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Characterization of Asphalt Treated Base Course Material

Item Type Report

Authors Li, Peng; Liu, Juanyu

Publisher Alaska University Transportation Center, Alaska Department of

Transportation and Public Facilities

Download date 14/11/2022 07:35:58

Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/11122/7455

Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities

Characterization of Asphalt Treated

Base Course Material
Alaska University Transportation Center

Final Report

Prepared By:
Peng Li
Juanyu Liu, Ph.D., P.E.

June 2010

Prepared By:
Alaska University Transportation Center Alaska Department of Transportation
Duckering Building Room 245 Research, Development, and Technology
P.O. Box 755900 Transfer
Fairbanks, AK 99775-5900 2301 Peger Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709-5399

INE/ AUTC #11.02 DOT # FHWA-AK-RD-10-07

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FHWA-AK-RD-10-07 June 2010 Final Report (8/2007-8/2009)

Characterization of Asphalt Treated Base Course Material AUTC#107049
Juanyu Liu
Peng Li


Alaska University Transportation Center NUMBER
P.O. Box 755900
Fairbanks, AK 99775-5900 INE/AUTC # 11.02


Alaska Department of Transportation REPORT NUMBER
Research, Development, and Technology Transfer
2301 Peger Road FHWA-AK-RD-10-07
Fairbanks, AK 99709-5399



No restrictions
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Asphalt-treated bases are often used in new pavements; the materials are available and low-cost, but there is little data on how these materials perform in cold regions.
This study investigated four ATB types (hot asphalt, emulsion, foamed asphalt, and reclaimed asphalt pavement) popular for treating base course materials. The research
team collected data on stiffness, fatigue, and permanent deformation characteristics under different temperatures. This study produced a detailed literature review,
including information from ongoing research projects, to compile the latest information concerning ATB characterization. Also completed were resilient modulus tests of
ATB material commonly used for Alaska’s northern and central regions, as well as rutting tests using a Georgia Loaded Wheel Test apparatus. Researchers conducted
resilient modulus tests on specimens of foamed asphalt-treated base material, fabricated in ADOT&PF labs, in all three Alaska regions; an additional test was performed
in the central region using different binder contents and soaked conditions. Statistical analysis of the effects of aggregate properties on the resilient modulus were
completed and incorporated into the finalized model. Study recommendations noted that based on the predicting equations for resilient modulus (MR), the moduli of
treated base course materials can be calculated according to treatment technique, ambient temperature, aggregate properties, and binder content.


14- KEYWORDS:Asphalt pavements (Pmrcppbmb), Asphalt (Rbeusb), Asphalt based
materials (Rbmdpb), Asphalt emulsions (Rbmdyheb), Reclaimed asphalt pavements
(Pmrcppbc), Foamed asphalt (Rbmdpbh), Modulus of resilience (Rkmyr)

Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified N/A

NSN 7540-01-280-5500 STANDARD FORM 298 (Rev. 2-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18 298-1
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of
Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no
liability for the use of the information contained in this document.

The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or

manufacturers’ names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to
the objective of the document.

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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to
serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public
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issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.

Author’s Disclaimer
Opinions and conclusions expressed or implied in the report are those of the author.
They are not necessarily those of the Alaska DOT&PF or funding agencies.
Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
in inches 25.4 millimeters mm
ft feet 0.305 meters m
yd yards 0.914 meters m
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km
2 2
in square inches 645.2 square millimeters mm
2 2
ft square feet 0.093 square meters m
2 2
yd square yard 0.836 square meters m
ac acres 0.405 hectares ha
2 2
mi square miles 2.59 square kilometers km
fl oz fluid ounces 29.57 milliliters mL
gal gallons 3.785 liters L
3 3
ft cubic feet 0.028 cubic meters m
3 3
yd cubic yards 0.765 cubic meters m
NOTE: volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m
oz ounces 28.35 grams g
lb pounds 0.454 kilograms kg
T short tons (2000 lb) 0.907 megagrams (or "metric ton") Mg (or "t")
TEMPERATURE (exact degrees)
o o
F Fahrenheit 5 (F-32)/9 Celsius C
or (F-32)/1.8
fc foot-candles 10.76 lux lx
2 2
fl foot-Lamberts 3.426 candela/m cd/m
lbf poundforce 4.45 newtons N
lbf/in2 poundforce per square inch 6.89 kilopascals kPa


Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
mm millimeters 0.039 inches in
m meters 3.28 feet ft
m meters 1.09 yards yd
km kilometers 0.621 miles mi
2 2
mm square millimeters 0.0016 square inches in
2 2
m square meters 10.764 square feet ft
2 2
m square meters 1.195 square yards yd
ha hectares 2.47 acres ac
2 2
km square kilometers 0.386 square miles mi
mL milliliters 0.034 fluid ounces fl oz
L liters 0.264 gallons gal
3 3
m cubic meters 35.314 cubic feet ft
3 3
m cubic meters 1.307 cubic yards yd
g grams 0.035 ounces oz
kg kilograms 2.202 pounds lb
Mg (or "t") megagrams (or "metric ton") 1.103 short tons (2000 lb) T
TEMPERATURE (exact degrees)
o o
C Celsius 1.8C+32 Fahrenheit F
lx lux 0.0929 foot-candles fc
2 2
cd/m candela/m 0.2919 foot-Lamberts fl
N newtons 0.225 poundforce lbf
kPa kilopascals 0.145 poundforce per square inch lbf/in
*SI is the symbol for the International System of Units. Appropriate rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 of ASTM E380.
(Revised March 2003)

The authors wish to express their appreciation to the AKDOT&PF personnel for their support throughout

this study, as well as Alaska University Transportation Center (AUTC). The author would also like to

thank all members of the project advisory committee. They are Billy Connor, Stephan Saboundjian,

Angela Parsons, James Sweeney, Bruce Brunette, Leo Woster, and Newton Bingham. Acknowledgment is

extended to Gary Tyndall for his assistance in materials collection and preparation for lab testing.


In many areas of Alaska, clean, durable aggregates normally utilized for base course either require long

hauls from outside, or they are difficult to obtain within the project limits. The capacity to stabilize the

available lower quality materials for use as base course strengthens pavements, thus extending their

lifespans and saving the state money in the long run. Asphalt treated bases (ATBs) are the most commonly

used type of stabilized layers in Alaska because of material availability and relative cost. At present there

is a lack of data on engineering characteristics (properties) for typical Alaskan base materials, especially

for the modulus of the stabilized base course, which is an essential parameter for material evaluation and

pavement design. Recently this need has been made more critical by AKDOT&PF’s adoption of

mechanistic pavement design methods.

This study systematically investigated the engineering properties of three types of ATBs and

mixture of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and granular base course material (D-1) at 50% to 50%

ratio. D-1 materials were collected from three regions of Alaska: Southeast region, Central region, and

Northern region, to investigate the effect of aggregate source on the properties of base course materials.

Aggregate properties, such as fractured surface, were measured. Three types of treatment techniques were

used, hot asphalt treated base (HATB), emulsified asphalt treated base (EATB) and foamed asphalt treated

base (FATB). PG 58-28 binder was used for HATB and three binder contents were used, 2.5%, 3.5% and

4.5%. CSS-1 emulsion was used for EATB with three residual binder contents, 1.5%, 2.5% and 3.5%. PG

58-28 binder was also used to produce foamed asphalt. The residual binder contents applied for FATB

was 1.5%, 2.5% and 3.5%. Cylindrical specimens were manufactured for ATBs and 50%:50% RAP and

Resilient modulus (MR) tests were performed on these specimens according to AASHTO-307. Tests were

conducted at three temperatures, -10oC, 0 oC and 20 oC, which represented typical temperature at different

seasons. Rutting tests were carried out for HATB. Beam fatigue tests were performed for HATB as well,

but only for specimens with 3.5% and 4.5% binder contents.

The MR testing results showed that asphalt treatment effectively increases moduli of D-1 material.

Among three treatment techniques, hot asphalt treatment has the most significant improvement, followed

by emulsified asphalt treatment and foamed asphalt treatment. In this study, no obvious improvement on

the MR has been observed on 50%:50% RPA specimens. All treated base course materials exhibited

stress-state dependent properties. Generally, the MRs increased with the increase of confining pressure (σ3)

and deviatoric stress (σd). This dependency varies for different types of material. As expected, the MRs of

ATBs increased with a decrease in temperature. It was also found that higher binder content for treatment

did not increase the MR of ATBs. Generally, low binder content produced higher moduli. However, this

doesn’t mean that ATBs with lower binder content have better performance when paved on the roadways.

Aggregate source affects the MR of ATBs as well. Northern region ATBs had the lowest MR among three

regions of Alaska due to least-angular D-1 material. Though statistical approach, predicting equations for

MR were developed for all treated based course materials based on the current stress-dependent AASHTO

MEPDG model.

The rutting test results showed that HATB with 3.5% binder content has the best rutting resistance.

Based on the beam fatigue test, HATB composed of southeast D-1 has the best rut resistance and the

Northern HATB has the lowest. Increase the binder content greatly increased the fatigue resistance of

HATB based on the test results on specimens with 3.5% and 4.5% binder content.

The MR equations developed in this study are suggested to be further validated by conducting case

studies of pavement designs using AKFPD and MEPDG design programs, and based on the recommended

MR and equations obtained from this study as material inputs.


EXCLUSIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................iii

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. vi

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................ ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 1

PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................................................. 1

OBJECTIVE........................................................................................................................................ 2

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................. 5

INTRODUCTION OF ASPHALT TREATED BASE COURSE........................................................ 5

MR OF BASE COURSE MATERIALS .............................................................................................. 6

FATIGUE PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................................ 15

RUTTING RESISTANCE ................................................................................................................ 23

CHAPTER III LABORATORY INVESTIGATION ........................................................................ 30

MATERIALS..................................................................................................................................... 30

SPECIMEN FABRICATION ............................................................................................................ 35

LABORATORY TESTS.................................................................................................................... 40
CHAPTER IV TESTING RESULTS .................................................................................................. 48

MRS OF ATBS................................................................................................................................... 50

RUTTING TEST ............................................................................................................................... 66

FATIGUE TEST ................................................................................................................................ 68

CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................... 72

CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................... 72

RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................... 77

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 75

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................ 84

Figure Page

2.1 Production Process of Foamed Asphalt......................................................................................... 6

2.2 Comparison of Modului of Deformation Determined by Normal Unconfined Compression and

Repeated Loading Tests ............................................................................................................... 7

2.3 Indirect Tensile Test...................................................................................................................... 9

2.4 Triaxial Test .................................................................................................................................. 10

2.5 Repeated Plate Load Test .............................................................................................................. 11

2.6 Sketch of Four Point Bending Beam Test ..................................................................................... 17

2.7 Equivalent Time of Loading-Depth Relationship for Horizontal Stress....................................... 20

2.8 Effect of Temperature on Fatigue Life.......................................................................................... 21

2.9 Effects of Temperature and Temperature Gradient on Fatigue Life of Asphalt Layer................. 21

2.10 Schematic of Superpave Shear Tester ........................................................................................... 25

2.11 Rut Depth versus Air Voids of Beam Samples and Gyratory Samples ........................................ 27

3.1 D-1 Material from Three Regions ................................................................................................. 30

3.2 Gradation of D-1 Materials ........................................................................................................... 31

3.3 Micro−Deval Apparatus ............................................................................................................... 32

3.4 Measuring Caliper for Flat or Elongated Particles Test ............................................................... 33

3.5 WLB 10 Foamed Asphalt Laboratory System ............................................................................. 35

3.6 HATB Specimens for Triaxial Test .............................................................................................. 36

3.7 FATB Specimens for Triaxial Test .............................................................................................. 36

3.8 Compaction Test Result of Specimens Made with RAP .............................................................. 37

3.9 ETAB Specimens after Compaction ............................................................................................ 38

3.10 Kneading Compactor for Preparing Beam Specimens ................................................................. 39

3.11 Beam Specimens for Fatigue Test ................................................................................................ 39

Figure Page

3.12 Resilient Modulus and Permanent Deformation Testing System ................................................ 42

3.13 Loading Consequences of Triaxial Test ....................................................................................... 44

3.14 Typical Resilient Modulus Testing Data Segment ....................................................................... 44

3.15 Beam Fatigue Testing Equipment ................................................................................................ 46

3.16 Georgia Loader Wheel Tester ...................................................................................................... 47

4.1 Effects of Temperature on MR of HATB ..................................................................................... 50

4.2 Effects of Binder Content on MR of ATBs ................................................................................... 51

4.3 Effects of Aggregate Resource on MR of ATBs ........................................................................... 52

4.4 Effects of Stress State on MR of HATB ....................................................................................... 53

4.5 Effects of Temperature on MR of EATB ...................................................................................... 55

4.6 Effects of Binder Content on MR of EATB .................................................................................. 56

4.7 Effects of Temperature on MR of EATB ...................................................................................... 57

4.8 Effects of Temperature on MR of FATB ...................................................................................... 59

4.9 Effects of Binder Content on MR of FATB .................................................................................. 60

4.10 Effects of Aggregate Resource on MR of FATB .......................................................................... 61

4.11 Effects of Stress State on MR of FATB ........................................................................................ 62

4.12 Effects of Temperature on MR of RAP (50:50) ............................................................................ 64

4.13 Effects of Aggregate Source on MR of RAP (50:50) ................................................................... 64

4.14 Effects of Stress State on MR of RAP (50:50) .............................................................................. 65

4.15 Rutting Depth of HATB for Southeast Region ............................................................................ 66

4.16 Rutting Depth of HATB for Central Region ................................................................................ 67

4.17 Rutting Depth of HATB for Northern Region ............................................................................. 67

4.18 Beam Fatigue Test Result (Northern region) ............................................................................... 70

4.19 Beam Fatigue Test Result (Central Region) ................................................................................. 70

Figure Page

4.20 Beam Fatigue Test Result (Southeast Region) ............................................................................. 71


Table Page

2.1 Effect of Shape of Waveform on Fatigue Life ............................................................................. 19

3.1 Gradation of D-1 Materials ........................................................................................................... 31

3.2 Engineering Properties of D−1 Materials ..................................................................................... 33

3.3 Overall Experimental Design ....................................................................................................... 41

3.4 Loading Consequences of Triaxial Test ....................................................................................... 43

4.1 Comparison between Measured MR and Recommended Values ................................................. 49

4.2 Beam Fatigue Test Result of Northern Region HATB ................................................................ 68

4.3 Beam Fatigue Test Result of Central Region HATB ................................................................... 69

4.4 Beam Fatigue Test Result of Southeast Region HATB ............................................................... 69



Engineers use stabilization to enhance materials properties for pavement design procedures or to

overcome deficiencies in available materials. In many areas of Alaska, clean, durable aggregates normally

utilized for base course either require long hauls from outside, or they are difficult to obtain within the

project limits. Asphalt treated base (ATB) material is the most commonly used type of stabilized layers

because of material availability and relative low cost in Alaska.

In this study, a comprehensive study was carried out to characterize three typical Alaska ATBs

(i.e. hot asphalt treated base (HATB), emulsified asphalt treated base (EATB) and foamed asphalt treated

base (FATB)), and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) treated base materials. The effects of stress state,

aggregate properties, asphalt content, and temperature on resilient modulus (MR) of these materials were

evaluated experimentally and design equations were developed. Resistances to fatigue and rutting of

HATB materials were investigated as well.


The Alaska Flexible Pavement Design (AKFPD) Manual and the statewide policy on base course

stabilization stipulate the use of bound stabilized bases on all roadway construction, reconstruction and

rehabilitation projects. The inclusion of asphalt (either hot or in the form of emulsion, and foam) is one of

the options mentioned to construct ATBs.

The AKFPD method, which is a mechanistic-based design method, has been used widely in Alaska

for pavement design and analysis (McHattie 2004). Material properties, such as MR and Poisson’s ratio at

different seasons, are required inputs for the base course layer in the design procedure. The current default

MR values were obtained from back-calculated layer moduli after nondestructive field testing performed

by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (AKDOT&PF). On the other hand, the

current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) mechanistic

empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG) offers predictive models for base course materials (ARA, Inc.

2000). However, these models cannot be confidently applied to Alaskan materials because of peculiar

Alaskan conditions in terms of material properties and climatic (seasonal) differences. As MR values of

ATBs are influenced by various materials and climatic factors, there is a need to measure and characterize

the engineering characteristics of typical Alaskan ATB materials for updating the database of material

properties to be used in the current AKFPD and MEPDG.


In this study, the following objectives are addressed:

• Systematically evaluating the stiffness, fatigue and permanent deformation characteristics of Alaskan

ATB course materials,

• Investigating the effects of different stabilization levels (i.e. residual asphalt content) and

environmental conditions (i.e. temperature) on the performance of Alaskan ATB course materials,

• Developing MR equations to be incorporated in the AKFPD and MEPDG programs, and

• Providing recommendations for use of ATBs for designers in their new design projects.


To meet the objectives of this study, the following major tasks were accomplished:

• Task 1: Literature Survey

• Task 2: Laboratory Investigation

• Task 3: Data Processing and Analyses

• Task 4: Conclusions and Recommendations

Task 1: Literature Survey

This task involved a comprehensive literature search of published materials and on-going research

projects to obtain the latest information related to ATB characterization. The characterization of ATBs

included evaluation of material properties such as MR, permanent deformation, rutting resistance and

fatigue resistance. Historical concept development, testing methods, influencing factors and modeling of

material properties were briefly presented as well. This task is documented in chapter II.

Task 2: Laboratory Investigation

For each type of ATB course, three D-1 base course materials commonly used in three regions of the

Alaska state were selected. The aggregate properties were evaluated prior to the mix design, and those

properties included aggregate gradation, moisture content, abrasion resistance, percentage of fractured

face, and flat or elongated particles. The asphalt binder used for HATB in this study was PG 52-28

asphalt. The emulsified asphalt used for EATB was CSS-1, a cationic emulsion with low viscosity. The

foamed asphalt was generated by using PG 52-28 asphalt with a foamed asphalt lab unit (WLB10). Three

binder contents were used to stabilize each kind of ATB (HATB: 2.5%, 3.5% and 4.5%; EATB and

FATB: 1.5%, 2.5%, and 3.5%). A 50:50 mixture of RAP and D-1 granular material was also selected as a

treated base.

Engineering properties of ATB course materials were evaluated including MR, permanent

deformation, fatigue life, and rutting performance. The triaxial test was utilized to evaluate the MR and

permanent deformation of ATBs. The tests were conducted according to AASHTO T307 at various stress

states. To investigate the effects of influencing factors such as temperature, binder content and aggregate

source, tests were performed in a temperature control chamber at three temperatures. The effect of

aggregate source was also investigated by performing tests on specimens with D-1 materials from three

regions in Alaska.

Rutting and fatigue tests were performed using Georgia loader wheel tester (GLWT) and repeated

flexural bending system, separately. The tests were only conducted on HATB. For GLWT, specimens

prepared with D-1 from three regions at three binder contents were tested. Fatigue tests were performed

under strain controlled loading pattern at three loading levels for three regions. Fatigue tests were only

performance on specimens with two binder contents, 3.5% and 4.5%. The detailed experimental design is

presented in Chapter III.

Task 3: Data Processing and Analyses

Testing data obtained from previous task were analyzed in this task. Statistical methods were used to

analyze MR data of three types of ATBs. Comprehensive regression models were then developed to reflect

the effects of stress states, temperature, binder content and aggregate source on performance of ATBs.

Data from rutting tests of HATBs were illustrated to indicate the development of the rutting depth during

the repeated loading process. Influencing factors including binder content and aggregate source were

evaluated. Regression analysis was performed based on the data from fatigue tests of HATBs, and the

effect of binder content was also investigated. The detailed data analysis and testing results are elaborated

in Chapter IV and appendix.

Task 4: Conclusions and Recommendations

Based upon the above tasks, a summary of research results and findings from this study was provided in

this task. Recommendations regarding use of ATBs for Alaska pavement design and construction were

made, as well as those for future work, as presented in Chapter V.



This chapter presents a comprehensive review of previous studies related to characterizing asphalt treated

base course materials. The review includes introduction of ATBs, resilient modulus (MR) of base course

materials, fatigue performance and rutting resistance. For each material property, such as MR, testing

methods, influencing factors and models were summarized.


Compare to untreated granular base, ATBs increase the stiffness of base course layer, leading to more

efficient load distribution. It also improves durability and reduces the frost heave susceptibility.

Depending on the type of treatment applied to a granular material, there are three types of ATBs used in

Alaska: hot asphalt treated base (HATB), emulsified asphalt treated base (EATB), and foamed-asphalt

treated base (FATB).

Hot asphalt treated base (HATB) is a dense-graded hot mix asphalt (HMA) with a wide gradation

band and lower asphalt content. Usually, granular material used for HATB has a lower quality than HMA.

Therefore, the cost of HATB is less. Emulsified asphalt treated base (EATB) is a cold mixture of

emulsified asphalt and granular material. Emulsified asphalt is a mixture of asphalt and water assisted by

an emulsifying agent. This technique greatly reduces the viscosity of asphalt at low temperature, which

makes it possible to produce asphalt mixture at room temperature. Foamed-asphalt treated base (FATB) is

also a cold treatment technique. As shown in Figure 2.1, the foamed asphalt is produced by injecting small

amounts of water (approx. 2–3% by weight of asphalt) to hot asphalt (Wirtgen 2002). Due to the

immediate water evaporation, asphalt expands 15 to 20 times of its original volume, leading to great

viscosity reduction of asphalt. FATB can be produced both in plant and in-site.

Figure 2.1 Production Process of Foamed Asphalt


In elastic theory, the elastic modulus, which represents the stress-strain relationship of a material, is one of

the fundamental parameters used for mechanistic analysis. However, most materials used for highway

construction are not pure elastic. To solve this problem, the concept of MR has been developed by

simplifying the real condition. If the load is relatively small compared to the strength of the material, the

permanent deformation is negligible and the material can be considered elastic. On the other hand, the

pavement is subject to repeated traffic load. Research showed that there was a considerable difference

between tangent modulus determined from static loading and determined from repeated loading (Figure

2.2). It indicates that the behavior of pavement material under traffic loading can be only obtained from

repeated loading tests (Seed et al. 1955, Seed and Mcneill 1958, Seed et al. 1963). Therefore, MR is

defined as maximum repeated load divided by recoverable strain (Huang, 2004):

MR = (2.1)

where σd is the deviator stress, which is the axial stress in an unconfined compression test or the axial

stress in excess of the confining pressure, expressed as σ1-σ3, in a triaxial compression test and εr is the

recoverable strain under repeated loads.

Figure 2.2 Comparison of Modului of Deformation Determined by Normal Unconfined Compression and

Repeated Loading Tests (Seed and McNeill 1958)

Determination of MR

In the past, the MR of pavement material has been determined through three approaches: (1) measuring

MR by laboratory testing, (2) through field test, such as repeated plate load and falling weight

deflectometer (FWD) tests, and (3) predicting the MR using physical and mechanical properties of the

material based on available correlations.

Laboratory testing

In the laboratory test, the MR of pavement material is determined through repeated loading. Researchers

have investigated which kinds of loading pattern could represent the real traffic load (Barksdale 1971,

Brown 1973, Terrel et al. 1974). The results showed that vehicle speed, depth beneath the pavement

surface and rest period between individual pulses were of great importance in selecting the appropriate

loading pattern. The load pattern of 0.1s haversine pulse combined with 0.9s rest period has been wildly

accepted as the standard loading form for MR test.

Most commonly, there are two tests used to determine the MR of pavement materials:

• Indirect tensile test (IDT)

• Triaxial compression test

The indirect tensile test was developed independently in Brazil and Japan around same time

(Kennedy and Hudson 1968). Biscuit shape specimen is used for this test. During the testing, the load is

applied vertically through the diametral path of the specimen and maximum tensile stress is developed

along vertical diameter, as show in Figure 2.3. The calculation of MR is based on the theoretical equations

listed below according to ASTM D4123 (1995):

ERI=P(νRI+0.27)/tΔHI (2.2)

ERT=P(νRT+0.27)/tΔHT (2.3)

νRI =3.59ΔHI/ΔVI -0.27 (2.4)

νRI =3.95ΔHT/ΔVT-0.27 (2.5)


ERI = instantaneous resilient modlulus of elasticity, psi (or MPa),

ERT = total resilient modlulus of elasticity, psi (or MPa),

νRI = instantaneous resilient Poisson’s ration,

νRI = total resilient Poisson’s ration,

P = repeated load, lbf (or N),

t = thickness of specimen, in. (or mm),

ΔHI = instantaneous recoverable horizontal deformation, in. (or mm),

ΔVI = instantaneous recoverable vertical deformation, in. (or mm),

ΔHT = total recoverable horizontal deformation, in. (or mm), and

ΔVT = total recoverable vertical deformation, in. (or mm).

a) b)

Figure 2.3 Indirect Tensile Test

The advantages of this test are: (1) the test is relatively simple and easy to perform, (2) specimens

are easy to fabricate and the thin field cores can be used for testing, (3) the test can provide information of

tensile strength, Poisson’s ratio and permanent deformation of the materials, and (4) the variation of test

results is low compared to triaxial test. However, this method is not capable to control the stress state in

three dimensions to investigate the stress dependent properties of pavement materials (Barksdal et al.

1997, Fu and Harvey 2007). In addition, because there isn’t confining pressure applied during the test,

loose materials can not be tested by this method. Generally, indirect tensile test is preferred for heavily

bounded material, such as asphalt concrete.

In the triaxial test, the testing system applies both a vertical load and a confining pressure on

cylindrical specimens, as shown in Figure 2.4. As a result, the stress condition within the specimen is well

controlled. The stress state is relatively simple and straightforward compared to the indirect tensile test.

The calculation of MR follows Equation 2.1. All kinds of materials can be tested using this method. The

main disadvantages of this testing method are its cost and the relative complexity of the necessary testing

equipment. In addition, if the sample is composed of coarse aggregates, it requires a large size sample to

perform MR tests. Field samples directly cored from thin pavement layers could not be tested by this

method. These disadvantages embarrass the triaxial test to become a daily routine test method.

Figure 2.4 Triaxial Test

Field testing

Repeated plate load test is one of the oldest testing methods used to investigate the deformation and

resilient behavior of subgrade soil (Figure 2.5). The early work on this subject has been done during 1940s

(Mcleod 1947, Hittle and Goetz 1947). Repeated plate load test is costly and time consuming.

A FWD test is a field none-destructive testing that simulates deflection of a pavement surface

caused by a fast-moving truck. During the test, the FWD generates a load pulse by dropping a weight and

then this load pulse is transmitted to the pavement. The analysis of testing results provides the effective

roadway MR, the effective in-situ structural number, the pavement layer moduli, the effective in-situ layer

coefficient (Gartin and Esch 1991, Zaghloul et al., 1998, Hossain et al., 2000, Noureldin et al., 2004;).

However, the back-calculation procedure is based on a combination of Boussinesq and elastic theories and

assumed Poisson’s ratio. The back calculated values need to be adjusted based on the record of laboratory

measured moduli (AASHTO 1993).

Figure 2.5 Repeated Plate Load Test

Predicting MR from empirical correlation

Various empirical tests have been used to characterize the pavement material. Most of tests are simple to

perform and wildly adopted as routine tests, such as Marshall stability test and California bearing ratio

(CBR) test. The correlations between MRs and the testing results from these tests have been developed.

The coefficients in these correlations vary according to local practices. For asphalt concrete, the most well

known predicting method was proposed by Nijboer (1957) using Marshall stability-flow ratio as follows:

S 60 o C , 4 sec = 1.6(stability/flow) (2.6)

where S is the modulus given in kilograms per square centimeter, stability in kilograms, and flow in

millimeters. Later, this equation was modified by McLeod (1967) using English units:

M R = 40(stability/flow) (2.7)

where MR is given in psi, stability in pounds and flow in inches.

Another empirical correlation used to predict MR, which is typically used for fine-grained soils,

was suggested by Heukelom and Klomp (1962) using CBR as show in Equation 2.8. For coarse-grained

soils, Equation 2.9 was used (VDOT 2000)

M R = 1500 × CBR (2.8)

M R = 3000 × CBR 0.65 (2.9)

where MR is in the unit of psi.

Influencing factors

Several factors are considered significantly influencing the MR of ATBs, including asphalt binder,

temperature, air void content, stress state and aggregate properties.

Asphalt Binder

Asphalt binder is one of the most important influencing factors for MR of ATBs. Binder performs as a

glue holding all aggregate particles together and improving the stiffness and durability of base course

materials. The stiffness of binder itself has a strong effect on the MR of asphalt treated material. The MR of

asphalt treated material tends to increase with the increment of the high temperature grade of binder and

associated stiffness (Pan et al. 2005). The fitting equations developed by Terrel and Awad (1972) showes

that the MR of HATB decreases with the increase of binder content. For FATB, there is an optimum

binder content, at which the material reaches the highest MR (Muthen 1998, Nataatmadja 2001, Kim and

Lee 2006).


Since asphalt cement is a thermoplastic material in nature (Roberts et al. 1996), its stiffness dramatically

increases with the decrease of temperature. The MR of ATBs also varies with the change of temperature.

Terrel and Awad (1972) found that the MR of HATB decreased sharply when temperature increased.

However, as FATB is lightly bound by dispersed asphalt droplets, studies (Bissada 1987, Nataatmadja

2001, Fu and Harvey 2007) concluded that FATB was less sensitive to temperature than HATB.

Stress state

Previous studies, from early study done by Terrel and Awad (1972) to recent one by Fu and Harvey

(2007), showed without exception that, the MR of ATBs presented the stress dependent properties, to the

extent which may wary according to types of materials. Terrel and Awad (1972) concluded that low

asphalt contents did not provide adequate cementation of the aggregate particles particularly if high

percentages of fines were used. Therefore, the behavior of these mixtures was close to the unbound

aggregate with considerable dependency on confining pressures. It had also been mentioned that some

asphalt mixes under special environments, such as saturated samples at high temperature, exhibited large

permanent deformation but very little or even no resilient strain. In this case, if the concept of MR is

applied, it will result an extraordinarily high modulus. Instead, an additional modulus relating the stress

and total strains should be used. The previous research done by Anderson and Thompson (1995) showed

that MR of EATB increased as the increase of bulk stress, which was the summation of three principle

stresses. Later, through the laboratory testing, Fu and Harvey (2007) found that, this phenomenon also

applied to FATB.

Air voids

Air void content is one of most important volumetric parameters for asphalt mixtures (Roberts 1996). It

relates to almost every single aspect of asphalt mixture performance. As Terrel and Awad indicated in

their study (1972), increase of air void led to decrease of modulus of HATB. In addition, recent reseach

(Shu and Huang, 2008) revealed that, not only air void content, but also the air void size distribution also

palyed an important role in the modulus of asphalt mixtures. “Larger air bubbles entrapped in the mixture

do more harm to the dynamic modulus than smaller bubbles.”

Aggregate properties

Aggregate properties include gradation, particle shape, angularity, surface texture, abrasion resistance and

etc. Gradation is the particle size distribution of certain kind of aggregate. As the ratio of fine to coarse

aggregate increases, the MR decreases (Hodek 2007). Shape and surface texture also have great influence

on the performance of asphalt-treated materials (Kandhal and Parker 1998, Prowell et al. 2005), in which

aggregates are relied upon to provide stiffness and strength by interlocking with another. Based on the

image analyzing system, Pan et al. (2005) concluded that coarse aggregates with better angularity and

surface texture significantly improved the MR of asphalt mixtures.

Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is also treated as aggregate being reused for road

reconstruction or rehabilitation. Previous study (Kim et al. 2007) showed that, generally, the base course

material produced with RAP, the content of which varies from 25% to 75%, performed at a similar level

to 100% virgin aggregate in terms of MR and strength when properly compacted. However, it exhibited at

least two times greater permanent deformation than 100% virgin aggregate material.

Modeling MR

In the past several decades, considerable effort has been spent in modeling the behavior of ATBs. The

K−θ model (Hicks and Monismith 1971, Kalcheff and Hicks 1973) is the most popular model to address

the stress dependent properties of base course materials (Equation 2.10). A linear relationship between MR

and bulk stress can be easily observed by plotting the testing results in log-log scale. The disadvantage of

K−θ model is that the important effect of shear stress is not considered (May and Witczak 1981). Later,
Uzan (1985) developed a model (Equation 2.11) that overcame this deficiency by adding the deviator

stress (σd) into the K−θ model. Deviator stress is directly related to the maximum shear stress applied to

the specimen during testing.

As shown in Equation 2.12, considering that the triaxial test is a three-dimensional test, σd is

replaced by the octahedral stress (τoct) (Witczak and Uzan 1988). In the recent AASHTO mechanistic

empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG) (ARA, Inc. 2000), the model is further modified from the

octahedral stress model by adding atmosphere pressure (Equation 2.13). The advantage of adding

atmosphere pressure is that the same regression constants in this model can be used in both English units

system and metric system. The effects of material components and testing conditions have been also

introduced into the model by correlating these factors with the regression constants (Santha 1994).

M R = k1θ k 2 (2.10)

M R = k1θ k 2 σ d

M R = k1θ k 2τ oct

k2 k3
⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
M R = k1 Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟ (2.13)
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠


MR = resilient modulus, ksi,

θ = bulk stress, σ1+σ2+σ3, psi,

σd = deviator stress, psi,

τoct = deviator stress, 1/3[(σ1−σ2)2+(σ1−σ3)2+(σ2−σ3)2]1/2, psi,

Pa = atmosphere air pressure, psi, and

k1, k2, k3 = regression constants.


Fatigue cracking is one of the primary distresses in flexible pavement (Huang 2004). The fatigue

resistance of an asphalt mix is its ability to withstand repeated loading without fracture. It is important to

characterize the fatigue performance of specific mixes over a range of loading and environmental

conditions so that it can be incorporated into the process of flexible pavement design.

Testing methods

Generally, there are two methods wildly used to investigate the fatigue performance of asphalt mixture,

flexural beam bending test and indirect tensile test. The advantages of these two test methods are: (1) the

tests simulate field conditions, (2) the test results can be used for modeling pavement performance, (3)

they are relatively easy to be performed and (4) the results correlate to the performance of in-service


Flexural Beam Bending Test

During the flexural beam bending test, an asphalt-concrete beam specimen is simply supported at each end

and subjected to a repeated controlled load (stress) or deflection (strain) under either third-point (Figure

2.6) or center-point loading. One advantage of third-point loading is that a larger portion of the specimen

is subjected to a uniform maximum stress level. Thus the likelihood is greater in beam testing that test

results will reflect the weaknesses that naturally occur in the beam. The four-point bending method has

been adopted by AASHTO T321. When to stop a flexural fatigue test depends on the test mode and

purpose. For the constant stress mode, the test is continued until the beam actually breaks. For the constant

strain mode, failure is more difficult to define because in order to keep the strain constant the applied

stress is continually reduced, which results in a beam that never really breaks. Therefore, in constant strain

mode, failure is normally defined as the point at which the load or stiffness reaches some predetermined

values; most typically 50 percent of the original value. The controlled-stress mode of loading appears to

represent the response of thick asphalt pavements to repetitive loading while the controlled-strain

approach is suitable for thin pavements.

The following are considered to be the primary advantages of simple flexure tests (Tangella et. al.


1. This test method is well known, widespread in use, and readily understood.

2. The basic technique measures a fundamental property that can be used for.

3. The results can be used directly (with an appropriate shift factor) in the structural design of

pavements to estimate the propensity for cracking.

4. Results of controlled-stress testing can be used for the design of thick asphalt pavements

whereas results of controlled-strain testing can be used for the design of thin asphalt pavements.

Figure 2.6 Sketch of Four Point Bending Beam Test

The major limitations of this methodology are:

1. Validation of laboratory results by comparison with in-situ pavement performance is difficult.

2. The method is costly, time consuming, and requires specialized equipment.

3. Unlike that within the pavement structure, the state of stress is essentially uniaxial.

4. Elastic theory is usually assumed to compute the tensile strain or stress.

Indirect Tensile Test

The test set up of indirect tensile fatigue test is similar as that used for MR test (Figure 2.3). The

advantages of this method are: (1) the thin cylindrical specimen used for testing is easy to be fabricated,

(2) field cores can be used for testing, and (3) air void content in the asphalt mix can be controlled very

well. However, only stress controlled model can be applied during the test. The reason that strain

controlled mode can not be applied is that the mechanism of forcing the deformation (either horizontal or

vertical) back to the original position is not available. The loading strip could be glued to the specimen in

order to control the vertical strain. However, this mechanism will develop a plane of maximum tensile

stress along the horizontal diameter when the loading head moves upward, which violates the theory

behind the indirect tensile test. This method significantly underestimates fatigue life relative to other

laboratory methods (Tangella et. al. 1990).

Influencing factors

The fatigue performance of asphalt mixture is primarily determined by its material variables such as air

void content, binder content, type of binder and aggregate properties. On in-service roadways, the fatigue

life of a certain asphalt mixture was determined by the repeated loads and environmental conditions.

Material Variables

Air void and binder contents are the two primary material variables, which affects fatigue life of an

asphalt mixture (Pell 1972, Pell 1973, Monismith et al. 1970, Epps et al. 1972). The air void should be as

small as possible (but not less than the minimum limit of 3.0 percent) to obtain the greatest fatigue life and

the asphalt content should be as high as possible with due consideration to stability. The optimum asphalt

content to obtain a maximum fatigue life is generally higher than the design required for rutting

considerations. The fatigue performance is also sensitive to the type of asphalt binder, which could be

explained on the basis of its loss stiffness correlating to the fatigue life of mixtures (Deacon, 1994).

The research conducted by Pell (1967), Kirk (1967), and Bazin and Saunier (1967) indicated that

aggregate gradation has little effect on fatigue performance that can not be explained by differences in

asphalt content and air void content of the mixes.


Loading amplitude, shape and duration of the loading pulse have direct impact on the fatigue life of

asphalt mixtures. In both stress controlled and strain controlled loading modes, the higher loading

amplitude leads to less fatigue life. Table 2.1 shows the effect of shape of wave form on fatigue life.

Under same temperature and loading amplitude, the highest fatigue life was obtained with triangle

waveform and square waveform produced the lowest fatigue life. Based on the traffic load, 0.04 to 0.1

second is appropriated for fatigue testing (Figure 2.7).

Table 2.1 Effect of Shape of Waveform on Fatigue Life

(Raithby and Sterling, 1972)

Figure 2.7 Equivalent Time of Loading-Depth Relationship for Horizontal Stress

(Mclean 1974)


The fatigue life of asphalt mixture is greatly affected by environmental temperature. The previous

research (Deacon et al. 1994) showed that under strain controlled loading mode, fatigue life of asphalt

mixture increased as applied strain decreased and decreased with the decrease of temperature (Figure 2.8).

However, in the real condition, strain and temperature at bottom of asphalt layer changes at same time.

Combining fatigue testing results with mechanistic analysis, Deacon et al. (1994) summarized effects of

temperature and temperature gradient on fatigue life of asphalt layer in Figure 2.9. It can be seen that, at

moderate temperature, asphalt layer has lowest fatigue life. Temperature gradient also affects fatigue life.

Generally, with the increase of temperature gradient the fatigue life decreases. This effect becomes

weaken as temperature increased, and is negligible when temperature is above 40oC.

Figure 2.8 Effect of Temperature on Fatigue Life
(Strain Controlled Mode) (Deacon et al. 1994)

Figure 2.9 Effects of Temperature and Temperature Gradient on Fatigue Life of Asphalt Layer,

(8 in. pavement) (Deacon et al. 1994)


During last several decades, fatigue models have been developed considering influencing factors to

predict fatigue performance and incorporate fatigue properties of material into pavement design process.

It has been well accepted that the simple relationship between fatigue life and loading level can be

expressed as Equation 2.14 and 2.15 (Pell 1967, Monismith et al. 1966). Later, Monismith et al. (1985)

suggested that a relationship expressed by Equation 2.16 which is more applicable to asphalt-aggregate

mixes in general.

N f = a( )b (2.14)


N f = a( )b (2.15)

1 1 c
N f = a( )b ( ) (2.16)
ε0 So


Nf = fatigue life,

σo = controlled stress,

εο = controlled strain,

So = initial mix stiffness and

a, b, c = regression constants.

Other approach used for describing fatigue behavior is the total or, cumulative, dissipated energy

to failure. Under sinusoidal loading condition, the model can be expressed as Equation 2.17:

N f = a (ψ ) b (ε 0 ) c ( S 0 ) d (sin φ 0 ) e (2.17)


Nf = fatigue life,

ψ = energy ratio factor,

εο = controlled strain,
So = initial mix stiffness

φο = phase angle, and

a, b, c, d, e = regression constants.

Van Dijk and Visser (1977) and Tayebali et al. (1992) have shown that the coefficients, “a” to “e”,

in Equation 2.17 were mix dependent. Therefore, surrogate fatigue models have been proposed by

incorporating the basic mixture properties (Equation 2.18)

N f = 466.4e 0.052VFB (ε 0 ) −3.948 ( S 0'' ) −2.270 (2.18)


Nf = fatigue life,

VFB = percent voids filled with bitumen,

εο = controlled strain, and

So’’ = initial loss stiffness.


Rutting is the surface depression in the wheel paths induced by repeated traffic load. Rutting is the

accumulation of surface wearing and permanent deformation in any of the pavement layers or in the

subgrade. In a well constructed road structure, rutting is primarily confined in asphalt layers (White et al.

2002) caused by densification and shear flow (Brown et al. 2009). Numerous studies have been conducted

to characterize the rutting resistance of asphalt materials.

Testing Method

Several laboratory testing methods have been developed for rutting characterization, including load wheel

test, Superpave shear test, and flow number and flow time test.

Load Wheel Test

Currently, the load wheel tester (LWT) is the most common type of laboratory test used to evaluate the

rutting resistance of asphalt mixtures. Several LWTs are being used in the United States, in which Asphalt

Pavement Analyzer (APA) and Hamberg Wheel Tracking Device (HWTD) are the most popular ones.

The results from both tests show good correlations with in site rutting depth of asphalt layers. During the

test, repeated loading is applied on specimen through a loaded wheel tracking back and forth, which

simulates the traffic loading on the real pavement. The permanent deformation of specimen is measured at

certain number of load cycles.

The APA is a modification of the Georgia Loaded Wheel Tester (GLWT). A wheel is loaded onto a

pressurized linear hose (690KPa) and applies a 445N force over a testing sample tracking back and forth

to induce rutting. Most testing is carried out to 8,000 cycles and samples also can be tested submerged in

water (Kandhal and Cooley 2003).

Testing in the HWTD is conducted under water a 705-N force is applied onto a 47-mm-wide steel

wheel. The steel wheel is then tracked back and forth over the slab sample. 20,000 passes are loaded or

until 20 mm of deformation occurs (Aschenbrener 1995).

Superpave Shear Test

The Superpave Shear Tester (SST) is a closed-loop servo-hydraulic system that can apply biaxial loads

using its dual actuators (Figure 2.10). SST simulates the comparatively high shear stresses that exist near

the pavement surface at the edge of vehicle tires. These stresses lead to lateral and vertical deformations

associated with permanent deformation in the surface layers (Witczak 2002). During the testing, the

vertical actuator applies vertical axial force and horizontal actuator moves the shear table applying shear

loads. The repeated shear at constant height (RSCH) and the frequency sweep at constant height (FSCH)

tests can be conducted with SST on a short cylinder specimen (150mm in diameter and 50mm in height).

During RSCH test, repeated shear pulses are applied onto the specimen a controlled atmosphere and

FSCH test applies repeated shear in a range of loading frequencies. Results from the RSCH test are used

to determine the accumulation of permanent shear strain with load repetitions. Results from the FSCH test

are used to determine the sample's complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (φ). These characteristics

can then be used to predict a mixture's permanent deformation potential.

Figure 2.10 Schematic of Superpave Shear Tester

Flow Number and Flow Time Tests

The flow number (FN) test and flow time (FT) test are uniaxial compression tests (Bonaquist 2003). Both

tests can be performed with or without confining pressure. In FN test, a load cycle consisting of a 0.1s

haversine pulse load and a 0.9 s rest time is repeatedly applied for the test duration at the desire stress

level. This load is repeated to 10,000 cycles or until the specimens fail. The test results offer the number

of load cycles before material flows and the permanent strain growth model used in the MEPDG. FT test

simulates a stationary heavy vehicle on a pavement structure. During the test, a constant load is applied

onto the specimen until flow occurs. The duration of the time is called flow time.

Influencing Factor


The previous studies (Collins et al. 1995, Collins et al. 1996, Kandhal and Cooley 2003) concluded that

temperature has the most pronounced effect on the rutting depth. As temperature increases, rutting depth

increases, because at higher temperatures, the asphalt binder becomes less viscous. Testing results

obtained using APA at a testing temperature, which corresponds to the high temperature of the PG for a

project location, better predicted the field rutting performance than the results obtained at 6oC higher than

the high temperature of the PG.

Air voids

Collins et al. (1995) indicated that for a given mixture and test temperature, as the air void content

increased, the measured rut depth increased (Figure 2.11). It has been wildly accepted that the air void of

specimen used for rutting tests should be around 7 percent, because this air void content generally

represents normal construction as well as specified values.

Figure 2.11 Rut Depth versus Air Voids of Beam Samples and Gyratory Samples

(Collins et al. 1995)


The type of asphalt binder plays an important role on the rutting behavior of mixes. Previous studies

(Collins et al. 1995, Netemeyer 1998, Hanson and Cooley 1999, Kandhal and Mallick 1999) indicated that

mixes containing stiffer grades of asphalt binder provided lower rut depths. As G*/sinδ increased, the

rutting potential decreased. Maupin (1998) also showed that, as binder content increased 1% higher than

optimum binder content, the measured rut depth increased.


Kandhal and Mallick (1999) conducted a study investigate the effects of gradation and nominal maximum

aggregate size (NMAS) on rutting resistance of asphalt mixes using APA. Three types of gradations were

used (above, below and through the restricted zone). The results show that, for the granite and limestone

asphalt mixes, the gradation passing below the restricted zone had the highest amount of rutting while the

gradation passing through the restricted zone generally had the least amount of rutting. However, for the

crushed gravel aggregate, the least amount of rutting was obtained with the gradation below the restricted

zone and the highest amount was obtained with the gradation above the restricted zone. The studies (Lai

1988, Stuart and Mogawer 1997, Netemeyer 1998, Kandhal and Mallick 1999) also showed that larger

NMAS had lower rut depths. In addition, Netemeyer (1998) indicated that increases in natural sand

content resulted in higher rutting depth. The results also indicated that increasing the aggregate passing the

No. 50 sieve decreased rutting potential and as the aggregate passing the No. 100 sieve increased, the

rutting potential increased.


Shami et al. (1997) developed a model to prediction rut depth of an HMA mix with the GLWT for

different temperatures and number of loading cycles (Equation 2.19). Based on this model, the testing

time for the APA could be reduced by obtaining equal rutting depth with reduced loading cycles at higher

temperature. Secondly, the rutting behavior of a particular mix could be predicted for different service

conditions and pavement temperatures.

α β
R ⎛T ⎞ ⎛ N ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (2.19)
R0 ⎜⎝ T0 ⎟⎠ ⎝ N0 ⎠


R = predicted rut depth,

Ro = reference rut depth obtained from the LWT test at the reference conditions To and No,

T, N = temperature and number of load cycles at which the rut depth is measured

To, No = reference temperature and load cycles at the Ro, and,

α, β = regression constants

Based on laboratory test results, constitutive model (Equation 2.20) among permanent strain,

temperature and loading cycles has been developed using statistical analysis and adopted in MEPDG.

= aT b N c (2.20)


ε p = accumulated plastic strain at N repetitions of load,

ε r = resilient strain of the asphalt material as a function of mix properties, temperature and

time rate of loading,

N = number of load repetitions,

T = pavement temperature, and,

a, b, c = regression coefficients.



This chapter presents details of laboratory testing, including materials selection, specimens fabrication,

testing methods and equipment. Properties of materials are summarized as well.



To characterize engineering properties of typical Alaska ATBs, granular materials used for base course

construction, known as D-1 materials, were collected from three regions in Alaska. Figure 3.1 shows

samples of D-1 materials from northern, central and southeast regions, respectively. Aggregate properties

were tested before asphalt treatments. Those properties included aggregate gradation, abrasion resistance,

percent of fractured surface, and percent of flat and elongated aggregate.

Figure 3.1 D-1 Material from Three Regions (from Left: Northern, Central and Southeast Regions)

Table 3.1 presents detailed information of aggregate gradations. As shown in Figure 3.2, the

gradations of all D-1 materials were within the range of upper and lower limits of D-1 material specified

in AKDOF&PF’s Standard Specification for Highway Construction (SSHC). In addition, their gradations

were very close to each other. Therefore, a reference gradation was used by averaging the gradations of

aggregates from the three regions. The optimum moisture content for the materials with the reference

gradation was 5.3%.

Table 3.1 Gradation of D-1 Materials

Sieve Designation % Passing
Standard Northern Central Southeast
Alternate Reference D-1 Standard
(mm) Regions Region Region
25 1'' 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
19 3/4" 97.6% 99.6% 100.0% 100.0% 70.0% 100.0%
9.5 3/8" 74.2% 72.6% 69.1% 72.4% 50.0% 80.0%
4.75 #4 47.3% 50.0% 41.8% 46.7% 35.0% 65.0%
2.36 #8 30.4% 37.5% 25.4% 31.3% 20.0% 50.0%
0.3 #50 11.2% 9.9% 8.1% 9.8% 8.0% 30.0%
0.075 #200 2.7% 2.9% 3.9% 3.2% 0.0% 6.0%





% Passing


Northern Region
30% Central Region
Southeast Region
20% Reference

10% D-1 Lower

D-1 Upper
#200 #50 #8 #4 3/8" 3/4" 1"
0.075 0.3 2.36 4.75 9.5 19 25
Seive Size (mm)

Figure 3.2 Gradation of D-1 Materials

The abrasion resistance tests were conducted using the Micro−Deval apparatus (Figure 3.3)

according to AASHTO T327-1, which is a measure of abrasion resistance and durability of mineral

aggregates resulting from a combination of actions including abrasion and grinding with steel balls in the

presence of water. The result is presented by the percent loss of aggregate passing 1.18 mm (No. 8) sieve

after abrasion. The lower percent loss, the better abrasion resistance of aggregate.

Figure 3.3 Micro−Deval Apparatus

Flat or elongated particles test determines the percentages of flat particles, elongated particles, or

flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregates according to ASTM D4791. If the elongated ratio of

maximum dimension to the minimum dimension of an aggregate particle is 5:1 or over, it is defined as an

elongated particle. The test result is presented by the percentage of the particles over the entire sample by

mass. Figure 3.4 shows the device used to perform this test.

Percent fractured face test was used to determine the percentage, by mass, of coarse aggregates

that consist of fractured particles according to ASTM D5821. If an aggregate particle contains one

fractured face, it is considered as a fractured particle.

Figure 3.4 Measuring Caliper for Flat or Elongated Particles Test

Table 3.2 summarizes properties of D−1 materials from three regions and requirements in SSHC.

It can be seen from Table 3.2, D−1 materials from northern region had the best abrasion resistance among

all three regions and materials from southeast region had the lowest one. 100% particles of D−1 material

from southeast region had at least one fractured surface, while the percentages of fractured surface for

central and northern region were 91.7% and 84.5%, respectively. D−1 material from southeast region

contained 3% flat and elongated particles and none of them were found in materials from central and

northern regions.

Table 3.2 Engineering Properties of D−1 Materials

Abrasion Percent Fractured Face Flat or Elongated Pieces
Source Resistance (one fractured face, %) (5:1, %)
(% Loss) Test Results Requirement Test Results Requirement
Southeast Region 9.7 100 3
Central Region 5.8 91.7 ≥80 0 ≤8
Northern Region 2.7 84.5 0

Asphalt Binder

The asphalt binder used for this study was PG 52-28 asphalt, which is the neat asphalt type used in Alaska.

Three binder contents, 2.5%, 3.5% and 4.5% by weight of total mixture were introduced to prepare

specimens of HATB. The PG 52-28 binder was also used to generate foamed asphalt with the WLB 10

foamed asphalt laboratory system (Figure 3.5) to prepare FATB specimens, and the percentages of foamed

asphalt (residual binder) applied to FATB were 1.5%, 2.5%, and 3.5% in this study. The type of emulsified

asphalt used in this study to prepare EATB specimens was CSS-1, a cationic emulsion with low viscosity.

The percentages of emulsion added were 1.5%, 2.5%, and 3.5% of residual binder.

Figure 3.5 WLB 10 Foamed Asphalt Laboratory System


Cylindrical Specimens for Triaxial Test

Cylindrical specimens were fabricated with three kinds of ATBs for triaxial tests. For HATB, loose

mixtures were compacted by the Superpave gyratory compactor (SGC), producing specimens with 6

inches in diameter and 7 inches in height. The specimens were then cored and sawed (Figure 3.6) to the

required dimensions: 4-in in diameter and 6-in in height (Witczak et al. 2000). In AKDOT&PF’s SSHC, it

is required to compact HATBs to a minimum density of 94% of the maximum specific gravity, which

equals to a 6% maximum air voids content. Therefore, 6% was selected as the control target air voids

content for all HATB specimens. To achieve this target, higher compaction effort were applied to

specimens with lower binder content. For specimens with 2.5% binder content, during the compaction, the

number of gyration could go up to 150. For specimens with 4.5% binder content, only 20 gyrations were


The loose foamed asphalt mixtures were prepared at AKDOT&PF’s central region material lab

and then shipped back to AUTC lab for compaction. 1% portland cement by weight of aggregate was

introduced to enhance the strength of FATB and act as an anti-strip additive. Specimens were directly

compacted to the final size, which was 4-in in diameter and 6-in in height (Figure 3.7), using the modified

compaction effort according to ASTM D1557.

Figure 3.6 HATB Specimens for Triaxial Test

Figure 3.7 FATB Specimens for Triaxial Test

Cylindrical specimens of EATB were compacted at the “pseudo optimum” moisture content. At

each emulsion content, the “pseudo optimum” moisture content of FATB was determined by the density

vs. moisture content curve from the compaction test after adding emulsified asphalt to the granular D-1


Cylindrical specimens made with a combination of 50% D-1 materials and 50% of reclaimed

asphalt pavement (RAP) were also prepared for MR and permanent deformation tests. The optimum

moisture content was 5% according to the test result of the compaction test illustrated in Figure 3.8. The

triaxial test was performed on specimens with 4 in. in diameter and 8 in. in height at the optimum

moisture content. To prevent water evaporation, the specimens were covered with rubber membrane and

aluminum foil after ejecting from the molds before testing (Figure 3.9).



Dry Weight (g)





0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 7.00%
Water Content

Figure 3.8 Compaction Test Result of Specimens Made with RAP

Figure 3.9 ETAB Specimens after Compaction

Beam Specimens for Fatigue Test

Beam specimens were prepared for fatigue tests. For HATB beam specimens, loose materials with D-1

materials from three regions at two binder contents, i.e., 3.5% and 4.5%, were compacted to 4×4 ×16 in.

beam by a kneading compactor (Figure 3.10). Then beams were cut into final size, which was 2×2.5×15 in

(Figure 3.11). There were six replicates for each mix, with a total of 36 beams specimens for materials

from three regions. Due to the low bonding effects, beam specimens could not be manufactured for

EATB, FATB and HATB with 2.5% binder content.

Figure 3.10 Kneading Compactor for Preparing Beam Specimens

Figure 3.11 Beam Specimens for Fatigue Test

Cylindrical Specimens for Rutting Test

Totally 36 cylindrical HATB specimens were made for rutting test. Three binder contents, i.e. 2.5%, 3.5%

and 4.5%, were used for D-1 materials from three regions. Four specimens were made for each set.

Cylindrical specimens were compacted by the SGC in a 6-in diameter mold with a height of 3 inches. The

target air voids content of specimens treated with 3.5% and 4.5% of asphalt was same as those for triaxial

tests, which was 6%. However, specimens treated with 2.5% binder content could not reach this target due

to the extremely low binder content.


The laboratory tests conducted in this study included 1) MR and permanent deformation tests of HATBs,

FATBs, EATBs and RAP specimens; 2) beam fatigue tests for HATBs, and 3) rutting tests for HATBs.

Table 3.3 lists the overall experimental design in this study.

MR and permanent deformation tests

As summarized in literature review, there are two candidate methods to perform MR and permanent

deformation tests: triaxial test and indirect tensile test. Considering that ATBs are light bond material,

especially for EATB and FATB, thin cylindrical specimens are fragile and would fall a part before or

during the indirect tensile test. On the other hand, indirect tensile test is not capable to investigate the

effects of confining pressure (Barksdal et al. 1997, Fu and Harvey 2007), which is a mainly influencing

factor on the MR. Therefore, the triaxial test method was adopted for this study.

Table 3.3 Overall Experimental Design
Resilient modulus
Binder Binder Beam
Mixture types Aggregate & Permanent Rutting
grade Content Fatigue
2.5% 3×3 4 -
D1-1 3.5% 3×3 4 2×3
4.5% 3×3 4 2×3
2.5% 3×3 4 -
HATB PG 52-28 D1-2 3.5% 3×3 4 2×3
4.5% 3×3 4 2×3
2.5% 3×3 4 -
D1-3 3.5% 3×3 4 2×3
4.5% 3×3 4 2×3
1.5% 3×3 - -
D1-1 2.5% 3×3 - -
3.5% 3×3 - -
1.5% 3×3 - -
EATB CSS-1 D1-2 2.5% 3×3 - -
3.5% 3×3 - -
1.5% 3×3 - -
D1-3 2.5% 3×3 - -
3.5% 3×3 - -
1.5% 3×3 - -
D1-1 2.5% 3×3 - -
3.5% 3×3 - -
1.5% 3×3 - -
FATB PG 52-28 D1-2 2.5% 3×3 - -
3.5% 3×3 - -
1.5% 3×3 - -
D1-3 2.5% 3×3 - -
3.5% 3×3 - -
D1-1 - 3×3 - -
50:50 mixture of RAP
- D1-2 - 3×3 - -
and D-1 base
D1-3 - 3×3 - -
Note: * D1-1, D1-2, and D1-3 represent 3 D-1 base course materials.

* Numbers in cells represent the number of samples tested. Resilient modulus was tested under 3

different temperatures and beam fatigue was tested under 3 different loading levels.

The MR and permanent deformation test was performed on a close-loop testing system with a

temperature chamber (Figure 3.12) according to the standard of AASHTO T307. Two Linear Variable

Differential Transducers (LVDTs) were used to measure the deformation of ATB specimens. They were

located on clamps at ¼ points of specimen to eliminate the measuring influence due to the loading rod

deformation and end restrain effect of load ram (Barksdale et al. 1997). The loading sequences, as shown

in Table 3.4 and Figure 3.13, included a conditioning sequence and 15 loading sequences under 5 different

confining pressures (i.e. 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 psi, respectively). For each confining pressure, 3 different

axial loads were applied to specimen. The conditioning loading consisted of 1000 loading cycles which

were applied at confining pressure of 15 psi and maximum axial stress of 15 psi. This sequence was

designed to eliminate the effects of the interval between compaction and loading and eliminate the initial

loading versus reloading. The conditioning also aided in minimizing the effects of initially imperfect

contact between the loading ram and sample cap, as well as base plate and the test specimen.

Figure 3.12 Resilient Modulus and Permanent Deformation Testing System

The data of the last five load cycles of each loading segment were recorded to calculate MR. A

typical testing data segment is shown in Figure 3.14. The recoverable strain was defined as maximum

deformation strain minus minimum deformation strain at each loading cycle. The total unrecoverable

strain during the whole loading process was calculated as the permanent deformation.

Table 3.4 Loading Consequences of Triaxial Test

Confining Pressure Deviator Stress
(psi) (psi)
0 15 15
1 3
2 3 6
3 9
4 5
5 5 10
6 15
7 10
8 10 20
9 30
10 10
11 15 15
12 30
13 15
14 20 20
15 40

Confining Pressure (psi) Deviator Stress (0.1s loading pulse) (psi)


Stress (psi)




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Loading Repitition

Figure 3.13 Loading Consequences of Triaxial Test

Stress Strain
0 -0.0052


Stress (psi)

-30 -0.0052




-70 -0.0053
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Time (s)

Figure 3.14 Typical Resilient Modulus Testing Data Segment

Beam fatigue test

Repeated flexural test (Figure 3.15) was used to investigate the fatigue performance of HATB specimens

with controlled strain loading mode. Beam specimens of FATB and EATB were too fragile to be tested by

this method. During the test, repeated haversine loads were applied at the one-third points of a beam

specimen at 10 Hz. This produced a constant bending moment over the center portion of the beam. Under

the strain controlled loading mode, to maintain a constant bending strain, the applied force gradually

decreased. Usually, the fatigue life of beam specimens is defined as the number of loading cycles at which

the flexural modulus of specimen reduces to 50% of the initial value. The initial value of modulus is

measured at the 50th loading cycle. The beam fatigue tests were performed at three different strain levels.

The influence of binder content was also investigated during this test. However, because HATBs with

2.5% binder content were too fragile to make beam specimens, only those made with 3.5% and 4.5%

binder content were used for fatigue tests.


Rutting tests were conducted by using the Georgia Loader Wheel Tester (Figure 3.16). During this test,

repeated wheel loads were applied on the surface of biscuit specimens though pressurized rubber hoses.

For each mix, four specimens were used for the tests. Initial 25 loading cycles were applied to force

specimens sitting firmly in the holding device. The rut depths were measured after the next 8000 cycles

were applied and an average value was used to represent the final rut depth of each mix. The test may stop

when the rut depth exceeded 13mm, which was out of measuring range of the gauge. HATBs with three

binder contents, 2.5%, 3.5% and 4.5% were tested. However, no data was available for EATB specimens,

as the rut depth of EATB specimens already exceeded the measuring range after the initial 25 loading


Figure 3.15 Beam Fatigue Testing Equipment

Figure 3.16 Georgia Loader Wheel Tester



In this study, repeated triaxial test, rutting test and fatigue test were performed to characterize typical

Alaska ATBs. This chapter presents the testing results and data interpretation. Triaixal tests were

conducted on three kinds of ATBs and a mixture of RAP and D-1 materials at 50%:50% ratio. MRs were

calculated based on triaxial test results. Effects of temperature, binder content, stress state and aggregate

source on resilient modulus were investigated. MR predicting models were developed for ATBs

considering these influencing factors. Rutting and fatigue tests were only performed on HATB specimens

and results were summarized as well.


Triaxial tests were performed to characterize the resilient behavior of ATBs and effects of influencing

factors. The detailed testing results were summarized in Appendix. Table 4.1 compares the typical MR

values of RAP (50:50), EATB (3% residual binder content) and HATB (4% residual binder content) in the

AKFPD software and measured values from this study. The typical values were obtained from in-service

roadways through falling weight deflectometer (FWD) tests and back-calculation. Compared with those

typical values (single values at different seasons), the measured MR of ATBs varied within a wide ranges

under different binder contents, aggregate sources, and stress states at certain temperature. The data also

shows that, at lower temperature, compared to the laboratory measured values, moduli of ATBs were

under estimated by back-calculation. At 20oC, MRs of EATB obtained through triaxial tests are also much

higher than recommended summer & fall value. For RAP (50:50), the triaxial tests were performed on

specimens at optimum moisture content (OMC). At 20oC, the measured moduli were lower than

recommended summer & fall value.

Table 4.1 Comparison between Measured MR and Recommended Values

Typical MR in
Measured MR Range
Alaska Flexible Pavement Design Manual
Material Summer & Material
Winter Spring -10oC 0oC 20oC
Type Fall Type
RAP(50:50) 115 80 80 RAP(50:50) 550-4000 600-1165* 15-61
EATB, 3%
115 75 75 3.5% 1361-3846 1079-2888 197-535
HATB, 4%
1500 250 250 .4.5%, 1400-5250 700-4600 200-900
120-400 45-360 30-220
* The triaxial tests were performed at -2oC.

Hot asphalt treated base

As shown in Figure 4.1, temperature greatly influenced the resilient modulus of HATB. When ambient

temperature dropped from 20oC to -10oC, at highest bulk stress level, the modulus increased from 500ksi

to 2900ksi, almost 4 times higher. The temperature sensitivity of ATBs was mainly contributed by the

property of asphalt. Asphalt is temperature sensitive in nature. With the decrease of temperature, the

stiffness of asphalt dramatically increases. In HATB, all mineral particles were well coated by asphalt

film, which provided great bounding effort to hold all particles together. Decrease of temperature

enhanced the bounding effect by increasing the stiffness of asphalt, leading to a great increase of modulus

over all specimens.

-10C 0C 20 C


M R (ksi)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.1 Effects of Temperature on MR of HATB

(Northern region, 3.5% Binder)

For HATB, binder content is one of the primary affecting factors. Using HATB made with D-1

materials from Northern regions as an example, lower binder content produces higher modulus (Figure

4.2). This finding correlated to that obtained by the predictive equations in previous studies (Terrel and

Awad 1972, ARA, Inc. 2000), which indicated that the modulus of asphalt mixture decreased as the binder

or effective binder content increased. In addition, as required in AKDOT&PF Standard Specifications for

Highway Construction (Green 2004), air voids of all HATB specimens with different binder contents were

controlled at 6% in this study. To meet this requirement, higher compaction efforts were applied to

specimens with lower binder contents. At 2.5% binder content, gyration numbers went up to 150, while

only 20 gyrations were applied to specimens with 4.5% binder content. Higher compaction efforts applied

to specimens with lower binder contents contributed to higher MR values of HATB as well. During

compaction, higher compaction efforts were applied to specimens with lower binder content. At 2.5%

binder content, the gyration number went up to 150 and only 20 gyrations were applied to specimens with

4.5%binder content. In addition, 2.5% is a very low binder content, but during the mixing process,

aggregates were still well coated by asphalt film. The value of MR at 2.5% is almost three time of the

value at 4.5%.

2.5% 3.5% 4.5%



M R (ksi)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.2 Effects of Binder Content on MR of ATBs

(Northern region, 20oC)

In Figure 4.3, compare to the factors such as binder content and temperature, the effect of

aggregate resource was less significant for HATB. Specimens composed of material form Northern region

had the lowest moduli. There was not obvious difference of MR between those from Southeast and Central

region. Three performance tests were conducted during this study to distinguish and evaluate D-1

materials from different regions. However, material with higher abrasion resistance (northern region) did

not produce higher MR. The results indicated that, the surface texture of aggregate had a most significant

effect on the modulus of ATBs among three aggregate properties. The connection between individual

particles was the weakest part over the entire components of specimen, which dominate the overall

resilient behavior of ATBs. Better surface texture improved the connection by increasing the friction


Southeast Central Northern



M R (ksi)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.3 Effects of Aggregate Resource on MR of ATBs

(3.5% binder content, 20oC)

HATB exhibited stress state dependent properties during the triaxial test. Generally, the MRs

increased with the increase of confining pressure and deviator stress (Figure 4.4). However, at same

confining pressure level (especially at higher confining pressure levels), the MR of HATB didn’t increase

much with the increase of deviator stress. In this study, the MEPDG model (Equation 4.1) (ARA, Inc.

2000), which was modified from the octahedral stress model, was used to model the behavior of ATBs.

Equation 4.1, which can be easily converted into a linear form, was used to perform the multiple linear

regression analysis for all MR data. The values of regression constants, k1, k2 and k3, were obtained for

each test through regression analysis based on MEPDG model.

Confining 3 psi Confining 5 psi Confining 10 psi
Confining 15 psi Confining 20 psi
M R (ksi)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Deviator Stress (psi)

Figure 4.4 Effects of Stress State on MR of HATB

(2.5% Binder, Northern Region, 20 oC)

The effects of influencing factors, including aggregate source, temperature, binder content, were

also analyzed and integrated into the final predicting model. Through statistical analysis, it was found that

for HATB, the value of regression constant k1 was greatly affected by binder contents, testing temperature

and aggregate sources. However, the same effects were not found on regression constants k2 and k3.

Therefore, the final predicting model for MR of HATB was developed, as shown in Equation 4.2, in which

k1 = e1.1548+ 0.04736 F −0.0596T −0.1723 Pb , k 2 = 0.2669 and k 3 = −0.4109 .

k2 k3
⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
M R = k1 Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟ (4.1)
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠
0.2669 −0.4109
⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
MR = e 1.1548 + 0.04736 F − 0.0596 T − 0.1723 Pb
Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟ R2 = 87% (4.2)
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠


MR = resilient modulus, ksi,

θ = bulk stress, σ1+σ2+σ3, psi,

τoct = deviatoric stress, 1/3[(σ1−σ2)2+(σ1−σ3)2+(σ2−σ3)2]1/2, psi,

Pa = atmosphere air pressure, psi, and

k1, k2, k3 = regression constants.

F = fractured surface, %

T = temperature, °C, and

Pb = percent binder by total weight, %.

Emulsified asphalt treated base

Same as HATB, MR of EATB was also greatly influenced by the ambient temperature. Figure 4.5 shows

the temperature effect on Northern region EATB with 3.5% residual binder content. When temperature

dropped to -10oC from 20oC, the moduli increased at least 7 times higher. In addition, at lower

temperature, specimens were much stiffer that it at higher temperature. Therefore, the deformation was

much smaller and hard to be measured precisely, leading to higher variation on MR of EATBs. It can be

seen from Figure 4.5 that, at -10oC the data points spreads out, compare to the data at 20 oC.

-10C 0C 20 C


M R (ksi)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.5 Effects of Temperature on MR of EATB

(Northern Region, 3.5% Residual Binder)

The test results indicated that the MRs of EATB did not always increase as residual binder content

increased. For example, as shown in Figure 4.6, for materials from Northern region at 20oC, EATB with

1.5% binder content produced higher moduli than those with other two binder contents, which were

generally in the range between 300 psi and 400 psi. At higher binder content, the change of residual binder

content did not greatly affect the MR of EATB. In this figure, MRs of EATB with 2.5% and 3.5% residual

binder contents almost overlapped on each other.

1.5% 2.5% 3.5%


M R (ksi)




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.6 Effects of Binder Content on MR of EATB

(Northern Region, 20oC)

Compare to binder content, aggregate source has more significant influence on modulus of EATB.

As shown in Figure 4.7, Central region EATB had the highest MR value among materials from three

regions, which was as twice as MR value of materials obtain from Northern region.

Southeast Central Northern


M R (ksi)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.7 Effects of Temperature on MR of EATB

(20oC, 3.5% Residual Binder)

For EATB, Equations 4.3 shows the effects of binder content, temperature, and aggregate

properties on (k1). The analysis did not show statistically significant influences (at the 95% confidence

level) of binder content, temperature, or aggregate source on the regression constant k2 and k3. An

prediction model for MR of FATB was developed, as shown in Equation 4.3. The overall R2 equals to


0.0842 −0.2236
4.1205 + 0.0025 F − 0.0567 T − 0.0048 Pb ⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
MR = e Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟ R2 = 82% (4.3)
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠


MR = resilient modulus, ksi,

θ = bulk stress, σ1+σ2+σ3, psi,

τoct = deviatoric stress, 1/3[(σ1−σ2)2+(σ1−σ3)2+(σ2−σ3)2]1/2, psi,
Pa = atmosphere air pressure, psi, and

k1, k2, k3 = regression constants.

F = fractured surface, %

T = temperature, °C, and

Pb = percent binder by total weight, %.

Foamed asphalt treated base

MR of FATB is also affected by temperature. Generally, as temperature decreased, the MR increased

(Figure.4.8). The value of MR was doubled when temperature dropped from 20oC to -10oC. However,

compared to HATB and EATB, this effect was less significant. During foaming and mixing process,

asphalt was dispersed into small droplets between mineral particles. These droplets improved the

connection between these particles. At low temperature, stiffness increased at the points where mineral

particles bounded by asphalt droplets. Without asphalt, the connection between particles did not change

much when temperature dropped. This explained that why FATB is less sensitive to the change of

temperature than HATB and EATB.

For Northern region at 20oC (Figure 4.9), the MR of FATB at 2.5% residual binder content was

slightly higher than that at 1.5% binder content; FATB with 3.5% binder content had the lowest MR. This

was consistent with the finding from Nataatmadja’s study (2001), in which for the specimens prepared

with the Marshall compactor with binder content ranging from 1.5% to 4.25%, there was an optimum

binder content of 2.2% corresponding to the highest stiffness. Other studies (Muthen 1998, Kim and Lee

2006) also showed a similar trend. In FATBs, the fines and the foamed asphalt together produce a mortar,

binding the coarse aggregates. The fines content is a critical factor to determine the binder content of

FATBs with highest stiffness (Wirtgen 2002). The fines content of D-1 materials in this study is 3.15%,

-10C 0C 20 C


M R (ksi)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.8 Effects of Temperature on MR of FATB

(Northern region, 3.5% binder)

which was much lower than the common field practice for FATB with up to 20% fines content (Eller and

Olson 2009). In this study, at higher binder content of 3.5%, more fines would be required for foamed

asphalt to mobilize its bounding effects. The mortar composed of lower fines content (3.15%) and higher

binder content (3.5%) may act more like a lubricant, reducing the internal friction of the aggregate

skeleton, leading to an MR decrease. This may account for the lower modulus obtained at 3.5% binder

content. On the other hand, at lower binder content (1.5% in this study), lower binder content would not

provide enough binding strength to hold particles together and, therefore, result in lower modulus.

1.5% 2.5% 3.5%


M R (ksi)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.9 Effects of Binder Content on MR of FATB

(Northern region, 20oC)

As shown in Figure 4.10, the effect of aggregate was more significant for lightly bound material

such as FATB. D-1 material from the Northern region was least angular, while D-1 materials from the

Southeast and Central regions had better angularities. Shape and surface texture have great influence on

the performance of asphalt-treated materials (Kandhal and Parker 1998, Prowell et al. 2005) where

aggregates are relied upon to provide stiffness and strength by interlocking with one another. Better

angularity improved the interlock between aggregate particles, which improved the overall shear

resistance of the ATB specimens, leading to higher MR. The effect of aggregate was more significant for

lightly bound material such as FATB. The MR of FATB made with the least angular D-1 material from the

Northern region was only about 50% of that from the Southeast region, as shown in Figure 4.10.

Southeast Central Northern


M R (ksi)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.10 Effects of Aggregate Resource on MR of FATB

(3.5% binder content, 20oC)

Without exception, the MR of FATB also exhibited the stress dependent behavior. As indicated in

Figure 4.11, at each confining pressure level, the MR of FATB increased greatly with the increase of

deviator stress. However, under same deviator stress, the increase of MR with the increase of confining

pressure was insignificant. Therefore, compare to HATB and EATB, amplitudes of deviator stress played

a more important role for FATBs.

Confining 3 psi Confining 5 psi Confining 10 psi
Confining 15 psi Confining 20 psi


M R (ksi)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Deviator Stress (psi)

Figure 4.11 Effects of Stress State on MR of FATB

(2.5% Binder, Southern Region, 0oC)

For FATB, statistical analysis showed binder content, temperature, and aggregate properties

affected the values of k1 and k3, but did not have a significant effect on k2. An overall expression for MR

of FATB was developed, as shown in Equation 4.4.

0.0029 4.2850 − 0.0434 F + 0.0206 T + 0.1365 Pb

⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
MR = e − 2.9060 + 0.0623 F −0.0363 T − 0.2346 Pb
Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟ R2=80% (4.4)
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠


MR = resilient modulus, ksi,

θ = bulk stress, σ1+σ2+σ3, psi,

τoct = deviator stress, 1/3[(σ1−σ2)2+(σ1−σ3)2+(σ2−σ3)2]1/2, psi,

Pa = atmosphere air pressure, psi, and

k1, k2, k3 = regression constants.

F = fractured surface, %

T = temperature, °C, and

Pb = percent binder by total weight, %.

D-1 Blended with RAP at 50% to 50% Ratio

Triaxial tests were also performed on a mixture of RAP and D-1 material at 50%:50% ratio. Stabilization

agent was not added to this material. The tests were performed at the optimum water content at three

different temperatures. Because 0oC is the critical temperature for water, a little temperature variance from

0oC will cause great changes on behavior of water. These changes will further affect the stiffness of RAP

(50:50) specimens causing great variance of test result. Therefore, to avoid this happen, triaxial tests were

performed at -10oC, -2oC and 20oC. As shown in Figure 4.12, MR of RAP (50:50) increased almost 20

times higher when temperature dropped to -10oC from 20 oC. Because RAP occupied 50% of overall

component in each sample, the effect of aggregate source was not obvious as on ATBs. At 20oC, MR of

RAP (50:50) presented a great stress state dependent property. As confining pressure increased form 3 psi

to 20 psi, the moduli increased 2 times. Increment of deviator stress also leads to the increase of MR.

-10C -2 C 20 C
M R (ksi)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.12 Effects of Temperature on MR of RAP (50:50)

(Northern Region)

Southeast Central Northern




M R (ksi)





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bulk Stress (psi)

Figure 4.13 Effects of Aggregate Source on MR of RAP (50:50)


Confining 3 psi Confining 5 psi Confining 10 psi
Confining 15 psi Confining 20 psi


MR (ksi)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Deviator Stress (psi)

Figure 4.14 Effects of Stress State on MR of RAP (50:50)

(Northern Region, 20oC)

A predicting model was developed for mixture of RAP and D-1 material at 50% to 50% ratio. The

statistical analysis indicated that percentage of fractured surface and testing temperature had effects on all

three regression constants, k1, k2 and k3. The final model has been proposed as Equation 4.5.

4.5056 − 0.00406 F + 0.0586 T 0.15781− 0.0099 F −0.031T

⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
MR = e −9.0482 + 0.1294 F −0.1660 T
Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟ R2 = 87% (4.5)
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠


MR = resilient modulus, ksi,

θ = bulk stress, σ1+σ2+σ3, psi,

τoct = deviatoric stress, 1/3[(σ1−σ2)2+(σ1−σ3)2+(σ2−σ3)2]1/2, psi,

Pa = atmosphere air pressure, psi, and

F = fractured surface, %

T = temperature, °C, and


Figures 4.15−4.17 illustrate rutting results of HATBs from all three regions. Generally, the performance

of rutting resistance of Southeast material was better than those from the Central and Northern regions.

The rutting depth increased dramatically at the first 1000 loading cycles, roughly accounting for 50% of

total rutting depth. At 3.5% binder content, HATB specimens had the best rutting resistance. For materials

from Southeast and Central regions, the highest rutting depth was observed at 4.5% binder content and,

for materials from Northern region, HATB with 2.5% binder content had highest rutting depth. Because of

the great rutting depth, the tests even could not be completed in these worst conditions.

3.5 % binder content 4.5% binder content 2.5% binder content



Rutting Depth (mm)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Number of Loading

Figure 4.15 Rutting Depth of HATB for Southeast Region

3.5 % binder content 4.5% binder content 2.5% binder content



Rutting Depth (mm)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Number of Loading

Figure 4.16 Rutting Depth of HATB for Central Region

3.5 % binder content 4.5% binder content 2.5% binder content



Rutting Depth (mm)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Number of Loading

Figure 4.17 Rutting Depth of HATB for Northern Region


The fatigue tests were performed on HATB specimens with materials form Northern, Central and

Southeast regions. Two binder contents (3.5% and 4.5%) were used for each region. The fatigue tests were

conducted at 20oC under strain-control mode, which means during the entire test process, the beam

specimen was controlled to be bent at constant strain. Three strain levels were applied to investigate the

effects of loading amplitude on fatigue performance of HATB. Tables 4.2−4.4 list the fatigue testing

results of HATBs. With the increase of loading amplitude, the bending repetition decreased dramatically.

Specimens with 4.5% binder content showed higher fatigue life than those with 3.5% binder content. It

means higher binder content increased the fatigue resistance of HATB. The results are also illustrated in

figure 4.18−4.20 that, fatigue life of each specimen and loading strain level represents a linear

relationship. The regression analysis showed the R2s of both HATB with 3.5% and 4.5% binder contents

were higher than 95%. Trial testing for HATB with 2.5% binder was also performed. However, due to the

extremely low binder content, beam specimens collapsed during the cutting process and results of fatigue

tests at 2.5% binder content were not available.

Table 4.2 Beam Fatigue Test Result of Northern Region HATB

Binder Content Micro-strain Repetition Binder Content micro-strain Repetition
300 567200 200 2976850
300 267852 400 185050
3.5% 400 69200 4.5% 400 122900
500 8000 500 68700
500 20650 500 75400

Table 4.3 Beam Fatigue Test Result of Central Region HATB
Binder Content Micro-strain Repetition Binder Content micro-strain Repetition
300 120500 300 466850
300 127800 300 468800
400 63450 400 179150
3.5% 4.5%
400 32450 400 245250
500 23700 500 59650
500 35650 500 100000

Table 4.4 Beam Fatigue Test Result of Southeast Region HATB

Binder Content Micro-strain Repetition Binder Content micro-strain Repetition
300 132100 300 637750
300 59100 300 493850
400 - 400 310500
3.5% 4.5%
400 33349 400 93050
500 22850 500 56750
500 14650 500 56650


Pow er (4.50%)
Pow er (3.50%)
y = 7E+15x -4.0914
R2 = 0.9874


y = 1E+22x -6.6603
R2 = 0.9385

100 1000
Micro strain

Figure 4.18 Beam Fatigue Test Result (Northern region)

y = 2E+14x -3.4915
R2 = 0.9296

Pow er (4.50%)
100000 Pow er (3.50%)
y = 2E+12x -2.8723

R2 = 0.8584


100 1000
Micro strain

Figure 4.19 Beam Fatigue Test Result (Central Region)

y = 7E+16x -4.4716
R2 = 0.8718
Pow er (4.50%)
100000 Pow er (3.50%)

y = 4E+12x -3.0913
R2 = 0.8538

100 1000
Micro strain

Figure 4.20 Beam Fatigue Test Result (Southeast Region)




Based on the literature review and laboratory tests conducted in this study, the conclusions can be drawn


1. Asphalt treatment effectively increases MR the of D-1 material. Among three treatment techniques,

hot asphalt treatment has the most significant improvement, followed by emulsified asphalt

treatment and foamed asphalt treatment. Blending D-1 material with RAP is also considered as a

treatment techniques, because there till a mount of asphalt cement remained on the individual

particles r of RAP. However, this expected improvement may need long time after construction to

be fulfilled. In this study, the 50:50 RPA specimens was tested right after the fabrication, and no

obvious improvement on the MR has been observed.

2. The MRs of HATB, EATB, FATB and 50:50 RAP exhibited stress-state dependent properties.

Generally, the MRs increased with the increase of confining pressure (σ3) and deviator stress (σd).
This dependency varies for different types of material.

3. As expected, the MRs of ATBs increased with a decrease in temperature. FATB has the lowest

temperature sensitivity.

4. Using higher binder content for treatment does not increase the MR of ATBs. In this study, it has

been observed that, generally, low binder content produced higher moduli. However, this doesn’t

mean that ATBs with lower binder content have better performance when paved on the roadways.

In the layered pavement structure, materials with higher MR helps reducing the stresses in the

upper and lower layers, meanwhile it will increase the stress in the layer where they are paved. In

addition, lower binder content lead to less flexibility, which means lower fatigue resistance for

asphalt mixture. The selection of asphalt binder content should not only depends on the

improvement of moduli, but also include the consideration of durability and structure design.

5. Aggregate source affects the MR of ATBs. Northern region ATBs had the lowest MR among three

regions of Alaska due to least-angular D-1 material. However, the effect of aggregate properties on

50:50 RAP is not significant.

6. Predicting equations for MR were developed based on the current stress-dependent AASHTO

MEPDG model. The effects of temperature and material variables have been also integrated into

the models. The equations obtained through this study are as follows:

0.2669 −0.4109
⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
MR = e 1.1548 + 0.04736 F − 0.0596 T − 0.1723 Pb
Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠ (HATB)
0.0842 −0.2236
4.1205 + 0.0025 F − 0.0567 T − 0.0048 Pb ⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
MR = e Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠ (EATB)
0.0029 4.2850 − 0.0434 F + 0.0206 T + 0.1365 Pb
⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
MR = e − 2.9060 + 0.0623 F −0.0363 T − 0.2346 Pb
Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠ (FATB)
4.5056 − 0.00406 F + 0.0586 T 0.15781− 0.0099 F −0.031T
⎛θ ⎞ ⎛ τ oct ⎞
MR = e −9.0482 + 0.1294 F −0.1660 T
Pa ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟
⎝ Pa ⎠ ⎝ Pa ⎠ (50:50 RAP)

MR = resilient modulus, ksi,

θ = bulk stress, σ1+σ2+σ3, psi,

τoct = deviatoric stress, 1/3[(σ1−σ2)2+(σ1−σ3)2+(σ2−σ3)2]1/2, psi,

Pa = atmosphere air pressure, psi, and

k1, k2, k3 = regression constants.

F = fractured surface, %

T = temperature, °C, and

Pb = percent binder by total weight, %.

7. Due to the material properties, rutting test were only performed on HATBs. HATB produced with

D-1 materials southeast has the best rut resistance and the northern region has the lowest. For three

regions, HATB with 3.5% binder content has the best rutting resistance.

8. Increase the binder content will increase the fatigue resistance of HATB based on the test results

on specimens with 3.5% and 4.5% binder content. Due to the extremely low binder content,

specimens with 2.5% binder content collapsed before testing.


Based on the predicting equations for MR, moduli of treated base course material can be calculated

according to treatment technique, ambient temperature, aggregate properties, and binder content. Future

study is needed to further validate these predicting equations. This should be accomplished by applying

case studies of pavement designs with different materials inputs based on these predicting equations in

AKFPD and MEPDG programs. Data from field ATB projects regarding materials inputs and pavement

performance will be also needed to compare with those based on predicting equations and pavement

design programs.


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Table 1 MR of HATB, Northern Region (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct 2.5% 3.5% 4.5%
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 1724 1145 617 1694 1057 300 1800 696 194
5.4 3 15 2.5456 2016 1214 642 1840 1267 307 2112 803 205
8.1 3 18 3.8184 2509 1463 654 1954 1331 315 2306 806 214
4.5 5 20 2.1213 2515 1342 671 1965 1329 335 2172 796 206
9 5 25 4.2426 2579 1524 676 2125 1370 352 2362 872 220
13.5 5 30 6.3640 2467 1757 680 2211 1433 368 2340 954 235
9 10 40 4.2426 2467 1848 732 2373 1538 421 2315 971 241
18 10 50 8.4853 2617 1886 735 2299 1633 435 2490 1090 262
27 10 60 12.7279 2756 2047 737 2269 1701 443 2536 1174 279
9 15 55 4.2426 2683 1966 774 2486 1813 463 2476 1067 260
13.5 15 60 6.3640 2778 2023 771 2557 1845 469 2507 1127 267
27 15 75 12.7279 2940 2142 768 2597 1938 477 2613 1255 291
13.5 20 75 6.3640 3015 2176 791 2675 1982 458 2580 1184 279
18 20 80 8.4853 3084 2187 794 2749 2014 458 2580 1264 284
36 20 100 16.9706 3366 2302 797 2894 2115 510 2803 1391 315

Table 2 MR of HATB, Central Region (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct 2.5% 3.5% 4.5%
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 2099 1541 338 1352 1818 448 2364 1016 646
5.4 3 15 2.5456 2613 1929 352 1862 2675 457 3423 1247 690
8.1 3 18 3.8184 2899 2277 366 2203 3547 473 3812 1366 717
4.5 5 20 2.1213 2663 1971 370 1870 2525 469 3239 1365 711
9 5 25 4.2426 2976 2364 382 2246 3777 490 4316 1459 751
13.5 5 30 6.3640 3201 2522 384 2493 3995 494 4636 1451 749
9 10 40 4.2426 3117 2480 407 2307 3807 526 4494 1544 786
18 10 50 8.4853 3079 2497 409 2609 4275 532 4995 1518 813
27 10 60 12.7279 2915 2508 410 2552 4368 537 4405 1378 824
9 15 55 4.2426 3212 2463 432 2427 3993 562 4507 1579 825
13.5 15 60 6.3640 3286 2545 437 2619 4385 565 5091 1609 856
27 15 75 12.7279 3045 2534 428 2697 4383 562 4865 1481 864
13.5 20 75 6.3640 3327 2542 450 2751 4653 594 5153 1653 880
18 20 80 8.4853 3279 2552 447 2854 4441 592 5285 1671 881
36 20 100 16.9706 3066 2545 449 2836 4519 598 4581 1483 900

Table 3 MR of HATB, Southeast Region (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct 2.5% 3.5% 4.5%
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 1399 1722 410 1695 1530 458 1534 1409 305
5.4 3 15 2.5456 2072 2177 415 2350 2172 454 2428 1817 318
8.1 3 18 3.8184 2559 2387 426 2747 2493 474 2855 1989 332
4.5 5 20 2.1213 2246 2208 428 2399 2094 473 2323 1875 337
9 5 25 4.2426 2828 2451 444 2994 2613 497 3031 2039 342
13.5 5 30 6.3640 2898 2533 435 3268 2880 497 3214 2023 344
9 10 40 4.2426 2908 2422 490 3110 2647 518 3120 2011 361
18 10 50 8.4853 2882 2700 477 3439 3159 537 3405 1720 368
27 10 60 12.7279 2932 2671 470 3424 3157 543 3467 1341 369
9 15 55 4.2426 2692 2553 518 3072 2792 549 3274 1644 394
13.5 15 60 6.3640 2816 2732 517 3201 3075 566 3455 1607 394
27 15 75 12.7279 2978 2757 503 3488 3201 564 3535 1326 390
13.5 20 75 6.3640 2857 2661 552 3200 2969 575 3560 1320 418
18 20 80 8.4853 3051 2727 547 3370 3125 570 3647 1322 412
36 20 100 16.9706 3209 2733 533 3470 3257 586 3573 1337 410

Table 4 MR of EATB, Northern Region (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct 1.5% 2.5% 3.5%
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 1026 897 367 1152 1880 271 1586 1088 250
5.4 3 15 2.5456 1314 1009 325 1540 2625 185 1866 1079 219
8.1 3 18 3.8184 1378 983 304 1678 2410 182 1991 1141 198
4.5 5 20 2.1213 1439 1118 358 1739 2553 234 1929 1157 311
9 5 25 4.2426 1409 1049 314 1801 2598 199 2054 1139 218
13.5 5 30 6.3640 1417 1101 310 1863 1755 196 2018 1149 216
9 10 40 4.2426 1507 1182 376 1978 1367 233 2214 1192 253
18 10 50 8.4853 1424 1198 354 1926 1226 223 1999 1202 244
27 10 60 12.7279 1411 1217 330 1833 1266 214 1795 1231 240
9 15 55 4.2426 1465 1197 391 1960 1424 257 2372 1298 276
13.5 15 60 6.3640 1458 1207 379 1905 1312 246 2247 1233 268
27 15 75 12.7279 1493 1245 362 1862 1316 233 1884 1247 262
13.5 20 75 6.3640 1452 1266 414 2024 1305 267 2518 1291 286
18 20 80 8.4853 1476 1253 412 1946 1330 265 2181 1285 284
36 20 100 16.9706 1541 1297 374 1882 1363 246 1915 1280 275

Table 5 MR of EATB, Central Region (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct 1.5% 2.5% 3.5%
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 1299 963 465 2648 868 372 2395 2188 446
5.4 3 15 2.5456 1787 929 518 4325 891 387 3773 2267 437
8.1 3 18 3.8184 2114 987 554 4716 978 406 3085 2086 435
4.5 5 20 2.1213 1806 981 538 3738 1007 410 3846 2494 432
9 5 25 4.2426 2399 984 584 4556 995 428 2602 2120 441
13.5 5 30 6.3640 2548 1048 618 4408 1027 441 2415 1685 437
9 10 40 4.2426 2823 1013 622 4470 1042 479 2698 1394 472
18 10 50 8.4853 2894 1069 669 4264 1085 474 2364 1192 467
27 10 60 12.7279 2834 1064 643 3902 1146 457 2269 1175 452
9 15 55 4.2426 2976 1104 641 4208 1064 511 2724 1145 500
13.5 15 60 6.3640 3329 1137 674 4446 1085 511 2499 1186 504
27 15 75 12.7279 3267 1112 672 3930 1146 495 2242 1180 476
13.5 20 75 6.3640 3145 1110 703 4252 1124 540 2495 1177 535
18 20 80 8.4853 3419 1155 717 4254 1147 537 2369 1225 520
36 20 100 16.9706 3099 1184 698 3947 1195 504 2112 1194 488

Table 6 MR of EATB, Southeast Region (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct 1.5% 2.5% 3.5%
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 1359 1383 446 1479 1252 345 1752 2888 292
5.4 3 15 2.5456 1567 1342 396 1589 991 322 1418 2327 265
8.1 3 18 3.8184 1552 1384 388 1678 857 320 1423 2166 263
4.5 5 20 2.1213 1588 1578 403 1536 876 339 1716 2562 285
9 5 25 4.2426 1662 1370 403 1526 806 334 1460 2221 284
13.5 5 30 6.3640 1655 1363 402 1526 781 330 1361 2120 282
9 10 40 4.2426 1666 1245 433 1511 858 363 1383 2221 313
18 10 50 8.4853 1702 1281 440 1256 832 362 1401 1978 313
27 10 60 12.7279 1648 1327 425 1238 851 344 1386 1525 302
9 15 55 4.2426 1647 1267 468 1251 901 381 1415 2064 332
13.5 15 60 6.3640 1728 1314 467 1206 909 386 1381 1876 346
27 15 75 12.7279 1700 1335 450 1254 910 373 1409 1443 325
13.5 20 75 6.3640 1801 1372 476 1246 945 407 1524 1876 365
18 20 80 8.4853 1793 1395 490 1244 938 414 1518 1579 363
36 20 100 16.9706 1705 1317 459 1288 934 379 1451 1280 340

Table 7 MR of FATB, Northern Region (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct 1.5% 2.5% 3.5%
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 143 71 36 210 72 41 72 48 24
5.4 3 15 2.5456 165 78 41 216 79 46 79 53 30
8.1 3 18 3.8184 179 88 49 221 89 53 88 61 38
4.5 5 20 2.1213 157 56 38 211 77 43 75 50 27
9 5 25 4.2426 184 90 50 226 90 55 91 63 39
13.5 5 30 6.3640 210 112 67 244 113 70 111 81 52
9 10 40 4.2426 187 96 53 246 96 59 94 68 40
18 10 50 8.4853 216 132 82 260 130 85 118 95 61
27 10 60 12.7279 208 155 105 230 153 98 121 112 66
9 15 55 4.2426 141 99 60 195 94 68 75 68 34
13.5 15 60 6.3640 156 112 67 204 106 73 85 77 43
27 15 75 12.7279 205 158 106 233 156 101 123 115 71
13.5 20 75 6.3640 153 113 71 209 111 81 87 80 44
18 20 80 8.4853 170 126 80 218 124 88 100 92 67
36 20 100 16.9706 201 169 115 228 171 130 133 128 83

Table 8 MR of FATB, Central Region (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct 1.5% 2.5% 3.5%
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 224 155 182 234 105 58 125 75 36
5.4 3 15 2.5456 283 174 175 226 117 60 126 75 41
8.1 3 18 3.8184 331 197 173 235 128 67 130 79 50
4.5 5 20 2.1213 331 176 179 248 117 58 131 74 41
9 5 25 4.2426 341 207 175 256 129 69 137 81 53
13.5 5 30 6.3640 373 237 187 262 149 87 152 96 68
9 10 40 4.2426 377 213 190 309 137 73 165 86 65
18 10 50 8.4853 391 256 204 302 160 102 178 111 86
27 10 60 12.7279 383 288 218 290 176 126 174 130 101
9 15 55 4.2426 366 218 194 326 126 73 157 87 66
13.5 15 60 6.3640 357 226 187 336 135 82 158 95 71
27 15 75 12.7279 395 299 220 333 175 126 187 136 104
13.5 20 75 6.3640 370 232 194 380 138 85 174 99 77
18 20 80 8.4853 376 253 196 387 151 97 178 111 85
36 20 100 16.9706 388 323 229 357 197 142 202 155 117

Table 9 MR of FATB, Southeast Region (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct 1.5% 2.5% 3.5%
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC -10oC 0oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 347 431 139 354 208 162 257 178 81
5.4 3 15 2.5456 350 289 126 386 271 159 269 212 79
8.1 3 18 3.8184 349 263 127 387 289 166 282 220 84
4.5 5 20 2.1213 353 434 133 379 277 163 264 199 80
9 5 25 4.2426 353 301 128 392 300 166 283 219 85
13.5 5 30 6.3640 354 283 140 400 321 182 303 235 98
9 10 40 4.2426 350 283 133 397 315 183 287 232 89
18 10 50 8.4853 341 273 155 408 347 198 301 255 110
27 10 60 12.7279 313 290 172 383 370 211 292 275 122
9 15 55 4.2426 279 312 138 358 330 180 249 238 88
13.5 15 60 6.3640 280 274 139 361 329 178 253 237 91
27 15 75 12.7279 309 293 170 384 372 210 293 278 120
13.5 20 75 6.3640 275 276 140 362 342 181 258 242 93
18 20 80 8.4853 288 273 146 369 342 183 269 247 100
36 20 100 16.9706 321 307 179 383 379 213 294 286 130

Table 10 MR of 50:50 RAP (ksi)
Deviator Confining θ τoct Northern Central Southeast
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) -10oC -2oC 20oC -10oC -2oC 20oC -10oC -2oC 20oC
2.7 3 12 1.2728 643 638 16 952 1073 15 2462 668 17
5.4 3 15 2.5456 556 617 17 879 895 17 3941 609 19
8.1 3 18 3.8184 572 640 20 844 899 19 4095 643 21
4.5 5 20 2.1213 560 841 22 1176 1012 22 3745 712 24
9 5 25 4.2426 581 791 25 858 919 25 3853 633 26
13.5 5 30 6.3640 584 791 27 950 978 27 3760 625 28
9 10 40 4.2426 602 915 36 1230 1043 36 3639 667 37
18 10 50 8.4853 614 844 38 1181 974 38 2740 635 40
27 10 60 12.7279 622 862 40 1116 959 39 2289 613 42
9 15 55 4.2426 610 977 42 1308 1135 43 3269 935 45
13.5 15 60 6.3640 630 885 43 1353 1065 44 2755 925 46
27 15 75 12.7279 652 885 48 1268 1005 47 2113 831 50
13.5 20 75 6.3640 727 919 51 1393 1164 51 2194 1119 54
18 20 80 8.4853 813 931 53 1379 1090 52 2093 1072 55
36 20 100 16.9706 888 906 58 1371 1036 57 1990 959 61


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