SEC v. Santos
SEC v. Santos
SEC v. Santos
Since the head of PIPC Corporation (Liew) has gone missing and with him
March 19, 2014 | Perez, J. | Securities Regulation Code are the monies and investment of a significant number of investors, the SEC
received complaints from thirty-one (31) individuals against PIPC
PETITIONER: Securities and Exchange Commission Corporation, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and brokers for the
RESPONDENTS: Oudine Santos alleged violation of Sec. 28 of the SRC.
3. Santos was charged in her capacity as investment consultant of the PIPC.
SUMMARY: In 2007, a certain Michael H.K. Liew, a self-styled financial guru Santos was alleged to have induced Lorenzo and Sy (Private Complainants)
to invest in the corporation.
and Chairmen of the BOD of Performance Investment Products Corporation
4. Common statement in the 31 complaints:
(PIPC-BVI), a foreign corporation registered in the British Virgin Islands. In “Due to the inducements and solicitations of the PIPC
order to do business in the Philippines it was then incorporated as Philippine corporation’s directors, officers, and employees/agents/brokers, the
International Planning Center Corporation (PIPC Corporation). Since the head former were enticed to invest their hard-earned monet, the
of PIPC Corporation (Liew) has gone missing and with him are the monies and minimum amount of which must be $ 40,000.00 with PIPC-BVI,
investment of a significant number of investors, the SEC received complaints with a promise of higher income potential of an interest of 12 to 18
from thirty-one (31) individuals against PIPC Corporation, its directors, officers, percentum per annum at relatively low risk investment program.
The private complainanrs also claimed that they were made to
employees, agents, and brokers for the alleged violation of Sec. 28 of the SRC.
believe that PIPC Corporation refers to Performance Investment
Santos was charged in her capacity as investment consultant of the PIPC. Santos Product Corporation, the Philippine Office or branch of PIPC-BVI,
was alleged to have induced Lorenzo and Sy (Private Complainants) to invest in which is an entity engaged in foreign currency trading and not
the corporation. Philippine International Planning Center Corporation.”
DOCTRINE: It was Santos who brought about the sale of the securities made 5. Likewise, it was narrated in the complaint affidavits how Oudine Santos
by PIPC Corp. and/or PIPC-BVI to certain individuals. Furthermore, it is took part in the inducement for them to invest their monies. According to
through the information provided by Santos that they were able to close the sales the complainants Santos presented the investment product referred to as the
of the securities. Although Santos was not a signatory to the contracts on Sy’s or “Performance Managed Portfolio”. Furthermore, Santos refused to disclose
the names of the traders for it is confidential. Santos also requested from Sy
Lorenzo’s investments, Santos secured the sale of these unregistered securities to to keep the transaction confidential because they were not authorized to
the two (2) complainants through the information that she provided on the conduct foreign currency trading.
investment products being offered for sale by PIPC Corporation and/or PIPC-
BVI and later on convincing them to invest therein. It is beyond doubt that she 6. Pertinent characteristics of the investment product referred to as the
connected the probable investors, Sy and Lorenzo, to PIPC Corporation and/or Performance Managed Portfolio:
PIPC-BVI, acting as an ostensible agent of the latter on the viability of PIPC a. 8 calendar week maturity period;
b. Principal investment (minimum of USD 40,000) is protected;
Corporation as an investment company. At each point of Sy’s and Lorenzo’s
c. Investments maintained in strict confidentiality;
investment, Santos’ participation thereon, although it was not evidenced by any d. Features: security, liquidity, short term commitment;
documents, was prima facie established. e. Tax-exemption status for offshore investments.
1. Elements for violation of Sec. 28 of the Securities Regulation Code:
a. Engaging in the business of buying or selling securities in the
Philippines as a broker or dealer; or
b. Acting as a salesman; or
c. Acting as an associated person of any broker or dealer, unless
registered as such with the SEC.