Kumar2018 ReferenceWorkEntry EndocrineSystem
Kumar2018 ReferenceWorkEntry EndocrineSystem
Kumar2018 ReferenceWorkEntry EndocrineSystem
Endocrine System
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Endocrine System, Fig. 2 Therapeutic effect of insulin available under Creative Commons Attribution Interna-
historically demonstrated in a diabetic girl. (Image credit: tional Licensing)
Welcome Collection, a proprietary of Welcome Trust, UK,
In 1894, Oliver and Schaefer described the hormone (GH) was first described by Evans
presence of epinephrine in extracts from the adre- and Long.
nal medulla. In1922 Banting and Best discovered insulin.
In 1902 William Bayliss and Ernest Starling in Insulin showed a magical effect on the health of
a unique experiment showed that acid instilled the diabetes patients for whom otherwise no cure
into the duodenum induced secretion in pancreas, was available until then (Fig. 2). No later, Eli
even after removing any nervous connections Lilly, a chemist and owner of an American phar-
between the two organs. maceutical company, started mass production of
Nayliss and Starling discovered the hormone insulin (Fig. 3).
secretin in 1903 and also used the first the term In 1962 Sutherland a renowned pharmacist
“hormones” to indicate such chemical reported that the action of epinephrine is mediated
messengers. by secondary messengers like cyclic adenosine
In 1909, MacCallum and Voetlin stated an monophosphate (cAMP). It was a landmark dis-
association between calcium metabolism and the covery which unraveled the mechanism of the
parathyroid glands. action of hormones.
In 1913, Farmi and Von den Velden treated
diabetes insipidus with posterior pituitary
Evolutionary and Developmental Basis
In 1921 Otto Loewi first brought the idea of
neurohormones and that year only growth
Most animals with well-developed nervous/circu-
latory systems essentially have an endocrine
4 Endocrine System
Endocrine System, Fig. 3 An advertisement for Lilly Insulin (McCormick). (Image credit: Truman Library)
system. The endocrine system of vertebrates con- mesoderm, ectoderm); hence, the type of endo-
sists of glands and diffuse cell groups scattered in crine product is determined by the tissue layer a
epithelial tissues. Endocrine glands develop from gland originated in. Glands of ectodermal and
all three germinal tissue layers (endoderm, endodermal origin produce peptide and amine
Endocrine System 5
hormones; but mesodermal-origin glands secrete The lower most part of this brain structure projects
steroid or lipid hormones (Sadler and Langman into the pituitary (infundibular) stalk making pos-
2015; Kleine and Rossmanith 2016, terior or neurohypophyseal part of the pituitary
pp. 347–353). gland. The specific nuclei groups of hypothala-
mus involved in the secretion of hormones are
described below along with the functions.
Classification of Endocrine Glands
Function Hypothalamus is the central regulator
Endocrine glands can be classified as central and
of the entire endocrine system. Hypothalamic
peripheral. Central endocrine glands are those
neuronal cells secrete releasing/release inhibiting
which are present within the cranium and are
hormones which further stimulate/inhibit the syn-
part of the brain as hypothalamus, pituitary and
thesis of stimulating hormones from the anterior
pineal glands. The other glands existing outside
pituitary. Chiefly, arcuate nucleus of the tuberal
the cranial premises are called peripheral. Endo-
region, and also some nuclear groups in preoptic
crine glands also can be classified as primary and
and supraoptic regions, which control the secre-
secondary endocrine organs. Primary endocrine
tion of hormones from the anterior pituitary, or the
organs have the only function to secrete hormones
supraoptic and paraventicular nuclei (PVN) of
(Table 1a), but secondary endocrine organs are
supraoptic region of the hypothalamus which
primarily meant for the other biological functions
secrete oxytocin and vasopressin and
and also secrete hormones to support and sustain
corticotrophic releasing hormone (CRH) consti-
their primary functions (Table 1b). In secondary
tute endocrine part of the hypothalamus. Arcuate
endocrine organs, only specific cell groups or
and other hypothalamic nuclei controlling hor-
tissue components would be devoted for the hor-
monal secretion form the anterior pituitary send
monal secretion. Pancreas, though merits to be a
their axons to the median eminence
primary endocrine organ by definition, it is only
(hypothalamic extension which forms stalk of
partly endocrine, as it has only a specific cell
the pituitary gland) and emit their secretions
group (Islets of Langerhans) dispersed along
which get collected in the portal venous capil-
whole length of organ (mainly tail part) which is
laries present there and through the portal veins
endocrine, rest of the pancreas is exocrine –
reach to the anterior pituitary. Contrastingly, oxy-
secretes enzymes meant for digestive functions
tocin and vasopressin are synthesized by the
which exit through ducts. Similarly, hypothala-
supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypo-
mus though considered as a primary endocrine
thalamus, respectively, though are released at the
organ, only neurons in the specific nuclear groups
posterior pituitary or neurohypophysis where
are endocrine. Table 1 enlists animal endocrine
their axons are ending. Hypothalamic endocrine
glands, exiting hormones, and their major
function is regulated by the instructions from the
higher cortical centers and also through the feed-
back received from the different hierarchical
levels of the endocrine systems which are under
Endocrine Glands: Brief Anatomy and
the hypothalamic control (Kovacs and Ojeda
Hormone-Related Functions
2012, pp. 116–148, Kleine and Rossmanith
2016, pp. 269–297). Hypothalamic endocrine reg-
Primary Endocrine Organs
ulation is further discussed in this chapter in sec-
tion “Endocrine System: Physiological
Structure Hypothalamus is the basal part of the
diencephalon (its upper part is called thalamus)
making the floor of the third ventricle of the brain.
Endocrine System, Table 1 Animal endocrine glands, hormones, and their major functions
Glands/hormone Cell/tissue source Major functions Glands/hormone Cell/tissue source Major functions
(a) Primary endocrine organs
Hypothalamus Pituitary
Corticotropin- Paraventricular nuclei Stimulates release of ACTH and Adrenocorticotropic Anterior pituitary Stimulates synthesis and release
releasing hormone (PVN) B-endorphin from anterior hormone (ACTH) of glucocorticoids
(CRH) pituitary
Gonadotropin- Preoptic area; anterior Stimulates release of FSH and Follicle-stimulating Anterior pituitary Stimulates development of
releasing hormone hypothalamus LH from anterior pituitary hormone (FSH) ovarian follicles and secretion
(GNRH) of estrogens; stimulates
Luteinizing hormone- Nuclei; medial basal Stimulates release of LH from Growth hormone Anterior pituitary Mediates somatic cell growth
releasing hormone hypothalamus (rodents and anterior pituitary (GH)
(LHRH) primates); arcuate nuclei
Somatostatin (growth Anterior periventricular Inhibits release of GH and TSH Luteinizing hormone Anterior pituitary Stimulates Leydig cell
hormone-inhibiting nuclei from anterior pituitary inhibits (LH) development and testosterone
hormone) release of insulin and glucagon production in males; stimulates
from pancreas corpora lutea development and
production of progesterone in
Melanotropin-release Arcuate nuclei Inhibits the release of MSH Melanocyte- Anterior pituitary Affects memory; affects skin
inhibitory factor (no evidence of this peptide in stimulating hormone color in amphibians
(Dopamine) humans) (MSH)
Neuropeptide Arcuate nuclei Regulation of energy balance Prolactin (PRL) Anterior pituitary Many actions relating to
Y (NPY) reproduction, water balance,
Neurotensin Arcuate nuclei Regulation of energy balance Thyroid-stimulating Anterior pituitary Stimulates thyroid hormone
hormone or secretion
thyrotropin (TSH)
Orexin A and B Lateral hypothalamic area Regulation of energy balance/ Oxytocin Posterior pituitary Stimulates milk letdown and
food intake uterine contractions during birth
Thyrotropin-releasing Paraventricular nuclei Stimulates release of TSH and Vasopressin or Posterior pituitary Increases water reabsorption in
hormone (PVN) PRL from anterior pituitary antidiuretic hormone kidney
Endocrine System
Histamine Tuberomamillary nucleus Increases wakefulness, prevent Pineal gland
(also from mast cells) sleep
Kisspeptin Arcuate nucleus Acting on the receptors present Melatonin Pinealocytes Affects reproductive and
in the anterior pituitary circadian control of bodily
regulates synthesis/secretion of functions
reproductive hormones
Endocrine System
Capillary plexus
Structure Pituitary gland is the master controller Structure Pineal is a minute pine cone like gland
of all peripheral primary endocrine glands. This located at the rear end of the diencephalon. The
gland is located in the hypophyseal fossa (also cellular elements of the gland are pinealocytes
called pituitary fossa) which is placed in the center (approx. 95%) and neuroglia cells, and it is
of middle cranial fossa of base of the skull. Embry- densely filled with afferent nerve terminals. The
ological derivation of this gland is unique. Poste- gland is highly vascular and rich in sympathetic
rior half of the gland is the extension of the innervations.
hypothalamus hence neural and is called neurohy-
pophysis. The neurohypophysis contains the axons
Function Pineal gland secretes (by pinealocytes)
terminals of the neurons supraoptic and PVN
a serotonin-derived photoactive hormone melato-
nuclei of the supraoptic region of the hypothala-
nin which helps regulate circadian rhythm of the
mus. Anterior part of the gland is derived from the
body (to regulate the sleep and wakefulness) in
evagination of the oral ectoderm infront of the
concert with the biological clock situated in the
buccopharyngeal membrane and is called adeno-
supra-chiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothala-
hypophysis. Most of the pituitary hormones are
mus. It is also a known powerful antioxidant.
secreted from the adenohypophysis part except
Melatonin secretion is regulated by light exposure
oxytocin and vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone
and its intensity and shows a rhythmic secretion,
(ADH) which are secreted from the neurohypoph-
being low during the daylight hours and high
ysis part (Kovacs and Ojeda 2012, pp. 116–171).
during dark periods.
Melatonin is also believed to be involved in
Function The hypothalamic releasing or inhibi- sexual development and reproductive functions
tory hormones regulate the synthesis of trophic (blocks secretion of LH and FSH), thermoregula-
hormones from the anterior pituitary through tion, cellular metabolism, and also in immune
hypophyseal portal system (Fig. 4). Posterior pitu- function. Though there is little evidence in
itary hormones oxytocin and vasopressin regulate human that the pineal gland plays a significant
hemodynamic status of the body. Oxytocin is also role in the neuroendocrine regulation of reproduc-
involved in induction of the delivery and ejection tion during either puberty or adulthood, in season-
of breast milk in female (Kovacs and Ojeda 2012, ally breeding animals, such as sheep and
pp. 148–171). Both of the hormones have effect hamsters, melatonin secretion is said to be
on animal social behavior, memory, and learning, influenced by the day length and thus gating
especially oxytocin, which is also called social reproduction as a function of the season (Kleine
molecule (Kumar et al. 2018). and Rossmanith 2016, pp. 243–244).
Endocrine System 11
T4 T4
T3 MIT Tg I0
T3 Hydrolysis I0
I– I– Tg
I– I0 Tg
I– I0
2Na 2Na+ Single
vessel Thyroid
Endocrine System, Fig. 5 Synthesis of Thyroid hormones. I: ionized iodine; I0: oxidized iodine; Tg: thyroglobulin;
TPO: thyroid peroxidase
stimulating hormone (TSH) from anterior pitui- Gonadotrophins The adrenal cortex secretes
tary along with nutritional signals like availability many male sex hormones, including DHEA,
of the iodine and carrier molecules, and also by DHEA sulfate (DHEAS), androstenedione, and
the environmental factors like radiation, chemical 11-hydroxyandrostenedione, and also small quan-
exposure, drugs, and temperature. Calcitonin is a tities of the female sex hormones progesterone
small polypeptide hormone secreted by the para- and estrogen. Androgens secreted from the adre-
follicular or “C” cells of the thyroid. Calcitonin nal go extra-adrenal conversion to testosterone.
decreases blood calcium and increases blood These androgens have a role in early development
phosphate level by suppressing the osteoclast of the male sex organs in childhood. They also
activity in bones and increasing the amount of mediate secondary sexual characteristics during
calcium excreted in urine (Kleine and Rossmanith puberty in the both sexes. ACTH from anterior
2016, pp. 269–297). pituitary has a physiological stimulatory effect on
androgen release by the adrenal.
Mineralocorticoids Aldosterone accounts for
Structure The small glands (about 50 mg), two most of the mineralocorticoid activity, with some
each side, are normally found on the posterior contribution from glucocorticoids. The concentra-
aspect of the lobes of thyroid gland. tion of aldosterone in blood exhibits diurnal var-
iation, and the secretory rate is generally
Function Parathyroid gland secretes parathyroid 150–250 mg/day. Aldosterone promotes sodium
hormone (PTH) that controls calcium and phos- reabsorption and potassium excretion by the tubu-
phate homeostasis in the body. Effect of PTH on lar epithelial cells of the collecting and distal renal
blood calcium and phosphate levels is opposite of tubules thus way maintaining normal osmolality
calcitonin for which it is known as an antagoniz- and water balance in blood. Reabsorption of
ing hormone. sodium is followed by passive absorption of
water, leading to an increase in the extracellular
Adrenal Gland fluid volume with minimal change in the plasma
sodium concentration.
Structure Adrenal gland is a small gland located
on the top of each kidney enclosed in renal fascia Glucocorticoids Most of the glucocorticoid
(alternative name for this is suprarenal gland). It activity comes from cortisol, with corticosterone
has cortical and medullary parts which secrete having a minor contribution. The normal blood
steroid and amine hormones respectively. The cortisol concentration averages 12 mg/dL, with an
cortex is further differentiated into pars average secretory rate of 15–20 mg/day. Cortisol
glomerulosa, fasiculata, and reticularis. Central secretion from adrenal gland is the output hor-
medullary part contains chromaffin and ganglion mone in HPA axis, and also it is the chief stress
cells of neural crest origin. hormone in body. Other functions of cortisol are
like counteracting insulin secretion, stimulating
Functions Its cortical and medullary parts gastric-acid secretion, reducing bone formation,
secrete distinct hormones which are involved in and functioning as a diuretic. Cortisol also con-
maintaining important physiological functions. tributes to the maintenance of various homeostatic
actions, like blood pressure, immune system,
Cortical Hormones The pars glomerulosa, metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat,
fasiculata, and reticularis secreting sex steroids and anti-inflammatory action. Its secretion is con-
or gonadotrophins, mineralcorticoids, and gluco- trolled by the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal
corticoids or cortisol in order. All cortical hor- (HPA) axis, which follows a circadian rhythm
mones are steroid compounds derived from and also gets influenced by exposure to the light
cholesterol. and hours of the sleep (vice versa it regulates
Endocrine System 13
sleep) (Longo 2015, Chapter 399; Kleine and inhibin and relaxin suppress). Relaxin also relaxes
Rossmanith 2016, pp. 339–346). Its regulation the hip ligaments before delivery of the child.
through HPA axis and neural and molecular Estrogens also have effect on the physiological
basis of rhythmic secretion are further discussed processes other than reproduction such as bone
in this chapter in section “Endocrine System: metabolism/remodeling, nervous system matura-
Physiological Regulations.” tion, and endothelial responsiveness. Estrogen
also brings pubertal changes in female like breast
Medullary Hormones The chromaffin and gan- development and enlargement and maturation of
glion cells in the medulla secrete epinephrine/ the uterus, ovaries, and vagina. Estrogen also
adrenalin and norepinephrine/noradrenaline and works in concert with growth hormone and
in minute amount dopamine. These hormones insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) to produce a
are secreted into the bloodstream as a result of growth spurt and stimulates the maturation of
direct stimulation by acetylcholine release from chondrocytes and osteoblasts, which ultimately
the sympathetic nerves. Preganglionic sympa- leads to epiphyseal fusion. Until midpuberty,
thetic nerve fibers reach to the chromaffin cells estrogen begins to exert a positive feedback on
of the adrenal medulla without synapsing any- gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secre-
where else. These hormones are responsible for tion, leading to the progressive increase of LH
the maintenance of cardiac output, physiological and FSH production, culminating in the LH
vascular resistance, and stress response (Kleine surge, ovulation, and the initiation of the men-
and Rossmanith 2016, pp. 269–297). strual cycle. In the adult female, estrogen plays a
critical role in maintaining the menstrual cycle
Ovary (Kovacs and Ojeda 2012, pp. 194–238, Kleine
and Rossmanith 2016, pp. 269–297).
Structure Ovary is the female gonad located in
the pelvis one on each side at the terminal end Testes
(fimbria) of the uterine tube. A single follicle is the
endocrine unit of the ovary. Each follicle contains Structure Testis is the male gonad which in con-
a germ cell/oocyte at the core surrounded by an trast to the female gonad, along with the external
inner and an outer layer composed of granulosa genitalia presents in the perineal region, present
cells and theca cells, respectively. bilaterally enclosed in scrotal sac.
Function It secretes the hormones which are Function It chiefly secretes testosterone which is
essential for the maintaining functions and health necessary for the gametogenesis and also devel-
of their reproductive organs. Ovary chiefly opment and maintenance of the male reproductive
secretes estrogen and progesterone which are, system and male sexual behavior. Higher center
respectively, responsible for the initiation and regulation of testosterone synthesis is much sim-
maintenance of the pregnancy, and also secretes pler than the female sex hormones due to absence
androstenedione and testosterone in slighter of a defined cyclic period in male. The male sex
amount which can get converted to estrogen hormones secreted from adrenal gland make addi-
with aromatization. Estrogen also shows a termi- tional source of this hormone through conversion.
nal surge which induces secretion of the oxytocin
which in turn would initiate uterine contraction to Pancreas (Islet Cells)
facilitate delivery of the child. Ovary also secretes
minor nonsteroidal hormones as activin, inhibin, Structure Islet cells of the pancreas which are
and relaxin. Nonsteroidal ovarian hormones have dispersed among the exocrine acini as clusters
a contribution in regulating production of steroid constitute endocrine part of this organ. Islet cell
hormones though chief regulation is by LH and clusters are more abundant towards rear part of the
FSH by anterior pituitary (activin enhances, and organ with highest density in the tail.
14 Endocrine System
Function Islet cells secrete three types of the the pregnancy, syncytial cells of the trophoblast
hormones: alpha cells secrete glucagon, beta secrete human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG),
cells insulin, and delta cells somatostatin, respec- which helps to maintain corpus luteum until pla-
tively, which are crucial for the normal metabolic centa takes the action of synthesizing progester-
functions of the body. Insulin and glucagon con- one. HCG also inhibits LH like gonadotrophins to
trol the two opposite aspects of glucose metabo- stop further ovulations and to help sustain preg-
lism, glycogenesis and glycogenolysis, nancy. This hormone is excreted in the maternal
respectively, in consequent control concentration urine in initial months of the pregnancy and is
of glucose in blood. Insulin is also involved in the used as a gestational indicator. Another hormone
metabolism of many other energy storing bio- secreted by the placenta is somatomammotropin
molecules which finally reduce blood glucose (placental lactogen), which is a growth hormone
level. like substance, providing fetus a priority on mater-
nal glucose and inducing maternal glucose syn-
Organs/Tissue Components with Secondary thesis hence making the mother functionally
Endocrine Function diabetic during pregnancy. It also helps growth
Certain animal organs contain a tissue component of the breast in mother (Sadler and Langman
or specific cell groups with endocrine functions 2015, pp. 116–117).
(Table 1b). Below is being provided a brief
descriptions of such endocrine structures and
their functions.
Structure The thymus is a double lobed struc-
ture located in the upper anterior part of chest
directly behind sternum. It has an outer zone
Structure Placenta is an endocrine organ of
called cortex and an inner zone called medulla.
pregnancy. All female mammals other than mono-
Histologically, the organ is composed of two
tremes and marsupials (most) bear placenta during
types of cell called lymphocytes and reticular
pregnancy. Placenta is implanted in the uterine
cells. The cortex bears the immature T cells
wall, where it receives nutrients and oxygen
which migrate to the medulla in order to mature
from the mother’s blood and passes out excretory
(Standring 2016, pp. 1362–1365).
products. It is a disc like structure. Uniquely, it has
maternal and fetal components both providing a
physical link between the two. Maternal and fetal Function Thymus produces hormones like thy-
components are derived from uterine decidua mosin (alpha 1), thymulin, and thymopoietin,
(functional layer of the endometrium which is which have been stated to circulate through
shed during parturition) and chorionic frondosum blood and to act on both prothymocytes and
(an outer trophoblast shell and inner chorionic mature T-cells in the periphery which helps to
plate made of extraembryonic mesoderm), respec- maintain commitment and functions of these
tively (Sadler and Langman 2015, p. 112). It is the cells. The hormones produced by the thymus pro-
fetal component, especially the syncytial layer of mote the maturation of the T cells prior to their
the trophoblast cells, which is endocrine, and release into the blood. Once these thymic lympho-
secretes hormones to sustain pregnancy. cytes (or T cells) have fully matured in the thy-
mus, they migrate to the lymph nodes in the body
Functions Placenta secretes progestins (mainly and guard against invader microorganisms or liv-
progesterone) along with the corpus luteum. ing or nonliving foreign particles causing dis-
It also secretes estrogen (especially weaker eases, a biological function called immune
estriol) which inhibit the LH along with the pro- surveillance (Kleine and Rossmanith 2016,
gesterone to help sustain pregnancy and induce pp. 269–297; Standring 2016, pp. 1362–1365).
growth of the breast. During initial 2 months of
Endocrine System 15
Cholesterol O
Certain cells of kidney secrete hormones which O
are crucial for hemodynamic and electrolyte bal- O
ance in the body. A decline in blood flow which is Pregnenolone Progesterone
detected at the glomerular filtration system HO
a Hormone
Protein, peptide, b
amine hormones Steroid and Thyroid
Cell surface receptor
Secondary transporters
Coding of mRNAs
Protein synthesis
Endocrine System, Fig. 7 Mechanisms of action (a) Hormones and Behavior, Kumar A. et al., 2018, Encyclo-
Protein, peptide, and amine hormones (b) Steroid and pedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer Nature)
thyroid hormones. (Reproduced with permission from
hormones are lipid soluble, hence can cross on the metabolic processes involved. Metabolic
through the cell membranes. They directly reach processes which need urgent response, such as
nucleus tagged with transporters or binding pro- blood glucose or calcium homeostasis, are usually
tein present in the cell cytoplasm, where they set controlled by peptide hormones (also epinephrine),
free from the carrier molecule and attach to the but processes for which response is slow, such as
nuclear receptors (binding sites) at DNA promoter pubertal development or basic metabolic rate, are
regions for the genes assigned for forming specific controlled by steroid hormones and thyroid hor-
proteins (Fig. 7) (Kleine and Rossmanith 2016, mones. Electrolyte homeostasis requires intermedi-
pp. 263–267; Kumar et al. 2018). ate response speed and is regulated by peptide and
Thyroid hormones, though chemically amine, steroid hormones both (Kleine and Rossmanith
are exception to the group. Their three dimen- 2016, pp. 263–267).
sional structure resembles that of the steroid hor-
mones, hence can enter the cell and reach to the
Hormone Secretion, Transport, and
specific nuclear receptors with the help of specific
transporters present at the cell membrane
The blood level of a hormone is determined by its
(facilitated diffusion) and in the cell cytoplasm.
rate of secretion and its circulating half-life. After
Hormones are biologically active in very minute
protein processing, peptide hormones are stored in
amount which get usually measured in micrograms
secretory granules, from where are later released
(mg, 106 g), nanograms (ng, 109 g), or picograms
into the circulation. The stimulus for hormone
(pg, 1012 g). Hormone-Receptor interactions for
secretion may be a releasing factor or neural signal
all categories of hormones are highly specific,
that induces rapid changes in intracellular calcium
reversible, and satiable and follow a threshold limit
concentrations, leading to secretory granule
for the maximal biological response (i.e., follow
fusion with the plasma membrane and release of
normal distribution curve). Also, there is differential
the hormones. In contrast, steroid hormones dif-
purposing of the category of hormones depending
fuse into the circulation as they are synthesized
18 Endocrine System
Endocrine System, Table 4 Central endocrine axes in the animals (including human)
Hypothalamic component/ organ/
Name hormone Pituitary component/hormone hormone
Hypothalamic- Paraventricular nucleus (PVN)/ Adrenocorticotrophs, anterior pituitary/ Cortisol/
pituitary- adrenal corticotrophin releasing adrenocorticotrophin hormone (ACTH) cortisone
(HPA) axis hormone (CRH)
Hypothalamic- Paraventricular nucleus Thyrotrophs, anterior pituitary/thyroxine Thyroxine
pituitary-thyroid PVN/thyrotrophin releasing stimulating hormone (TSH) 3 and 4
(HPT) axis hormone (TRH) (T3 and T4)
Hypothalamic- Arcuate nucleus/gonadotrophin Gonadotrophs, anterior pituitary/follicle Estrogen/
pituitary-gonadal releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulating hormone (FSH)/leutinizing progesterone
(HPG) axis hormone (LH)
pituitary (adenohypophysis). Hypothalamus in prolactin from the anterior pituitary and also sets
association with anterior pituitary and adrenal auto-inhibition of its own secretion (Macleod
gland constitutes HPA axis – which bears an et al. 1981).
influence on most of the neurophysiological func-
tions and is crucial for the neuroendocrine adap- Paracrine and Autocrine Regulation
tation to the stress. A parallel axis connecting Paracrine regulation refers to factors released by
hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to gonads one cell that act on an adjacent cell in the same
(testis in male and ovary in female) constitutes tissue, such as somatostatin secretion by pancre-
HPG axis which regulates reproductive functions. atic islet cells inhibits insulin secretion from
In HPG axis, releasing/inhibitory hormones are nearby cells. Autocrine regulation states the
secreted from specific hypothalamic nuclei action of a factor on the same cell from which it
which induce synthesis/release of stimulating/ is produced, such as IGF-I acts on the cells that
luteinizing hormones from anterior pituitary produce it to regulate its secretion.
which in turn induce synthesis/release of sex hor-
mones from the gonads. The peripheral endocrine Circadian Control of Endocrine Functions
glands and their central regulatory centers work in SCN and PVN nuclei of hypothalamus regulate
coordination in an attempt to maintain a state of circadian release of hormones. Pineal gland is also
functional equilibrium or physiological homeo- known to maintain circadian release of melatonin
stasis in the body (Kleine and Rossmanith 2016, which depends on exposure of the organism to the
pp. 299–338). light. The circadian release of any hormone from
Feedback regulation also occurs for endocrine the hypothalamic and pineal nuclei is affected by
systems that do not involve the central axes, for the duration and intensity of the light exposure.
example, calcium feedback on PTH, glucose inhi- The SCN and other hypothalamic nuclei are
bition of insulin secretion, and leptin feedback on connected to the retina – screening portal of the
the hypothalamus. light, through bidirectional retinohypothalamic
Uniquely, prolactin a hormone secreted from connections. Pineal gland nuclei are also
the anterior pituitary essential for the control of connected to this circuitry through to and fro
the lactation in female and many other functions channels. Control of circadian rhythm through
has only two components in its regulatory axis- hypothalamic nuclei is a complex biological pro-
(hypothalamo-prolactin axis) which does not con- cess which is genetically determined and con-
tain an inter-gland feedback loop. The dopamine served among species (Tsang et al. 2014;
secreted from the tubero-infundibular nuclei of Andreani et al. 2015). The molecular repertoire
the hypothalamus is inhibitory to the secretion of maintaining circadian rhythms (Table 5) are not
20 Endocrine System
Endocrine System, Table 5 Molecular repertoire IGF-1 and melatonin, and sex hormones like
of SCN DHEA, estrogen, and progesterone. Decline of
Brain and muscle ARNT like protein-1 (Bmal1) the melatonin may play an important role in the
Clock (or Npas2 in neuronal tissue) loss of circadian rhythms with aging. Sex
Cryptochrome (cry) 1,2 hormone-binding globulin is reported to increase
Period (per)1,2,3 with age in both sexes. Levels of some hormones
E-box may also increase, like LH and FSH, and pancre-
Retinoid-related orphan receptor (Ror) a, b, l atic polypeptide and gastrin (but not other gut
Rev-Erb a, b
hormones). For some hormones, their levels
remain near normal with aging, these are thyroid
Casein kinase 1 (ck1) d, e
(except T3, which is reduced possibly due to
Reproduced with permission from Hormones and Behav-
ior, Kumar A. et al., 2018, Encyclopedia of Animal Cog-
decrease conversion from T4). Parathyroid hor-
nition and Behavior, Springer Nature mone shows an increase that may be due to
decreased renal excretion. Adrenal cortical hor-
mones like glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid
present only in the endocrine organs but in many show higher serum concentrations with aging
organs and tissues, which together create a com- though the target organ for mineralocorticoid
plex molecular network system with a central activity (kidney), however, becomes less respon-
command from SCN (Hughey and Butte 2016). sive. For adrenal medullary hormones like epi-
Cortisol, the HPA axis output hormone, also nephrine and norepinephrine, their baseline
follows circadian rhythm, with its peak secretion serum concentrations increase with aging though
in the morning at 8 AM with lesser serum values stimulable increases in both (as percentages of the
along the day, with minimum at 4 PM. basal concentrations) show a decrease. The circa-
A dysregulation of circadian synthesis/release of dian patterns for the hormones showing diurnal
the hormones is implicated in metabolic syn- variation like cortisol, norepinephrine, and
dromes and neuroendocrine disorders including growth hormone are altered in aged.
stress-induced psychiatric disorders and sleep dis- In female, fall of the female sex hormones
orders (Kleine and Rossmanith 2016, (estrogen and progesterone) is marked by meno-
pp. 299–338; Kumar et al. 2018). pause near the age of 45 years with rise of LH and
FSH (LH initially may show a fall at commence-
ment of menopause). In males, there is a gradual
Endocrine-Nervous-Immune Cross-Regulation fall of testosterone and increase of LH and FSH
Endocrine system is an autonomous but not a with aging called andropause. Insulin secretion is
completely independent physiological unit. It impaired and insulin resistance increases with
has noted cross regulation with the nervous and age. Levels of androgens in female and estrogen
immune system – which meant that hormones in male may not show much change with aging
interact with the neuropeptides/neurotransmitters (Chahal and Drake 2007).
and immune cell derived cytokines. Evidence
suggests that interaction between these systems
is bidirectional and a dysregulation of it implicates Endocrine Disorders
in etiogenesis of the diseases like metabolic and
psychiatric disorders (Kelley 1988). Each endocrine organ has specific disorders
which may alter functions of the related physio-
logical systems. Certain of the endocrine diseases/
Effects of Aging on Endocrine System disorders present as the syndrome involving many
organs. Endocrine disorders can result from dys-
Most hormone levels decrease with aging. Salient function originating in the peripheral endocrine
hormones which decrease with aging are GH, gland itself (primary disorders) or under stimulation
Endocrine System 21
the normal production, and excretion of large Investigations for underlying management of waterloss,
storage and release of ADH amounts of urine (polyuria), causes electrolyte imbalance and
Due to surgery, a tumor, an electrolyte imbalance water loss
illness (such as meningitis),
inflammation or a head injury
or an inherited genetic
disorder (in children), of an
unknown cause
Thyroid and Hyperthyroidism Excessive production of Restlessness, agitation, Blood hormone analysis, Medication, radioactive
parathyroid thyroid hormones due to anxiety, tremors, weight loss, tests for specific antibodies iodine therapy
autoimmune conditions sweating, rapid heart rate,
(Graves disease) or intolerance to heat, and,
inflammation frequent bowel movements
Hypothyroidism Low production of thyroid Tiredness, feeling cold, Thyroid hormone analysis, Thyroid hormone
hormones due to autoimmune weight gain, dry skin, increased blood TSH replacement
conditions or inflammation, constipation, and swelling
surgery, radiation, drug (edema) of the face or ankles
Thyroiditis Excess/low production of Sign and symptoms of hyper/ Testing for the thyroid Depending on the hormonal
thyroid hormones due to hypo thyroidism peroxidase (TPO) antibody in analysis
autoimmune conditions the blood/thyroid hormone
((Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) or analysis
infections, hypersensitivity
Tumors Benign and cancerous Pressure in the neck, FNAC (biopsy), radioisotope Surgical removal, radioactive
hoarseness of the voice, or scan iodine therapy
difficulty in swallowing or
breathing, metastatic
Hyperparathyroidism Excess parathyroid hormone Increased blood calcium Blood hormone analysis Calcium monitoring, surgery
(PTH) in the blood, caused by levels can cause symptoms of
tumorous growth in tiredness, poor concentration,
parathyroid gland low mood, bone pain, and
stomach or abdominal
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