Recommendations For Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Gates and Rope Drum of Radial Hoists
Recommendations For Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Gates and Rope Drum of Radial Hoists
Recommendations For Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Gates and Rope Drum of Radial Hoists
( First Revision )
@ BIS 1992
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Hydraulic Gates and Valves Sectional Committee had been approved by the River Valley
Division Council.
Noting lack of adequate systematic information on procedures for inspection, testing and main-
tenance of radial gates land their hoists after erection, the Hydraulic Gates and Valves Sectional
Committee decided that a set of recommendations on this subject be drawn up for reference and
Indian Standurd
( First Revision )
This standard (Part 3 ) lays down the 4.1 Periodical inspection of gate installations
recommendations for inpection, -testing and should be carried out to detect normal wear
IS 100% ( Part 3 ) : 1992
a) Check the condition of -side and bottom If condition is pcor replace same. check the
rubber seal corner joint and observe cause of undue wear, also before replace-
leakage ment
b) All the nuts and bolts fixing rubber seal Check for wear and tear, tightness and
to skin plate replace, if required
cl Check if there is any undesirable material Remove it ( All rubbish should be periodi-
in between seal and stainless steel plate, cally removed from the seal surface )
seal and skin plate
d) Check for deformation of seal S_tudy the cause of deformation and rectify it
f) Check whether there is abnormal abrasion Study the cause of abrasion and rectify it
on seal seat
2. Check wall plate and sill beam for pitting Pitting is to be filled in by welding. Rusted
and rusting and general conditions portion should be painted of tex cleaning
IS 10096 ( Part 3 ) : 1992
IS 10096 ( Part 3 ) : 1992
4.3.2 General - Inspection to check that: gate. In case vibrations are noticed, the posi-
tions of gate openings and water levels should
a) The gate operation should be trouble be noted and the reasons thereof should be
free and there should not be unusual investigated.
5.4 Based on the inspection and testing, suita-
b) On load ( that is, when there is water ) ble remedial measures should be taken ( see 6 ).
there should be no undue vibrations in
the gate and the structure. 5.5 Trouble Locating Chart
cl Observe the current drawn by motor at
the time of lifting of gate. If any excessive Trouble Probable Reasons
current drawn is noticed, operation of
hoist should be stopped immediately and 1. Gate does not 1. No supply
reason for the same may be investigated rise
for lubrication of various parts of gates
2. Obstruction in rubber
and hoists and rectified.
4 Check the supply voltage. 3. Obstruction in guide
e) Check the lubrication at various points. rollers
f 1 Check the condition of painting at vari- 4. Fault in electric motor
ous parts. 5. Fault in wiring
6. Blown out fuse
7. Brake shoes jammed
5.1 The gate should be tested for its travel up 8. Wire rope broken
and down to see that it moves smoothly with- 9. Malfunctioning of elec-
out excessive sway throughout the travel. trical contacts -due to
5.2 The operation should be trouble-free and any reason
there should not be any unusual sound. There 2. Gate vibrates or 1. Lack of lubrication in
should not be any undue pressure or extra produces noise trunnion and guide
efforts when the gate is operated under no load rollers
condition. Any extra current being taken by 2. Rope length not identi-
the motor should be taken note of. cal on both sides
5.3 On load ( that is, when there is water) 3. Lack of lubrication or
there should be no undue vibrations in the fault in wire rope pulley
gate and structure during operation of the sheave arrangements
IS 10096( .Part 3 ) :1992
7. Matching teeth of gear box assem- Applicable points:
bly 1. Reduction gear box
Once before rainy season or as
required Level up the gear box before operation.
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