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Group Task Assesment MPU3232

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Key Information
Programme : Bachelor
Course Title : Entrepreneurship

Course Code : MPU 3232

Course Leader : Nabilla Mohd Johan

Email of the Course Leader : nabilla.j@mahsa.edu.my

Semester/ Year : Year 2 / Semester 1

Credit Value :2


Assignment : 30%
Presentation : 10%
Test : 30%
Final Exam : 30%


Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the assignment, the students are able to:

CLO 1 Explain the basic concepts of entrepreneurship through case studies.

CLO 2 Generate creative and innovative entrepreneurship ideas.

CLO 3 Develop a business plan framework.

Specific Objectives of the Assignment:

To encourage you to become familiar with:

1. Basic concepts of entrepreneurship in real world

2. Understand the operation and marketing that small medium enterprise need to handle.


 Every group need to choose any ONE (1) SME company in your country and come out with a
REPORT that consists of interview script and content/ explanation of video.

Video Documentary For MPU3232 Entrepreneurship

 Video content:
 Interview with SME owner/ manager
 History SME start-up
 Product – Raw material, output, finalproduct, packaging, branding
 Place - Distribution, agent, warehousing, logistics
 Price - strategy used, cost, sales and profit (estimation)
 Promotion - Promotion mix (what SME used)
 Operation - Method or process of making the product

 Video should cover the operation of the SME chosen and partial interview session with
the owner/manager with the students.
 Subtitle: Needed if the interview using other than Malaysia language or English.
 All group member faces must be appeared in the video.
 Duration: maximum 15 – 20 minutes (video need to be upload in Google Drive, One
drive or You Tube, then link need to be state in the report an upload together in LMS.)
 Link video also MUST be send to my WhatsApp by using the template shared by the
group / intake leader.

 Report should consist of interview script and content/ explanation of video and
 Only 1 student upload the report in LMS and WhatsApp me the video link.

Report Guidelines:

 Use Microsoft Word to write your documentation.

 Font Face : Times New Roman
 Font Size : 12 point
 1.5 spacing
 Diagrams and figures should be labelled.
 Check spelling and grammar
 Use clear, short and precise language
 Number the pages
 Insert table of contents
 Referencing and citations should be in APA format.

Additional Instructions:
Students are required to submit the assignment in time. Any late submission will not be accepted. A
mark of ZERO will be awarded for late or no submission. Students are advised to make another copy
for own reference.

Students can inquire the assignment feedback and grades. However, official grades will bepublished on
the notice board.

Examination scripts are retained by MAHSA University and are not returned to students. However,
students are entitled in obtaining feedback on student’s performance in the examination. Student may
request an appeal with the Programme Leader to re-mark student’s examination script. As a Standard
Operating Procedure, a Re-Mark charge is RM50.00 for a paper payable upon submission of the Re-
Mark Form.

It is compulsory for student to PASS all the components of the examination. Students are required to
achieve a minimum of 50% of the accumulated marks to pass. However, if student fail one of the
component of the module, student will be awarded with CONDITIONAL PASS where student must
RE-SIT the exam. Failing to re-sit in the semester will cause the student to REPEAT the whole
course module in the coming semester if the module is offered.

Assessment Offences
Academic offences include plagiarism, cheating, collusion, copying work and reusing yourown work
among others.

The University takes academic offences very seriously and this can lead to expulsion. We make every
effort to ensure that the students will avoid from committing such offences. The need in maintaining
the order in examination and non-examination is to preserve the highest

standard of academic integrity. Students are reminded to produce and submit their original work.

Definitions of Assessment Offences

Plagiarism can be defined as the significant use of other people's work and the submission of it as
though it were one's own in assessed coursework (such as dissertations, essays, experiments etc.).
This includes:
 Copying from another student's work;
 Copying text without acknowledgement;
 Downloading information and/or text from the internet and using it without acknowledgement;
 Submitting work and claiming it to be own when it has been produced by another group; and
 Submitting group work without acknowledging all contributors. The
university uses software packages to detect plagiarism.

Cheating in examinations can be defined as trying to gain unfair advantage over fellowstudents.
This includes:
 Having notes, programmable calculators or any other method to secure the informationwhich
are not allowed in the examination, whether the student use it or not;
 Having any mobile phone or other communication devices in the exam room;
 Copying from the examination script of another candidate;
 Helping another candidate; and
 Trying to bribe respective lecturers to obtain good marks.

Collusion is a form of agreement between two or more people to act with the intention to deceive an
assessor as to who was responsible for producing the material submitted for assessment. The
agreement may be overt (openly discussed) or covert (not specifically discussed but implied). Using
someone else’s work, words, images, ideas or discoveries is equal to stealing the hard work. This
 agreeing with others to cheat;
 getting someone else to produce part or all your work;
 copying the work of another person (with their permission);
 submitting work from essay banks;
 paying someone to produce work for you; and
 allowing another student to copy your own work.

Methods to Avoid Academic Offence

Students are advised to avoid copying and using other people’s work without citation and
acknowledgement. It is compulsory for students to include the references and the source of
information. This will allow students to avoid plagiarism.

Procedures for Assessment Offences

If students are caught committing the offence, a report of offence will be written. Students will be
called for a mini hearing whereby students can justify their action. The University has the right to
suspend or even terminate the student should University found the action as a serious offence. Kindly
refer to MAHSA Student Handbook for more details.

Video Interview Entrepreneurship

Category 10-8 7-5 3-4 1 -2 Score 2nd

Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Information Information Information Information has
clearly relates clearly relates to clearly relates to little to do with
to the main the main topic. It the main topic. the main topic.
Content topic. It provides 1-2 No details or
includes several supporting details and/or examples
supporting or and/or are given.
details or and/or examples.
Conclusions Numerous Several detailed Some detailed A conclusion is
reached detailed conclusions are conclusions are made from the
conclusions are reached. reached. evidence offered.
Students put Students try to Some plagiarisms Students copy
Originality own effort to prepare the are found in the from others.
make it as nice journal by journal. It is quite There is no own
as they can and themselves. It is complete. effort in writing
it is creative. complete. the journal.
Objectives of Objectives of Objectives of Objectives of
activity are very activity are clear activity are quite activity are not
clear and fully and meet the clear and meet clear at all and
Objective meet the subject subject plan. All the subject plan. do not meet the
plan. All the the objectives are Some of the subject plan.
objectives are achieved. objectives are None of the
achieved. achieved. objectives are
All members Group members Group members There is no
give good cooperate well give a little cooperation
cooperation and the event cooperation. among group
Team between each went well. members.
Cooperation other. Everyone
plays their own

Report Entrepreneurship

Category 10-8 7-5 3-4 1 -2 Score 2nd

Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Information clearly Information Information Information has
relates to the main clearly relates to clearly relates to little to do with
topic. It includes the main topic. It the main topic. No the main topic.
Content several supporting provides 1-2 details or and/or
details or and/or supporting details examples are
examples. or and/or given.
Information is very Information is Information is The information
organized with organized with organized but appears to be
well-constructed well-constructed paragraphs are not disorganized.
paragraphs, and use paragraphs, and well constructed.
of subheadings. use of
Conclusions Numerous detailed Several detailed Some detailed A conclusion is
conclusions are conclusions are conclusions are made from the
reached. reached. reached. evidence offered.
Students put own Students try to Some plagiarisms Students copy
effort to make it as prepare the report are found in the from others. There
original as they can by themselves. It report. It is quite is no own effort in
and it is creative. is complete. complete. writing the report.
No grammatical A few Many A lot of
spelling or grammatical or grammatical or grammatical or
punctuation errors. spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors.

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