Prashanth Java Backend Developer: Professional Summary
Prashanth Java Backend Developer: Professional Summary
Prashanth Java Backend Developer: Professional Summary
Florida Blue is one of the leading insurance companies operating in 16 different states through its
affiliated companies. Florida Blue is a PPO, RPPO and Rx (PDP) Plan with a Medicare contract.
Florida Blue HMO, Florida Blue Preferred HMO, is HMO plans with a Medicare contract.
Enrollment in Florida Blue, Florida Blue HMO, or Florida Blue Preferred HMO depends on
contract renewal.
Enroll Point:
Enroll Point application enables BA’s, agents and members to edit, add and maintain
benefits for a particular group. This application serves its services for more than forty thousand
active users. EnrollPoint application is also used by internal sources to perform BA transactions.
Members updated prices, open enrollment details, per member and per family price calculations
are updated constantly with this application.
Configured the first application to use Gradle as an assembly tool to build an EAR file for
WebSphere Liberty Server.
Designed and developed REST-based Webservices and consumed rest services using Swagger UI.
Extensively worked on Java Collections in writing the core logic and wrote several core java
classes for the core business implementation.
Worked with Microservices architecture using Rest APIs, spring boot and Spring Security.
Developed the JAVA application based on the Service Oriented Architecture.
Used Spring Inheritance to develop beans from already developed parent beans
Designed and developed generic spring beans that can be injected using the spring IOC framework
and reused across the application.
Webservice: Implemented Restful APIs, to support external and internal applications.
Created Schema, transformation layer, Exception Handling, Transaction, Webservice Security
and instruction document for usage. Created Handlers to Save the Webservice request and
Webservice Response.
Expertise in various components in Spring, which includes Spring IOC, AOP, Spring JDBC,
Spring MVC, Spring JPA, Spring Batch, Spring Security and Spring Boot.
Experience with API design including security such as OAuth and token exchange like JWT
Developed Spring-based MQ framework to avoid any WebSphere configuration and dependability
on middleware teams.
Experience with CI-CD pipelines to integrate the Java code to align with DevOps practices using
Used Spring Kafka API calls to process the messages smoothly on Kafka Cluster setup.
Implemented java Future concept for parallel processing of multiple external Webservice calls.
Used Spring Boot interceptors for validating and logging incoming rest calls.
Worked extensively on Java 8 features like Lamda expressions, streams.
Have a good level of experience in writing asynchronous call JavaScript functions.
Worked on Multi-threaded applications using design patterns like Factory Method, Abstract
Factory, Singleton, Builder, Session facade, MVC and DAO patterns in software design.
Experience in developing Microservices using Spring Boot, Spring JPA, Netflix OSS (Zuul,
Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix).
Environment: JAVA, J2EE, XML, Java Micro Services, Jenkins, Maven, React JS, Gradle, JAXB,
JSON, Apache Kafka, RESTFUL protocol and a hybrid of Agile and Waterfall model.
Open Source Frameworks: Node JS, JQuery, Gradle, Spring, ExpressJS, Webservices (SOAP,
REST), Log4J, JUnit 3.8.
IDE: Eclipse Oxygen, RAD, Data Studio, TOAD for DB2, Webstorm, Atom, SOAP UI.
Database: IBM DB2, Mongo DB.
Version Control /QA / Performance tool: Subversion, GIT Lab, Load Runner and SOAPUI Pro.
Application Server: Websphere Liberty 8.X.X, Spring Boot.
Bluegreen Vacations Corporation is a leading vacation ownership company that markets and sells
vacation ownership interests and manages resorts in top leisure and urban destinations.
Bluegreen and Choice Hotel Integration: This application provides tour registration, payment
integration, plans integration, points calculation and sending points to Choice Hotels to use these
points to Book hotels in Choice Hotels.
Responsible for creating Microservices for individual functionalities (Bluegreen Properties and Units
in individual properties, Plans, Tour Plans Schedules, Customers Maintains operations ) using
Spring Boot ( RESTController, JSON, Spring Transactions ).
Involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like
Requirement gathering, Analysis, Design, Coding and deployment, mainly involved in coding part
to develop UI and Service.
Active participation in daily SCRUM meetings to keep track of the ongoing project status and
Involved in designing webpage layouts to decide the content/data flow to display on the webpage.
We used the Spring Web MVC framework, Configure and Implement Filters, Created
Controllers, Validators and Integrate with Models using Spring IOC.
Created presentation layer using HTML5,CSS3, Spring JSTLs and Java Script.
Created front-end validation using JavaScript.
Implemented CI-CD pipelines using Jenkins and build and deploy the applications.
Implementing the validators using POJO Classes for server-side validations for customer
registration, reward management, address modules and payment modules.
Used Spring IOC to loosely coupled interaction between UI and Model.
Developed Business components and integrated them using spring features such as Dependency
Injection for injecting beans and Auto Wiring various components such as DAO layers and service
proxy layers for accessing Webservice modules.
Used Hibernate for CRUD database operation.
Created Persistence layer using DAO, Hibernate and Spring Transaction ( Transaction
Attributes: Required, RequireNew, Supported ..,).
Used Spring AOP (Advice, Pointcut, Joint Point...,) for logging, Auditing, Exception and
Used log4j for logging, implemented this logging functionality using Spring AOP to loosely
coupling between logging and application.
Created REST-based Web services using Spring BOOT (Rest Controller, JSON, Mappings).
Experience in consuming RESTful web services to fetch the data and send the data (Payment
Responsible for writing complex SQL queries for interacting with Oracle databases.
Responsible for writing Unit test cases using JUnit.
Soap UI for Webservices validation, SQL Editor for SQL, IBM RAD for Java Application.
Software version control management through GitHub.
Involved in DevOps area for build and deployments ( Maven, Dockers and Jenkins ).
Involved in release management sessions, infrastructure setup and deployments.
Closely worked with QA and Business UAT.
Environment: Spring MVC, Spring, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Java, Hibernate,
Application Server: WebSphere Application Server
Database: Oracle
University of the Cumberlands, (Health & Care) Jan 2016 to Dec 2016
Java Developer
Health & Care is an application that provides users nearby Hospitals and related doctors by taking inputs.
Involved in preparing the technical design documents using UML data model representation, Use
case diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams using Rational Rose
Implemented the entire application in Spring MVC 3.0 design framework.
Involved in injecting dependencies into code using Spring IOC module of Spring Framework
Extensively used various J2EE design patterns like Factory, Singleton, Data Access Objects, Data
Transfer Objects, Business Delegate and Session Façade in the project, which facilitates the clean
distribution of roles and responsibilities across various layers of processing.
Built RESTful Webservices interface implemented in Java.
Implemented AOP paradigm for modularity.
Involved in the development of presentation layer and GUI framework in JSP, HTML and client-
side validations were done using JavaScript.
Used Log4 J components for logging. Perform daily monitoring of log files and resolve issues.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring Framework 3.0, JSP 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, HTML, REST, JMS with
Spring, Apache Active MQ, JavaScript, WebLogic 9.2, Java Beans, log4j.
Database: MySQL
IDE: Eclipse
Izetta IT Solutions, Hyderabad, India Jan 2015 to December 2015
Java Developer
Izetta IT Solutions provides bespoke software development services using web technologies. We
work in areas such as E-commerce website development, web enablement, product development,
product migrations, web applications etc.
This Project aims to implement the infrastructure of the Java Message Service (JMS). This project
developed in J2EE package using JMS API's provides services for Exchange for the message between
components in a distributed environment.
Extensively worked on Java Collections in writing the core logic and wrote several core java
classes for the core business implementation.
Configured the first application to use Gradle as an assembly tool to build an EAR file for
Websphere Liberty Server.
Designed and developed REST-based Webservices and consumed rest services using Swagger
Designed and developed generic spring beans that can be injected using the spring IOC
framework and reused across the application.
Worked on Multi-threaded applications using design patterns like Factory Method, Abstract
Factory, Singleton, Builder, Session facade, MVC and DAO patterns in software design.
Used Hibernate for CRUD database operation.
Used Spring AOP (Advice, Pointcut, Joint Point) for logging, auditing, exception handling and
Created Rest based web services using Spring Boot(Rest Controller, JSON, Mappings)
Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Tomcat, Eclipse, MySQL, JUnit, Maven, Micro Services,
Windows XP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON.