting factors in the liver
D. Inhibits ACE
E. Causes vasoconstriction.
653. Indirect acting anticoagulant warfarin was prescribed for patient to prevent thrombosis.
What is the mechanism of action of this drug?.
A. Inhibition of fibrinolysis
B. Activation of fibrinolysis
C. Decrease in the synthesis of clotting factors in the liver
D. Inhibition of ACE
E. Inhibition of platelets aggregation.
655. A patient with myocardial infarction was treated with intravenous infusion of heparin. What
is the goal of this drug administration?
A. To cause the lysis of thrombus directly
B. To transform plasminogen into plasmin
C. To prevent further thrombosis
D. To prevent platelets activation
E. To decrease the area of necrosis.
656. A patient with a history of angina pectoris and high plasma cholesterol level was prescribed
phenofibrate. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Activation of lipoprotein lipase
B. Inhibition of lipoprotein lipase
C. Inhibition of hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
D. Inhibition of LDL oxidation
E. Bile acid sequestration.
657. Patient suffering from pernicious anemia is treated with folic acid. Which agent is to be
added to make effective the treatment of this disease?
A. Retinoli acetas
B. Cyancobalamin
C. Thiamine bromide
D. Retabolil
E. Insulin.
658. A patient ill with essential hypertension was recommended a drug that prevents thrombosis.
It is to be taken parenterally. What drug is it?
A. Protamine sulfate
B. Amben
C. Heparin
D. Neodicumarin
E. Syncumar.
659. Choose the hormonal drug for enhancement of uterine contraction during labor
A. Dinoprost (PGF2)
B. Oxytocin
C. Ergometrine
D. Salbutamol
E. Partusisten
660. To stop postpartum bleeding doctor prescribed ergot alkaloid derivative. Point out this drug
A. Oxytocin
B. Methylergometrine
C. Neostigmin
D. Dinoprostone (PGE2)
E. Qinine
661. Pregnant woman developed rhythmic uterine contractions at the physiological term of
delivery. But contractions were not progressing in force and frequency. Cervix of uterus was
neither softening nor opening. Chose the drug, which is the most beneficial in this case.
A. Oxytocin
B. Pituitrin
C. Ergometrine
D. Dinoprostone
E. Partusisten
662. A pregnant woman developed rhythmic uterine contractions at the physiological term of
delivery. But contractions were not progressing in force and frequency. Choose the drug for
stimulation of uterine contraction.
A. Oxytocin
B. Ergometrine
C. Partusisten
D. Physostigmine
E. Castor oil.
663. Intake of oral contraceptives containing sex hormones inhibits secretion of the hypophysiae
hormones. Secretion of which of the indicated hormones is inhibited while taking oral
contraceptives with sex hormones?
A. Somatotropic
B. Oxytocin
C. Vasopressin
D. Follicle-stimulating
E. Thyrotropic.
664. Name the halogen-containing antiseptic with fungicidal properties, which is used to treat
A. Iodine solution
B. Formalin solution
C. Methylene blue
D. Brilliant green
E. Boric acid solution
665. A 46-year-old patient consulted a doctor about pustular rash on the skin of the limbs. What
antiseptic should be administered to the patient?
A. Alcohol solution of iodine
B. Insulin
C. Prednisolone
D. Sibazon
E. Heparin
666. Having completed work in a laboratory, a student must tidy up the workspace, perform
disinfection of the workbench and tools. What chemicals should be used for disinfection?
A. Chloramine
B. Ether
C. Formalin
D. Hydrochloric acid
E. Chloroform
667. A doctor has made a diagnosis of gingivitis and recommended the patient to rinse the oral
cavity with an oxidizing agent. Specify this agent:
A. Hydrogen peroxide
B. Boric acid
C. Salicylic acid
D. Phenol
E. Brilliant green
668. A patient is diagnosed with acute morphine hydrochloride intoxication. Prescribe the
oxidizing agent for gastric lavage:
A. Potassium permanganate
B. Chloramine
C. Sulfocamphocainum (Procaine
+ Sulfocamphoric acid)
D. Cerigel
E. Chlorhexidine (bi)gluconate
669. A patient suffering form stomatitis was prescribed oral rinsing. Which antiseptic from the
oxidant group is the most suitable for this purpose?
A. Potassium permanganate
B. Boric acid
C. Alcoholic iodine solution
D. Ethyl alcohol
E. Chloramine
670. A patient was admitted to a hospital with poisoning with unsound food. His stomach was
lavaged with solution of potassium permanganate. What is its mechanism of action?
A. Release of atomic oxygen
B. Release of chlorine
C. Release of iodine
D. Disturbance of synthesis of respiratory chain enzymes
E. Destruction of bacteria membranes
671. For the purpose of disinfection of nonmetallic surgical instruments the formaldehyde
solution was used. What group does this anticeptic preparation belong to according to its
chemical structure?
1. Aliphatics
2. Aromatics
3. Alcohols
4. Halogenated compounds
5. Detergents
672. For the preparation of a patient`s burn skin surface a certain medication was used. Its
antiseptic action is provided by free oxygen that segregates in presence of organic substances.
Choose the right answer:
A. Potassium permanganate
B. Chlorhexidine
C. Sodium bicarbonate
D. Boric acid
E. Furacilin.
673. Patient suffering from tonsillitis was recommended to gargle throat with preparation of
nitrofurans. What drug was recommended?
A. A solution of hydrogen peroxide,
B. Solution of furacilinum
C. Solution of silver nitrate,
D. Chlorhexidine
E. Alcoholic solution of iodine.
674. Burned skin surface was treated with antimicrobial preparation. Its antiseptic properties are
provided by atomic oxygen that is formed in presence of organic substances. What preparation
was applied?
A. Potassium permanganate
B. Furacillin
C. Chlorhexidine bigluconate
D. Alcoholic iodine solution
E. Boric acid .
675. Patient with abscess of the cut wound applied to the traumatological department. Doctor for
the cleaning of the wound from the pus washed it with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Foam was
absence. What is the cause of absence of the drug activity?
A. Pus in the wound
B. Low concentration of H2O2
C. Inherited insufficiency phosphatdehydrogenase of erythrocyte
D. Shallow wound
E. Inherited insufficiency of catalase
676. A group of students were traveling by countryside collecting medicinal plants. It was a hot
day and the students spent the entire drinking water. The team leader offered the water of the
pond, using the chlorine containing tablet for its disinfection. Point the drug.
A. Chloramine-B
B. Chlorhexidine
C. Halozan
D. Brilliant Green
E. Furacilinum.
677. A nurse washed the patient’s contaminated wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution that
causes formation a lot of foam. What is the mechanism of antiseptic effect of this drug?
A. The formation of molecular oxygen
B. The formation of atomic form of oxygen
C. The interaction of hydrogen peroxide with fibrinolysine
D. Aggressive action of hydrogen peroxide on tissues
E. Formation of albuminates.
678. Patient with burns was treated by application of antiseptic containing halogen and polyvinyl
pirrolidon. Point out this preparation.
A. Iodovidon
B. Halozan
C. Chlorhexidine
D. Chloramine
E. Pantocide.
679. The patient was admitted to the infectious disease clinic with complaints of vomiting,
diarrhea, fever, after errors in diet. What antiseptic should be used for gastric lavage (washing
A. Ethanol
B. Hydrogen peroxide
C. Methylene blue
D. Activated char coal
E. Potassium permanganate
680. A patient has purulent wound with necrotic content. What medication should be used to
cleanse the wound?
A. Hydrogen peroxide
B. Furacilinum (Nitrofurazone)
C. Sulfacyl sodium
D. Alcohol solution of iodine
E. Aetacridini lactas.
681. In the patient with syphilis treated by, bismuth preparations gray patches on the mucous
membrane of the mouth and symptoms of kidney disturbances appeared. Which agent is
advisable for the treatment of bismuth poisoning?
A. Naloxone
B. Unitiol
C. Methylene blue
D. Nalorphine
E. Bemegride.
682. Dentist handled herpetic lesions of 7 years old child with halogen antiseptic that has
antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Name the drug.
A. Alcohol solution of iodine
B. Potassium permanganate
C. Formaldehyde
D. Silver nitrate
E. Brilliant Green.
683. The patient with gingivitis after using applications was assigned to rinse oral cavity with
antiseptic agent realizing its effect by atomic oxygen drug exerts deodorant and astringent
effects. Identify the drug.
A. Ethanol
B. Chlorhexidine bigluconate
C. Hydrogen peroxide
D. Sodium bicarbonate
E. Potassium permanganate
F. Hydrogen peroxide.
684. To prepare the operative field surgeon used a solution of iodine in alcohol. What is the
chemical group of this antiseptic preparation?
A. Heavy metals
B. Halogen-containing compounds
C. Alcohols
D. Detergents
E. Aliphatic substance.
685. For disinfecting of metallic instruments in the surgical department the formaldehyde
solution is used. What is the chemical group of this antiseptic preparation?
A. Halogenated compounds
B. Aromatic substance
C. Detergents
D. Aliphatic agent
E. Alcohols.
686. After extirpation of the tooth in the patient bleeding from the hole emerged. What drug
from the group of antiseptics should be used in this case?
A. A solution of hydrogen peroxide
B. Solution of epinephrine hydrochloride
C. Solution of brilliant green
D. Iodinol
E. A solution of ethyl alcohol.
687. Nitrofurane antiseptic was prescribed for mouth wash to patient with stomatitis. Point out
this agent
A. Hexamethylen tetraminum
B. Aethonium
C. Furacilinum
D. Boric acid
E. Aethacridini lactates.
689. To prevent pyodermia in 4-year-old girl with chickenpox mother was recommended to
apply a preparation of a group of dyes. Point out this preparation.
A. Chlorhexidine
B. Alcoholic solution of iodine
C. Furacilinum
D. Alcoholic solution of of Brilliant Green
E. Chloramine.
690. Before the operation surgeon used degmicidum for disinfecting his hands. Point the group
of this antimicrobial agent
A. Group of detergent
B. Group of dyes
C. Halogen containing antiseptic
D. Oxidizing agent
E. Group of nitrofuranes .
691. Doctor prescribed oral rinse for patient with stomatitis. Which antiseptic of oxidazinggroup
is most suitable for this?
A. Boric acid
B. Potassium permanganate
C. Alcoholic solution of iodine
D. Chloramine
E. Ethanol.
692. Gastric lavage with a solution of potassium permanganate was performed in patient due to
food poisoning. Which group of antiseptics does this drug belong to?
A. Aromatic substances
B. Halogens
C. Acid
D. Oxidizing agents
E. Detergents.
693. Solution of carbolic acid was used for disinfecting of instruments. To which group does this
antiseptic belong?
A. Oxidizing agents
B. Phenols
C. Halogens
D. Acid
E. Detergents.
694. For disinfecting of hand before operation surgeon used chlorine containing antiseptic, that
also widely used in dentistry. Point out this agent.
A. Potassium permanganate
B. Boric acid
C. Alcoholic solution of iodine
D. Chlorhexidine
E. Ethanol.
695. Surgeon was urgently summoned to the operating room. Choose the antiseptic used for
surgeon hands in emergency.
A. Boric acid
B. Ethyl alcohol 96%
C. Ethacridine lactate
D. Hydrogen peroxide
E. Ethyl alcohol 70%.
696. A patient suffering from syphilis was prescribed a drug the action of which based upon
disturbed generation of murein leading to death of the causative agent. What drug is it?
A. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt
B. Bijochinol
C. Ciprofloxacin
D. Azithromycin
E. Doxycycline hydrochloride
697. A patient with streptococcal infection of gums was prescribed a drug that contained beta-
lactam ring in its structure. Which drug relates to this group?
A. Benzylpenicillin
B. Rifampicin
C. Erythromycin
D. Streptomycin sulfate
E. Chloramphenicol
698. A 29-year-old patient with bacterial pneumonia has been administered penicillin. What is
the mechanism of its antimicrobial action?
A. Inhibition of cell walls synthesis in the microorganisms
B. Inhibition of intracellular protein synthesis
C. Inhibition of cholinesterase activity
D. Inhibition of SH-groups of microorganism enzymes
E. Antagonism of PABA
699. A patient has been diagnosed with bacillary dysentery. What drug of those listed below
should be prescribed?
A. Amoxicillin
B. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt
C. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (Isoniazid)
D. Itraconazole
E. Acyclovir
700. A 43-year-old patient is to be administered an antibiotic from the penicillin group which
would be resistant to penicillinase. What drug can be recommended?
A. Oxacillin
B. Amoxicillin
C. Carbenicillin
D. Azlocillin
E. Ampicillin
701. A 60-year-old patient was admitted to the surgical department because of infection caused
by blue pus bacillus (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) which is sensative to penicillin antibiotics.
Indicate which of the given penicillins has marked activity to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
A Carbenicillin disodium
B Benzylpenicillin
C Phenoxymethylpenicillin
D Oxacillin
E Methicillin
702. For infection prevention a patient who underwent appendectomy was prescribed a
cephalosporin antibiotic. Antimicrobial activity of these antibiotics is called forth by the
disturbance of the following process:
A. Microbial wall formation
B. Nucleic acid synthesis
C. Ribosomal protein synthesis
D. Energy metabolism
E. Cholinesterase block
703. A patient suffers from a severe life-threatening generalised septic infection. What group of
chemotherapeutical drugs should be prescribed in this case?
A. Cephalosporines
B. Tetracyclines
C. Sulfanilamides
D. Chloramphenicol group
E. Macrolides
704. A 26-year-old female patient with bronchitis has been administered a broad spectrum
antibiotic as a causal treatment drug. Specify this drug:
A. Doxycycline
B. Interferon
C. BCG vaccine
D. Ambroxol
E. Dexamethasone
705. During examination of first-grade pupils a dentist revealed that one child had brown-yellow
teeth and two split teeth. According to the child, previously he had been treated for pneumonia
with "some" pills. What drug might have had such a negative impact on teeth?
A. Doxycycline
B. Oxacillin
C. Erythromycin
D. Ampicillin
E. Biseptol
706. A patient with acne is prescribed doxycycline hydrochloride. What should the patient be
warned against, regarding administration of this drug?
A. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun
B. Take with large amount of liquid, preferably milk
C. Take before eating
D. Course of treatment should not exceed 1 day
E. Do not take with vitamin preparations
707. For the treatment of periostitis a 35-year-old patient should be administered an antibiotic
with a high ability to penetrate into the bone tissue. Specify this drug:
A. Doxycycline hydrochloride
B. Streptomycin
C. Erythromycin
D. Chloramphenicol
E. Kanamycin
708. A patient with mandibular osteomyelitis has been administered an antibiotic from the
tetracycline group. Specify this drug:
A. Doxycycline hydrochloride
B. Rifampicin
C. Streptomycin
D. Oxacillin
E. Amikacin
709. A stomatologists examined first-grade pupils and revealed that one of children had
yellowish brown teeth, two of them were split. Heretofore the pupil was treated with "some
pills"on account of pneumonia. What medication could have had such a negative effect upon
1. Doxycycline
2. Oxacillin
3. Erythromycin
4. Ampicillin
5. Biseptol
711. 5-year-old child has been diagnosed with acute right distal pneumonia. Sputum inoculation
revealed that the causative agent is resistant to penicillin and sensitive to macrolides. What drug
should be prescribed?
A. Azithromycin
B. Tetracycline
C. Gentamycin
D. Streptomycin
E. Ampicillin
712. A 30-year-old patient with pneumonia has been administered a 3-day course of an antibiotic
from the group of azalides that has bactericidal effect, prolonged action, the ability to bind to
phagocytic cells and accumulate in the infection foci. What drug has been administered?
A. Azithromycin
B. Erythromycin
C. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt
D. Isoniazid
E. Ciprofloxacin
713. Pathogenic staphylococcus was obtained from the purulent wound of the patient. Its
antibiotic sensitivity was determined to be as follows: penicillin growth inhibition zone - 8 mm;
oxacillin - 9 mm, ampicillin - 10 mm, gentamicin - 22 mm, lincomycin - 11 mm. What antibiotic
should be chosen for treatment in this case?
A. Gentamicin
B. Oxacillin
C. Ampicillin
D. Penicillin
E. Lincomycin
714. To treat osteomyelitis, a patient was prescribed an antibiotic that easily penetrates into bone
tissue. Name this drug:
A. Lincomycin hydrochloride
B. Streptomycin sulfate
C. Cefazolin
D. Polymyxin B
E. Amphotericin B
715. A 60-year-old patient was admitted to the surgical department because of infection caused
by blue pus bacillus (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) which is sensitive to penicillin antibiotics.
Indicate which of the given penicillins has marked activity to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
A. Methicillin
B. Phenoxymethylpenicillin
C. Carbenicillin disodium
D. Oxacillin
E. Benzylpeniciilin.
716. A 50-year-old patient with typhoid fever was treated with Levomycetin, next day his
condition became worse, temperature rose to 39,6°C. What caused the complication?
A. The effect of endotoxin agent
B. Reinfection
C. Secondary infection addition
D. Irresponsiveness of an agent to the levomycetin
E. Allergic reaction.
717. A patient suffers from severe postoperative pseudomonadous infection. What of the
following antibiotics should be administered in this case?
A. Erythromycin
B. Doxycycline
C. Cephazolin
D. Benzylpenicillin
E. Amicacin sulfate
718. Car driver has got into accident and was admited to emergancy department. Surgical
invasion in abdominal cavity was successfuly performed, but postoperative period was
complicated by peritonitis. Bacterial analysis revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa. For treatment
of patient you may propose any antibiotic leasted below with axception
A. Azlocillin
B. Genamycine
C. Cefotaxim
D. Imipenem (Tienam)
E. Tetracycline
719. A 6-year boy was admitted to hospital with pneumonia. Treatment with amoxycycline was
not effective. Bacterial analysis revealed Micoplasma pneumoniae. Choose the most suitable
drug for treatment of this child.
A. Tetracycline
B. Azithromycine
C. Bicillin 5
D. Nystatin
E. Oxacillin.
720. A 20 years old man with gonorrhea was treated with penicillin G in combination with
probenecid. His state was improved, but 1 week later the patient was still complaining of a
persistent urethral discharge and pain on urination. Laboratory test reveals chlamidia in
discharge. Which of the listed drugs effective both in gonorrhea and chlamidial infection must
be used for further treatment
A. Amoxicillin
B. Doxycycline
C. Oxacillincin
D. Gentamycin
E. Streptomycin.
721. Patient with tuberculosis was on the complex treatment including antibiotics. At the end
of first course doctor noticed significant decrease in patient hearing. Which of the following
drugs can cause such side effect?
A. Isoniazid
B. Rifampicin
C. Streptomycin
D. Paraaminosalicylic acid
E. Pirazinamide .
722. Patient, with severe pneumonia was treated with the III generation cephalosporin. Doctor
warned him about the danger of alcohol usage while treatment. What the drug was used for
treatment of patient?
A. Carbenicilin
B. Cefotaxim
C. Cefalexin
D. Gentamycin
E. Doxycycline.
723. Patient was admitted to the infection unit with diagnosis of bacterial dysentery. On
laboratory studies it was revealed that causative element is sensitive to the many antimicrobial
medicines, but patient has anemia. What medicine is contra-indicated to the patient?
A. Levomycetin
B. Phthalazol
C. Enteroseptol
D. Furazolidone
E. Ampicillin.
724. Patient with pneumonia, prone to use alcohol, was treated with antibiotic of wide spectrum.
On the third day of treatment after alcohol usage severe antabus-like reaction occurs. What was
the group of antibiotic used for treatment of patient?
A. Biosynthetic penicillin
B. Aminoglycoside
C. 3rd generation cephalosporin
D. Penicilinse resistant penicillin
E. Tetracycline.
725. Patient condition after long term atimicrobial treatment was complicated by
pseudomembranous enterocolitis. For it treatment vancomycin was prescribed. What is the
mechanism of its antimicrobial effect?
A. Disturbances of structure and function of cell membrane
B. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
C. Inhibition of protein synthesis
D. Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis
E. Inhibition of folic acid metabolism.
726. Patient was admitted to the infection unit with diagnosis of bacterial dysentery. On
laboratory studies it was revealed that causative element is sensitive to the many antimicrobial
medicines, but patient has anemia. What antibiotic can be recommended for this patient?
A. Levomycetin
B. Amoxicillin
C. Erythromycin
D. Cotrimoxazol
E. Oxacillin.
727. A 5-year-old child has been diagnosed with acute right distal pneumonia. Sputum
inoculation revealed that the causative agent is resistant to penicillin, but it is senstive to
macrolides. What drug should be prescribed?
A. Azithromycin
B. Tetracycline
C. Gentamycin
D. Streptomycin
56. E. Ampicillin .
728. A 19 year old woman suffers from primary syphilis. Doctor administered her complex
therapy that includes benzylpenicillin sodium salt. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. It blocks RNA synthesis
B. It blocks synthesis of cytoplasm proteins
C. It blocks thiol enzymes
D. It blocks synthesis of peptidoglycan of microbal wall
E. It blocks DNA synthesis .
729. A patient underwent appendectomy. In the postoperative period he has been taking an
antibiotic. The patient complains about hearing impairment and vestibular disorders. What group
of antibiotics has such side-effects?
A. Cephalosporins
B. Penicillins
C. Tetracyclines
D. Macrolides
E. Aminoglycosides
730. A patient with bacterial pneumonia was prescribed benzylpenicillin. What is the mechanism
of its antibacterial effect?
A. Abnormal permeability of cytoplasmic membrane
B. Inhibition of intracellular protein synthesis
C. Inhibition of synthesis of microbial cell wall
D. Inhibition of SH-groups of microorganism enzymes
E. Antagonism with p-amino-benzoic acid .
731. A patient with gastric peptic ulcer was on complex treatment that includes antibiotic of
macrolide group. Point out this antibiotic.
A. Clarithromycin
B. Tetracycline
C. Gentamycin
D. Streptomycin
E. Ampicillin .
733. Patient has primary syphilis. What is the most effective antibiotic in this case?
A. Penicillin
B. Nystatin
C. Amphotericin
D. Streptomycin
E. Kanamycin.
735. In the patient, who has long used tetracycline, there was mucosal candidiasis. What
medication should be appointed to treat it?
A. Nystatin
B. Nizoral
C. Griseofulvin
D. Furadonin
E. Nitrofungin.
736. Mother of 2 years old child addressed dentist with tooth abnormality in her child. On child
examination the destruction of the incisors, yellow enamel, the brown rim on the necks of the
teeth ware revealed. Mother informed doctor that she had infection and used antibiotics. Which
of the drugs has a strong teratogenic effect, disrupting the development of teeth?
A. Polymyxin
B. Erythromycin
C. Tetracycline
D. Cefrenol
E. Ampiox.
737. The patient of 42 years old for the treatment of bacterial pneumonia was appointed
ampicillin. Specify the mechanism of bactericidal action of the drug
A. Inhibition of intracellular protein synthesis
B. Inhibition of the synthesis of the cell wall of the microorganism
C. Violation of the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane
D. Inhibition of SH - groups of enzymes of microorganisms
E. Antagonism with paraaminobenzoic acid.
738. Infectious patient is sensitized to benzylpenicillin. Which of the following antibiotics would
be the safest in this case?
A. Amoxicillin
B. Ampicillin
C. Erythromycin
D. Oxacillin
E. Bicillin 1.
739. A 6 year child was admitted to the hospital with diagnosis of candidiasis caused by
Candida albicans, the mucous membrane of cheeks, palate and tongue was cowered by fur of
white and yellow color. Which of the drugs can be used to treat the child?
A. Gentamicin
B. Ketoconazole
C. Tetracycline
D. Cefran
E. Penicillin.
740. A patient with impaired hearing has severe bacillary infection. Which group of antibiotics is
contraindicated in this case?
A. Aminoglycosides
B. Penicillins
C. Cephalosporins
D. Tetracyclines
E. Rifamycins.
741. A patient diagnosed with purulent pleurisy caused by penicillin resistant staphylococcus.
What preparation of penicillin resistant to beta-lactamase may be used for the treatment of this
A. Ampicillin
B. Benzylpenicillin
C. Phenoxymethylpenicillin
D. Augmentin
E. Carbenicillin.
743. Patient with staphylococcal sepsis was treated with benzylpenicillin. Therapy was
ineffective. What preparation of penicillin group should be prescribed for the patient to continue
A. Oxacillin
B. Polymyxin
C. Erythromycin
D. Phtalazol
E. Aztreonam.
744. Child of 5 years with a staphylococcus infection was assigned penicillin antibiotic without
testing pathogen susceptibility to drugs of this group. Which drug of penicillin group is resistant
to beta-lactamase and effectively influences on the penicillin-resistant staphylococci?
A. Carbenicillin
B. Ampicillin
C. Bicillin-5
D. Phenoxymethylpenicillin
E. Oxacillin
745. Certain infections caused by bacteria are treated with sulphanilamides that block
the synthesis of bacterial growth factor. What is the mechanism of these drugs action?
A. They are antivitamins of p-aminobenzoic acid
B. They inhibit the folic acid absorption
C. They are allosteric enzyme inhibitors
D. They are involved in redox processes
E. They are allosteric enzymes
746. A 24-year-old patient with catarrhal tonsillitis has been administered a drug from the group
of sulfonamides. Specify the mechanism of sulfonamide antibacterial action:
A. Competitive antagonism of PABA
B. Disruption of the cell wall protein synthesis
C. Reduction of membrane permeability
D. Inhibition of sulfhydryl groups of thiol enzymes
E. Protein coagulation
748. After the second abortion a 23-year-old woman has been diagnosed with toxoplasmosis.
Which drug should be used for toxoplasmosis treatment?
A. Co-trimoxazole
B. Itraconazole
C. Mebendazole
D. Azidothimidine
E. Acyclovir
749. A patient has been diagnosed with sepsis. It was decided to treat him with a drug from the
fluoroquinolone group. Specify this drug:
A. Ciprofloxacin
B. Cefpirome
C. Metronidazole
D. Ampicillin
E. Cephalexin
750. A patient undergoing treatment with nitrofurans has imbibed a small amount of alcohol,
which resulted in severe poisoning. The poisoning developed due to:
A. Accumulation of acetic aldehyde
B. Allergic reaction
C. Neural disorder
D. Cardiovascular collapse
E. Disturbed renal function
751. A 7 vear old child is ill with bronchitis. It is necessary to administer him an
antibacterial drug. What drug of fluoroquinolone group is CONTRAINDICATED at this
A. Cyprofloxacin
B. Sulfadimethoxine
C. Ampiox
D. Ampicillin
E. Amoxicillin.
752. Patient with pneumonia has intolerance to antibiotics. Which of the combined
sulfanilamide medicines should be prescribed to the patient?
A. Sulfacyl sodium
B. Aethazol
C. Biseptol
D. Streptocid
E. Sulfadimethoxine.
753. A patient consulted a stomatologist about purulent inflammation of his gums. What
drug will be the most effective if it is suspected that a causative agent is an anaerobe?
A. Co-trimoxazole
B. Gentamicin
C. Oxacillin sodium
D. Metronidazole
E. Nitroxoline .
754. A patient with pneumonia had a complex treatment that included sulfonamide
preparation. What should doctor recommend to prevent cristaluria?
A. Decrease the dose of sulfonamide
B. Drinking of alkaline solution
C. Administration of drugs before meal
D. Drinking of acidic solution
E. Use of vitamins.
755. Gonorrhoea was revealed in the patient on bacterioscopy of the smear from urethra.
Taking into account that medicines for gonorrhea are fluorquinolones, patient should be
A. Ciprofloxacin
B. Furazolidone
C. Fluorouracil
D. Urosulfan
E. Cefazoline.
756. Patient with pneumonia has intolerance to antibiotics. Which of the combined
sulfanilamide medicine should be prescribed to the patient?
A. Trimethoprim
B. Aethazol
C. Natrium sulfacyl
D. Streptocid
E. Biseptol
757. A 30-year-old patient complains about having abdominal pain and diarrhea for 5 days
body temperature rise up to 37,5o C along with chills. The day before patient had been in forest
and drunk from open water reservoir. Laboratory analysis enabled to make the diagnosis of
amebic dysentery. What is the drug of choice for its treatment?
A. Phthalazol
B. Furazolidonum
C. Emetine hydrochloride
D. Metronidazole
E. Levomycetin.
760. A HIV patient has bacterial dysentery. On the result of antimicrobial sensitivity test
doctor prescribed him cotrimoxazol (bactrim,biseptol). What type of antibacterial action has
this drug?
A. Virostatic
B. Bacteriostatic
C. Fungicidal
D. Fungistatic
E. Bactericidal
761. A Bactrim was prescribed for 35-years old patient with bronchitis. What is the
mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Sequential block of two stages of bacterial folate metabolis
B. Inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis
C. Inhibition of protein synthesis
D. Inhibition of cell membrane synthesis
E. Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis.
762. For treatment of typhoid fever ciprofloxacin was prescribed. What is mechanism of
this drug action?
A. Inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis
B. Inhibition of DNA gyrase
C. Inhibition of protein synthesis
D. Competitive antagonism with paraaminobenzoic acid
E. Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis.
764. A doctor prescribed sulfonamide drug to patient with acute bronchitis. After urinalyses he
changed it for antibiotic of penicillin group. The possibility of which side effect of
sulfonamide was the base for changing it by other drug?
A. Mental confusion
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Allergic reaction
D. Crystalurea
E. Glucosurea .
765. Urinalyses revealed crystaluria in patient who used synthetic antimicrobial drug
for treatment of bronchitis. Which group of antimicrobial drug can cause such side
A. Sulfonamides
B. Fluorochinolons
C. Tetracyclines
D. Penicillins
E. Macrolydes.
766. Sulfonamides are the drugs of broad antimicrobial spectrum that includes some
protozoa. For complex treatment of which protozoal infection is it used?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Malaria
C. Amebiasis
D. Otitis
E. Bronchitis.
769. A patient developed burning sensation in the oral cavity and white fuzzy coating on the
tongue. Oral thrush is diagnosed. What drug of those listed below should be used?
A. Nystatin
B. Amphotericin
C. Griseofulvin
D. Tetracycline
E. Gentamicin
770. An 18-year-old patient has developed candidiasis after the case of pneumonia treated with
β-lactam antibiotic. What antimycotic agent should be prescribed?
A. Fluconazole
B. Streptomycin
C. Ampicillin
D. Phthalylsulfathiazole
E. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Biseptol)
771. A female who had been continuously taking antibiotics for an intestinal infection developed
a complication manifested by inflammation of the oral mucosa and white deposit.
Bacteriological study of the deposit samples revealed yeast fungi Candida albicans. Which of the
following medications is indicated for the treatment of this complication?
A. Fluconazole
B. Biseptol
C. Tetracycline
D. Furazolidone
E. Polymyxin
772. A patient who has been taking tetracycline for a long time has developed candidosis of
mucous membranes. What drug shoul administered for its treatment?
A. Itraconazole
B. Griseofulvin
C. Nitrofungin
D. Amphotericin
E. Nitrofurantoin
773. A patient has herpetic conjunctivitis. What etiotropic drug should be administered?
A. Acyclovir
B. Ampicillin
C. Methisazonum
D. Furagin
E. Tetracycline
774. A patient consulted a dentis about a lesion of his oral mucosa. He was diagnosed with
herpetic stomatitis. Which of the following drugs will have an effect on etiotropic factor?
A. Acyclovir
B. Dimedrol
C. Paracetamol
D. Levamisole
E. Furacilinum
775. A patient with herpetic stomatitis was prescribed acyclovir for topical application. What is
its mechanism of action?
A. It inhibits synthesis of nucleic acids of viruses
B. It inhibits virus penetration into cells
C. It inhibits virus maturation
D. It increases the resistance of macroorganism cells to the viruses
E. It inhibits virion assembly
776. After 4 months of treatment for tuberculosis the patient began complaining of toes and
fingers numbness, sensation of creeps. He was diagnosed with polyneuritis. What
antituberculous drug might have caused these complications?
A. Isoniazid
B. Rifampicin
C. Ciprofloxacin
D. Sodium salt of benzylpenicillin
E. Alcohol iodine solution
777. A patient suffering form tuberculosis was treated with rifampicin, which caused drug
resistance of tuberculosis mycobacteria. In order to reduce mycobacteria resistance, rifampicin
should be combined with the following drug:
A. Isoniazid
B. Acyclovir
C. Intraconazole
D. Metronidazole
E. Amoxicillin
779. After starting treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis a patient complained about red tears and
urine. What drug could cause such changes?
A. Rifampicin
B. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt
C. Benzylpenicillin potassium salt
D. Biseptol-480
E. Cefazolin
780. To treat tuberculosis, an antibiotic that colors urine red is prescribed. Name this antibiotic:
A. Rifampicin
B. Erythromycin
C. Amoxicillin
D. Nitroxoline
E. Cefotaxime
781. A patient being treated for tuberculosis is suffering from hearing deterioration. What drug
causes this complication?
A. Streptomycin
B. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (Isoniazid)
C. Kanamycin sulphate
D. Ethionamide
E. Rifampicin
782. A 35-year-old man under the treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis has acute-onset of right
big toe pain, swelling, and low-grade fever. The gouty arthritis was diagnosed and high serum
uric acid level was found. Which of the following antituberculosis drugs are known for causing
high uric acid levels?
A. Rifampicin
B. Aminosalicylic acid
C. Thiacetazone
D. Pyrazinamide
E. Cycloserine.
783. A patient was diagnosed with active focal pulmonary tuberculosis. What drug should be
prescribed in the first place?
A. Ethionamide
B. Isoniazid
C. Ethoxide
D. Sulfalen
E. Cyclocerine.
784. A patient suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis. During treatment neuritis of visual nerve
occurred. What drug has caused this side effect?
A. Isoniazid
B. Ethambutol
C. Kanamycin
D. Rifampicin
E. Streptomycin .
785. Patient suffering from tuberculosis was treated with isoniazid. In the course of treatment
peripheral neuritis was developed. What is the mechanism of this side effect?
A. Direct toxic effect of drug on peripheral nerves
B. Inhibition of myoneural junctions
C. Interference with pyridoxine metabolism
D. Interference with folic acid synthesis
E. Inhibition of sodium channels.
786. Patient with tuberculosis was on the complex treatment including antibiotics. At the end of
first course doctor noticed significant decrease in patient hearing. Which of the following drugs
can cause such side effect?
A. Isoniazid
B. Rifampicin
C. Streptomycin
D. Paraaminosalicylic acid
E. Pirazinamide .
787. One of the problems in the treatment of tuberculosis is caused by existence of metabolically
dormant forms of mycobacterium (persister). Which of the drugs is effective against all
subpopulations of Mycobacteria tuberculosis and causes sterilizing effect?
A. Streptomycin
B. Isoniazid
C. Kanamycin
D. Rifampicin
E. Paraaminosalicylic acid.
788. The patient suffering from tuberculosis was treated with combination of antituberculous
drugs, including isoniazid. Which drug should be added to prevent neurological side effects of
A. Streptomycin
C. Rifampicin
D. Pyridoxine
E. Ascorbic acid.
791. A patient with lung tuberculosis is treated with a drug that has a wide antimicrobial
spectrum; mycobacteria of tuberculosis are highly sensitive to it. Its effect is realized by
depression of bacterial RNA synthesis. Drug is staining body liquids (urine, sputum, tears) in red
color. What the drug is used?
A. Streptomycin
B. Isoniazid
C. Ethambutol
D. Rifampicin
E. Paraaminosalicylic acid.
793. The patient went to a doctor complaining of red staining of urine and tear. From his case
history it is known that he is treated on pulmonary tuberculosis. Which of anti-TB drugs is
responsible for this phenomenon?
A. Isoniazid
B. Ethionamide
C. Ethambutol
D. Rifampicin
E. Streptomycin
794. How do you explain the fact that the in treatment of tuberculosis with isoniazid dose is
adjusted individually, with mandatory measurement of its concentration in the urine after the
first drug?
A. Genetically determined differences in rate of drug acetylating
B. Occurrence of hyperglycemia as a side effect
C. The development of renal failure
D. Irritant action of the drug
E. Development of hemolytic anemia.
795. TB patient after prolonged treatment with effective anti-TB drug called attention to breast
enlargement. On this occasion he went to a doctor, who confirmed gynecomastia. Identify the
drug, which he used.
A. Cycloserine
B. Ethambutol
C. Isoniazid
D. Rifampicin
E. Streptomycin sulfate .
796. As a result of prolonged use of broad spectrum antibiotics intestinal candidamycosis was
developed. What should be prescribed to treat it?
A. Interferon
B. Remantadin
C. Itraconazole
D. Rifampicin
E. Gramicidin.
797. A patient with a diagnosis of AIDS was admitted to the infectious disease hospital. To
improve the immune status of patient, stabilizing body weight and improwement of his
condition, antiviral agent - an antagonist of thymidine, which blocks the DNA polymerase of
HIV was prescribed. Select the designated agent.
A. Azidothymidine
B. Acyclovir
C. Interferon
D. Rimantadine
E. Midantan.
798. Patients with herpes doctor prescribed an antiviral drug, which the main mechanism of
action is inhibition of viral DNA polymerase, and the ability to be integrated instead of
deoxyguanosine into viral DNA. Name the drug.
A. Interferon
B. Azidothymidine
C. Acyclovir
D. Midantan
E. Ethambutol.
799. A 20 years old patient with primary syphilis is receiving combined therapy, which includes
the sodium salt of benzylpenicillin. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Blockade of DNA synthesis
B. RNA synthesis blockade
C. Blockade of the SH- groups of enzymes
D. Blockade of the synthesis murein of cell wall of microorganisms
E. Blockade of protein synthesis in cytoplasm.
800. A patient addressed doctor with complaints on the damage of skin between the fingers of
foot, exudation and itching. Doctor prescribed paste containing antifungal agent of wide
spectrum. Point out this drug
A. Nystatin
B. Clotrimazole
C. Streptomycin
D. Co-trimoxazol
E. Levorin.
801. This drug is used for treatment of tuberculosis, rate of its inactivation in the liver is
genetically determined and is different in different persons. Point out this drug
A. Acyclovir
B. Azidothymidine
C. Ciprofloxacin
D. Isoniazid
E. Rifampicin.
802. Systemic amebiasis with involvment of intestines, liver, lungs was diagnosed in a 52-year-
old patient. What drug should be prescribed?
A Metronidazole
B Quiniofone
C Tetracycline
D Quingamine
E Enteroseptol
803. A 30-year-old patient complains about having abdominal pain and diarrhea for five days;
body temperature rise up to 37,5oC along with chills. The day before a patient had been in a
forest and drunk from an open water reservoir. Laboratory analyses enabled to make the
following diagnosis: amebic dysentery. What is the drug of choice for its treatment?
A Metronidazole
B Furazolidonum
C Levomycetin
D Phthalazol
E Emetine hydrochloride
804. In order to prevent wound infection associated with surgical procedures a patient was given
a synthetic antiprotozoan drug with a high activity against Helicobacter pylori. Specify this drug:
A. Metronidazole
B. Doxycycline hydrochloride
C. Chingamin
D. Acyclovir
E. Isoniazid
805. To prevent wound infection associated with surgical procedures a patient was given a
synthetic antiprotozoal drug demonstrating high activity against Helicobacter pylori. Specify this
A. Metronidazole
B. Doxycycline hydrochloride
C. Chingamin
D. Acyclovir
E. Isoniazid
806. A dentist has detected symptoms of parodontosis in a patient. What antiprotozoal drug
should be prescribed?
A. Metronidazole
B. Levamisole
C. Griseofulvin
D. Mykoseptin
E. Furazolidone
807. A patient consulted a dentist about itching and burning in the oral cavity; high temperature.
The patient was diagnosed with trichomonal gingivostomatitis. What drug should be chosen for
his treatment?
A. Metronidazole
B. Ampicillin
C. Doxycycline hydrochloride
D. Gentamicin sulfate
E. Nystatin
808. It was necessary to determine absolute gustation thresholds of a healthy man for different
substances. The lowest threshold will be observed for the following substance:
A. Quinine
B. Sodium chloride
C. Glucose
D. Saccharose
E. Citric acid
809. To prevent of 4-day malaria a 42-year-old patient was prescribed primaquine. On the 3-rd
day from the begin of treatment there appeared stomach and heart pains, dyspepsia, general
cyanosis, hemoglobinuria. What is the cause of side effects of the preparation?
A. Drug potentiation by other preparations
B. Cumulation of the preparation
C. Delayed urinary excretion of the preparation
D. Decreased activity of microsomal liver enzymes
E. Genetic insufficiency of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
810. A 52-year-old patient has the following diagnosis: systemic amebiasis with involvement of
intestines, liver, lungs. What drug should be prescribed?
A. Enteroseptol
B. Tetracycline
C. Quiniofone
D. Quingamine
E. Metronidasol.
811. A patient consulted a doctor about bowels disfunction. The doctor established symptoms of
duodenitis and enteritis. Laboratory examination helped to make the following diagnosis:
lambliosis. What medication should be administered?
A. Tetracycline
B. Monomycin
C. Metronidazole
D. Erythromycin
E. Chingamin.
812. A patient consulted a stomatologist about purulent inflammation of his gums. What drug
will be the most effective if it is suspected that a causative agent is an anaerobe?
A. Oxacillin sodium
B. Gentamicin
C. Nitroxoline
D. Co-trimoxazole
E. Metronidazole
813. A patient ill with amebiasis was prescribed a certain drug. The use of alcohol together with
this drug is contra-indicated because the drug inhibits metabolism of ethyl alcohol. What drug is
A. Clonidine
B. Metronidazole
C. Reserpine
D. Diazepam
E. Aminazine.
814. Before the doctor’s business trip to foreign country he was proposed histoschizontocidal
antimalarial drug for the personal prevention of malaria. Which drug has got a specialist?
A. Mefloquine
B. Chloroquine
C. Quinine
D. Doxycycline
E. Primaquine
815. The patient with lovered immunity was examined concerning helminthiasis. Laboratory
studies have found ascariasis. Which drug should be prescribed?
A. Niclosamide
B. Piperazine
C. Furazolidone
D. Gentamicin
E. Levamisole
816. The patient addresed her gynecologist complaining of heavy vaginal discharge with an
unpleasant odor. After the smears bacterioscopy trichomoniasis was diagnosed. What the drug is
indicated in this case?
A. Sulfadimezin
B. Chloroquine
C. Pyrimethamine
D. Metronidazole
E. Monomecinum.
817. The patient has a mixed helminthic invasion: intestinal ascariasis and liver trematodes.
What anthelminthic drugis the most advisable for the treatment of this patient?
B.Pyrantel B.
D.Piperazine adipate
818. The drug has a devastating effect on the erythrocytic forms of malaria parasites, dysenteric
amoeba. It is used to treat and prevent malaria, the treatment of amoebiasis and connective tissue
diseases. Identify the drug.
A. Emetine hydrochloride
B. Chloroquine
C. Tetracycline
D. Erythromycin
E. Quinine.
819. The patient addressed doctor complaining of epigastric discomfort, nausea, loss of appetite.
The study of duodenal content revealed Giardia resistant to metronidazole. Which drug should
be appointed?
A. Rifampicin
B. Chloroquine
C. Metronidazole
D. Isoniazid
E. Acyclovir .
820. Antiprotozoal agent of wide spectrum was included in complex treatment of patient with
gastric peptic ulcer. Doctor warned patient about prohibition of alcohol usage during treatment
with this drug. What the drug was used?
A. Chloramphenicol
B. Metronidazole
C. Cotrimoxazole
D. Chloroquine
E. Praziquantel.
821. Patient suffering from severe malaria caused by plasmodium falciparum resistant to
chloroquine was treated with the oldest antimalarial drug, obtained from the bark of cinchona
tree. Point out this drug.
A. Primaquine
B. Proguanil
C. Pyrimethamine
D. Quinine
E. Emetine.
822. Point out the drug of first choice for treatment of patient suffering from kala-azar (visceral
A. Metronidazole
B. Sodium stibogluconate
C. Tetracycline
D. Pyrimethamine
E. Nystatin.
823. For treatment of neck phlegmon caused by anaerobic infection antimicrobial drug of
imidasole group was included. Point out this drug
A. Norfloxacin
B. Clindamycin
C. Metronidazole
D. Tetracycline
E. Ampicillin.
824. A 30-year-old patient complains about having abdominal pain and diarrhea for five days
body temperature rise up to 37,5oC along with chills. The day before a patient had been in a
forest and drunk from an open water reservoir. Laboratory analyses enabled to make the
following diagnosis: amebic dysentery. What is the drug of choice for its treatment?
A. Metronidazole
B. Furazolidonum
C. Levomycetin
D. Phthalazol
E. Emetine hydrochloride .
825. Amebiasis of hepatic localization was diagnosed in patient. Choose the drug for treatment
of patient.
A. Norfloxacin
B. Clindamycin
C. Chloroquine
D. Tetracycline
E. Ampicillin.
826. The drug with histoschizontocydal and gametocydal action was used for causal prophylaxis
of malaria. Point out this drug.
A. Metronidasole
B. Primaquine
C. Chloroquine
D. Tetracycline
E. Emetine hydrochloride .
827. Point out the antimalarial drug that exert erythrocytic schizontocidal effect by changing pH
in parasitic vesicles and prevention of haeme transformation to hemozoin.
A. Primaquine
B. Chloroquine
C. Metronidazole
D. Sulfadoxine
E. Pyrimethamine.
828. Leukoses are treated with anti- metabolite methotrexate. What vitamin is its antagonist?
A. Folic acid
B. Cyanocobalamin
C. Phyllochinone
D. Piridoxine
E. Rutin
829. Continuous treatment of cancer patients with methotrexate over time reduces the target
cell’s sensitivity to the drug. In this case gene amplification of the following enzyme is observed:
A. Dihydrofolate reductase
B. Thiaminase
C. Deaminase
D. Thioredoxin reductase Thioredoxin reductase
E. -
830. An oncological patient had been administered methotrexate. With time target cells of the
tumour lost sensitivity to this drug. At the same time the change in gene expression of the
following enzyme is observed:
A. Dehydropholate reductase
B. Thiaminase
C. Deaminase
D. Pholate oxidase
E. Pholate decarboxylase
831. A patient who was previously ill with mastectomy as a result of breast cancer was
prescribed radiation therapy. What vitamin preparation has marked radioprotective action
caused by antioxidant activity?
A. Ergocalciferol
B. Tocopherol acetate
C. Thiamine chloride
D. Ribof1avin
E. Folic acid.
832. In order to accelerate healing of a radiation ulcer a vitamin drug was administered. What
drug is it?
A. Methyluracil
B. Retinol acetate
C. Levamisole
D. Prednisolone
E. Retabolil.
833. An oncological patient was prescribed methotrexate. With the lapse of time target cells of
the tumour lost susceptibility to this drug. There is change of gene expression of the folowing
A. Thiaminase
B. Deaminase
C. Dehydrofolate reductase
D. Folate decarboxylase
E. Folate oxidase.
834. Patient after surgery for breast cancer chemotherapy with antiestrogen agent was
prescribed. Which of the following drugs belongs to antiestrogen with anticancer activity?
A. Tamoxifen
B. Cyclophosphamide
C. Chlorbutin
D. Cisplatin
E. Fosfestrol.
836. Patient suffering from cancer of skin is treated with anticancer antibiotic. Point out this drug
A. Neomycin
B. Danazol
C. Mercaptopurine
D. Phtoruracil
E. Bleomycin
837. Radio protector was given to a worker of a nuclear power station. What mechanism is
considered to be responsible for radioprotection?
A. Increasing of respiration
B. Inhibiton of free radicals formation
C. Activation of oxidation reactions
D. Prevention of tissue's hypoxia
E. Increasing of tissue blood supply.
838. Patient suffering from acute leucosis was treated with agent that is competitive antagonist
of folic acid. Point out this agent
A. Phtoruracil
B. Methotrexate
C. Mercaptopurine
D. Phtorafur
E. Cytarabine.
839. Patient with gastric cancer is treated with drug that interferes with synthesis of nucleic acids
due to its resemblance with pirimidine. Point out this drug
A. Mercaptopurine
B. Methotrexate
C. Phluorouracil (Phtoruracil)
D. Neomycin
E. Bleomycin.
840. A 17-year-old girl has attempted to commit suicide by overdosing on phenobarbital. Upon
arrival at the site an emergency doctor urgently performed gastric lavage on the patient and
introduced bemegride and solution of sodium hydrocarbonate intravenously. The doctor
introduced sodium hydrocarbonate to:
A. Increase renal excretion of phenobarbital
B. Normalise blood pressure
C. Stimulate respiration
D. Inactivate phenobarbital
E. Wake up the patient
841. A 50-year-old patient with hypertensive crisis had been administered magnesium sulfate,
which led to abrupt decrease in blood pressure. The side effects of magnesium sulfate can be
prevented if the following drug is administered:
A. Calcium chloride
B. Trilon B
C. Sodium sulfate
D. Sodium bromide
E. Potassium chloride
842. A 38-year-old man who poisoned himself with mercury dichloride was taken to the
admission room in grave condition. What antidote should be immediately introduced?
A. Unithiol
B. Dipiroxim
C. Atropine
D. Nalorphine
E. Isonitrosine
843. A patient is diagnosed with acute morphine hydrochloride poisoning. Choose the oxidant
drug to be prescribed for gastric lavage.
A. Potassium permanganate
B. Chloramine
C. Sulfocamphocainum (Procaine + Sulfocamphoric acid)
D. Cerigel
E. Chlorhexidine digluconate
845. A patient with acute myocardial infarction has been administered heparin as a part of
complex therapy. Some time after heparin injection the patient developed hematuria. What
heparin antagonist should be injected to remove the complication?
A. Protamine sulfate
B. Vicasol
C. Aminocaproic acid
D. Neodicumarin
E. Fibrinogen
846. Highly dehydrated patient with cholera was admitted to specialized department. Which
agent is necessary to use to normalize the volume of circulating blood?
A. Solution KCl 4%
B. Solution of calcium chloride 10%
C. Solution of glucose 40%
D. Solution calcium gluconate
E. Solution of NaCl 0,9%
847. A patient working at a chemical plant was admitted to the toxicological department with
mercury poisoning. What medicine should be used?
A. Isonitrozin
B. Naloxone
C. Enterosorbent
D. Unithiol
E. Activated carbon.
848. In the intensive care unit a child was enrolled with pronounced signs of acidosis, to relieve
his condition immediate drip of infusion was started. Which of the following drugs should be
used in acidosis?
A. Potassium Chloride
B. Sodium Chloride
C. Sodium bicarbonate
D. Glucose
E. Magnesium sulfate.
849. Patients with chronic heart failure was using digoxin. To increase the result of treatment
additional drug was included in patient therapy. It resulted in the development of symptoms of
intoxication. Which drug can cause increase in cardiac glycoside toxicity?
A. Potassium chloride
B. Magnesium chloride
C. Asparkam
D. Glucose
E. Calcium chloride
850. A patient with acute poisoning was admitted to emergency department. It was established
that poisonous substance was excreted by kidney. Choose the best diuretic for forced diuresis.
A. Acetazolamide
B. Amiloride
C. Spironolactone
D. Furosemide
E. Hydrochlorothiazide.
851. Choose the most beneficial agent for stomach wash in patient poisoned with alkaloid
A. Physiological solution
B. Chlorhexidine
C. Sodium bicarbonate
D. Potassium permanganate
E. 5% solution of glucose.
852. Point out the antidote used in poisoning with salts of heavy metals
A. Penicillamine
B. Unithiolum
C. Acetylcysteine
D. Magnesium sulfate
E. Atropine.
853. A patient in comatose state was admitted to emergency department. His respiration was abnormal
(Cheyn-Stoke’s respiration). Poisoning with opioid analgesic was diagnosed. After intravenous
administration of antidote respiration was restored. What agent was used as antidote?
A. Pralidoxime
B. Naloxone
C. Ethanol
D. Acetazolamide
E. Unithiolum.
854. A patient with myocardium infarction was treated with heparin. On 6th day of treatment nasal
bleeding occurred. Overdose of heparin was diagnosed. Point out the antidote of heparin
A. Acetylcysteine
B. Protamine sulfate
C. Magnesium sulfate
D. Unithiolum
E. Deferoxamine.
855. The first-aid center has received a victim of a traffic accident diagnosed with closed displaced
fracture of the middle third of the thigh. For repositioning of bone fragments the patient received 10 ml of
2% dithylinum solution intravenously, which resulted in prolonged period of apnoea and muscle
relaxation. What enzyme is deficient, resulting in such pharmacogenetic enzymopathy?
A. Pseudocholinesterase
B. Uridine diphosphate glucuronyltransferase
C. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
D. Methemoglobin reductase
E. N-acetyltransferase
856. A 42-year-old man with gout presents with high content of uric acid in blood. The patient was
prescribed allopurinol to lower the concentration of uric acid. Allopurinol is a competitive inhibitor of the
following enzyme:
A. Xanthine oxidase
B. Adenosine deaminase
C. Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
D. Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase
E. Guanine deaminase
857. A patient complains of dizziness, thirst, difficult swallowing, and impaired vision of close objects.
Objectively: respiratory rate is increased, pupils are dilated, general agitation, talkativeness, though the
speech is indistinct. BP is 110/70 mm Hg, heart rate is 110/min. Given symptoms can indicate
overdosage of the following drug:
A. Atropine
B. Morphine
C. Ephedrine
D. Aminazine
E. Caffeine
858. A patient used an indirect-acting adrenergic agonist to treat rhinitis. After the patient has been
putting in the nose drops for several days, the vasoconstrictive effect of the drug gradually diminished.
Name this phenomenon:
A. Tachyphylaxis
B. Idiosyncrasy
C. Teratogenicity
D. Allergy
E. Cumulation
859. Pathogenic staphylococcus was obtained from the purulent wound of the patient. Its antibiotic
sensitivity was determined to be as follows: penicillin growth inhibition zone - 8 mm; oxacillin - 9 mm,
ampicillin - 10 mm, gentamicin - 22 mm, lincomycin - 11 mm. What antibiotic should be chosen for
treatment in this case?
A. Gentamicin
B. Oxacillin
C. Ampicillin
D. Penicillin
E. Lincomycin
860. A 56-year-old man complains of thirst and frequent urination. The endocrinologist diagnosed this
patient with diabetes mellitus and prescribed him glibenclamide. What mechanism of action does this
drug have?
A. Stimulation of β-cells of islets of Langerhans
B. Facilitates glucose uptake by the tissues
C. Facilitates glucose transport through cell membranes
D. Suppression of α-cells of islets of Langerhans
E. Inhibits glucose absorption in the intestine
861. A patient has been taking bisacodyl for a long time to treat chronic constipation. However, several
weeks later the aperient effect of the drug diminished. What is the possible cause of this?
A. Acquired tolerance
B. Drug dependence
C. Material cumulation
D. Functional cumulation
E. Sensitization
862. Condition of a patient with diabetes mellitus sharply deteriorated after a regular injection of insulin.
The patient became anxious and broke out in cold sweat; tremor of the extremities, general weakness, and
dizziness appeared. What medicine can remove these symptoms?
A. Adrenaline
B. Tolbutamide
C. Caffeine
D. Noradrenaline
E. Glibutid (Buformin)
863. A schizophrenia patient was prescribed aminazine. What pharmacodynamic action of this drug is the
grounds for its prescription in this case?
A. Antipsychotic
B. Antiemetic
C. Hypothermic
D. Muscle relaxant
E. Hypotensive
864. A man with ischemic heart disease has been taking his medicine too often throughout a day, which
resulted in poisoning. Examination detects cyanosis of skin and mucosa, sharp drop of blood pressure,
tachycardia, and respiratory depression. Blood methemoglobin is high. What type of medicine did the
patient overdose on?
A. Organic nitrates
B. α-adrenergic blockers
C. Calcium channel blockers
D. Adenosine-based drugs
E. Myotropic antispasmodics
865. Preoperative examination revealed prothrombin deficiency in the blood of the patient. What drug
should be preliminarily prescribed to mitigate blood loss in the patient during the surgery?
A. Vicasol (Menadione)
B. Thrombin
C. Aminocapronic acid
D. Phenylin (Phenindione)
E. Contrykal (Aprotinin)
866. A patient with streptococcal infection of the gingiva was prescribed a drug with β-lactam ring in its
structure. What drug of those listed below belongs to this pharmacological group?
A. Benzylpenicillin
B. Rifampicin
C. Erythromycin
D. Streptomycin sulfate
E. Levomycetin (Chloramphenicol)
867. A 46-year-old patient suffering from ulcer disease of the stomach is diagnosed with rheumatoid
arthritis. What antiinflammatory drug would be the most advisable in this case?
A. Celecoxib
B. Prednisolone
C. Analgin (Metamizole)
D. Promedol (Trimeperidine)
E. Paracetamol
868. A patient with myocardial infarction has acute heart failure. Among the drugs that increase the force
of heart contractions the least dangerous in this case will be:
A. Dobutamine
B. Adrenaline
C. Isadrinum (Isoprenaline)
D. Euphyllin (Aminophylline)
E. Caffeine
869. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are widely used as psychopharmacological drugs. They change the
level of nearly all neurotransmitters in synapses, with the following neurotransmitter being the exception:
A. Acetylcholine
B. Noradrenaline
C. Adrenaline
D. Dopamine
E. Serotonin
870. A patient suffers from acute cardiopulmonary failure with pulmonary edema. What diuretic should
be prescribed in the given case?
A. Furosemide
B. Triamterene
C. Spironolactone
D. Hydrochlorothiazide (Dichlothiazidum)
E. Acetazolamide (Diacarb)
872. A 60-year-old man diagnosed with chronic heart failure was brought to the hospital. After a long
course of treatment the patient developed signs of intoxication: dyspnea, extrasystole, nausea, and
disturbed perception of colors. What medicine has caused such side-effects?
A. Digoxin
B. Anaprilin (Propranolol)
C. Nitroglycerine
D. Drotaverine
E. Furosemide
873. A patient with exacerbated peptic ulcer disease of the stomach has made an appointment with the
doctor. What type of drugs should be included in the complex therapy of this patient?
A. H2 antagonists
B. H1 antagonists
C. α-adrenergic antagonists
D. β-adrenergic antagonists
E. α-adrenergic agonists
874. A patient with parkinsonism was prescribed levodopa, which led to rapid improvement of the
patient’s condition. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Stimulation of dopamine synthesis
B. Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor blockade
C. Stimulation of dopamine receptors
D. Anticholinesterase action
E. Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor stimulation
875. A patient with contact dermatitis needs to be prescribed an antihistamine drug without somnolescent
effect. Select this drug from the list:
A. Loratadine
B. Dimedrol (Benadryl)
C. Suprastin (Chloropyramine)
D. Diprazine (Promethazine)
E. Ranitidine
876. To stimulate the labor activity a parturient woman was prescribed a drug - a posterior pituitary
hormone that does not affect the blood pressure. As the pregnancy progresses, the sensitivity to this
hormone increases. Name the prescribed drug:
A. Oxytocin
B. Dinoprostone
C. Dinoprost
D. Pituitrin
E. Ergotal
877. A patient, who has been taking β- adrenergic blockers, developed a bronchial spasm. What group of
bronchodilators should be chosen to stop the bronchial spasm?
A. Myotropic antispasmodics
B. β-adrenergic blockers
C. Indirect adrenergic agonists
D. Muscarinic cholinomimetic agents
E. Cholinesterase inhibitors
878. After a nephrectomy the patient developed enteroparesis. What cholinergic agent with
anticholinesterase action should be prescribed in this case?
A. Proserin
B. Carbacholine
C. Aceclidine
D. Pilocarpine
E. Acetylcholine
879. An 8-year-old girl presents with signs of disturbed twilight vision. This condition is caused by the
deficiency of vitamin:
A. A
B. E
C. D
D. K
E. F
880. A 25-year-old young man came to the doctor complaining of general weakness, rapid fatigability,
irritability, reduced working ability, and bleeding gums. What vitamin is likely to be deficient in this
A. Ascorbic acid
B. Riboflavin
C. Thiamine
D. Retinol
E. Folic acid
881. Vascular endothelium is characterized by high metabolic activity and synthesizes vasoactive
substances. Among these substances there is a potent vasodilator synthesized from L-arginine. Name this
A. Nitrogen oxide
B. Histamine
C. Bradykinin
D. Acetylcholine
E. Adrenaline
882. A patient with pulmonary tuberculosis is prescribed the most effective antituberculous antibiotic.
Name this drug:
A. Rifampicin
B. Tetracycline
C. Streptocide
D. Furasolidone
E. Bactrim (Co-trimoxazole)
883. An 18-year-old patient has developed candidiasis after the case of pneumonia treated with β-lactam
antibiotic. What antimycotic agent should be prescribed?
A. Fluconazole
B. Streptomycin
C. Ampicillin
D. Phthalylsulfathiazole
E. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Biseptol)
884. During pregnancy a woman has been taking an antiepileptic drug - sodium valproate. It resulted in
her child developing a vertebral column malformation - spina bifida. Name the described effect of the
A. Teratogenic effect
B. Immunosuppressive effect
C. Acquired tolerance
D. Dependence
E. Sensitizing effect
885. A patient was prescribed atropine sulfate to treat intestinal colic. What concomitant disease can be a
contraindication for this drug?
A. Glaucoma
B. Bronchial asthma
C. Sinus bradycardia
D. Hypotension
E. Vertigo
886. A patient has developed status epilepticus. What medicine should be used in this case to stop the
A. Diazepam
B. Cyclodol (Trihexyphenidyl)
C. Diprazine (Promethazine)
D. Sodium bromide
E. Valerian extract
887. A 4-year-old child presents with numerous carious cavities and yellowcolored teeth. The mother has
a history of antibiotic treatment during her pregnancy. What antibiotic was the most likely taken by the
child’s mother?
A. Doxycycline
B. Streptomycin sulfate
C. Ampicillin
D. Erythromycin
E. Cefazolin
888. For two weeks a woman has been taking the mixture for neurasthenia, which was prescribed by a
neurologist. Her general state slightly improved but shortly she started complaining of rhinitis,
conjunctivitis, skin rashes, fatigue, and memory impairment. What group of drugs can have such a side
A. Bromine salts
B. Valerian preparations
C. Motherwort preparations
D. Adaptogens
E. Hop preparations
889. A patient developed burning sensation in the oral cavity and white fuzzy coating on the tongue. Oral
thrush is diagnosed. What drug of those listed below should be used?
A. Nystatin
B. Amphotericin
C. Griseofulvin
D. Tetracycline
E. Gentamicin
890. A dental patient was prescribed a psychosedative for his fear of pain. What drug would be the most
effective in this case?
A. Diazepam
B. Aminazine
C. Lithium carbonate
D. Valerian tincture
E. Sodium bromide
891. A patient with skin burns was delivered to a hospital. To clean the wound from necrotic tissues and
mucus the doctor prescribed an enzymatic drug for topical treatment. Name this drug:
A. Tripsin
B. Pancreatin
C. Asparaginase
D. Pepsin
E. Streptokinase
892. A patient suffering from ciliary arrhythmia with anamnesis of bronchial asthma should be prescribed
an antiarrhythmic drug. What antiarrhythmic drug is CONTRAINDICATED in this case?
A. Anaprilin (Propranolol)
B. Ajmaline
C. Verapamil
D. Nifedipine
E. Novocainamide (Procainamide)
893. A child with signs of rickets has been prescribed a certain liposoluble vitamin drug by the
pediatrician and dentist. This drug affects the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body and
facilitates calcium accumulation in bone tissue and dentine. If its content in the body is insufficient, there
develop disorders of ossification process, dental structure, and occlusion. Name this drug:
A. Ergocalciferol
B. Retinol acetate
C. Tocopherol acetate
D. Menadione (Vicasolum)
E. Thyroidin
894. A patient with parodontosis was prescribed a fat-soluble vitamin that actively participates in redox
processes in the organism. This antioxidant is a growth factor, has antixerophthalmic action, and
contributes to maintenance of normal vision. In dental practice it is used to accelerate mucosal re-
epithelization during parodontosis. Name this substance:
A. Retinol acetate
B. Ergocalciferol
C. Tocopherol acetate
D. Menadione (Vicasolum)
E. Cyanocobalamin
895. To terminate hypertensive crisis the patient was administered solution of magnesium sulfate. What
route of drug administration should be chosen?
A. Intravenous
B. Duodenal
C. Rectal
D. Oral
E. Intra-arterial
896. It is necessary to decrease pumping ability of the patient’s heart. What membrane cytoreceptors
must be blocked to achieve this effect?
A. β-adrenergic receptors
B. α-adrenergic receptors
C. α- and β-adrenergic receptors
D. Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
E. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
897. Resuscitation unit received a patient with acute poisoning caused by unidentified medicine. To
quickly excrete the poison from the patient’s body, forced diuresis was induced. What substance was
used to perform this procedure?
A. Furosemide
B. Hydrochlorothiazide
C. Omeprazole
D. Spironolactone
E. Dithylinum (Suxamethonium chloride)
898. A patient with acute pancreatitis presents with significantly increased urine diastase content. What
proteolysis inhibitor must be included into complex therapy of this patient?
A. Contrykal (Aprotinin)
B. Festal
C. Pancreatine
D. Digestal
E. Mezym forte
899. A patient with ischemic heart disease presents with increased blood plasma content of triglycerides
and very lowdensity lipoproteins. What drug should be prescribed?
A. Fenofibrate
B. Famotidine
C. Amiodarone
D. Lisinopril
E. Dobutamine
900. In what organ biotransformation (metabolic transformation) of most medicinal agents occurs upon
their introduction into an organism?
A. Liver
B. Kidneys
C. Intestine
D. Skin
E. Lungs
901. A dentist prescribed the patient with maxillofacial arthritis diclofenac sodium. What is the
mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition
B. Catalase inhibition
C. Opiate receptors activation
D. Opiate receptors block
E. Phosphodiesterase activation
902. To treat tuberculosis, an antibiotic that colors urine red is prescribed. Name this antibiotic:
A. Rifampicin
B. Erythromycin
C. Amoxicillin
D. Nitroxoline
E. Cefotaxime
903. A 38-year-old woman developed an attack of bronchial asthma. What bronchial spasmolytic for
emergency medical aid is a beta-2-adrenergic agonist?
A. Salbutamol
B. Adrenaline
C. Ipratropium bromide
D. Platyphyllin
E. Atropine
904. A 26-year-old woman presents with skin rashes and itching after eating citrus fruits. Prescribe her a
drug that is an H1- histamine receptor antagonist:
A. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine)
B. Acetylsalicylic acid
C. Menadione (Vicasolum)
D. Analgin (Metamizole)
E. Paracetamol
905. A patient with acne is prescribed doxycycline hydrochloride. What should the patient be warned
against, regarding administration of this drug?
A. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun
B. Take with large amount of liquid, preferably milk
C. Take before eating
D. Course of treatment should not exceed 1 day
E. Do not take with vitamin preparations
906. A patient with megaloblastic anemia was taking a water-soluble vitamin. Name this substance:
A. Cyanocobalamin
B. Thiamine chloride
C. Tocopherol acetate
D. Ascorbic acid
E. Pyridoxine
908. Due to severe pain syndrome a patient has been prescribed a narcotic analgesic. Specify the
prescribed drug:
A. Morphine
B. Analgin (Metamizole)
C. Nimesulid
D. Dimexid
E. Indometacin
909. A 50-year-old man came to a hospital with complaints of memory disorders, painful sensations
along the nerve trunks, decreased mental ability, circulatory disorders and dyspepsia. Anamnesis states
excessive alcohol consumption. What vitamin deficiency can result in such symptoms?
A. Thiamine
B. Niacin
C. Retinol
D. Calciferol
E. Riboflavin
910. A patient with dislocated jaw was given a short-acting muscle relaxant by a doctor. Name this drug:
A. Dithylinum (Suxamethonium chloride)
B. Procaine
C. Cytitonum (Cytisine)
D. Papaverine hydrochloride
E. Pyridostigmine hydrobromide
911. A doctor has made a diagnosis of gingivitis and recommended the patient to rinse the oral cavity
with an oxidizing agent. Specify this agent:
A. Hydrogen peroxide
B. Boric acid
C. Salicylic acid
D. Phenol
E. Brilliant green
912. To treat osteomyelitis, a patient was prescribed an antibiotic that easily penetrates into bone tissue.
Name this drug:
A. Lincomycin hydrochloride
B. Streptomycin sulfate
C. Cefazolin
D. Polymyxin B
E. Amphotericin B
913. A patient with gout was prescribed allopurinol - a competitive inhibitor of xanthine oxidase.
Xanthine oxidase is a terminal enzyme of catabolism of:
A. Purine nucleotides
B. Glycoproteins
C. Phospholipids
D. Higher fatty acids
E. Heteropolysaccharides
914. A structural analog of vitamin P P (nicotinic acid) is used as an antituberculous medicine. Name this
A. Isoniazid
B. Streptocide
C. Riboflavin
D. Tetracycline
E. Aspirin
915. The defensive mechanisms against some infectious diseases can be greatly reinforced with
interferon. Interferon preparations will be the most advisable in cases of the following type of infections:
A. Viral
B. Helminthic
C. Protozoal
D. Microbioses
E. Fungal
916. A chemotherapeutic agent has bactericidal effect against streptococci, staphylococci, bacilli, and
clostridia. According to its action spectrum this drug belongs to the following group:
A. Broad spectrum antibacterial agents
B. Narrow spectrum antibacterial agents
C. Broad spectrum antifungal agents
D. Antiviral agents
E. Antituberculous agents
917. A patient with high risk of hemorrhages is recommended to take vicasol (menadione) by his
physician. This drug is the structural analog of:
A. Vitamin K
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin B5
D. Vitamin B12
E. Vitamin B6
918. An oncological patient was prescribed fluorouracil that is a competitive inhibitor of thymidine
synthase. It inhibits the process of:
A. Pyrimidine nucleotides synthesis
B. Carbohydrate disintegration
C. Purine nucleotides synthesis
D. Purine nucleotides disintegration
E. Lipids synthesis
919. A patient with acute myocardial infarction received anticoagulation therapy. What compound will
have anticoagulation effect?
A. Heparin
B. Hyaluronic acid
C. Chondroitin sulfate
D. Dermatan sulfate
E. Keratan sulfate
920. An ophthalmologist has detected increased time of dark adaptation in a patient. What vitamin
deficiency can result in such symptom?
A. A
B. C
C. K
D. B1
E. B6
921. Neuroleptanalgesia has been applied in a case of cardiac infarction. What neuroleptic is most often
administered along with fentanyl?
A. Droperidol
B. Perphenazine (Aethaperazinum)
C. Levomepromazine
D. Clozapine
E. Sulpiride
922. Select the halogenated antiseptic that would be preferable for a child to pack in the first aid kit, when
going to a summer camp:
A. Iodine alcoholic solution
B. Brilliant green
C. Copper sulfate
D. Methylene blue
E. Formaldehyde solution
923. A patient, who was prescribed famotidine to treat peptic ulcer disease, came to the pharmacy. What
is this drug’s mechanism of action?
A. H2-histamine receptor blockade
B. H1-histamine receptor blockade
C. Muscarinic receptor blockade
D. Inhibition of hydrogen potassium ATPase
E. Ganglionic receptor blockade
924. What is represented by such a pharmacokinetic value of a drug as its biological half-life (T1/2)?
A. Time period in which plasma drug concentration decreases by 50%
B. Blood plasma volume cleared of drug within a time unit
C. Period of total body clearance
D. Renal clearance rate
E. Correlation between the drug clearance rate and plasma drug concentration
925. A doctor needs to prescribe the patient a drug for replacement therapy after thyreoidectomy. What
drug would you recommend?
A. L-thyroxine
B. Insulin
C. Prednisolone
D. Parathyroidin
E. Thiamazole
926. What is the main mechanism of benzylpenicillin bactericidal action on the coccal flora?
A. Disturbed synthesis of microbial cell wall
B. Inhibition of protein synthesis
C. Disturbed cytoplasmic membrane permeability
D. Activation of macroorganism immune system
E. Increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes
927. What mucolytic agent would you recommend for the patient with acute bronchitis to facilitate
A. Acetylcysteine
B. Glaucine
C. Codeine
D. Libexin (Prenoxdiazine)
E. Hydrocodone
928. A patient with allergic dermatitis came to the hospital. What anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic
drug must be prescribed in this case?
A. Prednisolone
B. Ethamide
C. Oxytocin
D. Insulin
E. Retabolil (Nandrolone)
929. A patient with bronchial asthma was prescribed a drug with the mechanism of action that is
primarily based on the stimulation of β2 adrenergic receptors. Name this drug:
A. Salbutamol
B. Adrenaline hydrochloride
C. Droperidol
D. Clonidine
E. Isadrine (Isoprenaline)
930. Name the ability of a drug to accumulate within the patient’s body:
A. Cumulation
B. Antagonism
C. Synergism
D. Habituation
E. Allergy
931. What pharmacological effect of acetylsalicylic acid allows its application in patients with ischemic
heart disease for prevention of thromboses?
A. Antiaggregant
B. Analgesic
C. Antipyretic
D. Ulcerogenic
E. Anti-inflammatory
932. A 48-year-old patient has been intravenously administered prednisolone solution to arrest severe
attack of bronchial asthma. What group of hormonal agents does prednisolone belong to?
A. Glucocorticoids
B. Gestagenic drugs
C. Estrogenic drugs
D. Mineralocorticoid
E. Anabolic steroids
933. A doctor has prescribed a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug to relieve inflammation and pain
syndrome. Name this drug:
A. Diclofenac sodium
B. Glibenclamide
C. Loratadine
D. Prednisolone
E. Calcium chloride
934. A patient suffers from hyperchromic B12-deficiency anemia. What vitamin preparation should be
prescribed in this case?
A. Cyanocobalamin
B. Riboflavin
C. Vicasol (Menadione)
D. Thiamine chloride
E. Retinol acetate
935. To stimulate birth activity, a certain neurohypophyseal hormone is used. Name this hormone:
A. Oxytocin
B. Insulin
C. Glucagon
D. Thyroxine
E. Testosterone
936. A patient was prescribed losartan for treatment of arterial hypertension. What mechanism of action
does this drug have?
A. Angiotensin-receptor blockade
B. Inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme
C. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase
D. Activation of central α-adrenoceptors
E. Calcium channel blockade
937. Select the hepatoprotective drugs from the list below:
A. Essentiale (Phospholipides), Thiotriasoline
B. No-Spa (drotaverine), papaverine hydrochloride
C. Allochol, Cholenzym
D. Festal, Panzinorm (Pancreatin)
E. Oxaphenamide (Osalmid), Nicodin
938. Paracetamol has antipyretic and analgesic effect. In the human body it is neutralized in the following
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Intestine
D. Lungs
E. Heart
939. A pharmacy has received a batch of drugs for treatment of upper respiratory tract infection. What
drug is used to treat influenza?
A. Rimantadine
B. Methisazone
C. Levamisole
D. Idoxuridine
E. Doxycycline
941. Name the psychostimulant with analeptical action, which is a purine derivative:
A. Caffeine and sodium benzoate
B. Tramadol
C. Medazepam
D. Sodium bromide
E. Sulpiride
942. After ishemic stroke the patient was prescribed a drug to improve his intellectual functioning and
memory. What drug would he obtain in the pharmacy?
A. Piracetam
B. Metoclopramide
C. Tabex (Cytisine)
D. Diphenin (Phenytoin)
E. -
943. A patient with a small cut on the palm came to the dispensing chemist. What antiseptic would be
advisable in this case?
A. Hydrogen peroxide
B. Doxycycline hydrochloride
C. Ketoconazole
D. Lidocaine hydrochloride
E. Flemoxin (Amoxicillin)
944. Mother of a 10-year-old child came to the pharmacy to obtain a drug for prevention of upper
respiratory tract infections. What drug would be recommended by the dispensing chemist?
A. Interferon
B. Benzoteph
C. Carvedilol
D. Tetracycline
E. Doxorubicin
945. A patient came to the pharmacy to obtain an antidiarrheal agent. What drug would be recommended
by the dispensing chemist?
A. Loperamide
B. Dicaine (Tetracaine)
C. Ranitidine
D. Picolax (Sodium picosulfate)
E. Anesthesin (Benzocaine)
946. A patient came to the pharmacy to obtain a drug that contains pancreatic enzymes and can be taked
for chronic pancreatitis. What drug would be recommended by the dispensing chemist?
A. Pancreatine
B. Triamcinolone
C. Gordox (Aprotinin)
D. Pirenzepine
E. Omeprazole
948. A 28-year-old man with peptic ulcer of the stomach was prescribed a drug that inhibits gastric juice
secretion. Specify this drug:
A. Omeprazole
B. Ethacrynic acid
C. Duphalac (Lactulose)
D. Lidocaine
E. Fenofibrate
949. An engine driver complains of his seasonal allergy symptoms. What nonsedating drug should be
prescribed in this case?
A. Loratadine
B. Novocaine
C. Fenofibrate
D. Analgine (Metamizole)
E. Atenolol
950. Specify the analgesic that affects opiate receptors and can cause development of tolerance and
A. Morphine
B. Phenobarbital
C. Medazepam
D. Voltaren (Diclofenac sodium)
E. Haloperidol
951. During furosemide therapy of a patient with chronic edematous syndrome, his plasma-cation
concentration was disturbed. What drug should be used in this case?
A. Potassium chloride
B. Thiamine bromide
C. Ascorutin (Ascorbic acid + Rutoside)
D. Magne B6
E. Aspirin
952. Upon examination the ophthalmologist diagnosed a 21-year-old woman with visual impairment -
hemeralopia (”night blindness”). What drug should this patient take to restore her vision?
A. Retinol acetate
B. Ergocalciferol
C. Suprastin (Chloropyramine)
D. Cholecalciferol
E. Sustac forte (Nitroglycerin)
953. A 33-year-old woman, who for a long time has been treated for chronic polyarthritis, complains of
elevated blood pressure, changes in adipose tissue distribution, and disturbed menstrual cycle. What
drug does this patient take?
A. Prednisolone
B. Indometacin
C. Butadion (Phenylbutazone)
D. Synaflan (Fluocinolone acetonide)
E. Beclometasone
954. The first-aid center has received a victim of a traffic accident diagnosed with closed displaced
fracture of the middle third of the thigh. For repositioning of the bone fragments the patient received
10 mL of 2% dithylinum solution intravenously, which resulted in the prolonged period of apnoea and
muscle relaxation. What enzyme is deficient, resulting in such pharmacogenetic enzymopathy?
A. Pseudocholinesterase
B. Uridine diphosphate glucuronyltransferase
C. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
D. Methemoglobin reductase
E. N-acetyltransferase
955. A patient with diabetes mellitus and allergic dermatitis was prescribed a certain fluorinated
hormone drug in the ointment dosage form. When the patient asked, how this drug was better than the
hydrocortisone ointment, the doctor explained that the prescribed medicine:
A. Had practically no resorptive effect
B. Increased insulin synthesis
C. Had short-term action
D. Was less potent
E. Was cheaper
956. A 45-year-old woman has an attack of cardiac fibrillation. She suffers from stage II essential
hypertension. What is the drug of choice for stopping this attack?
A. Anaprilin (Propranolol)
B. Sustac forte (Nitroglycerin)
C. Potassium chloride
D. Strophanthin
E. Lidocaine
957. A patient with inoperable lung cancer accompanied by unbearable pain was prescribed an analgesic.
Against the background of analgesic therapy the patient developed signs of intestinal obstruction. What
analgesic could have caused this complication?
A. Morphine
B. Promedol (Trimeperidine)
C. Omnopon (Papaveretum)
D. Fentanyl
E. Analgin (Metamizole)
958. A patient has been taking bisacodyl for a long time to treat chronic constipation. However, several
weeks later the aperient effect of the drug diminished. What is the possible cause of this?
A. Acquired tolerance
B. Drug dependence
C. Material cumulation
D. Functional cumulation
E. Sensitization
959. A 39-year-old man presents with hyperkeratosis, disturbed twilight vision, and high risk of
infectious processes. What vitamin preparation should he be prescribed?
A. Retinol acetate
B. Pyridoxine hydrochloride
C. Riboflavin
D. Ergocalciferol
E. Tocopherol acetate
960. The neurological department received a patient complaining of memory deterioration and loss of
mental work capacity that developed after a head trauma. Recommend him a medicine for
improvement in cerebral metabolism:
A. Piracetam (Nootropil)
B. Meridil (Methylphenidate)
C. Sydnocarb (Mesocarb)
D. Caffeine
E. Analgin (Metamizole)
961. A woman with polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis was prescribed a non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug - diclofenac sodium. After the patient has been taking it for some time, her
concomitant disease exacerbated, which forced the doctor to cancel the prescription of this drug. What
concomitant disease could necessitate cancellation of this drug prescription?
A. Ulcer disease
B. Ischemic heart disease
C. Diabetes mellitus
D. Essential hypertension
E. Bronchial asthma
962. A patient was administered a certain drug for relief of cardiac rhythm disturbance. This drug can be
used as a local anesthetic as well. Name this drug:
A. Lidocaine hydrochloride
B. Dicain (Tetracaine)
C. Diphenine (Phenytoin)
D. Cocaine hydrochloride
E. Anaesthesin (Benzocaine)
963. A patient with arrhythmia was hospitalized into the cardiology unit. What antiarrhythmic drug
should be prescribed?
A. Amiodarone
B. Acetylsalicylic acid
C. Drotaverine hydrochloride
D. Furacilin (Nitrofural)
E. Diclofenac sodium
964. A woman with allergic neurodermatitis was prescribed a second-generation antihistamine without
depressing effect on the CNS. Name this drug:
A. Loratadine
B. Diazolin (Mebhydrolin)
C. Tavegyl(Clemastine)
D. Dimedrol(Diphenhydramine)
E. Ketotifen
965. During gastric resection the patient received mixed anesthesia with tubocurarin chloride muscle
relaxant; to restore spontaneous respiration the patient received proserin. What pharmacological group
does this drug belong to?
A. Cholinesterase inhibitors
B. Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors
C. Calcium channel blockers
D. Muscarinic antagonists
E. Muscarinic agonists
966. To treat the burns, a patient was prescribed a drug with antiseptic properties that are based on
formation of atomic oxygen in the presence of organic substances. This drug has also an astringent (anti-
inflammatory) effect due to formation of albuminates. Name this drug:
A. Potassium permanganate
B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Sodium bicarbonate
D. Hydrogen peroxide
E. Chlorhexidine digluconate
967. Before a surgery the patient was prescribed a synthetic antiprotozoal drug for prevention of
wound infection. The prescribed drug is highly effective against Helicobacter pylori. Name this drug:
A. Metronidazole
B. Doxycycline hydrochloride
C. Chingamin (Chloroquine)
D. Aciclovir
E. Isoniazid
968. A patient with essential hypertension was prescribed a drug that inhibits angiotensin- converting
enzyme (ACE). What drug is it?
A. Lisinopril
B. Losartan
C. Nifedipine
D. Colestyramine
E. Carvedilol