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LP in Science VI

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI

I. Objectives
a) Describe how spore bearing and cone bearing plants reproduce,
b) Distinguish reproduction in spore and cone bearing plants.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Reproduction in Non-flowering Plants
Materials: live fern, mosses, pine, hand lens, bond paper, marker, mystery box, diagram of life
cycle of moss, fern, and pine.
Reference: Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (pgs. 140-143)
Other sources:
III. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Before we start our lesson, let us have this activity.
I have here a mystery box.

I will ask some volunteers to get the mysterious thing in this

box and he/she is going to describe and name that thing.

Are you ready? Yes!

1. Mosses 1. Mosses- no flowers

2. Fern - grow in moist places
3. Pine - small green plant with stem-like and leaf-like parts
2. Fern- no flowers
- is a plant that has long stems with feathery leaves
3. Pine- grow in cold places
- do not bear flowers
- have cones
-fast growing tall trees with needle-like evergreen

Again, what are the plants inside the box? Ferns, mosses, and pine.
What can you say about these plants? They can be seen in our surroundings.
Do they have flowers? They do not have flowers.

What type of plants are they? They are examples of non-flowering plants/plants without

Based on your own idea, how do you think plants without They produce spores and cones to reproduce new plants.
flowers reproduce?
We will find out whose answers, are correct in our
succeeding activities.
Let's do this activity to help you figure out how non-
flowering plants reproduce.

This time you will be divided into three (3) groups.

Problem: How do plants without flowers reproduce?

Group 1: The MOSS Group

What to do: Group 1: The MOSS Group
1. Place a few individual plants of mosses on top of a clean 1. Mosses are small green plants with stem-like and
bond paper. leaf-like parts. They are a few centimeters tall with
2. Using lens, look for the root-like, leaf- like, and stem- root-like structures that anchor the plant to the
like structures that compose a moss plant. Describe the surface.
parts of the moss. 2. Spores.
3. Find an individual stalk with capsule jotting above the 3. The mosses reproduce by spores not by flowers.
bunch of leaf-like structures. What are found inside the
4. Given the diagram, study the life cycle of moss. How is
the life cycle of moss differing from flowering plants?

Group 2: The FERN Group Group 2: The FERN Group

What to do:
1. Place the live fern on top of a clean paper. Identify the 1. (Point out the parts of fern)
roots, stems, and fronds. 2. Spores.
2. Using a hand lens, look at the underside of the green 3. Yes, these brown spots are the spores.
leaves or fronds. A leaf may be divided into leaflets. What 4. Ferns reproduce by spores not by flowers.
are found on the leaflets?
3. Now, try to press the under surface of the leaf on a clean
piece of paper. Do you see brown spots?
4. Study each stage in the life cycle of a fern. How flowering
plants differ in reproduction with ferns?

Group 3: The PINE Group Group 3: The PINE Group

What to do: 1. Male pine cones create and release pollen. They
1. Study the life cycle of pine. Describe the stages in the generally grow on the lower parts of the tree. Pollen
life cycle of pine. How pines differ in reproduction with is spread by the wind onto female cones that
flowering plants. generally grow on the upper part of the tree.
Pollination occurs and female cones begin to grow
seeds inside of them. The hard scales of the cone
protect the new seeds as they grow.
2. Pines reproduce by cones with seeds while
flowering plants reproduce by flowers.

You will be given five (5) minutes in this activity.


Once you are done, you are going to choose a representative

to present your group work.
Based on the activity, how do mosses reproduce? Mosses reproduce by spores.

Yes. Let’s take a look with this cycle.

Among mosses, the mature plant produces spores enclosed

in capsule and when mature capsule breaks to release
spores, a kind of asexual reproduction. These spores
germinate and grow to a mature plant which you see in
moist places like flower pots, brick walls, forest floors and
river banks. On the other hand, during the sexual
reproduction, in the mature plant, sex organs, produce
either the egg cells or sperm cells. Fertilization may occur
to produce a zygote that will grow into a young plant. A
moss plant has parts that develop spore and sex cells.
Mosses then reproduce both sexually and asexually.

How about ferns?

They also produce spores for reproduction.

Among ferns, the plants that you see are those that produce
spores on the underside of their leaves which are called
fronds. When the spores are ejected from the spore cases
and hit moist places, these germinate and grow into heart-
shaped gametophytes that produce female and male sex
cells. After fertilization the zygote grows into a young plant
that is spore-bearing. The underground stems or rhizomes
produce young plants.

How about the reproduction of pines?

Pines use cones for reproduction.

Conifers, like the pine trees, generally are found in places

like Baguio and cold countries. They have needle-like
leaves and produce seeds in cones of mature plants. There
are smaller male and bigger female cones that contain the
reproductive cells. The seeds are naked or not enclosed by
a fruit wall. When the seeds are released by the female
cones, these germinate in moist soil.


Now, let us watch this video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15lKf26jdTQ , for you
to have a deeper understanding about non-flowering plants.
You can take down notes while watching the video.
Ferns, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, horsetails, whisk
What are the examples of non-flowering plants shown in fern, clubmoss, conifer, cycas, and ginkgo.
the video ?
What is the importance of these plants in our daily life? Cite Non-flowering plants do not bear flowers to make our
a specific example. surroundings beautiful but they also play significant roles
in our lives. For instance, ferns are important for home
decorations, landscaping, and for floral arrangement.
Fiddleheads, the newly formed leaves are eaten as salads.
In addition, pine trees are sources of lumber, ornamental
plants in park and Christmas decors.

Direction: Distinguish the reproduction of the non-

flowering plants given. Tell whether it is a cone bearing or
spore bearing plant.

1. spore bearing
__________1. 2. cone bearing
3. cone bearing
4. spore bearing
5. cone bearing
__________2. 6. spore bearing
7. cone bearing




__________ 6.

__________ 7.

IV. Assignment: Look for an example of a non-flowering plant at home. Describe how this plant

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