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ternship Report on National Bank of Pakistan(nbp) Sindh

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ecutive Summary 04

esident Message 05

story And Background 05

sion 07

ission 07

ore Values 07

oals 07

orporate Banking 09

oard of Directors 09

nior Management 10

BP Domestic Branches 11

BP Regional Branches 12

BP Overseas Branches 12

BP 2007 Initiative 13

tail Banking 13

ommercial Banking 14

ME 14

uman Resource 15

edit And Risk Management 15

ecial Assets Management Operations 15

formation Technology 16

griculture 16

eposits 16

ernational Operations 16

amic Banking 16

edit Rating 16

arket Recognition 17

cial Responsibility 17

sk Management Framework 19

wards And Achievements 20

oducts Of National Bank Of Pakistan 22

emium Amdani 22

onthly Income Scheme 22

BP Karobar Mera Apna Karobar 23

BP Saibaan 23

BP Advance Salary 23

BP Cash Card 23

BP Investor Advantage 23

BP Cash And Gold 25

BP Student Loan Scheme 25

BP's Internet Based Home Remittances Service 27

BP Islamic Banking 28

BP Corporate Treasury 29

ernational Banking Services 31

ade in Finance other Business Loans 33

orporate Finance 34

vil Lines Branch Gujranwala 35

epartment Of Government Section 35

pes Of Accounts 37

WOT Analysis 42

actical Experience 43

earing Section 43

ccounts Department 50

reign Exchange Section 52

lling Section Department 54

edit Department 55

uman Resource Department ( Job Duties List) 60

tegories of Branches 72

sponsibilities 72

sponsibilities of Branch Manager 72

sponsibilities of Operation Manager 73

sponsibilities of Credit Administration Officer 73

sponsibilities of Compliance Officer 74

sponsibilities of Relationship Officer 75

sponsibilities of Relationship Manager 76

sponsibilities of Credit Officer 76

sponsibilities of Customer Facilitation Officer 76

aud Prevention, Detection And Reporting 77

nker Customer Relationship 78

Years Performance at a Glance 80

otice of 60th Annual General Meeting 81

oblems Found During The Internship 83

ggestions & Recommendations 84

ps to deal with customer 84

ossary 89

bliography 91


ational Bank of Pakistan is the largest commercial bank operating in kistan . Its

lance sheet size surpasses that of any of the other banks functioning locally. It s

defined its role and has moved from a public sector organisation into a modern

mmercial bank. The Bank's services are available to individuals, corporate tities and

vernment. While it continues to act as trustee of public funds and as the agent the

ate Bank of Pakistan (in places where SBP does not have a presence) it has versified

business portfolio and is today a major lead player in the debt equity market, rporate

vestment banking, retail and consumer banking, agricultural financing, asury

rvices and is showing growing interest in promoting and developing the untry's small

d medium enterprises and at the same time fulfilling its social responsibilities, a

rporate citizen.

today's competitive business environment, NBP needed to redefine its role d shed

e public sector bank image, for a modern commercial bank. It has offloaded .2

rcent share in the stock market, and while it has not been completely vatized like the

her three public sector banks, partial privatization has taken place. It is now ted on

e Karachi Stock Exchange.

ational Bank of Pakistan is today a progressive, efficient, and customer cused

stitution. It has developed a wide range of consumer products, to enhance siness and

ter to the different segments of society. Some schemes have been specifically signed

r the low to middle income segments of the population. These include NBP arobar,

BP Advance Salary, NBP Saiban, NBP Kisan Dost, NBP Cash n Gold.

has implemented special credit schemes like small finance for agriculture, siness and

dustries, administrator to Qarz-e-Hasna loans to students, self employment

heme for

employed persons, public transport scheme. The Bank has expanded its range

oducts and services to include Shariah Compliant Islamic Banking products. r the

omotion of literature, NBP recently initiated the Annual Awards for cellence in

erature . NBP will confer annual awards to the best books in Urdu and in all

ominent regional languages published during the defined period. Patronage om NBP

ould help creative work in the field of literature. The Bank is also the largest onsor of

orts in Pakistan . It has provided generously to philanthropic causes whenever e need


has taken various measures to facilitate overseas Pakistanis to send their mittances in

convenient and efficient manner. In 2002 the Bank signed an agreement with estern

nion for expanding the base for documented remittances. More recently it has rted

ectronic Home Remittances Project. This project introduces technology based stem

handle inward remittances efficiently, by ensuring that the Bank's branches ep a

ck of the remittance received from abroad till its final receipt.

is report is based on internship in National Bank of Pakistan Civil Lines anch

ujranwala. It is a famous and reputed bank of Pakistan. National Bank of kistan

aintains first position in banking sector in Pakistan. This report is based on the tivities

hich are performed in this bank. This report contains functions of Bills and earing

partment, Account Opening, Government section, Credit Department, SWOT alysis,

nk tariffs and exchange rates of National Bank of Pakistan. There are also ted the

tivities which I performed during my internship in the branch. There are also

entioned the way of investment, rates of investment, all types of financing and ans

cilities the National Bank of Pakistan provides. The problems in this branch

e also


resident Message

gives me great pleasure to present on behalf of the

oard of Directors, annual accounts of the bank for the

ar ended December 31, 2007 . NBP continued its

urney of success based on our strategy of serving

ents better. a company agile enough to take

vantage of its unique domestic and international

otprint, capitalizing on the largest balance sheet and

stomer base in Pakistan with high cross sell potential.

ur standalone AAA rating (the highest in the

dustry), our ROE, which is amongst the highest in the

ian Banking industry, and our comfortable capital

equacy ratios, position us well in front of our

mpetitors for future growth.

ear 2007 has been yet an outstanding year with the

nk recording the highest profit in its history. Our

de range of product offering, large branch network

d committed workforce are some of our fundamental

engths that enabled us to achieve exceptional results

a very competitive market. The pre-tax profit

creased to Rs. 28.06 billion, an increase of 6.6% over

t year. Earning per share jumped by over 11.6%

om Rs. 20.88 in 2006 to Rs. 23.34 in 2007. Pre- tax

urn on equity stood at 45.9%, whereas pre-tax return on assets stands at 4.1% d cost

income ratio of 0.30 remained one of the highest in the sector. These results ere

ssible despite the fact that NBP had to make additional provision of over Rs.3 lion

a result of withdrawal of Forced Sales Value (FSV).This year NBP also ailed the

fer by Government of Pakistan to redeem up to 10% of its holding in NIT its held by

e bank under Letter of Comfort (LoC) arrangement, this sell off resulted in a pital

in of Rs. 1.8 billion. Increase in pre-tax profit was achieved through strong

owth in

re banking income. Net Interest income increased by Rs. 3.5 billion (11.5%) e to

tter yields and volume driven growth spurred by increase in consumer loan rtfolio.

vidend income and Capital Gains also made a healthy contribution as it creased by

. 371 million and Rs. 1,145 million over 2006 respectively mainly owing to gher

vidends from NIT Units as well as Capital gains recorded on sell of 10% NIT nits.

dvances increased by Rs. 25 billion due to impressive contribution by all siness units.

eposits increased by a healthy Rs. 90 billion or 18% over last year. The bank's PL

ovision coverage ratio also stands at an impressive 84%.


nks plays very important role in the economic life of the nation. The growth the

onomy is closely related to the soundness of its banking system. Although nks create

new wealth but they borrow, exchange and consume wealth. In this way, they come

ry effective partners in the process of economic development. Modern banks e very

eful for the utilization of the resources of the country.

ational Bank of Pakistan (the Bank) was established on November 9, 1949 der the

ational Bank of Pakistan Ordinance, 1949 in order to cope with the crisis nditions

hich were developed after trade deadlock with India and devaluation of Indian upee in

49. Initially the Bank was established with the objective to extend credit to e

riculture sector. The normal procedure of establishing a banking company der the

ompanies Law was set aside and the Bank was established through the omulgation of

Ordinance due to the crisis situation that had developed with regard to ancing of

e trade. The Bank commenced its operations from November 20, 1949 at six

portant jute centers in the then East Pakistan and directed its resources in ancing of

e crop. The Banks Karachi and Lahore offices were subsequently opened in

ecember 1949.

ational Bank of Pakistan is the largest commercial bank operating in kistan . Its

lance sheet size surpasses that of any of the other banks functioning locally. It s

defined its role and has moved from a public sector organization into a odern

mmercial bank. The Bank's services are available to individuals, corporate tities and

vernment. While it continues to act as trustee of public funds and as the agent the

ate Bank of Pakistan (in places where SBP does not have a presence) it has versified

business portfolio and is today a major lead player in the debt equity market, rporate

vestment banking, retail and consumer banking, agricultural financing, asury

rvices and is showing growing interest in promoting and developing the untry's small

d medium enterprises and at the same time fulfilling its social responsibilities, a

rporate citizen.

today's competitive business environment, NBP needed to redefine its role d shed

e public sector bank image, for a modern commercial bank. It has offloaded .2

rcent share in the stock market, and while it has not been completely vatized like the

her three public sector banks, partial privatization has taken place. It is now ted on

e Karachi Stock Exchange.

ational Bank of Pakistan is today a progressive, efficient, and customer cused

stitution. It has developed a wide range of consumer products, to enhance siness and

ter to the different segments of society. Some schemes have been specifically signed

r the low to middle income segments of the population. These include NBP


BP Advance Salary, NBP Saiban, NBP Kisan Dost, NBP Cash n Gold.

has implemented special credit schemes like small finance for agriculture, siness and

dustries, administrator to Qarz-e-Hasna loans to students, self employment heme for

employed persons, public transport scheme. The Bank has expanded its range

oducts and services to include Shariah Compliant Islamic Banking products. r the

omotion of literature, NBP recently initiated the Annual Awards for cellence in

erature . NBP will confer annual awards to the best books in Urdu and in all

ominent regional languages published during the defined period. Patronage om NBP

ould help creative work in the field of literature. The Bank is also the largest onsor of

orts in Pakistan . It has provided generously to philanthropic causes whenever e need


has taken various measures to facilitate overseas Pakistanis to send their mittances in

convenient and efficient manner. In 2002 the Bank signed an agreement with estern

nion for expanding the base for documented remittances. More recently it has rted

ectronic Home Remittances Project. This project introduces technology based stem

handle inward remittances efficiently, by ensuring that the Bank's branches ep a

ck of the remittance received from abroad till its final receipt.

number of initiatives have been taken, in terms of institutional restructuring, anges in

e field structure, in policies and procedures, in internal control systems with ecial

mphasis on corporate governance, adoption of Capital Adequacy Standards der Basel

framework, in the up gradation of the IT infrastructure and developing the man


ational Bank of Pakistan has built an extensive branch network with 1250 anches in

kistan and operates in major business centre abroad. The Bank has presentative

fices in Beijing , Tashkent , Chicago and Toronto . It has agency arrangements th

ore than 3000 correspondent banks worldwide. Its subsidiaries are Taurus curities

d, NBP Exchange Company Ltd, NBP Capital Ltd, NBP Modaraba anagement

ompany Ltd, and CJSC Bank, Almaty , Kazakhstan . The Bank's joint ventures e,

nited National Bank (UK), First Investment Bank and NAFA, an Asset anagement

ompany (a joint venture with NIB Bank & Fullerton Fund Management of ngapore).

e Bank's financial performance has been remarkable. In 2006, total assets are imated

Rs635 billion, while deposits have grown to nearly Rs502 billion. Pre-tax ofit rose to

26 billion. Earnings per share have jumped to Rs24.01 in 2006. The increase profit

as achieved through strong growth in core banking income. Interest income creased

Rs10 billion through growth in the loan portfolio as well as increase in reads.

dvances increased by Rs48 billion to Rs316 billion. The Bank maintains a und loan

rtfolio diversified in nature to counter the risk of credit concentration. It nges from

oviding credit to the un-banked market segment under NBP Karobar, to small d

edium enterprises, to agricultural loans, to large corporate customers.

ational Bank has earned recognition and numerous awards internationally. It s been

e recipient of The Bank of the Year 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2005 Award by The nker

agazine, the Best Foreign Exchange Bank Pakistan for 2004, 2005, 2006 d 2007,

obal Finance, Best Emerging Market Bank from Pakistan for the year 2005, obal

nance, Kissan Time Awards 2005 for NBP's services in the agriculture field. is

ted amongst the Region's largest banks and also amongst the largest banks in


ia 2005, The Asian Banker. It has also been presented a Recognition Award 2004

r having a Gender Sensitive Management by WEBCOP AASHA besides other wards. be recognized as a leader and a brand synonymous with trust,


ghest standards of service quality, international best practices and

cial responsibility.


BP will aspire to the values that make NBP truly

e Nations Bank, by:

stitutionalizing a merit and performance culture

eating a distinctive brand identity by providing the

ghest standards of services

dopting the best international management practices

aximizing stakeholders value

scharging our responsibility as a good corporate

izen of Pakistan and in countries where we operate

ore values ghest standards of Integrity stitutionalizing team work and performance lture xcellence in service dvancement of skills for tomorrows challenges wareness of social and community responsibility alue creation for all stakeholder oals
enhance profitability and maximization of NBP share through

creasing leverage of existing customer base and diversified range of


orporate banking BP further consolidated its position as one of the top players corporate and investment banking of the country in 2007 d has built a strong customer relationship with the premier orporate clients.

outh Region

Corporate Branch Karachi

hapal Plaza

asrat Mohani Road

arachi .

l : 021- 9217108-109

x: 021- 9217113

orthern Region

orporate Branch Islamabad

per Market

amabad .

l : 051- 9206696

x: 051- 9203923

orporate Branches-Lahore

ain Branch Lahore

ahrahe- Quiad-e- Azam Rd, Lahore

l : 042/9211686-9211674

x : 9211286

apda House Branch

hahrae Quiade Azam Road Lahore

el : 042/9202490 - 9202492

ax: 9202491

odel Branch Gulberg

ain Boulevard Gulberg, Lahore

el : 042/5751104-5, 5752215

ax: 5751371

CP Model Corporate Branch

CP Corporate Branch Shadman Jail Rd Lhr

l : 042/9203149-50 , 9203167

x: 9203168 -7571030


yed Ali Raza hairman & President

r. S. Ali Raza is the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of

ational Bank of Pakistan, the largest Commercial Bank of the country. Mr.

za is a graduate of the London School of Economics and M.Sc. in Adm.

iences. Before joining the National Bank of Pakistan in July 2000 as the

nk's President, he held a key management position as Regional Manager, kistan,

iddle East and North Africa at the Bank of America (BOA).


r. Sikandar Hayat Jamali rector

r. Sikandar Hayat Jamali is a retired Government Servant. He did his Senior

mbridge from St. Francis Grammar School Quetta, and Higher Senior

mbridge from the Aitchison College Lahore and graduated from

overnment College Lahore. He has done an M.A. in History (Gold Medalist)

om the Punjab University and M.A. in Public Policy and Administration

om the University of Wisconsin (USA). He is also an M.A. in Area Studies Middle

st and North Africa) from the University of London.


ian Kausar Hameed rector

ian Kausar Hameed, is an MBA from IBA, Karachi. His experience

cludes Manufacturing, Retailing, Marketing, Management, HR, Training

d Teaching at various levels in various organizations for 38 years after his

ucation. He has worked with reputed national and international

ganizations as Regional Manager, Managing Director/CEO, Management

onsultant, Resident Director, Member and Chief Operating Officer. He

dressed international conferences on Sugar and Ethanol and was speaker

workshops and seminars on CDM and Carbon Finance. He has written veral papers

CDM, Ethanol, Agriculture in Pakistan, Trends in Management and HR evelopment.

r. Ibrar A. Mumtaz rector

r. Ibrar A. Mumtaz is a Businessman. He was born in 1947 and comes

om a prominent business family of Lahore. He was educated at Aitchison

ollege, Lahore, F.C. College, Lahore and the Institute of Business

dministration, (I.B.A) University of Karachi. After completing his

ucation he joined his family business in 1968, namely the Fazal Dins

oup of Companies comprising of Fazal Din & Sons (Pvt) Ltd., Lahore

hemical & Pharmaceutical Works (Pvt) Ltd., Medipharm (Pvt) Ltd., Fazal

ns Pharma Plus (Pvt) Ltd. and Medequips.


r. Tariq Kirmani rector

on after completing his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Mr.

rmani embarked upon a rewarding career, starting with a multi-national

l Company (Caltex later Chevron Pakistan) in 1969 and worked for seven

ars in the United States of America, United Arab Emirates and Australia

different senior management positions in Marketing Operations and

nance. In 1991, Mr. Kirmani became the first Pakistani to be elected as a

ompany Director of the mentioned multi-national company.

r. Mohammad Ayub Khan Tarin rector

r. Mohammad Ayub Khan Tarin is a government official. He is an MBA from

estern Michigan University, USA. At present, he is working as Additional

nance Secretary (Budget), Ministry of Finance. He possesses 31 years

perience in the fields of Financial Management, Budgeting, Accounting,

uditing including Performance Auditing & Public Administration.


rs. Haniya Shahid Naseem rector

rs. Haniya Shahid Naseem is an MBA with more than fifteen years

perience of working in the education, social, industrial and agriculture sectors

Pakistan. She has served for 5 years on the Board of a textile company,

ving a turnover of more than one Billion Rupees. Presently she is actively

volved in the administration of Pakistan Public School Multan. She is a

ogressive agriculturist and actively participates in the management of her

milys agricultural farms. She is a member of the Multan Chamber of

ommerce and Industry, and is also on the guest faculty of IBA, Multan.


r. Ekhlaq Ahmed cretary Board of Directors

r. Ekhlaq Ahmed, EVP is the Company Secretary of the Bank and also the

cretary of Credit & Operations Committees. He is M.A. (Economics) from

jshahi University, Bangladesh (former East Pakistan). He is a Diplomaed

sociate Institute of Bankers, Pakistan (DAIBP) and secured overall 1 st

sition in order of merit and won Muslim Commercial Bank Prize in the

bject of Foreign Trade & Foreign Exchange. He is an Associate of

stitute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan (ACIS). He is also a Certified

rector on the panel of Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG)

nce November, 2007. Mr. Ekhlaq Ahmed is the first senior executive of the nk who

s achieved the status of Certified Director.



amar Hussain

hief Operating Officer , Credit

anagement Group

. Asif A. Brohi

VP & Group Chief, Operations Group

d Islamic Banking Group

asood Karim Shaikh

VP & Group Chief, Corporate &

vestment Banking Group

aullah Khan

VP , Special Projects

. Mirza Abrar Baig

VP & Group Chief, Human Resources

anagement & Administration Group

mer Siddiqui

VP & Group Chief, Commercial &

tail Banking Group

hahid Anwar Khan

VP & Group Chief, Overseas Banking


uhammad Nusrat Vohra

VP & Group Chief, Treasury

anagement Group

halid Bin Shaheen

VP & Group Chief, Remittances

mam Bakhsh Baloch

VP & Group Chief, Audit & Inspection


B. Soomro

VP , Special Projects

gha Fidaullah

VP/Group Chief, Special Assets

anagement Group

khlaq Ahmed Nadeem A. Ilyas

VP & Secretary Board of Directors EVP & PSO to President , Group Chief

), Compliance Group

if Hassan Khan

oup Chief (A), Information Technology


amir Sattar

P, Divisional Head, Financial Control


i Hassan

P-Head PMO-CBA / Chief Information

curity Officer


Dadu/ Sanghar


Jacobabad/ Shikarpur



Mirpurkhas/ Badin

Nawabshah/ N' Feroze

Sukkur/ Khairpur




D.G. Khan/ RYKhan



Sialkot/ Narowal



Jhelum/ Gujrat/ Chakwal


) Multan/ Baha'nagar

) Murree/ Attock/ Gilgit

) Rawalpindi

) Sahiwal

) Sargodha/ Sheikhupura


Abbottabad/ Mansehra

Bannu/ D.I. Khan

Kohat / Mingora




All Branches





Karachi (South) 2. Karachi (West) 3. Hyderabad

Larkana 5. Sukkur 6. Quetta

Gawadar 8. Lahore (Central) 9. Lahore (East)

. Gujranwala 11. Sialkot 12. Faisalabad

. Jhang 14. Sargodha 15. Multan

. Bahawalpur 17. Dera Ghazi Khan 18. Sahiwal

.Federal Capital Islamabad 20. Rawalpindi 21. Jhelum

. Gujrat 23. Peshawar 24. Mardan

. Dera Ismail Khan 26. Abbottabad 27. Muzaffarabad (A.K.)

. Mirpur (A.K.) 29.Gilgit (sub-region)

BP OVERSEAS BRANCHES merica and Europe Region


Canada France


ar East Region

Hong Kong

Japan China

South Korea

iddle East, Africa & South Asia Region


Egypt EPZ


entral Asian Republics



Kyrgyz Republic

Kazakhstan Azerbaijan NBP Kazakhstan United National Canada (Toronto) USA (Chicago) China (Beijing) Uzbekistan


bsidiary Joint Venture Representative Off


ank (UK)


BP 2007 INITATIVE orporate Banking

e Corporate Banking Group achieved excellent results in 2007 with a number

ndmark transactions in cement, energy, communication and fertilizer sectors.

dition to the funded income, our corporate and investment banking has bstantially

creased its fee base income this year by being the lead advisor in a number of

nsactions in the Corporate world of Pakistan .

e challenges to corporate business in year 2007 were manifold including

duction in

ivate Credit Investment as a result of slowing down of economy as well as ing

erest rates. The increasing pressure on the textile industry reduced the lending this

ctor. In addition the bank's corporate loans yields also faced pressure as bstitute form

funding sources are available in the market in form of Islamic financing, utual funds,

uance of debt instruments like TFCs and Bonds and the Capital markets.

espite these threats and challenges at NBP, our corporate team not only creased the

lume as well as the yield of the loans they also maintained a strong franchise th the

ading Pakistani corporate so as to ensure that NBP not only maintains its arket share

t is in a position to meet any challenges in future. NBP during the year also

rticipated in a number of TFC issues and mutual funds subscriptions thereby creasing

e overall yield on investment portfolio.

BP has the largest equity portfolio in the banking sector primarily due to 27% lding

NIT units, the largest mutual fund in Pakistan . During the year the bank deemed

% of its NIT holding covered under LoC, which resulted in capital gain of Rs. 8


Retail Banking

BP Karobar under the President's ROZGAR Scheme recorded excellent owth

er its full launched in April 2007. This was a unique product launched to tap o the

-banked and actually the so far un-bankable poor people of Pakistan targeted wards

e unemployed youths aged between 18 to 45 years. This product not only rves the

nk's commercial strategy but is also an effort towards poverty alleviation in e

untry. It is a unique Public Private Partnership with GOP paying 50% of the ark-up

e rest is paid by the customers), as well as providing free life and disability surance

the NBP Karobar customers and sharing the losses with the bank. The rtfolio at

ar end was over Rs.2 billion. The target is almost 1.8 million customers in the xt five

ars. There are exciting new incomes generating products in the pipeline to hieve the

gets of NBP. The income generation targeted is in excess of ten thousand pees net

r month for each customer. The bank plans on disbursing almost Rs. 100 lion which

ll touch the lives of almost thirty million citizens.

ousing is every citizen's birth right. It is a known fact that the Mortgage usiness drives

proximately 100 different sectors and thus is one of the driving forces in osting the

onomy of a country. In line with this, NBP's Mortgage Financing Product, der the

and of NBP Saibaan, has been fully launched throughout Pakistan in 2007, tering to

th the urban and rural areas of the country. In 2007, NBP Saibaan has been e market

ader in housing finance as the overall disbursements were at an average of

proximately Rs. 350 million each month, which is by far ahead of the mpetition. As

December 31st 2007 the total NBP Saibaan portfolio stands at Rs. 9.35 lion. Thus

BP Saibaan has become the leader amongst the top five Banks of Pakistan in

ortgages. Pakistan has a massive backlog of over 6 million housing units, here in the

untry needs about 0.6 million additional units every year. A supply of 0.3 llion units

r year exists only. A back log of 0.3 million additional units is added to the isting 6

llion every year. In 2008, we intend to cater to this housing demand gnificantly by

geting all segments of the population nationwide.

e flagship NBP Advance Salary product continued to grow in 2007 and aintained its

sition as the single largest product in the country with its accumulated sbursement

ossing Rs.115 billion. The number of organizations whose employees are titled to

ail this scheme is gradually being increased ensuring continued growth. The est

dition is the Pakistan Army and the target is almost half a million new stomers in the

xt three years in addition to the existing base of one million satisfied stomers

proximately. Our retail banking is expanding its reach to its diversified stomer base

offering new services and products through new delivery channels so as to nimize

unter traffic, increase product offering and reduce administrative costs.

e development of alternate delivery channels, use of I.T. and leveraging large stomer

se for cross selling potential are the key strategies of NBP for increasing its ail

siness. NBP holds 16% market share in the consumer loan business and we m to

crease it gradually without compromising on the quality of portfolio. Our call nter is

value addition in customer services and provides overall support to our retail oducts.

is a unique technology as it is not service provider specific and free calls can made

the NBP Help Line on 0800 800 80 from any land or cell phone in the untry.

Commercial Banking

e plan to establish commercial centers across the country looking at the siness

tential in the area, size of the branch and its capabilities to deliver the desired rvice in

der to attract quality customers. The objective is to target the untapped sectors d

ovide them professional quality service, through one window operations and

lationship Managers stationed at those centers. We expect and hope to reduce e turn

ound time and become more competitive and market oriented. Further this stomer

endly and dedicated set up at convenient locations would help in improving e image

the Bank as well. These Centers would work in conjunction with the existing up of

ommercial Lending done throughout the NBP branch network. The main

rpose of

ese centers is to generate ancillary business in addition to funded and nonnded

cilities, with quick turn around time in decisions for customer satisfaction.


mall and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) remain the main area of focus for NBP d are

nsidered the future growth driver. The growth of SME is important as they nerate

gher yields and are expected to be a high growth sector in the near- term. The rvices

ailable to SMEs are similar to those provided to our Corporate / Commercial

stomers, including, but not limited to working capital finance, term lending, de

ance, letter of credits and guarantees. Our growth strategy for SMEs revolves ound

veloping a better understanding of the SME market, increasing market netration

ough our existing products and newly tailored ones, and increasing our pacity to

ovide SME-specific services to our clients. The bank is engaged with Shore nk

ernational (SBI) in a technology as well as Technical Assistance agreement. e

jective of which is to establish more effective SME lending at a select number NBP

anches. These techniques (including cash-flow based assessment) are stitutionalized

ough an extensive staff training process. The pilot phase of the project onfined to

ected Regions of Punjab) culminated in December 2007 and overachieved ost of the

e-defined targets. More than PKR 1.6 billion in loans has been disbursed to er 811

documented businesses while maintaining an NPL rate of less than 2%. After e

ccess of the pilot project, NBP has decided to engage the services of SBI to l out the

chnical Assistance on a national scale, covering 200 branches in Sindh, njab and

lochistan in the next two years.

Human Resource

r NBP the dedicated, hardworking staff is one of the key strengths of the nk. NBP

s been investing in developing this valuable resource through need based ining and

reer growth development. Our HR objective is to become an employer of oice and to

aintain complete industrial harmony within the institution.

ur new hiring of top class MBAs as Management Trainee Officers (MTOs) d

arch for talent within the bank has helped in preparing second and third tier adership

es which will shape our succession planning process and at the same time will sure

at with the passage of time our employee refinement and skill enrichment ogram

ntinues. We also have started new Employee Communication Program' and ernal

ganizational magazine to improve the interaction of top and middle level anagement

th the lower management. Female employees are being encouraged through male

mpowerment program under which they are given responsible and challenging

signments. Currently over 60 females are employed as branch managers all er the

untry and some females hold senior management positions.

Credit and Risk Management

BP is continuously upgrading its risk management process to identify, aluate and

anage risk. During the year the bank established an Operational Risk anagement Unit

supplement its already established Credit and Market risk units for mprehensive risk

anagements. Our risk management in terms of adoption of Basel II guidelines on

me and is advancing smoothly with completion of internal gap analysis. Our edit

anagement System is based on elaborated risk assessment and Credit Rating stem to

sure a very objective and timely assessment of each proposal. We have our ernal

tration systems and approval hierarchy to ensure that proper authority and

sponsibility is established and at the same time to reduce the lead processing me of the

edit application. We have proper monitoring system and have also setup a parate

edit Administration Department (CAD) to further improve our credit onitoring


Special Assets Management

ith a provision coverage of 84% we believe that going forward our Special sets

anagement Group will make major contribution towards the Bank's ofitability

ough recoveries and reversal of provision charge as a result of classification /

scheduling. We have revamped our special assets management business and ve

ordinated our efforts to expedite recoveries and settlements.


e are committed and focused towards good quality customer service and in 07 with

e motto of Putting a smile on our Customer's face. We made concerted orts and

ok a number of initiatives. Workshops and seminars were conducted to sseminate the

ry important message of Excellent Customer Service. We are transforming r

anches to give a modern look and convenience. A number of branches have en

ifted to prominent and spacious locations. We also have established ecialized

stomer facilitation centers to exclusively cater to pension payments, utility d

vernment collections. These are expected to reduce counter traffic at our anches and

ll increase our distribution channels for better and convenient services. usiness hours

ve been extended with establishment of customer facilitation offices at the gional

vels to help on the spot resolution of customer complaints.

Information Technology

day banking is becoming more and more mechanized and it is the I.T. support at can

prove the customer services and reduce cost at the same time. At NBP we ve

aborated plans for transformation of the entire I.T. architecture of the bank by

plementing core banking solutions. The said technology will not only crease our

stribution capabilities by many folds but will also simplify our internal ocedures

ereby reducing the transactional cost and lead time for service. NBP has rted a

mber of projects in relation to I.T. structure up-gradation.The bank is panding its

TM network and connectivity to further expand our reach to the customers. is year

e completed our automation of the government's tax collection services ereby opening

w opportunities for such services on behalf of other organizations. NBP is o looking

o other I.T. products for salary and pension disbursement and E-banking for tter



BP remains the largest agriculture lender in the banking sector in Agriculture th

proximately 300,000 borrowers and gross disbursement of Rs. 32 billion ring the

nancial Year 2006-2007. Our vast domestic branch network having 45% anches in

ral areas and unique product offering under the banner of Kisan Dost provides

mpetitive edge over our peer banks. Our specialized Agriculture, Field ficers, being

griculture graduates are trained to understand the needs and limitations of our

rrowing farmers as well as versed with the latest trends in Agriculture oduction

chnology providing technical guidance and specialized services to our stomers.

) Deposits

BP is the largest bank in terms of deposit. Our large clientele and confidence our

positors belonging to all walks of life is a major strength. We have shown preciable

owth of 18% in deposits on YoY basis, which is significant from the view int that

th the consolidation in the banking sector competition for deposits is ever creasing.

e are branding our liability products and will continue to develop new liability de

oducts for continuing our leadership position in this business. This year we roduced

ee new liability products; NBP Premium Saver account, NBP Premium mdani

count and NBP Enhanced Saver account. These schemes have received cellent

sponse from the customers and we expect healthy growth in future under these d new

oducts that the bank is going to launch on the liability side. Given the large se and

mpetition in the banking sector, the bank's performance is commendable in creasing deposits by Rs. 90 billion especially low cost deposits.

) International Operations

BP has the largest international franchise in terms of Assets. We are present in ur

ntinents and have branches in all the countries that are major trading partners

kistan. Our unique coverage of Central Asia, Far East and South Asia is comparable

d we will be the major benefactor once the trade business from the Energy h Central

ian Republics picks up. The bank is planning to start its operations in Saudi abia

id 2008) and further expand its branches in Afghanistan and Bangladesh . e bank's

ernational operations strategy is focused towards increasing trade business d

pands where the bank has competitive advantage.

) Islamic Banking

e year 2007 marked the first year of Islamic Banking operations. During the ar under

view, in addition to active participation in various Sukuk transactions, two ore

amic Banking branches at Lahore and Peshawar started operations. NBP's ans for the

ar 2008 include opening of Faisalabad and Rawalpindi branches with the

cus on

owing organically by opening more standalone Islamic Banking branches, lizing

BP's existing branch network of 1,200 plus conventional branches and looking o

ategic acquisitions for expansion in this field.

) Credit Rating

oody's maintained NBP's financial strength rating at D-thereby recognizing e internal

ength and leadership position of the Bank. In addition, NBP also enjoys the ghest

edit Rating amongst Pakistani banks; JCR-VIS Credit Rating Co. Limited warded

ghest standalone Credit Rating of AAA to NBP. The JCR-VIS Credit Rating o.

mments about NBP says a lot about the bank: The organization has been able

ategically manage and build on its competitive advantages which has nslated into

e strong and well managed improvement in profitability trend observed over e last

w years, a substantial balance sheet of sound asset quality, and strong liquidity d

pitalization levels.

) Market Recognition

addition to the highest Credit Rating in the banking sector NBP is exultant to ceive

veral awards from both local and foreign institutes of repute. NBP in year 07

ceived the award for Best Return on Capital for 2006 amongst all banks in ia by

ankers Magazine' in July 2007. Mr. Ali Raza, Chairman & President was warded

he Asian Banker Leadership Achievement Award 2007 by Asian Banker in 07. The

ian Banker has adjudged NBP as the Strongest Bank in Pakistan. Our vestment in

chnology and Rating Co. Limited

) Social Responsibility

BP fully recognizes its responsibility towards society in general and towards omotion

sports in the country in particular. The organization has always contributed wards

orthy causes and has donated generously in case of natural calamities. Our cus is

wards the promotion of sporting activities in the country and we are giving our

tronage for the promotion of national game of hockey. To promote healthy orts

tivity in the country NBP has built a state-of-the-art sports complex at arachi.

hile we concentrated on achieving our financial targets, we did not lose sight the

ure and its challenges. We continue to invest in our man power training and gradation

I.T. infrastructure. Although in the short run this will result in an increase in

r administrative and capital expenditure but in the long run will increase our iciency

terms of real cost reduction and increased product offering. In future we need invest

avily into I.T. to bring further improvement in our service standards and also reduce

r transaction costs.

ur future envisions expansion in terms of geography, clientele and products. e are

ting our eyes towards excelling amongst banks of the South Asian Region d would

e to improve even further on our rankings both domestically and regionally. ur

vestment in technology and human resource will continue to prepare us for the ure

allenges. Customer will be the centre of our focus to become the Bank of hoice' for

ustomers. We will continue to redesign, improve our existing products and roduce

w products / services to better serve our clients.

e are going to capitalize on our strengths of potential to cross sell, roduction of new

livery channels, and organic as well as strategic expansion through quisition. We will

cus on effective deployment of our capital to further enhance our earning tential and

ll continue to tap into un-banked areas through our micro finance and SME oducts.

e will not only maintain our leadership position in deposits, treasury

erations and

pital market but will introduce new structured products for our upscale rporate

ents. While our front office strategy is penetration and sustenance of our siness, our

ck office strategy is modernization, cost rationalization, strong internal ntrols and

nformity with compliance standards. Finally we extend our appreciation to the nk's

ff for their commitment, dedication and hard work in achieving these cellent results.

e would like to express our sincere reverence to the Board Members whose luable

idance has always enlightened us in our decision making. Finally we would e to

press our appreciation to our stakeholders, regulators and our valued stomers for

eir support and continued confidence in NBP.

orporate and Financial Reporting Framework (Code of Corporate overnance)

e Board is fully aware of its responsibilities established by the Code of orporate

overnance issued by the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan ECP). The

rectors are pleased to give the following declarations / statements to comply th the

quirements of the Code.

e financial statements (Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Cash Flow

atement, Statement of Changes in Equity and notes forming part thereof),

epared by the management of the bank give the information in the manner so

quired and respectively give a true and fair view of the state of the bank's airs

at December 31, 2007 and of the results of its operations, changes in equity d cash flows for the year then ended. Proper books of accounts have been


ppropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied in the eparation

the financial statements and accounting estimates are based on the reasonable

d prudent judgment.

e International Financial Reporting Standards, as applicable in Pakistan have

en followed in preparation of the financial statements and departure there om,

any has been adequately disclosed.

e system of internal control is sound in design and has been effectively

plemented and monitored throughout the year. The Board is responsible for

ablishing and maintaining the system of internal control in the bank and for

going monitoring. However, such a system is designed to manage rather than

minate the risk of failure to achieve objectives, and provide reasonable but t

solute assurance against material misstatements or loss.

e process used by the Board to review the efficiency and effectiveness of the

stem of internal control includes the following:

e Board has formed various committees comprising of non-executive


ernal audit department of the bank conducts the audit of all branches,

gions and groups at Head Office level on ongoing basis to evaluate the

iciency and effectiveness of internal control system and proper follow up of

egularities and control weaknesses is carried out.

e Board receives confirmations / representations from all group and

gional heads on annual basis confirming effectiveness of the internal control

stem established and maintained by them within their function.

e principal features of the bank's control framework include:

e bank has clearly defined organizational structure, which supports clear

es of communications and reporting relationships.

ere exists a properly defined financial and administrative power of various

mmittees and key management personnel, which supports delegations of

thority and accountability.

e bank has effective budgeting system in place. Annual budget of the bank

approved by the Board and monthly comparisons of actual results with the

dget are prepared and reviewed by the senior management. major areas of operations such as Credit, Treasury Operations, Finance,

e bank has a comprehensive framework of written policies and procedures on

ernal audit and compliance approved by the Board.

ere are no significant doubts about the bank's ability to continue as a going


ere has been no material departure from the best practices of the corporate

vernance as detailed in the listing regulations.

ey operating and financial data is available in the annual report.


BP Board of Directors and senior management is fully committed to engthen the

sk Management structure and practices in NBP. A number of initiatives taken d

anned by NBP, in this regard reflects management commitment to upgrade the ality

the risk management process, such as the formation of a Board level Risk anagement

ommittee; Basel II Gap Analysis Exercises; implementation of Risk anagement

ftware for managing Credit Risk, continuous improvement in the Policies, ocedures

d reporting for effective Risk Management and shift from fixed mark-up rate uctures

floating rates of mark-up for managing interest rate Risk.


nk's management has established and is managing an adequate and effective stem of

ernal control which encompasses the policies, procedures, processes and tasks

proved by the Board of Directors that facilitate effective and efficient erations. The

anagement and the employees at all levels within the Bank are required to rform as

r these approved Internal Control System components. The Internal Control stem

sures quality of external and internal reporting, maintenance of proper records d

ocesses, compliance with applicable laws and regulations and internal policies th

spect to conduct of business. The management ensures that an efficient and ective

ernal Control System is in place by identifying control objectives, reviewing isting

ocedures and policies and ensuing that control procedure and policies are mended for

me to time wherever required. However, Internal Control System is designed manage

her than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve objectives and provide asonable but

t absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss.


e Bank has an independent Internal Audit Group that conducts audit of all anches,

gions and Groups at Head Office on an on-going basis to evaluate the iciency and

ectiveness of Internal Control System. In addition to that compliance Group also in

ace with independent Compliance Officer in 119 Branches and 29 Regional

ompliance Chiefs with supporting staff to take care of compliance related ues to

engthen the control environment. For the year 2007 the bank has made its best orts

ensure that an effective Internal Control System continues to perform in letter d

irit. The observation made by the external and internal auditors is reviewed d

easures are taken by the management to address the Internal Control. We sess that the

ernal Control environment is showing signs of improvement as compared to evious

ars in all areas of the bank. The bank is endeavoring to further refine its ernal control

sign and assessment process as per guidelines issued by the State Bank of kistan.

ccordingly, Bank is making all possible effort to improve the professional ills and

mpetency level of the staff through need based training programs. Finally we tend

r appreciation to the Bank's staff for their commitment, dedication and hard ork in

hieving these excellent results. We would like to express our appreciation to r

keholders, regulators and our valued customers for their support and ntinued

nfidence in NBP.


Best Foreign Exchange Bank 2008 awarded by world's leading ancial

urnal Global Finance."

able AAA/A-1+ (Triple A/A-One Plus) rating (Standalone Basis) by JCR-VIS uly


st Return on Capital for 2006 amongst all Banks in Asia . - Banker agazine in

ly 2007

orld's leading financial journal, Global Finance has named NBP as the Best

merging Market Bank from Pakistan for the year 2006.

Best Foreign Exchange Bank Pakistan award for the year 2006 by orld's leading

ancial journal Global Finance.

ue to consistent improvement in NBP's Core Profitability, Asset Quality and onomic

pitalization in recent years, Moodys Investors Service upgraded the nancial

rength Rating (FSR) from E+ to D-, in November 2005.

Best Foreign Exchange Bank Pakistan award for the year 2005 by world's ading

ancial journal Global Finance.

Best Bank - Pakistan award for the year 2005 by world's leading financial urnal

Global Finance.

e Asian Banker, a reputable financial journal, has published the report of its search

oject on the ranking of 300 of Asia 's Strongest Banks based on a 11mensional

ynamic Scoring Criteria has adjudged National Bank of Pakistan as the rongest Bank

Pakistan .

n the basis of overall financial performance during 2004, NBP has been listed

Amongst top 1000 banks in the world and Number 1 Bank in Pakistan by e

estigious Banker Magazine in its issue of July 2005 .

e Banker Magazine in July 2005 recognized NBP as the 10th Best Bank in ms of

rofit on Capital' in the world.

ank of the Year awarded for the year 2005 by the world renowned The nker

agazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London.

n an all Pakistan basis National Bank of Pakistan was awarded the Kissan mes

ward for the year 2005 by the Prime Minister, Mr. Shaukat Aziz, for its rvices in the

griculture Sector .World's leading financial journal, Global Finance in an clusive

rvey has named NBP as the Best Emerging Market Bank from Pakistan for e year


Bank of the Year award for the year 2004 by the world renowned The nker

agazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London. Euromoney agazine, a

ading and prestigious journal, published from London , UK , in its issue of arch 2005

s published Moody's Investors Service rankings in which NBP is the only kistani

nk which has been ranked among the Top 100 banks of Asia for it rformance in the

cal year 2003.

EBCOP-AASHA, an alliance against gender discrimination at workplace, esented a

cognition Award to National Bank of Pakistan on December 18, 2004 for ving a

ender Sensitive Management.

May 2004, NBP's standalone long-term rating was upgraded by JCR-VIS edit

ting Agency to AA (double A) from AA -( double A minus) with stable tlook,

hile standalone short-term rating was maintained at A-1+(A one plus). This is w the

st rating for a local commercial bank in Pakistan.

its issue of March 2004, Global Finance has also declared NBP as The st Foreign

change Bank in Pakistan.

e Banker Magazine in July 2003 recognized NBP as the bank with the ghest return capital in Asia and No.8 in the world.

orld's leading financial journal, Global Finance after a worldwide survey clared

BP in its issue of May 2003 as one of the best banks in the emerging markets.

Bank of the Year awarded for the year 2002 by the world renowned The


agazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London

Bank of the Year awarded for the year 2001 by the world renowned The nker

agazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London

resident's Awards:

Mr. S. Ali Raza, Chairman & President, NBP was awarded The Asian nker

adership Achievement Award 2007 by Asian Banker ( an internationally puted

nancial Journal) in its issue of June 2007

Mr. S. Ali Raza Chairman & President, NBP, was conferred Sitara-i-Imtiaz the

esident of Pakistan , General Pervaiz Musharraf on August 14, 2005

Business Week of The McGraw Hill Companies in its July 11,2005 ition has

judged Mr. S. Ali Raza, Chairman President, NBP as one of the twenty five aders of

ia at the & Forefront of Change and has identified them as Stars of Asia cluding the

esident of Indonesia

Mr. S. Ali Raza's (Chairman & President, NBP) capabilities were also cognized by

e Institute of Bankers in Pakistan when he was awarded a gold medal in 2003


rn up to 11% p.a. +

inimum deposit of Rs. 20,000/- and a maximum deposit

Rs. 5,000,000/- for 5 years

ee Demand Draft, Pay Order and Cheque Book*

onvenience of NBP online Aasan Banking (for online

nking customers)

ee NBP Cash Card (ATM+Debit)

unning finance facility up to 90%

onthly Income Scheme

Amount of investment required from Rs. 20,000/- to Rs. 5,000,000

nvestment period is 5 years

Free Demand Draft, Pay Order and NBP Online Aasan Banking*

Free Cheque Book / NBP Cash Card (ATM + Debit)

ofit paid every month as follows:

eriod Profit Rates**

t year 7.50%

d year 8.50%

d year 9.50%

h year 10.50%

h year 11%

Financing facility available up to 90% of the deposit value

Premature encashment will attract penalties

Zakat and withholding tax will be deducted as per rules

remium Saver LS Saving Account

rn up to 7.25% p.a. +

inimum saving balance of Rs. 20,001/- & a maximum

lance of Rs. 300,000/-*

ee NBP Cash Card (ATM + Debit)

onvenience of NBP Online Aasan Banking (for online banking customers)

wo debit withdrawals allowed in a month & no limit on number of deposit


ofit calculated on monthly and paid on half yearly basis

BP Karobar Mera Apna Karobar

inimum down payment, 10% of asset price (5% for PCO & Telecaster)

nure 1 to 5 years (for PCO 2 years)

ace period 3 months

aximum loan amount Rs. 200,000/-

ge 18-45 years

ark-up (variable) 1 year KIBOR + 2.00% p.a. borne by GOP* ubject to the availability of subsidy from GOP

e customer will pay markup @ 6% p.a., rest will

fe & disability insurance paid by GOP*

BP Saibaan ome Financing

ome Purchase

ome Construction

ome Renovation

rchase of Land + Construction

lance Transfer Facility (BTF)

BP Advance Salary ersonal Loan

sy installments of 1 to 60 months at your choice

o minimum income collateral & insurance charges


uick processing and fastest disbursement

e product is for permanent employees of Government,

mi Government and Autonomous bodies receiving salaries

ough NBP accounts.

BP Cash Card

TM + Debit Card Use it as an ATM in any of

e ATMs in Pakistan

e it as Debit Card in any of the outlets with

RIX POS machine

sh withdrawal up to Rs. 20,000/- per day

ccount Balance Enquiry

ini Statement (Only at NBP ATM)

N Change facility (Only at NBP ATM)

BP Investor Advantage nancing Facility for Stock Investors

o security requirement, except for the customers equity

ustomers equity freely available for investment

uity acceptable in cash or approved shares


Comfortable and secure environment for trading

NBP financing at very easy terms requiring minimum documentation

Minimum turn around time

No security requirement from the customer except for the customer's equity

Customer's equity freely available for investment.

Equity acceptable in cash or approved share.


Pakistani National with valid computerized national ID Card

Over 21 years of age

An account with NBP designated Branch

Equity in the form of cash or NBP approved shares

No default with any financial institution

pplication Procedures

Obtain facility application form the NBP Marginal Desk at designated anches

Fill in the application form and submit it to the branch

On application approval, deposit equity as cash in the margin financing count at

e bank. Alternatively NBP approved shares can also be deposited in the NBP

DC Account (CDC A/c No. 2345)

Start trading through comfortable & friendly trading centers establishment for u

n collaboration with Taurus Security Limited a subsidiary of NBP)

Trading limit available for the amount of equity + bank financing.

roduct Information

nancing Amount: Rs.50, 000/ - To Rs.10, 000,000/-

quity Requirement: In the Form of Cash or Shares or Both (Currently inimum Rs.

5,000/- @ 30%)

ares: As per NBP Approved List Available. Shares In Physical Form

ot Acceptable.

ading: Allowed Only Through Trading Centers Created by NBP and

perated by Taurus Securities Limited (A Subsidiary of NBP)

icing Fixed Price At The Time of Facility Sanction, Currently 6 Month

bor + 3% (Per Annum)

ther Charges

On Time Application Processing Fee of 0.5% of the loan amount or .5,000/-

Whichever is lower)

Brokerage Charges/ Fees/ Taxes/ etc. Charged At Actual On Brokerage voices

Documentation Fee Would Be Charged On Actual


Photograph of Applicant

NBP Account - Current or PLS

Marginal Financing Application Form

Copy of CNIC

Copy of CNIC of Two (2) References

Borrower Basic Fact Sheet

Duly Filled In Statement of Assets & Liabilities.

BP Cash and Gold eady Cash against Gold

cility of Rs. 10, 000/-against each 10 gms

net weight of Gold Ornaments

aximum limit of cash

payment after one year

oll over facility

o penalty for each repayment

eet your need for ready cash against your idle gold jewelry with no inimum mits

ith NBP's Cash n Gold, you can meet your need for ready cash against your e gold


te of mark-up 13% p.a.

cility of Rs. 10,000 against each 10 Gms of net contents of gold

o maximum limits of cash

payment after one year

oll over facility

nly gold ornaments acceptable

eight and quality of gold to be determined by NBP's appointed schroffs

o penalty for early repayment

griculture Farming Program

ompetitive mark-up rate

uick & easy processing

elivery at the farmers doorstep

chnical guidance to farmers

ide range of financing schemes for farmers

nance facility up to Rs. 500,000/- for landless farmers against

rsonal guarantee

nancing available against pass book, residential/commercial

operty, gold ornaments and paper security

an facility on revolving basis for three years (renewable on yearly basis

thout documentation and approval)

BP Kisan Dost

BP Kisan Dost

Agriculture Made Easy)

BP Student Loan Scheme

rsuant to the announcement made by the Federal Finance Minister in his 01-2002

dget speech, a STUDENTS LOAN SCHEME (SLS) for Education was unched by

e Government of Pakistan in collaboration with major commercial banks of kistan

BP, HBL, UBL, MCB and ABL). Under the Scheme, financial assistance is ovided

way of Interest Free Loans to the meritorious students who have financial nstraints

r pursuing their studies in Scientific, Technical and Professional education thin


e Scheme is being administered by a high powered committee comprising eputy

overnor, State Bank of Pakistan, Presidents of the commercial banks and eputy

cretary, Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan.

The objective of the Students Loan Scheme is to provide financial assistance the

eritorious students of insufficient means who have obtained 70% marks in the t

blic examination and are unable to pursue their studies within Pakistan due to ancial


Loans facility is available to those students who are nationals of Pakistan cluding

orthern Areas, Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Azad Jammu and ashmir and

age not exceeding 20 years for graduation, 30 years for post-graduation and years

r PhD at the time of admission.

The maximum period of repayment of loan is 10-Years from the date of sbursement

first installment .The borrower shall repay the loan in monthly installment er six

onths from the date of first employment or one year from the date of

mpletion of

udies, which ever is earlier.

Loan is granted only to those students who have been admitted to the approved der

ted Affiliated Colleges /Universities.

Under the Scheme, loans are available in the following subjects.



Oil Gas & Petro-Chemical Technology





Biology, Molecular Biology & Genetics


Other Natural Sciences

DAWA and Islamic Jurisprudence (LL.B/LL.M Sharia)

Computer Science/Information System and Technology including hardware.

Economics, Statistics and Econometrics

Business Management Sciences


The facility under this Scheme is restricted to the studies in the aboveentioned

bjects only or such other subjects as may be approved by the Apex Committee om

me to time.

The amount of loans under the Scheme covers the cost of fee, books and arding for

e entire period of study.

Schedule Fee and boarding expenses excluding meal charges is disbursed ectly to the


The amount of procurement of textbooks is disbursed directly to the student.

The students desirous of availing loan under the Scheme may apply on escribed Form

r financial assistance subject to he or she has got admission on merit through rmal

ocedure in the Universities/ Colleges afore-mentioned.

Application Forms are available from the designated branches.

Applicants are required to submit/send their applications duly completed in all spect,

the designated branches indicated against Universities/ Colleges.

Those students who have already availed this facility last year need not to ply.

BP's Internet Based Home Remittances Service

g in here for Secure Remittance- > https://www.pakremit.com

oduct Information:

kremit is an internet based Home Remittance Service. This service is ailable to U.S.

sidents for sending money to their family and friends in Pakistan. One must ve a

lid US Dollar account with a U.S. bank or a US Dollar credit or debit card in der to

mit funds through this channel.

mitters in USA can log on to our user friendly website, www.pakremit.com d easily

mit funds to Pakistan from the comfort of their homes, in a matter of minutes.

e service is fully secure with advance encryption application and is available r use 24

urs a day, 7 days a week. Fees and exchange rate have been set at competitive vels

d the remitters have the ability to track delivery of funds as well.


mitters log on to www.pakremit.com and after completing the registration ocess, are

le to remit funds. The whole process takes a few minutes. Funds in Pak upees can be

nt to beneficiaries, having an account with any bank in Pakistan, including BP. While

nds are credited directly to beneficiaries maintaining accounts with NBP, a y order or

mand draft is couriered to other banks for their customers. Pay order or mand draft

n also be couriered directly to the beneficiarys office or home, if requested by e


nds in US Dollars can be sent only to a Beneficiary maintaining a US Dollar count

th one of NBPs Foreign Exchange Branches. Click here for details of NBP


change Branches.

SPs (Unique Selling Propositions)

Convenient and Fast

Reliable and Secure

Available 24 x 7

ontact Details:

mail: customerservice@nbpusa.com

lephone: +1 (212)- 344-2239

ddress: 100 Wall Street, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10005

ontact Person: Turab Hasan

BP Protection Shield

o documentation

o medical required

emium Auto Debit facility & choice of deactivation

overage includes death due to:

atural Calamities e.g. Earthquake, Flood, Cyclone etc.



vil Commotion*


cts of Terrorism*

BP Protection Shield

BP Protection Shield

ife is Precious)

provided the insured is not actively involved in these activities


anking on your Faith

eposit Schemes being offered by NBPs Islamic Banking Branches would clude the


Current Deposit Scheme

Profit & Loss Sharing (PLS) Deposit Scheme

urrent Deposit Scheme

eal for customers looking for security of their funds along with absolute nvenience in

use, in the form of Current accounts Funds deposited with the bank will be lized by

e bank at its sole discretion in Shariah acceptable avenues.

e Customer will have the flexibility to withdraw a part or the whole of their lances at

y time as per their requirement

is is a non remunerative deposit scheme and thus the customer will not be aring the

ofits nor will be sharing losses (if any). However, the Bank may at its absolute

scretion give rewards to these Depositors depending upon the operational sults of the

nk. Losses will not be passed on to these Depositors. Other terms, conditions d rules

r Current Deposit Accounts to be advised by the Bank at the time of opening


ofit & Loss Sharing Deposit (PLS) Scheme

LS Saving Deposits Scheme will accept deposits on Mudaraba basis, where the

positor will be Rabb-ul-Mal and Bank will be Mudarib. The Bank will invest e

posited funds at its (Banks) sole discretion in Shariah acceptable avenues e

epositor will have the flexibility to withdraw a part or the whole of their lances at any

me as per their requirement. The Bank will give profit to the Depositors on the sis of

reed ratio of actual profits to be announced by the Bank from time to time.

the event of financial loss, the PLS depositors will bear the loss in proportion their

vestment. The Depositors will not participate in the management of the siness of the

nk Other terms and conditions as well as rules for PLS Deposit Account to be vised the Bank at the time of opening of Account.


ommercial and Corporate customers requiring financing will have the lowing

ancing facilities available to them to meet their requirements:


urabaha may be defined as a contract between a Buyer and Seller under which e

ller discloses to the Buyer the cost of goods being sold and adds an agreed

ofit. Price

payable on spot or at a certain future date, in lump sum or in installments eferred


urabaha Facility

nder the MURABAHA FACILITY, the Bank will first purchase the required ods

ectly or through an Agent. All costs incurred on such purchases will be borne the


bsequently the Bank will sell the goods to the customer on deferred payment sis (30

ys to one year) at an agreed price comprising cost of goods purchased and nk's


n due date the customer will pay to the Bank the agreed price, in lump sum or per the

reed installment schedule.

Ijarah (Leasing)

rah means to give something on rent. The term IJARAH is analogous to e

glish term leasing.

rstly the Bank will purchase the Assets as required by the Customer and bsequently

e assets will be leased to the Customer on the terms and conditions as agreed th him.

arah Facility will be offered for the following assets:

Vehicles (both Commercial and Private)

Office Equipment

Plant and Machinery


addition to Shariah acceptable standard general banking services, following rvices

e also being offered at the Islamic Banking Branch :

tter of Credit Facility

andling of Remittances

uance of Bank Drafts and Pay Orders.

ollection of Export Bills.

ollection of Local Bills.

overnment Collections

ility Bills Collection


e NBP treasury and capital market group has developed a reputation of being e

arket leader in coming up with customized solutions for a large and varied ent base

at is spread virtually all across the country. The client base does not consist of ly blue

ips ones but encompasses public sector clients, retail sector, multinationals, cal

nglomerates as well as individuals.

ational bank treasury is currently regarded as a market leader in both foreign change

d rupee denominated products because of its emphasis on service quality.

e offer

arrowest bid / offer spread and quickest on line quotes

ustomized solutions to minimize risk and optimize returns as per the needs and

cumstances of the clients

cus on building sustained and long term relationship with institutional,

rporate and retail clients.

cal presence across the nation as well as internationally.

test Rate Sheet


Plain Vanila Fx Products

Pakistan Investment Bonds

Derivatives Products

arket Research and Feedback

e treasury periodically prepares its own research report on money market and X and

nds it to clients who are interested in getting such information. This research port is

ite popular with clients who are proactive and wants to develop their own ews.


Plain Vanilla FX Products

BP Treasury a market price maker and trend setter in the plain vanilla Foreign

change products. Its ability to offer tight prices, coupled with timely and


search making it a bank of choice for clients seeking to favorably position eir

rrency risk As a result, National bank has one of the largest FX book in the untry.

Pakistan Investment Bonds

kistan Investment Bonds issued by Government of Pakistan are a preferred eans for a

ajority of institutional investors to invest their surplus funds for a longer time rizon.

is way they are able to lock a higher yield for a relatively long term rather an take the

k of re-pricing after relatively shorter time periods. Furthermore, PIBs are ghly

cured and risk free as they are guaranteed by the government of Pakistan.

BP is the leading Primary Dealer for PIBs primarily because of its inventory e and

e appetite for such a long-term instrument given its deposit base. While most reign /

vate banks would have to go to the secondary market in order to satisfy a ge order

om an institutional investor, NBP can execute such large orders through its wn book.

is means that it can offer tight prices for large amounts even under volatile arket


Derivatives Products

BP treasury has been at the forefront in developing the derivatives market in kistan

d has contributed both individually and from the FMA (Financial Market sociation)

ont as well. The first ever Derivative transaction of the Pakistani banking ctor was

ne by NBP. Some of the more common derivative structures being offered clude:

Currency Options

Hedges Foreign Exchange Risk

n option gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an asset a prespecified

te and price. So the upside profit potential is unlimited whereas the downside

ss is protected at a pre determined level. Various structures of currency tions are

ailable including

nock-ins / Knock outs

rticipating Forwards

and many more

Interest Rate Swaps and FRAs

edges the Interest Rate risk

client can convert a fix rate loan into floating rate one or vice versa by using ese

rivative instruments. This allows the clients to develop and implement their ews

out the evolving interest rate scenario. For example, if the borrower feels that e

erest rate might go up in the future, than he may choose to enter into a Pay xed

ceived Floating swap with its bank to effectively hedge its floating rate loans.

Cross Currency Swaps

edges the Interest Rate Risk

is product allows a client to convert its rupee based loans into a dollar based an. The

ents exposure is shifted from PKR KIBOR to USD LIBOR.

amic Banking 5 Branches






nline Branch Finder 156 Branch (es)

verseas Branch Finder 18 Branch (es) 11 Regional Office(s)

wift Branch Finder 12 Branches

ujranwala Hyderabad

amabad Multan

uetta Sialkot

isalabad Karachi

hore Peshawar

walpindi Mirpur

Customer Facilitation Center(s)

Karachi Lahore Rawalpindi


ational Bank of Pakistan is at the forefront of international banking in Pakistan hich is

oven by the fact that NBP has its branches in all of the major financial capitals the

orld. Additionally, we have recently set up the Financial Institution Wing, hich is

aced under the Risk Management Group. The role of the Financial Institution ing is

effectively manage NBP's exposure to foreign and domestic correspondence anage

e monetary aspect of NBP's relationship with the correspondents to support de,

asury and other key business areas, thereby contributing to the bank's ofitability

eneration of incremental trade-finance business and revenues

BP offers:

e lowest rates on exports and other international banking products

ccess to different local commercial banks in international banking


you are looking for a safe, speedy and reliable way to transfer money, you can w

rchase NBP's Demand Drafts at very reasonable rates. Any person whether an count

lder of the bank or not, can purchase a Demand Draft from a bank branch


ove your money safely and quickly using NBP Mail Transfer service. And we o

fer the most competitive rates in the market.


BP provides another reason to transfer your money using our facilities. Our y orders

e a secure and easy way to move your money from one place to another. And, usual,

r charges for this service are extremely competitive.


egotiability: Pak Rupees Traveler's Cheques are a negotiable instrument

alidity: There is no restriction on the period of validity

vailability: At 700 branches of NBP all over the country

cashment: At all 400 branches of NBP

mitation: No limit on purchase

fety: NBP Traveler's Cheques are the safest way to carry our money


BP is committed to offering its business customers the widest range of options the

ea of money transfer. If you are a commercial enterprise then our Letter of edit

rvice is just what you are looking for. With competitive rates, security, and se of

nsaction, NBP Letters of Credit are the best way to do your business nsactions.


t us help make your dreams become a reality

ur dedicated team of professionals truly understands the needs of ofessionals,

riculturists, large and small business and other segments of the economy. ey are the

stomer's best resource in making NBP's products and services work for them.


facilitate its customers in the area of Home Remittances, National Bank of kistan

s taken a number of measures to:

crease home remittances through the banking system

Meet the SBP directives/instructions for timely and prompt delivery of

mittances to the beneficiaries Remit funds from USA to Pakistan


ew Features:

e existing system of home remittances has been revised/significantly proved and

ell-trained field functionaries are posted to provide efficient and reliable home

mittance services to nonresident Pakistanis at 15 overseas branches of the nk besides

nited National Bank (the joint venture between NBP and UBL in UK)., and nk Al-

zira, Saudi Arabia.


BP is providing home remittance services without any charges.

rict monitoring of the system is done to ensure the highest possible security.

ecial courier services are hired for expeditious delivery of home remittances the



e SWIFT system (Society for Worldwide Inter bank Financial lecommunication)

s been introduced for speedy services in the area of home remittances. The stem has

ilt-in features of computerized test keys, which eliminates the manual plication of

ts that often cause delay in the payment of home remittances.

BP SWIFT Network

e SWIFT Center is operational at National Bank of Pakistan with a universal cess

mber NBP-PKKA. All NBP overseas branches and overseas correspondents ver

0) are drawing remittances through SWIFT.

ing the NBP network of branches, you can safely and speedily transfer money r our

siness and personal needs.


BP now offers excellent rates of profit on all it's short term investment counts.

hether you are looking to invest for 3 months or 1 year, NBP's rates of profit e

tremely attractive, along with the security and service only NBP can provide.

) N.I.D.A

ational Income Daily Account The scheme was launched in December 1995 to ract

rporate customers. It is a current account scheme and is part of the profit and ss

stem of accounts in operation throughout the country.




BP has accelerated its activities in the stock market to improve its economic

se and

store investor confidence. The bank is now regarded as the most active and minant

ayer in the development of the stock market. NBP is involved in the lowing: Investment into the capital market Introduction of capital market accounts (under process) NBP's involvement in capital markets is expected to increase its earnings,

hich would result in better returns offered to account holders



BP provides Agricultural Finance to solidify faith, commitment and pride of mers

ho produce some of the best agricultural products in the World.

Agricultural Finance Services:

Feed the World program, a new product, is introduced by NBP with the aim help

mers maximize the per acre production with minimum of required input. lect farms

ll be made role models for other farms and farmers to follow, thus helping mers

ross Pakistan to increase production.

Agricultural Credit: Providing reliable infrastructure for agricultural customers Help farmers utilize funds efficiently to further develop and achieve better

e agricultural financing strategy of NBP is aimed at three main objectives:-


Provide farmers an integrated package of credit with supplies of essential puts,

chnical knowledge, and supervision of farming.

gricultural Credit (Medium Term):

oduction and development

atercourse improvement


rm power

evelopment loans for tea plantation


lar energy

uipment for sprinklers

rm Credit:

BP also provides the following subsidized with ranges of 3 months to 1 year a

newal basis.

Operating loans

Land improvement loans

Equipment loans for purchase of tractors, farm implements or any other


Livestock loans for the purchase, care, and feeding of livestock

Production Loans:

oduction loans are meant for basic inputs of the farm and are short term in ture.

eds, fertilizers, sprayers, etc are all covered under this scheme.

you require any further information, please do not hesitate to e-mail us.


Working Capital and Short Term Loans:

BP specializes in providing Project Finance Export Refinance to exporters eshipment

d Post-shipment financing to exporters Running finance Cash Finance

mall Finance Discounting & Bills Purchased Export Bills Purchased / Preipment

ost Shipment Agricultural Production Loans

Medium term loans and Capital Expenditure Financing:

BP provides financing for its clients' capital expenditure and other long-term

vestment needs. By sharing the risk associated with such long-term vestments, NBP

pedites clients' attempt to upgrade and expand their operation thereby making ssible

e fulfillment of our clients' vision. This type of long term financing proves the nk's

lief in its client's capabilities, and its commitment to the country.

Loan Structuring and Syndication:

ational Bank's leadership in loan syndicating stems from ability to forge strong

ationships not only with borrowers but also with bank investors. Because we

derstand our syndicate partners' asset criteria, we help borrowers meet bstantial

ancing needs by enabling them to reach the banks most interested in lending


rticular industry, geographic location and structure through syndicated debt ferings.

ur syndication capabilities are complemented by our own capital strength and

dustry teams, who bring specialized knowledge to the structure of a ansaction.


ith National Bank's Cash Management Services (in process of being set up), e

stomer's sales collection will be channeled through vast network of NBP anched

read across the country. This will enable the customer to manage their mpany's total

ancial position right from your desktop computer. They will also be able to ke

vantage of our outstanding range of payment, ejection, liquidity and vestment

rvices. In fact, with NBP, you'll be provided everything, which takes to anage your

sh flow more accurately.


llowing types of receipts and payments (Government transactions) are ndled by



nsion payment


come Tax Sale Tax- Excise Duty

ehicle Tax Admission Fee

ineral Tax Pollution Fee

ssport Fee Custom Duty

operty Tax Royalty



gistration Fee License Fee

port/ Export Fee Trade Tax

omicile Fee Agriculture Fee


is Civil Lines branch of National Bank has the following departments:

Opening and Deposits

Bills and Clearing

Credit department

Retail Department

Government Section Department

HR department


epartment of Government section receives all the provincial and central ceipts.

yment of pension also is being done by this department.

BP makes payments to following: Civilian Defense civilian pensioners Retired officers of Armed forces Retired officers of PAF and families Others ( KRL, OGDC, PAEC/ PR, RANGERS)


Pension payment order Two specimen signature, thumb and finger impression Photographs of the pensioner

No and date of NIC

Pension book

ficer enters them in a ledger to keep permanent record.


sburser portion of the PPO is filed in serial No and kept in lock and key with


l particular of PPO are entered in PPO register.

e first payment is made to pensioner after proper identification. In case any

arification staff referred the pensioner to general accountant or Head office.


anch prepares and send the RBV on link branches along with payment scroll

croll is the document upon which all vouchers and their payments are corded) and

id pension bills on the very next day.

nk branch consolidate the statement on Performa B including its own receipts d


uplicate copy of the consolidate statement is sent to SBP (State Bank of

kistan) local office by link branch along with debit credit authority to the nk account.

anch submits monthly statement of receipt / payment on the revised Performa the

k branch.

cal treasury branch on the receipt of RBV along with scroll, payment bills d

allan etc debit credit the government account on the same day.

easury branch report the consolidated receipt and payment figure (not branch se)

cluding their own receipt and payments to finance division / Head Office.


anches submit the following documents to respective treasury office. SBP

fices under preprinted cover letter in the morning of next working day, ough special

essenger/registered post.

o Treasury Branch: Government Debit Scroll (Separate scroll) Daily statement of payments inclusive government payments Consolidated daily statement of government payments inclusive others

llowing documents are submitted to the Treasury Branch:

o State Bank: Letter of reimbursement Consolidated statement (daily of government payments inclusive others)

llowing documents are submitted to the Treasury Branch:

TANDERS: Payment of pension to pensioner should take 15 to 20 minutes. Government receipts should take 10 to 15 minutes. Passport fee collection within 5 minutes. Traffic challan within 5 minutes.

anders that have been made by the bank regarding pension payments:

ese entire standards are being fulfilled by the staff within time. But due to the ge

mbers of customers it makes difficult for the cashier to handle them in time. single

ucher should be cleared within 5 minutes and it is but other customers have to ait for

eir term for almost half an hour.


anager has to ensure that correct payment is made and its proper record is

aintained. Branch manager has to ensure that no cause of complaint is arising. ence

e pensioner does not go to the Treasury office or State Bank of Pakistan unless y

newal of change is required by him to be fulfilled inevitable.

anager is respectfully managing his duties and is keeping the proper record

garding pension. In case of any confusion and clarification manager refers the

nsioner to head office or their relative company office.


ccording to the observation regarding Govt. Section, the employees in this

partment tries its best to fulfill their duties but because they are not well ucated and

ined that is why some problems keep arising time by time. To avoid and to adicate

ese problems employees should get training once a year so that they can meet e

rrent challenges and can know new techniques to handle the transactions.

charge of the department is an experienced person and educated. The way of

cording transactions is traditional. No proper bank software (computerized stem) is

ed to make the summaries of the receipts and payments. In result bank do not ve any

oper record of its previous transaction except hard copies that take so much me when

has to be audited. For example few days before the Incharge of the department ed the

mmary of the day 13th of the month but no record were found except they had try to

d the hard copy of the summary and it took half an hour. But the same work the

mputerized system can be completed just in a single click. Not only daily mmary but

o the monthly, quarterly, semiannually and annually summaries can be made few

nutes through computerized system. So if we want to make our banking more icient

d want to create more accuracy we have to adopt the modern computerized chniques

make our work fast and accurate.

mployees in Govt. Section are not well familiar with the computer education.

aining programs for the current employees are not held because of which the

mployees can not know the new trends of banking system. Current account PLS Saving account Term deposits Short term deposits Special notice deposits Call deposit receipt National Income Daily Account(NIDA) NBP PLS term deposit NBP Cash cards Basic banking account Blind and visually impaired person account



uance of cheque book should take 5 to 10 minutes

uance of bank draft, TTs, MTs within 15 minutes

pening of an account

pen with due care under proper identification within 10 to 20 minutes.

uance of balance certificate within 10 minutes


uance of cheque book take almost 15 minutes and the account opening ocedure takes

ore than 30 minutes of the customer. Because the form has to be identified and ted the manager operation and about 14 account holder signatures are taken on

count opening form. Some time the account holder does not take the required

cuments with him/her then first they have to take the required documents. at is why

ch king of accounts takes 1 to 2 days.

CCOUNT OPENING (General Instructions)

e responsibility for account being regularly opened devolves upon the anager/

anager operation and no deposit (current, saving, fixed, short term or call

posit) can opened without the authority of manager/ manager operation.

written application on prescribed form must be furnished and will be signed

anager/ manager operation after has satisfied himself of the prospective count holder briefly interviewing him.

ith a view to ascertaining the bonafide of the new account opener, a letter of

anks on form F-529 is sent on his/her address under certificate of posting closing

ere with a stamped self addressed envelope.

o cheque book is issued to a new account holder until confirmation of letter of

anks F-529 and initial deposit is received except manager/ manager operation

rsonally satisfied and specially authorizes its issuances. In case where cheque ok is

ued prior to receipt of said confirmation, passing officers is exercised special gilance

the time of withdrawal and make a reference to manager/ manager operation r

thorizing payment.

onfirmation, when received back from new customer, is checked with the

spective specimen signature on record. Signature verified and filed with the ative

count opening form with the envelope bearing the postal receipt.

opy of National Identity Card of person opening new account is taken and eir

mbers are recorded in relative account opening.

o account is opened in the name of an undercharged insolvent.

hen the account is opened in the name of two or more persons they should be

ked to sign the survivorship form-492 determining the mode of operation on eir


CCOUNT OPENING (Branch Procedure)

anager sees that particulars in the account opening forms signed by the nstituent are

corded and forms are properly filed in a serial number of account together th all the

ative documents.

e number of account given on account opening form is noted on specimen

gnature card and on all the other necessary documents relative to the account.

ery current, cash finance and PLS saving account is numbered in numerical

rial order. For this purpose account opening and close register B-127 is aintained

parately for each category of account.

ch account is advised the number allotted to his/her account by putting the

me in each leaf of the cheque book, including the requisition slip inserted erein,

ued to him by bank at the time of opening an account and thereafter.

ery account open is entered in the account opening, close register B-127 and

e balance of running account drawn simultaneously. The closing of an account noted

the remark column in the alphabetical index against the entry pertaining to at


rtnership letter, joint Hindu family letter, letter of authority to operate account

d copies of partnership deeds, memorandum and articles of association of mpanies

d rules of association and societies is filed with the account opening form.

order to ensure that no necessary formalities are overlooked, when an account

opened the account opening form and other necessary document is entered in e

count opening and closing register B-127.

e files containing account opening form and other relating document to erate account is remain in the custody in the supervising officials.


r the purpose of maintaining the record of next of kin of the account holder in e event the time of account opening the account holder is advised to open a joint

the account remaining inoperative for a long period procedure is followed:

count so that there should not be any problem in the event of death of one of e

count holder as the survivor would be able to draw the money without any oblem.

for any reason an account holder insist on opening an account in his/her name

/she is requested to sign a letter of authority in favour of bank stating that in e event

the bank not hearing from him for a period of three years the bank may advise r the

istence of the account to named next of kin. The heirs of the deceased can

en claim

e balance in the account after fulfilling the prescribed formalities.

the event of the bank not being in contact with the account holder for the riod

3 years, on the expiry of such period the bank should write to next of kin, hose name

d address is provided by account holder.

e bank asks all existence account holders maintaining account in single name

fill the above requirements, however if an account holder does not want to ail above

cility, there is no compulsion.

pon the death of one of the account holder, the balance of which is repayable

e survivors, the account is of course continue but the survivor or survivors is quested

transfer the balance into a new account in his/her or on their own name, a sh account

ening form etc being taken. When the balance is not repayable to the rvivors the

count is stopped and controlling office address in the matter.


rdanashin ladies who can read or write English Urdu or any local language is ated at

r with literate customer, provided that manager/manager operation personally isfy

mself that the lady understand the nature of transaction. The requirement of

mputerized national identity card is fulfilled as par practice.


e system of recording specimen signature (constituent) must be such that no

gnature can be placed on record by an unauthorized person. All specimen gnatures

ust be individually attested with full signature by the manager at the time they e


binet containing specimen signature cards is always under the lock of a

pervising official. Specimen of signature is obtained from the depositor at the me of

ening an account. Specimen signature is countersigned by the official of bank t

low the rank of an officer.

r illiterate person left and right hand rolled thumb impression duly witnessed

d attested by the introducer on the account opening form and specimen gnature card

ong with two recent photographs attested on the face by the introducer may be

tained. One of the photographs is pasted on account opening form and the her is on

e specimen signature card duly attested by the manager. blank cheque is not accepted.

umb impression at the time of each withdrawal is put on cheque etc. signature


o current account in the name of or on the behalf of a minor is opened without erence

the controlling office unless a guardian of the property of the minor is pointed under

e guardians and ward act.

e guardian is not allowed to draw on the account after the minor has come of

e or after his/her death.

minor attains majority at the age of twenty one when:

He is of Pakistani domicile

A guardian of his/her person or property is appointed by the court

His/her property in under the superintendence of a court of Ward

special account opening form F-570 is obtained and kept in separate file der the

stody of manager or accountant. The date of attaining majority is noted at the d of

e branch daily list.

heques books is not issued on such account unless the adult account holder

ends to sign himself or jointly and the minor.

case of death of the adult member the money is automatically become yable

the minor but precautions for withdrawal is exercised. It is preferable if the oney is

id to the minor in the presence of a witness.


hen a constituent does not conduct his/her account properly e.g. when his/her

eques have to be frequently returned for the lack of funds, his attention is awn to the

ct. If there is then no improvement, he should be directed to close his/her count and

further credits are accepted on it, if he fails to do. allowed to continue.

regularly conducted accounts are a source of danger to the bank and must not


urrent account not operated for 6 months and PLS saving account not operated r1

ar falls into the category of Dormant account. While current account not erated for 2

ars and PLS saving account not operated for 3 years is fall in the category of

operative account.




opy of driving license in

se CNIC is without


pplicant photograph and

NIC copy attested by

azetted officer in case of

NIC without photograph.

opy of ARC issued by

ARA in lieu of CNIC for

ening of Pak. Rupee


NIC of all partners.

rtnership deed (certified


tested copy of

gistration certificate with

gistrar of firms.

iginal authority letter

voring persons authorize

operate the account.

case the partnership is

registered, this fact

ivate/Public Limited


rtified copies of

rtificate of incorporation,

rtificate of

ommencement of

siness, Memorandum and

ticles of Association, List


wer of Attorney/

andate (If required).

count only.

opy of service card/

idence of employment in

se of salaried person.

otograph in case of

terate person.

opy of CNIC of next of


kat exemption


idence for exemption of

count from levy of

rvice charges.

oof of age in case of

ening of an account with


eclaration on prescribed

rmat for opening of

count of blind and

sually impaired person. the account opening

ould be clearly mentioned


ndertaking from the

rtners involved for

sponsibility of conduct of

count individually and


ub, Societies and


rtified copy of Certificate

registration, By Laws/

ules and Regulations,


solution of governing

dy for account opening. authorized persons when

n undertaking signed by

y change takes place in

e persons authorized to

erate on the account, the

nker will be informed


ust Account

tested copy of Certificate

registration, CNIC of all

e trustees.

rtified copy of instrument


gents Account

rtified copy of Power of


tested photocopy of

entity card of the agent.

xecutors And


tested photocopy of

entity cards of executors/


rtified copy of identity

rds Letter of

dministration of Probate.


ccount opening desk not only opens the account of customers but also they

llect the cheques to be cleared. Cheques collected then send to clearing

ction of the

anch. Clearing section will be discussed in detail later in clearing section.

ery person can open the account in the bank after fulfilling the prescribed es

the bank. Customers are dealt in a good manner in the NBP Civil Lines anch at the

count opening desk. More than 50% customer who come to the branch do not ow

w to fill the cash deposit receipt and cross cheque receipt that have to be eared. Staff

the account opening desk is friendly and they provide the information to stomer what

ey need.

ut by the word of mouth of one customer, he said that the account opening

ocedure was easy before but now bank has made it difficult. By asking to the ff at

count opening desk, they told me that earlier the bank do not require such nd of

rifications but know the bank is doing this to protect itself.


curity on Account Opening Form (Under KYC/ Customer due Diligence


Customer has completely filled out the banks prescribed account

ening form. Yes No

Specimen signature card application form are signed by the applicant

the presence of manager/ incharge deposit Concerned staff. Yes No

All required particular of account (such as complete mailing address,

ephone number, CNIC are provided). Yes No

Next to kin column in case of personal account has been filled in. Yes No

Account opening instructions are clearly marked. Yes No

Details of other bank accounts have provided. Yes No

Applicant has provided his/ her full personal particulars. Yes No

All documents/ papers required under regulations/ rules have been

tained. Yes No

Attested copies of CNIC of applicant are with the branch. Yes No

ubber stamp bearing narration that certify opening of account after

eeting KYC pre-requisite has been stamped on account opening

rm. Employers name and complete contact address has been obtained. Yes No

es No

reference from the customer employer giving the customers position

esignation in the organization, total emoluments and length of

rvice in the organization is obtained.

es No

case prospective customer is self employed, his / her occupation is

ted indicating the nature of the occupation, place of practice and

ngth of time in the present occupation etc.

es No

case of foreigners employed locally, copies of their passports have

en obtained to establish their status with a reference should

variably be obtained from the local employers.

es No

case of doubt a copy of entitys registration certificate (be it a sole

oprietorship, a partnership, or a limited liability company) has been

tained directly from the relevant of office of SECP.

es No

omplete name and address of partners, directors, office bearers or

neficial owners (in case of account of partnership) companies,

rporations, societies, clubs etc have been obtained and recorded. Bank has established evidence of all source of income of the account

es No

lder. Yes No

ccount where there is a little personal contact with the customer is

ing reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that any change of address

changes in circumstance that have been noted are recorded.

es No an additional measure, an annual review of all account is

dertaken to ensure that new information has been recorded to update

e knowledge about the customer and their businesses.

es No



Custodian of government treasury

Working as agent of SBP

Job security for employees

Main custodian of public money

Government business owner

Lender to the government agencies

Public Confidence

Sound financial foundation

Highest profitability

Vast operational network

Recognition of hard work of staff through incentives


side a public bank it has the following weaknesses

Not fast service to the clients

Less marketing expenditures

Worst conditions of branches

Outdated systems and procedures

Delays in decision making

Resistance to change

Inadequate, poorly placed network technology

Less share in import and export business

Lack of proper advertisement & marketing of products


Introduction of new technology

Introduction of new products and services

Develop an aggressive marketing plan

Can lunch a marketing strategy to capture the business from its pee banks

Can be number one in Pakistan

Can offer new and innovative products to complete rest of the banks

With proper planning can hunt more and more business from the public and

vate sector as people still trust over it.



Less qualified staff in NBP

Not fully computerized

Competition with foreign bank

Less participation in the capital market activities

Use of traditional system of banking

Political influence

New products from private Pakistani and Foreign banks

Inability to change Internal politics

Quality of human resources

RACTICAL EXPERIENCE have covered following departments in NATIONAL BANK OF AKISTAN civil lines branch gujranwala. Clearing Section Department Accounts Section Department Billing Section Credit Department

Government Section Department LEARING SECTION OF BANK

he transfer of funds from a branch of bank to the other branch of the same nk or the

her bank on which the instrument is drawn, without involving cash through tate Bank's

earing house"


hen the cheque from Bank goes to another bank for clearing then it is called tward

earing. Our National Bank of Pakistan branch sends the different instrument e payment

der, cross cheque, Remittance for the purpose of clearing through two ways.


C (Short Credit)



ccept the Cross Cheque or instruments from Account Holders.

ccept the Cross Cheque or Remittance from our NBP local Branches



l the transfer voucher then receipt is given to the account holder and voucher kept.


ree stamps is place. First cross stamp is placed in the front side, Second earing stamp

next day date and third payees account will be realized.


ter all the instruments in the NIFT register in Local & Sialkot portion parately.


gned by the officer in the back side of every instrument.


ade the NIFT card in which mention following things

anch Name, No of Instruments, Total Amount and signed by the Remittance ficer.


ext day after clearing fanford came from Dist Court Sialkot in the Name of ur Branch.


educt the different type of bank charges from those entire people which submit e

strument or cheque for the purpose of clearing and this instrument belong to alkot.

ccording to following rate. CASE OF INSTRUMENT OF NBP

ms Charges

ommission 0.16 % or Minimum Rs 50

stage Rs 75

E.D 6 % of commission


ems Charges

ommission 0.16 % or Minimum Rs 50

stage 75

E.D 6% of commission Fill the commission voucher as whole Fill the transfer voucher postage as whole Fill transfer voucher fro F.E.D as whole After filling such voucher past the stamp of bank transfer and signed by the


ficer on all the voucher then transfer these voucher in particular account.



ace two stamp of such instrument, First stamp is place on the back side of ch

strument which we collect from our NBP Local branches i-e civil line branch


ur Br Endorsement Confirmed

r National Bank of Pakistan

ain Br.civil line gujranwala


cond clearing stamp on the front side of the instrument and mention next day te in

e clearing stamp.


ter all the instruments in the NIFT register in Local & Sialkot portion parately.


gned by the officer in the back side of every instrument.


ade the NIFT card in which mention following things

anch Name, No of Instruments, Total Amount and signed by the Remittance ficer.


ext day after clearing fanford came from Dist Court Sialkot in the Name of ur Branch


ade the fanford in name of such NBP local branch which send these strument

EBIT fanford send the meaning of DEBIT fanford is that our bank is transfer mount to

other NBP Branch.

REDIT fanford enter in our system. The meaning of CREDIT fanford is that e are

creasing our NBP General a/c because we send the amount to another branch.




oss Stamp

eaning Stamp

yee,s Account

ll be Realized

ll Transfer Slip &

eceipt Hand over To


om Account Holder

nter in NIFT Register


and Over NIFT


strument Collection


om NBP Local



earing Stamp

r Branch



gned By Officer

parate Transfer Slip


FT Card







llowing requirement fulfill

heck all the stamp required

heck balance of particular account

heck the Drawer signature

heck the cheque post dated or out dated

heck amount in words and figures

dvice received from issuing Branch

yment stopped by the drawer

ote: If all the above mention requirement fulfill then cleared the cheque or vise

urn the instrument through NIFT


hen the account holder submit the instrument which is out of station then such

strument send for clearing through S.C(Short Credit) Some of the Cheques are t

eared. The relevant bank returns these cheques with MEMO that document plain

hat are the main reason of cheque return.

case of Cheque Return from S.C (Short Credit) then bank deduct the service arges

om such account holder account which is submit the cheque in our branch. Name and Account of particular person Description (S.C No 425 return charges recovered)

l the Debit voucher in which following things mention

l the Credit Voucher for (Commission)

l the Transfer Voucher for ( Postage)

ter this cheque in the cheque return register in which mention following ngs Name and Account Number Date which is mention in the cheque Instrument Number

om NBP Local


om Account Holder

ade Fanford in The

ame of Our NBP

ocal Branch

ansfer Clearing

mount on Relevant


lling Voucher

ommission, Postage,


eduction of Bank

harges Reason return of cheque Amount


ommission charges (sample format)

r. No. A/c No Amount Commission FED Postage Total



50.00 3.00 75.00 128.00 128.00

50.00 3.00 75.00 128.00 128.00

50.00 3.00 75.00 128.00 128.00

50.00 3.00 75.00 128.00 128.00

50.00 3.00 75.00 128.00 128.00

50.00 3.00 75.00 128.00 128.00

50.00 3.00 75.00 128.00 128.00


OTAL 0.00 350.00 21.00 525.00 896.00 896.00



dinary Inward table contains the records of all those cheques that are drawn our

anch but are presented in the other branches (HBL, ABL, Bank Alfalah, ysal Bank

c). These all cheques are sent to our branch through NIFT (National stitutional

cilitation Technologies). NIFT collected all cheques from the banks Members of

FT) from all over the country and then send the cheques to the required bank anch.

e cheques that are drawn on the NBP Civil Lines Branch Gujranwala are sent the

vil Lines Branch through NIFT in the Morning. Then the branch clear all ese cheques

d if any cheque is found incomplete or there is not enough balance in the count of the

awer of cheque then this cheque is returned to the sending branch.




ame and Account


ate which is mention

the cheque

strument Number




dinary Outward table contains the record of those cheques that are collected our

anch. Our branch customers have different banks cheques that they get from eir

siness customers. Then these cheques are collected to transfer the amount om the

awers account to the drawees account. These cheques are of different banks om the

ferent locations. Our branch records these cheques in the ordinary outward ble with

c number, amount and the instrument number. Then these cheques are sent to e

ferent banks on which these have been drawn through NIFT.


ercity includes those cheques that are drawn on the NBP branches from ferent cities

the country. Intercity Inward means that the cheques that are drawn on our anch but

ese cheques are presented in other NBP branches from different cities. Same nk

anches cheques are named as intercity clearing inward.

ese intercity cheques are sent to our branch through NIFT in different velopes with

e names of the city from these cheques have been collected. Intercity clearing ward

ble keeps different tables of different cities. For Example, a person who has to ake

yment to the other person but he makes his payment in the form of cheque. e second

rson will present this cheque to his bank (NBP branch). Suppose his bank is in

amabad. His NBP bank will send this cheque to our NBP branch in ujranwala

ough NIFT. Then these kinds of cheques are recorded in intercity clearing ble.

hen all intercity cheques are recorded then the credit voucher is prepared with e

hole amount of all the intercity cheques.


ercity outward means we sent the cheques out of city branches. These eques are

awn on out of city NBP branches but are presented in our branch. Then our anch

nds these cheques to the drawers account holding branch to clear the amount the



me day clearing table contains the record of those cheques or other struments that are

awn on other NBP branches but these branches are exist within in the city. cause the

awers bank branch is within the same city that is why these cheques are eared in the

me day. The amount of the instrument is debited or credited in the same day. e grand

al of the instruments is obtained and then a credit voucher is prepared under e head

Clearing Adjustment Account. And on the next day a debit voucher is epared with

e same amount under the head of Clearing Adjustment Account.


put table contains the amount of the different NBP branches that we have to lance

th them. This table contains two sides:

ebit side

edit Side

e amount with the different branches of NBP is cleared through fanfolds. In e

orning our branch gets the debit and credit amount of different NBP branches th our

anch. In the afternoon our branch get the amount returned detail through NIFT d is

corded in the return column of the input table. After recording returns we get e Net

fference amount with the other branches. We also get the fanfold (Received nfolds)

balance the amount with the other NBP branches. After completing the input ble

anch prepare the F-15 and F-16 fanfolds so that these amount can be sent to e

ferent branches.


C Fanfolds means short credit fanfolds. S.Cs is received from those branches at do

t have the membership with the NIFT. So these branches have to send the eques and

her instrument by making S.Cs through DAK (by post).Those kind of anches that do

t have membership with the NIFT are also sent the cheques and other struments by

aking S.Cs through DAK (by post).


sponding entries table contains the various NBP branches clearing adjustment

tstanding entries paid to our branch. These responding entries are made in the sult of

ceiving the fanfolds from various NBP branches. After completing the entries credit

ucher F-51 is prepared under the head of clearing adjustment account.


the end of the day our branch receives a fax from the State Bank of Pakistan ad

fice Karachi. The debit and credit amounts given in the fax must match with e

mounts in the clearing summary of our branch.

is summary contains the balances of clearing received and clearing delivered mounts.

the end a hard copy of input table, ordinary inward, ordinary outward, sponding

tries, same day clearing, intercity clearing and summary are kept as record in e files.


llowing activities are included in accounts department:

ccount opening

uance of check book

ceiving of cheques

lary formation

ccount opening:

e most important fuction of accounts department is account opening. In which

ere are many technicalities are involved. While working in this department I ined

complete knowledge of account opening which is necessary to recover any

scripency in transections.

equirements for opening a account

copy of NIC

copy of NIC of next of KIN

rification of NIC (account holder)

copy of utility bill.

tter of recommendation from concerned department(GOVT) (in case of govt

rvant, salary account )



LS saving


LS term


emium saver


ll deposit

ere are two accounts which are mostly opened they are current and PLS ving

count.other accounts are rarely open.

ms involved in account opening:

ccount opening form

gnature speciman card

tter of thanks (F-529)

y-in-slip (cash)


ter completion all requirements for account opening. I fill the information on count

ening form by verifying the NIC. Then I attached a signature specimen card r

gnature verification.then I take the signature of client on 14 places on account ening

rm. Then this form is verified and allowed for operation manager.

en next step is to enter all information on register(manualy).After assigning e

count number there is requirement to deposit cash in account minimum S.100 for that

e have cash deposit voucher(pay-in-slip).

en I attached a letter of thanks F-529 with accoutn opening form which will

spatched by our branch dispather (Muhammad Shahzad Warriach).

ter of thanks F-529 is basically for address confirmation of client.

ave attached a account opening form and signature speciman card with my port.

suance of check book:

eviously bank was issuing check books manualy by stamping the account mber and

me of person.But a banker instituion called NIFT(national institution of cilitation

chnology) provide us service and entitled the reponsibility to provide us nted cheque

oks from KARACHI head office.

eatures of printed check book:

inted name of account holder.

inted branch name and code.

inted cheque numbers.


r the purpose of issuing Cheques book customers come to me and ask for heques

ok by providing requisition slips available in Cheques book. Previously I just rified

e signature of account holder from person designated OG-11 SANA-ULLAH


en I fill the pay-in-slip for cash of amount 30 for 10 pages cheque book, S.75 for 25

ges cheque book and RS.300 for 100 pages cheque book. Then I entered the me,

count number and Cheques number in register and get the signature of count holder.

ut now procedure has changed due to NIFT services. For issuance of cheque ok it is

quired to submit your cheque book requisition before issuance. After receiving eque

ok requisition from customer I verify signature of customer (account holder) om

nks designated employee and I instruction to account holder deposit cash in nk

curity document account 4211-6. Then I entered his account number in NIFT ovided

p to request for new cheque book in printed form from KARACHI head fice.

ROCESS:(first time issuance)

r issuing the cheque book first time after account opening. When customer me to me

d ask for cheque book and provide me half part of F-529 with signature then I stly

eck the register in which there will be entry of receiving of F-529. if that letter s been

ceived then I fill the form of first time issuance of cheque book and got the gnature of

ent OG-11 and operation manager along with account number and customer me.

er that I stamp the cheque book with civil lines branch and code along with count

mber and write the account holder name. then I do entered checques numbers, count

mber and name of account holder in register. I got the signature of customer register

th providing the cheque book.

eceiving of cheques:

this operation of accounts department there is receiving of cheques from stomers.

rstly I fill the pay-in-slip (red-voucher) and write date, account number in hich

lance is to be transfered, amount in figures and words, checque number.

en I stamp cheque with crossing stamp to made that cheque of NBP property.

eque is of same branch (civil lines) then I put the bank transfer stamp on eque. And

mp of NBP civil lines branch on both parts of pay-in-slip. After that there ll be

mp of receiver of that cheque and after signature that receipt is proided to stomer for

eir record.

ter receving cheque I enterd those cheques in manual register called UBSIDARY

EGISTER.in which I enterd name,account number and amount of cheque.

ter entring all cheques those cheques are forward to clearing department for earing.

alary formation:

nother function performed by accounts department is salary formation. Firstly nterd

e cheque numer, date and amount in subsidary register. After that I develop e fanfold

r responding branches. The procedure is below:


rstly I analyze the summary of salary.there are three types of bank involded in ary

st are other branches of NBP, second other banks like HBL,ABL,MCB and ndry

rty (civil lines).

r other branches of NBP I made fonfold F-15 (credit voucher) in which I ite date of

gination, our branch code and name, amount in figures and words, responding anch

me along with code, TR code which is 74, instant number, and particulars.

r other banks, I made red-voucher(credit) by filling date, name of bank,

mount in

ures and words, and contra(account number). Along with that I made F-137 filling

anch name, code , amount in figures and words, and request for credit.

r sundry party I made red-voucher (credit) by filling date, amount in figures d words

d contra(account number).

ave attached all types of above mentioned vouchers and fan-folds with my port.

ASH card issuance:

sh card issuance is also the responsibility of administration department.For sh card

e customer must have an account in our branch and a copy of CNIC for tting the cash

rd. After filling the cash card from a photo copy is given to the customer and at form

to be send to head office in KARACHI for approval and issuance. After ceiving that

rd from head office that card is send to customer on his/her address. llowing is the

sh card application form:


e money which has received from abroad is to be paid here in western union

partment of NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN. We use a software called AMBA

r making payment of foreign currency. This software is online and have no ance of

ud. All the payments will be given to those persons in who's name the sender s send

e money. And no other person will be able to collect the payment.


ere are following things are require for the payment of western union.

Photo copy of N.I.C of receiver attested from 2 persons the incharge of estern MTCN code Receiver name Total amount

ion or any authorized person of the bank

ter checking this information I start the procedure on the western union ftware. I

ow all the procedure of payment of western union step by step.


sign on we need to enter the user ID and Password of software called AMBA.

is page is about the main menu in which the operator selects the nature of nsaction.

e whole transaction contains 3 steps:


e real transaction of receiving money will start form this page. After clicking s tab a

ge will appear on which I enters the country name from where the payment s come,

l name of sender, the currency type and the amount that is to be received.

en I press enter key. Now the next dialogue box will appear in which I have enter MTCN number provided by receiver. Full name of sender Full name of receiver

lowing information.

en this page will automatically appear through which we can match the nder and

ceivers name and the amount given by the receiver. If the information is true en I

rt the next procedure.


ter checking all information, I inter the amount in the box of amount atching with

yout amount. Then he asks me about the submitting of transaction. Then I ck on yes.

an the NIC Number of receiver will be enter.

customer information the complete address, name of city, country name of ceiver

ll be entered and the contact number will also be entered.


is page is the slip to receive money through Western Union. Here we take ee print

payment slip.

ake customer signature on the three slips. I.D photo copy of receiver attaches th one

p and send to the incharge of the western union. Three signatures are required


p. Two signature of incharge of foreign exchange department and 3rd gnature are

om any authorized person of the bank.

oken issuing:

ustomer comeback to us after completing the signature. One copies of slip ach with

D of customer to save as record. I write a token number on the token and send s slip

the casher. And 3rd copy with token I give to the customer. Then customer ow token

the casher and get the money.

hen the slip is issued the customer (receiver) is asked to sign the slip and the otocopy

ID card is attached with the slip. The officer signs it and apply stamp on it. nally the

ken is given to customer to take his money from the cash counter.



you are looking for a safe, speedy and reliable way to transfer money, you can w

rchase NBP's Demand Drafts at very reasonable rates. Any person whether an count

lder of the bank or not, can purchase a Demand Draft from a bank branch


ove your money safely and quickly using NBP Mail Transfer service. And we o

fer the most competitive rates in the market.


BP provides another reason to transfer your money using our facilities. Our y orders

e a secure and easy way to move your money from one place to another. And, usual,

r charges for this service are extremely competitive.


egotiability: Pak Rupees Traveler's Cheques are a negotiable instrument

alidity: There is no restriction on the period of validity

vailability: At 700 branches of NBP all over the country

cashment: At all 400 branches of NBP

mitation: No limit on purchase

fety: NBP Traveler's Cheques are the safest way to carry our money


BP is committed to offering its business customers the widest range of options the

ea of money transfer. If you are a commercial enterprise then our Letter of edit

rvice is just what you are looking for. With competitive rates, security, and se of

nsaction, NBP Letters of Credit are the best way to do your business nsactions.


Bills section maintains following types of records:


End of day

DD/ GDD balance

Fanfold dispatch register

Pay order register

DD issue register

GDD issue register

MT issue register

. TT issue register

. Draft advice dispatch register

. GDD advice dispatch register

. Bank draft advice received register

. GDD advice received register

. MT received register

. DD payment register

. GDD payment register

. DD paid ex-advice register

. GDD paid ex-advice register

. Pay order weekly balance

. DD/ GDD monthly balance

. Daily general ledger abstract


edit section of the bank deals with SME (Small and Medium Enterprises), orporate

d Commercial financing.












ature of security Basis for assessment.


mported Raw material CFR Value

Local Raw Materials / Basic Support price or market price whichever is


ommodities (Cotton, Rice, Wheat etc

Ginned Cotton KCA rate for the relative grade of cotton.

Sugar (to traders) cost or market price whichever is less.

Finished goods Ex Mill rate (net of GST).

or financing to industrial units)

Finished goods to traders. Fair market price.

xed Assets:

nd. Building & Plant/Machinery Forced sale value assessed by e valuators proved Pakistan Banks Association in terms of

udential Regulation.

nancial Securities:

nsurance policies. Latest Surrender value.

Pak Rupee Deposits / Financial Par Value

curities where profit is paid


National Saving certificates / Other Existing Redemption value.

ancial securities where profit is

id on maturity. Bonds and other securities Latest Inter Bank rates for the respective

Shares of listed companies. Current market price.

nominated in currencies.

urrencies other than Pak Rupees.


Hypothecation of stocks.

Hypothecation of Book Debts / Assignments of Receivables.

Trust Receipts.

oint Registration of vehicles.

Pledge of goods.

Mortgage / Charge on properties.

Lien / pledge of Financial/Stock Market Securities etc.

Assignment of insurance policies.

Financial Guarantees /Stand by Letters of credit.

rsonal Guarantee / Corporate Guarantees / Cross Guarantees.


Deposit Accounts.

Term Deposit Receipts.

Certificates of Deposit.

NIT Units / Mutual Funds Certificate

National Saving Certificate etc.

Defence Saving certificate.

Special Saving Certificates.

Regular Income Certificate.

National Prize Bonds.

US $ Bonds Registered / Bearer.

Treasury Bills.

Federal Investment Bonds

Pakistan Investment Bonds.

Shares of Listed Companies.

orporate bonds (TFC/CPs etc)


Where immovable property of one person is by act of parties or operation of w made

curity for the payment of money to another, and the transaction does not mount to a

ortgage, the latter person is said to have ta charge on the property and all the ovisions

reinbefore contained which apply to a simple mortgage shall, so far as may

, apply to

ch charge (section 100 of transfer of property Act 1882).


A mortgage is the transfer of an interest in specific immovable property for the rpose

securing the payment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of loan,

isting or future debt, or the performance of an engagement which may give e to a

cuniary liability (section 58 of transfer fo property Act 1882).


Simple mortgage.

Mortgage by conditional sale.

Usufrucuary mortgage.

English mortgage.

Mortgage by deposit of title deeds/An entry in the Record of right

Anomalous Mortgage.

First and subsequent mortgages.

Sub mortgages.


To educe evidence for the purpose of proving facts leading to establishment of

nks Claims and rights over the suit money and the underlying securities

ailable to the bank

How do the documents help in providing a better evidence

Section 102 of Qanoone Shahadat order 1984

When the terms of (a) contract, or of agreement, or of any disposition of operty have

en reduced tot eh form of a documents, and in all cases in which any matter is quired

law to be reduced to the form of a documents, no evidence shall be given in oof of

e terms of such contract, grant or other disposition of property, or of such atter except

e documents itself, or secondary evidence of its contents in case in which condary

idence is admissible under the provision herein before contained.

Section 103 of Qanoone Shahadat Ordinance 1984.

when the terms of any such contract, grant or other disposition of property or y matter

quired by law to be reduced to the form of a document have been provided cording to

e last articles, no evidence of any oral agreement or statement shall be mitted, as

tween the parties to any such instrument or their representatives in interest for e

rpose for contradicting, varying, adding to or sub structuring from, its terms.


Section 59 of Transfer of Property Act, 1982.

Where the principal money secured is one hundred rupees or upwards, a

ortgage other than a mortgage by deposit of Title deeds can be effected only

egistered instrument signed by the mortgagor and attested by at least two


Section 18 (2) of Financial institutions (Recovery of Finances Ordinance 01

nance agreements executed by or on behalf of a financial institution and a stomer

all be duly attested in the manner laid down in article 17 of the Qanoon e hadat order


Section 17 of Qanoone-Shahadat Ordinance 1984

In matters pertaining to financial or future obligations if reduced to writing e

strument shall be attested by two men, or one man and two women, so that e

ay remind the other, if necessary, and evidence shall be led accordingly.


Section 18 (1) of Financial institutions (Recovery of Finances Ordinance


o Financial institution shall obtain the signatures of a customer on banking cument

hich contains blanks in respect of important particulars including the date, the mount

e property or the period of time in question.







Proprietary concerns. Declaration of proprietorship.

Partnerships Copy of partnership Deed /

eclaration of Partnership.

rm C for Registered Partnerships.

Companies. Certificate of incorporation.

emorandum & Articles of Associations.

orrowing Resolution.

st of Directors + Form 29 Certificate of

mmencement of Business or certificate

conversion from Private to Public

mited company. (For Public Limited

ompanies only)

ny other document required to meet special requirements of a particular case.



Letter of Credit (LC) Application and Agreement for

evocable LCs (IB-8) Alongwith

her transaction related documents.

Letter of Guarantee / standby Counter Guarantee (IB-30)

tter of Credit (SBLC)

Agricultural Finance DP Note

greement for Agricultural Production /

evelopment Finance (IB-7)

Cash Finance / Running DP Note (IB-I)

nance FATR/FIM Agreement for Financing for Short

edium / Long terms on markup

sis (IB-6)

Demand Finance DP Note.

greement for financing IB-6A)


greement for financing for Short /

edium/Long term on mark up basis (IB-6)

C/Contracts under lien. Undertaking

T/DE I / II. Certified FE statement.

BP /FBP on account DP Note.

tter of Buy Back Cum Indemnity (IB-9)

greement for Discount/Purchase of Bills

B-20). Export documents.

Foreign Currency DP Note.

nancing Under FE-25 Financing cum Buy Back Agreement.

port LC Contracts under lien for preexport


port documents for post Export Finance.

Term Finance Certificate TFC /CP Investment Agreement.

FC) / Commercial Papers TFCs CPs Alongwith verified transfer


P) Financing.

Syndicated Facilities. Syndicate leaders confirmation

to completion of condition

ecedent documents.

opies of Syndicate Finance

reement and security documents.

ndicate Lawyers vetting on




Hypothecation Letter of Hypothecation (IB-25) and stock


Trust Receipt. Trust / deed of Assignment and

ceptance by the respective debtors.

Assignment Letter / Deed of Assignment and

ceptance by the respective debtors.

Pledge (Stocks) Letter of pledge (IB-26) and stock report.

edge / Liens on Deposit Marketable securities (NSCs PIB/FIBs,

ccounts. TFCs etc)

Government securities Letter of Lien / set off IB-28)

d shares etc.

Mortgages. Memorandum of deposit of title deed or Mortgage

ed as the case may be alongwith following property


Title Deed.

Non Encumbrance certificate NEC) search


Forced sale valuation report by PBA Approved


Approved site building plan.

NOC for creation of mortgage, if applicable.

Fard Jamabandi / certificate from the relative

thority/department showing ownership of

ortgagor authority / department showing

wnership of mortgagor and the banks

cumbrance on property.

PA and agreement to mortgage (where required).

reement for sale and buy Back of marketable

curities IB-31) Confirmation of banks treasury &

DC activity report in case of shares. companies. Form X/XVI and security Creating

Charges on assets owned Charge certificate issued by SECP


arch report depicting creation of charge.

Charges on assets owned charge creation certificate and Agri Pass

ook incase of Agri Financing.

Registration of Motor Joint Registration of Vehicles.


nancial Guarantees. Corporate Guarantee backed by the Board

solution and provisions in Memorandum &

ticle of Association.

rsonal Guarantee. Personal Guarantee (IB-29) + Personal Net

orth statement. (Barring few exceptions. Personal

uarantee of all directors of Private Limited

mpanies is a mandatory requirement. Personal

uarantees of third Party security providers are also

commended to be obtained.

All tangible assets held Insurance Policy and Premium Paid Receipts


ny other document required to meet special requirements of a particulars case.



ensure that the documentation is appropriate and sufficient, the documents ould.

Be in the formats prescribed / approved by the bank.

Be signed by the authorized signatures, using Rubber stamp for a on behalf of -

where applicable. Signatures are to be verified from the specimens held by the


Carry name and title below signatures of the executants.

Be witnessed to meet the requirements of section 17 of Qanoone Shahadat

der. 1984.

Be signed on all pages.

Carry authentication of all cuttings / over writings.

Not carry any date below signatures other than the one appearing in the text of e


Be prepared on Non Judicial Papers or otherwise carry stamps of adequate lue.

e revenue stamps (where applicable) should be properly cancelled under

gnature stamp etc.

Be co executed on the Banks behalf where required e.g. Buy Back greement.

Be dated subsequent to the dates of application for Loan. Board Resolution d

te of approval etc.

ARE No stamp using the name of the relevant concern is to be used on rsonal



n the due date to receive the mark-up amount from the customer the bank akes the

ugh entry as follow

n Due Date

ark-up receivable a/c Dr

LS income a/c Cr

hen mark-up amount is realized

urrent account Dr

ark-up receivable Cr

hen the due date starts, the customer has 90 days to pay his mark-up amount.

ut if the

stomer does not pay his mark-up up to 90 days, the bank makes the following try.

hen Customer Becomes Defaulter

come a/c Dr

serve a/c Cr



llowing Duties are allotted to staff members and they are instructed to refully

te their duties/foot note and complete handing over / taking over the arge of

spective seats / duties on or before 13-02-2009 before leaving the office d

rform their duties with full spirit & devotion.

ame Designa

b Description

Mirza Amjad Baig OG-I Manager

Munir Ahmed Virk AVP Operations Manager

Muhammad Akhtar OG-II Compliance Duties as Per Head Office structions.

Pre-review of documentation of all Advances on

sbursement / Proposal.

Processing of Inspection Audit Remarks Sheet and

earance Certificate, i.e. Preparation of Clarence

rtificate / Remarks Sheet Rectification of Inspection /

udit and Daily Compliance Sheets.

Reconciliation of NBP General Account.

Mazhar Hussain Butt OG-II Proper maintenance of record of un-delivered TM cards

ceived from H.O / Retail head R.O Gujranwala. He

ould collect all relevant ATM Cards from operation

anager & keep in his safe custody for onward delivery

respective customer. Inward Dak

Test key part-I

Verification authorized signature on relevant bank

struments. Fax Operator .Operator branch telephone

change , Swift operator

Any Other assignment by Operation Manager / Branch


uty / Assignments noted.

uhammad Akhtar Mazhar Hussain Butt



Ghulam Abbas OG-II /


R Development & Personal Section)

He will be responsible to conduct the Job Analysis of the


He will be responsible to conduct/determine skill Gap

nalysis of the employees.

He will be responsible for pay-for-performance

plementation and handle all related issues.

He will be responsible for effective implementation of

rformance Standards as per laid down procedures.

He will be responsible to assist in Manpower Planning


He will be responsible to update HRIS of the branch.

He will be responsible to coordinate with Regional Office

r the effective implementation of Employee Mentoring

Communication Programs or any other program.

He will be responsible to maintain staff rotation records

thin the branch.

He will be responsible to coordinate Training


. Coordinate with Regional Office regarding the effective

plementation of TNA for employees development.

. Maintenance of all HR related records of

ecutives/Officers/Staff posted at branch.

. Preparation of Seniority lists.

. Correspondence relating to Temporary Employees of the

anch and maintenance of their list.

. GHS/VHS correspondence, if any.

. Preparation/processing of appraisals of

ecutive/officers/Staff posted at the branch.

. Preparation of all returns/statistics of staff position to

gional Office/Head Office.

. Processing of Audit & Inspection related to HRM Section


. Finalization of payments, salaries/perks and all kind of

nefits pertaining to human resource.

. He will be responsible for processing/correspondence

garding Encashment of LPR/Optional Retirement of


. He will be responsible for fixation of pay on promotions

d revised salaries of Executives/Officers/Staff posted at


mployee Welfare & Benefits Section.

He will process staff loans/medical Bills & Facilities/TA

lls to Employees and their dependents.

He will follow-up pending cases with RO/HO relating to


He will be processing of Medical Bills &

cilities/Hospitalization Bills of retired employees.

He will maintain all cases/correspondence files/books

rtaining to this section

He will process all cases of Educational Stipend,

arriage Grant, Honorarium for securing 1st

sition/Hafiz-e-Quran, Transfer Grant, Funeral

harges, office Work expenses and monthly

bscription to newspapers/ journals/ magazines/


He will be responsible for preparation of austerity


auds & Forgeries.

He will be responsible to look after all cases relating to

aud, Forgery / Dacoity cases pending with Govt/Law

forcement Agencies or Regulators.

Preparation/presentation of all ripe cases before the

mpetent authority at Region/HO for final decision.

All allied/related correspondence with regard to above

signments and any other duties to be assigned to

m/her by his/her superiors.

Sadiq Jamil Pasha OG-I He is responsible for Rectification of daily mpliance


Coordinate for Regional / Surprise / Annual / SBP inspection


Any other duty/assignment assigned by the

anager/Operations Manager.

uty / Assignments noted.

diq Jamil Pasha Ghulam Abbas


Mukhtar Ahmed

charge Accounts


G-I Preparation Of Monthly / Quarterly / Half Yearly And

nnual Closing Returns Pertain To Operation Group

nd SBP.

Reconciliation of NBP General Account

Incharge Dead Stock / Maintenance of Dead Stock


Incharge Stationary Account / Maintenance of Branch

ationary Account.

Incharge Old Record

Calculation of Interest on NBP General Account

Calculation of Commission on Govt. Receipt / Payments


Time to Time Queries / Statements Required By R.O /

O or from any other Branch.

He Will Be Personally Responsible For Movement Of

ny Voucher / Book / Record Pertaining To Old Record

His Custody.

Muhammad Aslam


G-I Checking / Signing daily Clean Cash / Abstract / General


Checking & dispatch of F-21 A NBP General Account

Maintenance of SBP Account

Reconciliation of SBP Account with H.O / SBP


Any Other assignment by Operation Manager / Branch

anager. other Register and Books Relate to Clean Cash.

Maintenance of Voucher Register, Analysis Register and

He Is Responsible To Hand Over All The Daily Voucher


Record To Incharge Old Record Under Proper


He will supervise the daily transfer scroll punching, clean

sh punching and execution end of day program.

pecial Note.

e will be held responsible personally for unreconciled

BP General Account Entries if pointed

t in List A and List B due to poor checking of

e same and penalty imposed by SBP.

Ghulam Mustafa Messen

Messenger Duties in Old Record / Branch Stationary



e Incharge Accounts and officer shall be held responsible for any penalty posed by

BP due to negligence / non completion of work / books and balancing. The th officer

ll monitor all heads of Accounts and all other matter for well in time reporting

onthly, quarterly, annual return to controlling office.

uty / Assignments noted.

uhammad Aslam Nadeem Mukhtar Ahmed


hulam Mustafa



. Abid Tufail

charge Credit Deptt.


epartmental Head

ll be responsible for

ctification of

spection / Audit

regularities of his

partment and

ordinate with branch

mpliance officer for

bmission of remarks

eet / clearance


G-III Branch Credit Officer

Branch Cad Officer

Monitoring of all credit portfolio of the finances.

Passing of Cheque in all Finances with in drawing

wers jointly with Operation Manager.

Proper documentation of all finances before

sbursement of Fresh / Renewed Accounts.

Maintenance of All Finance / SME / Retail Documents

Proper Custody There Off.

Proper Checking / Maintenance of Ledger, Books and

TRS of Fianc Accounts.

Issue / Payment Bank Guarantees

Litigation and Proper Follows up of General Advances

General Banking cases and maintenance of their files

d records

Waiver / Write Off / Suit Files Proposal.

Follow Up Litigation Cases

Checking Of Daily DTRs and Non-Financial

ansactions of the Department.

NADRA Verification (VERYSES) of advances


Any Other Assignment by Operations Manager /

anch Manager.

. Hassan Akram

G-II /


He will assist Branch Credit Officer in following areas.

He will assist the Incharge Credit for maintenance of

uchers, books, proposals.

Documentation and disbursing of commercial / cash

ance / SME / Running Finance / Demand Finance (

eneral) / Small Finance / Corporate Finance under

pervision of the incharge credit.

Account opening of all type of Finances.

Maintenance of law charges register

Maintenance of other Sundry liabilities registers.

Write off / Waiver off Proposal of General Advance.

Any Other Assignment by Operation Manager / Branch

anager / Credit Officer.

. Taimur Javed OG-II /


He will assist the Incharge General Advances and

tail Incharge as and when needed.

Preparation of e-CIB.

Passing of all advances debit / credit vouchers and

heques of General Advance and in Retail Banking

ntly with Operations Manager in absence of Incharge

tail / General Advances.

Monthly / Quarterly / Half Yearly / Annual Closing


Balancing of all Finance Books / Accounts.

Time to Time Queries / Statements Required by R.O /

O or from any other Branch

Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly Balancing of all

ccounts / Books.

Any Other Assignment by Operation Manager /

anch Manager / Credit Officer


e Incharge Credit and officer shall be held responsible for any penalty posed by SBP

e to the negligence / non completion of work / books and balancing. The both ficer

ll monitor all heads of General Advances and all other Advances / items for ell in

me reporting monthly, quarterly, annual return to controlling office.

. Muhammad Ahmed


charge Retail



epartmental Head

ll be responsible

r rectification of

spection / Audit

regularities of his

partment and

ordinate with

anch compliance

ficer for submission

remarks Sheet /

earance certificate.

G-I Retail Officer

Passing of all advances debit vouchers for advance

Retail Banking jointly with Operations Manager.

Processing officer / Retail Deptt.

NBP Advance Salary / Saibaan

Preparation of all monthly, quarterly, half yearly and

nual closing returns pertain to retail banking

Balancing and maintenance of books, register &


Payment of NIT / NBP / PTCL dividend / shares


Preparation of proposal for Retail banking

Recovery officer for defaulters of Retail Banking

Write off / waiver off proposal of Retail Banking.

Weekly / monthly / quarterly Balancing of all

ccounts / Books.

Litigation follow up Retail

Any Other assignment by Operation Manager /

anch Manager / Credit Officer.


e Incharge Retail and officer shall be held responsible for any penalty posed by SBP

e to the negligence / non completion of work / books and balancing. The both ficer

ll monitor all heads of NBP Advance salary, NBP Karobar, Saibaan, Ghar ar TV and other Retail items for well in time reporting monthly, quarterly, annual return

ntrolling office.

uty / Assignments noted.

bid Tufail Hassan Akram



imur Javed Muhammad Ahmed Butter


reign Exchange Department

. Muhammad Afzal

charge F. Exchange


ote. responsible for

epartmental Head will

ctification of

spection / Audit

regularities of his

partment and

ordinate with branch

mpliance officer for

bmission of remarks





Handling of foreign Currency deposit

Passing of FEX Cheques jointly with Officer in

reign Exchange.

Joint signatory of Western union / Samba


Foreign Currency Account Opening.


SBP Export re-Financing

Nostro reconciliation

FET reporting

Supervisor Swift

Preparation of all monthly, quarterly, half

arly and annual closing returns pertain to

reign Exchange

Checking of daily DTRs and non-financial

nsactions of the Department.

Weekly / monthly / quarterly Balancing of all

ccounts / Books.

Any Other assignment by Operation Manager /

anch Manager

. Syeda Ruqia Ansar OG-II /



She will assist the Incharge FEX for proper

aintenance of books and balancing their off.

Passing of all vouchers pertain to Home

mittances Export and others jointly with

charge Foreign Exchange / Operation


Joint signatory of Western union / Samba


Home Remittance

FET reporting

Preparation of all monthly, quarterly, half

arly and annual closing returns pertain to

BP recording F.E.X transaction.

Weekly / monthly / quarterly Balancing of all


Any Other assignment by Operation Manager /

anch Manager / Incharge FEX.

. Muhammad Nawaz


G-III Passing and Punching of western union / samba

uchers on terminal.

Payment of western union / Samba on

mputer terminal.

Preparation of all vouchers / daily statements

western union / Samba Payments.

Any assignment by the Incharge Bills Section.

. Muhamamd Arshad Messenger Messenger duties with Foreign change /

lls / Advances.


e Incharge FEX and officer shall be held responsible for any penalty imposed SBP

e to the negligence / non completion of work / books and balancing. The both ficer

ll monitor all heads other FEX items for well in time reporting monthly, arterly,

nual return to controlling office.

uty / Assignments noted.

uhammad Afzal Syeda Ruqia Ansar Muhamamd

G-II / MTO OG-II / MTO Arshad



. Nazir Ahmed Awan

charge Deposit

ote. responsible for

epartmental Head will

ctification of inspection

Audit irregularities of

s department and

ordinate with branch

mpliance officer for

bmission of remarks

eet / clearance


G-II Verification of signature of PLS / C/A


Joint Signatory of cash / transfer voucher over

.25000 / Rs. 50000/- respectively.

Deduction of FED / W.H.Tax and depositing in

OVT collection accounts.

Deduction / refund of ZAKAT and

aintenance of register

Maintenance of sundry account register

Maintenance of un-claim deposit account

Maintenance of ZAKAT declarations forms /


Maintenance record of suspicious transactions proper dates.

Transfer of un claimed deposit to Head Office

Maintenance / updating the record of dormant /

-operative / un-claim deposit accounts.

Maintenance of service charges record.

Maintenance of over 0.500 Million


Maintenance of record for stop payments

Maintenance record of Lien marked against


Proper maintenance of cheque return register

Maintenance of record for all closed accounts

NBP protection shield

Monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual

urns of ZAKAT / Un-claim and all other

ative statements pertains to deposit section.

Checking of daily DTRs and non-financial

nsactions of the Department.

Detection of Money Laundering and

aintenance of Record their off.

Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly Balancing of all

ooks & Accounts.

Any Other assignment by Operation Manager /

anch Manager

. Muhammad Aslam Virk OG-II Customer relations officer

Account opening (PLS / C/A)

NADRA verification of PLS and current

counts opened by him.

He will be responsible to complete all

rmalities before opening of the accounts.

Issuance of cheque books.

Payment of monthly salaries of Govt.


Issuance of SC, LSC Receipts to customers.

Any Other assignment by Operation Manager /

anch Manager / Incharge Deposit.

. Ijaz Ahmed Cheema OG-I Terminal duty cash side / punching of PLS/

urrent A/C in computer.

He will insure that account opening forms are

mplete in all respect before punching the


Passing of Cheques / Vouchers of cash side up

Rs 25000 and joint signatory of cash

uchers above Rs.25000.

Punching of cash side cheques / credit

uchers & other instruments received in cash.

Double signatory in deposit section.

Preparation of PTCL / GEPCO & T.T / M.T

ouchers for PTCL / transfer of PLS, C/A


Checking of daily DTRs, C/A / PLS account.

Daily Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly / Half

early / Annual Balancing of C/A / PLS /


Any Assignment by the Incharge Deposit for

mpletion of Misc books of deposit section.

e is responsible for

oper Shut Down of

omputer by Executing

nd of Day program. He

ll not leave the branch

til system is not

operly shut down.

e is instructed to report

peration Manager for

y deficiencies accrued

non execution of end of

y program by pointing

t the person held


Terminal duty transfer side

Passing of transfer Cheque / Voucher up to

.50000/- and joint signatory of all transfer

ucher over Rs.50000/-

Punching of cheques / credit vouchers and all

her instruments received in transfer from

tablishment / clearing / GOVT etc.

Preparation of Weekly Schedule Telegram.

Punching/Posting of Govt. Employees

laries received from different Govt.


Any assignment assigned by the Incharge

posit/Operations Manager.


e Incharge Deposit and officers shall be held responsible for any penalty posed by

BP due to the negligence / non completion of work / books and balancing. All ficers

ll monitor all heads of Deposit and other Deposit items for well in time porting in

onthly, quarterly, annual return to controlling office.

uty / Assignments noted.

azir Ahmed Awan Muhammad Aslam Virk Ijaz Ahmed


G-II OG-II OG-II Ghulam Mustafa


charge Bills Section


epartmental Head will be

G-I Issuance Of PLS TDR / MIS

NBP Premium Income Scheme

Stamp Accounts

Issuance / Payment of D.D / M.T / T.T / G.D.D

Call Deposit receipt & PRTC and punching

sponsible for rectification

inspection / Audit

regularities of his

partment and coordinate

th branch compliance

ficer for submission of

marks Sheet / clearance


eir off in EBS / BBO through assisting


Dispatch of M.T / scrolls pertaining to daily

llection of PTCL, GEPCO and daily

llection of utility bills to concern

partments / bank.

Application of profit on MIS / TDR / Premium

come Scheme and maintenance of their


Calculation of exchange / commission on Govt


Weekly / monthly Balancing of books with the

lp of his assisting staff.

Time to time queries / statements required by

O / H.O or from any other branches.

Proper execution of end of day for closure of

ily EBS System.

Any Other assignment by Operation Manager / Miss Bushra Ch. OG-II Assist to Incharge Bills Section in following

anch Manager


Punching of PRTCP in BBO System and

eneration of Relative day books / statements.

Checking of daily DTRs and non-financial

nsactions of the department.

Preparation of Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly,

alf Yearly and Annual statements / returns

rtaining to bills department under the

pervision of Incharge Bills Department.

Any assignment by the Incharge Safdar Hussain OG-II Issuance / payment of D.D, MT, G.D.D, P.O

lls/Operations Manager.

d advices and their files / books & other

cord of D.D / M.T / T.T / G.D.D / Call

eposit receipt.

Payment of NEC / OEC / TTP /


Any other assignment assigned by the Incharge

lls/Operations Manager.


e Incharge Bills and officers shall be held responsible for any penalty posed by SBP

e to the negligence / non completion of work / books and balancing. All ficers will

onitor all heads of Bills Section for well in time reporting in monthly, arterly, annual

urn to controlling office.

uty / Assignments Noted.

iss Bushra Ch. Ghulam Mustafa Safdar Hussain



Zaka Ullah OG-II He will assist Incharge Clearing for daily

earing balance.

Double signatory of all vouchers of Clearing


Online Banking (Receipt / Payment Vouchers &

eparation of claim of online banking to

ncerned branches)

Maintenance of proper record of online banking.

Preparation of daily ATM vouchers & checking

daily DTRs.

Issuance of ATM card / Pin Codes

Maintenance of un-paid claims of ATM clients.

All statements relating to ATM

Any Other assignment by Operation Manager /

anch Manager.

Muhammad Asghar Kamboh OG-III Punching / balancing of clearing uchers.

Submission of clearing vouchers to NIFT and

her branches.

Preparation of daily clearing statements / RBVs

Double Signatory of clearing

Dealing with NIFT and running of Dongle


Daily Balancing of Clearing Adjustment


Online punching of clearing vouchers on EBS

d punching of MT, D.D, TT and all relatives

ucher of bills section.

Any assignment by the Operations Manager.

ka Ullah Muhammad Asghar Kamboh

G-III OG-II Muhammad Nawaz



charge Government


epartmental Head will

responsible for

ctification of

spection / Audit

regularities of his

partment and

ordinate with branch

mpliance officer for

bmission of remarks

eet / clearance


G-I Supervision of all Collection Accounts /

yment Transaction / Daily Railway

ollection in Govt. Section for transfer their

f to SBP / Account Office.

Govt. / Railway Pension Payment (Cash /


Renewal / registration of Federal Govt. Arm


Double signatory of all Govt. receipt /

yment voucher

Preparation of Govt. Payment Scroll

Preparation of all statements / returns.

Counter signing of all utility bills

Any Other assignment by Operation Manager Asim Qadeer Cheema OG-II Govt. receipt cash / transfer

Branch Manager

Transfer of daily Govt. Receipt / Payments /

ilway collection to SBP.

Counter signing of all Govt. receipt challan /


Dispatch of all Govt. receipt payment scroll

d vouchers along with daily summary of

ovt. receipt / payment to account office /


Double signatory of all Govt. receipt /payment


Any other assignment by the Incharge Govt. Rafaqat Ali Messenger Messenger duties in Govt Section.



e Incharge Govt. and officers shall be held responsible for any penalty posed by

BP due to the negligence / non completion of work / books and balancing. All ficers

ll monitor all heads of Govt. Section for well in time reporting in monthly, arterly,

nual return to controlling office.

e Incharge and officer shall be responsible for:-

Supervision of all Govt. receipts / collection and transfer there of to SBP /

count office well in time.

Responding of RBVs of all linked branches for Govt. receipts / payments and

nsfer there of to SBP well in time and scrolls there of should be submitted

SBP and account office.

Daily Railway collection must be transferred in Railway fund with SBP

ujranwala on daily basis.

Daily CBR collection should be transferred in SBP account well in time on

ily basis.

Proper reporting of summaries / transfer of fund should be made properly and

sure no complaint from SBP / any other authority.

uty / Assignments noted.

uhammad Nawaz Cheema Asim Qadeer Cheema Rafaqat Ali

G-II OG-III Messenger Ghazanfer Mehmood OG-I Joint Custodian Chest.


Daily Checking / maintenance of outward

stage / dispatch Register.

Branch Security Officer.

Test Key Part II. Muhamamd Tariq

Maintenance of security documents.

ote. responsible for

epartmental Head will

ctification of

spection / Audit

regularities of his

partment and

ordinate with branch

mpliance officer for

bmission of remarks

eet / clearance


G-I Incharge / Chief Cashier of Chest.

He will assign the counter duty of cash

ficers in cash department on monthly

ation basis by maintaining proper duty


Incharge Almirah for distribution of cash on

unters and receiving of cash from counters

th balancing at close of business.

Writing of branch chest balance book / vault

gister, cash balance book etc.

Dispatch of daily telegram / cash report to


Any assignment by the Operation Manager / Jawad Riaz Butt OG-II Cash Officer, the duty will be assigned by Javeed Ashraf OG-II Cash Officer, the duty will be assigned by


hief Cashier on monthly rotation basis.

hief Cashier on monthly rotation basis. Muhammad Ishaq OG-II Cash Officer, the duty will be assigned by Rana Asad Ullah Tariq OG-II Cash Officer, the duty will be assigned by Masood Ahmed khokhar OG-II Cash Officer, the duty will be assigned by Shahzada Munawar Masih OG-III Cash Officer, the duty will be assigned

hief Cashier on monthly rotation basis.

hief Cashier on monthly rotation basis.

hief Cashier on monthly rotation basis.

hief Cashier on monthly rotation basis. Muhammad Rafique Bank Guard Messenger duty in cash department

Rana Mueed Cashier Duty of Godown Keeper Muhammad Yousaf Cashier Performing duty of dispatch. Ghulam Abbas Cashier Performing cashier duty. Khadam Hussain Messenger Performing duty at Regional Office Canteen Jamshed Ahmed Cook Performing duty at Regional Office Canteen Abdul Ghaffar Messenger Performing duty at Regional Office Canteen Mazhar Iqbal Driver Driver Branch Car Tariq Husain G/Chowkidar Messenger Duty with Operations Manager Liaqat Ali G/Chowkidar Messenger Duty with Manager Mukhtar Ahmed G/Chowkidar Messenger Duty In Deposit Section


e Joint Custodian and Chief Cashier along with all Cash officers shall be held

sponsible for any penalty imposed by SBP due to the negligence / non mpletion of

ork / books and balancing. All officers will monitor all heads of Cash epartment for

ell in time disposal of their work and reporting the required information in aily,

onthly, Quarterly, Annual return to controlling office / SBP.

aily Railway collection duty will be assigned by the chief cashier to any sh officer monthly rotation basis.

uty / Assignments noted.

hazanfer Mehmood Muhamamd Tariq Javeed Ashraf


wad Riaz Butt Muhammad Ishaq


na Asad Ullah Masood Ahmed Khokhar Shahzada Munawar



uhammad Rafique Rana Mueed Liaqat Ali

nk/Guard Cashier G/Chowkidar

uhammad Yousaf Ghulam Abbas Tariq Hussain

shier Cashier G/Chowkidar

ukhtar Ahmed Mazhar Iqbal Jamshed Ahmed

Chowkidar Driver Cook

hadam Hussain Abdul Ghaffar Atta Ullah

essenger Meesenger G/Chowkidar


ery dealing officer/ employee will be responsible for his respective seat and ll not

ave the branch before completion of his job / assignment till the end of day ogram is

ecuted and EBS is properly shutdown.

charge of every department / section will be held personally responsible for s

partment and will ensure that bank routine work is being done according to nk's rules

d regulations. They are also responsible for keeping up-to-date record of eekly,

onthly, quarterly/ annually Balancing of Books, DTRS, Non Financial nsactions for

rprise/ Annual Inspection/ Audit to avoid SBP penalties.

is also notified that in case of any emergency a special assignment can be otted to

y staff member.

uties of cash Department are changeable and are on the discretion of the chief shier

cording to daily requirement / demand on cash counter / need basis.


l cash Officers / Cashiers are instructed not to issue singly signed ceipt of cash / Govt. vouchers to public / depositor on his behalf . ngly signed. The Receipt must be issued to the depositors after aving e double signature from. Officer Govt. / Deposit section. l to please note their duties with full signatures.

R MANAGER Operation Manager


ategory -I

orking staff up to 5 including:

anch Manager who performs as Operations Manager and Compliance Officer d

ustomer Services Officer too.

ategory -II

orking staff from 6 to 15 including:-

anch Manager and Operations Manager, Operations Manager acts as ompliance

ficer and Customer Services Officer too.

ategory III

orking staff 16 and above including:-

anch Manager, Operations Manager, Compliance Officer, Relationship ficer, Credit

ficer and Customer Services Officer.

ategory IV

orporate Branch

anch Manager, Operations Manager, Compliance Officer, Relationship ficer, Credit

ficer and Customer Services Officer.



anch Manager

Responsible for over all Business affairs of the Branch.

Development of Business Plan for the Branch.

Marketing of Deposits, Products as well as Commercial and Retail Banking


Visiting Banks Customers

Negotiations with the Borrowers and Depositors for Facilities, Securities, icing.

Obtainment of Customers Financials.

Sanction of Credit Proposal within his/her Business Discretionary Powers.

Processing of Credit Proposal (s).

Follow up for making good the shortfall in the pledged goods (Jointly with

peration Manager & Credit Officer).

. Follow up for recovery of Finance jointly with Credit Officer.

. Filing & Persuasion of Suits for Recovery of Finances Below Rs.30. million

intly with Credit Officer).

. Coordination with the Branch Operations Manager in preparation of Budget.

. Annual Confidential reports of reporting staff.

. Persuasion of Litigation Cases.

. Follow-up for recovery of non-performing finance.

. Processing of Restructuring & Rescheduling requests.


perations Manager

Manage all operations of the Branch by implementing Standard Procedure

anual (SPM), State Bank of Pakistan Prudential Regulations, Core Principles

d all applicable rules and regulations.

Maintain high level of Customer Service Standards in the Branch with rticular

mphasis on Cash Counters.

Ensure that check and control system is in place.

Maintain a zero complaint environment in respect of collection of utility bills,

llection / receipts of Government revenues, pension and salary payments to

overnment and other employees in particular, and other customer services eas.

Permission to open new Bank accounts.

Preparation, implementation and monitoring of Branchs Expense Budget ntly

th Manager.

Approval of expenses within delegated authority / approved budget.

Management and monitoring of Branch cash balances as per rules and gulations.

All matters relating to Premises, Equipments, Vehicles and other Dead Stock


. Maintenance & implementation of new IT initiatives in collaboration with


. Proper operations of Lockers, Safe Custody of Articles and other services

ovided to Banks customer.

. Hajj and Zakat operations to ensure prompt and courteous service to the

plicants / customers.

. Opening of L/Cs and purchase / discounting of Foreign and Local Bills


. Maintenance of Branch Books in accordance with prescribed procedures.

. Deduction / recovery of service charges as per Banks Tariff.

. Review of computer outputs in accordance with vouchers, books, registers d

CRs of the reporting Staff.


redit Administration Officer jointly with Operations Manager

Ensure that documentation (Finance I loan agreements, Guarantees, Transfer

tle of Collaterals, Creation of Charge in Bank's favor etc.) is in accordance th

proved terms and conditions of sanction advices. Tracking and follow-up for

tstanding documents (if any) to ensure execution thereof.

Before recording any finance / loan facility information / data into computer

stem, ensure that the said facility has been sanctioned by the competent


Ensure that disbursements are made only after completion of all covenants,

eation of Bank's Charge / Lien on primary and collateral securities with the

ncerned authorities and sufficient stocks have been pledged I hypothecated to

ver disbursement as required in the sanction advice. In case of exceptions

cessary approval is obtained from competent authorities.

After the Finance I loan facility is sanctioned and withdrawals are allowed, sure

at the Finance / Loan is constantly monitored by way of keeping track of

rrowers' compliance with credit terms, conducting periodical valuation of

ocks and collaterals, physical verification of collaterals, inspection of stocks

edged / hypothecated with the Bank, identification of early signs of egularity any) and timely recovery of installments.

Ensure that borrowers are communicated well in time as and when the ncipal I

ark-up installment becomes due. Late payments or non-payment of

stallments are recorded properly and the same are conveyed to competent


Ensure compliance to procedural standards and guidelines issued by mpetent

thorities for maintenance of credit files.

Ensure that all security documents are kept in fireproof safes under dual ntrol

d registers for documents are being maintained to keep track of their


Arrange fresh and renewal of insurance coverage for all primary and llateral

curities on regular intervals from Bank's approved Insurance company /


Follow-up with Branch Manager for obtainment of periodical stock reports om

rrowers, Mucadams, Godown Inspectors, Godown Keepers, Godown

howkidars, or any other person/company authorized for the job.

. Review of all Trade Finance related transactions on regular basis and ggest

easures to Branch Manager under advice to Regional Operations Chief.

. Review of entire portfolio of Finance, Borrowers, Stocks, Primary & llateral

curities and security documents for accuracy on regular basis in consultation

th BLA (if required).

. In case of any shortfall in the value .of stocks due to market fluctuations, lowup

th Branch Manager for making good the shortfall in the value of pledged


. Follow-up with Branch Manager for recovery / regularization of finance.

. Constant watch of price fluctuations in local, domestic and international arkets

ensure that no borrower or co-obligant is influenced by speculations or get

volved in any other unfair means of business.

. Arranging insurance policies of appropriate value from approved Insurance

ompany / Companies for stocks pledged / hypothecated with the Bank in

escribed manner and renewal thereof.

. Overseeing and monitoring of Mukaddams engaged as per Bank policy. herever

cility of Mukaddams is not available/not required, supervise the pledged ods

ough Godown Keeper(s)/Godown Chowkidar(s) hired by the Borrowers.

. In case of Category-I branches the operations related and credit ministration

nctions will continue to be the responsibility of Branch Manager. While the

anch Manager has solid line reporting to the Regional Business Chief. With

gard to operations and credit administration jobs he/she will also be directly

porting and be accountable to the Regional Operations Chief and will

cordingly seek guidance and instructions from him/her/her.


ompliance Officer

He performs the duties of Anti Money Laundering, Supervisory Officer at the

anch too.

Daily review of transactions to ensure compliance of Bank, SBP & Local


Review of account opening and surprise cash count.

Review of maintenance of computer input / output.

Periodical physical count of security stationery.

Checking of accruals & NBP General Account reconciliation.

Preparation of Branch Compliance report.

Countersign all Branch Returns to confirm correctness and completeness.

Rectification of irregularities pointed out by Internal, External & Regulatory


. Special reviews of accounts to check Compliance of Anti Money undering

gulations. (Reference chapter No.II Para No.82.

. Acquire and maintain a level of compliance awareness and knowledge of

plicable rules and regulations.

. Monitor to ensure applicable laws, regulations and Banks policies are being

lowed and new or revised laws, regulations and Banks policies are promptly

mmunicated and followed.

. Review Audit Reports of Internal / External Auditors and State Bank of kistan

spection Report and ensure corrective measures are promptly implemented.

. Report as per schedule all applicable compliance issues to the Operations

anager and the Regional Compliance Chief.

. Report promptly about theft, dacoity, fraud, forgeries or any other mishap.

. State Bank Prudential Regulations.

. Relevant provisions of existing laws and regulations.

. Guidelines for Know Your Customer.

. Anti Money Laundering laws and regulations.

. Monitor / report suspicious transactions to Chief Compliance Officer of the nk.


elationship Officer

Solicit and establish new credit relationship & maintain existing relationships.

Preparation of credit proposals.

Public relations and image building of the Bank.

Marketing of deposits and other banking products.

Assistance to Branch Manager in budget preparation and meeting branch


Special assignments/projects from Branch Manager.


elationship Manager (For Corporate Branches)

Identify potential clients within the allocated vicinity and meet them to know d

serve them over time

To solicit/attract new clients of good credit growth and profitability to ablish

edit relationship with the Bank

Maintenance of credit relationship with existing clients & cross-selling the nks

oducts (Asset as well as Liability Products) to the suitable clients

Processing the loan applications, prepare credit proposals, identifying derlying

ks, suggesting mitigates and giving definite recommendations for approval/

cline with justification to facilitate quality lending decision.

Liaison between the borrower and the operations manager in completing the

lowing post-sanction formalities:-

Formalities related to collateral / security including creation of charge

Execution of Financing Agreements / documents etc

Fulfillment of conditions precedent to disbursement, as required in the nction


Maintenance of assigned accounts/ and their related files.

. Coordinate periodical inspection of goods hypothecated/ pledged to the nk.

. In case of any shortfall/shortage of pledged stock, follow up the client to ake the

ortage/shortfall good to restore the original margin.

. Keep an eye on the various dynamics as well as inherent risks of various

ctors/sub-sectors of exposure and their impact on the borrowers siness/bank

edit so that proactive measure can be taken before account deterioration.

. Visits the borrowers place of business after disbursement and keep onitoring

s/her business at reasonable interval so any deterioration of clients business n flagged / reported proactively.

. Ensure utilization of the loan for the purposes it was sanctioned.

. Monitoring position of the borrowers accounts after disbursement for


cking up early warning signals and advising/recommending remedial easures

prevent their movement to the classified category.

. Review portfolio assigned to him/her to assess any significant change in the k

ofile of the borrower.

. Maintaining track of the limits expired/nearing to expire, proactively.

. Monitoring repayment of each account in his/her portfolio.

. Reviewing trends in credit portfolio on an on-going basis and suggesting

easures to improve the quality of the portfolio.

. Identify accounts to fall in Watch list and to provide his/her feedback to



redit Officer

The Credit Officer is responsible for the appraisal and shall process credit

oposal and must provide all relevant information and must make

commendation of the acceptability of the proposal for financing and should

te what conditions should be applied. The office note should be prepared to

commend, refuse or decline the loan application if there is no plausible

stification for entertaining.

Monitor the credit portfolio of the Branch for Risk Management to recognize

rly warning signals and recommend remedial/preventive measures to Branch


Processing of credit proposal (Jointly with Branch Managers).

Follow-up for making good the shortage and shortfall in the pledged goods

ointly with Branch Managers).

Follow-up for recovery of finance (Jointly with Branch Managers).

Filing & persuasion of suits for recovery of finances below Rs.20 million ointly

th Branch Managers).

Preparation of credit reports on borrowers.

Close liaison with local market for ensuring that no borrower or co-obligant s

ken to speculations or unfair means of business.


ustomer Facilitation Officer

Customer Services Officer is responsible for complaints handling and ensure ro

mplaint level at the Branch.

He will acknowledge all the complaints received at the branch from mplainant

ectly or through Banking Mohtasib/State Bank / Head Office or other

overnment Offices.

He will maintain a complaint register and record of all the complaint received

e branch in chronological order and mark the disposal / action taken there


He will handle and investigate the complaint in fair and prompt manner.

omplaint made personally should be redressed instantly; complaint received in

iting would be handling in priority. He will contact the complainant and shall

solve the complaint immediately.

He must respond to the complainants within 10 working days, if the mplaint

eds further investigation an interim reply will be sent by him/her to the

mplainant for the time to be taken and expected date of action / response. He

ll send final reply to the complainant within 45 working days positively.

He will paste on the notice board leaflet in English / Urdu in the reception /

stomer area of the branch indicating the procedure for lodgment of the


He will provide the copy of complaint form for lodgment the complaint with

nking Mohtasib.

He will ensure that the desired services are provided to the customers/clients.


Whenever any member of the staff in a Branch or controlling offices comes to

ow or has reasons to believe that a serious irregularity or fraud has been

mmitted or is likely to be committed anywhere in the branch or the ntrolling

fice, he or she, as Banks employee is duty bound to report the matter to

propriate authorities in confidence so that timely measures could be taken by

e Bank to protect its interest.

For providing safeguard against fraud, removing stagnation and making the

rvices of the officials more valuable to the Bank, their duties should be anged

ore frequently without interfering unduly with the smooth working of the fice.

In all cases where frauds, forgeries, misappropriations, embezzlements and

falcations are uncovered at a branch, it must forthwith be reported to Head

fice, as per procedure advised by Head Office from time to time and the

linquent staff/officers should immediately be removed from their seats/places

work, even when it is not considered appropriate to suspend them, so that

vestigation could be conducted unhindered and uninfluenced. The case of ud,

rgery and misappropriation should be reported to the special investigation cell

the FIA, concerned / designated agency. The time lag between detection of

ud, forgery etc., and reporting the same to FIA NAB, concerned/designated

ency should be reduced as much as possible. In cases where there are

fficient reasons to fear that the suspected person(s) will decamp if not

mediately arrested, time not permitting, a reference to the controlling office,

angement should be made with the police that the warrant is issued under a

mpound-able section of the Pakistan Penal Code, because if the arrest is made

der a non-compound-able section, the authorities may insist upon a osecution

hich the Bank might consider undesirable. In such an event the operations

anager should act, if necessary, under legal advice and must fax to his/her

ntrolling office the steps he/she is taking and the reasons thereof.

Cases of fraud & forgery will be dealt with and punishment in such cases will

warded by Head Office only and not by the Regional Offices irrespective of the

nk and designation of the employee involved therein.

Frauds can best be prevented by:

Recruiting the right type of persons as employees after getting their tecedents

rified from the police department,

Using careful discrimination in accepting new constituents,

Inducing the constituents to write cheques with indelible ink,

Constantly changing the duties of the staff,

. Keeping a vigilant watch on the activities of the employees as well as on eir

rsonal accounts,

. Having surprise visits/inspections of the branches frequently by the Regional

spectors/Members of RMT.

. Carrying out a comprehensive and intelligent check over each days

nsactions, and frequently balancing the books/computer output.

. Operations Manager must satisfy themselves daily by an examination of the

oks / computer output, of days transactions that they are properly kept and

ve been duly checked.

. The value of surprise inspections / checking of hard copies of days nsactions

end of day and must not be overlooked. In the course of their general

pervision, operations managers and other members of the supervising staff

ould call for various books at irregular intervals and scrutinize or check them

ch a way that those directly responsible for their correctness are made aware

at their work is under the eyes of their superiors.

. Operations Manager should periodically review their office routine with the ofold

ject of eliminating any unnecessary work and assuring themselves that

ey are abiding by the Banks rules and regulations. In order that certain salient

atures may be kept before operations managers and other members of the

pervising staff a monthly certificate in form F-10 will be submitted by every

anch to its Regional Controlling Office on the last working day of each month.

s/her certificate must not be regarded as a matter of form but must be a true

tement of fact and, where necessary, the wording should be altered cordingly

der authentication.

. Operations Manager must confirm that all the daily transactions sheets nerated the computer have been checked with relative vouchers / cheques and have

en tallied with the general ledger daily.



Draw cheques against his available bank balance.

Give stop payment mandate and removal thereof.

Terminate his deposit account and claim payments of all sums lying in his


Share in the profit/ losses as earned and determined by the bank in the case of

LS based deposits.

Have practical bank statements of his accounts.

Get the errors rectified in the bank statement, if any.

Deposit cash and cheques for collection in his account.

Have new cheques book after utilizing the pervious one.

Be informed about any direct operations in his account by the bank.

Sue the bank for wrongful dishonor of his cheque/s along with damages.

Cross, indorse or cancel cheques and other instruments.

Sue the bank for wrongful disclosure of his bank account/balance.

Ask for his balance within business hours.


Keep the Cheque Book under lock and key.

Take reasonable care in drawing cheques.

Disclose his banker about missing cheques.

Draw the cheques only on the Cheque Book provided by his bank.

Present cheques and other instruments for encashment/collection within siness


Notify the bank in case of any disagreement in the bank statement.

Abide by rules and regulations of his bank.


Recover charges, if any

Recover outstanding amount of finance and mark up due thereon.

Sell securities upon default by the customer after serving him reasonable tice.

Stop operation of the account in the following circumstances

Death of Customer.

nsanity of Customer.

Under Orders of the Court.

Bankruptcy of Customer.

Unsatisfactory Operations (after serving reasonable)

Retain customers funds unless demand arises for its repayment.

Disclose information of his customers account under special circumstances.

Sue for recoveries, if deficient against securities and set off.

Take pledge of hypothecated stocks in case customer fails to adjust his loan

count as per agreed terms.


Honor cheques of the customer against his available balance.

Abide by standing instruction/s of the customer.

n case deposit account is closed by the customer, to pay the entire amount

ough bankers cheque/P.O., after satisfying claims (if any.)

Provide periodical bank statements.

Collection of customers cheques.

Maintain secrecy of his customers account (except where exempted).

nform his customer about:

ishonor of cheques/bills along with reason thereof

losure of his account.

Suspension / stopping operations of his account

Banks intention to sell securities belonging to the customer.


The Negotiable Instruments Act. 1881

The Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962

The Companies Ordinance 1984

The Contract Act, 1872

Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001

The Partnership Act, 1932

The Transfer of Property Act, 1882

The Bankers Book Evidence Act, 1891

The Power of Attorney Act, 1882


otice of 60th nnual General Meeting14 or the year ended December 31, 2008

otice is hereby given that the 60th Annual General Meeting of National Bank

kistan (Bank) will be held on Tuesday,

e 28th April, 2009 at 10:30 A.M (PST), at Crystal Ball Room, Marriott Hotel, arachi.

e following business will be transacted in the meeting:

rdinary Business:

To confirm minutes of the 59th Annual General Meeting held on Monday, the

st March, 2008, at 9:00 A.M.

Marriott Hotel, Karachi.

To receive and adopt the Audited Accounts of the Bank for the year ended st

ecember, 2008, together with

e Directors & Auditors Reports thereon.

To appoint auditors for the year ending 31st December, 2009 and fix their


To consider and approve Cash Dividend @ 65% and Bonus Shares @ 20%

ereby increasing the Paid-up

pital of the Bank from Rs. 8,969,751,880/- to Rs.10, 763,702,260/-) as

commended by the Board of Directors for the year ended 31st December, 08

ubject to Government of Pakistan/ Regulatory approvals).

ecial Business:

To ratify the revision / enhancement of the Directors Fee/Expenses Package.

To approve increase in the Banks Authorized Capital from Rs. 10 Billion

vided into 1,000 Million Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each) to Rs. 25 Billion

vided into 2,500 Million Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each), as approved by

oP, vide Finance Divisions Notification No. F.1 (4) Bkg-III/2002-217/2 dated

arch 9, 2009, by passing the following special resolution:

ESOLVED THAT in terms of Section 4(4) of The National Bank of Pakistan

dinance, 1949, the increase in the Banks Authorized Capital from Rs.10 llion

vided into 1,000 Million Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each) to Rs.25 Billion vided

o 2,500 Million Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each) as approved by GoP, vide nance

visions Notification No. F.1 (4) Bkg-III/2002-217/2 dated March 9, 2009, be d is

reby approved. par

To approve donation of Rs.190, 891.45 to one or more charitable trust(s) /

elfare Association(s) or any other institution / organization engaged in the

elfare of human being, by passing the following ordinary resolution

ESOLVED THAT the donation of Rs.190, 891.45, being the net sale oceeds of

694 fractional Bonus Shares - 2007 to one or more charitable trust(s) / Welfare

sociation(s) or any other institution / organization engaged in the welfare of man

ing, name(s) of which will be approved by the President (NBP), be and is reby


atement under Section 160 of The Companies Ordinance, 1984 in respect of ecial

siness is enclosed with the notice sent to Banks shareholders.)

To transact any other business with the permission of the Chairman.

y Order of the Board

arachi. (S. Ali Raza)

ated: April 06, 2009 President


The Share Transfer Books of the Bank shall remain closed from April 18, 09 to

pril 28, 2009 (both days inclusive). Transfers received at Messrs THK

sociates (Pvt) Ltd., Ground Floor, State Life Building No. 3, Dr. Ziauddin

hmed Road, Karachi, the Banks Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, at the

ose of the business on April 17, 2009 will be treated in time for purpose of the

titlement of Cash Dividend / Bonus Shares.

A member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting is titled to

point another member as a proxy to attend and vote on his / her behalf. The

overnment of Pakistan and State Bank of Pakistan and any Corporation(s), ing

ember of the Bank, may nominate any person as its representative to attend the

nnual General Meeting under authority of a Power of Attorney or a Board of

rectors Resolution. Proxies or nominations, in order to be effective and valid,

ust be received at the office of the Banks Registrar / Transfer Agent, Messrs

HK Associates (Pvt) Ltd., Ground Floor, State Life Building No. 3, Dr. auddin

hmed Road, Karachi, not less than 48 hours before the time of holding the

nnual General Meeting.

) The CDC Account Holders and Sub-account Holders, whose Registration tails

e available in the Share Book Detail Report shall be required to produce their

spective Original Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs) or original

ssports at the time of attending the Annual General Meeting to facilitate

entification. Such Account Holders and Sub-Account Holders should also ng

now their respective participant I.D. Number and the CDC Account Number.

se of proxy, he/she must enclose an attested copy of his / her CNIC or ssport.

presentative(s) of corporate member(s) should bring usual documents quired

r such purpose.

Members are requested to immediately notify any change in their addresses the

nks Registrar / Transfer Agent, Messrs THK Associates (Pvt.) Limited.


uring my internship at this particular branch of national bank of Pakistan, there e

lowing problems I have found which are directly affect on efficiency and rformance

the bank. There problems are also called as an internal problems. So these are

scussing below.

Lack Of Communication Among The Employees:

uring the period of my internship I found this problem as a biggest problem at, they

e not very effective in communication between themselves. They do not share e

perience with each other and do not care the other employee. If one employee sa

oblem, then he asked to other, but he does not give clear solution to that oblems.

ey are shows the facial expressions against each other. Pension manager and her

mployees are always tried to gain cash/performance award and use the erences to get

They are talk against each other in front of me. So finally it is very needy for public

rvices organization to keep atmosphere friendly among the management and

mployees. National bank of Pakistan (Tech Society Branch) is lack in mmunication

ills among the employees.

Ineffective Public Dealing:

ere is also a big issue that they think its governments bank so it does not care

stomers. It is a wrong perception. There must be a good public dealing in blic

rvice organization. If one customer asked a question twice. They angry on him d stop

orking. I personally experienced in pension department. The manager pension d no

spect to the old pensioner and he used wrong wording against them same is o

ppened in bills executive in bills is also angry on Customers, when they asked estion

ice, so there should be solve this problem to create a good environment of the BP.

Lack Of Commitment:

ck of commitment is also a big problem faced by the national bank of kistan (Civil

nes Branch Gujranwala). Employees are not committed to the work and their ties.

is is very common problem.

mployees are not very committed to their jobs and duties. Top management is o not

ry committed to this branch. They are not providing employee needed for the earing

at after transfer of the previous employee.

Low Efficiency Of Employees:

ficiency of employees is also low at this branch. For example an employee hose

me I do not want to mention has 10 years experience at national bank of kistan but

is not professional even at single seat in the bank. Where he assign the result zero.

Not Very Regular And Punctual:

gularity and punctuality shows the character of a big and good executive. But s

oblem is also faced by the NBP. Many executives do not come at time.

Lack of Computing Skills:

omputing skills are also low, some executive are very efficient in computing ills but

me are not totally aware from this system. For example ATM machine at this anch is

ly handled by cash manager. When cash manager is on leave due to some ason,

TM machine is off not worked because no body knows to run this machine. estern

nion is not worked effectively. The person who handled western Union is reless and

her employees are not taken interest in that task.

Misuse Of Resources:

source are very needy, so there must be avoid to misuse the resources but in s

anch it is reverse case, there is very wrong use of the resources, employees es not

ke care of resources and not used them in right direction.


etermine the customer satisfaction and improve perceived levels of service.

customers view of your business will help to increase banks profit.

port competitive strengths and weaknesses to higher management.

onfirm the integrity of employees, company procedures and control.

pport an incentive program that will boost employees productivity and yalty.

entify problems whether large or small.

inimizing turnover and eliminate wasted time by employees through sound b


couraging employees, who probably know more about their jobs than anyone e.

acticing sound human relations and creating a work atmosphere that promotes b


re new computer literate staff and increase work space.


ere are some tips for dealing with a difficult person or negative message:

Forgive: Remember that at our very core, we are good, but our judgment comes

ouded and we may say hurtful things. Ask yourself, What is it about this uation or

rson that I can seek to understand and forgive?

Wait it Out: Sometimes I feel compelled to instantly send an email defending yself.

ve learned that emotionally charged emails never get us the result we want; ey only

d oil to the fire. What is helpful is inserting time to allow ourselves to cool f. You

n write the emotionally charged email to the person, just dont send it off. ait until

uve cooled off before responding, if you choose to respond at all.

Does it really matter if I am right? Sometimes we respond with the ention of

fending the side we took a position on. If you find yourself arguing for the ke of

ing right, ask Does it matter if I am right? If yes, then ask Why do I need be

ght? What will I gain?

Dont Respond: Many times when a person initiates a negative message or


itude, they are trying to trigger a response from you. When we react, we are tually

ving them what they want. Lets stop the cycle of negative snowballing and l them

ort on what theyre looking for; dont bother responding.

Stop Talking About It: When you have a problem or a conflict in your life, nt you

d that people just love talking about it? We end up repeating the story to yone wholl

ten. We express how much we hate the situation or person. What we fail to cognize

these moments is that the more we talk about something, the more of that ng well

tice. Example, the more we talk about how much we dislike a person, the ore hate we

ll feel towards them and the more well notice things about them that we slike. Stop

ving it energy, stop thinking about it, and stop talking about it. Do your best to t

peat the story to others.

Be In Their Shoes: As clich as this may sound, we tend to forget that we come

nd-sided in the situation. Try putting yourself in their position and consider w you

ay have hurt their feelings. This understanding will give you a new rspective on

coming rational again, and may help you develop compassion for the other rson.

Look for the Lessons: No situation is ever lost if we can take away from it me

sons that will help us grow and become a better person. Regardless of how gative a

enario may appear, there is always a hidden gift in the form of a lesson. Find e


Choose to Eliminate Negative People In Your Life: Negative people can be ource

energy drain. And deeply unhappy people will want to bring you down motionally, so

at they are not down there alone. Be aware of this. Unless you have a lot of me on

ur hands and do not mind the energy drain, I recommend that you cut them

f from

ur life. Cut them out by avoiding interactions with them as much as possible.

member that you have the choice to commit to being surrounded by people ho have

e qualities you admire: optimistic, positive, peaceful and encouraging people. Kathy

erra said, Be around the change you want to see in the world.

Become the Observer: When we practice becoming the observer of our elings, our

oughts and the situation, we separate ourselves away from the emotions. stead of

entifying with the emotions and letting them consume us, we observe them th clarity

d detachment. When you find yourself identifying with emotions and oughts, bring

ur focus on your breathe.

. Go for a Run or a swim, or some other workout. Physical exercise can lp to

ease the negative and excess energy in us. Use exercise as a tool to clear your nd

d release built up negative energy.

. Worst Case Scenario: Ask yourself two questions, If I do not respond, hat is the

orst thing that can result from it?, If I do respond, what is the worst thing at can

sult from it? Answering these questions often adds perspectives to the uation, and

ull realize that nothing good will come out of reacting. Your energy will be asted,

d your inner space disturbed.

. Avoid Heated Discussions: When were emotionally charged, we are so uch in our

ads that we argue out of an impulse to be right, to defend ourselves, for the ke of our

os. Rationality and resolution can rarely arise out of these discussions. If a scussion is

cessary, wait until everyone has cooled off before diving into one.

. Most Important: List out things in your life most important to you. Then k

urself, Will a reaction to this person contribute to the things that matter ost to me?

. Pour Honey: This doesnt always work, but sometimes catches people off ard

hen theyre trying to Pour Poison on you. Compliment the other person for mething

ey did well, tell them youve learned something new through interacting with em, and

aybe offer to become friends. Remember to be genuine. You might have to dig ep to

d something that you appreciate about this person.

. Express It: Take out some scrap paper and dump all the random and gative

oughts out of you by writing freely without editing. Continue to do so until u have

thing else to say. Now, roll the paper up into a ball, close your eyes and sualize that

the negative energy is now inside that paper ball. Toss the paper ball in the sh. Let it



hy are this opportunity and not a headache?

ere's why: irritate one customer and they'll tell a hundred people about their d

perience, but deal with them correctly and they will become a loyal and happy


at's why it is so important to maintain warm positive relations with your stomers

er all, they're handing you money every monthtreat them and their money th the

spect they deserve.

hey may be upset because of billing charges they weren't expecting, or the oduct or

rvice wasn't what they were expecting, or delivery was later than promised, or ey

sunderstood your procedures and practices, or sometimes it is a genuine error your

rt, and there are also times when it is simply a figment of the customers agination.

hichever it is, how you and your staff deal with the situation will make the ference

tween a loyal and satisfied customer, and a customer who leaves you for the



he absolute first thing to remember in dealing with a customer's complaint is listen.

on't interrupt, just let them talk. We all want to think that people are paying ention to

r needs, so pay attention and let them talk their frustrations out.

ten, just letting them vent their frustrations is enough to defuse an angry stomer.

metimes, if you let them talk and explain their frustration, they end up tually

itching sides and start defending you.


uestions help you get to the real problem and not just the one they called you th.

ere are times, when dealing with intricate or complicated matters, that the stomer's

ustration is more with them for not understanding what's going on than it is th you.

y asking questions you accomplish two things:

) You are able to clarify the areas of concern, and insure that you are both king about

e same thing, and

) You demonstrate that you care about the customer and the problem.


t them know that you understand why they are frustrated, and that you care out

minating their frustration.

on't ever try to make excuses. Always acknowledge how upsetting the uation can be

d assure your customers that you want to provide them relief as quickly as ssible.


k them how they would like the situation resolved. They may not want what u think

ey want. Yes, it is true that sometimes what they want is unrealistic, but try to

commodate their desires as much as possible.

oing a little extra to resolve the situation will go a long way towards satisfying e

stomer and winning their continued support.


ways pause before you respond that pause indicates that you are thinking

out what

ey have said and that you are formulating an appropriate response, not just tling off

me stock answer that you tell everyone.

reality, you may be responding with a stock answer, but the customer needs feel that

e answer was unique and special for them. They needand deserveto be ated like individual and not some number.


hoever gets the irate customer first should have as much authority as ssible to

solve customer disputes.

o one wants to be on hold while you "talk with your supervisor," or "see what u can

," or be passed around. Let their first point of contact be their last, no matter w far

wn the chain of command that person might be.

andling and resolving customer complaints should be one of the first things y new

mployee learns. If you can't trust your employees to make intelligent and nsitive

cisions then why did you hire them in the first place?


o one wants to wait hours or even days for some sort of resolution. When you ake

e customer wait, you are adding to the frustration and the problem, not solving it.

nd finally, smile.

t them be the grump, you be the ray of sunshine that is taking care of their oblem. Be


eir problem may be insignificant to you or may appear to be irrational, but it serious

your customers. Respect that concern and behave accordingly.

ow, in defense of those who have had the totally irrational customer mplaint:

nderstand you completely. Sometimes the customer is completely and evocably

ong, and no amount of special treatment or consideration is due them.

nfortunately, there are those whoeven after having reality explained to them


u to give them some sort of credit on their account, and may even throw out e old this point you have two choices.

ying, "The customer is always right."

rst, you can give in and give them some sort of credit or adjustment to their l, but I

ar that no matter what you do, you will never be able to make them happy.

cond, you can decide that no matter how much this customer is paying you, it mply

n't worth the grief and hassle of putting up with this much hostility, and stop ing

siness with them.

y words to you are simple:

he customer is not always rightbut

ey are always the customer.


you have to work with difficult people every day, you probably dread going to ork

ch morning. What's more, you might get so stressed that you can't concentrate the


ave you ever wondered why some people are difficult to work with?

ndividuals behave in a difficult manner because they have learned that doing keeps

hers off balance and incapable of effective action. Worst of all, they appear mune to

the usual methods of communication and persuasion designed to convince or lp

em change their ways,

e following strategies for coping with such people:

ow to Cope:

void these don'ts when dealing with difficult people:

Don't take difficult people's behavior personally. Their troublesome behavior

bitual and affects most people with whom they come in contact.

Don't fight back or try to beat them at their own games. They have been

acticing their skills for a life time, and you're an amateur.

Don't try to appease them. Difficult people have an insatiable appetite for


Don't try to change them. You can only change your responses to their havior.

ere's how you can cope effectively with four common types of difficult people.

penly Aggressive People:

and up to them, but don't fight. Overly aggressive people expect others to her run

way from them or react with rage. Your goal is simply to assertively express ur own

ews, not try to win a battle of right and wrong.

rst, wait for the person to run out of some steam. Then call the person by name d

sert your own opinions with confidence.


fficult people are experts at taking potshots and making sneak attacks in btle ways,

ch as humorous put-downs, sarcastic tones of voice, disapproving looks and


ou may feel uncomfortable replying to them because you don't like nfrontation. This,

wever, allows snipers to get away with their covert hostility.

spond to a sniper with a question. That sounds like you're making fun of me. e

u? A sniper usually replies to such accusations with denial, I'm only king.

evertheless, questioning covert attacks will reduce the chance for similar acks in the



ese are fearful people who have little faith in themselves and others because ey

lieve in a hostile world. Their constant discouragement and complaining can ng

eryone to despair.

Don't try to argue these difficult people out of their negativity. Instead, respond th

ur own optimistic expectations,.

ent People:

ople who ignore you, give you sullen looks, and/or respond to every question th

her I don't know or silence are difficult because they're timid. Silent people

t away

th not talking because most people are uncomfortable with silence and are too ick to

l in the gaps. Ask them questions that can't be answered with just a yes or o, such Why is it uncomfortable for you to answer my questions?

en wait at least one full minute before you say anything. This long silence ay make

em uncomfortable enough to say something. If they do start talking, listen refully.

on't Give Up:

ealing with difficult people takes practice, so don't get discouraged. Although ese

ategies won't change the difficult people, they will break their ability to erfere with

ur effectiveness. Most important, you'll feel more confident and you'll start to joy

ur workdays.


greement Corporation: Corporation charted by a state bank to engage in ernational

nking; so named because the corporation enters into an agreement with board

vernors to limit its activities to those permitted an Edge Act corporation.

utomated teller machine-ATM: Computer-controlled terminals located on e

emises of financial institutions or elsewhere, through which customers may ake

posits, withdrawals, or other transaction as they would through a bank teller.

ll: A short term obligation of US treasury (13, 26,0r 52 weeks maturity).

onds: a long term obligation of US treasury (more than ten years maturity)

entral Bank: The principal monetary authority of nation, a central bank rforms

veral key functions, including issuing currency and regulating the supply of edit in

e economy. The SBP is the central bank of Pakistan.

heque Clearing: The movement of chaeques from the bank or other


stitution where they are deposited back to those on which the y are written, d funds

ovement in the opposite direction.

ollateral: Property that is offered to secure a loan or other credit and that comes

bject to seizure on default. (Also called security).

ommercial Bank: A Bank that offers a broad range of deposit accounts, cluding

ecking savings and time deposits, and extends loans to individual and sinesses.

ommercial banks can be contrasted with investment banking firms, such as okerage

ms, which generally involved in arranging for the sale of corporate or unicipal


orrespondent Bank: A Bank that accepts deposits of and performs banking rvices

r other depository institutions.

redit: The promise to pay in future in order to buy or borrow in the present. e right

defer payment of debit.

redit Card: Any card, plate, or coupon book that may be used repeatedly to rrow

oney or buy goods and services on credit.

redit Worthiness: A creditors measure of a consumers past and future ility and

llingness to repay debits.

urrent Account Balance: The difference between the nations total exports of ods,

rvices and transfers and the total imports of them. Current accounts balance lculation

clude transaction in financial assets and d liabilities.

ebit Card: A card that resembles credit a credit card but which debits a nsaction

count (checking amount) with the transfers occurring contemporaneously with e

stomers purchase.

scount Rate: Interest rate at which an eligible depository institution may


nds, typically for a short-term period, directly from a Federal Reserve Bank.

ectronic Funds Transfer - EFT: Transfer of funds electronically rather than

eque or cash. The Federal Reserves fed wire and automated clearinghouse rvices are

FT system.

ectronic Fund Transfer Systems EFTS: A variety of system and chnologies for

nsferring funds (money) electronically rather than Cheque. This includes fed re,

tomated clearinghouses (ACHs) and other automated system.

xchange Rate: The price of a countrys currency in terms of an other untrys


nancial Institution: An institution that uses its funds chiefly to purchase ancial

sets (loan, securities) as opposed to tangible property. Financial institutions n be

assified according to the nature of he claims they issue.

nancial Instrument: Any written instrument having monetary value or idencing a

onetary transaction.

xed Change Rate System: Exchange rates between currencies that are set at

edetermined level and dont move in response in supply and demand.

quidity: (1) The ability of a bank or business to meet its current obligations; ) the

ality that makes an asset quickly and readily convertible into cash.


oney Supply: The amount of money (coins, paper currency, and checking counts)

at is in circulation in the economy.

ominal Interest Rates: Current stated rates of interest paid or earned.

ote: A medium-term obligation of the U.S treasury; 2-10 years maturity. See o bill

d bond.

pen- End Credit: A line of credit that may be used repeatedly up to certain

mit. (also

lled a charge account or revolving credit).

yments System: Collective term for mechanism (both paper-back and ectronic) for

oving funds, payments, and money among financial institutions through the tion. The

deral Reserve plays a major role in the nations payment system through stribution of

rrency and coin, processing of cheques, electronic transfer of funds, and the eration

automated clearinghouses that transfer funds electronically among depository

stitutions various private organizations also perform payments system nctions.

emium: The amount by which the auction price of a bill, note; or a bond is gher than face value.

incipal Payments: The face amount of par value of a debt instrument where erest is

id. The interest payment is not part of the principal.

eal interest Rate: Interest rat adjusted fro the expected erosion of purchasing wer

sulting from inflation.

ecession: A significant that in general economic activity extending over a riod of


eserve: A depository institutions vault cash, (up to the level of its required serves)

us balances in its reserve account (not including funds applied to its required earing


ving Bank: Depository institution historically engaged primarily in accepting

stomers savings deposits and in originating and investing in securities and sidential

ortgage loans; now may offer checking type deposits and make a wider range loans.

curities: Paper certificate (definitive securities) or electronic records (booktry

curities) evidencing ownership of equity (stocks) or debit obligation (bonds).

rcharge: An extra charge imposed on those who purchase with a credit stead of

sh. (Currently, surcharges for credit card purchases prohibited).

ility: Utility theory explains customer tastes and preferences.

Mark Signature: A signature made by a person unable to sign his or her me. To be

gal valid, the signature must be witnessed by another person.



r. Ghulam Abbas HR Manager

r. Muhammad Nawaz Cheema

r. Shehzad Customer Facilitation Officer (CFO)

r. Asghar Kamboh Clearing Incharge

r. Ghulam Mustafa Bills Incharge

r. Hassan Ali (Credit Officer)

iss. Sayeda Ruqia Ansar (Credit Officer)

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